Sunday, May 22, 2011

Newt, maybe you should join Mitch.

Can someone explain to me how someone running for President on a fiscally conservative platform can manage to owe a jewelry company over a half a million dollars? I need someone to explain it to me because Newt didn't do a very good job of it on Face The Nation, today.

"For the first time, Newt Gingrich addressed reports regarding his wife’s financial disclosure forms, which revealed a debt ranging from $250,000 to $500,000 to premier jewelry company Tiffany & Co.

He did not disclose what he and his wife purchased at the jewelry store, arguing that he is 'very frugal' and lives debt-free.

'We're private citizens,' Gingrich said today on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” 'I work very hard. We have a reasonably good income. I currently owe nothing except I owe one mortgage on a house that's a rental property in Wisconsin. Everything else is totally paid for. My home is paid for, my cars are paid for. We don't have a separate house. We don't do elaborate things.'

“You’re running for president, you’re going to be the guy in charge of the Treasury Department and it just sticks out like a sore thumb,” host Bob Schieffer said.

But Gingrich said that in fact, his financial situation would be a good example for the government to follow.

'I’m the guy running for president who pays for all of his bills and after tax income and at no cost to the taxpayer, and who currently owes nothing except one rental property in Wisconsin,' he said. 'I am debt free. If the U.S government was debt free as I am, everybody in America would be celebrating.'

Earlier in the week, Gingrich refused to answer questions regarding the account, saying Tuesday on Fox News that he would not engage in 'trivial pursuit.”'

"I currently owe nothing". Splitting hairs as usual, Newt? What about the thousands of dollars you owe in taxes on a bunch of your companies in at least four states? Yeah I know I know, "trivial pursuit."

Finally, I see that yet another republiclown candidate decided not to take on O. I swear this field is getting thinner than Vanna White's arms. Vanna, it's called food! You should try it sometime. But I digress.

The republiclowns are bumming, he was the last great hope of the true believers who had a shot at winning in the general election. Now they have to depend on Mitt, Newt, Tim, Michelle, and the rest of the gang that can't shoot straight.

Personally, I didn't see the big deal with Mitch Daniels. He is just another flip- flopping poli-trickster who will do whatever it takes to get elected. I am glad he listened to his wife and decided not to run. (Something about an embarrassing incident back in the early nineties.) I am guessing that he would have regretted it.


  1. PilotX8:03 PM

    Doesn't Mitch kinda look like Putin? Anyhoo, you didn't mention my man Herman. I swear he is a one man free pass for racists. Does anyone think he has a chance?

  2. I dunno. You may be underestimating Romney. He's currently showing 20% favorability among GOP candidates. Palin is second with 12%. I listened to an NPR podcast last week and they spoke of Romney's look; he "looks presidential". After a lifetime in advertising, I don't discount the importance of this trifle.

  3. @PilotX I don't think Hermain Cain has a chance. He's almost like a sideshow...

  4. Anonymous8:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    I swear he is a one man free pass for racists. Does anyone think he has a chance?

    Herman is getting a pass from Democrats.Wonder if it will last?

  5. I personally think the rethuglicans have accepted the fact that they are going to lose this one. They're hoping that things get so screwed up by 2016 that they can put any psycho they want in office. BTW, I'm not just criticizing that party. I'm an independent.

    Anyone remember Newt's fireside chats?

  6. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Do not count Herm out just yet if they know they are going to lose then why not run the brother then they can really claim they are not the racist they are.

  7. Is Herman Cain the pizza brotha?

    He has about as much of a shot as Allen Keeeeys did. :)

  8. Farley9:40 PM

    He ran Godfather's. A large amount of non-performers were closed, supposedly saving the company. Which is why you might see the odd one every now and then.

  9. Flavor Flav9:42 PM

    So, Newt can't get his bling on?

  10. Mitt Romeny and Rick Perry. Two solid candidates.

    Any candidate over 60 is too old to win.

  11. Anonymous10:25 PM

    You must be new here. I have blogged about this subject here before. That is a myth. Black folks are no different than any other folks when it comes to tipping. Well...except the Irish, they are the best tippers.

    Nigga please. How the fuck do you know if you have never worked food service? Stereotypes (Or myths as you refer) are all based on factual experiences and you know it Nigger.

  12. no_slappz said...
    Mitt Romeny and Rick Perry. Two solid candidates.

    This is excellent! One wears magic Mormon panties to keep away evil spirits, the other is a closet Queen who supports anti-gay legislation.

  13. Wesley R11:04 PM


    The Republicans are giving Romney no respect. Now they're saying that Roger Ailes had Limballs and the Crispy Creme Governor at his house to try and talk Gov. Creme into running in 2012. Creme turned them down though.

    Gingrich is done. He has his realities but the truth is different.

  14. Whitey's Conspiracy12:33 AM

    Now Field, why you wanna shut the freakshow down so soon? I've still got popcorn beer and chicheerrones standing by for act 1, his intro's been funnier than I could have hoped, and I've been following the guy since '88 when he was making his bones opposing MLK day. I say newt all the way; if this doesn't bury him nothing will.

  15. Whitey's Conspiracy12:43 AM

    No one's ever won the presidency as his first elective office; no one serious tries without losing stature over it. Caine's part of the freakshow. Bunch of wolfboyelephantmen who'd all be obvious also-rans if they had one quality candidate (Huntsman, cough cough). The consensus across the republiklan insiders is that O-B's unstoppable. As of now, I concur.

  16. Anonymous1:22 AM

    PilotX, "Doesn't Mitch kinda look like Putin? Anyhoo, you didn't mention my man Herman. I swear he is a one man free pass for racists. Does anyone think he has a chance?"

    Herman is the one Republican who could easily beat Obama. Look for him to be our next President.

  17. Mack Lyons1:31 AM

    "Herman is the one Republican who could easily beat Obama. Look for him to be our next President."

    Man, you're gonna be as disappointed come 2012 as some of those Rapture folk are right now.

    The possibility of the GOP using Cain as some sort of new and improved Darky™ to challenge the current, "defective" Darky™ (Obama) is even more remote than Ron Paul cinching the GOP nomination. Nope, the GOP will attempt to find the youngest, most photogenic white guy who doesn't want to wait until 2016 for his shot at the Oval Office.

  18. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Anon, "Nigga please. How the fuck do you know if you have never worked food service? Stereotypes (Or myths as you refer) are all based on factual experiences and you know it Nigger"

    You are right but Field can't bring himself to admit it. There was a really informative person on this blog about a year or so ago who was in the restaurant business.
    Like you, his experience with Blacks tipping was negative. He even produced proof from some magazine survey that showed Blacks as the worst tippers in America but were "high maintenance" customers...meaning the waiter/waitresses had to work their asses off for almost nothing.

    Well, to make a long story short, some of these FN bloggers called the poster a racist and a liar and eventually chased him off FN blog.

    So, you had better be careful cause they will call you a bunch of uncle toms, lawn jockey, buck dancing negro and a bunch of other stuff. Blacks on FN don't like the truth when it makes them look bad.

  19. Anonymous1:39 AM

    California Girl,

    are you really in California? Aren't you nervous about the next earthquake that is sure to sink CA?

    Btw, Harold's calculation on the end of the world 'might' be off by a month. If I were you I'd get the hell out of there.

  20. More seriously, Newt the Nit trashed the Repug economic plan as right wing social engineering.He lost a lot of insider support.

  21. Anonymous1:50 AM

    "Well, to make a long story short, some of these FN bloggers called the poster a racist and a liar and eventually chased him off FN blog."

    Yeah i remember that. he was a nice honest virtuous person who loved everybody. but for some reason field, granny,laa and some other folks didn't like him.

    i bet field probably regrets losing him as a regular poster. the lovely fella's name was grinder.

    laa has softenend in her old age and probably would welcome grinder back with open arms...might even invite him to VI so they could hug each other in person.

  22. Anonymous2:11 AM

    the tornado that left "nothing" in the midwest was part of harold camping's calculations. field, if i were you and some of your non-believer friends like macklying and desertweed, i'd wait a week or two before declaring harold camping a hoax.

    i mean that tornado that hit mossouri was like a tornado never seen left "NOTHING"!

  23. "So, you had better be careful cause they will call you a bunch of uncle toms, lawn jockey, buck dancing negro and a bunch of other stuff."

    I suspect it won't be the first time that this person has heard those names. ;)

    "i'd wait a week or two before declaring harold camping a hoax."


  24. Black News Today -- One Man's Opinion:

    Ray Lewis says crime will rise without NFL labor settlement

    Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis says the NFL lockout could result in higher crime rates should the league continue a work stoppage.

    Lewis told ESPN’s Sal Paolantonio: "Do this research if we don't have a season — watch how much evil, which we call crime, watch how much crime picks up, if you take away our game. ... There's nothing else to do, Sal."

    Lewis, though a leader on the field, has had his own fair share of “crime” off the field.

    Lewis, 36, was indicted on murder and aggravated assault charges in 2000. The murder charges were later dropped in exchange for Lewis’ testimony against two companions.

    Never one to shy away from the camera, Lewis offers his opinion on the dispute as the NFL and the NFL Players Association enter Week 10 of the lockout.

    "It's simple, we really got to remove pride. Seriously. There's no other reason the issue is going on. That's why I don't get into words and all that other stuff, because it takes away from life ... itself.

    There's people who are really struggling for real. There's real struggles out there," Lewis told ESPN.

  25. ms ann g myma says:

    This is excellent! One wears magic Mormon panties to keep away evil spirits, the other is a closet Queen who supports anti-gay legislation.

    At this point the closest thing to success Obama has experienced as president is getting support for gay marriage.

    He's also presiding over a justice department that's focused on the heinous crimes of Lance Armstrong, crimes involving steroid use over a decade ago when he won the Tour de France bicycle race.

    That's the focus of Eric Holder. Prosecuting a guy who races bicycles in another country.

    Is Holder's justice department investigating Al Sharpton for tax evasion? No. He's Obama's new best friend.

    Is Holder going to close Guantanamo Bay prison? No. Of course not. There are dangerous terrorists there who cannot go elsewhere -- and Holder knows it.

    Meanwhile, Obama is standing aside, doing nothing, while the Egyptian army cements its control of Egypt, and ends expectations for the arrival of any form of democracy.

    He's standing by while Khadafy slaughters more Libyans and he's standing by while Assad slaughters more Syrians. He's standing by as the leader of Yemen changes his mind and declares he's not giving up power.

    Why has the leader of Yemen deceded he wants to retain power? He now knows the US is going to do nothing in support of his removal or in the name of bringing democracy to one of the world's most backward nations.

    Obama has let the word out that the US is no longer a global cop. To dictators, this is the greatest news ever. They're now free to slaughter their hapless citizens.

    That's what the world sees in the Obama presidency.

  26. No Slappz

    "Any candidate over 60 is too old to win."

    Why is that Slappy when beloved St. Reagan wass damn near 70 when he won?

  27. Slappy drools

    "At this point the closest thing to success Obama has experienced as president is getting support for gay marriage."

    Slappy, your caricature has become a caricature.

    The Republican field is as weak as it because any serious candidate knows he doesn't have a real chance this time out.

    Clowns like you will continue to bray that Bush got Bin Laden and Obama caused the recession but most sane people see the destructive trend set by the Republican rightwing has been corrected and we are headed toward economic recovery and sensible government.

    Oh BTW, are you suggesting that the US invade Egypt and Syria?

    Yes or No.

  28. outoftouchstevie writes:

    Clowns like you will continue to bray that Bush got Bin Laden and Obama caused the recession but most sane people see the destructive trend set by the Republican rightwing has been corrected and we are headed toward economic recovery and sensible government.

    The truth, which is obvious to everyone except Obama idolators is that it took almost 10 years of sustained effort to FIND bin Laden, and several months for the SEALs to plan and carry out his execution.

    Bush policies and strategies were essential for FINDING bin Laden, and Obama had the luxury of signing the order to execute him. Bot presidents get credit.

    But killing bin Laden has already shown itself to be a footnote to history as it unfolds in North Africa and the middle east right now.

    The move toward democracy in Egypt has come to a stop. Big surprise. Military rulers -- unless its the US military -- rarely hand over power to the forces of democracy.

    However, Obama has the power to ORDER the Egyptian military to democratize Egypt. Very simple. Go democractic or the US steps aside and lets China step in.

    It's okay with me if China becomes the guiding force in Egypt. But Egyptians will regret it.

    Oh BTW, are you suggesting that the US invade Egypt and Syria?

    Syria? There are only two strategies for the US to consider. Either sending a series of cruise missiles down on the heads of Assad and his henchmen OR sending in SEAL Team 6 to kill Assad and his closest associates.

    As for Libya, it's way past time to kill Khadafy. Way past. However, your lack of concern about Libyan slaugher underway makes it appear you have no aversion to government forces killing their fellow countrymen.

    To kill both Khadafy and Assad, there is no need for a full-scale invasion or either country.

    Assad is easiest to kill. Meanwhile it would take very little effort to destroy his capacity to control Syria. Thus, ending his reign would take about an hour.

    Khadafy may be harder to find, but NATO and US forces can target his family and his closest associates. That will put an end to his regime.

    By the way, killing Assad reduces aid to Hezbollah and limits its role in Lebanon, a country controlled by Iran and Syria.

  29. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I haven't seen Demorats this cocky since they found out Reagan got the Republican nod.

    We know Obama is the chocolate Carter.

    Newt has tax problems?He would fit in with all the tax cheats that are in the Obama regime.

  30. outoftouchstevie,

    Obama's economic programs are accomplishing NOTHING.

    YOu can blame Clinton and Bush for escalating the financial issues into huge problems. But the blame does not stop there. Obama has committed the US to spending programs that are unaffordabe -- as Obama's record-busting borrowing proves.

    You cannot solve a problem by repeating the mistakes that got us into our predicament. But Obama is not only repeating the mistakes, he's doubling down. That makes him a moron.

  31. Slappy you are a bloviating buffoon.

    The 700 billion bailout that angered many Americans and set them off ranting about government spending and the deficit done during the Bush administration, has under the guidance of the Obama administration has not only saved our banking system from collapse but actually 620 billion of it has already been paid back.

    We went from losing 700,000 jobs a month during the last year of the Bush administration to less and less each month of the Obama administration to now we are actually gaining jobs once again.

    But continue baying at the moon.

    We'll continue to laugh.

  32. Oh BTW, Obama has done this while actually lowering the taxes of 95% of American citizens.

    Run tell dat goober.

  33. outoftouchsteve writes:

    Why is that Slappy when beloved St. Reagan wass damn near 70 when he won?

    Why was it that Truman was the last man without a college degree to become president?

    Why? Because times have changed. Reagan was the last old guy to win. Now that stories are emerging that early signs of Alzheimers were noticed while he was in office there is less chance of anyone over 60 winning the presidency.

    Clinton defeated Bush 41, who was over 65 in 1992. Clinton beat Dole who was about 70 in 1996. GWB and Gore were both about 55 in 2000. Bush and Kerry were both about 59 in 2004. Obama beat McCain, who was about 70 in 2008.

    Have you noticed the trend?

  34. ab at 9:35

    blogger is blocking me again

    forced to post as anon


  35. alternaterealitystevie writes:

    The 700 billion bailout that angered many Americans and set them off ranting about government spending and the deficit done during the Bush administration, has under the guidance of the Obama administration has not only saved our banking system from collapse but actually 620 billion of it has already been paid back.

    It appears you are referring to the TARP program. TARP was NOT a spending program. Your ignorance stands in the way of your understanding that banks receiving TARP money have REPAID the TARP money As Their CEOs Said They Would.

    On the other hand, GM was truly bailed out. As part of its bailout, restructuring, chaper 11 makeover, Obama permitted the company to shift much of its retiree pension and healthcare bills to the taxpayers.

    This is the reality of ObamaEconomics. Hit the taxpayers.

    Recent job growth is occurring in segments of the economy NOT connected to Obama's economic idiocy. Except for the handful of jobs making wind generators and building Chevy Volt electric cars, Obama's spending has CREATED no jobs.

  36. Slapstick

    "Have you noticed the trend?"

    No trend buddy.

    Before Uncle Ronny you had Carter elected at 52, Nixon elected at 53 and Kennedy at 43.

    The timing was right for Reagan.

    The economy was in shambles.

    White folks were starting feel punked and fretting that their time as the global top dogs was coming to an end..

    Reagan made them FEEL good.

  37. alternaterealitystevies writes:

    Oh BTW, Obama has done this while actually lowering the taxes of 95% of American citizens.

    In your wildest dreams.

    First, a huge percentage of Americans pay NO incomes taxes.

    Second, inasmuch as Obama has multiplied spending, claims of tax cuts WHILE stopping business expansion -- limits on oil drilling, for example -- mean that new revenue streams will fail to appear, thereby setting the stage for massive tax increases in the near future.

    Meanwhile, the idiotic ObamaCare healthcare program will lead to more federal spending which will require more revenue from the hapless taxpayers.

    Moreover, it appears that Obama wants to give all illegal immigrants amnesty. Thus, if he succeeds, he will further increase the federal and state spending on social programs and social services, all funded by taxpayers.

  38. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    file this under

    white pookies wilding at fast food restaurants


  39. "First, a huge percentage of Americans pay NO incomes taxes."

    What percentage is that Slappy?

    Let's see some facts.

    Obama tax cut

  40. Slapstick

    "On the other hand, GM was truly bailed out. As part of its bailout, restructuring, chaper 11 makeover, Obama permitted the company to shift much of its retiree pension and healthcare bills to the taxpayers."

    What you fail to acknowledge is that GM paid back the government in full with interest.

  41. alternaterealitysteve writes:

    White folks were starting feel punked and fretting that their time as the global top dogs was coming to an end..

    Please. Whites are not worried about who leads the world in the ways that matter.

    But there is a lot of worry that the nitwits among us are giving away the nation to the forces of stupidity, for which you are a poster child.

    Like I keep saying, if there were just one black nation that showed blacks operating a successful modern economy based on trade, innovation and education, the idea of blacks in charge of things in the US would be less worrisome.

    But with the examples of Detroit and other black enclaves here, and the utter failure of every black nation on the planet, even Nigeria, with its extraordinary oil wealth, it's obvious some people are incompetent at important tasks.

  42. outoftouchsteve writes:

    What you fail to acknowledge is that GM paid back the government in full with interest.

    You must make these idiotic and false statements intentionally. I doubt it's possible that even YOU are so ignorant that you believe what you wrote.

    GM will NEVER repay its TARP loan, which means the TARP Loan was really a TARP grant.

    Moreover, the taxpayers are stuck with the pension and healthcare bills of GM retirees until they all croak. But, since you know nothing about accounting, I suppose it all adds up in your head.

  43. Keep yapping Slappy.

    Obama rescued this country from rightwing incompetence and will win a second term.

    South Africa's economy is stronger than ever with a booming black middle and professional class.

    Atlanta is one of the most desireable areas for professionals and business people in the nation.

    Maybe if you got off this board and went outside sometimes you wouldn't be so scared and ignorant.

  44. Slappy

    You have rendered yourself totally irrelevant and not to be taken seriously with your wild ranting, drooling hatred, and wild hysteria.

    You're a pathetic fool who refuses to accept reality and chooses to wallow in $hit.


  45. uts/da mayor of utopia:



    how so?????

    america is worse than ever!!!

    serial simultaneous wars
    PIC cages
    wilding banksters
    perm jobs lost
    tuition hikes

    “More African American men are in prison or jail, on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850, before the Civil War began.”

  46. Anonymous10:44 AM

    i mean that tornado that hit mossouri was like a tornado never seen left "NOTHING"!


    I live here, sure it's bad but no worse than many tornadoes that tear across tornado alley. It was not nearly as bad as some.

    carry on.

  47. idiotsteve,

    GM's repayment of TARP funds wa partial.

    More important, however, is the fact that GM used other funds acquired through the TARP to repay the partial payment mentioned in the article you linked.

  48. uts:

    get outside your gates asap!!!

    take binoculars!!!



    hobama has doomed america for decades!!!

    A 53 percent Black majority think that the economy is starting to recover. Only 40 percent of whites hold that opinion. Yet, for the average Black or white working class person with a mortgage to pay, the situation is as bad as ever – and for Black people, that means roughly twice as bad. The Pew poll shows that 35 percent of Blacks report their homes are worth less than their mortgages, compared to just 18 percent for white people. Fifty-four percent of Blacks took a pay cut, worked reduced hours or were forced to take unpaid leave during the Great Recession. Only 37 percent of whites suffered such employment trauma, yet Blacks are consistently – and insanely – more optimistic about the future, and feel better about the present, than whites do. Nearly a third of Blacks say they are in better shape than before the recession began – a figure with no basis whatsoever in real life, and a perception that is at total war with reality. Everything is worse for every major Black demographic since December 2007. There is nothing to be upbeat about – except, for Obama supporters, the election 0f 2008. From that point on, a large segment of Black America became disconnected from reality, numb to their own pain and to the pain of their children. They have been singing zippidity-doo-dah while all around them Black America is in economic free-fall. These deluded Black folks have been rendered incompetent and politically useless to themselves and their families by the mere existence of a Black president. Obama's election was, besides the Great Recession itself, the worse thing that has happened to Black people in a long time.

    The insanity is documented in the Pew Research Center’s recent report, “How the Great Recession Has Changed Life in America,” which shows that Black America, the group that has been the most damaged, by far, in the Great Recession, is also the most enthusiastic about the state of the economy. Twenty-five percent of Blacks tell pollsters that the economy is doing good or excellent; that’s almost twice as high as the number of whites that think so – even though Black unemployment is about twice that of whites. Eighty-one percent of Blacks say America is still a land of prosperity, while only 59 percent of whites think that way, even though Blacks make only 61 cents for every white dollar earned, the same as 30 years ago.

  49. "rescued?????"


    “Like a festering and infected wound that remains untreated, President Obama’s support within the black community is threatened by the fact that the people who love him most are suffering unlike anything our nation has seen over the last 50 years,” Watkins wrote in the Huffington Post.

    African Americans have the highest unemployment rate of any ethnic group in America, and the disparity is raising eyebrows.

    According the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics report, the black unemployment rate hovers at 16.1 percent – compared with 8 percent among whites, 11.8 percent among Hispanics, and 6.4 percent among Asians. The most recent figures pin the total unemployment rate at 9 percent.

    There is not a consensus, however, on the reasons behind the disparity, which Dr. Boyce Watkins has labeled “The Great Black Disconnect,” wherein blacks disassociate their plight from the president’s inaction – yet might fail to put energy into his reelection.

    Read more:

  50. Talk about owing money, shyt, I'm in debt up to my ass. Newt should just give me a piece of that 500, I sure could use a couple dollars, right about now.

  51. uts/da mayor of utopia:

    the middle classes of all races are relics!!!

    go see the for sale signs in ALL enclaves now!!!


    at what addresses???

    hobama is a failure for all except warmongers and bancksters

    stop losses/eternal soldiers


    The bleakest year in foreclosure crisis has only just begun.
    Lenders are poised to take back more homes this year than any other since the U.S. housing meltdown began in 2006. About 5 million borrowers are at least two months behind on their mortgages and more will miss payments as they struggle with job losses and loans worth more than their home's value, industry analysts forecast.

    "2011 is going to be the peak," said Rick Sharga, a senior vice president at foreclosure tracker RealtyTrac Inc. The firm predicts 1.2 million homes will be repossessed this year by lenders.

    The outlook comes after banks repossessed more than 1 million homes in 2010, RealtyTrac said Thursday. That marked the highest annual tally of properties lost to foreclosure on records dating back to 2005.

  52. uts/da mayor of utopia:


    in hollywood even????

    u must be really rich

    richer than ALL of the celebs losing their mansions too???

    Minnesota– Prince almost suffered what many Americans have gone through when his house went into foreclosure and he stepped up and paid the mortgage in full.

    The property reportedly fell into foreclosure after he allegedly failed to keep up with mortgage payments

  53. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Speak da trutha to these obama nazis,AB.....

  54. spc:





    evict obama!!!
    nobama 2012!!!

  55. uts/da mayor of utopia:


    u will NOT spew such detached ruthless elitist bs unchecked

    NOT as people donning loose fitting ragged hobama tees are NOT rescued from evictions/hunger/poverty/hoplessness/unchanged misery etc!!!...

    So, perhaps those who are quick to implement the “stop snitching on Obama” policy on Cornel West should stop trying to counter his argument by telling West to remain silent. Instead, he should be silenced with relevant and meaningful action on the part of the Obama Administration. Spinning, twisting and reshaping the conversation means nothing when black unemployment continues to rise, mass incarceration decimates our people and our children are not being educated. You can either get angry at someone for calling you fat, or you can take your fat butt to the gym. Unfortunately, it’s easier for Washington types and elitist liberals to use political double-speak than it is for them to point to concrete evidence that working and middle class black people (the bulk of whom experience rampant and unregulated discrimination in the workplace) have a reason to be excited about the next election. Whether they should reject President Obama vs. his Republican counterparts is debatable; but whether they should reject all of Washington is undeniable.

    What must be realized is that much of what happens in American politics is personal. I wouldn’t argue that Harris-Perry’s points are invalid solely because she might have a personal vendetta against West. I would rather see the African American community consider the evidence as it stands and make their own decision about whether or not the Obama Administration has enhanced their lives. If one can easily and logically argue that black folks are better off since 2008, then there is nothing to criticize. But if people of color are worse off than before, with no signs of improving, then there is little reason for working class black people to be excited about any president of any color.

    Ultimately, the proof must be in the pudding, and the pundits shouldn’t be allowed to tell us how it tastes. Anyone who works to distract observers from the facts and consistently deviates from the issues is most likely working to deceive others into believing something that simply is not true. Also, as much as some would accuse Cornel West of attacking President Obama for personal reasons, we must remember that the critics, themselves are not immune from the sweet temptation of revenge

  56. Anonymous12:26 PM

    What goober going to stop Obama froma second term?st. reagan isn't rising from the nation goobers are crying.Obama will be judged has the greatest president ever.Nothing you wites and toms can do.Tryin asking someone who knows facts.

    I use to be a pollster.A real pollster not like wite goober luntz.I know many really pollsters.Know what they are saying?Obama wins no matter who the goober cons put up.


  57. see another textbook OG hobama nazi drone slander cornel with envy and personal bs but

    just like the OG hobama nazi drone melissa...

    not one mf word about any lie that cornel has ever told on hobama




  58. cornel west has never lied on hobama!!!

    that is precisely why hobama nazis are lying on cornel...shame!!!!!

    Belafonte was asked by host Amy Goodman whether he'd used his occasional access to directly share his many critical and valuable public policy insights with the White House. Belafonte replied that his only access to the president has been for a few seconds at a time, not long enough for any substantive discussion. But, he said, at one such event President Obama approached him to inquire when Belafonte and Cornel West were going “to cut me some slack.”

    “What makes you think we haven't?” Belafonte replied to the president? At this point the brief encounter was over.

    Let's pause to think about that. When President Obama cusses out Cornel West and personally demands that historic stalwarts of the movement for peace and justice “cut him some slack” on black unemployment, on foreclosures and the prison state, on torture and the military budget, on unjust wars and corporate welfare, on fulfilling the just demands of those who elected him, our first black president is revealing his real self. Far from saying “make me do it,” President Obama is saying how dare you pressure me to do what you elected me to do.

  59. Now it's O'Bama

    Obama visits family roots in Irish village

    MONEYGALL, Ireland | Mon May 23, 2011

    MONEYGALL, Ireland (Reuters) - President Barack Obama sipped a pint of stout and cuddled babies Monday as a tiny Irish village Monday welcomed home "a long lost cousin" with an outpouring of affection.

    Hoisting a glass of Guinness at Ollie Hayes pub as fiddle music played, Obama thus began a four-nation tour of Europe with a celebration of his ancestral roots.

    Roars of delight from thousands of rain-lashed people lining the street greeted the president and his wife, Michelle, as their motorcade pulled to a stop in Moneygall.

    The sleepy village of 300 was the birthplace of Obama's great-great-great grandfather, Falmouth Kearney, a shoemaker who left in 1850 to begin a new life in the United States.

  60. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Hey Steve with the Weave, you really should look at varied results when you google things such as GM and tarp repayment, this way you don't sound foolish when someone comes back to simply advise you they lied to you and your too stupid to know the difference, as you often do.

    Oh by the way, more Obamanomics in action.

    "Seven publicly traded U.S. corporations represented on President Barack Obama’s advisory council for jobs and competitiveness -- including General Electric Co. (GE) and Intel Corp. (INTC) -- have devoted a growing pool of their non-U.S. earnings to investments in other countries

    Or as someone said, I guess this is thier way of telling Obama his economic policies suck.

    Gasp....GE,Intel and many more are shipping jobs overseas and this even after they got the communist leaders exemption from his surcharge for being alive and american Obamacare law AND paid no taxe.....Sheeeezzzz> It is good to be on the side of dear leader, he vill help you. Nation of laws, nah, its' a nation of corrupt democrats right now.

  61. not one mf anywhere who is slandering cornel has said ONE WORD to defend the indefensible hobama

    including that sambo cloned cooned stanley c


  62. Anonymous1:44 PM

    N-S, do you really think we need you to keep up with the news?

  63. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Codename 'smart alec': British police label Obama with 'mildly offensive' Punjabi word for visit to UK

    Read more:

    More than one person has wanted to call Barack Obama a 'smart alec', and now British police will get the chance to do so without getting reprimanded.
    That's because Scotland Yard has tapped the codename 'Chalaque' to refer to the U.S. president for security reasons during his upcoming state visit to the United Kingdom May 24-26.
    Indarjit Singh, a Punjabi speaker in the UK who is director of the Network of Sikh Organisations, told the Sunday Times the word 'is sometimes used when we want to denigrate someone who we think is too clever for their own good'.

    Congrats to Justice David Prosser.The left wasn't able to steal this one.

  64. fn:

    i nominate deborah mathis as fnotd


    only real hets can pen such secure sanity

    Apparently, that early experience burrowed into my consciousness and permanently shaped my thinking about gay rights because, to this day, I cannot figure out why anyone would reject, despise, discriminate against or stigmatize a good man or woman based on which gender he or she is attracted to.

    Nor have I ever once doubted that our sexuality is hard-wired - not a choice, not a preference, not a “lifestyle.” After all, if I ever chose to be heterosexual, for the life of me, I can’t remember when that was, where that happened or how I did it. You would think one would recall such a monumental decision point.

  65. more heroic rebel truths from cw

    kudos to cornel!!!!!!!

    did he lie???
    hell no!!!

  66. chris hedges is a man i love!!!


    The liberal class, which attempted last week to discredit the words my friend Cornel West spoke about Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, prefers comfort and privilege to justice, truth and confrontation. Its guiding ideological stance is determined by what is most expedient to the careers of its members. It refuses to challenge, in a meaningful way, the decaying structures of democracy or the ascendancy of the corporate state. It glosses over the relentless assault on working men and women and the imperial wars that are bankrupting the nation. It proclaims its adherence to traditional liberal values while defending and promoting systems of power that mock these values.The pillars of the liberal establishment—the press, the church, culture, the university, labor and the Democratic Party—all honor an unwritten quid pro quo with corporations and the power elite, as well as our masters of war, on whom they depend for money, access and positions of influence. Those who expose this moral cowardice and collaboration with corporate power are always ruthlessly thrust aside.

    The liberal class is incapable of reforming itself. It does not hold within its ranks the rebels and iconoclasts who have the moral or physical courage to defy the corporate state and power elite. And when someone such as Cornel West speaks out, packs of careerist liberals—or perhaps one should call them neoliberals—descend on the apostate like hellhounds, never addressing the truths that are expressed but instead engaging in vicious character assassination. The same thing happened to Ralph Nader, Noam Chomsky, Dennis Kucinich, Jeremiah Wright and others who defied the political orthodoxy of corporate capitalism. The corporate forces, which have taken control of the press and which break unions, run the universities, fund the arts and own the Democratic Party, demand the banishment of all who question the good intentions of the powerful. Liberals who comply are tolerated within the system. They are permitted to busy themselves with the boutique activism of political correctness, inclusiveness or multiculturalism. If they attempt to fight for the primacy of justice, they become pariahs.

  67. Nauseous3:19 PM

    I guess this is now the Alicia Banks and No Slappz blog.

  68. inept hater/vomiter:

    sanity, intelligence, and documentation always cause chronic nausea in severe morons like u

    spew on

  69. Anti-Anti-Intellectual3:32 PM

    In this case, quantity does not make for quality.

  70. assnon/uts/aai:

    u have

  71. Anonymous3:56 PM

    You wouldn't believe AB has her own "blog," would you? No one reads it so she has to come over here and vomit. And yes, make us all sick.


  72. Anonymous4:01 PM

    ab, lay off of Obama! he is FN bloggers great Black HOPE! where is your heart?

    can't you see Obama is going to lead us out of the wilderness? Come on, join us in harmony on FN blog. there is no one who can defeat Obama in the next election and you know it.

  73. Anonymous4:06 PM

    i agree. Obama is the man. i bet slappz will vote for him. why? because it will be in the interest of Israel and his best interests here in America.

    Field, i hope you post about the advantages and benefits of voting for the beige man in the wh.

    and please, no more mention about those knuckleheads Cornel and Tavis.

  74. Anonymous4:07 PM

    ab, you are getting senile in your old age. start taking some medications for it.

  75. hobama nazi assnon:

    i am younger than that old soulless sold out geezer hobama

    and u lie like hobama!

    check my traffic and archives anytime

    where is your blog u envious liar????

  76. Anonymous4:29 PM

    AB, love how you kick the Obomba supporters in their asses. Continue to beat them with the truth!!

  77. faceless blogless spineless mindless hobama nazi assnon:

    check me out here too

    where r u????

  78. anon:


    that is precisely why these racist hobama loving drones BLATANTLY LIE AND SLANDER ME JUST AS THEY DO CORNEL WEST...



  79. anon 4:06 writes:

    Obama is the man. i bet slappz will vote for him. why? because it will be in the interest of Israel and his best interests here in America.

    Yeah. Right. Obama is good for Israel. I gather you're joking.

    He's not good for America, either.

    Obama is running against his own record of legislative failure. On top of legislative efforts that have failed, thankfully, he's got a lot of additional initiatives that are even worse than those that have already fizzled.

  80. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Clueless bastards can't refute valid arguments against Obombya; they can only attack the messenger. Tell us then why BO is so good. Why is he worth voting for? Oh, I get it!! It just feels better to be fucked by a Democrat than Rethug.

  81. anon:


    they have NOTHING to say in defense of hobama!

    and less than NOTHING each day!!!

    therein lies the problem/the slurs...tragic!!!

  82. anon:

    Ron Paul vs. Barrack Obama

    Jobs. Ron Paul’s economic prowess has proved unbelievable. He called the economic collapse before too many people were talking about it. Obama promised our unemployment wouldn’t go above 8%. That was wrong. Obama also spent billions of dollars of your money trying to prevent it. Which brings me to the next point where Obama would get destroyed the most.
    Bailouts. Ron Paul voted for NO bailouts of any kind for any industry. Obama voted for them. He voted for the bankers to be bailed out right along with W. Bush. So I guess that makes Obama more like W. Bush on fiscal policy.
    War. Ron Paul voted for the authorization to go into Afghanistan. Only under the condition that we would not nation build. Ron Paul and Obama did not vote to go into Iraq. Obama did continue the nation building platform the W. Bush started. He backed out of his campaign promises shortly after becoming POTUS. Obama has sent unmanned drones into Yemen and Pakistan to kill people. So he has actually increased the war effort.
    Drugs. No matter who you are you have to admit the War on Drugs has failed. Whether you think we should spend more money we don’t have to fight it or not. Obama is continuing to keep up the good ole fight on drugs just like his other predecessors. Ron Paul believes you have the right to decide what you want to put in your body. Even though philosophically he doesn’t agree with drug abuse. Paul believes it is a states rights issue. Now if you are black, look how many young black men are getting put in jail compared to white men on non violent drug charges. Paul said he would let go all non violent drug offenders. Obama doesn’t care about this issue at all. At least by his actions.
    Healthcare. A lot of the true left wing Democrats didn’t like Obama Care. They know it won’t bring the cost of health care down. They wanted a single payer system. Ron Paul doesn’t want to take people currently on our government system off. He does want to eventually get to where government is not involved in health care. Remember, he actually practiced medicine before the government got involved. He has some experience very few people have in that arena. Just think about this a little bit. Look at the cost of Lasik eye surgery and cosmetic surgery. There is no government involvement in those areas of medicine and the prices have came down drastically over the years. Even in an inflationary environment!
    here are your hobama "benefits"

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. anon:

    i have been begging hobama nazis to answer one question since 2008?

    why should any poor black person who is not a bankster love hobama????

    not one reply yet

  85. Anonymous5:27 PM

    and how yoll gone call him an uncle tom when he went to MOREHOUSE? dummies!

  86. Mack Lyons5:41 PM

    "...field, if i were you and some of your non-believer friends like macklying and desertweed..."

    Dropping names again? You really should kick that bad habit of yours.

  87. Anonymous5:47 PM

    ignorant ass niggas talking bout herman caine is an uncle tom jess cuz yoll disagree with him dumb hypocrite idgits! this site is a front for the democratic party otherwise comments with no profanity wouldnt ha been deleted

  88. Your current love affair with an ambivalent bigot and economic Fantasy Island dweller like Ron Paul shows that you have only one consistent politic meme, AB - You Hate Obama. That's it, you have no real underpinnings or overarching political ideas, you just as likely would vote for a dirty sock over Obama.

  89. Anonymous said...
    ignorant ass niggas talking bout herman caine is an uncle tom jess cuz yoll disagree with him dumb hypocrite idgits! this site is a front for the democratic party otherwise comments with no profanity wouldnt ha been deleted

    No, you're just pissed because YOUR stupid ass comments get deleted!


  90. Anonymous6:44 PM

    I cannot figure out why anyone would reject, despise, discriminate against or stigmatize a good man or woman based on which gender he or she is attracted to.

    Ummmmm....I can think of one right off the tip. Feces on a stick. Despite years of abnormal outcast freaks telling you it's normal. It's not, you can't breed, it's not what nature, god or what have you had in mind.

  91. I wonder how many of posts Field had to delete tonight, ROTFLMBAO!!!!

  92. LACK:


  93. AB, I don't "love" Prez Obama (although I'm a HUGE fan of Michelle), but I don't see any better candidates for President so far.

    I kinda wish McCain wasn't too old to run again.

  94. Anonymous8:01 PM

    ab, i am going to write a book and i am going to trash your ass. you are going to have to hide 'outside' the country.

  95. Anonymous8:06 PM

    dr queen, "I wonder how many of posts Field had to delete tonight, ROTFLMBAO!!!!"

    i bet he is busy today. i know field is grateful for the opportunity to delete comments cause it helps to build his self-restraint, which is so necessary in developing moral character.

    we'll make a good Republican out of field yet.:)

  96. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Oh Lordie, please don't write a book about ab.

  97. DR. Queen

    we agree to disagree sista

    hobama has been the worst prez in history

    worse than gwb

    and mccain could not be worse than hobama

    PAUL/VENTIRA 2012!
    i will never vote again

    dems = repubs

    peace out
