Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Still not good enough Mr. President!

I just saw one of those great You Tube moments on John King's show.

"JOHN KING, HOST, “JOHN KING USA”: You raised this –


KING: No, I did not raise this. I did not call the press conference in Palm Beach earlier this week –

TRUMP: Excuse me, you raised this. And every time I sit down with the press, all they want to talk about is the birth certificate. And I got him to do something that nobody else could get him to do, and I’ve been getting great credit for that.

KING: And you - you raised this issue of his credibility, that if he has it, he should release it.

TRUMP: Absolutely.

KING: There are people who question yours in the middle of all this. The other night, you went on "ANDERSON COOPER" and you said your investigators told you it was missing or it wasn't there.

TRUMP: Excuse me.

KING: What was that about?

TRUMP: Excuse me. Very simple. I had people looking into it. Now I don't have to have the people - I can call them back, I hope. I mean, I haven't seen this. I'm sure a lot of experts –

KING: But if – would you ever pay them – if serious people told you it was missing or not there, here it is. Here it is.

TRUMP: Would I pay them? I don’t know. Maybe I'll let you negotiate for me.


KING: Some people think you just made that up though.

TRUMP: Let me just tell you, I don't make up anything. Let me tell you something. I have done a great service to the American people...."

For more laughs please watch the clip that goes with this link.

I will say this much for Mr. Bad Hair, he fits right in with the republican party. He looked right into the camera and told a lie. When King asked him why he said he was even with the president in the CNN polls he said because he was. When King told him that CNN had no such poll he told King that he [King] was lying and tried to send some flunky to get it [The poll]. CNN and the rest of A-merry-ca is still waiting for proof of that poll. It will never come. Just like we will never hear from the investigators that he had in Hawaii. It was all a lie.

Still, I am mad at O. I did not want him to release his birth certificate. The thought of an A-merry-can president having to release a birth certificate to prove that he is an A-merry-can is astonishing to me. It's why I can't stop blogging about it. Can you imagine? Two years into their presidency one of the previous 43 presidents having questions raised about where they were born?

So there was Mr. Bad Hair today taking credit for O showing a document which every person in A-merry-ca who doesn't see black helicopters over his/her lawn knew existed.

"Yes, but why did it take two years for him to show it. Tell the people, Mr. Obama, why two years? "

Mr. Wingnut, why did he have to show it to you in the first place?


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Hahahaha! Poor Donald! He's got egg on his face! Silly man with silly hair! LoL!

  2. hey lying coon uts:

    i apologized to hobama.
    do stand by.

    i expect to retract it any day now...

  3. "Can you imagine? Two years into their presidency one of the previous 43 presidents having questions raised about where they were born?"

    Yes i can.It happen to Chester A. Arthur.Progressive Democrats are the original birthers!

    Obama being punked by a tv actor!!!

    Its so funny.

  4. I knew the moment Prez Obama was elected "they" would pull out all the stops and discredit him from the alpha to the omega.

    And in retaliation, I'm seriuosly considering voting for him out if disgust for how poorly he is being treated.

  5. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Desertflower-"IHahahaha! Poor Donald! He's got egg on his face! Silly man with silly hair! LoL!"

    Poor DF, you sound like a desertweed hallucinating from lack of water.:)

    It's Obama who caved in, so why do you think Trumph got egg on his face? What's the matter with you? I thought I taught you better than that.

    Hell, now the Donald is going after the Prez's grades at Harvard. After that, God only knows. This crap will never stop, it will be one thing after another.

    You see, Trumph has an ego the size of the universe. He also is power crazy and a racist. The man acts like he is God.

    The thing that hurts is Obama's weakness and AB's betrayal.

  6. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Dr.QueenK said...
    And in retaliation, I'm seriuosly considering voting for him out if disgust for how poorly he is being treated.


    Spoken like a true edge-u-cated negro.

  7. Anon283109:07 PM

    Obama made a big mistake in acknowledging these idiots. He should have never shown his birth certificate. By doing so, he gives these idiots legitmacy.

    Now, I need to study for the PCAT and gain admittance to a PharmD program.

    Let me stop lying to myself. I am on this blog all day and night; hence, I have no time to study for the

  8. Anonymous9:09 PM

    "Spoken like a true edge-u-cated"

    No, no, no! you're edgeumacated!

    President Obama waited till just the exact, precise moment to pull the rabbit outta the hat! Sheer genius! Ha! Made him look like a fool. He trumped trump!

    Hahaha! Donald got trumped!! YEAH!

  9. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dr.QueenK said...
    And in retaliation, I'm seriuosly considering voting for him out if disgust for how poorly he is being treated.


    Spoken like a true edge-u-cated negro.

    My thoughts exactly, each post highlights the lack of critical thinking this hoodrat is capable of.

  10. Anon283109:11 PM

    alicia banks said...
    hey lying coon uts:

    i apologized to hobama.
    do stand by.

    i expect to retract it any day now...

    Nobody cares about your open letter, from a meaningless blog with ZERO TRAFFIC!

    The Dual Stooges (Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum) always think it is about them.

    Open letter...GTFOH!

  11. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Dr.QueenK said...
    I knew the moment Prez Obama was elected "they" would pull out all the stops and discredit him from the alpha to the omega.

    And in retaliation, I'm seriuosly considering voting for him out if disgust for how poorly he is being treated

    Sure you know a lot about being disgusting....hey, when are you going to share your genius with us? We want to see the scientific article you published with MOLD when you were in Harvard.

    Did you really cure aids? Or do you just spread it?

  12. Anonymous9:14 PM

    once again the resident cooholes talk out of their toushies dummies! gosh idgits u will change ur vote based upon those big bad racists huh? its racist to ask the president to abide by the law what a shame? dummies talking loud aint sayin nothing talkin loud aint sayin shyt

  13. Anon283109:18 PM

    Dr.QueenK said...
    I knew the moment Prez Obama was elected "they" would pull out all the stops and discredit him from the alpha to the omega.

    And in retaliation, I'm seriuosly considering voting for him out if disgust for how poorly he is being treated.

    We don't want your vote. Stay over there buckdancing with your racist conservative friends and stick to the principles which caused you not to vote for him.

    It not about you Tweedle Dum.

  14. "Still, I am mad at O. I did not want him to release his birth certificate. The thought of an A-merry-can president having to release a birth certificate to prove that he is an A-merry-can is astonishing to me."

    You sound just like my mother. It honestly doesn't matter to me if he showed it or not. Good Obama, bad Obama, they aren't going to stop anyway. First it was his religion, then it was his birth cert., now it's his grades.

    Soon it will be the legitimacy of his marriage, and they'll keep going down the line. Eventually they'll question if he wears underwear. And don't be surprise he goes on national television to prove them wrong on that too.

    Hey AB sis, I'm shocked to see your apology, but I'm proud of you. :) I hope he can clean up his act though.

  15. Wesley R9:21 PM

    I wouldn't have shown those bigots shit. Fuck 'em.


    99 murders ready? What's the summer going to be like?

  16. My Black Snake Make You Moan9:22 PM

    Anon28310 said...
    Obama made a big mistake in acknowledging these idiots. He should have never shown his birth certificate. By doing so, he gives these idiots legitmacy.

    Now, I need to study for the PCAT and gain admittance to a PharmD program.

    Brutha i is feelin' you on dat.Man i done gots my degree from Georgetown University, just finished up at Harvard, now i'm going to the U to do some research on white vagina.

    Wit all dat on a niggas' plate, i still be finding time to post here non stop 24/7.

    Shittttt mannnnnn........ workin' and studyin' hard ain't nuttin' new for a negro.

    Obama be needin' to slap that wig off dat you fired guy.

    A white man tell me i'm fired,well shitttt man i ain't even got to tell you da trutha.

  17. Anonymous9:25 PM

    quarrelsome queefkin and buceta breaf have tagged teamed and made this blog far worse then it has ever been but the good thing is that people are seeing through their veneers of bullshyt thank Gawds for that eye just cant believe how stoopid these paid stooges are! they rant and complain about the president and brag about what theyve done but dont have a shred of proof to verify shyt then they beat on the president for not showing his birth certificate then talk out their assholes when he do? Bitches why dont u show ur credentials? idgits!

  18. blind assnon:

    u lie like hobama!!!

    my traffic counts are displayed at ALL of my sites...even in my archives!

    got glasses moron???

    jealous much??

    where is your blog u ghost faced hater???





    i always keep my word!

  19. Short of getting Marty McFly and his DeLorean to go back to August 4, 1961 and the O-man's Umbilical cord, nothing is going to please the Birthers or shut up fools like Taitz and Trump. Keep talking fools, and keep showing America just how the inmates now run the GOP asylum. Obama will glide back to office in 2012.

  20. Sorry AB that was me up above, I forgot to log out my tributetoblackwomen account. :)

    AB, look at this...

    Btw, has anyone seen Slappy? Check out these sexual deviant predators in the link below.

    (And the racist on FN have the nerve to call black people apes and chimps.)

    Special Ed teachers Bethyl Shepherd and Marie L. Fisher are having sex with students, then cry rape when caught. The first one looks demented and male. Then check out the second one, a Weasel impregnated a Slow-Loris. Gee, what is the school system coming to?

    I hope Slappy enjoys this and files it in the appropriate "white news" folder in his computer.

  21. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Wesley R, "Field,

    99 murders ready? What's the summer going to be like?"

    Yep. We are in a recession with the highest unemployment stats for Blacks in history. This summer is going to be horrible. 2011 in Philly is going to set a new record by at 25% higher than last year.

    And guess what? Nobody seems to care.

    As long as a bm is in the WH, the Killadelphia meter will be accelerating. I can't wait until Trumph becomes President so some of this killing will stop.

  22. Anon283719:31 PM

    alicia banks said...
    blind assnon:

    u lie like hobama!!!

    my traffic counts are displayed at ALL of my sites...even in my archives!

    got glasses moron???

    jealous much??

    where is your blog u ghost faced hater???


    1. I am black. I thought you would have "garnered" that from my comments.

    2. I don't have a blog, because I know my limitations. Too bad you don't see yours. Blogging is an art, not simple ranting and raving.

  23. Anonymous9:35 PM

    AB, now that Obama has shown his birth certificate, you look like a toming fool. You should bow down to Obama AND the royal Mr. UTS- and beg for forgiveness. You also owe ALL Obamaholics a written personal formal apology. Get to work, you fool.

  24. lying black faceless nameless assnon:

    yeah...right...cowardly hating nig

    eff u u envious blogless fool

  25. tomming assnon:

    as long as u have hobama and his banksters puds in your mouth...

    stop mumbling!

    place no bets on that bs yet...

  26. lying hobama girl lack:

    please speak for your own dumb lovesick ass

    let me be clear

    i want hobama to show what every other prez has

    including his retarded c student cuz king shrub

    no more
    no less


  27. Anon283109:46 PM


    I don't envy lunacy. I laugh at it, Tweedle Dee.

  28. If that was all there was to it, why did Obama wait 3 years to release his birth certificate?

    The best answer is that he was stringing "birthers' along for political gain, and to discredit requests for other information on his past.

    The worst is that it took 3 years to make a fake and get it in the right place. Altering the official records became a possibility when his family friend became Governor of Hawaii 3 months ago.

    There is a decorated Army Colonel in jail for refusing to deploy until he saw Obama's birth certificate. That wasn't worth 5 minutes of Obama's time to release it then?

    He released this now because Trump was making a bunch of noise and because Jerome Corsi's book is about to come out. He probably wanted to milk this until next summer.

    Everything Obama does is disgusting.

    The worst. President. Ever.

  29. Queen Laa:



    i hope that retarded looping loon the vdlr saw it too

    needs slaps skips a lot of news of bloody white pookie madness daily


  30. "Short of getting Marty McFly and his DeLorean to go back to August 4, 1961 and the O-man's Umbilical cord, nothing is going to please the Birthers or shut up fools like Taitz and Trump."

    Of course not. Job One is destroying the credibility of the president, even if they have to cook up far-fetched conspiracy bullshit just to do it.

    "My Black Snake Make You Moan said..."

    Damn. The anons are gettin' creative these days. I'll go ahead and give them their props just this once.

  31. Anonymous9:48 PM

    AB, "tomming assnon:

    as long as u have hobama and his banksters puds in your mouth..."

    Now see? you have no sense of contrition for the wrong you have done to Obama and uts.


  32. ditto

    alex jones broke it all down today

    there is MUCH more to this belated staged wag the dog bc bs

    see much more here

  33. Anonymous9:51 PM

    i don't believe ab has a birth certificate.

  34. "As long as a bm is in the WH, the Killadelphia meter will be accelerating. I can't wait until Trumph becomes President so some of this killing will stop."

    I think the fake cowboy from Cali was Prez when gun crimes soared in A-merry-ca. In fact, he was shot himself, no?

    "Anon28310 said...
    Obama made a big mistake in acknowledging these idiots. He should have never shown his birth certificate. By doing so, he gives these idiots legitmacy."

    I agree with the first part of that statement,not the second part.
    NOTHING can give these clowns legitimacy.

  35. Anonymous9:54 PM

    AB, show your birth certificate! As Field's self-proclaimed assistant, I am obliged to inform you that you are not allowed on Field's blog without a birth certificate. Where is it, you phony?

  36. "There is a decorated Army Colonel in jail for refusing to deploy until he saw Obama's birth certificate. That wasn't worth 5 minutes of Obama's time to release it then?"


    "He released this now because Trump was making a bunch of noise and because Jerome Corsi's book is about to come out. He probably wanted to milk this until next summer."

    I was wondering when this was coming. That clown was in jail because he refused an order. His ass should still be in jail.

  37. Anon 9:45 PM, are you sure that your President would allow you to come and work for me?

  38. Anon28310 said...
    Let me stop lying to myself. I am on this blog all day and night; hence, I have no time to study for the

    P - for the PUNK your mammy birthed
    C - for your CRASS allegiance with honkey racists
    A- for my A$$ which you can kiss to hell and back
    T- is for the nigga TOM you will always be

    And if you decide to study for the LSAT, I can help you with that one too, LOL!!!!

    Now go 'head wit yo' B*tcha$$!

  39. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I agree with the first part of that statement,not the second part.
    NOTHING can give these clowns legitimacy

    Not even affirmative action? C'mon give a brutha a break. Hey is your nose red?

  40. "NOTHING can give these clowns legitimacy."

    Obama's birth certificate has already been shown to be a photoshop job .

    Let the impeachment begin!

  41. Anon2831010:02 PM

    If Tom means not agreeing with your idiocy and being antithetical to you pathetic existence, then I'll wear that badge with honor.

    Although I would like to verbally spar with, I have to sign off. Unlike you, I work for a living.

    Later, Tweedle Dum.

  42. Dr. Younabrau10:04 PM

    Ms.QueenK said...
    "Now go 'head wit yo' B*tcha$$!"

    Ghetto trash does not equal medical school acceptance.

    You will never be a doctor.


  43. lack:


    hobama is not into u!!!

    EXCUSE NUMBER 9: “President Obama is doing the best he can. It took Bush and Cheney eight whole years to screw things up this thoroughly. Obama's only been in office (fill in the blank) years...”
    QUICK ANSWER: This excuse supposes Barack Obama really is dedicated to undoing the horrible damage of the Bush-Cheney crime wave. There is no evidence of this. You have to look mighty long and hard to find any Bush era crime that Obama has reversed. But you can find plenty of Bush era crimes and atrocities President Obama has doubled down on.
    Here are a few --- sold to Democrats early on as a “peace candidate,” by August 2008 Obama had endorsed Bush's Iraq war “surge” and promised to escalate the war in Afghanistan, which he did by expanding it into Pakistan. Obama refused to prosecute Bush and Cheney out of office, or any of their torturers, and has declined to go after telecom companies which intercepted the personal traffic of millions, or the banks which are going through with fraudulent foreclosures. The original Bush bailout was only passed when candidate Obama came to Washington to personally herd the Black Caucus and reluctant Democrats into passing it. Once in office, Obama increased the bailout from Bush's $3 trillion to more than $20 trillion. The Obama White House proposed not one new law, not one single regulatory change that would mitigate or prevent another catastrophe like last year's Deepwater Horizon oil blowout in the Gulf of Mexico.
    Whatever “doing the best he can means, it does not include undoing the Bush-Cheney crime wave.

    EXCUSE NUMBER 8: “President Obama can't do all the things he wants to do because he's being blocked by Democratic blue dogs. (b) racist tea party Republicans (c.) Fox News...”
    QUICK ANSWER: This was a widely heard excuse during the time Democrats controlled Congress. It's really not just an excuse for the Obama administration, but for Democrats in general. But it was Obama's own chief of staff Rahm Emanuel who, in 2006 funneled vast amounts of campaign cash to right wing Democrats whenever they were challenged in primary elections by Democrats opposed to the war. Obama even declared himself a “blue dog” New Democrat once in the White House.

  44. Anonymous said...
    once again the resident cooholes talk out of their toushies dummies! gosh idgits u will change ur vote based upon those big bad racists huh? its racist to ask the president to abide by the law what a shame? dummies talking loud aint sayin nothing talkin loud aint sayin shyt

    Take your snotty nose kid a$$ back down to the dungeon before your spermanator gets home, wacko!

  45. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Sasha said,

    "Obama's birth certificate has already been shown to be a photoshop job .

    Let the impeachment begin!"

    Lord have mercy! Our black brother faked his birth. What is we gonna do now?

  46. Anonymous10:10 PM

    ab, WHERE IS YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE? We have a right to see it because many don't believe that you were born.

  47. Anon28310 said...
    If Tom means not agreeing with your idiocy and being antithetical to you pathetic existence, then I'll wear that badge with honor.

    Although I would like to verbally spar with, I have to sign off. Unlike you, I work for a living.

    Yeah I know you have to get ready for your "night time" gig. So go 'head "Diamond", I won't tell anyone!

    BTW, is the song "It's raining men" your fav? I hear "men" like you just LOVE it, LOL!!!!

    "It's raining men................Hallelujah, it's raining men................AMEN!!!!!!!!!

  48. QueenLaQueefaStinkUpDaPlace10:15 PM

    Dr.QueenK said...
    Anon28310 said...
    Let me stop lying to myself. I am on this blog all day and night; hence, I have no time to study for the

    P - for the PUNK your mammy birthed
    C - for your CRASS allegiance with honkey racists
    A- for my A$$ which you can kiss to hell and back
    T- is for the nigga TOM you will always be

    And if you decide to study for the LSAT, I can help you with that one too, LOL!!!!

    Now go 'head wit yo' B*tcha$$!

    Dr.QueenK said...
    Anon28310 said...
    Let me stop lying to myself. I am on this blog all day and night; hence, I have no time to study for the

    P - for the PUNK your mammy birthed
    C - for your CRASS allegiance with honkey racists
    A- for my A$$ which you can kiss to hell and back
    T- is for the nigga TOM you will always be

    And if you decide to study for the LSAT, I can help you with that one too, LOL!!!!

    Now go 'head wit yo' B*tcha$$!

    "Punk, Honkey racists, Kiss my ass to hell and back (sorry hun my lips are huge but they still aint big enough for that blubber ass), Nigga Tom, wit you bitch ass..."

    This here is a prime example of a dumb racist coon ghetto bitch.
    What do you think her Hi-Q is 60?

    Mold, she needs some help, she forgot where she put the paper she published when she cured aids.

    If you already graduated from college and have several degrees and cured aids with a published scientific paper, why are you now supposedly going to law school? Are you one of those permanent students who goes to school her whole life so the govt and your family can support you? You sound about 45 with that ancient ghetto jive.

  49. Psssst............Diamond, I think you left your Boa!!!!!

  50. My Black Snake Make You Moan10:18 PM

    alicia banks wat da hell be wrong wit you.

    Shitttt first time a nigga that ain't cleaning gets to sit his ass down in da chair and black women like u's gots to start talkin shit.

    U's de types of negro women thats be goin on youtube and throw yourself at white men.

    U's need to be taken to a back room and straighten out.Shits bad a nigga go to jail for taken his belt off.

    oooooo i's so full with it.I's better stop for i get a charge..

  51. QueefaMakeFunnyNoise10:20 PM

    Dr.QueenK said...
    Psssst............Diamond, I think you left your Boa!!!!!

    Tanks..Gottdamn gurl wer de hell you have dis ting? You gots shit all over it!!!

  52. First of all, StanleyAnn wasn't going to give birth to her first child in black-ass Kenya in any lifetime.

    And do you people actually think that Obama Sr. was going to haul his pregnant white wife to Kenya to give birth to his precious blackish child? The same Kenya he abandoned his black wife, and child/ren in the first place?

    Get real.

  53. Wesley R10:24 PM


    The home team missed too many free throws and that did them in.
    What do you think about this; AI, Lou, Speights to the Lakers for Artest, and Bynum?

  54. I wannabeALawyerDR.Scientist.ButIMA HOE said...
    Its not rain you dumb negress, its urine. Now close your mouth, you know what the acid does to your teef and your bref is godawful enuff already...shit, yo, yo.

    Is 'dat you Diamond? Or is it yo' b*tch?

    You win urinade, who seems to know a LOT about urine pun INTENDED, LOL!!!

    I gotta get some rest so I can make DH a BIG breakfast in the AM for his big day!

    Toodles until tomorrow Wacko! Muah!

  55. Dr. Hammond Ehgs10:30 PM

    Ms. Queef: "I gotta get some rest so I can make DH a BIG breakfast in the AM for his big day!"

    You'd better learn to cook, with that fat ass of yours, it's the only way you'll ever get a man.

    And you'll need a man, because you'll never be a doctor.

  56. Barack Obama said this about his birth certificate today:

    “We do not have time for this kind of silliness. We have more important things to do. I have more important things to do. “

    Then he flew off to tape an Oprah show.

  57. AB - I read you 'apology', but whatever.

    Look, I read through the list of the Black Agenda Report's "Obama Sucks Because He's not Mao" diatribes before. You're going to convince that Obama is the worse thing to happen to Black folks since Jim Crow and vice versa.

    But, I've got you and other so-called liberal 'barbershop talkers' pegged - do nothings who are ticked that moderate harvard wonk has gotten more in 18 months than your 'heroes' have in all their years of squawking on TV.

    I think this sums it up nicely

  58. Anonymous10:42 PM

    LAC: " moderate harvard wonk has gotten more in 18 months than your 'heroes' have in all their years of squawking on TV."

    You are correct. He has done more damage in the first half of his term than the KGB was able to do in the previous 20 years. Obama is a clear and present danger to the survival of the United States. Something must be done.

  59. "Hahahaha! Poor Donald! He's got egg on his face! Silly man with silly hair! LoL!"

    Perhaps you mean he is a silly man with an egg omelet on top his head.


  60. Plantsmantx11:00 PM

    There is a decorated Army Colonel in jail for refusing to deploy until he saw Obama's birth certificate. That wasn't worth 5 minutes of Obama's time to release it then?

    I know you're not saying Obama should have released it then just to keep that guy out of can't be saying that, LOL.

  61. Anonymous11:03 PM

    "I know you're not saying Obama should have released it then just to keep that guy out of can't be saying that, LOL."

    It's pretty callous not to have.

  62. field writes:

    The thought of an A-merry-can president having to release a birth certificate to prove that he is an A-merry-can is astonishing to me.

    Figures. As if there haven't been outrageous demands and hysterical claims made about virtually every president.

    In the election of 1884, the unofficial campaign slogan was Ma, Ma, Where's My Pa? Gone to the White House, Ha, Ha, Ha.

    That's what Grover Cleveland faced over stories that he'd fathered an illegitimate child.

    Dwight Eisenhower was reputed to have had a long-term affair with Kay Summersby, who served with Ike in Europe during WWII.

    The press covered up for John Kennedy, the last president to get such privileged treatment.

    Nixon, as vice president, was pulled into a bribery scandal, and later, of course, Watergate, for which he was villified for the remainder of his life.

    Carter was embarrassed by a financial scandal involving Bert Lance, his head of the Office of Management and Budget.

    Reagan was drawn into the Iran-Contra story, which led to claims by screwballs including Maxine Waters, that the CIA was peddling drugs to blacks in Los Angeles.

    Clinton said he "did not have sex with that woman", when, in fact he had. And on the same topic, Hillary went on national TV and lied. Meanwhile, it was said the Clintons had Vince Foster killed.

    Then the 9/11 truthers spent 8 years claiming Bush and Cheney had orchestrated 9/11. The claims haven't stopped, but now that Bush is a private citizen, the noise level of the truthers has fallen to a whisper.

    Now it's Obama's turn. That's how it goes.

  63. Trump has triumphed. He pushed Obama into a corner and got him to relent and show his birth certificate.

    Next will be the demands for test scores and grades.

    But none of it's necessary because we have the condition of the US economy, which gives all the evidence we need to boot Obama out of office in 2012.

  64. Obama is President for the same dumb reason as the last guy was President: because of who his daddy was.

    It's easy to perform a thought experiment on the previous President. If George W. Bush had been born George W. Rush, would he have become President? You can even assume the hypothetical Rushes were as materially prosperous as the real Bushes. The only difference in our thought experiment is that George W. Rush's father wasn't President Rush and his grandfather wasn't Senator Rush.

    So, would George W. Rush have become President of the United States? Would he even have been considered Presidential timber?

    Of course not. He might have become, say, national sales manager of some corporation. But that's about it.

    What about Obama? Would he have ever been considered for the Presidency if his father hadn't been black?

    The current President would seem to have a much more unique background that would make it difficult to plug him into this kind of thought experiment. Yet, Ann Dunham's propensity for marrying U. of Hawaii students from politically well-connected families with a history of anti-colonial activism in their tropical homelands, who then return to their Third World countries and get jobs with American oil companies makes our conceptual task surprisingly easier.

    Would our current President have become President in an alternative universe in which he was not Barack Obama, the son of Ann Dunham's Kenyan first husband, but (permanently) Barry Soetoro, the son of her Indonesian second husband?

    After all, Lolo spent more time and money on little Barry than Barack Sr. ever did. Barack Sr.'s contribution was limited to a few letters, one visit, a basketball, his genes, and as a role model of a black political leader in Ann's (highly fictionalized) lectures to her son about her romantic first husband's ambitions for his people (in sharp contrast to her increasingly unsatisfactory second husband's ambitions to provide for her and little Barry).

    Assume, for the purposes of this thought experiment, that the conventional wisdom that race doesn't exist is right, and that Barry Soetoro would have turned out exactly the same in all ways being Lolo's genetic son as Barack Obama Jr. did being Bararck Sr.'s genetic son, except that he wouldn't have had any justification to self-identify as black, which is, as we all know, purely a cultural construct.

    How far would an equally talented, equally ambitious half-Asian half-white Barry Soetoro have gotten in American life?
    Head of the admissions office at Occidental? Chief newsletter editor at Business International? Head of the New York chapter of Ralph Nader's Public Interest Research Group? State Senator from Evanston, IL? Magna cum laude graduate of the U. of Hawaii law school?

    Everything I know about the man suggests that, all else being equal, if he weren't able to self-identify as black, he would have carved out for himself a comfortable, respectable, and worthy life and made a positive social contribution. He would certainly have ranked among the top few million people in America.

    But, President Soetoro?


  65. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Slappz, "But none of it's necessary because we have the condition of the US economy, which gives all the evidence we need to boot Obama out of office in 2012."

    slappz, why don't you tell the truth why you REALLY want Obama out of the WH? it's got nothing to do with the economy or grades. it's because you hate blacks.

  66. Anonymous Uncle Tom Paine said...
    He released this now because Trump was making a bunch of noise and because Jerome Corsi's book is about to come out.

    Jerome Corsi? The discredited, pedophile from World Nut Daily, you are out of you're phuccing mind.

  67. lost lack:

    did we lie like u do????

    hell no!!!!

    hobama is worse than gwb!!!

    your bromance and denial will never change how he proves that daily

    i pity u!!!

  68. lost lack:

    fringe this!


    Reed continues his scurrilously- Fox News like -attacks against progressives who speak truth to power, by misleading whites liberals and Blacks folks into thinking that progressives want Obama to sport a black beret, sunglasses, and throw a black leather gloved first in the air on national TV. What we have been saying over and over again, is that President Obama should use the elegant rhetoric that got him elected President, to honestly explain to America how the disparity between rich and power in our country is now equal to Great Depression era levels and how one percent of the population controls 40 percent of the wealth while the rich are demanding more! But I guess the best we can do is allow President Obama to waste away his Presidency by continuing to be the night watchmen of the plutocrats who sank The United State’s of America into the icy sea, while they speed off ( with all the money) aboard a luxurious yacht purchased from The United State’s Treasury.


    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

    When you are right, you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative.

    Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

    In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

    - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    "I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more, if only they knew they were slaves."

    - Harriet Tubman
    here is absolutely nothing more that Hobama/”President” Barack Obama can possibly do to prove that he is a rabid elitist. There is nothing else that politicos can do to expose the fact that America is ruled by one party with two names and one elitist agenda. There is nothing further that Hobama can do to flagrantly betray the black fans that still, somehow, shockingly and suicidally worship him. There is nothing more indefensible than Hobama’s collective elitist antics that poor, jobless, and homeless drones still amazingly dare to defend. Yet, Hobama is still being praised for expertly reading mere words to his masses of paupers.

  69. Anonymous11:40 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "Perhaps you mean he is a silly man with an egg omelet on top his head.
    10:48 PM

    LOL! You know I was going to say that too!LOL!

    Doesn't this man have a mirror in his house? What in the world is he thinking to wear that godawful hair that way??? OMG! KARAZEEEE!!!

  70. Ms Ann G Myma like little boys11:41 PM

    Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
    Anonymous Uncle Tom Paine said...
    He released this now because Trump was making a bunch of noise and because Jerome Corsi's book is about to come out.

    Jerome Corsi? The discredited, pedophile from World Nut Daily, you are out of you're phuccing mind.

    Every single thought is covered by you with character ass-ass-ination, Soros taught you well. How do you recognize a pedophile? Sounds like you have experience in this.

    You know Corsi isn't a pedophile,
    here is your democratic underground post that started this sick shit taken from democratic underground. Then you wonder why people despise you cowardly scum liberals. You can't handle truth and don't have the intelligence to view reality, so you create your own deflective lies and garbage.

    May your first born daughter be deflowered by those you throw around with reckless abandon, you pig.

    NoodleyAppendage (1000+ posts) Thu Aug-14-08 12:07 AM
    Original message
    Jerome Corsi is a necrophilic, pedophile with tendencies towards self-mutilation and cross-dressing.
    If he can pull falsehoods out of his ass and "tar and feather" with impunity, it's high time that he gets a taste of his own medicine. So, please spread the word. Let's give Corsi the opportunity to refute the accusation and clearly state that he is not a necrophilic, pedophile. I guess if he doesn't address these concerns, then it must be true. Right?

    ...oh, and it's called satire, so if Corsi thinks he can scream libel...tough sh*t.

  71. walled in lack:


    In every case, the black wall around Barack Obama protects him not from Tea Partyers and Republican foes, whom he is anxious to meet more than half way. The black wall around Barack Obama protects him from accountability to black people, to his supposed base.
    Increasingly we can expect the White House and its allies will demand that all grassroots political agitation and organizing not explicitly connected with turning out the vote for the president and his party cease. That's been the traditional pattern. Antiwar movements, housing and human rights work, all of it folds in even numbered years, as activists allow all their efforts to be diverted into electing Democrats.
    As 2012 looms, the black wall around Obama remains a crucial asset. It's why his first campaign appearance will be on the arm of Al Sharpton. The pressure will be on to circle the wagons again, to build the wall higher. As the pastor predicted, the black wall around Barack Obama wall insulates the president against his foes, not from the right, but from the left. It protects the president not against the Pentagon, the banksters, the corporate thugs, the privatizers and the Republicans, all of whom he seems to get along with just fine --- but against us. It makes him democracy-proof and people-proof. It protects him against his own supposed base.
    It's time for black America to answer the questions the Atlanta pastor wouldn't. What's more important? Stopping the foreclosures, ending war and mass incarceration, reining in the banks and corporadoes, saving the public education and the environment, creating jobs and doing justice? Or protecting and prolonging the career of one man, a man who doesn't protect us?

  72. lost lack:


    Truth is far stranger and crueler than fiction. Truthfully, a blackish president has become the most racist and ruthless president in American history. His wars are bloodier and more endless than those of his cousin King Shrub/George W. Bush. His grift given to the corporatist rich has been more opulent and obscene than ever before. Hobama and his beloved and criminally coddled banksters have literally robbed and bankrupted America and its progeny for decades to come. Yet, his superior reading skills remain the singular focus of his bafflingly blinded global fan club.

    The audacity of omission and lies trumps the audacity of hope. The audacity of deception and deceit trumps the audacity of change. Hobama’s vapid teleprompter show has become a heinous charade. The soul of our nation has been lost to a presidential reality show. The political rebels have been lobotomized and neutralized by Hobama’s scripted evasions and eloquent deceit. However, his expert speech reading will never soften his surgical destruction of poor people in America.

    Hobama is poised to destroy poor people in America as never before. America is rapidly headed towards a new serfdom that will include literally no middle class. Joblessness and homelessness have already become normal for millions. Public schools have become relics. Yet, Hobama’s expertly mouthed words are designer opiates for the doomed and adoring masses. “Food insecurity” is the new hunger. “Hope and change” have become hopeless and unchanged. Without mercy or interruption, Hobama’s speech writers and teleprompters toil on.

  73. al + hobama + lack = 3 stooged 3some:

    get over your suicidal unrequieted bromance and wtfu!!!!!!!!

    hobama is a repub bankster who hates broke black mongrels like you!!!!

    I never imagined that any black celebrity could sell out to Hobama more than premiere Hobama Nazi Tom Joyner has. Joyner betrayed his alleged“brother/friend” Tavis Smiley, the clairvoyant rebel hero who admirably and accurately called Hobama out as a fraud long ago. Joyner also perpetually allows Hobama to use his syndicated TJMS show (“The Jigaboo Minstrel Show”) as a free zone devoid of any real policy debate by Hobama, and as a brazen and endless black agenda free national political ad.

    In my most horrid political nightmares, I could never have imagined the new sold out Al Sharpton. Truth is stranger than fiction. Black politics in America truly gets stranger each day. No politico ever slew King Shrub/George W. Bush louder and harder than Al. Sharpton did.

    How could Sharpton give a more racist brutal clone of King Shrub a free pass just because he is blackish? How could Sharpton become a literal human pit bull attack dog for a fatally elitist passive aggressive lap dog like Hobama? How could Sharpton ignore the fact that Hobama has done nothing but rob, slay, evade, degrade, and ignore millions of poor black people who voted for him and, somehow, still suicidally and masochistically adore him? How can a veteran political activist like Sharpton suddenly behave like some witless, shallow, man-crushed, bromancing power fan novice, who has no idea that his affiliation with a hoax like Hobama will destroy his own formerly loyal legions and legacy?

  74. Dr. Hammond Ehgs said...
    Ms. Queef: "I gotta get some rest so I can make DH a BIG breakfast in the AM for his big day!"

    You'd better learn to cook, with that fat ass of yours, it's the only way you'll ever get a man.

    And you'll need a man, because you'll never be a doctor.

    Haven't we had this argument before, dear ol' Miss reject?

    My goal isn't to be a Doctor.

  75. Ms Ann G Myma is a cross dressing pancake packer11:52 PM

    Ms Ann G Myma like little boys said...

    May your first born daughter be deflowered by those you throw around with reckless abandon, you pig.


    Good job slapping around that beyatch Aunt Jemima. Everything that idiot says comes off some far left smear sight. That batter swillin' ho will believe anything.

  76. Dr. Fullblood11:54 PM

    Ms. Queef said...

    "My goal isn't to be a Doctor."

    Good because you'll never pass them MCATs you always studying for. And medical schools want respectable negros, not ghetto trash hos.

    You'll never be a doctor.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. what has hobama done for u lack????

    why do u love him so?????



  79. Meteor Mike11:59 PM

    Slappz, "But none of it's necessary because we have the condition of the US economy, which gives all the evidence we need to boot Obama out of office in 2012."

    True is.

    You can stick a fork in Obama, he's done.

  80. depraved enslaved drunken lovelorn lack:

    what has hobama got???

    what has he given to u???

    NOTHING to be envied x 2
    failed x 2!!

    hobama = a sold soul in peril and disgrace

    u = a robbed fool with a psycho smiling face


    only nigs like u want to be prez so u admire him like singers admire american idols

    the rest of us know that this reality show is more unreal than we ever imagined as it is the nwo with the blackish amoral hoaxed mf at its helm



    His program to stem the flow of foreclosures has been pitiful.”
    Where previous Democratic administrations have treated Black communities with benign neglect, Obama’s policy is best described as depraved indifference.
    Having collaborated in two recent major budget agreements with the Republicans that have already wiped out much of the life supports that made a dignified Black existence barely possible, and with more fiscal massacres to come, Obama characterizes his current posture as “Winning the Future.” That future holds nothing but further pain and decline for Black America. His budgetary formula includes only $1 in closed corporate loopholes and higher taxes on the rich, for every $3 he slices from federal spending, most of it from education, health and other social programs. Then, like a cat scratching in kitty-litter, Obama tries to hide his actual deeds with a wonderfully crafted but totally fabulist speech: “We will all need to make sacrifices,” he said, without quantifying what was being sacrificed by whom. “But we do not have to sacrifice the America we believe in.”
    Obama has already explained, to anyone that was actually listening, what kind of America he believes in. It is one in which people are tossed about to sink or swim with the tides.

  81. My goal is to practice as a physician scientist, you jealous uneducated hags!!

    And remember this:


    So keep that in mind and HOPEFULLY you'll rot from cancer just like the last person that tried to tell me what I couldn't do!

    May he, and you rot in peace!

  82. And one more thing you dumb hick f*ck.

    The MCAT is NOT a test you "pass".


  83. unlicked uneducated vdlr:

    YOU clog this log!!!!

    lick this!

  84. Theresa12:40 AM

    Ms.QueenK said...
    "My goal is to pretend I am a physician scientist

    So keep that in mind and HOPEFULLY you'll rot from cancer just like the last person that tried to tell me what I couldn't do!"

    Wishing cancer on an anonymous internet poster. I wouldn't wish cancer on David Duke.

    You are truly a vile and malicous person. I feel sorry for anyone who has to have contact with you on a regular basis.

  85. Dr. Passer12:43 AM

    Ms. Queef said...
    And one more thing you dumb hick f*ck.

    The MCAT is NOT a test you "pass".


    At least we agree on that. You ain't gonna pass that MCAT.

    You will never be a doctor.


  86. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Dr.QueenK said...
    And one more thing you dumb hick f*ck.

    The MCAT is NOT a test you "pass".


    Damn you are a dumb blunt, of course the MCATS are tests you pass, if you score too low, they wont let you in dearie.

    Damn negress doesnt even know what she is lying about. Look up MCATS before you keep lying about what you are doing. Besides you are on here 24/7 what the hell kind of physician DR would you be. About the only thing you could handle would be making someone a samwitch.

    Your confused your not taking MCATS, your going for a PAP smear demented negress. SO where is that paper anyway?

  87. People who repeatedly say ugly vile shit and unrelentlesly stalk and harass strangers deserve whatever is coming to them!! So I don't take a damn thing back I've said!!

    And maybe if the asshole racist jerk hadn't told me what I couldn't be, perhaps MY research in cancer a few years ago, may have saved his sorry ass life!!!

    As a former teacher and tutor I know you NEVER tell anyone what they can't or won't do or suffer the consequences if your own hateful words!

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Anonymous1:10 AM

    What has an IQ of 100 and 32 teeth?

    The front row of a birther convention.

  90. St. Peter1:11 AM

    Ms.QueenK said...
    "People who repeatedly say ugly vile shit and unrelentlesly stalk and harass strangers deserve whatever is coming to them!! So I don't take a damn thing back I've said!!"

    You are going to hell

  91. Tumory Jones1:15 AM

    Ms.Queef said...

    And maybe if the asshole racist jerk hadn't told me what I couldn't be, perhaps MY research in cancer a few years ago, may have saved his sorry ass life!!!

    You mean you could have discovered a cure for cancer, but didn't out of racist spite for a white man?

    You evil genius you.

  92. Maria, I know it's your cowardly bitch white trash ass that had joined with the semenator recipticle MR day in and out to personally attack me.

    Keep bringing it own you lame ass bitches. We'll keep it on and popping in this piece until I return to school/ work.

  93. D'Klan Johnson1:18 AM

    What has an IQ of 85 and 320 teeth?

    The front row of an Obama rally.

    Obama, Obabama!

    Obama, Obabama!

    Obama, Obabama!

  94. Airam1:21 AM

    Ms.QueenK said...

    "Keep bringing it own you lame ass bitches. We'll keep it on and popping in this piece until I return to school/ work."

    That should be some time, since you'll never get into school and you'll never get a job.

    And... you'll never be a doctor.

  95. Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!
    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!
    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

    Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!

  96. The POWER is in the word, so if you don't know, you better ask somebody, LOL!!!!

  97. Today a Scientist, tomorrow a Physician/Scientist!1:49 AM

    Queef has quacked

  98. Anonymous2:01 AM

    AB: "If you have to be convinced that Obamacare was not created with the best interests of average Americans in mind,"

    Not to mention the hundreds of "Wavers" given to the unions and companies who bankroll Obama.

    If Obamacare is so great, why do his friends get to be exempt?

  99. The Russian2:03 AM

    Anybody lose a rabbit?

  100. "What do you think about this; AI, Lou, Speights to the Lakers for Artest, and Bynum?"

    Wesley, we need a center but I don't like that trade.

    Congrats to Doug Collins and my Sixers for a good season. Just couldn't pull it out against the LeBrons last night. :(

  101. Black News from Harlem:

    Brutal Attack On Food Deliveryman Caught On Tape In Morningside Heights

    NYPD Arrests 2 Of The Teen Suspects

    April 27, 2011 10:00 PM

    Surveillance footage of deliveryman attack (credit: CBS 2)

    NEW YORK (CBS New York) — A shocking, ambush-style attack on a food deliveryman was caught on tape in Morningside Heights. Police arrested two teen suspects on Wednesday.

    Police released video of the encounter, which happened last Friday.

    The set-up was simple: police said three teenage boys phoned in a Chinese food order. They went up to the sixth floor of the building at 40 Morningside Ave., hid in a stairwell next to the elevator, and waited for the deliveryman.

    As soon as the deliveryman came out of the elevator, the lurking teens attacked. The deliveryman was knocked to the ground as the kids punched and kicked him repeatedly, reports CBS 2′s Jay Dow.

    The boys tried, but failed, to steal cash from his pocket.

    As the teens fled, one picked up the food and threw it at the victim.

    Surveillance cameras managed to get clear shots of the faces of the suspects and on Wednesday two arrests were made.

    The suspects were wearing jackets and hooded sweatshirts. According to police, all were between 15 and 19 years old.

  102. That didn't take long:

    Trump To Obama: Now Release Your College Records

    Donald Trump tells the press they are protecting President Obama.

    "I'd like to know how does he get into Harvard, how does he get into Columbia if he isn't a very good student," Donald Trump told the press this morning in New Hampshire.

    "If he wants to release it that's fine, if he doesn't want to release it that's fine too. But the word is he wasn't a very good student," Trump added.

    April 27, 2011

    The video:

  103. Hate to tell you Field, but the Sixers NEVER had a chance against the Heat, LOL!!!

  104. College records? So this was never really a question of citizenship? It was just a silly way to heckle the President of the United States?

    Because if it was about citizenship, do the Birthers--or I guess now they're the Graders--really believe that the U.S. State Department makes that many mistakes each year when it issues U.S. passports? People do know, right, that Obama has traveled outside of the continental United States, even before he was President? That he has actually held a U.S. passport for many years? Not just when he was a minor and traveling with his mother, but a passport in his very own name?

    Because if a U.S. passport is not enough to prove U.S. citizenship, then I am definitely never going to Arizona again. Or any other state that's going to start asking people for their "papers."

  105. "Mr. Wingnut, why did he have to show it to you in the first place?"

    Thank you Field.

    This is racism pure and simple.

    The gross and blatant disrespect shown toward Obama by Trump and the like angers me and many others.

    I am glad that responsible media figures like Bob Schieffer and Chris Matthews have called Trump out for what he is, a racist blowhard.

    I even watched a minute of Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter and they were even running from any association with Trump.

    There's buzz that NBC may be dropping his show for next season.

    Stick a fork in Beaverhead.

    He's done.

  106. anon:


    hobama and his elitist/politico/corp peers RAN from hobamacare immediately...

    why should the rest of us be forced to embrace what they totally evade????

    that is the arrogance of his UNPRECEDENTED nazi regime!!!


  107. Trump, a man born with wealth and somehow bankrupted a popular casino - has the nerve to question a self-made man like Obama?

    Its so silly it criminal.

  108. hobama is a cia baby

    NOTHING is open and real about the CIA hobamas

    not even their passports

    In the released documents Dunham listed both March 15, 1965, in Molokai, Hawaii, and March 5, 1964, in Maui, Hawaii, as the dates and places of her marriage.

    Dunham later divorced Lolo Soetoro in Hawaii. The divorce decree took effect Nov. 5, 1980, but the divorce papers do not list the date of the marriage.

    No marriage certificate between Dunham and Soetoro has yet publicly surfaced, but a released application to amend Dunham's 1965 passport to her married name Stanley Ann Soetoro includes a checked box indicating a passport officer had seen the marriage certificate.

    The released records also document that on Aug. 13, 1968, Dunham applied to have her 1965-issued passport renewed for two years, until July 18, 1970.

    Under 22 USC Sec. 217a, from 1959 through 1968, passports were initially issued for three years, but they could be renewed for an additional two years.

    Obama, by any other name

    Also revealed by the released records is a heretofore unknown, alternative name for Barack Obama.

    In the 1968 application to renew her 1965 passport, Dunham listed as her son Barack Hussein Obama, including in parenthesis below the name, "Soebarkah," in what appears to be a variation of an Indonesian surname not previously associated in the public record with the president.

    Read more: Oops! Obama mama passport 'destroyed'

  109. Dr. Queen:


    ghost faced psycho schizo vulgar tiny miserable ignorant uneducated illiterate toxic LYING haters and hobama nazi fools rule this blog...


  110. alicia banks said...

    hobama is a cia baby

    NOTHING is open and real about the CIA hobamas

    AB - SHUT UP!! For every one intelligent thing you say, you'll say 5-10 stupid things like this. Obama isn't a CIA hatchling bent on world conquest for the Bildebergs and the Trialateral Commission. It won't get through that that thick tinfoil helmet around what's less of your mind, put please shut up with this nonsense.

    If you don't like the President fine. But come with something of substance and quite posting this ignorance on the boards.

  111. hopeless unchanged foolish lack:

    ONLY a die hard hobama nazi like you would dare to call the razor thin resumed manchurian cia bred hoax instant messiah BILLIONAIRE funded bush blue blooded hobama a "self made man"...


    you arrogant ignorance is more vulgar than the vdlr.

    u repulse me.

    Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen has discovered CIA files that document the agency’s connections to institutions and individuals figuring prominently in the lives of Barack Obama and his mother, father, grandmother, and stepfather. The first part of his report highlights the connections between Barack Obama, Sr. and the CIA-sponsored operations in Kenya to counter rising Soviet and Chinese influence among student circles and, beyond, to create conditions obstructing the emergence of independent African leaders.

    From 1983-84, Barack Obama worked as Editor at Business Internation Corporation, a Business International Corporation, a known CIA front company. President Obama’s own work in 1983 for Business International Corporation, a CIA front that conducted seminars with the world’s most powerful leaders and used journalists as agents abroad, dovetails with CIA espionage activities conducted by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham in 1960s post-coup Indonesia on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation. Dunham met and married Lolo Soetoro, Obama’s stepfather, at the East-West Center in 1965. Soetoro was recalled to Indonesia in 1965 to serve as a senior army officer and assist General Suharto and the CIA in the bloody overthrow of President Sukarno.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. lack:

    u take arrogant ignorace to cosmic levels daily!!!

    fix that asap boi!!!


    Obama's transitional council of economic advisers is also notable. The dominant figures here are all Wall Street derivatives merchants and their quackademic apologists and politician clients. The key people here are plutocrat Warren Buffet, Obama moneybags and Hyatt heiress Penny Pritzker, Goldman Sachs-Citibank alum Robert Rubin, woman-hating thug and failed Harvard president Larry Summers, Google spook Eric Schmidt, and Roger Ferguson, the former vice president of the Federal Reserve board. The most obscene is Trilateral Commission bigwig Paul Adolf Volcker, the bringer of the 22% prime rate of 1981 and the destroyer of the US indsutrial base. What is truly notable about this list is that there is not one single labor leader. No Sweeney of the AFL-CIO, no Hoffa of the Teamsters, no UAW, not even the unsavory Andy Stern of the SIEU, all big Obama backers. Note the difference to the New Deal, when labor reps were indispensable. With Barky, only derivatives monsters and their stooges need apply. Also notable by their absence are leaders of women's groups, small business associations, the congressional black caucus, retirees groups like the AARP ­ there is not even a token face representing any of these groups, all of which have a vital interest in economic policy. Read the ill omens if you have eyes to see. The Obama regime is shaping up as of the bankers, by the bankers, for the bankers. This is not the FDR New Deal ­ this is the Mussolini fascist corporate state.

  114. lack:

    u r a hopeless gd fool

    that will never change....tragic!!!

    According to official Trilateral Commission membership lists, there are only 87 members from the United States (the other 337 members are from other regions). Thus, in less than two weeks since his inauguration, Obama’s appointments encompass more than 10% of Commission’s entire U.S. membership.

    Is this a mere coincidence or is it a continuation of dominance over the Executive Branch since 1976? (For important background, read The Trilateral Commission: Usurping Sovereignty.)

    1- Secretary of Treasury, Tim Geithner
    2- Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice
    3- National Security Advisor, Thomas Donilon
    4- Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee, Paul Volker
    5- Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Dennis C. Blair 6- Assistant Secretary of State, Asia & Pacific, Kurt M. Campbell
    7- Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg
    8- State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Haass
    9- State Department, Special Envoy, Dennis Ross
    10- State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Holbrooke

  115. oh geez this is ridiculous.

    Chill out AB.

  116. blind nig lack:

    u r a hopeless gd drone

    they no longer hide
    nigs like u refuse to see

    like all drones
    u love being a fool


    Secret Bilderberg Partners

    In the US, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is dominant. One of its 1921 founders, Edward Mandell House, was Woodrow Wilson's chief advisor and rumored at the time to be the nation's real power from 1913 - 1921. On his watch, the Federal Reserve Act passed in December 1913 giving money creation power to bankers, and the 16th Amendment was ratified in February creating the federal income tax to provide a revenue stream to pay for government debt service.

    From its beginnings, CFR was committed to "a one-world government based on a centralized global financing system...." Today, CFR has thousands of influential members (including important ones in the corporate media) but keeps a low public profile, especially regarding its real agenda.

    Historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. called it a "front organization (for) the heart of the American Establishment." It meets privately and only publishes what it wishes the public to know. Its members are only Americans.

    The Trilateral Commission (discussed below) is a similar group that "brings together global power brokers." Founded by David Rockefeller, he's also a leading Bilderberger and CFR Chairman Emeritus, organizations he continues to finance and support.

    Their past and current members reflect their power:

    -- nearly all presidential candidates of both parties;

    -- leading senators and congressmen;

    -- key members of the fourth estate and their bosses; and

    -- top officials of the FBI, CIA, NSA, defense establishment, and other leading government agencies, including state, commerce, the judiciary and treasury.

    For its part, "CFR has served as a virtual employment agency for the federal government under both Democrats and Republicans." Whoever occupies the White House, "CFR's power and agenda" have been unchanged since its 1921 founding.

    It advocates a global superstate with America and other nations sacrificing their sovereignty to a central power. CFR founder Paul Warburg was a member of Roosevelt's "brain trust." In 1950, his son, James, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: "We shall have world government whether or not you like it - by conquest or consent."

    Later at the 1992 Bilderberg Group meeting, Henry Kissinger said:

    "Today, Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow, they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil....individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government."

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. coon uts:

    chill out your stupid blind dumb cloned boy lack


    u both need to stop sucking on that icy hobama like he is a popsicle


  119. Obamamomics Financial News Today:

    Economic Growth Slow as Inflation Measure Spikes Up

    28 Apr 2011

    U.S. economic growth slowed more than expected in the first quarter as higher food and gasoline prices dampened consumer spending, and sent a broad measure of inflation rising at its fastest pace in 2-1/2 years.

    But the pull back in output, which was also the result of harsh winter weather, a widening trade gap as well as weak government spending, will probably be fleeting given a firming labor market.

    Growth in U.S. gross domestic product -— a measure of all goods and services produced within U.S. borders -— braked to a 1.8 percent annual rate after a 3.1 percent fourth quarter pace, the Commerce Department said on Thursday. Economists had expected a 2 percent growth pace.

    "We hit a bit of a soft patch in the first quarter, but that should prove temporary because weather was a drag and we got blindsided a bit by a jump in gasoline prices late in the quarter," said Ryan Sweet, a senior economist at Moody's Analytics before the report was released.

    If Obama were truly concerned about the US economy, he could make the rising cost of oil and gasoline work in our favor by opening the door to more domestic oil drilling and gasoline production, rather than doing what he's doing, which is to force Americans to buy a lot of their petroleum products from foreign producers.

  120. lack:

    u never say anything

    u r the most stupid bromanced bimbo mf i know


    hobama's entire regime is staffed by TC members u fool

    the bilderbergs are listed by name all over the net u idiot

    george soros is hobama's master OG puppeteer u dizzy hobama girl!!!

    got a library card???


    got google???

    use both and stfu asap!!!!

  121. hey pastor uts/leader of the church of utopia:

    YOU chill on the gospel of the fake revovery lies your false blackish god hobama spews

    we are NOT ok osd your gates!!!

    NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Wal-Mart's core shoppers are running out of money much faster than a year ago due to rising gasoline prices, and the retail giant is worried, CEO Mike Duke said Wednesday.

    "We're seeing core consumers under a lot of pressure," Duke said at an event in New York. "There's no doubt that rising fuel prices are having an impact."

    Wal-Mart shoppers, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck, typically shop in bulk at the beginning of the month when their paychecks come in.
    Lately, they're "running out of money" at a faster clip, he said

  122. YOU chill on the gospel of the fake recovery lies your false blackish god hobama spews

  123. uptownsteve said...
    oh geez this is ridiculous.
    Chill out AB.

    Thus proving my point, Steve. Where once we could debate politics and let off steam about the insanity of America -we're often bombarded but an obviously unstable person who latches on to the ridiculous claims and continues to angrily argue with anyone who refuse to follow her down the rabbit hole.

    AB - I don't need to Google something that isn't actually true. I don't need to use my college alumnus library card to prove the President isn't some Manchurian Candidate or that unicorns aren't real.

  124. lack:

    only silly mfs like u think "liking" the prez has anything to do with his HORRID policies/deeds/wars/banksters etc

    i would LIKE for u dogged broke mongrel fools to wtfu!!!!

    carry on u moron

    For the first time in generations, a presidential election campaign saw virtually no demands from the Black side of the electorate. Two years into Barack Obama’s term, a code of silence remains in force. “Are we so wrapped up in the symbolism of a black president that we can’t hold him accountable to the demands of a community that voted for him upwards of 97%?” And why this peculiar behavior by Black people? “Other communities don’t give up their right to make demands on political leaders they vote for.”

    Would it not be a sign of political maturity to put aside that Obama is the first black president and to judge by the (worsening) conditions since the election and to make demands based on that? This is not to say that the conditions are Obama’s fault, but there are things that government can do that needs to be demanded of it from the community. In fact by creating a left self-determining pole of black demands, it could even provide cover for the President to meet some of those demands. More importantly it puts us as a people back in the middle of a conversation on what is in the best interest of our community. That is not something that we can leave to mainstream black pundits who keep their distance from any conversation on what is best for the black community and how to achieve it.

  125. field writes:

    "Mr. Wingnut, why did he have to show it to you in the first place?"

    In a similar effort to evade, Bill Clinton became a true Draft Dodger when he tricked his draft liaison officer into believing he was in school in England, when, in fact, he was not.

    Had it been known to his draft liaison officer that he was not in school, Clinton would have been inducted into the Army immediately.

    Clinton's deception is now well known, but few seem to care. On the other hand, some lunatics cared so much about Bush's record in the National Guard that they falsified documents about his service. As lousy as his record was, the falsifiers tried to make it look worse.

    Well, that's life in the presidential lane.

    Meanwhile, Bill Bradley, former senator from New Jersey, former NY Knick basketball player and seeker of the Democratic presidential nominations in 2000, went to Princeton.

    In the search for embarrassing details in Bradley's life, it was discovered that his English SAT score was 486.

    That score is shockingly low for someone who was admitted to Princeton. Obviously his admission was tied to something other than his strength as a student. In his case, basketball.

    In Michelle Obama's case, it was race.

    And in Barack's case, it was also race

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. moron lack:

    only a hobama nazi fool like u would call this logic:



    that is why hobama is slaying u fools!!!!

    and u deserve the slayings!!!!

    u sound like the germans who refused to believe the ss death camps were real since they saw no human ashes in their own winds...



  128. Oh, this is getting silly and I have to get ready for work. AB, what ever meds you're on, ask the doctor to double the dose.

    No_slappz, being an Ivy alumnus, I can tell you no Black person is getting into the Ivy's based solely on race. And the Harvard Law review editor is the earned spot for the smarted guy in hte clas - no small feat at the world's #2 law school. But, continue to ruminate on the idea that Obama's acceptance to Columbia and Harvard were to fill some damn quote. If that little fantasy helps an obvious failure like you sleep at night, knock yourself out.

  129. inept lack:

    the dumb shit u once spewed undocumented unchecked and unexposed on this blog did once comfort u like your arrogant ignorance does still.

    get over that asap u fool.

    it is a new day herein mf.


  130. sick scared lack:

    my 2 meds are:


    try both asap in HEAVY doses u dumb drone!

  131. lack:

    hobama MUST show his alleged ivy league transcripts like all other prezes asap!

    or u and your blackish false god u need to stfu!!!

    did dt lie????

    "I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?" Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press. "I'm thinking about it, I'm certainly looking into it. Let him show his records."

    Obama graduated from Columbia University in New York in 1983 with a degree in political science after transferring from Occidental College in California. He went on to Harvard Law School, where he graduated magna cum laude 1991 and was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.

    Obama's 2008 campaign did not release his college transcripts, and in his best-selling memoir, "Dreams From My Father," Obama indicated he hadn't always been an academic star. Trump told the AP that Obama's refusal to release his college grades were part of a pattern of concealing information about himself.

    Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour is a Muslim lawyer and a black nationalist who made news in 2008 when it was revealed that he had been a patron of Barack Obama and had recommended the latter for admission to Harvard Law School in 1988.

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. Slapstick

    "Clinton's deception is now well known, but few seem to care. On the other hand, some lunatics cared so much about Bush's record in the National Guard that they falsified documents about his service. As lousy as his record was, the falsifiers tried to make it look worse."

    Two fundamental problems with your analysis.

    First Clinton was not a Vietnam War supporter so his actions were consistent with his beliefs.

    Second, Bush's military records were not falsified and for all his warmongering and chest beating, he not only evaded combat but went AWOL from a stateside National Guard unit.

  134. fleeing lack:


    i would run away asap too if i had denied that the ENTIRE bilderberg and trilateral commission chocked staff/rulers that comprise hoabama's VERY own regime did not exist...

    and then got busted!

    buh bye now bimbo!!!!

  135. LAC

    "I can tell you no Black person is getting into the Ivy's based solely on race. And the Harvard Law review editor is the earned spot for the smarted guy in hte clas - no small feat at the world's #2 law school. But, continue to ruminate on the idea that Obama's acceptance to Columbia and Harvard were to fill some damn quote. If that little fantasy helps an obvious failure like you sleep at night, knock yourself out."

    Obviously it's back to square one for the heeyucks.

    The birther crap has turned out to be crap so now they are demanding Obama's test scores.

    The fact that he excelled at Harvard, graduated Magna Cum Laude and was the President of Harvard Law Review is immaterial to the racist pinheads.

    For those who claimed Obama's election would usher in an era of "post-racialism", welcome back to the real world.

    I had no doubt that the election of our first black President would unleash the still simmering hate and racism that is always just slightly below the surface in conservative America.

  136. uts:

    where are these bm serial baby deddies????????

    fertile weak amoral misogynist beta males pookie bitches like u and lack rule the world...


    One in four children in the United States is being raised by a single parent — a percentage that has been on the rise and is higher than other developed countries, according to a report released Wednesday.
    Of the 27 industrialized countries studied by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. had 25.8 percent of children being raised by a single parent, compared with an average of 14.9 percent across the other countries.

    In the African American community, 72 percent of Black children are raised in a single parent household.

  137. gated walled in uts:

    what recovery?????


    Close to 15.5 percent of African Americans are out of work and still looking for a job. While the general unemployment rate continues to drop (8 percent) for a variety of reasons — ranging from levels of education and continuing discrimination to the relatively young age of black workers — black unemployment tends to run twice the rate for whites.

    Examples of cities where Black unemployment has risen dramatically:

    2006 = Birmingham, Alabama = 5.3 %

    2011 = Birmingham, Alabama = 14.5%

    2006 = Miami, Florida = 6.7%

    2011 = Miami, Florida = 17.2%

    2006 = Los Angeles, California = 8.6%

    2011 = Los Angeles, California = 19.3%

    2006 = Detroit, Michigan = 12.00%

    2011 = Detroit, Michigan = 25.7 %

    2006 = Las Vegas, Nevada = 13%

    2011 = Las Vegas, Nevada = 25%

    2006 = Charlotte, North Carolina = 8%

    2011 = Charlotte, North Carolina = 19%

  138. lack:

    hobama IS a unicorn

    and he is fatally goring blind insane hobama nazis like u


    A section of Black America has lost their minds – literally – unable to make contact with reality since November 2008. Despite the horrific and disproportionate damage suffered by Blacks in the Great Recession, a psychologically impaired group of African Americans believes they are better off than before the recession began, and that the future is bright. When Obama entered, their powers of reason exited.

  139. reps = dems

    no repub could ever be more ruthless than hobama and his banksters!

    paul/ventura 2012!!!

    Ron Paul is far from perfect, but I’ll say this much for the Texas congressman: He has never authorized a drone strike in Pakistan. He has never authorized the killing of dozens of women and children in Yemen. He hasn’t protected torturers from prosecution and he hasn’t overseen the torturous treatment of a 23-year-old young man for the “crime” of revealing the government’s criminal behavior.

    Can the same be said for Barack Obama?

    Yet, ask a good movement liberal or progressive about the two and you’ll quickly be informed that, yeah, Ron Paul’s good on the war stuff — yawn — but otherwise he’s a no-good right-wing reactionary of the worst order, a guy who’d kick your Aunt Beth off Medicare and force her to turn tricks for blood-pressure meds. By contrast, Obama, war crimes and all, provokes no such visceral distaste. He’s more cosmopolitan, after all — less Texas-y. He’s a Democrat. And gosh, even if he’s made a few mistakes, he means well.

    Sure he’s a murderer, in other words, but at least he’s not a Republican!

    Put another, even less charitable way: Democratic partisans – liberals – are willing to trade the lives of a couple thousand poor Pakistani tribesman in exchange for a few liberal catnip-filled speeches and NPR tote bags for the underprivileged. The number of party-line progressives who would vote for Ron Paul over Barack Obama wouldn’t be enough to fill Conference Room B at the local Sheraton, with even harshest left-leaning critics of the president, like Rolling Stone‘s Matt Taibbi, saying they’d prefer the mass-murdering sociopath to that kooky Constitution fetishist.

  140. Anonymous12:09 PM

    "alicia banks said...
    hey lying coon uts:

    i apologized to hobama.
    do stand by.

    i expect to retract it any day now...

    8:19 PM"

    AB, you never cease to amaze with your incessant, deluded, obscene rantings grossly over-estimating your self worth. You're just a clown in blackface.

    I'm just SO sure Obama reads your "open letters.

    Obama wouldn't let you scrape the dog shit off the bottom of his Italian loafers...unless, maybe, he used your nappy hair for the purpose.

  141. Anonymous12:10 PM

    "alicia banks said...
    hey lying coon uts:

    i apologized to hobama.
    do stand by.

    i expect to retract it any day now...

    8:19 PM"

    AB, you never cease to amaze with your incessant, deluded, obscene rantings grossly over-estimating your self worth. You're just a clown in blackface.

    I'm just SO sure Obama reads your "open letters.

    Obama wouldn't let you scrape the dog shit off the bottom of his Italian loafers...unless, maybe, he used your nappy hair for the purpose.

  142. apervoi:

    only psycho morons like u think your fan mail to your bald blackish false god hobama is read and real.

    i adore my nappy hair

    it is god's hair

    every one of my nappy hair is smarter than that dry wool inside your empty brain u illiterate euro bastard.

    i got your blackfaced clown right here nigger:

  143. apervoi:

    only silly mfs like u are unaware that hobama and his record posse of spies are reading EVERYTHING online as never before.

    including your own mindless fan mail u fool.

    The Obama White House is backing new regulations that would compel popular Internet messaging services like Facebook, Skype and Blackberry to open up their systems to FBI surveillance, the New York Times reported Monday, citing federal law enforcement and national security officials.

    The threat to democratic rights goes far beyond anything envisioned by the Bush administration. The goal is to make all forms of electronic communication that use the Internet subject to wiretapping and interception by federal police agencies.

    In the past few years there has been a large-scale shift from conventional telephone communication to Internet-based messaging, which is both cheaper and more secure.

    “Investigators have been concerned for years that changing communications technology could damage their ability to conduct surveillance,” the Times reported. “In recent months, officials from the FBI, the Justice Department, the National Security Agency, the White House and other agencies have been meeting to develop a proposed solution.”

  144. apervoi:

    u sound as stupid as u r jealous...

    where is your blog?

    can u even compose a letter?

    u r as vulgar as u r inept

    hobama has defecated all over you u nasty nig and he has told u it is a mud facial...

    and u love the stench as u fret over the soles of his shoes...content as said soles smash u and your progeny like a mound of tiny black roaches!!!

    u mindless mashed mongrel!

  145. aputridpervoi:

    scrape this!!!

    The central thrust of the Obama administration response to the Gulf oil disaster—protecting BP and the oil industry as a whole—has succeeded.

    BP’s fourth-quarter profits for 2010 were up 30 percent over 2009. Flush with cash drawn from spiraling oil prices, over the past several months BP has gone on a global shopping spree, buying up billions of dollars worth of energy deals in Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, China, India and Australia. It remains the largest lease holder in the Gulf of Mexico, and has recently signaled that it intends to resume deep-sea exploration and production.

  146. Anonymous12:27 PM

    AB, I don't need a blog. I just FedEx all my "open letters" directly to Obama at the White House.

  147. Anonymous12:27 PM

    AB, I don't need a blog. I just FedEx all my "open letters" directly to Obama at the White House.

  148. sheared hobama bunny lack:

    like conspiracies and shadow govts

    rabbit holes are real

    peek deep asap:

  149. apervoi:

    like i said

    u envy my superior mail

    it slays your fan mail in every way

    we see u dumb envious illiterate nig

  150. apervoi wannabee hobama pen pal:

    more open letters for u to enjoy/covet

    enjoy all asap!

    & many more:

  151. As the famously brash developer now considers a run for the presidency, this history could complicate his efforts to project an image of a trusted power in the business world. It exposes a seamy underside to Trump's rise to fortune -- one that involved intimate links to unsavory characters.

    As voters learn more about such links between Trump and reputed organized crime figures, "it will get more difficult for him," says John Geer, a political science professor at Vanderbilt University. "Under that withering examination, his past associations and troubles will all emerge and could make it tough in a Republican primary."


    Yeah, Trump 2012.

    This is just the beginning. Now we'll see what the "real" Trump is all about.

  152. Chump is NOT running for President, this was all just a lot of smoke and mirrors!

  153. there is no mafia like the one that runs rahmbo and hobama

    ask tony rezko

    al capone lives inside hobama's regime

    they make donald look like a saint/underboss

    This administration has managed to divide its friends and unite its enemies,” said Steve Clemons, director of the American Strategy Programme at the New America Foundation.

    He and others lay the blame on the Chicago team, advisers from Obama’s adopted city. “Obama’s West Wing is filled with people who are in their jobs because of their Chicago connections or because they signed on early during his presidential campaign,” complained Doug Wilder, who in 1990s Virginia was America’s first elected black governor and was an early backer of Obama. “One problem is they do not have sufficient experience at governing at the executive branch level. The deeper problem is that they are not listening to the people.”

    Obama relies on five people, four of whom are Chicagoans. They are Rahm Emanuel, his chief of staff, David Axelrod and Jarrett, his political advisers, and Michelle, while the fifth kitchen cabinet member is Robert Gibbs, his chief spokesman, who comes from Alabama.

    The era of hope and change is dead....and it only took six months in office to kill it.
    Never has an administration taken office with more inflated expectations of turning Washington around. Never have a media-anointed American Idol and his entourage fallen so fast and hard. In her latest investigative tour de force, New York Times bestselling author Michelle Malkin delivers a powerful, damning, and comprehensive indictment of the culture of corruption that surrounds Team Obama's brazen tax evaders, Wall Street cronies, petty crooks, slum lords, and business-as-usual influence peddlers. In Culture of Corruption, Malkin reveals:

    * Why nepotism beneficiaries First Lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are Team Obama's biggest liberal hypocrites--bashing the corporate world and influence-peddling industries from which they and their relatives have benefited mightily
    * What secrets the ethics-deficient members of Obama's cabinet--including Hillary Clinton--are trying to hide
    * Why the Obama White House has more power-hungry, unaccountable "czars" than any other administration
    * How Team Obama's first one hundred days of appointments became a litany of embarrassments as would-be appointee after would-be appointee was exposed as a tax cheat or had to withdraw for other reasons
    * How Obama's old ACORN and union cronies have squandered millions of taxpayer dollars and dues money to enrich themselves and expand their power
    * How Obama's Wall Street money men and corporate lobbyists are ruining the economy and helping their friendsIn Culture of Corruption, Michelle Malkin lays bare the Obama administration's seamy underside that the liberal media would rather keep hidden.

  154. Dr. Queen:


    but dt sure smoked out that shady bitch hobama

    i think dt is too smart to even desire to be prez

    america is a sinking ship

    only drowned drone fools like uts and lack want to be prez

  155. la coincidental writes:

    No_slappz, being an Ivy alumnus, I can tell you no Black person is getting into the Ivy's based solely on race.

    Nice diversionary claim. No one said a black person gets into an Ivy League school SOLELY on the basis of RACE.

    Even the Ivies are unwilling to play Professor Higgins to a randomly selected black who lacks of hint of possibility.

    But we do know, and most certainly YOU know, that blacks are admitted to Ivy League schools under less strenuous standards than the usual asian or white student.

    What were your SAT scores? Of course, this being the internet, you can give me any number you like. But we know there is a real number and you know your number, and you know if it was in line with other Yalies in your major.

    You wrote:

    And the Harvard Law review editor is the earned spot for the smarted guy in hte class...

    You are simply wrong. You can, and should, check for yourself to see how the selection is made. There was a time when academic excellence was the key to becoming an editor of the Harvard Law Review. But those days are long gone. They ended long before Obama got to Cambridge.

    The Harvard Law Review is a student-run operation, and the students can elect anyone to serve and to become the president, a lesson Obama seems to have learned better than most.

    By the stated rules of the Harvard Law Review, it is possible for the worst student in the class to become its president. Not that it would happen, but the point is this: the basis for selection for some is MERIT. But not for all.

    Again, my statement is easily verified. The HLR has a wildcard route, which appears to be the path taken by Obama.

    Inasmuch as he has published virtually nothing other than two books that might have been written by a ghostwriter, it is evident that his writing skill was not the basis for his election to the presidency of this legal publication.

    It must seem odd, even to you, that the head of a publication is not known to have written anything. The non-writing head of a publication. Weird.

    Thus, I think it's obvious that his race, and being the first of his declared race, to become president of the Law Review was the key to his election.

    But, continue to ruminate on the idea that Obama's acceptance to Columbia and Harvard were to fill some damn quote.

    If he were to reveal his grades and board scores, the issue would dispose of itself.

    Plenty of American presidents have admitted they were mediocre students. Obviously the facts themselves are not the problem.

    But Obama seems to be a person determined to maintain his image. Thus, after being intimidated by Trump into showing his original birth certificate, which in itself exposes Obama to no risks, he is holding out on revealing the measurements of his academic performance, which his supporters claim as the proof of his brilliance.

    But, given the failure or his purported brilliance since becoming president, he'd fare a lot better if he gave up his Wizard-of-Oz make-believe and let the voters know he's just a guy who got lucky and played his cards well.

  156. As usual 'The Onion' gets it bob on...,20250/

    [Very slightly NSFW if you are employed by fascists.]

  157. rottnkids,

    Trump will not seek the Republican nomination for president because he will never submit to the financial disclosure process candidates must endure.

    But his refusal has nothing to do with organized crime. Moreover, it's unlikely he is tied to organized crime in a way that makes him a participant.

    The mob has many ways of extorting money from builders, and Trump is a builder, not a mobster. It's inevitable that to get some jobs done he's had to pay the usual "mob tax" that ensures projects are finished as planned.

    Trump's reputation is seedy because his casinos have all filed for bankruptcy and he lost his yacht, the Plaza Hotel and his Trump Airline Shuttle to bankruptcy.

    We do not need a president who knows how to benefit from bankruptcy. He might get the idea that he can repair the US economy by putting the country through a bankruptcy.

  158. uneducated kosher kkk needs slaps:

    u like like hobama!!!!!

    only dumb racist dogs like you believe that ALL students are racially tracked into all universities

    it is clear that just like the vdlr
    u know zilch/nothing about the admin of academia

    MANY black students are NOT admitted via racial quotas


    i was admitted to uiuc at 12 yrs old and attended 8 yrs on a standard admissions track

    whenever u see black students sitting solo/few in any univ class...they have SURPASSED their white peers as i did my elders...

    aff act tracked classes are often predominantly black to nurture and prep

    u r a bigoted peasant jew fool!

  159. Slappy and AB are drooling all over their keyboards today.

    It's really fascinating to watch.

  160. uneducated kosher kkk needs slaps:

    u lie like hobama!!!!!

  161. You know AB I can't co-sign with you on that about Chump and personally, I think Prez Obama should have just told him to kiss his a$$.

    I don't see Chump the same way because I'm sure he knew he could get away with raising this much hell over a piece of paper because Prez Obama is Black.

    In other words, I think he played the "race card" like the slick a$$ Chump he really is!

  162. Ben Bernanke said yesterday that virtually all the inflation the nation faces is due to rising gasoline prices.

    Obama could begin to offset the rising price of gas by simply letting American oil companies expand domestic operations, which would mean the oil industry would send much more of its revenue into the domestic economy rather than sending billions of dollars to other countries to buy the same stuff we have here in abundance.

    But, Obama the genius can't make handle the obvious.

  163. What I'd like to see are Black leaders "go in" with Prez Obama the way Chump did about the issues that effect OUR community! And be able to do so without being called a Tom!

    Let's get some objectivity up in this piece!

  164. Queen

    All you had to do was watch the panel on the National Action Network forum last night where Danny Blakewell, Associate Director of the White House Office of Intergoverment Affairs gave a detailed list of initiatives from the Obama administration to address black unemployment, black entrepenuership and inner city economic development which were above and beyond anything done in previous administrations. Of course that won't satisfy certain people.

  165. uptownsteve said...
    oh geez this is ridiculous.

    Chill out AB.

    10:28 AM


    Even the Anons are starting to sound "sane"..

    Ok, I'm ready for my 40 lashings.

  166. "i adore my nappy hair

    it is god's hair"

    That thing on yo' head is a phony,

    And it comes from the tail of a pony.

  167. Slapstick

    "Obama could begin to offset the rising price of gas by simply letting American oil companies expand domestic operations, which would mean the oil industry would send much more of its revenue into the domestic economy rather than sending billions of dollars to other countries to buy the same stuff we have here in abundance."

    Take your head out of your ass Slappy.

    If it were that simple, don't he would have done it?

    Why wouldn't he?

    The amount of extra oil that could be produced from more drilling in this country is microscopic compared to what the world consumes.

    Plus, any extra oil the country did produce would probably be quickly offset by a cut in OPEC production.

    In fact, more domestic oil is just what we've been seeing and gasoline prices are still going up.

    If you include liquids from natural gas, biofuels and other products that are all used to make gasoline, the United States now produces 9.7 million barrels of oil a day, according to EIA.

    That's the most oil this country has pumped in 20 years.

  168. This comment has been removed by the author.

  169. Dr. Queen:

    we agree to disagree

    trump is a hypnotic brave clown

    but hobama is a deadly joker

    and ANYONE who does anything more than suck hobama off like uts and lack is cool with me

    go dt!!!

  170. This comment has been removed by the author.

  171. starving rk:

    the day that euro lost bm hobama nazis like u start sounding sane...

    THAT is the day the revolutuion will come

    peace to u...lost baby bro

  172. Blogger alicia banks said...
    Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen has discovered CIA files that document the agency’s connections to institutions and individuals figuring prominently in the lives of Barack Obama and
    his mother, father, grandmother, and stepfather.

    Do you know the name of Wayne Madsen's boss? Vladimir Putin. He works for Russia Today- which is a government owned subsidiary of the Russian News Agency, RIA-Novosti. Basically Novosti is an extension of the KGB. Though the KGB was alleged to have dissolved when the Soviet Union fell, only a fool would believe otherwise. It simply renamed itself, went underground, and is now the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

    I learned about Madsen from a college professor-who also happens to be a freelance journalist. Apparently, Putin is loving the Birther issue and is not a fan of Obama. It is Madsen's job to plant embarrassing stories about the president.

    If you google Wayne Madsen and Vladimir Putin, you will find numerous articles written by Madsen in support of Putin and the Russians. On You-Tube you will find videos of Madsen's appearances on Russian TV.

    I'm certainly aware of that the CIA is not an organization of angels. But to take orders from the ex KGB agent Putin, and the Russian Government- is not my brand of Liberalism.

  173. hey coon uts:

    u r way too late u conked headed fool!!!!

  174. Dr. Queen:


    the mindless depraved desperate hobama nazi drones call us toms because they can say NOTHING to defend that tom hobama

    and they are illiterate
    lack was slain by defending a regime of shadow govt insiders whom he could not even ID by their infamous open names!!!...


    As 2012 looms, the black wall around Obama remains a crucial asset. It's why his first campaign appearance will be on the arm of Al Sharpton. The pressure will be on to circle the wagons again, to build the wall higher. As the pastor predicted, the black wall around Barack Obama wall insulates the president against his foes, not from the right, but from the left. It protects the president not against the Pentagon, the banksters, the corporate thugs, the privatizers and the Republicans, all of whom he seems to get along with just fine --- but against us. It makes him democracy-proof and people-proof. It protects him against his own supposed base.

    It's time for black America to answer the questions the Atlanta pastor wouldn't. What's more important? Stopping the foreclosures, ending war and mass incarceration, reining in the banks and corporadoes, saving the public education and the environment, creating jobs and doing justice? Or protecting and prolonging the career of one man, a man who doesn't protect us?

  175. my fellow blogger, Baratunde Thurston, has posted a video on POTUS, Trump and the birth certificate. it moved me to tears.

    With President Obama’s Birth Certificate, Klansman Trump Reminds Blacks They Will Never Be American

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. shame u slander dt

    has he lied yet????

    who is more like the kkk?

    dt who has not lied on hobama


    the masked half black hobama who has TORCHED and ROBBED and BURNED black masses???

    u do the kkk math!

  178. name 1 black person whom donald t foreclosed????????

    before my grandfather isadore was lynched

    he and his bros' homes were torched because they were "too fancy for nigs" per the kkk who slew him

    i had a beautiful grand aunt who was home alone on a sunday am when the kkk came on horses in ar...

    and she went blind
    from soke inhalation as she was too afraid to come out and face the kkk on their horses

    just like lynchings
    this was not unique
    the kkk torched "showy" homes of rich black nigs all over amerikkka for decades

    fast forward to 2011
    when hobama and his banksters have torced millions of black homeowners via racist variable loans and
    rapid racist foreclosures


    hobama has your kkk right here

    Black wealth has virtually disappeared. Data gathered prior to 2007, when the full scope of the subprime mortgage catastrophe was just becoming known, showed median Black family wealth at about $5,000, one-twentieth of the median white family’s $100,000 holdings. Since then, the bottom has fallen out from under whole communities, with Blacks hit by far the hardest. By the second quarter of 2010, Black home ownership had declined from its 2007 level of 48 percent to 46.2 percent, a 3.7 percent drop, and still falling – a guarantee that median Black household wealth is well below the $5,000 registered in 2007. (Median wealth for single Black women at the top of their earning capacity, ages 36 to 49, was precisely $5 – five dollars! – in 2010.)

  179. i had a beautiful grand aunt who was home alone on a sunday am when the kkk came on horses in ar...

    and she went blind
    from smoke exposure as she was too afraid to come out and face the kkk on their horses

    just like lynchings
    this was not unique
    the kkk torched "showy" homes of rich black nigs all over amerikkka for decades

    fast forward to 2011
    when hobama and his banksters have torced millions of black homeowners via racist variable loans and
    rapid racist foreclosures


    hobama has your kkk right here

    hobama is a global grand wizard of the kkk

    ask any torched black homeless libyan




  181. gated goon oily headed conked coon uts:

    grow some real nappy hair upon this!

    we are not ok!

    Gas prices fluctuate sharply from state to state. Regular unleaded fuel costs $4.17 per gallon in Alabama, while the price is below $3.50 in other states. Part of the reason for these discrepancies is differing gas taxes and part has to do with the cost to transport fuel. Gas prices in and of themselves do not affect consumer spending. Fuel costs cannot be considered in a vacuum. A household with an annual income of $250,000 may not be bothered much by $5 gas. A household with an annual income of $35,000 could find that $3.50 gas is so expensive that cutbacks on other daily expenses are necessary to offset the cost of daily driving.

    Read more: The States Where People Can’t Afford Gas - 24/7 Wall St.

  182. more on that global kkk wizard/tom torcher hobama

    no wm klansman hase ever slain more blacks than hobama!!!!!


    The horrific numbers don't lie. "Entire neighborhoods" of African Americans "have been destroyed by high numbers of foreclosures, which effect not only homeowners, but also renters who are made homeless." Yet President Obama offers nothing - nothing! - in terms of programs specifically designed to ameliorate Black America's disproportionate pain. "This is the day of reckoning for the black citizens of this nation, who must soon decide if they will voice their grievances or silence and diminish themselves for the sake of a man who cares so little about them

    As always, racism makes black Americans more vulnerable to economic downturns. Redlining forces black workers, even those with sufficient income and credit, into mortgage plans given only at subprime rates. Now the bursting of the real estate bubble has driven down the value of real estate, leaving a community with only property as a source of wealth in a particularly weakened state. Entire neighborhoods have been destroyed by high numbers of foreclosures, which effect not only homeowners, but also renters who are made homeless. Ordinarily secure homeowners are also victimized by falling property values.
    It is extremely unlikely that black Americans’ uniquely terrible situation will ever be addressed by the president most of them love so much. He steadfastly continues to leave them and their agenda items off of the political table. At his 100 days press conference, the president was asked about high rates of unemployment in the black community, exemplified by the nearly 50% rate for black men in New York: “My question tonight is given this unique and desperate circumstance, what specific policies [italics mine] can you point to that will target these communities? And what's a timetable for us to see tangible results?”

    Barack Obama's recent plan to bail out 9 Million Home Owners falls far short of coming anywhere near the current need.

    So who are these 9 million who will be helped? The claims made by the current administration that relief is on the way obscures the reality that few of those most in need will find any relief from the Obama Plan.

    In particular few in the African community, which has been the target of more subprime loans than any other community, will benefit from these programs.

    A careful look at the plan reveals who benefits and who will not. It also reveals how the Obama plan protects the interests of the banks at the direct expense of great suffering and loss of income in the black community.

    Far from ending the predatory practices which have ravaged African communities in the U.S. the Obama plan continues to support additional profits earned through criminal activity by predatory lenders.

  183. Queen, good point about having a 'Black Agenda'. Two questions:

    1. Whose Black Agenda? A lefty liberal pundit like Cornell West has a very different agenda than my moderate father who is an independent (though they often over lap.) Is it Black conservatism (God, lets hope not.) Is it Pookie in the corner? Is it old black church ladies?

    2. Does this Agenda overlap with a general agenda or does it have caveats that are specific to Black folks?

  184. u bold fool lack:

    u have no idea what cornel's agenda is


    u dare NOT question that your blackish false god hobama CURSES ALL black agendas and YOU!!!


    u hypocritical racist dimwitted poser!!!!

  185. see much much more from cornel on own his superior agendas for that inferior racist elitist bankster kkklown hobama here

  186. alicia banks said...

    u bold fool lack:

    u have no idea what cornel's agenda is
    u dare NOT question that your blackish false god hobama CURSES ALL black agendas and YOU!!!

    u hypocritical racist dimwitted poser!!!!

    AB - as usual, you jumped the gun and missed the entire point of what I said (or typed, whatever).
    My point is that the 'Black Agenda' is more diverse and needs to clarified. The concerns of a young Black professional like me in the upper 20% tax bracket are very different than the concerns of my older brother whose a small business owner, those of my kid brother who works in a factor and is struggling to finish school and that of my uber liberal friend whose a PhD Candidate for AfAm Studies.

    To assume one has precedence over the other is just silly. And to assume Black people have some special class of problems that the rest of society doesn't have is even more short sighted. Some problems affect us more so (poverty, prison, AIDS) but they're global problems.

  187. brazen racist amoral hobama nazi lack:

    cornel is NOT prez!!!

    how dare u demand that cw has any agenda!

    as hobama BOASTS about NEVER having any agenda for black mongrels like u
    and u welcome that bs!

    how dare u hold cornel to higher rules and grander queries than u do that racust elitist bankster lap dog hobama


    There is nothing left of Obama, except the “moderate Republicrat corporate lawyer” that he has always been. He refuses to fight in the people’s interest, because he is not interested in the people – only in his foolish dream of a grand alliance with the GOP in service of Wall Street. But the GOP feels triumphant, and isn’t playing his games. “Obama has already sacrificed trillions in social spending trying to split the budget difference with Republicans who persist in seeking total victory

    Professor of Africana Studies, Bill Sales, asked, “How can Obama represent us, when he compromises with people who are trying to beat our brains out.” Obama, said Sales, “is a moderate Republicrat corporate lawyer. Don't drink the Kool-Aid.”

    Charles Barron, a New York City Councilman, said the “last straw” for him was when Obama called up the president of South Africa demanding that former Haitian President Aristide be prevented from returning to his homeland. In a debate three years ago, Councilman Barron told me that he supported Obama, despite misgivings, because he wanted “to give a brother a shot.” Well, Obama has proven he ain't no brother. He has shot his wad, and Black America will be a healthier place when he is gone.

  188. evasive exposed lack:

    cc that bs to hobama
    he has 0 black agendas
    did YOU miss that????

    hobama has NO agenda


    and noble holy afro rebel cw is always inclusive!!!!

    how dare u pose your query to cw and NOT to the BOLDLY black agenda free betrayer hobama!!!

    New York Times­ best-selling author Cornel West is one of America’s most provocative and admired public intellectuals. Whether in the classroom, the streets, the prisons, or the church, Dr. West’s penetrating brilliance has been a bright beacon shining through the darkness for decades. Yet, as he points out in this new memoir, “I’ve never taken the time to focus on the inner dynamics of the dark precincts of my soul.”

    That is, until now.

    Brother West is like its author: brilliant, unapologetic, full of passion yet cool. This poignant memoir traces West’s transformation from a schoolyard Robin Hood into a progressive cultural icon. From his youthful investigation of the “death shudder” to why he embraced his calling of teaching over preaching, from his three marriages and his two precious children to his near-fatal bout with prostate cancer, West illuminates what it means to live as “an aspiring bluesman in a world of ideas and a jazzman in the life of the mind.” Woven together with the fibers of his lifelong commitment to the prophetic Christian tradition that began in Sacramento’s Shiloh Baptist Church, Brother West is a tale of a man courageous enough to be fully human, living and loving out loud.

  189. that ruthless elitist sold out tom hobama
    does not give a damn about any "bracket/%" that does not include wm banksters

    and unlike the humanitarian cw
    who DOES have empathy for all who are poor/NOT uber rich corp/global insiders

    that EXCLUDES all evasive coddling adoring hobama nazis like u TOO!!!!

  190. blind bold lack:

    "no special problems"???????????



    single moms


    like mike dyson said
    doctors do not give a cancer patient and a gun shot victim and a flu patient the same sole band aid

    memo to hobama

    black triahe = fail!!!!!!!

  191. foolish felled lack:

    black triage = fail!!!!!!!

    no pop has one agenda!

    how dare u expect ONLY blacks to be silenced by diversity.

    For the first time in generations, a presidential election campaign saw virtually no demands from the Black side of the electorate. Two years into Barack Obama’s term, a code of silence remains in force. “Are we so wrapped up in the symbolism of a black president that we can’t hold him accountable to the demands of a community that voted for him upwards of 97%?” And why this peculiar behavior by Black people? “Other communities don’t give up their right to make demands on political leaders they vote for.”

    Recently I read several articles from black intellectuals, pundits and politicians whose goal, it seems, is to inform black people that Obama is not the president of “black America” but of “all America.” Therefore, they argue that we should not expect him to do anything “special” for the black community. A byproduct of this is to let us know that any sentence that has the words “Obama,” “black” and “demands” – except if it states “Obama demands Black people…” – is a no-no and you will be branded with the number one insult in the black community (besides being labeled a snitch): “a hata.” I have great respect for some of these authors because of their history of work in our community. Yet there are other writers that think that if they stand next to two or more black people, they are in the ghetto and need to make a move before some gang shit happens. However, they all insinuate that to make demands or to criticize Obama makes you a hata. I would rather be a hater than a fool; the President owes the black community, not the other way around.

  192. genocide trumps reticence!!!!

    no bloc shoild ever be silenced

    especially no black one!!!

    Since when does making demands on a politician make you the sell-out? Are we so wrapped up in the symbolism of a black president that we can’t hold him accountable to the demands of a community that voted for him upwards of 97%? Did the black community give up its rights to make demands because the president is black? That seems to be the argument that is being articulated by black mainstream pundits. It’s the familiar Democratic refrain that usually comes from white Democrats: don’t speak up too much because it will scare white folks. So instead we should remain silent, even as white folks are already scared that they are “losing their country” to the Muslim socialist from Kenya. But if the vast majority of the voting black community pulled the lever for him, then they should expect something back besides some speeches and chastisement on failing to be good parents.

    Other communities don’t give up their right to make demands on political leaders they vote for. Latino communities have made demands on immigration reform; the gay community has made demands on changing “don’t ask don’t tell”; Wall Street and the ruling class make demands – well, they really control the joint so that may not be accurate – and Jewish communities make demands for Israel (formerly the homeland to a few million Palestinians). Obama himself speaks eloquently on equal rights for women. Without any prodding, he uses his daughters as examples of why it’s important to create an equal playing ground in education and career opportunities. His first act was to sign into law equal pay rights for women (which is of course needed). This is not to suggest that some demands that are made don’t affect members of the black community, it is to point out that the demands are not led by black groups and leaders professing them to be part of a black agenda. No one says that any of the above groups have no right to make demands. People are skeptical that some of these demands will actually be met, but no one suggests that the communities or constituencies is “hatin” because the demands were made.

  193. This comment has been removed by the author.

  194. This comment has been removed by the author.

  195. LACoincidental said...
    Queen, good point about having a 'Black Agenda'. Two questions:

    1. Whose Black Agenda? A lefty liberal pundit like Cornell West has a very different agenda than my moderate father who is an independent (though they often over lap.) Is it Black conservatism (God, lets hope not.) Is it Pookie in the corner? Is it old black church ladies?

    2. Does this Agenda overlap with a general agenda or does it have caveats that are specific to Black folks?


    Come on bruh, I'm in a technical field JUST LIKE YOU and rely JUST LIKE YOU, on the ability to reason among many other things.

    You answered my question a few posts later by using yourself and your brother as an example, the Black "experience" isn't molithic, never has been never will be.

    Let's start with educational reparations for every Black person in America who descended from slaves since education is so key in our future success. Along those same lines, let's force public universities to have a student population of Blacks EQUALS the population of Blacks in this country.

    Let's revamp the so called "justice" system, and start with a couple thousand full tuition scholarships to law schools to get more Black folk into the loop (which won't be needed with educational reparations). Along those lines, lets target some of these same folks for future position as Judges since that seems to be so key in how justice is distributed.

    And finally since health is so tied to our overall well being, force state medical schools to admit a percentage of Blacks based on the numbers in that state, educate them for free, and provide start up funds for Blacks to open practices in the Black community.

    ALL of these ideas while appearing to only benefit Blacks, could benefit us all in the end!

  196. Wow, Alicia, you are REALLY dense. Think before you speak, er, type.

    My point was "What defines a 'Black Agenda'"? What are universal issues to all Black people? What are specific to a subsection of Black people? Where do we overlap say, with Latinos or the Labor movement? Where are the places that our so-called intellectuals out of step with on the ground needs? (i.e. where are our so called leader flat out wrong?) Where there already elements for change that we as a community are missing?

    And places like the Black Agenda Report, as well as fellow travelers, though good on reporting issues that miss the mainstream radar, can be just as myopic as the GOP and Beltway insiders - because it refuses to accept another POV.

  197. evasive dimwitted brazen bimbo lack:

    nothing is as dumb as a mf like u daring to make cw ponder what u NEVER pose to your blackish prez who has 0 black agendas!!!!


    hobama and his banksters have gone wild

    while only duped distaracted fools are wilding over dt

    The swipe fee spat is generating huge business for K Street: A full 118 ex-government officials and aides are currently registered to lobby on behalf of banks in the fee fight, according to data compiled for this story by the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan research group. Retailers have signed up at least 124 revolving-door lobbyists. And at least one lobbyist has switched sides during the melee. Republican Thomas Shipman of Cornerstone Government Affairs registered to lobby for the merchant’s leading player, Walmart, in 2010, only to move over to Visa in 2011. (The firm’s executive vice president, Fred Clark, says that while Cornerstone is registered to lobby for Visa on “electronic payments,” the shop told the card company it wouldn’t lobby on interchange fees specifically, because of the appearance of a conflict of interest. He also says that while Shipman was registered to lobby on behalf of Walmart in 2010, he never specifically lobbied on the interchange issue.)

    “Oh man, this is unbelievable. You’ve got the banking community, the financial community, pitted against the retail community,” says Sen. Mike Johanns (R-Neb.). “They’ve both been in my office and I’m a clear yes vote on this ... so you can only imagine those who are trying to figure this out or are still on the fence. They must be getting flooded.”

  198. dumb transparent lack:

    what is glaring is that you allow hobama to have NO agenda and cheer him on with 0 queries

    u even defend your silence on his blackish behalf by daring to claim there are no EXCLUSIVELY black problems that even warrant a specific agenda from hobama

    adding insanity to ignorance

    u dare ONLY query cw and demand that he be even more inclusive/precise

    we see u hobama nazi fool


  199. This comment has been removed by the author.
