Friday, June 24, 2011

Jon, why did you do it?

I always wonder why folks who want to maintain even an ounce of credibility would agree to go on FOX NEWS. The latest is Jon Stewart, who did a sit down with Chris Wallace and ate him for lunch. The folks at FOX NEWS are still talking about it every chance they get. And Stewart can't stop talking about it because he believes that the FAKE NEWS folks edited the interview to make him look bad. Duh! IT'S FOX NEWS!

Anyway, Wallace went on The Dom Imus Show [Yes, that Dom Imus] to defend the way FOX handled the interview.

"Chris Wallace defended his interview with Jon Stewart--and denied that it was edited out of context.

The interview on "Fox News Sunday" caused a huge ruckus, and Stewart spent two days talking about it on his own show. Most notably, he claimed that Fox News, in editing his 24-minute appearance down to a 14-minute segment, had made him look emotionally unstable and had taken out key portions of the interview.

"Speaking to Don Imus on his Thursday radio show, Wallace said that he thought the conversation had gone well.

"He scored some points, I scored some points," he said. He added that Stewart was "somewhat in denial about the bias of his program and more importantly of the mainstream media, and I also think he lives in denial about his ambitions."
Imus asked about Stewart's charge that the segment was edited to make him look bad. "I think if he looked bad it was his fault," Wallace said, chuckling. "The reason that anybody has seen the full version is because we put it out. We weren't hiding anything ... quite frankly, Jon was filibustering ... and we had to cut it down."

The two also agreed about Stewart's mockery of Herman Cain. (Cain harshly criticized Stewart, saying that he was being mocked because he is a black conservative.

"Name one other white performer who could get away with that," Imus said." [Story]

I know Don, you would love nothing more than to be able to mock a black person, again.

So anyway, if Cain is pissed at the way Stewart criticized him, how does he feel about the most popular conservative comparing Obama to Hitler to millions of his listeners?

Let's see if Herman breaks away from the other black conservatives and condemns one of his white conservative brethren when they make offensive and outrageous comments......Ahh wait, who am I kidding? It will never happen. Jig Herman, jig.


  1. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Field, you might feel Jon Stewart is ok, but I am sick of his mockery of Blacks. It is typical of Jews to mock Blacks for their ignorance in speaking and reading. He is another Jew who thinks he can get away with his racism against Blacks.

    Quite frankly, I am surprised that you condone Stewart's behavior,,considering you are a R-chaser. I guess "anything" the dems and liberal Whites say and do is fine with you.

    I hope there is both a Black and White backlash. Stewart is a racist ass.

  2. Anonymous11:37 PM

    "Name one other white performer who could get away with that," Imus said." [Story]

    Field said, "I know Don, you would love nothing more than to be able to mock a black person, again."

    Imus is right. Why should Jon Stewart get away with it? There should be an uproar coming out of Al Sharpton's office calling for the resignation of Jon Stewart. Better yet, just fire his racist butt like they fired Imus.

    It is clear that Jon is looking to get into politics. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. He is not fooling anyone, any moron can see his underlying motives.

    For what other reason would he go on Fox News? Politics.

  3. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Chris Wallace isn't the journalist his dad expected him to be, it's rather sad.

    He got used like a mop by Stewart....:-)


  4. PilotX12:37 AM

    Wallace needs to cool his jets and he is doing damage control. Stewart can do what he wants because he is a comedian on Comedy Central while Wallace is supposed to a journalist on a "news" channel. He and other conservatives like him are the ones in denial. He said himself he is telling the "other" side. I guess it was a catcha question.

  5. Mike Rubio12:56 AM

    PilotX said...
    He said himself he is telling the "other" side.

    The "other side" is the truth. Everyone attacks Fox because they don't stick to the liberal program and instead tell the whole story.

    Speaking truth to power always ruffles feathers.

    Viva Fox!

  6. Pardon the unintentional rhyme, but Chicago is under attack by packs of wild Blacks. They're storming buses 15 at a time, beating White people with bottles and robbing them (NBC Chicago, June 8). Gangs of 15 or 20 are ambushing White pedestrians and bicyclists (CBS Chicago, June 5 and June 6; Chicago Tribune, June 6). Smaller packs are using pepper spray to disable their White victims (CBS Chicago, June 3 and June 5). …

    Until recently, the hopelessly biased mainstream media were content merely to ignore, to suppress, to censor the race of these savages — that's race, not races. But censorship wasn't enough. It couldn't stop readers from seeing the photos. It couldn't stop them from watching the videos. It couldn't stop them from looking out their windows at the dark-skinned mobs rampaging outside. And it couldn't stop the White victims from telling everyone they knew.

    So the readers noticed, and pretty soon they cracked the secret code: if a story omits the race of the perpetrators, it's not because the reporter doesn't know what race they were. It's because they were all Black.

    That’s when readers started to complain. Oh, those complainers. I guess they don’t enjoy being beaten with bottles and baseballs — and fists and feet, of course — or sprayed with mace, then robbed of the things they bought with the money they earned working jobs — yes, jobs, something many Blacks just can’t be bothered with anymore. Stampeding over welfare application forms? Sure. But jobs? Not so much.

    The Chicago Tribune reacted to the complaints of their customers in a way that shouldn’t be surprising to Park readers: they denounced — no, not the Black thugs, of course not — their own readers, for being so darn racisssss. Yes, if you notice the race of a criminal, and that race happens to be Black (which it frequently is), then you are a racist — doubly so if you write in to ask why Tribune staff don’t notice it themselves.

  7. Michelle Obama thanked the media today for caring about the children.

    Real Clear Politics reported:

    CNN reporter: “How’s the family ready for this [the election]? It’s going to be quite vicious, isn’t it? How do you prepare for that?”

    First Lady Michelle Obama: “You know, it’s … we’re ready, you know. Our children, you know, could care less about what we’re doing. We work hard to do that. Fortunately we have help from the media. I have to say this: I’m very grateful for the support and kindness that we’ve gotten. People have respected their privacy and in that way, I think, you know, no matter what people may feel about my husband’s policies or what have you, they care about children and that’s been good to see.“

    But, as Politicons reported, the First Lady must have forgotten about the state-run media’s brutal treatment of the Palin kids.

    Really? The media absolutely hates Sarah Palin and they attack her children more viciously than anyone (Besides Sarah).

    For example: Katie Couric attacked her children, Wonkette made fun of her down syndrome child Trig, or even when they attacked her 10 year old daughter Piper. To say that the media loves children is a compete understatement. You should have said, the media loves my children.

  8. Anonymous3:15 AM

    "It is typical of Jews to mock Blacks for their ignorance in speaking and reading. He is another Jew who thinks he can get away with his racism against Blacks."

    Yup, Jews get away with dissing blacks unlike Malcolm X, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Bill Mckinney, Alice Walker, Jerimiah Wright, Nikki Tinker, Tony Martin,Leonard Jeffries,Louis Farrakhan....
    You are full of shit. Look at how Tracy Morgan talked about gays the way Michael Richards talked about blacks and walked away without career damage.
    I'm Jewish and every time I want to be called a "racist Jew" I just talk about blacks the way black "civil rights' leaders talk about Jews or Asians. It will get you demonized as racist in 5 seconds

  9. Anonymous3:18 AM

    "Imus is right. Why should Jon Stewart get away with it?"

    Why should Jesse Jackson "get away with it" (calling Jews Hymie and Obama a Nigger), why should Sharpton get away with it (provoke hate crimes and caught on tape dealind drugs), why should Jerimah Wright get away with it (talking about Jews like the KKK once talked about blacks), why should Tracy Morgan get away with it (talking about gays as bad as Imus and Richards talked about blacks)

  10. Anonymous3:24 AM

    "He is another Jew who thinks he can get away with his racism against Blacks."

    Just like Yankel Rosenbaum thought he could get away with his racism against Lemrick Nelson, right?

  11. Anonymous4:10 AM

    "Why should Jesse Jackson "get away with it" (calling Jews Hymie and Obama a Nigger), why should Sharpton get away with it (provoke hate crimes and caught on tape dealind drugs), why should Jerimah Wright get away with it (talking about Jews like the KKK once talked about blacks), why should Tracy Morgan get away with it (talking about gays as bad as Imus and Richards talked about blacks)"

    None of the people you mentioned got away with name calling. Jessie Jackson caught a lot of hell for his assinine demeaning remark over 30 years ago. He didn't get away with his insulting remarks. Besides, JJ is history. He doesn't speak for anyone anymore.

    Tracy Morgan has been in the news and has apologized profusely for his gay ranting. He has met with GLADD, you can check Youtube where he also apologized.

    Jon Stewart has never apologized but continues to demean Blacks.

  12. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Jon Stewart has not made more demeaning comments about Blacks then he has about Jews. Unlike Jerimah Wright, Al Sharpton,Cynthia Mckinney, Alice Walker, Spike Lee, Louis Farrakhan, etc.
    Also, Jackson should catch hell for his anti-Jewish comments. He's made a life of destroying the lives of people who make racist comments. Unlike Imus, Richards or Gibson who actually had careers.

  13. Anonymous4:33 AM

    "He is another Jew who thinks he can get away with his racism against Blacks."

    Just like Yankel Rosenbaum thought he could get away with his racism against Lemrick Nelson, right?

    3:24 AM


    It's a shame that so much hatred exists between Blacks and Jews. Nothing good will come out of it.

    I have no idea who Yankel Rosenbaum or Lemrick Nelson is.

  14. Anonymous4:41 AM

    "Jon Stewart has not made more demeaning comments about Blacks then he has about Jews. Unlike Jerimah Wright, Al Sharpton,Cynthia Mckinney, Alice Walker, Spike Lee, Louis Farrakhan, etc."

    I don't know what any of the people you listed said about Jews. However, sounds like you have been carrying grudges and resentments against them for a long time. None of them have been in the news for some time.

    Jackson DID catch hell for his comments. I was one of many who went after him after he made those comments. He did apologize, many times.

  15. Anonymous4:46 AM

    "I have no idea who Yankel Rosenbaum or Lemrick Nelson is."

    Do you know who Emit Till or the KKK was? Very simlar relationship.
    "It is typical of Jews to mock Blacks for their ignorance in speaking and reading. He is another Jew who thinks he can get away with his racism against Blacks."
    It is typical of negroids to make bigoted generalizations while whining about racial profiling. You said Steward is "another Jew who things he can get away with his racism against Blacks". Then give us facts, racist comments he has made. I guarentee they are not half as bad as anti-Jewish comments made by Malcolm X, Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Nikki Tinker, Jerimiah Wright and an assortment of other black comedians

  16. Anonymous4:47 AM

    field, "Let's see if Herman breaks away from the other black conservatives and condemns one of his white conservative brethren when they make offensive and outrageous comments......Ahh wait, who am I kidding? It will never happen. Jig Herman, jig."

    Well, let's see if field breaks away from the other black progressive liberal dem brethren when they make offensive and ourtrageious comments......Ahh wait, who am I kidding? It will never happen. Jig field, jig.

  17. Anonymous4:51 AM

    "Do you know who Emit Till or the KKK was? Very simlar relationship."

    Sorry, I don't know much about KKK or Till, except it was a long time ago.

  18. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Stewart's problems began when he decided to go on Fox News. Now he will reap the bad karmic effects from that decision.

    I thought Stewart was a fairly smart guy, but he has proven to be not so bright by going on Fox News.

    The GOP, Fox, and especially the Republican candidates will have Stewart for lunch. He deserves it. This is the beginning of the fast paced decline of Jon Stewart.

  19. Wow? According to Chicago's Police Chief, it's gun laws that cause black and brown people to get shot more than whites and asians.

    Top cop Garry McCarthy likens federal gun laws to ‘racism’

    June 24, 2011

    Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy earlier this month told parishioners at St. Sabina’s Church that federal gun laws are akin to “government-sponsored racism.”

    “I want you to connect one more dot on that chain of African-American history in this country, and tell me if I’m crazy: Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms into our urban centers, across this country, that are killing black and brown children,” he said according to an WMAQ-Channel 5 story that aired Thursday.

    McCarthy can be heard telling the congregation in the video about the NRA, “The NRA does not like me, and I’m OK with that.”

    McCarthy went on to say that in the debate about gun control, there has to be “a recognition of who’s paying the price for gun manufacturers being rich and living in gated communities.”

    McCarthy told parishioners an anecdote about a brutal night of killings in Newark, N.J., where he was previously head of the police department. McCarthy said that after he got home that night, he turn on the TV to relax, and tuned in to Sarah Palin’s Alaska.

    “She was caribou-hunting and talking about the right to bear arms,” McCarthy said. “Why wasn’t she at the crime scene with me?”

    McCarthy also told parishioners that “everybody is afraid of race. I’m not afraid of race.”

    In a statement Thursday, McCarthy said “strong gun laws against illegal firearms are critical in order to maintain public safety and private rights.”

    Hmmm. How do existing gun laws discriminate? How do today's laws cause blacks and hispanics to shoot each other ten times more often than whites or asians shoot each other?

  20. Jon Stewart meets Chris Wallace? Isn't Chris Wallace a famous dead rapper?

  21. hoft writes:

    But, as Politicons reported, the First Lady must have forgotten about the state-run media’s brutal treatment of the Palin kids.

    Really? The media absolutely hates Sarah Palin and they attack her children more viciously than anyone (Besides Sarah).

    Media coverage of the Bush Twins seems to have been the start of serious attacks on children of presidents.

    It was especially tough to maintain the niceness after eight years of the Main Stream Media trying to tell America that Chelsea Clinton was good looking.

    Internally, those fawning reporters were all churned up inside because, like liberal reporters who refuse to print the race of criminal suspects, they refused to admit the obvious fact that Chelsea's a dog.

    Moreover, it's clear she's heading for divorce already. Shortly after her wedding, her husband left the marital nest to go skiing for six months.

    But despite the fact that she's still newsworthy because her parents are in the limelight as much as ever, she's getting a free pass.

  22. pilotX writes:

    Wallace needs to cool his jets and he is doing damage control. Stewart can do what he wants because he is a comedian on Comedy Central while Wallace is supposed to a journalist on a "news" channel.

    Ahh, it's the old "I'm a comedian, not a journalist" gambit.

    There is absolutely no doubt Stewart is better known than Wallace. There is no doubt Stewart devotes a lot of his comedic energy to ridiculing politicians.

    Thus Stewart is another Al Franken. Stewart, like Rush Limbaugh, is an entertainer. Limbaugh's shtick is politics with a dash of humor. Stewart's shtick is humor with a lot of poltics.

    Inasmuch as Stewart is a good comedian, his political views are widely accepted and validated by his fans. Hence, it is disingenuous of him to claim he's "only a comedian."

    That's like saying Oliver Stone is only a movie-maker, even though millions of people believe his version of the "JFK" assassination.

    Or it's a little like claiming Noam Chomsky is just a Linguistics professor at Harvard.

  23. field writes:

    The interview on "Fox News Sunday" caused a huge ruckus, and Stewart spent two days talking about it on his own show.

    Huge ruckus? Translation. Tempest in a teapot.

    Meanwhile, inasmuch as Stewart is an entertainer, creating a ruckus is his business. Anything less is a failure.

  24. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Curious - anyone shooting off fireworks this fourth of July?

  25. Speaking truth to power always ruffles feathers.

    Viva Fox!"

    Good Morning Mr. Ailes.

    Rahm,do you live in Chicago? If those "savages" scare you so much maybe you should consider moving.

    BTW, I am sure that it's being reported on FOX.

  26. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Good Morning Mr. Ailes.

    Rahm,do you live in Chicago? If those "savages" scare you so much maybe you should consider moving.

    Or he could just arm himself and when attacked defend himself...ohh that's right in liberal utopia only criminals have handguns. liberalism - never did make sense, making less sense as time goes on.

  27. Anonymous9:29 AM


    "Let's see if Herman breaks away from the other black conservatives and condemns one of his white conservative brethren when they make offensive and outrageous comments"

    Field did you ever,in a blog post,or in a public forum,condemn your Liberal/Democrat brethren for calling/comparing Bush to Hitler?

    If not, why are you asking a fellow negro to do something you would never do?

    Jig,for your Democrat masters field,jig....................................

    "Michelle Obama thanked the media today for caring about the children."

    The media only cares about the children of Liberal parents.

    Lets take a look at how the media treated the Bush twins or Sarah's kids.

    Of course, if the media gave my hubby the most positive press coverage of any president in the history of America,i'd be happy to.

  28. Quote:Slapnuts "Lets take a look at how the media treated the Bush twins or Sarah's kids."

    Oh you mean like Bristol who has just written a book on how she got pregnant by a brainless hillbilly called Levi, whilst she was semi-comatose through booze?

    That Sarah's kid?

    Can you imagine how Fox News and the right-wing press would deal with Obama if one of his kids eventually ever went through the same process?

    Their morale outrage would be deafening, as is your hypocrisy now.

  29. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The Palin children were political props for Sarey. Where was your fauxtrage? Bristol, who could still enlist for the bushWars, is nominally an adult...and can answer for her idiocy in public. The lie you are pushing about Trig (Bristol #1) was about Sarey. And why are you lying? Is it because you want a FOX intership (unpaid, of course).

    Stewart walked into the den of lying fakers, handed them defeat...and let them lie. His 'surprise' for effect. Like being astounded that bush is a Legacy moron. Or Cheney is a sick, torture-loving coward. Or st reagan was a racist weenie.
    Or that Birks are really comfy. Or that voting Con reduces working-class wages to Third World rates.

    Cain is a Tom, hoping for scraps from Massa's table. Sort of like the 'example' of Clarence Thomas. What it is with Cons...their 'heroes' are such losers? Why would anyone want to be like Slappy? He lies, can't accept consequences, takes cash under the table fer Jebus, marries wite, and has the legal reputation of being a political hack.
    BushTwins were old enough to know not to be ho's in public. And Chelsea is NOT a public figure, and one must ask why you insist on sticking your blue nose into her personal business.

    Still, Stewart...a comic...took on the biggest gun on FOX...and easily defeated him. That should be instructive.


  30. Anonymous10:05 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote:Slapnuts "Lets take a look at how the media treated the Bush twins or Sarah's kids."

    Oh you mean like Bristol who has just written a book on how she got pregnant by a brainless hillbilly called Levi, whilst she was semi-comatose through booze?

    That Sarah's kid?

    Can you imagine how Fox News and the right-wing press would deal with Obama if one of his kids eventually ever went through the same process?

    Their morale outrage would be deafening, as is your hypocrisy now.

    Can you imagine how MSNBC,CNN,CBS,NBC,ABC,and the rest the leftwing media would react to someone calling Obamas kids ho's,having rape fantasies about them, or calling them retarded?

    They would act like you and field negro does.

    Be outraged while pretending your side doesn't do the samething.

    Hypocrites ? Naw.....To be a hypocrite you have to have principles.We know Liberals and socialisthave none.

  31. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote:Slapnuts "Lets take a look at how the media treated the Bush twins or Sarah's kids."

    Oh you mean like Bristol who has just written a book on how she got pregnant by a brainless hillbilly called Levi, whilst she was semi-comatose through booze?

    That Sarah's kid?

    Can you imagine how Fox News and the right-wing press would deal with Obama if one of his kids eventually ever went through the same process?

    Their morale outrage would be deafening, as is your hypocrisy now.

    Are you totally inept? You get in your immoral attack on a young woman/Bristol then proceed to compare an imagined scenario with one that is real; justify the bad behavior by claiming that supposed behavior might be worse.

    Prove it? Name one attack on Obama's children aside from the time Beck was making fun of Obama lying that his daughter was walking around the white house calling him on the golf course to ask "daddy have you plugged the hole yet"

    Lefties are nuts. You have an excuse for everything. The horrible behavior is justified because I know, if, maybe, someday, could be, probably, IF, the righties would be worse...

    So with that logic I could execute you for you certainly will hurt someone someday, maybe, could be.

    You are just plain immoral and depraved and completely projecting. It is that simple.

    Now compare Bristol to half of your countries teenage girl antics, in fact your own family, then ask yourself how you have the utter gall to use the word hypocrite. Some people lean so far to the left - all thinking matter falls out.

  32. Anonymous10:07 AM

    "Or that voting Con reduces working-class wages to Third World rates."


    Please provide proof of this.Always start with facts.You can't? Didn't think so..

    Facts.... The things Liberals fear the most.

  33. I love Jon Stewart, warts and all. I don't always like the way he handles certain guests; case in point, throwing softballs at Lynne Cheney last year and, recently, his poor handling of the Anthony Weiner debacle where he was definitely in denial about his friend. He probably should have recused himself (if that's the proper term) to his audience but he did ask forgiveness later.

    That being said, I'm glad to see you bring the Herman Cain response full circle to comment on the ridiculous comparison of Obama to Hitler. I'm so sick of all the accusations and mud throwing. Why can't these politicians deal with our problems and do something about them?

    btw, shocked AND flattered to see my blog on your page today. Thank you! Guess I better get back to my political commentary again.

  34. Anonymous10:39 AM

    The media thanks its ok that

    The liberal left can spend 8 years calling Bush Hitler and comparing Republicans to nazis.

    Liberal rags like Playboy publish their "Conservative Women rape fantasies".

    Latenight Liberals can have sex fantasies about Sarah's underaged daughter.

    Can use racist terms when mentioning black Republicans.

    Yet dare to criticize Obama abouit anything and the media calls you racist.

    Yet theres no Liberal media.

  35. Anonymous10:41 AM

    California chick's blog is interesting, albeit predictable, but totally turned off that a "woman of a certain age" (esp) would self-brand with the demeaning "chick label."

    Not 17...

  36. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Anonymous said...
    California chick's blog is interesting, albeit predictable, but totally turned off that a "woman of a certain age" (esp) would self-brand with the demeaning "chick label."

    Not 17...

    Hippie/Yuppie - Jane fonda

  37. If I had the wit I would satirize Cain and I am Black.

    No need for you anons to respond, I wont read any.

  38. mold will make you ill11:26 AM

    mold: "The lie you are pushing about Trig (Bristol #1) was about Sarey."

    mold is continually promoting the vile, stupid, ridiculous lie that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy and Bristol is the real mother.

    More than anything else, this clearly shows how vile, stupid, and ridiculous mold is.

  39. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Hathor said...
    If I had the wit I would satirize Cain and I am Black

    But you don't have the wit. Or a clue.

  40. D'Chuck11:37 AM

    California Girl said...
    Guess I better get back to my political commentary again.

    Yes, the world needs more shallow, relexively liberal analysis from an underinformed old white woman.

  41. Anonymous12:13 PM

    If I had the wit I would satirize Cain and I am Black.

    No need for you anons to respond, I wont read any

    Mold is here ,would you settle for being a half wit/having one?

  42. Quote:Anon 10:06
    "Are you totally inept? You get in your immoral attack on a young woman/Bristol then proceed to compare an imagined scenario with one that is real; justify the bad behavior by claiming that supposed behavior might be worse. "

    Errrrrrrrrrr, what?

    I'm going to offer a five Euro prize for anyone who can translate Anon's sentence into English.

    Answers written on the back of a $10 bill to the usual address please.

    Quote: Same anon "Prove it?"

    Prove what?

  43. Quote:Anon 10:06

    "The horrible behavior is justified because I know, if, maybe, someday, could be, probably, IF, the righties would be worse..."

    Ohhhhhh kaaaaay, - I'm offering a $20 prize for this one...

  44. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Black mobs commit another hate crime.

    The black attackers were screaming “f*cking f*ggot” while they beat the gay man.

    22-year old Matthew McLeod of Crestwood had just left the Richmond Heights MetroLink station Thursday at 2:30 PM when a group of five teens approached him on the Galleria Parkway near the I-170 overpass. McLeod said he was struck by two of them once in the eye and nose and once on his jaw. Witnesses saw him fall down and called police.

    McLeod said the teens cursed him for his sexual orientation before striking him.,0,693507.story

  45. Quote:Slapnuts "Can you imagine how MSNBC,CNN,CBS,NBC,ABC,and the rest the leftwing media would react to someone calling Obamas kids ho's,having rape fantasies about them, or calling them retarded?

    1. These news outlets are all agents of Conservative proganda. They are owned by billionaires and operate entirely in the service of bilionaires.

    Your problem is that as an extremist your politics are
    so far skewed to the far-right that the these conservative organizations seem left-wing compared to you. In exactly the same way that you label moderate Conservatives like Barack Obama as 'Liberals' or Leftists' or other such idiocies.

    2. Why don't you ask your question again the day after Obama's kids have got drunk and allowed some hick retard called Levi to get 'em up the stick.

    'Cuz then your questions about the quality of the Obama's parenting skills might have some value.

  46. Anonymous12:44 PM

    PC-"Ohhhhhh kaaaaay, - I'm offering a $20 prize for this one..."

    I doubt if a Black UK person like yourself can afford $20...maybe 5 cents?

  47. Quote:Anonnymous

    "I doubt if a Black UK person like yourself can afford $20...maybe 5 cents?"

    Sunshine, had you bothered to learn to read to something approaching adult levels, you would no doubt have noted that I requested that results be sent to me on the back of a $10 note.

    And given that I'm sure it's impossible to translate the meandering load of codswallop into recognizable English anyway, I figure I'm on to a winner.

  48. Anonymous1:20 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    1. These news outlets are all agents of Conservative proganda. They are owned by billionaires and operate entirely in the service of bilionaires.

    If Conservative proganda is,

    Giving Obama the most positive press coverage of any president ever.

    Donating more money to Democrats.

    Being anti-death peantly,anti gun,pro abortion,and supporting every Liberal social issue.

    Supporting going green and earth day.

    Than i agree with you.

    Your problem is that as an extremist your politics are
    so far skewed to the far-right that the these conservative organizations seem left-wing compared to you. In exactly the same way that you label moderate Conservatives like Barack Obama as 'Liberals' or Leftists' or other such idiocies.
    Yeah, a moderate Conservative would allow gays in the military,socialist healthcare,and look up to socialist,maxist,and black separatists.

    2. Why don't you ask your question again the day after Obama's kids have got drunk and allowed some hick retard called Levi to get 'em up the stick.
    ----------------------------------------------------------------------, euros with their holier-than-thou attitude.

    Why is this hick retard a hero to the left?

    'Cuz then your questions about the quality of the Obama's parenting skills might have some value.


    When did i question Obama's parenting skills?

    I question the statement of Obama's darkhalf and the media's double standards.

  49. Anonymous1:45 PM

    PC, "Sunshine, had you bothered to learn to read to something approaching adult levels, you would no doubt have noted that I requested that results be sent to me on the back of a $10 note.

    And given that I'm sure it's impossible to translate the meandering load of codswallop into recognizable English anyway, I figure I'm on to a winner."

    speaking of adult level English, you might consider NOT using "that" so much in your comment. For instance, if you were to NOT use "that" at all (in both places) in the above comment, it would sound better-like an educated adult-writer and reader. Therefore, you would sound more authentic when you criticize someone for not reading up to your level.

    However, your comment reads like a neurotic child-writer, with a probable case of PTSD. Have you considered seeing a pychiatrist just to have a mental check-up?

  50. Anonymous1:47 PM


    "I doubt if a Black UK person like yourself can afford $20...maybe 5 cents?"

    Sunshine, had you bothered to learn to read to something approaching adult levels, you would no doubt have noted that I requested that results be sent to me on the back of a $10 note.

    And given that I'm sure it's impossible to translate the meandering load of codswallop into recognizable English anyway, I figure I'm on to a winner.


    Mind if I play socialist/marxist/progressive/liberal for a bit, want to see how pointless mindless personal attacks work; the only variation is that I speak to truth. Ok here goes:

    How long have you been on the dole? How long has your son been queer? Do regret turning him gay with your insane views of life? Does he walk funny? How long have you been an Imam? Are you a legal alien or are you still illegal?

    Speaking of Sarah Palin and her hick, do you think your son was drunk the first time that old wanker stuck it in his poop chute or was that you?

    Do you have any family or someone in real life you can talk to, cause there is no way you have any friends . Have you thought about letting the next hamster you buy live? (yes when you wrap them with tape they still explode when you pork them) maybe if you don't sit on that hamster or wrap it up it will be your pal and you will be less nasty.

    Carry on twiddleytwat

  51. Anonymous1:48 PM

    However, your comment reads like a neurotic child-writer, with a probable case of PTSD. Have you considered seeing a pychiatrist just to have a mental check-up?

    He did, they gave him an enema to clear his mind. Didn't work, he still thinks of a lot of shit.

  52. PilotX1:59 PM

    "Limbaugh's shtick is politics with a dash of humor."

    No Limbaugh's shtick is politics with a dash of racism/homophobia/general sophmoric gutter humor.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  53. Anonymous2:02 PM

    And there you have it; the right wing is not completely uneducated. While they are still racist, self hating homophobes, with the debating skills of a lump of coal, one, at least, knows grammar.
    Allow me to translate for you, PC:
    "grunt grunt grrr slobber damn liberals ugh ugh (it hurts when I can't say n•••••• because I am such a coward) grrrr scratch scratch fart sniff ... aaashhhh"
    Be kind to them, they are endangered, kind of like sickness in a hospital.
    No charge, mate. Gratis

  54. Quote slapnuts:
    "If Conservative proganda is,

    Giving Obama the most positive press coverage of any president ever.

    Donating more money to Democrats.

    Being anti-death peantly,anti gun,pro abortion,and supporting every Liberal social issue.

    Supporting going green and earth day.

    Than i agree with you."

    Well good, we are agreed then.

    Supporting the policies of moderate Conservative Obama who's financial policies have played into the bank-accounts of billionaires and giant corporations is indeed conservative behavior.

    Not sure what the 'death peantly' is, but it sounds pretty nasty. I've never heard any U.S. TV network support any truly Liberal views - ever.

    As for supporting Earth Day, here are the lyrics to the Earth day anthem:

    Joyful joyful we adore our Earth in all its wonderment
    Simple gifts of nature that all join into a paradise
    Now we must resolve to protect her
    Show her our love through out all time
    With our gentle hand and touch
    We make our home a newborn world
    Now we must resolve to protect her
    Show her our love through out all time
    With our gentle hand and touch
    We make our home a newborn world

    Yeah that really sounds like dangerous left-wing activism, doesn't it!

    As for that old canard about media companies disproportionally supporting Democrats, here is one of many articles I found with a simple websearch that disprove that old lie.

  55. Bubba Ganoosh2:20 PM

    Purple douche said..."As for that old canard about media companies disproportionally supporting Democrats"

    Anyone who is so obtuse as to deny the overwhelming media support for democrats has no credibility on any topic.

    But we knew that already.

    Goodbye cow. Isn't there some young lad who needs his cricket bat straightened out?

  56. Various quote Anonnymous 1:47 p.m.

    "How long have you been on the dole?

    I was on the dole for 13 weeks in the spring of 1982.

    " How long has your son been queer?"

    My son's are 11 years old, so it is perhaps a little early to say if they are gay or not.

    " Do regret turning him gay with your insane views of life?"

    Here's the thing buddy, you can't 'turn someone gay', no matter what views you hold. Being gay isn't a disease, you can't catch gayness by standing next to someone at a bus-stop.

    Does he walk funny?

    One of them did for a while, but we took him to an excellent world-famous orthopedic hospital in Oswestry and they diagnosed core instability. After three months of physio he was completely cured, and indeed he now plays cricket at a very high level.

    And you know what's really cool? Because we have a socialized medical system here, it didn't cost us a single penny.

    "How long have you been an Imam?"

    I'm an atheist as documented here on many occasions.

    Do try to keep up.

    "Are you a legal alien or are you still illegal?"

    I was actually born here, and have a birth certificate and passport to prove it.

    "Speaking of Sarah Palin and her hick, do you think your son was drunk the first time that old wanker stuck it in his poop chute or was that you?

    ahhhh bless.

    You are such a sophisticate aren't you? A true giant inturlekt.

    (Did you get a little erection when you typed that sentence? I bet you did, you old perv...)

    But to answer your question, I doubt if anyone has ever put anything in his (or indeed their) poop chute's. With the possible exception of the famous Paediatrician Professor van Gijn who saved his life back in late 1999. They may have used a catheter when he was in the infant intensive care unit, I can't be sure.

    Oh. and by the way his treatment cost 350,000 Guilders (that was the currency back in the day) but we didn't have to pay a cent. Socialized medicine again, even in Nederland. Wonderful isn't it?

    (BTW, you Septics need to learn the context of the word 'wanker' you would never use it in the context you just did.)

    "Do you have any family or someone in real life you can talk to, cause there is no way you have any friends ."

    I've got a 182 listed on facebook. More than most.

    " Have you thought about letting the next hamster you buy live? (yes when you wrap them with tape they still explode when you pork them) maybe if you don't sit on that hamster or wrap it up it will be your pal and you will be less nasty.

    Actually I really hate to disappoint you, but that whole 'Pet Shop Boy' thing is an urban myth. They really don't exist. There's something about it on Snopes if you want to look it up.

    As I say I hate to disappoint you, because I know that writing that caused you to have a little semi-on now didn't it?

    "Carry on twiddleytwat

    I certainly intend to.

  57. Anyone who is so obtuse as to claim media support for democrats without being able to supply a single iota of evidence for that assertion, has no credibility on any topic.

    But we knew that already.

  58. Oh and you don't straighten cricket bats, you silly gimp. They are supposed to be curved, it helps get lift when you are playing on slo-lo tracks.

  59. Bubba Ganoosh3:02 PM

    The keep your hands off that lad's "bat".

  60. Whitey's Conspiracy3:22 PM

    Stewert's comedic method is letting people mock themselves through more or less fairly edited video-clips with straight-man setups. Faukkks News's propaganda method is twisting the meaning of opponent's words through the most extreme possible interpretation of more or less douch-baggy edited clips while also providing ultra friendly coverage and editing of allies. Faukkks is, naturally, both Stewert's bread and butter, and Faukkks most effective critic. His ability to say the things that he does with the credibility that he maintains it demands that he both give those he mocks the chance to confront him (at their peril) on his show and that he regularly enter the lions den itself at his peril. He's been on oh really?'s show a few times. Faukkks, for it's part, like all agit-prop shops, just can't help itself.

  61. Blacon3:24 PM

    STFU Whitey

  62. Redbone Roy3:31 PM

    When Stewart is on his own show, he has a panel of 8 writers feeding him stuff through his earphone. It takes 9 on one to make him look "witty". When he ventures off to other venues he just looks silly, even when paired with that dumbass O'Reilly.

    The Daily Show offers "news" for morons who want to avoid difficult thinking and get their liberal smugness reinforced.

  63. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Ruth Ginsburg:Global Warming Sceptic

    Judge Ginsburg in the (8-0)opinion she wrote in American Electric Power v. Connecticut

    reveals she is a global warming sceptic :

    The court decision noted that the Environmental Protection Agency itself had “Acknowledg[ed] that not all scientists agreed on the causes and consequences of the rise in global temperatures,” before suggesting readers consult “views opposing” the conventional wisdom. Specifically, the justices’ recommended reading was a superb profile of Princeton’s Freeman Dyson, perhaps America’s most respected scientist, written in the New York Times Magazine, March 29, 2009.

    Freeman, an unabashed skeptic, believes that carbon dioxide, rather than being harmful, is both necessary and desirable, arguing that “increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.”

    Somewhat in the same vein, Justice Ginsburg notes carbon dioxide is necessary and ubiquitous, and thus shouldn’t be the target of indiscriminate attacks. “After all, we each emit carbon dioxide merely by breathing,” she notes, repeating a point that Dyson couldn’t have said better himself.

  64. Quote:Bubba Ganoosh

    "The keep your hands off that lad's "bat"."


    What is it about Conservatives and the English language?

    Why is it not one of them can compose a coherent sentence?

  65. "“Acknowledg[ed] that not all scientists agreed on the causes and consequences of the rise in global temperatures,” before suggesting readers consult “views opposing” the conventional wisdom. Specifically, the justices’ recommended reading was a superb profile of Princeton’s Freeman Dyson, perhaps America’s most respected scientist, written in the New York Times Magazine, March 29, 2009.

    Ah yes, a judge and a mathematician have a theory on climatology.

    (Interesting that America's alleged "most respected Scientist" is actually English).

    You have to feel sorry for climatologists, uniquely every nutcase who has ever passed an exam in any subject on Earth seems to think they have the right to pontificate on the subject that they clearly know nothing about.

    Imagine. You are lying on an operating room table, a world famous Neurosurgeon is about to operate on your brain - perhaps to remove a life threatening tumor.

    Suddenly, just before the anaesthetist puts you to sleep, a climatologist bursts into the room, shoves the neurosurgeon to one side, and says:

    "Hey I'm a climatologist and I am going to operate on your brain today. I know absolutely nothing about neurosurgery, BUT HEY I'M A SCIENTIST - SO THAT'S O.K."

    How would you feel about that?

    Not too happy huh...?

    But that's how climatologists feel every single time some moron like Dyson or Ginsburg decides that they know more about climate than climatologists.

  66. TruthIsPower4:40 PM

    The Cain joke worked because there is no feasible way that any bill could be three pages long. Making fun of Cain's not liking to read was funny.

    Fellow balck people- spare me your outrage over Stewart's joke. Seriously, if you are under fifty- you need to lighten up (and stop dreaming about the motherland) and if you are over fifty- save your civil rights outrage for more important matters like say the hordes of bad-ass, illiterate, and borderline violent black kids who have no daddies and non-funtioning mothers.

    Seriously, keeping score about whitey is one thing, but ignoring the tip of the iceberg is just ridiculous. The Man can just sit back and watch the foolishness for the most part.

  67. Quote TruthisPower "Fellow balck people- "

    No offense my new white friend, before the next time you pretend to be a black poster, it might be a good idea to learn to spell b - l - a - c - k .

  68. Anonymous8:11 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Anyone who is so obtuse as to claim media support for democrats without being able to supply a single iota of evidence for that assertion, has no credibility on any topic.

    LOL Like your claim that all media promotes Conservative agenda.If that was so,field negro and other Libs wouldn't be watching CNN or MSNBC.

    They would have has much hate for those networks like they do FOX NEWS.

  69. Anonymous8:45 PM

    No offense my new white friend, before the next time you pretend to be a black poster, it might be a good idea to learn to spell b - l - a - c - k .

    Damn, you are desperate for friends. Sorry no takers here, go back to your facebook lifelong pals.....Dweeb.

  70. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Purple Knobslobber Said...

    "Hey I'm a climatologist and I am going to operate on your brain today. I know absolutely nothing about neurosurgery, BUT HEY I'M A SCIENTIST - SO THAT'S O.K."

    How would you feel about that?

    Not too happy huh...?

    But that's how climatologists feel every single time some moron like Dyson or Ginsburg decides that they know more about climate than climatologists".

    I you fear, seeing through your lies

    You I fear, raping of innocent minds

  71. What did Jon Stewart say about Herman Cain that would be considered racist?

  72. Good question Man-Friend..

    Stewart wasn't making fun of blacks. He was making fun of Cain who does sound like Foghorn Leghorn.

    And Imus must be doing the coke again.

    He and his henchman have mocked and stereotyped blacks for DECADES..

    And the thing is with Imus, whether he was mocking Jesse Jackson, David Dinkins, Al Sharpton, Ray Nagin or Charles Rangel, he did it with the same mumble-mouthed Amos and Andy voice.
