Monday, April 11, 2011


"BOCA RATON, Fla. — Authorities said a letter found containing white powder sent to a Florida congressman is not anthrax.

Boca Raton Fire Rescue spokesman Frank Correggio says no dangerous substance was found at the office of Republican Allen West on Friday.

West’s chief of staff says the letter contained derogatory comments about the politician and contained the word anthrax. He says the letter was opened by a campaign staffer.

West is a freshman congressman and tea party favorite who swept incumbent Rep. Ron Klein from office. West was in Washington when the letter was opened. West released a statement saying he is deeply disturbed by the incident." [Source]

Whoops, my bad; I think I used the wrong image with this post.

Sorry Mr. West, I meant no disrespect.


  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    muah muah muah

  2. Anonymous8:37 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My mind went to Crystal Meth, a tribute from one of his loyal tea bag, redneck, Johnny Reb outlaw fans. I know. That's mean of me to say. But I am originally from and currently live in "Sopranos" country.

  4. farman8:45 PM

    Regarding West:

    "He resigned from the military while facing a court martial over the brutal interrogation of an Iraqi man: according to his own testimony, during a military hearing, West watched four of his men beat the suspect, and West said he personally threatened to kill the man. According to military prosecutors, West followed up on his threat by taking the man outside and firing a 9mm pistol near his head, in order to make the man believe he would be shot."

    I guess he now knows how it feels for the shoe to be on the other foot.

  5. Anon283108:47 PM

    West probably mailed the threat to himself.

  6. Good thing West is a Republican, because otherwise this would be an obviously racist act. Think of all the hand wringing and condemnation of the tea party you would have had to do! Instead, you can just laugh and show a picture of your accounts receivable from the latest crack head you kept out of jail.

  7. Anonymous9:00 PM

    farman said...
    Regarding West:

    "He resigned from the military while facing a court martial over the brutal interrogation of an Iraqi man: according to his own testimony, during a military hearing, West watched four of his men beat the suspect, and West said he personally threatened to kill the man. According to military prosecutors, West followed up on his threat by taking the man outside and firing a 9mm pistol near his head, in order to make the man believe he would be shot."

    I guess he now knows how it feels for the shoe to be on the other foot.

    Mr.West is a real hero.

    Now we know how fields gets paid.Judging by what fields post,he uses more than he sells.

  8. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Rev. Right said...
    Good thing West is a Republican, because otherwise this would be an obviously racist act. Think of all the hand wringing and condemnation of the tea party you would have had to do! Instead

    YEP, and fields would be leading the"hand wringing and condemnation".

    Hypocrisy much?

  9. How do you clowns know that it's not a racist act?

    Black conservatives swear white folks love them.

    This move has "goober" written all over it.

  10. Trapped in SC9:10 PM

    "This move has "goober" written all over it."


  11. Anonymous9:48 PM

    What were the derogatory statements?

    What it Uncle Tom or ni**er? If was the former, the letter was probably sent from leftist extremists

  12. Wesley R9:57 PM


    A friend of Klannity is no friend of mine.
    I'm currently watching Birth of A Nation on Turner Classic Movies. The wingnuts blueprint for America. The Glory Years! I've never been able to get through it before but I put the remote another room tonight.
    Man did you see Rev. Al and Dr West go at it Yesterday?

  13. anon2837110:05 PM

    I was forced to watch Birth of a Nation in college, to appreicate the cutting-edge cinema of the era. It was indeed cutting edge on one hand, but revolting on the other.

  14. "Man did you see Rev. Al and Dr West go at it Yesterday?"

    Yeah, the battle of the 70s hair.

    Those two negroes make me long for my bootcamp days.

  15. I'm sure politicians get crap like this all the time, so no, I don't see it as a "racial" issue. I just wish these nutcases would stop with the Anthrax routine, because sooner or later no one's gonna take it seriously.

    Or maybe that's the whole idea.

    "Republicans: Fighting Racism since 1856"

    I'm sure the guy who thought of this nifty little username realizes that the Republican party, in a shrewd move to capture the "silent majority" and disaffected white middle Americans, welcomed the southern "Dixiecrats" with open arms after they defected en masse from the Democrat party, thanks to the signing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964. Meanwhile, the Democrats became, for the most part, a more liberal and somewhat more tolerant political force.

    I guess this guy was going for the whole "irony" thing.

  16. "I'm currently watching Birth of A Nation on Turner Classic Movies. The wingnuts blueprint for America. The Glory Years!"


    It's the Master Plan for racial harmony and American prosperity under wingnut rule.

  17. Trapped in SC10:15 PM

    Watching politics & minorities on CSPAN. Juan Williams is a GDI. (God D**n Idiot)

  18. Wesley R and UTS - the Sharpton/West quasi fist fight on national TV (read: in front of all those White people) is an example why even in the age of Obama, Negroes aren't moving forward. Our leaders are spending more time one upping each other on TV and print to actually devise a plan.

    They both had good points that represent a complete answer. To Dr. West, many folks have been afraid to criticize Obama because of a) his race (which is dumb to begin with.) and b) because the Right has gone so whacked out crazy its almost like peeing on a person after they've been kicked repeatedly. Sharpton's point - many of these multi-syllable know it all types we call 'Black leaders' and 'Progressive Leaders' have the audacity to blame our non-movement on Obama alone.

  19. Anonymous10:23 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    How do you clowns know that it's not a racist act?

    Black conservatives swear white folks love them.

    This move has "goober" written all over it.

    Is that what Liberals are calling themselves these days? Goober??

    It sad to see Liberals having to reinvent themselves so often.

    When people find out who you really are, they just laugh at you.

    So whats a Liberal to do?

  20. "Goober"10:24 PM

    The south has become more Republican due to the mass migration of northerners over the past 50 years. While old Sperm Thurmond switched parties, in fact most of the old time rank and file and most of the dixiecrats stayed democrats (e.g. Robert Byrd). So that whole meme about the parties switching members is nonsense. My family was Republican before 1964, and Republican after. All the democrats I know come from families that have been democrats for generations.

    Democrats were the party of slavery, were the party of segregation, and remain today the party of racialism. That 90% of the black vote can be bought for such meager handouts is tragic.

  21. continue my last point (before this Blog gets flooded by certain right wing and cracked out lurkers) Sharpton's point is this -- the problem with progressive movements in the Age of Obama is the same issue that's existed since the mid 70's -- we come with anemic, niche, counter-intuitive and often counterproductive strategies and expect those in power to take us seriously. We want to blame the President when we can barely fix our own communities.

    Case in point, Rangel is still in office after how many years?! Forget the censure, he's been a crook for decades. The Left (and the 'black conservatives' in Harlem -HA) have sat on their duffs for decades. And that's just one guy.

    Yes the Left should get in Obama's ass about a myriad of things. I'm completely down for working to get Bradley Manning out of solitary.

    But come better than the same Okey-Doke, or you will get shown the door quickly. You have to bring ass to get ass - you either bring political capital and realistic ideas (i.e. you act as if you live America and not some alternate reality) or don't expect the President or anyone else to see you as any more than a fool and/or pest.

  22. Not so anonymous10:26 PM

    Wesley R said...
    Man did you see Rev. Al and Dr West go at it Yesterday?

    Glad those niggas didn't have guns.Ain't no tellin' how many little negros would have been killed in the crossfire.

  23. Actually, the decision of some not to be critical of Prez Obama is quite logical. A white person who does is labelled racist, while a black person is labelled a "Tom".

  24. 10:15 PM
    Blogger LACoincidental said...

    Wesley R and UTS - the Sharpton/West quasi fist fight on national TV (read: in front of all those White people) is an example why even in the age of Obama, Negroes aren't moving forward.

    Indeed. They always perform for the Jim Crow media.

  25. Yeah Queen.

    That's sure stopping the criticism, isn't it?

    "While old Sperm Thurmond switched parties, in fact most of the old time rank and file and most of the dixiecrats stayed democrats (e.g. Robert Byrd). So that whole meme about the parties switching members is nonsense"

    So please explain why most of the white South is Republican today?

    And why Lott, Gramm, Shelby, Tauzin switched parties and became Republicans?

  26. Trapped in SC10:41 PM

    "They both had good points that represent a complete answer. To Dr. West, many folks have been afraid to criticize Obama because of a) his race (which is dumb to begin with.) and b) because the Right has gone so whacked out crazy its almost like peeing on a person after they've been kicked repeatedly. Sharpton's point - many of these multi-syllable know it all types we call 'Black leaders' and 'Progressive Leaders' have the audacity to blame our non-movement on Obama alone."


    You never got a promotion when you had white managers, but now since the manager is black, you complain because you didn't a promotion on his first day as manager.

  27. UTS - no need to argue history (i.e. strategy) with folks like Goober and other right wing lurkers. The fact that attracting southern race baiters and promoting bigotry and classicism at every turn has been the well documented Republican election strategy since the late 60's shows that most conservatives ignore history or simply don't read.

  28. Anonymous10:49 PM

    LACoincidental said... continue my last point (before this Blog gets flooded by certain right wing and cracked out lurkers) Sharpton's point is this -- the problem with progressive movements in the Age of Obama is the same issue that's existed since the mid 70's -- we come with anemic, niche, counter-intuitive and often counterproductive strategies and expect those in power to take us seriously. We want to blame the President when we can barely fix our own communities.

    One of the most thoughtful post i've read here.

    The biggest problem with blacks is the refusal to leave the Democrat Plantation.

    Election year after election year Democrats promise you negros the world than they shit all over you when they get into office.Blacks are expected to be good little negros and say"mmm yummmy more please".

    Now blacks are watching hispanics become the Democrats #1 fav minority group.No longer will there be room for negros in the back seat of the Democrat car.Negros will now have to ride in the trunk and won't be allowed out of the trunk until Democrats need your vote on election day.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same on the Democrat Plantation.

  29. It doesn't matter what West did. When you reach over into a pile of mush that used to be your best friends head, that prisoner setting in front of you suddenly becomes expendable.

  30. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Trapped in SC said..."You never got a promotion when you had white managers, but now since the manager is black, you complain because you didn't a promotion on his first day as manager."

    You couldn't even get a promotion if your manager was your mom.

  31. "Goober"10:56 PM

    LACoincidental said..."The fact that attracting southern race baiters and promoting bigotry and classicism at every turn has been the well documented Republican election strategy since the late 60's shows that most conservatives ignore history or simply don't read."

    We don't read the propaganda you do, or at least have the breadth of knowledge not to fall for it. I live here, I know who the democrats are and who the Republicans are.

    And this from someone who takes Tawana Brawley's spokesman seriously.

  32. Anonymous11:32 PM

    farman said...
    Regarding West:

    "He resigned from the military while facing a court martial over the brutal interrogation of an Iraqi man: according to his own testimony, during a military hearing, West watched four of his men beat the suspect, and West said he personally threatened to kill the man. According to military prosecutors, West followed up on his threat by taking the man outside and firing a 9mm pistol near his head, in order to make the man believe he would be shot."

    I guess he now knows how it feels for the shoe to be on the other foot.

    A real man who did a real job and took responsibility to save his men from terrorists and was not a politically correct pussy. He found out info and save his men!!!

    We need more leaders like him and less fake corrupt pussies who cant even imagine the word sacrifice.

    Real men, real leaders not bowing weak kneed pansies that only attack the ones they know will be civilized.

    Media Matters....pfttttttt. Not even worth a shit so a fart is all they get, bag that and send that to the guy who is really playing you for fools, Soros.

  33. Wesley R11:34 PM

    You guys are right about Sharpton and West. They both had very good points and this debate was needed. Now The West/Smiley crowd has to talk with Sharpton away from the cameras and come up with a plan so The Rev. can put the pulse of the community into The President's ear. This yelling back and forth relieves some tension but now it's time to go to work.

  34. "We don't read the propaganda you do, or at least have the breadth of knowledge not to fall for it. I live here, I know who the democrats are and who the Republicans are."

    That's right -- you guys have your own propaganda and party organs to listen to 24/7. If the GOP was a party of broad minds, it wouldn't be so quick to embrace the "teabagger", "scared elderly American" and "angry white American male" segments.

  35. Farman you can watch my back anytime.

  36. "A real man who did a real job and took responsibility to save his men from terrorists and was not a politically correct pussy. He found out info and save his men!!!

    We need more leaders like him and less fake corrupt pussies who cant even imagine the word sacrifice.

    Real men, real leaders not bowing weak kneed pansies that only attack the ones they know will be civilized."

    A real man doesn't have to bully, threaten or wield violence like a blind monkey to get his point across. The fact that you hold this guy up as a real man only shows that you don't know two fucks about what makes a real man, a real man.

    You're like those young bucks in the projects who think being a "real man" means acting like a clown in public, talking shit, killing people for trivial reasons and fucking everything in site. Your views on masculinity are just as fucked up as theirs is.

  37. Mack if you were with me 43 years ago we were the young bucks, but not in the projects, in the jungle making it up as we went along. It's quite obvious you have never had am Ak-47 open up on you. A real man, you don't have a clue. Just this blind monkey and violence shit. Meet me in Colorado Springs and I'll pay for your round trip if you set down and eat some rat meat with me. Stick that in your broke dick ass.

  38. Mack Lyons said..."If the GOP was a party of broad minds, it wouldn't be so quick to embrace the "teabagger", "scared elderly American" and "angry white American male" segments"

    What a broad-minded, non-stereotyping, non-reactionary statement, Mack.

    Your lack of self-awareness is extraordinary.

  39. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Don't the wingnuts get enough ink from the corporate-owned mainstream media? How about a post on the People's Budget that the Progressive Caucus. Help spread the word!

    Introducing the people's budget
    By Rep. Michael Honda (D-Calif.) - 04/08/11 02:58 PM ET
    As I mentioned in an op-ed in The Hill earlier this week, I have been working with my Congressional Progressive Caucus colleagues, economists and tax policy experts to develop a budget that eliminates the deficit (which Ryan fails to do), puts America to work building a competitive economy, invests in our schools, brings the troops home, protects social security and represents a fair deal for working families. We make the tax code fair, asking the wealthiest individuals, corporations hiding money overseas, oil companies raking in record profits and Wall Street banks that gambled away our money to pay their fair share. We fix roads, bridges and waterways, we build a world-class high-speed rail system and broadband, we end our addiction to oil and the endless wars that come with it, we meet our obligations to seniors and we educate our children for the global workforce. Our budget does all this while eliminating the deficit, cutting nearly $1 trillion in waste, and reducing debt burden.


  40. Anonymous you have many ideas that would heal this country. But we are not in charge and if they don't cleanup their act in Washington. You and I won't have a country to clean up. It would likly take 40 years to pay down the debt of 40 trillion. They are getting theirs now and making sure we get ours in the end.

  41. Anonymous12:50 AM

    West is an innocent bm who got an insulting letter from those leftists Field loves. I swear, you folks on this blog would sell any bm down the river who doesn't conform to your ideology.

    and i resent that photo. it looks like white baby dead rats.

  42. Anonymous12:52 AM

    I hope you Negroes are preparing yourselves for Donald Trump, the next President of the USA.

  43. Donald Trump would have to grow a spine to run for president. Besides he goes from one station to another trying to make enough money to stay alive. All of his projects and bank accounts are mostly broke. I just don't see the support.

  44. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Well, Trump seems to have a spine. He is investigating where Obama was born and is speaking out about it.

    I thought Trump was a billionaire. How could he be broke?

  45. Anonymous1:25 AM

    this song is for lac but sung about mack
    mack mack sanctimonious mack
    sanctimonious mack
    sanctimonious mack
    sanctimonious mack the fool can ya feel me? can ya hear me? do u get it my dear mack? ure silly my dear and sound like a hack my dear mack sanctimonious mack

    mack mack sanctimonious mack if we listen to ur suggestions on life all the boys will be dickless and all the girls will have dicks mack mack sanctimonious mack get a grip my friend get a grip and learn when to shut the phukk up my dear mack mack sanctimonious mack...

    muah muah muah says the tikallion stallion

  46. Check this out, Obama giving drunk-ass speech:

    Jesus, the dude is losing it!

  47. Anonymous2:05 AM

    donald hump is another buceta breaf sockpuppet clone obviously the only one on this site that never embeds link aside from the other ones duh!

  48. Dr. Queen said...
    Actually, the decision of some not to be critical of Prez Obama is quite logical. A white person who does is labelled racist, while a black person is labelled a "Tom".

    @Dr. Queen

    We don't have the luxury to debate it.

    To quote Ismael Reed, as long as they're trying to get him killed, I support him.

    They're calling him a space alien and saying that he had brain surgery. We can't have philosophical discussions while they're sandbagging him.

  49. Anonymous4:54 AM

    yeah kid while he makes decisions that will have u and ur kids broke forever more and bankrupts this country givin money to bankers like gwbush and shyt u support him just cuz he has brown skin ure a gottdam fool aint u remember bout those other africans who sold u and me to the wite mens nucka u out cher mind nucka get a grip

  50. "Man did you see Rev. Al and Dr West go at it Yesterday?"

    Yeah, the battle of the 70s hair.

    Those two negroes make me long for my bootcamp days."

    Now that was funny.:)

    La-Coincidental, go ahead and tell it! I co-sign with you 100%!!!

    As for the wingnuts;well they are what they are: Haters.

  51. @Asshole 4:54 AM

    The Republican want to get the POTUS so bad that they will destroy the financial system of the world to do it. I voted for several whites and several Blacks. Now no way in hell am I voting for a bitch ass Republican. The POTUS last year had to make a deal to get money for the unemployed and give the rich punks $900 billion. Boehner, Cantor, Kasich, Walker, and the Koch Brothers need to be in Leavenworth for treason. They rather bankrupt the country and bust unions than help the middle class and the poor. The longer the rich plays this game of chicken, the worst their lot is going to be. All this because you hate the man's skin color. All this for greedy ass rich people. Just 19 more month of this and the Koch brothers WILL GET SCREWED! All they had to do was mind their own business but they got too damn greedy. The rich in America will get reamed big time thanks to the Koch family. They couldn't leave the middle class and the poor alone. If Socialism, Marxism, and Communism comes to America, the rich can all thank THE KOCH BROTHERS!

  52. J, thanks for that info. and the link.

  53. How is it that Liberals can NEVER see situitions like the ones created by the Koch brothers until it's too late? Just weak, plain and simple!

  54. @Dr. Queen

    Liberals seen it. The only people that didn't see it was those that cling close to their guns and God.

  55. Anonymous7:39 AM

    kid ure a fool ure stuck bothering about democrats and republicans but u could always write in ur own name

  56. Anonymous8:04 AM

    kid said...
    @Dr. Queen

    Liberals seen it. The only people that didn't see it was those that cling close to their guns and God.

    7:19 AM

  57. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Why yes, self-proclaimed 'experts'
    , the mil will take a heroic person to court-martial for being intense during a war. Yeppers. All those 101st Chairborne just lined right up to fill the gaps when the working poor who 'volunteered' are casualties.
    While I don't doubt the number of mentally ill who send such things to more 'famous' persons, it does smell of wingnut political activity. Recall how Walker thought of doing something similar?
    Pretty much all the current R Party offers is Randian twits and racist Goobers...sometimes both in a single person. Claimerating that because Lincoln and others who were R, in the past, the current group are essentially the specious.
    Rs did fight against racism...but gave it up so they could vote for such mendacity as Sarey, Bachmann, Toomey, Santorum....
    Once in the public eye, you get calls from people who have to TELL you the solution to a problem. These 'experts' need to TELL you this at 3am. And they go on about how the 'Libruls am stealerating my fluids'...or the 'blacks are impregernating me daughter'...or if 'we cut taxes, taxes will increase'. All with nigh religious fervor. Even besser are the school issues...all can be solved by giving their Immaculate Anointed Prwecious a set of personal teachers and instructors...but at no extra cost to them. Or Charter skools, cyber skools, religio skools...or homeskools. Homeskools have particular import as many Goobers don't like it when Society tells them their daughter is not for his pleasure.
    Still, he was elected and has the office. Even if I disagree...without outright evidence of incompetence and impeachable offenses..he gets to be their Rep.


  58. Anonymous8:55 AM

    donald hump, thanks for the link on Obama. Wow. I never would have thought I'd see Obama giving a speech drunk. Looks like the pressure is getting to him but I can understand to the pressures of being a bm in the WH. The Whites are against him, bw like LAA and AB are against him, ministers like Rev Wright are against him, the GOP is against him, the Tea Party is against him, and finally Donald Trump is against him. Against those odds, what's a bm to do?

    I mean, who can he turn to, Kid and UTS? Hell, I'd drink too.

  59. Queen,

    "How is it that Liberals can NEVER see situitions like the ones created by the Koch brothers until it's too late?"

    Well when did YOU see it?

    About the same time you saw that Fox was fair and balanced?

  60. And if conservatives are so friggin smart how come Sara Palin and Donald Trump are your leading figures?

  61. Anonymous9:08 AM

    uts, "And if conservatives are so friggin smart how come Sara Palin and Donald Trump are your leading figures?"

    DT is one of the smartest men of the 21st century. There are a lot of people who realize this truth but you don't. Why, because he is White? He will do great things for bm like you when he becomes Prez. Make sure you vote for him.

  62. Anonymous9:18 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    And if conservatives are so friggin smart how come Sara Palin and Donald Trump are your leading figures?

    Actually they aren't, they are the democratic hype propoganda outlets leading figures. People like George Soros and the real ones that are milking and destroying our way of life know just how to press your buttons.

  63. Dr. Queen:


    i cannot even imagine a clone of wigga slob marley

    a black man hiding his black face behind an avatar of elvis

    dissing educated intelligent wf scholars

    while impotent misogynist white male clones of uts cheer him on like southern sorrority groupies...

    that would never happen because even the kkk has more honor than the faceless spineless brainless hobama naz nigs who rule this blob

    it is truly a gd shame

    that is why he is so inept at debating and can only play dirty amnesia/distraction games
    that ONLY pass as debeate among fellow amoral fools

    these hobama nazis are global proof that nigs have no souls and no honor
    just like those racist italians claimed in the classic original "godfather" film

    shame that we all suffer for what nigs like uts and hobama and ALL of their beta male dl nig clones do herein and globally!!!!

  64. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Coming Soon to a condemned city near you (Detroit). The rise and fall of the American Empire; The "Me" first entitlement culture.

    Starring Saul Alinsky, Barack Obama, Cloward Piven, George Soros and Black America, Rev Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank. CBC circa 2011. With special appearances by the NAACP, SPLC, Pigford free farmers fund, the coalition for tax and spend more and more, the coalition for the elimination of advancement and achievement for any people except American enemies, the advancement for destruction of that which supports us cause we aren't that intelligent, the coalition of fake support for those who kill maim and destroy americans in the name of unfreedom and the coalition of why can't i walk now, I have only been shooting my feet off for years special interest groups.

  65. retarded kid:

    u r a racist moron

    u r too blinded by hobama's blackish skin to see that he is the most repub prez in history

    he has literally destroyed the black and white middle class for decades to come

    hobomba is bombing people darker than he is in libya

    ishamel reed is also blindly racist even with his white wife...
    he sees his own mulatto children in hobama's yellow face
    it blinds him too

    i have lost ALL respect for ir who has always been a rabid sexist but he did once tell political truths

    ie ir has been ruthlessly cold about bashing elaine brown & gwb...yet he never worried about their i do not give a damn about his whiny selective concern over that blackish elitist racist bankster demon hobama!!!

    ir, chris matthews, and keith olberman and even roland martin all appear to actually have become homos as they are visibly drunkenly blindly in love with hobama in general!!!
    they have become anotoines and blaines for hobama

    al sharpton is the only one who is worst as hobama's bottom bitch
    why would anyone agree to do anything more than slay al s
    al s has made it clear that he is HOPELESS UNCHANGED as he sells us out and feigns amneia

    al s slew gwb
    hobama is a WORSE & MORE RACIST BRUTAL clone of gwb
    hobama does less to mask his own cloning each day
    and his elitist dem= repub bs too

    as hobama and his ineptitude and karma continue to UNMASK his hoax before the world

    history will prove that every rebel of every race was right about hobama and his suicidally silent masochistic racist black nazi fools!!!!!

    hobama is pharaoah
    just as tavis and mike dyson told nigs long ago
    they are vindicated daily
    especially via africom which has only just begun!!!!


  66. if gwb had destroyed black homeowners/bombed libya/called blacks mongrels on tv as hobama has...etc!!!...
    i reed would have gone insane

    ishmael reed jhas sold his black oj soul for the false mulatto god hobama

    Reed continues his scurrilously- Fox News like -attacks against progressives who speak truth to power, by misleading whites liberals and Blacks folks into thinking that progressives want Obama to sport a black beret, sunglasses, and throw a black leather gloved first in the air on national TV. What we have been saying over and over again, is that President Obama should use the elegant rhetoric that got him elected President, to honestly explain to America how the disparity between rich and power in our country is now equal to Great Depression era levels and how one percent of the population controls 40 percent of the wealth while the rich are demanding more! But I guess the best we can do is allow President Obama to waste away his Presidency by continuing to be the night watchmen of the plutocrats who sank The United State’s of America into the icy sea, while they speed off ( with all the money) aboard a luxurious yacht purchased from The United State’s Treasury.

    I guess Mr. Reed isn’t angry about this because while he can’t afford a first class ticket, be can use his pen to insure himself a nice cozy berth in the bottom of the boat.

    Spook Out!

  67. uptownsteve said...

    Well when did YOU see it?

    About the same time you saw that Fox was fair and balanced?

    People like YOU are the reason so many people think Liberals are nuts!

    I've never once stated support for Fox news, so which part of your intestine did you pull that $hit from? Outside of local news, I rarely watch programming on the Fox network, so you really need to put the crack pipe down Cleofus, because you're starting to look a little psycho!

    FYI, there is NO such things as "fair and balanced" on TV as far as I'm concerned on ANY network!

  68. only masochistic apolitical suicidal fools give ANY prez ANY free pass

    especially the black racist mongrel fools who coddle and excuse and protect that blackish racist elitist fascist cia baby bankster hobama

    you hobama's tees will NEVER save any of u from hobama's global treachery!!!


    For the first time in generations, a presidential election campaign saw virtually no demands from the Black side of the electorate. Two years into Barack Obama’s term, a code of silence remains in force. “Are we so wrapped up in the symbolism of a black president that we can’t hold him accountable to the demands of a community that voted for him upwards of 97%?” And why this peculiar behavior by Black people? “Other communities don’t give up their right to make demands on political leaders they vote for.”

    Would it not be a sign of political maturity to put aside that Obama is the first black president and to judge by the (worsening) conditions since the election and to make demands based on that? This is not to say that the conditions are Obama’s fault, but there are things that government can do that needs to be demanded of it from the community. In fact by creating a left self-determining pole of black demands, it could even provide cover for the President to meet some of those demands. More importantly it puts us as a people back in the middle of a conversation on what is in the best interest of our community. That is not something that we can leave to mainstream black pundits who keep their distance from any conversation on what is best for the black community and how to achieve it.

  69. "DT is one of the smartest men of the 21st century. There are a lot of people who realize this truth but you don't."

    Puh-leeze. Donald Trump is George Bush with a hamster attacked to his head.

    A spoiled, rich mediocrity who had everything handed to him all his life and who possesses an enormous sense of entitlement.

    He inherited a lot of his money and real estate. His father was the real dealmaker.

    Remember, this so-called business "genius" was 2 steps from bankruptcy in the early 90s.

    "He will do great things for bm like you when he becomes Prez."

    Donald Trump can do two things for me.

    Kiss my black ass and go see a good barber.

  70. Hey AB, I guess we'd better enjoy to peace right now, before the devil's demon seed wakes up and needs his diaper changed by the "it" with no career, and her band of garlic smelling psycho internet stalkers, LOL!!!

  71. Bootcamp UTS? Musta' been Army because, you don't seem like the type that could EVER wear those dress blues!!

    Semper Fi!!!!

    Love the daughter of a Marine/wife of a (former) Navy man!!!

  72. too many blacks breed themselves out of existence

    too many black fathers are absent/missing

    too many fag hag fertile pookies like the vdlr worship hobama as their light "skinted" fantasy baby "deddy" etc

    too many jungle fevered whores like maria covet hobama babies

    ALL of these lost blacks worship hobama as a son/father/lover
    he is neither!!!
    he is an amoral hoax politico...wtfu!!!!

    All adoring hobama nazis doom sane political citizens who can read/watch/look/see/think/analyze/reason etc...


    from global bombs to global mongrels
    bailouts to oil and gold theft

    we are doomed

    mumia penned a classic essay on the black father lust that has made millions adopt and protect hobama like the retarded kid does

    many men became homos for hobama on msnbc tv
    even before they slew hillary
    ishmael reed is included!!!
    but no one is as repulsive as that black hobama nazi vote czar nelly permed bitch al s

  73. Dr. Queen:


    wigga slob massas and vulgar hood rat belly warmers travel in pairs



    to all inept soulless brain dead coons like u

    debate = lies!!!!

    u prove this by bashing donald as a clone of gwb as u deny hobama is gwb's TRUE clone.

    that alone proves my case.

    u r a dumb beta male colorist coon!!!

    donald t has never been prez
    and has only robbed banksters!

    hobama gave banksters 23 trillion!!!

    nor has dt ever bombed bilked tricked and slained GENERATIONS of blind mongrels like you!!!

    u r a hypocrite and a fool.

  74. Queen

    "People like YOU are the reason so many people think Liberals are nuts!"

    I think conservatives are nuts.

    To take it one step further......

    I think black conservatives are about the stupidest and most self-hating cretins on God's green earth.

    You fools grin while these racists like South Park Conservative practically call you nigger to your face.

    And you think WE have a problem????

  75. legendarily nutty coon uts:

    no repub has ever been nutty enough to call donald t a clone of gwb

    you have no brain and no honor..u stupid bitch!

  76. Obamabotsarescary10:18 AM

    UTS Your America is here;

    Unemployment March 07 4.4% March 11 8.8% (Much, much higher)
    Gas March 07 2.56 March 11 3.60 and rising.

    National Debt March 07 8.84T March 11 14.27 Trillion and rising

    Monthly deficit March 07 95 billion March 11 - 189 Billion and rising

    Employment to pop ratio March 07 63.3% March 11 - 58.5% employment getting lower.

    So this is in three years, and now you want more?

  77. Queen,

    "Love the daughter of a Marine/wife of a (former) Navy man!!!"

    Marines, so easy a caveman could do it.

    U.S Coast Guard THE LIFESAVERS

    Semper Paratus

  78. Sorry Goober but the Repubs brought us the recession and the deficit.

    Unemployment is down for the 3rd straight month.

  79. Anonymous10:24 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    "People like YOU are the reason so many people think Liberals are nuts!"

    I think conservatives are nuts.

    To take it one step further......

    I think black conservatives are about the stupidest and most self-hating cretins on God's green earth.

    You fools grin while these racists like South Park Conservative practically call you nigger to your face.

    And you think WE have a problem????

    Thats all it is to you isn't it? Anyone who disagrees with you and that you can't intelligently discuss things with ( I Know, I Know, thats funny for you)
    is racist.

    Your the biggest racist I see, everything is black and white to you. Nothing is right or wrong, its all just black and white.
    Your a hateful little man who has demonstrated absolutely no capacity to think or use logic. Its all about race to you.

    Your a disgusting racist and this my freind is the most disgusting thing. Not a conservative who preaches that through strength independance and self reliance you will be better position to help someone then with someone like you who hates others and tries to force them to do what you are not willing to or cannot do.

  80. uts:

    Q: when did the repubs bomb libya and bailout banks????

    Q: when that dem hobama did both SOLO!!!

    dem = repubs


  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Anonymous10:28 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Sorry Goober but the Repubs brought us the recession and the deficit.

    Unemployment is down for the 3rd straight month.

    You really are a racist coon. Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.
    I guess you aren't bright enough to see the correlation between 64 % of the employment to population ration going to 58.5% and linking this to unemployment being reduced. Let me help you with the formula 63.3% of total population working in March 07, now in March 11, only 58.5% are working, factor in the increase in population including illegal immigration and what do you think the real unemployment rate is? Really big number bubbaCoon, really big number.

    Yup, as indicated racist dickheads like you walk the racial line no matter how limited thier brain capacity is. Your a BubbaCoon.

  83. anon:


    uts is a tiny blindly racist colorist sexist elitist troll

    uts has a
    tiny memory
    tiny brain
    tiny soul
    tiny heart...

    uts is
    tiny always and tiny all over!!!

  84. Is ass-non upset?

    "Not a conservative who preaches that through strength independance and self reliance you will be better position to help someone then with someone like you who hates others and tries to force them to do what you are not willing to or cannot do."

    Awww will you stop this bull$hit.

    Rightwingers are the biggest freeloaders, government handout grabbers and armchair cowboys there are.

    You're all mouth.

    Do some research and found out how many conservatives are trust fund babies, lifetime government employees and beneficiaries or draft dodgers.

    It's all mouth.

    You can't stand somebody like me who'll stand up to your punk ass and tell you to your face exactly what you are.

    A fraud. You can't even muster the courage to post a forum name.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Now she's jigging for that redneck Larry Flynt.

    You really have no shame do you AB?

  88. blind racist coon uts:

    larry flynt is a wm who is also smarter than u nig

    hobama's money green deeds trump his blackish hoaxes
    dems = repubs


    I'm calling for a national strike, one designed to close the country down for a day. The intent? Real campaign-finance reform and strong restrictions on lobbying. Because nothing will change until we take corporate money out of politics. Nothing will improve until our politicians are once again answerable to their constituents, not the rich and powerful.

    Let's set a date. No one goes to work. No one buys anything. And if that isn't effective -- if the politicians ignore us -- we do it again. And again. And again.

    The real war is not between the left and the right. It is between the average American and the ruling class. If we come together on this single issue, everything else will resolve itself. It's time we took back our government from those who would make us their slaves.

    The time is now. America is waking up. Resistance is the order of the day. I could feel it with growing certainty as I read the numerous and gratifying responses to my call for a national strike here on HuffPost. So many smart people offering so many good ideas. Even my detractors acknowledged the underlying issues I put forth.

    This notion was reaffirmed on August 28 when Bill Maher interviewed Bill Moyers on a special edition of HBO's "Real Time". "The Democratic Party has become like the Republican Party, deeply influenced by corporate money," Moyers said. A short while later he added: "You really have two corporate parties who in their own way and their own time are serving the interests of basically a narrow set of economic interests in the country." In other words, it's the people versus the corporate state.

    You hear it more and more, sometimes spoken in code, sometimes spelled out as clearly as a neon sign. We have reached the tipping point. The enemy has been identified. It's not left versus right it's democracy versus greed. This realization sits there like an unexploded bomb. We stare at it, waiting only for someone to light the match.

    For now, remember: The corporations do not control our government; they are our government.

  89. Anonymous10:48 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Is ass-non upset?

    Hardly, but I can see that you are. Very upset. Your a lightweight ignoramus BubbaCoon racist. Your about as much as a threat to my intellectual capability as MOLD is, thus the reason you two nutjobs agree on everything.

    "Not a conservative who preaches that through strength independance and self reliance you will be better position to help someone then with someone like you who hates others and tries to force them to do what you are not willing to or cannot do."

    Awww will you stop this bull$hit.

    Rightwingers are the biggest freeloaders, government handout grabbers and armchair cowboys there are.

    You're all mouth.

    Do some research and found out how many conservatives are trust fund babies, lifetime government employees and beneficiaries or draft dodgers.

    It's all mouth.

    You can't stand somebody like me who'll stand up to your punk ass and tell you to your face exactly what you are.

    A fraud. You can't even muster the courage to post a forum name.

    I knew as soon as I wrote the last post that the first thing you would do was duck cover and run and avoid the truth. I knew you were so weak that you would come back frontin and being the fake tough guy and avoid the real issue and thug it out as you got nothing else. Yeah, I'm impressed your a cubicle internet tough guy, what a smart BubbaCoon stupid enough to post on a blog while working using his real name. Stupid is as stupid does.

    The only punk in this discussion is you, notice how you never back what you start, you tuck your tail and run and then change the subject, you dont have the chops to hang.

    Well BubbaCoon, stop evading and being the little bitch that you are and man up. You said things were going good and unemployment is down for the third month in a row. I showed you numbers that should educate you. Now what do you say to that? Stop being a bullshit frontin fake, man up and answer that or is that too tough for a hollow empty shell got nothing else but BubbaCoon racist? chump.

  90. uts:

    larry flint is 23 trillion times smarter than u

    and he is 23 trillion times less vulgar than the vdlr


    u shame ALL debates herein u dumb clueless nig

  91. hey nig oj:

    did u cc that bs to that wf arianna huffington???

    hell no!

    u cowardly euro coon

    did larry lie???????

  92. uptownsteve said...
    U.S Coast Guard THE LIFESAVERS

    Semper Paratus

    Coast Guard?

    Well no wonder you hate Repubs. The Coast Guard is where they all ran off to when they were avoiding 'Nam back in the day.

    Coast Guard?!? If it weren't for the tsumani's and hurricanes, they wouldn't have ANYTHING to do, LOL!!!

    And for the last time, I'm a Independant Cleofus!

  93. conked coon uts:

    only nigs like u fret over donald's hair as you ignore how hobama and his banksters scalp the world of cash/gold/oil...


    mongrels always major in the minor and minor in the major

    that is why u contentedly watch boob tubes while that boob hobama destroys you and your broke black progeny for decades to come


    A recent study by Nielson says that African Americans watch 40 percent more television than the national average. Black people spend an average of 7 hours, 12 minutes each day in front of the TV, while the national average is 5 hours, 11 minutes. Asians watch the least television, averaging 3 hours, 14 minutes per day.

    I am on my way to a meeting, so I’ll give very quick thoughts on this study:

    1) It’s probably no coincidence that Asians also have the highest test scores in school, while we have the lowest. Perhaps we can learn something from our friends across the sea.

  94. Avoiding what truth ass-non?

    The fact that a sniveling racist loser like you will never accept the fact that a black man is your President and you've been tossing tantrums and hissy fits since January 20th, 2011.

    What numbers did you produce?

    Some crap you pulled out of your ass or you heard at the last CofCC meeting.

    Here's some FACTS for you:

    Unemployment down. Jobs up. Dow up. Economy turning around from the mess the rightards got us into.

    As for your other smack talking and internet chest-beating.....How's this.

    Why don't you drop me a line on my personal email and we can make arrangements for you to talk the same smack you talk as anonymous on line man up face to face.

    Punks like you are great a posting people's job info and other spineless moves. Let's see what you're really about.

    Don't bitch up now. Invitation's open.

  95. "The Coast Guard is where they all ran off to when they were avoiding 'Nam back in the day."

    You dummy.

    The Coast Guard was in Nam. Along with the Persian Gulf WWII, Korea etc....

    "If it weren't for the tsumani's and hurricanes, they wouldn't have ANYTHING to do"

    You really are dumb, aren't you?

    The USCG is the only branch of the service that has a full peacetime mission which is maritime law enforcement, search and rescue, drug interdiction and Aids to Navigation.

  96. lost blind nig uts:

    cc that bs to any jobless young black man

    millions of whites voted for hobama u liar!!!!

    and many of them are tea partiers too!!!

    unlike dumb mongrel clones of u
    those smarter whites voted for a man and not a blackish skin

    and that blackish man is hopelessly unchanged as he betrays us all

    only racist silly nigs like u still want his authograph
    u brain dead BLINDLY RACIST groupie bitch

    The first official unemployment report of 2011 presents more bad news for African Americans. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says while the overall unemployment rate dropped from 9.8 percent to 9.4 percent between November and December, 15.8 percent of Blacks were unemployed last month, a decline of 0.2 percent.

    The unemployment rate for young, Black men is at a shockingly-high 23.0 percent. Having a college degree helps, but there is still a significant racial gap among the more-educated. Unemployment for college-educated Blacks has risen from 3.2 percent before the recession to 8.4 percent now. For White college graduates, the rate has increased from 2.1 percent to 4.2 percent.

    These depressing numbers show us again that the recession has had a disproportionate impact on the African-American community, from subprime lending, to foreclosures, to job losses.

  97. macho man uts:

    i hope anon beats the oj coon out of u!

  98. Go cook Massa some grits AB.

    I'm waiting for ass-non to contact me.

  99. uptownsteve said...
    Sorry Goober but the Repubs brought us the recession and the deficit.

    Unemployment is down for the 3rd straight month.


    You know UTS, I was just messing with you about the Coast Guard stuff, Marines are the best, and everyone knows it, so their really is nothing to debate here.

    But as a Black man, I can hardly believe you're talking about unemployment being down when it's over 20% for Black men.

    I mean, you really look like a big ass fool even mentioning unemployment.

  100. Queen

    How is that Obama's fault?

    What would you or the Republicans done differently vis-a-vis the economy??

    Marines are the best WHAT?

    You've been watching too many movies sweetie.

  101. uts:

    hey anon:

    slay uts!!!

    beat the teeny tiny hobama nazi cowboy *hit out of him!!!



    "To every thing there is a season, and time to every purpose under the heaven:A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing;A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace."

    Ecclesiastes 3:18

  102. Queen

    Please answer.

    Yeah AB

    Cheer assnon on because he seems to have disappeared.


  103. Dr. Queen:


    hobama and uts hate and ignore poor black men BLATANTLY


    like all dumb nigs, he watches way too much hobama tv/msm/msnbc...




    wear a cup as u beat the coon out of uts

    he is a dirty bitch who punches groins!

  104. uptownsteve said...
    How is that Obama's fault?

    What would you or the Republicans done differently vis-a-vis the economy??

    Marines are the best WHAT?

    You've been watching too many movies sweetie.

    I responded to this question about Obama in the other thread but Field never posted the response. Suffice it to say that I've never said anything was Obama's fault except the fact that he bailed his Harvard banker buddies out of a financial mess.

    But as a Black male Prez it isn't asking too much for him to more regularily say something, ANYTHING about issues that effect the Black ccommunity.

    For the record, I'm all about bipartisian solutions because that's truly the only way to solve anything long term. Of course by bipartisian, I'm not talking about doing things like throwing DC under the bus which is essentially what Prez. Obama has done.

  105. i welcome nothing more than the end of the seasons of apolitical suicidal black mongrels who adore hobama...

    except anon beating uts into the death of his coon season!


  106. Dr. Queen


    hobama inherited ills

    but he has also made EVERY ill WORSE SOLO!

    and libya is his new solo bs


    predator drones

    blank checks to banksters

    post racial lies

    "stfd & stfu" in NOLA


    charter school scams

    hobama tv/news

    fuzzy stats

    no jobs

    long planned slumlord scams via the olympics (failed)


  107. Queen

    "But as a Black male Prez it isn't asking too much for him to more regularily say something, ANYTHING about issues that effect the Black ccommunity."

    This is so much bull$hit. You haven't said anything just as I knew you wouldn't.

    Obama just made a speech at Sharpton's National Action Network that addressed among other things the high black male unemployment (which are always higher than everyone elses, YOU KNOW THAT)and his administrations small business initiatives (which the Repubs wanted to kill).

    But what kills me about you black righties is that out of one side of your mouths you chide black people for being too "race conscious" then out of the other side you attack Obama for not paying enough attention to black issues.

    When anyone mentioned black male unemployment under Reagan or Bush you phonies screamed "victimhood".

    And neither one of them gave one solitary crap about the issue.

  108. more on hobama and his olympian manchurian slumlord HORRID ghetto bs in chicago

    hobama is an ICY blackish elitist racist fascist hoax!!!

    but lovesick colorist mongrels like uts still melt with love as they gaze upon his yellow evil face


    Chicago does not deserve the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. What the people of Chicago (and other urban American cities) deserve is a domestic Marshall Plan -- an action agenda that will, once and for all, deal with failing schools, terrible housing conditions, limited job, career, and business opportunities, and a culture of violence, mayhem, and hopelessness that led to the very recent beating death of a teen named Derrion Albert, at the hands of other teenagers, no less.

    Cellphone footage showing a group of teens viciously kicking and striking Albert with splintered railroad ties has ramped up pressure on Chicago officials to address the violence epidemic that has led to dozens of deaths of city teens each year. The graphic video of the afternoon melee emerged on local news stations and YouTube (before it was summarily removed by the social networking site), showing the fatal beating of Derrion Albert, a sophomore honor roll student at Christian Fenger Academy High School. His death was the latest addition to a rising toll: More than 30 students were killed last school year, and the city could exceed that number this year.

    In a terrible case of bad timing, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark to lobby hard for the 2016 Olympics to come to the Windy City. Here was part of Mr. Obama's pitch: "One of the legacies I want to see coming out of the Chicago 2016 hosting of the Games is a reminder that America at its best is open to the world," he said. "We are putting the full force of the White House and the State Department to make sure that not only is this a successful Games, but that visitors from around the world feel welcome and will come away with a sense of the incredible diversity of the American people."

    But, to date, the only thing President Obama, who made Chicago his adopted hometown thanks in part to his wife and Chitown native daughter Michelle, has said, has come through White House press secretary Robert Gibbs: "Chilling."

  109. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Still waiting for the FakeAnons to offer proof. Oh, can you please list your 'sorce' for the 'nummers'?
    Obama did have to clean up the would any President. I just posit that his response was the absolute minimum he felt was possible. There were other options...but those would make babyjesus cry.
    As far as Trump...he is a vain man who vies with Sarey for hogging the limelight. His attorneys, on the other paw, are sheer genius. They conned the idiot bankers to support Trump. Must be where they found the idea for the bailout. Too big to fail was one theme sold to keep Trump in spending cash.
    Oh...if you doubt is public and you can read it.
    Marines are VERY good at what they do...but you might ask what that is.
    Coast Guard is a service of long-standing and honour. Maybe some of you Fightin' Keyboarders could enlist...and learn first-hand, instead of from Tom Clancy war pr0n.

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. Anonymous11:42 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    The fact that a sniveling racist loser like you will never accept the fact that a black ma...

    We both know who the coonfuckery racist is. We aren't talking about anyone elses hissyfits so stop being a bitch and trying to cloud issues. We are talking ONLY about the economy and you are the one who can't go a foot without a racial crutch propping you up.

    What numbers did you produce?

    Underemployment I even pointed out the obvious relation but apparantly you don't know anything about economics and relying on being a racist.

    Here's some FACTS for you:

    Unemployment down. Jobs up. Dow up. Economy turning around from the mess the rightards got us into.

    You yet again prove how much of a party line dumb ass racist you are. The very page you provided the link to specifically says:

    After climbing to 9.8% in November, the unemployment rate has declined for three months. Although the number of people marginally attached to the labor force in February rose to 2.7 million from 2.5 million a year earlier. The Labor Department doesn't count these people as unemployed because they haven't looked for a new job in at least one month.

    So, you might want to ask one of your co-workers to explain the next part to you and lend you a calculator. If the market adds 192k jobs yet the division of unemployment removes 200k because "they haven't looked for a job in over month", which actually means their benefits ran out!!. Then how did unemployment decrease? In fact it increased only they are practicing creative accounting. Thus the significance of the underemployed or Employment to population ratio March 07 63.3% March 11 - 58.5% employment getting lower. Now as opposed to 6-7 of every ten people working, 5-6 people out of every ten are working which is huge!!

    Do you get it yet?
    Unemployment isn't going down, Obamas creative accounting is kicking in again, remember jobs created and all the fake districts and states listed, then it changed to Jobs saved when it was found to be all lies.

    Get it yet?

    As for the Repubs being the ones who caused the mess. You might want to look at this specific video of Fannie and Freddie hearing with all your heroes testifying what was happening and that there was no housing crisis mortgage bubble to worry about.

    As for your other smack talking and internet chest-beating.....How's this.

    Why don't you drop me a line on my personal email and we can make arrangements for you to talk the same smack you talk as anonymous on line man up face to face.

    Punks like you are great a posting people's job info and other spineless moves. Let's see what you're really about.

    Don't bitch up now. Invitation's open.

    You just proved to me your are not only less of a man, your a total blithering thug punkass idiot.
    I would never post anything about anyone, so nice try at your usual association bullshit. I'm the one who is telling you your a dumb coonfucker for being stupid enough to do what you do and here you go and do it even more.

    Are you really stupid enough to make physical threats to someone you have no fucking Idea who or how crazy the person might be all the while at work? Are you that small of a man?

    Your a perfect example of coonery. Racist dumb as shit frontin wannabe thug, who has a nice soft life in the suburbs, so he acts out on the internet.

    For the record, no. I will not take you up on your infantile offer to meet you and engage in violence. I am not a coon thug like you. I can debate without becoming racist and reverting to my animalistic tendencies. I am also not stupid enough to say or post any personal information about myself on the net, I have real people in my life and don't need to be fake and get jerked off by strangers like you.

    Dumbass Coonfuckery is all you represent.

  112. crappy confused coon uts:

    what is truly fecal is that a foolish mf like you equates a BELATED BRIEF speech about jobs as ACTUAL jobs

    pay the fees/bills in your gated enclave with speeches do u????

    u r an arrogantly ignorant black moron

    hobama's scripted prose will never create one real salary

    but u pretend that is progress


  113. Anonymous11:44 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    Please answer.

    Yeah AB

    Cheer assnon on because he seems to have disappeared.


    Wrong weak suburbian wannabe thug, Unlike you I think before I talk shit. You can only do one of those.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. anon:


    then reach and unleash a fatal beating on that blind racist heartless elitist coon its asap!!!!


  116. "For the record, no. I will not take you up on your infantile offer to meet you and engage in violence. I am not a coon thug like you. I can debate without becoming racist and reverting to my animalistic tendencies. I am also not stupid enough to say or post any personal information about myself on the net, I have real people in my life and don't need to be fake and get jerked off by strangers like you."

    Just like I thought.

    You're an internet bitch.

    Case closed.

  117. uptownsteve said...
    Obama just made a speech at Sharpton's National Action Network that addressed among other things the high black male unemployment (which are always higher than everyone elses, YOU KNOW THAT)and his administrations small business initiatives (which the Repubs wanted to kill).

    Do you really believe making a speech in front of Sharpton of all people is going to CHANGE anything in the Black community? Or are you too stupid to realize that he's only doing that to garner the Black vote in 2012?

    How in the hell can you be so simple minded??

    And you know UTS, you can call me a rightie until the cows come home, it doesn't change the fact that you're nothing more than another delusional liberal whose antics have ruined the democratic party!

  118. hey uts:

    like hobama
    u lie

    no one EVER told me not to bash raygun/gwb...& ONLY because they are wm!!!

    hobama ADORES REVERES & CHANNELS raygun OPENLY u blind fool!!!

    and hobama is a BRUTAL UNMASKED clone of gwb!!!


    u hobama nazis are so lost that u really believe hobama can love a demon like raygun and be a saint???

    u truly think u can bash gwb/raygun and love his clone/self confessed mentee hobama???

    NEVER x 2...wtfu u hobama nazi fool!!!

  119. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Still waiting for the FakeAnons to offer proof. Oh, can you please list your 'sorce' for the 'nummers'?

    UTS - If I didnt know better I might start thinking you and MOLD are the same person. You both have the same mental capacity and talking points. Rely on bullshit, talk nonsense, don't make sense and when all else fails....cry WAAACISMMM!! Quick MOLD, hand UTS his crutches, he can't walk, or wait is it UTS let MOLD use your wheelchair for awhile?

    Well you two are of the same mind, you figure it out, crutches today, wheelchair tomorrow...

  120. "Still waiting for the FakeAnons to offer proof. Oh, can you please list your 'sorce' for the 'nummers'?"

    Yeah. That too Mold.

  121. hey mareally uts' wigga bitch:

    peep that old hag molded tranny

    she is creeping up on your retarded oj

    they speak the same lingo = moron!!!

  122. Queen,

    "Do you really believe making a speech in front of Sharpton of all people is going to CHANGE anything in the Black community? Or are you too stupid to realize that he's only doing that to garner the Black vote in 2012?"

    You just said that it would be nice if he would just talk about it!!!!


    What's going to change the inner city black community is a strong economy which Obama is working toward.

    Please tell me, what is he doing vis-a-vis the economy that upsets you?

    What is your alternative???

    Or maybe you're just running off at the mouth.

  123. Anonymous12:00 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "For the record, no. I will not take you up on your infantile offer to meet you and engage in violence. I am not a coon thug like you. I can debate without becoming racist and reverting to my animalistic tendencies. I am also not stupid enough to say or post any personal information about myself on the net, I have real people in my life and don't need to be fake and get jerked off by strangers like you."

    Just like I thought.

    You're an internet bitch.

    Case closed.

    You see you proved again your dumbfuck coonery of all the things said in the post, the ONLY thing that you answered was the part that in your mind your a tougher internet thug then I am.

    the rest you avoid and ignore cause as I said you are a dumbcoonfucked racist black man and cannot hang, you dont have the smarts or courage to man up when you learn something.

    So you think your stronger because your boss is going to see that you are acting racist, threatining people on the internet while your supposed to be working?>

    Oh your so smurt and suburbia tough it makes my eyes water. Will your wifey rub your feet tonight after a hard days work blogging?

    Coon Fuckery, remember that. It fits.

    The last thing I would want is for someone to cap your ass and then blame some anon on the internet, so NO your a dumbCOON and NO I don't engage in violence. Is that clear dumb coonfuckery man? The answer is NO I don't engage in violence. Only coons do that because they know no other way and real men know that life is serious.

    Are you also gonna tell your wifey what a real man you are for having a fight with an anon on the internet while she takes you in rear?

  124. hey weak witless coon uts:

    how will robbing public funds of 23 trillion to transfer to banksters

    and FLAGRANTLY ignoring all poor/black agendas

    and ONLY reading scripted speeches about jobs help anyone of any race


    u r blinded by your own racism and elitist apathy

    and u r exposed by your brainless bs with each post

    carry on u confused icy coon!

  125. Anonymous12:04 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Still waiting for the FakeAnons to offer proof. Oh, can you please list your 'sorce' for the 'nummers'?"

    Yeah. That too Mold.

    Reading comprehension you too peas in a coonfuckery pod, reading comprehension. Funny how a racist black man befriends a white dude playing a black grandma playing a vulgar anon, playing a white student with a bob marley picture. Only a coonfuckery buffoon would do something like this, no brains, no talent, no courage, little manhood.

  126. Anonymous12:13 PM

    More proof global warming pimops are full of sh*t...

    UN Predicts 50 Million Global Warming Refugees By 2010

    Rising sea levels, desertification and shrinking freshwater supplies will create up to 50 million environmental refugees by the end of the decade, experts warn today. Janos Bogardi, director of the Institute for Environment and Human Security at the United Nations University in Bonn, said creeping environmental deterioration already displaced up to 10 million people a year, and the situation would get worse.

    "There are well-founded fears that the number of people fleeing untenable environmental conditions may grow exponentially as the world experiences the effects of climate change," Dr Bogardi said. "This new category of refugee needs to find a place in international agreements. We need to better anticipate support requirements, similar to those of people fleeing other unviable situations." [...]

    Hans van Ginkel, UN under-secretary-general and rector of the university, said: "This is a highly complex issue, with global organisations already overwhelmed by the demands of conventionally recognised refugees. However, we should prepare now to define, accept and accommodate this new breed of refugee."

    In 2006 Al Gores says we have 10 years to save earth...

    We now have less than 4 years,9 months, and a few days to save mother earth.

    What is Obama doing to save us?

  127. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Still waiting for the 'sorce' for those 'nummers'.
    Lying that FreddieMac/FannieMae was the cause may make you feel better that some unnamed group of poor minorities done stole yer munny...but we have extensive proof it was the banksters.
    Mewling about Fannie/Freddie is a 'tell' that you have zero numerical literacy, know less than nothing about banking, and have an intense desire to blame poor folks for your distress.
    Might I suggest the blog Agonist as an introduction into the world of EconBlogging? The links should give you access to items other than the urine-stained rantings of Randians.
    You should always begin with Data...not Beleef.


  128. uptownsteve said..
    "Obama just made a speech at Sharpton's National Action Network......"

    That says it all right there. Sharpton.

    This racist criminal has to go.

  129. uptownsteve said...
    Please tell me, what is he doing vis-a-vis the economy that upsets you?

    What is your alternative???

    Or maybe you're just running off at the mouth.

    Prez Obama bailed out the banks and pretty much ignored regular folks. THAT is what I'm upset about. Now why are you okay with what he's done? Or maybe you think the war in a country that has never in the history of history been defeated (Afganistan) was a smart idea?

    So what do I think Obama should do? Tax the hell out of those companies that promised to use bailout money to help everyday people until those greedy mofo's start creating some damn jobs and lending money!!! And get those damn troops OUT of Afganistan!

    Now Cleofus, why don't you name some specifics of what you'd do instead of taking shit and asking others to do what you seem incapable of doing!

  130. Franklin Raines12:25 PM

    mold: "Lying that FreddieMac/FannieMae was the cause may make you feel better that some unnamed group of poor minorities done stole yer munny...but we have extensive proof it was the banksters."

    They didn't steal it, but they lost it. Plain and simple: You don't lend money to people who cannot pay it back. Democrats forced banks to make loans they wouldn't have on their own. Banks took the oportunity to make short term profits hoping the government would bail them out when it crashed, because after all it was Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae. They were right, and we all got hosed. And the dirty thieving democrats got away with it again. Lordy Lordy.

  131. Anonymous12:32 PM

    "Now Cleofus, why don't you name some specifics of what you'd do instead of taking shit and asking others to do what you seem incapable of doing!"

    Right on, give him some time though, he and MOLD are on a conference call trying to get a strategy together to figure out why unemployment numbers are better even though more people are out of work. I think I heard them say something about using boats as UTS knows the coast guard is tougher then marines as he was a coastie, or wait..was that MOLD talking about a floating log he just deposited..

  132. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Mewling about Fannie/Freddie is a 'tell' that you have zero numerical literacy, know less than nothing about banking, and have an intense desire to blame poor folks for your distress.
    Might I suggest the blog Agonist as an introduction into the world of EconBlogging? The links should give you access to items other than the urine-stained rantings of Randians.
    You should always begin with Data...not Beleef.


    Mold - let's try this, go stand in front or a really, really big fan, industrial size, one that vents a tunnel. Wet your lips and then get really close to the closer... there thats it, now turn it on and talk into the you hear that funny flapping sound as your lips slap against your cheeks from the wind? No really do you hear it, flap, flap,smack, smack, gurgle, gurgle,? do you hear it? ....great....That's what you sound like to us....just a bunch of lip flapping, cheek smacking, gurgle, gurgle sounds.

  133. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Mold - let's try this, go stand in front or a really, really big fan, industrial size, one that vents a tunnel. Wet your lips and then get really close to the closer... there thats it, now turn it on and talk into the you hear that funny flapping sound as your lips slap against your cheeks from the wind? No really do you hear it, flap, flap,smack, smack, gurgle, gurgle,? do you hear it? ....great....That's what you sound like to us....just a bunch of lip flapping, cheek smacking, gurgle, gurgle sounds.

    LMAO funnie!!!!!!!!!

  134. At last Queenie mustered an answer.

    Not much of an answer but still deserves kudos for an attempt.

    Sweetie if I were President we would have never went into Iraq or Afghanistan, let alone occupied them for 8 years.

    I too would tax the hell out of the corporate entities who acceptedd bailout money but with a Republican Congress what's the chance of that happening?

    Obama got universal healthcare passed. That's huge for working people. Of course the Repubs are trying to chip that apart.

    Obama wants to extend Small Business Loans to minority entrepeneurs. Gop is fighting that.

    Seems to me that two all the way down black sistas like you and AB have your anger directed the wrong way.

    But then again Bo is a black man, right?

    I don't like kicking somebody again after I punked them so if anyone gets a chance, ask the anon punk if he even served in the armed forces.

  135. RandsFishSticks12:59 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Mewling about Fannie/Freddie is a 'tell' that you have zero numerical literacy, know less than nothing about banking, and have an intense desire to blame poor folks for your distress.
    Might I suggest the blog Agonist as an introduction into the world of EconBlogging? The links should give you access to items other than the urine-stained rantings of Randians.
    You should always begin with Data...not Beleef.


    Then using numbers can you explain this? What caused the housing bubble or crash in your "beeleef"?

  136. Swamp Kicker1:05 PM

    UTS: "I too would tax the hell out of the corporate entities who acceptedd bailout money but with a Republican Congress what's the chance of that happening?"

    Obama runs GM and GE and tosses billions their way. Why don't they pay taxes?

    UTS: "Obama got universal healthcare passed. That's huge for working people."

    Huge in that it will bankrupt their country, ruin their healthcare system, and require them to pay 88% of their earnings to the government. Question: Why, if it is so great, do all of Obama's donors get granted "waivers" from having to participate in Obamacare?

    UTS: "Obama wants to extend Small Business Loans to minority entrepeneurs"

    In other words, Obama wants to give money to people based on their race (i.e. Obama is a racist and a thief).

  137. Anonymous1:08 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    I too would tax the hell out of the corporate entities who acceptedd bailout money but with a Republican Congress what's the chance of that happening?

    About the same % of passing when Democrats had super majorities in the house and senate.

    Obama got universal healthcare passed. That's huge for working people. Of course the Repubs are trying to chip that apart.

    I'm sure working people are happy that their rates have gone up at least 17% since Obamacare was passed.

    Obama wants to extend Small Business Loans to minority entrepeneurs. Gop is fighting that.

    Why not extand small business loans for those who are not his "people"?

  138. Actually Cleofus, my finger is pointed at BOTH sides. Yours is in the ass of the democratic party!

  139. Anonymous1:09 PM

    "In other words, Obama wants to give money to people based on their race (i.e. Obama is a racist and a thief)."

    He's also a drunk.


  140. Anonymous1:11 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    At last Queenie mustered an answer.

    Not much of an answer but still deserves kudos for an attempt.

    Sweetie if I were President we would have never went into Iraq or Afghanistan, let alone occupied them for 8 years.

    I too would tax the hell out of the corporate entities who acceptedd bailout money but with a Republican Congress what's the chance of that happening?

    You mean like Obama does to the stolen GM and GE - Ge who made 3.2billion and got a refund with the CEO being on Obamas advisory committee?, drug companies, big pharma and on and on, are you not aware of what really happens? Or do you mean only companies that dont support the democrats with political contributions?

    Obama got universal healthcare passed. That's huge for working people. Of course the Repubs are trying to chip that apart.

    Do you have any idea what it cost and what it will do to healthcare and how you may wind up with nothing at all? Are you aware of all the lies he told and the numbers that came out now or is his being a black pres the only thing that matters?

    Obama wants to extend Small Business Loans to minority entrepeneurs. Gop is fighting that.

    Obama wants to spend more is what this means, where does this money come from and when they cant pay it back then we have another economic bubble like the housing crisis. Stop raping small business with taxes and regulating them to death and destroying the economy with infantile energy policies and then leave them alone, they will raise the economy. They don't need to owe more money to get out of debt.

    Seems to me that two all the way down black sistas like you and AB have your anger directed the wrong way.

    Theres the crutches again....

    But then again Bo is a black man, right?

    Ooopps now here comes the wheelchair, can you disagree with me, I'm Black and so is Obama...waahahahahahahah

    I don't like kicking somebody again after I punked them so if anyone gets a chance, ask the anon punk if he even served in the armed forces.

    You punked who? Still waiting for you to answer one of the questions that YOU raised on unemployment, but you pussied out on that and tried to go suburbanite thug. Semper Fi you racist coonfucker but none of your business, you don't need to know anything about me to debate your racist economic policies, that is unless you are looking for more crutches to support your weak ass, why would you want to bring in something totally non related unless you had using it as a smokebomb in mind.

    Why don't you man up and respond about the real unemployment rate and why you think the economy is doing so good right now when most other people do not, go ahead stay focused or are you going to wheel out of here like the weak racist you are??

    Amazing how you get intellectually bitch slapped yet still have the balls to say you punked someone, you are the definition of coonfuckery.

  141. Anon284701:17 PM

    "Amazing how you get intellectually bitch slapped yet still have the balls to say you punked someone, you are the definition of coonfuckery."

    That's uptown for you, a first class buffoon. He pretends he doesn't hear it when he gets bitch slapped, declares victory, and struts around like a baboon with a big red ass.

  142. UTS, why should smokers have free health insurance? Why should millionares have free health insurance? And why should a smoker who is 100 pounds overweight have free health insurance?

    The answer is they shouldn't and they aren't entitled to it either IMHO.

    Let's talk tort reform in medicine before free health care.

    Speaking of that, people spend hundreds of dollars a month on frivolous things, it's long past time to invest in one's own health!

  143. Publik Skool Offishul1:18 PM

    This blog needs a "time out"!

  144. "Actually Cleofus, my finger is pointed at BOTH sides. Yours is in the ass of the democratic party!"

    So who you voting for in 2012 Sapphire?

    Tell the truth, it's Sarah Palin isn't it?

  145. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Still trying to push the lie that FannieMae and FreddieMac were the cause of the bushMess? And it was all 'liar loans'? Sure. If it makes you feel better that it was done by hordes of brown/black persons getting them freebies they don't 'deserve'. Except that racist Gooberish is not the Truth.
    Try looking at st reagan for the genesis of this failure. Now, this may take that thing you abhor more than you can trace the steps pretty easily. Lots of folks have. Economists, bloggers, politicians....why not you?

    Umm...when widdle boys devolve to name calling...they have already lost. Try Truth...although anathema to wingnuts, most folks tend to like it. Facts and Data are also nice. Just because FOX get subsidized to lie fer Jesus...where's your paycheck? All that Massa kissing and what do you get? I know, being a PITA is your life's work...but where's the 'beef'? Beck got paid. Blonde, mini-skirt-wearing MILFs get paid, Doocy and Doocy Jr get paid, Hannity gets paid. What do they give you? Thinkerate that your efforts are noticed? Beleeve that you are on the 'winning team'? Sure.
    This ain't high school weenieball, there are real consequences to this.


  146. Anonymous1:26 PM

    On another note, it seems that the WI wingnuts done lied about stuff...again. Not it is common and ordinary for wingnuts to lie.
    I fault the MSM for treating wingnuts like honest folk.


  147. Anonymous1:33 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Actually Cleofus, my finger is pointed at BOTH sides. Yours is in the ass of the democratic party!"

    So who you voting for in 2012 Sapphire?

    Tell the truth, it's Sarah Palin isn't it?

    1:22 PM

    Your talking points need updating, Palin isn't even running,

    Damn this is like watching the one legged waitress named Eileen working at IHOP.

  148. Nomar Guacomole1:36 PM

    Ms. Queen said...
    "UTS, why should smokers have free health insurance? Why should millionares have free health insurance? And why should a smoker who is 100 pounds overweight have free health insurance?"

    Ms. Queen is a health nazi? Why should people who drive cars have health insurance? Why should peopel who work in coal mines have health insurance? Why should people who eat fried chicken have health insurance?

    Do you THINK before you type?

    What an idiot.

  149. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Still trying to push the lie that FannieMae and FreddieMac were the cause of the bushMess? And it was all 'liar loans'? Sure. If it makes you feel better that it was done by hordes of brown/black persons getting them freebies they don't 'deserve'. Except that racist Gooberish is not the Truth.
    Try looking at st reagan for the genesis of this failure. Now, this may take that thing you abhor more than you can trace the steps pretty easily. Lots of folks have. Economists, bloggers, politicians....why not you?

    Umm...when widdle boys devolve to name calling...they have already lost. Try Truth...although anathema to wingnuts, most folks tend to like it. Facts and Data are also nice. Just because FOX get subsidized to lie fer Jesus...where's your paycheck? All that Massa kissing and what do you get? I know, being a PITA is your life's work...but where's the 'beef'? Beck got paid. Blonde, mini-skirt-wearing MILFs get paid, Doocy and Doocy Jr get paid, Hannity gets paid. What do they give you? Thinkerate that your efforts are noticed? Beleeve that you are on the 'winning team'? Sure.
    This ain't high school weenieball, there are real consequences to this.


    Slap, Slap, gurgle, gurgle, slap, slap, flap, flap....damn that big fan is on again.....

    Cut through all that noise, what are the facts? what are the numbers you said you had that support your point, you said a whole lotta nothin here, stop mouth gurgling and show me the data and facts that you say you have. I already showed you, you deny it, prove it. Back up your gibberish with Facts and Data....

    Flap, Flap, flap.....

  150. Tongue LeMont1:38 PM

    mold:"On another note, it seems that the WI wingnuts done lied about stuff...again. Not it is common and ordinary for wingnuts to lie.
    I fault the MSM for treating wingnuts like honest folk."

    Hey mold, Prosser won. Believerate it.

  151. uts:
    larry flint is 23 trillion times smarter than u
    and he is 23 trillion times less vulgar than the vdlr
    u shame ALL debates herein u dumb clueless nig


    Well! Well! Well! The Nazi loving beast is at it again. Now she expounds on the progressive virtues of Larry Flynt. If she were truly the (excuse me while I throw up) intellectual she claims to be, she would know that Flynt has a long history of racist caricaturization of blacks, Jews, and other peoples of color. His racist attack of the Latina feminist, Aura Bogada, is a primary example. If you were truly the militant progressive you claim to be, you would know all about this. But you probably have a copy of Hustler on your lap right now.

    As a matter of fact, why don't you send Flynt a resume? He could use someone to change his diaper.

  152. Meta Negro1:42 PM

    Mold warbled: "Umm...when widdle boys devolve to name calling...they have already lost. Try Truth...although anathema to wingnuts, most folks tend to like it. Facts and Data are also nice. Just because FOX get subsidized to lie fer Jesus...where's your paycheck? All that Massa kissing and what do you get? I know, being a PITA is your life's work...but where's the 'beef'? Beck got paid. Blonde, mini-skirt-wearing MILFs get paid, Doocy and Doocy Jr get paid, Hannity gets paid. What do they give you? Thinkerate that your efforts are noticed? Beleeve that you are on the 'winning team'? Sure.
    This ain't high school weenieball, there are real consequences to this."

    WHAT THE HELL is going on inside this person's mind? Can you imagine the seething state of confusion that must exist between those jug ears? Amazing.

  153. Anonymous1:46 PM

    So, you admit that Prosser being elected is a lie? How do you know this? Was the 'miraculous' finding of 'just enough' 'votes' the plan all along?
    Gee...and folks think you are dishonest.
    Prosser still is not elected. There is no beleeveration to it.


  154. Alicia Hobanks said
    larry flint is 23 trillion times smarter than u
    and he is 23 trillion times less vulgar than the vdlr
    u shame ALL debates herein u dumb clueless nig


    Well! Well! Well! The Nazi loving beast is at it again. Now she expounds on the progressive virtues of Larry Flynt. If she were truly the (excuse me while I throw up) intellectual she claims to be, she would know that Flynt has a long history of racist caricaturization of blacks, Jews, and other peoples of color. His racist attack of the Latina feminist, Aura Bogada, is a primary example. If you were truly the militant progressive you claim to be, you would know all about this. But you probably have a copy of Hustler on your lap right now.

    As a matter of fact, why don't you send Flynt a resume? He could use someone to change his diaper.

  155. Queenie

    I agree with you that people with risky lifestyles or who contribute to their own bad health should not get free health insurance. But being a righty you're off in the bushes instead of dealing in the fields.

    The number reason for bankruptcy in America is health issues. The case studies in Massachusetts and Connecticut where they already have universal healthcare has shown that it saves billions from the total medical expenses.

  156. "Why not extand small business loans for those who are not his "people"?"

    I know this idiot isn't suggesting that white folks can't get small business loans.

    Is he?

  157. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Ms. Ann G. Myma said...

    Well! Well! Well! The Nazi loving beast is at it again. Now she expounds on the progressive virtues of Larry Flynt. If she were truly the (excuse me while I throw up) intellectual she claims to be, she would know that Flynt has a long history of racist caricaturization of blacks, Jews, and other peoples of color. His racist attack of the Latina feminist, Aura Bogada, is a primary example. If you were truly the militant progressive you claim to be, you would know all about this. But you probably have a copy of Hustler on your lap right now.

    As a matter of fact, why don't you send Flynt a resume? He could use someone to change his diaper.

    But wait.......Larry is a Progressive emocrat...Hecan't be all those bad things you say he is.

  158. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Thanks for repeating that you are not paid...that makes you a willing slave. Volunteering to be used by Massa. Nice...for you. Me, if I have to write lies...I want to be reimbursed for the shredding of my reputation and dignity. But then, I assumed you had some to start with.
    Heckagosharooties, you don't even get a 'diploma' from a religio-skool. Those kids get printed recognition for being the Pwecious Entitled Pwinces and Pwincesses...what do you get? All that subordination to Massa...and not even a pat on the head? Hope it gives you gratification...somewhere.
    Love that you immediately defer to someone who offers you less than ignoring your existence.


  159. Stewie1:54 PM

    "So, you admit that Prosser being elected is a lie? How do you know this? Was the 'miraculous' finding of 'just enough' 'votes' the plan all along? "

    Quite the contrary, fruitcake. Prosser having won is the cold hard truth for you and the union thugs and cheating ACORN demoRats. If there was a plan, it was to hold legitimate vote counts long enough that the other side couldn't add any more illegitimate ballots.

    Victory is mine!

  160. babbling bimbo beaulah/agm/vdlr:

    did larry flynt lie u fat foolish mammy maid mf????

    did he lie u witless whale/PORCA???

    if you hate jews
    then you should hate that israeli lapdog hobama!!!!

    hobama hates mongrels in palestine too u iilliterate hanky head shrew!!!

    It's almost an unfair question. Barack Obama's many apologists have explained their lips off telling us how he could not run and cannot govern as president of Black Americans, or the president of Americans neck-deep in consumer debt, or the president of Americans who want an everybody in-nobody out health care system. To get elected and to govern, they wisely assure us, Barack Obama has chosen to be and must be the "president of everybody," if by everybody you mean private health insurers, Wall Street banksters, Pentagon contractors and greedy chambers of commerce everywhere. The president is a grown man, and he gets to make those choices.

    So do the rest of us, and on questions pertaining to the Middle East, a Euro-centric place name if ever there was one, every public opinion survey that bothers to differentiate white from black US opinion indicates that African Americans are, in the main, far more sympathetic to the cause of Palestinians than either their white neighbors or their first black president. Barack Obama then, is operating well outside the black consensus on Palestine and Israel, while former Georgia congresswoman Cynthia McKinney swims confidently in the mainstream of black opinion and the prophetic tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  161. Nomar Guacamole2:02 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "I agree with you that people with risky lifestyles or who contribute to their own bad health should not get free health insurance."

    So uptown is a Nazi too. Who decides what is a risky lifestyle Steve? Kathleen Sebelius? Does it depend on this year's budget? Run a little short, and maybe we stop covering people who go to KFC. Grandpa needs open heart surgery, but the neighbors say he didnn't jog every day, so too bad. Where the line?

    You are a willing slave, fool. Your are willing to forfeit the most basic decisions about your life just so the white man gets punished.

  162. Is widdle assnon still mad that he got punked in front of everyone?

    Don't worry.

    Just soak your booty in some epsom salts and it will be good as new in the morning.

  163. Just curious though ass-non...

    How is extending free healthcare to drug abusers and smokers "punishing the white man?"

  164. rfr..

    the only thing PORCA knows about larry flynt is that she is too fat and fugly and baldheaded to pose in his porn mags...

    she has 0 info on his renowned radical leftist heroic politics because she is an apolitical illiterate hobama nazi moron like all of her moron mongrel peers/schizo assnon clones herein

    the mammy maid belly warming bitch has a dirty hanky on her slave head that dons hobama's logo and it has squeezed her tiny brain too long!

    eff her and every mammy maid hobama loving bimbo mf who looks like her

    DID LARRY F LIE?????????????????


    cc that bs to miss anne/arianna h u hating hanky headed heifer!!!!

  165. Anonymous2:20 PM

    uts-"Just soak your booty in some epsom salts and it will be good as new in the morning."

    YOU need to soak your ass in it because ab, anon, and a few others have stomped the shit out of you, esp anon and ab. It looks like nobody wants to tolerate your ignorant stupid bullshit today.LOL

    It's too bad you cannot be conscious of your own stupidity. It could save you from looking soooo bad.

  166. uts/da mayor of utopia:

    only fool nigs like u think banksters are noble saints like hobama
    who spent the money they stole from u on the DROVES of newly homeless who are smarter than u are

    only blind LYING racist morons like you fail to realize that EVERY hater of gwb
    who loves hobama is a HYPOCRITE & A FOOL!!!

    i am not blinded by racism or dl bromance like u

    i see CLEARLY that when i point to that repub hobama
    i am pointing in the VERY same direction as his repub cuz gwb
    i am pointing to hobama as a more brutal and inept clone of gwb

    dick c is smarter than valerie j
    that is why hobama has FAILED & SINNED worse than gwb

    A section of Black America has lost their minds – literally – unable to make contact with reality since November 2008. Despite the horrific and disproportionate damage suffered by Blacks in the Great Recession, a psychologically impaired group of African Americans believes they are better off than before the recession began, and that the future is bright. When Obama entered, their powers of reason exited.

    A 53 percent Black majority think that the economy is starting to recover. Only 40 percent of whites hold that opinion. Yet, for the average Black or white working class person with a mortgage to pay, the situation is as bad as ever – and for Black people, that means roughly twice as bad. The Pew poll shows that 35 percent of Blacks report their homes are worth less than their mortgages, compared to just 18 percent for white people. Fifty-four percent of Blacks took a pay cut, worked reduced hours or were forced to take unpaid leave during the Great Recession. Only 37 percent of whites suffered such employment trauma, yet Blacks are consistently – and insanely – more optimistic about the future, and feel better about the present, than whites do. Nearly a third of Blacks say they are in better shape than before the recession began – a figure with no basis whatsoever in real life, and a perception that is at total war with reality. Everything is worse for every major Black demographic since December 2007. There is nothing to be upbeat about – except, for Obama supporters, the election 0f 2008. From that point on, a large segment of Black America became disconnected from reality, numb to their own pain and to the pain of their children. They have been singing zippidity-doo-dah while all around them Black America is in economic free-fall. These deluded Black folks have been rendered incompetent and politically useless to themselves and their families by the mere existence of a Black president. Obama's election was, besides the Great Recession itself, the worse thing that has happened to Black people in a long time.


    Dr. Queen:


    that dumb demented colorist elitist sexist dog uts is as PROUDLY clueless
    as PORCA/rthe vdlr are turbo breeding suckas for massa wigga slob marley and brainless!!!


    they are swooning over the bamboozling blackish swagger of hobama
    even as he slays them!!!

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

  168. Hey AB,

    Here's what your hero Larry Flynt thinks of black women.

    He ran this cartoon character for years in Hustler.

    You sure are silly sometimes.

  169. Anonymous2:41 PM

    6. Danth’s Law (also known as Parker’s Law)States: “If you have to insist that you've won an internet argument, you've probably lost badly.”
    Funny how you gleefully deny US citizens voting rights...because they did not vote the way you ordered them to. And the 'union thugs' only exist in your fevered imagination. Still waiting on those proofs. Like Left Behinds and their homework, reminding you of the lack is going through the motions. I expect neither proof nor homework.

    UTS, are you serious? Why would I remove health care for any reason? Your premise gives rise to the elimination of birth control as only 'sluts' need it. Not to mention abortion being made illegal (unless you are a bushTwin who can fly with Moms to South Africa and have it on the QT).
    Addiction is an illness.
    I, thank Dagon, have had no need for much of my 'gold-plated' insurances. But...I like having the option. Others have not had my fortune. They have had to use the service. I don't believe I will trade with them. I much prefer being the 'subsidizer' for that when it is my turn to need the will be there.
    Ryan and his Goobers pretend that they won't...well, being multimillionaires...THEY won't. What about teachers, police, firefighters, road crew, retail clerks, chefs, janitors, professors, geologists, drillers, ranchers, mechanics, golf pros, accountants, RNs, engineers, foresters, physicists, bakers, dairymen, factory workers.....


  170. Blogger alicia Hobanks said...
    the only thing PORCA knows about larry flynt is that she is too fat and fugly and baldheaded to pose in his porn mags...

    Well I do know his first sexual experience was raping a chicken. And! I know the only magazine that would want the likes of you- is Big Beautiful Bovines.

  171. confused coon INSURED elitist mongrel uts:

    only ruthless fools like you praise hobamacare
    as ALL who were poor were erased and played and pimped into NO public option

    u and every STILL uninsured poor person lost!!!!

    doctors are LEAVING the profession in droves over hobamacare
    we will all suffer less svc/choices and MORE costs
    most young slackers are too dumb and lazy to become doctors

    we will all pay for what hobama and his pharma corps have done via hobamacare
    i have already been payong higher co-pays for my cadillac group insurance since 2009
    as most americans in the real world

    wtfu u lovesick loony mongrel!!!

    But don't insult me and 300 million Americans by calling this "health-care reform." At least you've stopped calling it "universal health care." We will not have universal health care or anything close to it. I wish the president and the Democratic leadership would just stand up and say, "We're sorry, America. We didn't get the job done you sent us here to do. We're weak and scared and unable to communicate the simplest of messages to the American people. Therefore, our bill will guarantee that 12 million of you will still have NO health insurance. And that's because we have decided to leave the greedy, private insurance industry in charge of our system. Forgive us for this and for continuing to allow profit to be the determining factor as to whether a patient gets the help she or he needs."

    And by now you've figured out that you don't really have any say in this, that what we call the "democratic process" is mostly a sham, pretty words that get repeated in the hopes we will all still fall for it. But the fix is in and we don't fall for it anymore. Admit it: Wall Street owns "our" Congress lock, stock, and big barrel o' campaign cash. You want a say in this? Well, I don't see you on the Forbes 400, so shut the f@*& up and go fetch me another bottle of bubbly.

    Within days, the House of Representatives will vote to pass the Senate health-care "reform" bill. This bill is a joke. It has NOTHING to do with "health-care reform." It has EVERYTHING to do with lining the pockets of the health insurance industry. It forces, by law, every American who isn't old or destitute to buy health insurance if their boss doesn't provide it. What company wouldn't love the government forcing the public to buy that company's product?! Imagine a bill that ordered every citizen to buy the extended warranty on all their appliances? Imagine a law that made it illegal not to own an iPhone? Or how 'bout I get a law passed that makes it compulsory for every American to go see my next movie? Woo-hoo! Who wouldn't love a sweet set-up like this windfall?

    Please, Democrats—just say that—then pass this poor excuse of a bill.

  172. original mf uts:

    larry flynt could never hate us/me/yo mama more than u do


    DID HE LIE COON????????

    that vulgar bs has NOTHING to do with hobama and his bancksters/corp cronies!!!!

  173. Nomar Guacamole2:47 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "How is extending free healthcare to drug abusers and smokers "punishing the white man?"

    That's not what I said dumbass. Obamacare is punishing everyone. Ruining the best healthcare system in the world, destroying the strongest economy in the world, and taking way basic freedoms is your revenge against against the white man. That it will hurt everyone is besides the point -at least the white man goes down.

    Misery loves company, I guess.

  174. Not So Anonymous2:49 PM

    Larry is a proud Progressive Democrat who supports Obama and is fighting for women's rights.

    LEAVE LARRY ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!

  175. Foghorn Leghorn2:49 PM

    "Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
    Well I do know his first sexual experience was raping a chicken. And! I know the only magazine that would want the likes of you- is Big Beautiful Bovines.

    2:44 PM"

    That pig! Everybody knows consensual sex is the only way to go with a chicken!

  176. hanky head happily raped by massa chickenheaded rooster brained mammy maid mf vdlr/amg/beaulah:

    all of you vulgar hobama nazi morons have 0 debate skills

    all of the random irrelevant XXX bs u post daily has NOTHING to do with hobama and his banksters?


    DID HE LIE????????????

  177. Anonymous2:52 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  178. UTS/AGM/VDLR:

    bragging about your euro porn mags

    and boasting about the nasty drippy chicken u fried for massa
    and fed to him as u warmed his belly...

    all that bs has NOTHING to do with the rebel truths larry told


    DID HE LIE???????

  179. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Republicans: Fighting Racism since 1856 said...
    Ms. Ann G. Myma said...

    Well I do know his first sexual experience was raping a chicken.

    Its not uncommon for Progressive Democrats to have sexual preversions.

    Haven't you been to places like California or Washington State?

  180. Mold

    "UTS, are you serious? Why would I remove health care for any reason? Your premise gives rise to the elimination of birth control as only 'sluts' need it. Not to mention abortion being made illegal (unless you are a bushTwin who can fly with Moms to South Africa and have it on the QT).
    Addiction is an illness."

    The abortion analogy is going a bit overboard, doncha think Mold?

    I'm not as strident as Queenie but I struggle with offering free healthcare to people who continuously exhibit self-destructive behavior.

    I've seen first hand how it becomes a revolving door.

    People go to rehab when it gets cold. Dry out, eat good and stay warm at the center for 90 days. Then soon as it gets warm, they're back on the streets getting high, turning tricks whatever. Then the cycle starts all over again. All on the taxpayers tip.

    There has to be some limits and parameters set.

    That's all I'm saying.

  181. AB

    I never bought a Hustler magazine in my life.

    However I did know a lot of nice Republican white boys both in college and in the military who were avid subsrcibers.

  182. I hope this link works, however here a Flynt depiction of a black woman and her children.

  183. none of u hobama nazi nig stooges are smart enough to shine the wheels on larry's wheelchair...

    the vldr is unfit to steal his medical weed

    uts is unfit to swoon over the wfs in his mags

    and amg is unfit to dust off larry's own mag collection with any of her filthy head hankies



    DID HE LIE????...HUH???????

  184. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Best health care? Well, maybe for Mrs McCain or Paris or Donnie Trump or Senators...but for workaday 'Mericans...not so much. You have better care, smaller wait times, superior outcomes, cheaper meds and zero denial of coverage by the least of the French options.
    Go ahead, show me where I am in error. I'll wait. And no, simply repeating the dogma of 'greatest best X in the world' does not count as proof.
    Even the Canadian and UK systems, horribly defunded by vicious cons, are better.
    Funny how destroying the village to 'save' it is moral. While feeding, clothing and housing the villagers is a moral abomination.


  185. This comment has been removed by the author.


  187. attn all hobama nazis:

    no one could disgrace black women and children more than turbo breeders like the vdlr and porca/agm and their stray demon seeds!!!!

    uts/da mayor of utopia:

    like hobama
    u lie

    repubs = dems
    porn = porn
    fool nigs = u and ya posse etc

    only in your tiny world are repub porn fans bad and dem porn fans good etc

    u r a bold brazen bumbling buffoon u hobama coon

  188. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Vitter, Foley, Santorum ,and the wetsuit dude were R Cons. As was the strangely large number of GOPDaddies who thought they were Lot...and went biblical on their daughters.

    UTS, ummm...yes. The same idea has been used to deny and defund women's healthcare. As far as addicts relapsing, oh yes. I've known some for decades. But I still won't deny them health care. I won't loan them money...but I want them to get flu shots and see the MD when there is an issue. Should I deny care to Newt Gringrich who is a serial adulterer and morbidly obese? Should I deny care to the hordes of closeted queens in the R Party? Should I deny car to Santorum who wants you to suffer so he can be happy/
    I only deny care when the patient is a consenting, rational adult who clearly expresses this wish.


  189. larry is not prez
    hobama is prez
    not larry f u morons

    google hobama

    larry NEVER lied on hobama or featured hobama in a bi/dl spread in his mag either


  190. Anonymous3:16 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    I won't loan them money...


    3:09 PM"

    Now, that just figures.....Mold won't LOAN them HIS money.

    BUT...he's more than happy to GIVE them MINE!

    Typical liberal.

  191. Nomar Assnon

    "Obamacare is punishing everyone. Ruining the best healthcare system in the world,"

    You got stop listening to Fox.

    The United States ranks 23rd in infant mortality, down from 12th in 1960 and 21st in 1990

    The United States ranks 20th in life expectancy for women down from 1st in 1945 and 13th in 1960

    The United States ranks 21st in life expectancy for men down from 1st in 1945 and 17th in 1960.

    The United States ranks between 50th and 100th in immunizations depending on the immunization. Overall US is 67th, right behind Botswana

    Outcome studies on a variety of diseases, such as coronary artery disease, and renal failure show the United States to rank below Canada and a wide variety of industrialized nations.

    The United States ranks very poorly relative to other industrialized nations in health care.

    "destroying the strongest economy in the world"

    The Repubs already did that Nomar. The brutha is trying to fix what y'all messed up.

    "and taking way basic freedoms is your revenge against against the white man. That it will hurt everyone is besides the point -at least the white man goes down."

    Projection, thy name is Nomar....or Anonymous....face it we don't know what the f^ck your name is. You post under different aliases every ten minutes. The true sign of an internet psycho.

    Look fool. I have no reason to seek revenge against white folks. I live better than most of 'em.

    And in my years I've realized that the best way to piss goobers like you off is to just be better than you.

    It's obviously working.

    tee hee

  192. McHale's Gravy3:21 PM

    Uptownsteve: "However I did know a lot of nice Republican white boys both in college and in the military who were avid subsrcibers."

    And they used to tape the centerfold on uptown's back as they pounded away.

    Ahoy stevie!

  193. Anonymous3:25 PM

    ab, you are dusting the hell out of uts. It is an unmerciful slaying. I have never seen you blow him away without a care. I feel sorry for the defenseless powerless weak brother.

    Won't you PLEASE show him just a drop of mercy?

  194. Ab, stop talking to yourself.

    It's pathetic.

  195. Alicia Hobanks said....

    and boasting about the nasty drippy chicken u fried for massa
    and fed to him as u warmed his belly...

    all that bs has NOTHING to do with the rebel truths larry told



    The only person frying chicken around here is YOU! YOU'RE the stupid, slave Mammy posting your affections for Nazis. Did you call David Duke, today? Surely he needs his toilet cleaned. He'll probably need you to shine the swastika on his chalky ass too.

    As far as Flynt's truth telling- this is what he wrote, "Women are here to serve men. Look at them, they got to squat to piss. Hell, that proves it"

    Of course this will not disturb you-because you're no woman

  196. Anonymous3:29 PM

    uts, "Ab, stop talking to yourself.

    It's pathetic."

    uts, I am trying to save your ass from ab, and you think I am ab? Are you that dumb?

  197. pissy missy ditzy mammy maid agm/vdlr:

    and u r spewing enough bs all over this blog to drown chickens to fry for massa forever!!!


  198. Nomar Guacamole3:31 PM

    UTS: "And in my years I've realized that the best way to piss goobers like you off is to just be better than you."

    Then you need to try harder, jughead. I know you have a fake, make work AA job over there and you can't even win an argument with Queen Banks.

    You go ahead and get your healthcare from Botswana, as you think it's better than the US. Idiots like you cite those statisitcs on infant mortality etc. as if you don't know the propagandist source and have no idea of the context.

    Only an idiot believes we have an inferior healthcare system, you know, the one people come from all over the world to use when they really need it.

    And the Republicans, as stupid as they are, are the only thing standing between the democrats and the Zimbabweization of America.

  199. hated hater agm/vdlr:

    i hate nazis

    that is why i hate u black hobama nazis and your blackish nazi bankster god hobama!!!!

    only a brain dead beaulah bimbo would call larry f a nazi

    lf is a sexist
    but no more than that broke oj nig uts

    but larry f has NEVER lied on racist elitiist warmongering bankster nazi dog hobama!!!!!

  200. Sorry Goober...err Nomar

    I think the World Health Organization has a little bit more credibility than your sorry ass and they rank the US 37th in quality healthcare systems among nations.
