Saturday, April 16, 2011

"Obama Is Likely to Lose"?

I like Peggy Noonan. Yes, I know she was reagan's speech writer back in the day, and she is, for all practical purposes, a wingnut---- albeit a more educated and somewhat reasoned one.

Anyway, I read her piece in the Wall Street Journal today (yes, I read the WSJ) and I found her comments about O to be quite interesting.

Basically it was a cheer up fellow republicans note, and it came with the usual things that you would expect from someone trying to give their base hope.

I am paraphrasing here, but she writes things like the following: Obama will lose because he was too focused on his health care plan. His foreign policy is confusing and muddled, and he is getting all he can handle from Gaddafi in Libya. He was outgunned and outclassed by republicans domestically because their budget proposal was serious and offered a unique approach to solving our fiscal problems, and his did not. The polls show that 69% of Americans say that we are on the wrong track and only 38% of Americans say that O deserves reelection. Throw in the fact that his numbers are down among folks he could count on in the past such as....(Gasp!) African Americans, and, well, you can see where she was going.

And yet, in spite of all that gloom and doom predicted for his O ness, she finished her column with a warning:

"You would think Democratic professionals, who read the same numbers Republicans do and pick up similar trends, would be hanging their heads in despair. They are not. They have hope.

Their hope is that Republicans in the early caucus and primary states will go crazy. They hope the GOP will nominate for the presidency someone strange, extreme or barely qualified. They hope that in a mood of antic cultural pique, or in a great acting out of disdain for elites, or to annoy the mainstream media, Republican voters will raise high candidates who are unacceptable to everyone else.

Everyone else of course being the great and vital center, which hires and fires presidents. The Democrats' hope is that centrists will look at the Republican nominee and, holding their nose, choose the devil they know. Especially if the one they don't know seems to have little horns under his hair.

Republicans voting in recent presidential primaries have tended to pick the candidates who are viewed as the moderate in the race—Bob Dole in 1996, George W. Bush in 2000, John McCain in 2008. But in truth, there are some pretty antic candidates out there this year.

The great question of the coming year is not, "Will Obama reignite his base?" or, "Will the Democrats outraise and outspend the GOP?" It is: Will the GOP be serious? Will Republicans be equal to their history, their tradition and the moment? If they are—if they recruit and support candidates who can speak to the entire country, who have serious experience and accomplishments, who are grounded and credible, then they will win centrist support. And with it they will likely win the thing without which they cannot achieve the big changes they seek, and that is the presidency." [Source]

As a fellow republican Peggy is worried that there are no adults or serious candidates in her gang. I can't say that I blame her. When their great weight hope is a guy who can't control his own appetite and yet they want him to control the nation's budget, there just might be a problem.

A problem that doesn't look like it can be fixed with the gang lining up to ride the elephant in 2012.

Good luck wingnuts, at least half of the country is counting on you.

*Pic by Chad Crowe in the WSJ.


  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Serious budget? Throwing the poor and elderly to the wolves so the Kochs can never feel the shame of paying taxes like the peasants?
    Still, the rational candidates for the Rs are missing. If the absolute best is a man who can't gain courage without having NJ State Troopers back his bullying...the Rs will lose.
    While some sane persons snuck under the Goober vetting process of st reagan...Nooners was one of the troo beleevers...and now she has to shine the feces that is his 'gift'. Who will remember the B actor when Obama is the first AfAm President? st reagan will be of interest only to those who worship him...while Obama will be as famous as Lincoln and Washington.


  2. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Forgive the digression...but Suburban Guerilla has a thread on how venal those gawd-fearin', charter skools are....
    But it is all good as the money did not fund anything eveel like Sex Ed or Music.


  3. Anonymous6:16 PM

    mildew dumb moron qoohole u aint even know how charter schools is funded talkin that bullshyt at least in california they are part of the public school system they aren't the same thing as private christian schools or even homeschooling and all the kids in charter schools have to meet the california standards ure an idiot and a self righteous communist one at that fool!

  4. Anonymous said...
    Forgive the digression...but Suburban Guerilla has a thread on how venal those gawd-fearin', charter skools are....
    But it is all good as the money did not fund anything eveel like Sex Ed or Music.



    Mold you may want to chill out before you get a dirty diaper thrown at you........or some funky wonder woman underoo's, ...........................or BOTH, LOL!!!!

  5. Regarding this post, 2 words.......... Hillary Clinton!

  6. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I love Peggy Noolan. She is an honest outstanding of the best. But that is typical of Republican reporters but I can't think of one 'decent' reporter on the Dem side. they are all insane.

    I am not worried at all. The Repubs will come up with a viable candidate who can defeat Obama. It's the Dems who has a history of shooting themselves in the foot, not the Republicans. Even if 95% of Blacks like Kid votes for Obama it won't make a difference. If the economy doesn't turn around, the O man is finished.

  7. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Dr. Queen, "Regarding this post, 2 words.......... Hillary Clinton!"

    HRC won't be running for President. She has had enough, and I don't blame her. There is more to life than politics in DC.

  8. The fact that Obama is pushing the deficit hawk meme, is a sure sign that the Republicans are winning. Personally, if he loses, I'd say the nail in the coffin was the compromise to extend The Bush Tax Cuts back in December. You don't talk deficit reduction policy in a time of economic recovery after adding to it by extending those UNPAID FOR tax cuts.

    But hey, reverse Robin Hood aka Austerity seems to be the move Obama needs to win the independents. But when projected growth fails to add the needed boost heading into an election year. Should he lose, they'll just blame the Negroes who didn't vote, and not the fact that he has made some bad policy decisions by playing to the right.

    Fake left then go right ain't just a basketball move.

  9. field I have read you for a long time, and I'm as liberal as they come. Dislike Christie intensely. But your attempt to equate Christie's weight as a failure to control his appetite and therefore a moral weakness indicating an inability to govern is an ad hominem attack unworthy of you. If you were making a joke or trying to be clever for me at least it fell flat.

  10. Christie eats too much. But Obama smokes.

    Christie can't hide the fact that he's a big eater. But Obama hides his smoking as much as possible. The fawning press never shows him puffing away.

    Meanwhile, since he's never seen smoking outdoors, he must have a special smoking room in the White House, which, of course, is a No Smoking facility.

    Maybe he goes down to the White House garage to smoke, probably bumming smokes off the guards. Or maybe they buy his Marlboros for him and have them ready when he comes around.

    I suppose there will be a scandal when a female White House intern is caught giving him cigarettes.

  11. Blinks7:34 PM

    Field, I don't think Obama can win re-election on merit alone.I think as much as you may not want to admit it Obama is in bed with
    re-pube-lick-cant's and the big corporations.It's just true.
    Whoever wins it'll be the same ol' politics perhaps just different faces.

    I cannot wait to leave America.

  12. Blinks7:44 PM

    @ sappz who gives a f*** about the fat bastards eating habits or Obama's smoking?The coutry is going to hell!Marshall law is here.Mandatory vaccinations is here.The country almost shut down.No one is hiring.No jobs are being created.Homelessness is on the rise.A college education is getting even more expensive.The Fed is corrupt and I fear being stuck in this sh*t hole with nothing but useless American dollars that we will all soon be using as wall paper and toilet tissue.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Obama's billions won't be enough to hoodwink America again.

    He's going to need all the voter fraud,black panthers,dead people,terrorist fund raising,and illegals he can get.

  15. Let us look at this past week in donkey news.

    Liberal black muslim Jameela Barnette admitted to sending a pig's foot and anti-semitic not to Peter King.

    No Peace of a$$, No Justice

    The Rev. Jackson accused of gay sexual harassment.

    Liberal stalker Shawn Christy wants to rape Sarah Palin's daughter.

    Why is the left so sexual obsessed with the Palins?

  16. Shabazz8:19 PM

    More libel and slander you racist bitch?

  17. Shabazz said...
    More libel and slander you racist bitch?

    yo mama

  18. Noonan's right on this point - Obama will win simply because the GOP currently fielded with circus freaks (Gingrich, Palin & Trump) and milquetoast dorks pretending to be to clowns. So no Obama has little to worry about with this team of scrubs.

    The problem for progressives is that he has to remain as close to center right as possible without becoming kissing cousins with Boehner. Frankly this is a center right country and there simply isn't enough umph on the Left to pull Obama from the darkside.

    The big question for progressives isn't whether or Obama will win in 2012 because a) he probably will win because the GOP has such sorry candidates and b) if the Tea (Party) soaked Republicans managed to eek out a win - things will only get worse. The question is how do we move forward, regardless of who is in the White House.

  19. Joanne8:58 PM

    Field, I can't believe that you are allowing the scum of the troll squad an audience on the issues of the day.
    "Mom, Dad and little Obama" icon and message is just flat out racist and sick. If I want to see that I can go on the many white supremacist blogs in cyberspace.

    You have a number of exceptional wingnuts that you like or admire!
    What's up with that??? Too many exceptions become the norm.

  20. Anonymous9:17 PM

    I wonder who Ms.Noonan thinks would be a good candidate. Did she say? She just made an enemy out of the Donald. LOL! I can't wait to hear his rebuttal! :)

  21. "You have a number of exceptional wingnuts that you like or admire!
    What's up with that??? Too many exceptions become the norm."

    Joanne, maybe "like" wasn't the right word. Let's go with admire.
    And that number (of the ones I admire) is very small.

    jehu, you are right for checking me. I am being a bit hard on the portly one. We shouldn't judge others by the content of their stomach lining but rather their character. Still, Christie fails on the character count as well.

    " Fake left then go right ain't just a basketball move."

    LOL! Yes Rippa, but if his politics was like his B-ball we would be good. We all know that he can't go to his right on the court.

    "Field, I can't believe that you are allowing the scum of the troll squad an audience on the issues of the day.
    "Mom, Dad and little Obama" icon and message is just flat out racist and sick.."

    Yes Joanne, it is out there, and you need to see it. That sick bastard might be your next door neighbor that smiles at you every morning when you are getting your paper, or, your co-worker with the nice friendly smile at the coffee pot.

    It's A-merry-ca.

    Blinks, I feel your pain. But hang in there with the rest of us.

  22. "I love Peggy Noolan. She is an honest outstanding of the best. But that is typical of Republican reporters but I can't think of one 'decent' reporter on the Dem side. they are all insane."

    Anon. she is not a reporter. She is what we call in A-merry-ca these days a pundit.

  23. Field, I give the sicko the benefit, maybe he's not calling him a "Monkey" based on racial connotations. Obama does look like a Monkey with those ears.

    Instead, that photo should be captioned "Mom, Grandpa, and little Obama". Those were the actual people who passed on thier gawd awful long donkey faces and monkey ears to Obama. I wish certain people would stop trying to blame the black race for their own racial mutations and deformities.

    Anyway, I still say Hillary should have won. I was hoping for her to run this election again. Sigh.

  24. Why Hillary LAA?

    What would she have done better or differently?

  25. field negro said...

    Yes Joanne, it is out there, and you need to see it. That sick bastard might be your next door neighbor that smiles at you every morning when you are getting your paper, or, your co-worker with the nice friendly smile at the coffee pot.

    It's A-merry-ca.


    OOOOO fields love the "sick bastard" remark.

    Love your hypocrisy.Only in A-merry-ca.

  26. Anonymous10:24 PM

    what happened to all the white folks on this blog, like brohammas, RT, Grinder, or rainywalker? unless this blog shows some eeoc patterns, as a liberal i can no longer support this blog. this is america, land of equal opportunity and togetherness.

    field, you should be trying to recruit Whites.

  27. No one You Know10:31 PM

    The sad fact is there is no CENTER.

    The only people who vote are extreme on both sides. But I believe Obama will win by a landslide.

    My Republican dream ticket: Trump/Buchmann.

    The left isn't going to listen to right til it how to win, btw.

    Noonan is just talking shit for her side.

  28. field negro said...
    "You have a number of exceptional wingnuts that you like or admire!
    What's up with that??? Too many exceptions become the norm."

    "Joanne, maybe "like" wasn't the right word. Let's go with admire.
    And that number (of the ones I admire) is very small."

    Joanne, are you like the liberal conformance version of the Religious Police in Saudi Arabia, who warn people about committtng heresies?

    No need to worry about Field, he only likes wingnuts who criticize other wingnuts.

    Now go back to your cave.

  29. Anonymous10:31 PM

    mold "while Obama will be as famous as Lincoln and Washington."

    No, he will not. He will be as quickly forgotten as quickly as he got in the WH. The only ones who will keep talking about Obama are folks like you who continue to drink the koolaid. How pathetic you are!

  30. LAA: " I wish certain people would stop trying to blame the black race for their own racial mutations and deformities."

    I don't. I got my brain from my white momma.

  31. uptownsteve said...
    "Why Hillary LAA?

    What would she have done better or differently?"

    Hillary would have been worse, much worse. The only positive aspect of Obama's Presidency is that snatch from hell will never be President.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Anonymous10:58 PM

    @Anon 10:46 PM:

    Why don't you stop being a coward and say why YOU think she is dumb. She is speaking more sense and truth about Obama than most blinded blacks.

  34. i'm so sorry, but you "like" PN? what are you, stoopid or something? wake up, FN. the "so called liberal media" is filled with morons. surely you can see that, and why you should ignore them. just sayin.

  35. @ chicago dyke:

    I got 50 grand, each, for you and AB to make lesbian porno for me.

    Heres the concept.

    What do you say?

  36. LAA, I agree with everything you said, exempt for the part about UTS living in a gated community--whata jerk. Like you said president Obama has done nothing for me either. I might not get a pay check next month, I work for a federal agency. All these politicians are the same but president Obama has done more damage to my livelihood.

  37. Anonymous said...
    3:26 PM

    Listen Pancake hankie wearing head, you lost me at the third attack before you even looked at the article. Why is it all that democrats csn do is attack sources and never discuss content? I just happened to post that source who linked it from numerous other sites, thats all. Besides your a demented person so who cares what you think.

    Nice name, you gonna go buckdancin tonight or are you a white dude?


    Well I Love buck-dancing! I especially like stomping on the likes of you. You think I didn’t read the article. Oh yeah I did. “Demented,” well that’s what they called Judy McLeod- the editor of the Canada Freepress. Apparently, it bothers you that Lefties don’t respect your sources. No kidding! What’s a good Pinko like me suppose to do? You post an article from a right-wing site- written by a delusional right-wing nut- and you want respect. You have lost your damn mind. J.B. Williams, who could be the redneck in Deliverance, is a no credentialed, uneducated fool. He is stone, cold crazy! Furthermore, you said, “ it was linked from numerous sites”. Name them! Are you talking about those right wing sites run by lone wolfs like McLeod and Williams?

    Man Please!

  38. I'm trying to figure out which President ever made anything "better" for me or anyone else on a personal level.

    I've been out here working for 30 years and all my good times and bad have been a result of moves that I've made.

    It seems like the same folks who complain about people looking for Obama to be a Messiah are the same ones who expect him to change their lives for the better.

    Go figure.

    And for the hundreth time, I don't live in a gated community.

  39. uptownsteve said...
    "I'm trying to figure out which President ever made anything "better" for me or anyone else on a personal level."

    Yah, but wasn't Obama supposed make our car payments and pay for our gas?

    Where's my hot pocket?

  40. UTS that's not the point! What a president does or doesn't do can affect lots of people on a personal level. Like me! And the last time I checked black unemployment was it its worse, so some of you black people need to wake up too.

  41. UTS, all I am saying is that president Obama isn't just do nothing for blacks, he does nothing for whites too. My comment wasn't about doing anything for me on a personal level, I just want to keep my job! So yeah maybe that's personal.

  42. Mom,Dad,and Little Obama said...

    The Rev. Jackson accused of gay sexual harassment.

    Why don't you ask Mitch McConnell why he was kicked out of the military? Furthermore, tell Lindsey Graham you're asking, and you want him to tell.

  43. Dara said...
    "UTS, all I am saying is that president Obama isn't just do nothing for blacks, he does nothing for whites too. My comment wasn't about doing anything for me on a personal level, I just want to keep my job! So yeah maybe that's personal."

    Then maybe, as a Federal Employee, you should not have criticized the President.

    You are fired, Dara. You can clean out your desk Monday.

  44. hotpocketsteve said...
    I got 50 grand, each, for you and AB to make lesbian porno for me.

    If you have a 100 grand, what the hell are you doing here?

  45. "hotpocketsteve said...
    I got 50 grand, each, for you and AB to make lesbian porno for me.

    If you have a 100 grand, what the hell are you doing here?"

    He meant he had 100 grand in Zimbabwean dollars.

  46. "Forgive the digression...but Suburban Guerilla has a thread on how venal those gawd-fearin', charter skools are....
    But it is all good as the money did not fund anything eveel like Sex Ed or Music."

    So some charter schools are engaging in the same corruption that they accuse public schools of engaging in. Interesting.

  47. No One You Know7:32 AM

    Blogger chicago dyke said...

    i'm so sorry, but you "like" PN? what are you, stoopid or something? wake up, FN. the "so called liberal media" is filled with morons. surely you can see that, and why you should ignore them. just sayin.

    11:07 PM

    I'm wondering if you 1)read his post, 2)have any idea what the WSJ is.

    PN isn't liberal, and neither is the WSJ--owned by Murdock (AKA Fox News)....

    How about you wake up! SMH!!

  48. Anonymous8:10 AM

    To date, I have yet to see a charter school that hasn't been rather loose with commingling funds. As an anecdotal theme...cyber skools, religio skools and charter skools all seem more about scamming the Goober public. Home skooling is 'my kids better n' yourn' or a way to prevent oversight of parental abuses.
    As far as Bristol being the BabyMommy for the DownsBaby, it fits the known facts. Duh. for birthers to make the spurious claim that their obsession is not racist...they would have to be asking why Sarey has not produced a birth certificate. Consistency, lads.
    Gee, another wingnut making up lies. How usual. Seems the Palin stalker is a mentally ill youth. Lying that he is Liberal, just shows how much one is willing to lie. The lad needs treatment. Not to be used for your juvenile 'game'.
    Yes, Obama will be in History alongside Lincoln and Washington. The first AfAm President. st reagan will be of interest only to those who study the discipline. A minor footnote of no consequence. Except he was a B actor.
    Obama already has more prominence. Delightful!


  49. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Mack, the wingnuts see schools as prime for scams. The Goobers and Heeyucks have fantasies that just having faith is enough. The extensive oversight of public schools is removed, the money flows from political friends (who only expect a little 'help' in return), the parents are too lazy and stoopid to bother checking for quite some time, and who cares if the kids are educated...not the charter/cyber/home skoolers.
    Public schools are a wonder. They educate many on a very cost-effective basis. The oversight is continual and from the very parents of the students. School Boards are usually comprised of civic-minded folks (Dover was an odd exception).
    So..why are Goobers and Heeyucks and wingnuts so opposed to an efficient, effective and publicly controlled system that does so much for so many?


  50. no one you know said:

    My Republican dream ticket: Trump/Buchmann.

    First, there is ZERO chance those two will appear on the Republican ballot.

    Second, Trump will NEVER hand over the financial filings necessary for a presidential run.

    Third, if Trump and Bachmann were the nominees, they would lose. Trump is an easy target once his opponents focus on his many bankruptcies and his enemies begin speaking up.

    There is nothing presidential about a gambling czar whose businesses have filed multiple bankruptcies.

    Meanwhile, There's no chance Bachmann will attract female voters who would otherwise vote for Obama and Biden.

    But there is a chance the next Democratic ticket will have Hillary replacing Biden. However it's unlikely she would draw any extra votes for Democrats.

    Trump's role is to make the Democrats scurry around, and it's obviously working. Trump has gotten Obama to mention the birther issue, which means it has begun to worry our half-baked president.

    Trump will also raise economic issues, and he will do it somewhat rudely, which is his way. Democratic candidates will probably lose their composure and respond as rudely or with even more hostility, a very bad way to behave when the cameras and microphones are on.

  51. LaTreen Dartay8:28 AM

    Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
    Anonymous said...
    3:26 PM

    Listen Pancake hankie wearing head, you lost me at the third attack before you even looked at the article. Why is it all that democrats csn do is attack sources and never discuss content? I just happened to post that source who linked it from numerous other sites, thats all. Besides your a demented person so who cares what you think.

    Nice name, you gonna go buckdancin tonight or are you a white dude?


    Well I Love buck-dancing! I especially like stomping on the likes of you. You think I didn’t read the article. Oh yeah I did. “Demented,” well that’s what they called Judy McLeod- the editor of the Canada Freepress. Apparently, it bothers you that Lefties don’t respect your sources. No kidding! What’s a good Pinko like me suppose to do? You post an article from a right-wing site- written by a delusional right-wing nut- and you want respect. You have lost your damn mind. J.B. Williams, who could be the redneck in Deliverance, is a no credentialed, uneducated fool. He is stone, cold crazy! Furthermore, you said, “ it was linked from numerous sites”. Name them! Are you talking about those right wing sites run by lone wolfs like McLeod and Williams?

    Man Please!

    The only thing you are stompin fat ass hanky head white dude is your feet in a petulant child liberal fashion.

    You "claim" to have read it, yet come back with nothing except more character assasination. Look your not dealing with your average moron, I am a moron of higher caliber so you ain't foolin anyone.

    The only character that got assinated is you, now I know you are a white dude and I know that you have nothing to say except oh yeah , someone else says something bad about the author and I did read it really I did.

    Sure you did, buffoon, sure you did.

  52. There are 1.1 million kids in the NY City public school system, and the system is now spending $19,000 a year to under-educate the majority of them.

    Of course the failure of the school system is mainly a failure of the so-called families from which the students come. The NY City student body is 70% black and hispanic. Very few do well in school, despite the extraordinary efforts made to improve their learning.

    On the other and, the asian students (14%) and the white students (14%) achieve acceptable results, and in many cases they produce great results -- as their college acceptances show.

    The public schools system is mainly burdened by union rules and the standard bloat the dominates every bureaucratic monopoly.

  53. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Slappy, just when you come to the Fact Side, you then delve into the miasma of wingnuts.
    Union rules don't burden anyone. Well, they do if you are 15 and know everything and are so much faster and efficient than those 40 yo Geezers...who spend days cleaning up your frenetic paced errors.
    So, safety rules is evil. Who knew? st reagan used to gleefully laugh at the height standards for guardrails. You will notice he never...ever...once worked in those areas. He was a B actor paid to talk pretty for the employees...who did work in those places...and needed that last bit of safety before going over an edge. Height is important when you are X meters above a steel crucible. Or a floor.
    Work rules keep idiots from attempting to have unqualified persons doing tasks. While Goober may think they can teach...Goober noticeably refrains from testing their 'hypothesis'. Go ahead Goober..teach 30 or so kids.
    You confuse business monopoly with the public-oversight one of Public Schools. Any parent can, and many do, attend their child's classes. Any parent can ask to see reams of relevant documents. Any person can attend School Board meetings. Any person can run for School Board.
    But...that is work. Takes effort.


  54. No One You Know9:43 AM


    DUH. That's why it's my dreamticket: they'd lose. My goal.

    And "dream" as in it ain't gonnna happen but I wish it was. This wasn't worth your time-wasting analysis.

  55. Anonymous said...
    "Gee, another wingnut making up lies. How usual. Seems the Palin stalker is a mentally ill youth. Lying that he is Liberal, just shows how much one is willing to lie. The lad needs treatment."

    All Liberals are mentally ill.How else can yu explain their single white female obsession with the Palins?

    "Yes, Obama will be in History alongside Lincoln and Washington. The first AfAm President."


    Obama will go down in history has nothing more than a chocolate Carter.Maybe after his 4 years are up, he can go build houses on top of toxic dumps with Jimmy Carter.

  56. Wesley R10:13 AM


    Looks like the playoffs are being controlled by the refs like I said. The Heat gets 39 free throws, Philly 15. D-Rose 21 free throws, Dallas 29 and Portland 13. The Atlanta/Orlando game was almost even and Atlanta got the 'upset'. Bet Orlando gets a big advantage next game

  57. peggy noonan wrote:

    ...if they recruit and support candidates who can speak to the entire country, who have serious experience and accomplishments, who are grounded and credible, then they will win...the presidency.

    In 2008 it was accepted as a certainty that Hillary would walk off with the Democracti nomination. Whoa? What happened? She never saw it coming.

    In 1976, after President Gerald Ford was labeled a clod and a bungler, especially after his disastrous appearance in a "debate" with Carter, he lost the election.

    But Carter, through his grand plans to right all wrongs by punishing the successful while rewarding the idiots led to an administration defined by its incompetence and dangerous output of "unintended consequences", like the Savings & Loan Crisis, stemming from Carter putting an end to Banking Regulation "Q".

    What an idiot. And today we have his illegitimate son in the White House, attempting much of the same foolishness, right down to ranting about the energy industry, the banking industry and defense.

    Remarkably, Jimmy Carter's brother landed in hot water for trying to make deals with Muammar Gaddafi while Jimmy was chattering about solar energy and pushing his Windfall Profits Tax on oil companies.

    Then there was the Iranian Hostage Crisis, which Carter bungled in the same way Obama bungled the removal of Gaddafi a few weeks ago. Whether Libyans are friends or foes, Gaddafi is slaughtering them, his own citizens -- while Obama does his best Carter imitation, which is Doing Nothing To Save People Who Need Saving.

    Meanwhile, during Carter's administation, interest rates began to soar, killing the real estate market.

    Thus, Reagan won. But he won by a small margin. And then the nation began to move toward the start of a huge economic resurgence that lasted for a couple of decades, helped along by the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    Despite the obvious example of how much it benefits the world economy when bad governments collapse, Obama is too stupid or too much of a muslim to take the easy steps to finish off the Islamic governments that have done their best to retard the world economy for the last 30 years.

    Obama could partially redeem himself by dropping the last straw on the backs of the Islamic government camels. But...

  58. Geez no-slappz, camels?

    I guess you're just an equal opportunity racist jerk!

  59. Anonymous11:21 AM

    The person allegedly stalking the Palin clan is known to be mentally ill...and you lie and say they are Liberal...and then attempt to cover your lie by circular reasoning? Funny, you are obsessed with the racist Goober nonsense of birtherism...but throw a hissy when a little old lady mentions you are not nearly as curious as to the birth certificate of DownsBaby. Ummm..consistency, lads. If you are truly interested in the Truth, both are valid queries. If you are a racist Heeyuck who is still miffed that the vast majority of the US citizenry and Electoral College chose an AfAm over a Geezer and your favorite are a birther.

    Carter is far more respected than st reagan. Except in certain hovels of self-imposed poverty. Obama is the first AfAm US President. That alone will guarantee st reagan is a footnote. Maybe there will be a Jeopardy 'B-actor' or 'second greatest number of felons'.
    Obama will be along Lincoln and Washington. FDR and Teddy. Just by existing, he is greater than all the fantasies of witeness.


  60. onymous said...
    The person allegedly stalking the Palin clan is known to be mentally ill...and you lie and say they are Liberal...and then attempt to cover your lie by circular reasoning? Funny, you are obsessed with the racist Goober nonsense of birtherism...but throw a hissy when a little old lady mentions you are not nearly as curious as to the birth certificate of DownsBaby. Ummm..consistency, lads. If you are truly interested in the Truth, both are valid queries. If you are a racist Heeyuck who is still miffed that the vast majority of the US citizenry and Electoral College chose an AfAm over a Geezer and your favorite are a birther.

    Carter is far more respected than st reagan. Except in certain hovels of self-imposed poverty. Obama is the first AfAm US President. That alone will guarantee st reagan is a footnote. Maybe there will be a Jeopardy 'B-actor' or 'second greatest number of felons'.
    Obama will be along Lincoln and Washington. FDR and Teddy. Just by existing, he is greater than all the fantasies of witeness.


    I know you think Obama is your God.Please..........

    More and more Americans are waking up to the empty suit known has Obama.

    The only people who think Carter is respected and Obama will be legend is Liberals like this

  61. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Keep trying. While it was fun for Goobers to swallow the manly cowboy fakery of st reagan...Time has revealed Carter to be far more than st reagan ever pretended to be. Habitat for Humanity is something President Carter has done for decades. Can you show an equal amount of volunteer work?
    Read some material from our neighbours and friends. They respect Carter. The fantasy of a B actor having respect for playing the role of President...flies in the face of what is needed to keep his hagiographic image around. Ummm...if one is a respected don't have to force locals to rename things, like airports...or carriers.
    Only to low-education Goobers was Obama the Messiah. Sorry. Most of us see him as human, flawed. This continued meme from your Masters is funny. I can literally show you Liberals/Progressives with reservations about Obama from the early days of his campaign. Must really hurt to see that after all those lies...he is still more popular than st reagan and bush, combined. Love that you can only make points...if you create the strawman.


  62. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Oh, if you want to brag about how the US if the bestest, this piece should be enlightening...


  63. Anonymous12:54 PM

    mold thinks Obama is the Messiah how pathetic.

  64. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I'm sorry if my email offended anyone. I simply found it amusing regarding the character of Obama(????????) and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth (how could gawd let an AfAm be President...wahhhh). In no way did I even consider the fact he's half black (liar, and does she think we are stoopid?) when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind (yeah, right)until one or two other people tried to make this about race. (It all about race...or she would not have sent the other 'funnie' emails) We all know a double standard applies regarding this president. (Yes, he gets more grief) I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn't particularly like (Dang Truth hurts wingnuts) yet there was no 'cry' in the media about them (Troo beleever in IOKIYAR). One only has to go to Youtube or Google Images to see a plethora or lampooning videos and pictures of Obama, Bush and other politicians. That being said, I will NOT resign my central committee position over this matter that the average person knows and agrees is much to do about nothing (who is this average person? RainMan? David Duke?). Again, for those select (???) few who might be truly offended (it's not her fault you get offended by racist creeps like her!) by viewing a copy of an email I sent to a select list of friends and acquaintances (all racist creeps), unlike the liberal left (who is she pretending this strawperson is?) when they do the same, I offer my sincere apologies to you--the email was not meant for you. For any of my friends or acquaintances who were the recipients of my email and were truly offended, please call me so I may offer a sincere verbal apology to you."
    Marilyn Davenport, sharer of racist emails..non-apology apology. Stuff added by me.


  65. k-jack1:11 PM

    Obama's incompetence transcends race, or it should. The only ones who are blind to this are racist blacks.

  66. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Why do gays want to advertise their in why is "chicago dyke" important to advertise. stupid gays, get over yourselves and your gay agenda. bottom line is most black don't wnat nothing to do with you. you are just tolerated on this board what kind of posts does FN post that speak to you and yours? nothing, all hetero al the time. as it should be.

  67. "Hey mold, get a life."

    *takes a look at Ms. Davenport's photo*

    Ah. Yet another racist characarture of the president. I assume this is all you're good for, aside from the occasional blow job?

    Meanwhile, what happens when a guy decides to innocently heckle another guy who's been stopped by the NYPD?

    This, apparently:

    Current discussion on MetaFilter:

  68. "Why do gays want to advertise their in why is "chicago dyke" important to advertise. stupid gays, get over yourselves and your gay agenda. bottom line is most black don't wnat nothing to do with you. you are just tolerated on this board what kind of posts does FN post that speak to you and yours? nothing, all hetero al the time. as it should be."

    Why does it bother you so much that gays want to, as you put it, "advertise their sexuality"? It can't be that it somehow puts a spotlight on your own sexual insecurities, right? And that by bashing those of gays and lesbians, you somehow feel better about your own sexual proclivities not unraveling themselves right in front of you, correct? Because we all know that you can't be a straight man or woman without virulently bashing and excoriating gay and lesbian lifestyles, am I right?

  69. Hey Mack, if you want a blowjob your gonna have to go back to the men's room at the bus station again.

  70. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Keep remembering that Obama will be a famous President, while st reagan is a Jeopardy question...and bush synonymous for incompetence.
    Carter is well-regarded by those who read.
    "I'm sorry if my email offended anyone. I simply found it amusing regarding the character of Obama(????????) and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth (how could gawd let an AfAm be President...wahhhh). In no way did I even consider the fact he's half black (liar, and does she think we are stoopid?) when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind (yeah, right)until one or two other people tried to make this about race. (It all about race...or she would not have sent the other 'funnie' emails) We all know a double standard applies regarding this president. (Yes, he gets more grief) I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn't particularly like (Dang Truth hurts wingnuts) yet there was no 'cry' in the media about them (Troo beleever in IOKIYAR). One only has to go to Youtube or Google Images to see a plethora or lampooning videos and pictures of Obama, Bush and other politicians. That being said, I will NOT resign my central committee position over this matter that the average person knows and agrees is much to do about nothing (who is this average person? RainMan? David Duke?). Again, for those select (???) few who might be truly offended (it's not her fault you get offended by racist creeps like her!) by viewing a copy of an email I sent to a select list of friends and acquaintances (all racist creeps), unlike the liberal left (who is she pretending this strawperson is?) when they do the same, I offer my sincere apologies to you--the email was not meant for you. For any of my friends or acquaintances who were the recipients of my email and were truly offended, please call me so I may offer a sincere verbal apology to you."
    Marilyn Davenport, sharer of racist emails..non-apology apology. Stuff added by me.


  71. Mack Kyons said...we all know that you can't be a straight man or woman without virulently bashing and excoriating gay and lesbian lifestyles, am I right?

    You are so right, and I'm so ready for some bashing.

  72. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Keep remembering that Obama will be a famous President, while st reagan is a Jeopardy question...and bush synonymous for incompetence.
    Carter is well-regarded by those who read.
    "I'm sorry if my email offended anyone. I simply found it amusing regarding the character of Obama(????????) and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth (how could gawd let an AfAm be President...wahhhh). In no way did I even consider the fact he's half black (liar, and does she think we are stoopid?) when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind (yeah, right)until one or two other people tried to make this about race. (It all about race...or she would not have sent the other 'funnie' emails) We all know a double standard applies regarding this president. (Yes, he gets more grief) I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn't particularly like (Dang Truth hurts wingnuts) yet there was no 'cry' in the media about them (Troo beleever in IOKIYAR). One only has to go to Youtube or Google Images to see a plethora or lampooning videos and pictures of Obama, Bush and other politicians. That being said, I will NOT resign my central committee position over this matter that the average person knows and agrees is much to do about nothing (who is this average person? RainMan? David Duke?). Again, for those select (???) few who might be truly offended (it's not her fault you get offended by racist creeps like her!) by viewing a copy of an email I sent to a select list of friends and acquaintances (all racist creeps), unlike the liberal left (who is she pretending this strawperson is?) when they do the same, I offer my sincere apologies to you--the email was not meant for you. For any of my friends or acquaintances who were the recipients of my email and were truly offended, please call me so I may offer a sincere verbal apology to you."
    Marilyn Davenport, sharer of racist emails..non-apology apology. Stuff added by me.


  73. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Mack is a pole smoker. Enjoy Hell bro.

  74. Mold Swallows Goober2:22 PM

    Mold Said ...
    Keep trying. While it was fun for Goobers to swallow..

    Damn it MOLD stop it, we dont want to hear that you have fun swallowing the "goober"

    Now instead of just accepting the white stuff from men on your face that you call "goober" now you are swallowing the stuff you call ""goober"? Why do you call it "goober"? Who taught you that name? Uncle LeLeroy? It's not really called "goober" its called "sperm" just so you know and in our book "goober swallowing" aint kool so stop swallowin that "goober" you "gomer"

  75. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Dr. Queen said...
    Geez no-slappz, camels?

    I guess you're just an equal opportunity racist jerk!

    Whats racist about saying they have camels? They do. He didnt say they were sand niggers or anything like that. They are camel jockeys.

  76. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Why are Goobers so embarrassed to have everyone know they so eagerly swallow the wingnut slime?
    Then ask for more.

    My personal predilections have never been a thread for this blog. Nor do I expect their modest nature to ever be so. But, if wee lads find it exhilarating to speculate...they will certainly invent their own fantasies. Rule 34.


  77. "Hey Mack, if you want a blowjob your gonna have to go back to the men's room at the bus station again."

    Mary, dear, we all know that's where you turned your best tricks, before word got about about your little Hepatitis issue.

    "You are so right, and I'm so ready for some bashing."

    So that picture you linked -- that's what you wished you could do after hours or something?

    "Mack is a pole smoker. Enjoy Hell bro."

    Hey, maybe you and the guy with the erotic Obama fixation can get together and do some roleplay shit, like film a Rushbo X Beckkk male-on-male porno or something. I'm sure you chaps would enjoy that. And then afterwards you'll go right back to bashing gays for cover against the stench of your own perversions.

    Unless you're the same person posting under two or three different names. Then you can wank off in a corner while choking yourself silly with a pair of ladies' underwear. What do they call asphyxiation?

  78. "My personal predilections have never been a thread for this blog. Nor do I expect their modest nature to ever be so. But, if wee lads find it exhilarating to speculate...they will certainly invent their own fantasies. Rule 34."

    Expect rounds of uncontrollable vomiting and facial expressions conveying genuine horror and disgust.

  79. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Mack, at my age...there are few 'perversions' I find objectionable. What is a frisson to a pimply-faced lad of sparse very old hat to me.
    Truthfully, their futile attempts to be shocking and vulgar...remind me of how young they are.


  80. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "My personal predilections have never been a thread for this blog. Nor do I expect their modest nature to ever be so. But, if wee lads find it exhilarating to speculate...they will certainly invent their own fantasies. Rule 34."

    Expect rounds of uncontrollable vomiting and facial expressions conveying genuine horror and disgust.

    3:51 PM

    Nah, no surprise here. We all knew MOLD was different. A white guy with a Blackface Pic named Socrates playing MOLD a black granny playing a vulgar anon. Yes, different no doubt. Funny word confirmation "fruitabo" fits.

  81. OHHH MYYYY FREAKING GAWWWWDDD!!!! I never laughed so hard over a blog post than when seeing "Mom,Dad,and Little Obama"!!!!

    I can't even post what I was going to say! That guy is a comic genius :)

  82. LaTreen Dartay said...
    You "claim" to have read it, yet come back with nothing except more character assasination. Look your not dealing with your average moron, I am a moron of higher caliber so you ain't foolin anyone.


    "I am a moron of higher caliber." You said it I didn't!

  83. re: Good luck wingnuts, at least half of the country is counting on you.

    That was too funny!!!! what a punchline..Field you made my day!

  84. I believe that the Republicans can pull it off only of they will be wise in their decisions in taking a qualified and confident candidate for the presidency. There are a lot of them out there, they just have to look around. The obstacle comes when the Republicans will just be contented with who is already in the limelight and won't consider anyone anymore.

  85. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Peggy is dreaming yet again. It's as if she hasn't even been following the current Republican field. Recently economists have predicted the President will likely win re-election. There is a reason no real Republican has not truly announced his/her candidacy. They are scared. Yes, scared. Cain and Romney are the only ones. Cain has no chance whatsoever and Romney will face the same obstacles from 08: his religion, his health care plan and his other moderate stances.

    I live in DC, was a part of the media horde and the Washington media seems bored with the the potential Republicans: Palin has petered out. Newt, Bachmann and Trump are solely using their extreme positions to to get attention. Although, Bachmann has been raising a lot of money. Thune, Chrisite and Pence already said they would not enter the race. The real potentials: Romney, Daniels, Huntsman all have baggage that could easily be taken a part with opposition research and Daniels and Huntsman are only really known in Washington circles. With their not announcing, they lose out on media momentum, fundraising and name recognition.
