Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Justin's big adventure.

"ass hole knee grows you are the biggest bunch of racists in america and are only good for turning where ever you live into a cesspool.just like field knee grow did to jay-may-key.i wish you knee grows would come on to my property and threaten me because i have a nice high capacity present for you.field knee grow you are just a dumb ass commie traitor. go fuck up jay-may-key some more and take detolit with you." ~ Anonymous poster~

Festus, save your "high capacity present", there are plenty of those right here in my hometown. Besides, I don't work in the pest control business, so I doubt seriously if I will be coming on your property anytime soon.

Don't you just love haters?

Anywhoo, I want to talk about the botched Negro award show that was held recently. No, not the teleprompter screw up. (Can't BET do anything right?) But rather something else that some of you Negroes are writing about.

"Most talk about Sunday’s BET Awards centered on the Chris Brown-Rihanna screw-up, however, I heard little to nothing regarding the skit involving rapper Nicki Minaj and teen heartthrob, Justin Bieber.

During the segment in which both artists rambled about who had the strongest fan base, Bieber began to flirt with the female MC. Minaj, 26, responded by asking the 17-year-old if he could drive, implicitly suggesting he is too young for her. While it rendered as a harmless crush — as would a student have for his older, attractive teacher—things got a little inappropriate when Minaj posed the question to Bieber, “Can you handle curves?” The comment was an apparent sexual innuendo and reference to her infamous rear end. Bieber replied with a resolute “Yes I can.”

Though I understand the skit had no intention to be inappropriate or offensive, it unfortunately turned out to be just that.

Since when was it OK for a minor to be implicated in such sexualized language?
17-years-old or not, Bieber is still underage, not to mention most of his fan base (most of whom stood with him on the stage) are preteen and teenage girls. The blame could be placed on Minaj and Bieber, but truthfully BET is the ultimate culprit. The network’s attempt to be provocative fell flat into a dangerous and highly sensitive locale.

But where is the public scorn?

There’s no way this would have passed if the circumstances were different. If the skit featured a male hip-hop artist and an underage girl (God forbid even white), the media would have thrown pebbles at BET and the artist himself. I guess it’s excusable if it’s a female rapper and an underage Canadian.

This isn’t the first time Justin was involved with inappropriateness regarding older women. Bieber raised eyebrows when he and Kim Kardashian, 30, befriended one another in what seemed a bit improper. Personally, I feel Bieber is growing up too fast and it’s much too soon to be involved in such raciness. While this is purely entertainment, in the real word it reaps punitive implications.

I suggest BET, Bieber and Minaj be a little more careful the next time they decide to partake in an immodest 'joke.”' [Article]

I must confess that I didn't see the skit, and, if I did,I am not sure that I would have even noticed what the writer is clearly so upset about. (Am I being sexist?)

But since he put it out there, what do you think?


  1. Who's Justin Bieber?

  2. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Dr. Watkins is calling BET the new KKK

  3. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Oh God! How PC do Americans want to get? Holy Cow! They'll be imprisoning dogs next for doing what comes naturally in public! O'm glad I don't kive there anymor, too much fake BS hyprcrisy!
    This kid has prolly been laid hundreds of times, either by women OR men, I don't know, I really don't follow him. But, and how many of those 17 year old girls do you really think are still virgin????LOLOLOL!
    That guy (the article's author) has a bad case of the PC blues! What a jerk!

    Hey here's a good Weiner joke:

    "It turns out that one of the women Congressman Anthony Weiner was communicating with was a porn star. When asked how it was possible to get involved with someone in such a sleazy business, the porn star said, 'I don't know.'" -Conan O'Brien

    Hahahahaha, I have more if anybody's interested!

  4. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Are those emails that you receive Mr. Field? WOW! That is some hateful stuff! Makes you wonder what kind of bitter and angry life these people live!!! Pitiful really.

  5. Yesterday, right before the show, I got a call from my daughter telling me that BET's award show was coming on. Now she knows I don't do BET but I have my grandson for about a month and she thought he might like to see it. Well, he was outside riding is bike so I flipped it on before I called him in. Well, after about 4 minutes of that mess, I was done.

    So, I didn't see Bieber and the brown big booty. I don't even know who she is. I have to admit that I love looking at lushish booty, but not with my grandson standing by. What could I say, "goddamn boy, look at that ass"?

    BET is offering rings of diamonds and gold to our young. Music has always been a means to soothe our souls, just like money to some folks. Most love to dance and be around people of their own kind. BET has the game locked down. I do not know what's in BET's playbook but I know it's messed up. I have no idea what their goals are. Their intentions may be honorable, but do I need to say anything about the streets of hell and the streets of gold?

    More importantly, kids will be kids and they love candy. They will eat candy and ice cream until their stomachs hurt. In this case, it's their minds that's hurting, and their minds are hard to change. When I was a youth, I thought doing "the dog" was a dance on the wild side, but I didn't see 2 young kids doing it on my television. I heard a few songs that said between the sheets, but they sure didn't say what they were doing - nasty - in those sheets. They didn't tell me, or show me, in graphic details, how they were going to make someones toes curl. Well, not on my TV... well, unless my uncle came over to baby sit and brought along his girlfriend. Now, they might drop in one of those video that had the actors groaning and moaning, and tell my brothers and I to go to bed, in which we did, but we didn't.

    If a women wanted to see a guys cheeks she had to go to a swimming pool. Who wants to see lil'wayne's dang thang, laying out above his belt line?

    BET has become the new food stamps. In some states the new electronic food stamps are called link cards. In other states they are called EBT cards. I think those initials stand for Electronic Balance Transfer. But here's the deal, it's not money. You can only spend those funds on food. BET is serving a plate of mush. It looks good to some and to some it makes them feel real good; just like a drug. Doesn't that make BET a pimp or drug dealer? That's a crime in most states.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I saw some of the awards. Ups and Downs and all but didn't see this skit and honestly, I don't care. They both gonna get paid and they both gonna be alright. Just like Labron James said (wished), "I'll be alright, unlike me, you'll be getting your ass up in the morning and going to work..lol. Whatever.

    12:08 AM

  8. Anonymous12:18 AM

    I agree with everything you've said Carey! They're feeding teens this BS and some kids, for lack of better influences, just lap it up like it has anything to do with reality which it doesn't!
    It's as if there's a vacuum in their lives that this crap is filling! All these preteen singers and actors thrusted upon the shark infested waters of television and Hollywood. I think all the child stars became addicted and singers too. But in America all is condoned in the quest for money!

    Sometimes I think the Muslims and Hasidim have the right idea when they prohibit these influences in their homes! :(

    To much craziness!!!

  9. Anonymous12:23 AM

    What did Nicki Minaj? Shitted on em, if I had a dick I would whip it out and piss on em -- Nasty disgusting culture.

  10. Anonymous12:43 AM

    What did you expect? BET is just being BET like it ALWAYS have been...sleasy, disorganized, dumb and a disgrace to the black race.

    But it's a show that says, "Blacks can screw up anything if you give them the opportunity. They can't read, nor can they organize simple things like get the awards right."

    sigh...no_slappz and other racists can look to BET as further proof that 'we can't do anything right.'

    It's sickening, embarrassing, disgusting.

  11. Anonymous12:51 AM

    BET is ignorance at its best. Mr. Field, you need to upgrade your viewing habits lest you become one of them. Do you know what that means?

    It means you will lose the ability to read and think. You will find yourself trying to fake it in court so the judge won't find you out. Now, do you think that is a good state of mind to have in your profession? Think about it.

    Mr. Field, I care about you... may I suggest you leave BET alone before it's too late?

  12. Craq Mind12:55 AM

    Blaq Mind said...
    Who's Justin Bieber?
    Word. Who's MC Minaj?

  13. Field I have seen worst stuff posted here by the racist bigots. Then you forgot when Prince was seventeen he did "Dirty Mind". He wore a stockings and a raincoat. He made songs about incest and oral sex. I'm not comparing anyone to him it's just that to different generations the music and musicans look filthy to us. Remember some of the names of Little Richard's songs, "Slipping and Sliding", "Tutti Frutti", and "Good Golly Miss Molly". Then our parents listened to Clarence Carter's "Strokin" or the song "Grandpa can't fly his kite, because Grandma ain't giving him no tail". Believe me the comments people put here about killing and racism are sicker.

  14. kid said...
    Field I have seen worst stuff posted here by the racist bigots

    I have seen worse stuff here posted by you kid, you sick little racist.

  15. @Man 1:05 AM

    Your idea of racist is not kissing a white man's ass. You can have Herman Cain and simple ass Jesse Lee Peterson.

  16. Anonymous1:14 AM

    KID "...Then our parents listened to Clarence Carter's "Strokin" or the song "Grandpa can't fly his kite, because Grandma ain't giving him no tail."...

    KID, are for real? I mean, I can't get it in my head that a brotha like you is really serious and really exists. LOL.

    Please tell the truth...you have been putting us on all of these years haven't you?

    There is no way a brotha like you can be real...it just is not possible.


  17. I will stand with my brother Herman Cain as we root out the liberal vermin and put America back on the path of prosperity.

    Get out of the way kid. You are yesterday's news.

  18. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Gosh, what 17 yo lad would not want to be able to flirt with 'teh hotties'? And keep up?
    Where was the writers fauxtrage over the bushTwins sex and drugs Tour? Or Bristol 'Two Babies'? Or the doings of Britney and her GeezerLover sister?
    Maybe the person had a mancrush on Bieber and was totally grossed out by the attention of a woman?
    Creepy obsession with the lives of others.


  19. Anonymous1:23 AM

    "ass hole knee grows you are the biggest bunch of racists in america and are only good for turning where ever you live into a cesspool.just like field knee grow did to jay-may-key.i wish you knee grows would come on to my property and threaten me because i have a nice high capacity present for you.field knee grow you are just a dumb ass commie traitor. go fuck up jay-may-key some more and take detolit with you." ~ Anonymous poster~

    Well, Mr. Field he certainly told you off! I have been trying to determine what color and what race this anon belongs to. I swear, I can't tell if anon is Black or White.

    I mean, once you start talking below the level of 'ignorance', they all sound the same regardless of race.

    Have you noticed that?

  20. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Cain has an ideer fer prosperity...end the minimum wage. Why, the cash that will enter his pockets will be huge! Instead of crappy $7/hour labour...he can call them all 'interns' and tell the Liebermans the employees are 'independent contractors' and it is a 'learning experience'. He'll still charge $50/hour for the pizza...and the profit will be enormous. Until every sleaze tries the same scam. Not too many folks afford the pizza on gawd-fearin minimum wages.


  21. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Sure you do, Slappy. Try it on someone who didn't teach Engineers at the college level. You lack the basic math skills. Essentially, you evidence the wanna-be of a floor-level wage drone. You thinkerate that you can 'pass for' an Engineer. Or that claims of Wall Street are tenable. In your church, maybe.
    Silly high school educated wite man, not only have I taught Engineers...I toiled alongside them. In a multitude of specialties. Your playing 'dress up' is funny to me. I would let you keep going with the fakery...but I am too obsessed with Truth.
    Oh..Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Civil, Fluid, Transportation, Computer...and more. christians in your church may not know the difference...to a functional illiterate an Engineer and a high school grad are 'exactly the same'...but we do. ;)


  22. Anonymous1:35 AM

    KID, I love it when you come on FN. Everybody wants a piece of you. That's what happens when you are famous, KID. The Whites come after your ass at night, and the Blacks like AB and others come after your ass during the day.

    I must admit that you are one tough cookie, though. NO ONE has been able to deter you...

    KID, you have the same kind of SPIRIT as your good friend, Sarah Palin...you never give up no matter how they come at you.

    Did you develop such a strong determined mental state by patterning your mind after Palin? You should give some her some credit for your durability. Come on, be a big man and admit it, brotha...there is no shame in admitting the truth.

  23. Kaison1:39 AM

    mold: "Or Bristol 'Two Babies'?"

    You fucking nut. Would you off yourself already?

  24. Veyerung1:41 AM

    mold said...
    Sure you do, Slappy. Try it on someone who didn't teach Engineers at the college level.

    He did: you - a cretinous jibbering idiot who most certainly never taught Engineers at any level.

  25. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Anonymous said...
    KID, I love it when you come on FN. Everybody wants a piece of you. That's what happens when you are famous, KID. The Whites come after your ass at night, and the Blacks like AB and others come after your ass during the day.

    I must admit that you are one tough cookie, though. NO ONE has been able to deter you...

    No one but the KOCH BROTHERS that is.

    Right kid?

  26. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Bristol 'Two Babies' upsets you...why?
    Miffed that the claims of breeding animalistic AfAms is somewhat lessened by the pampered party girl daughter of the Alaskan Governor is too stoopid/lazy to use birth control?
    Troll, yes I did instruct Engineers at the college level. Your denial is funny and shows how very much you need to deny others what you lack...authority. You really want to 'debate from authority'....but you don't have any. And it irks you immensely that I can. Is it the female? Or is it the AfAm?
    Don't beleeve everything you heard/read from liars fer Jebus or those fake histories from Confederate worshipers.
    I taught Engineers. College level. For years.


  27. Veyerung2:04 AM

    And it irks you immensely that I can. Is it the female? Or is it the AfAm?

    No, it's the idiocy and lies.

    What possible subject could you have taught to engineers?

  28. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Which is it...the woman being in charge? Or the Fact of college-educated AfAms?
    The obvious superior status was a given.
    Pout away!


  29. Anonymous2:09 AM

    mold, "I taught Engineers. College level. For years."

    i believe you, mold. there is nothing you can't do. people on this blog are so jealous they are beside themselves.

    why do they call you a liar? why do they not believe you? the answer is simple: THEY ARE JEALOUS.

  30. Anonymous2:13 AM

    "What possible subject could you have taught to engineers?"

    "Fields of Engineering" is taught to freshman. could it be that he taught about the different fields of engineering without actually having to know engineering?

  31. Anonymous2:15 AM

    mold, regardless who wins in 2012 i hope they will consider you as part of their administrative team because you have a lot to offer.

  32. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Oh, Troll...no subject. Your desire to MalkinStalk is palpable. Threatening to harass others into silence is an old Con strategery. Your foreGoobers used in on abortion patients.


  33. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Keep pouting! As far as subject, your searches will be for naught. You lack the requisite Data.;)
    There are many other fine and wonderful Federal employees who will carry on...whoever the political choice will be.
    Thank FSM!


  34. Anonymous2:26 AM

    "Oh, Troll...no subject."

    Oh, I get it, you were a restroom attendant and you taught them to wash their hands!

    Good one, mold. You are one clever little imbecile.

  35. Anonymous2:50 AM

    EBT card = Electronic BENEFITS Transfer card

  36. Bieber does whatever his "people" tell him to do.

  37. NSangoma4:56 AM

    shit field booty, with philly-dogg Negroes like these little morons running around:



    you write about this Negroe-tainment crap.

    Who dey damn daddy is?

    Where dey daddy at?

    Keep on, keeping on blaming white people field-booty.


  38. "What did Nicki Minaj? Shitted on em, if I had a dick I would whip it out and piss on em -- Nasty disgusting culture."

    Yeah but the beat on that song....never mind. :)

    Did someone up thread write that I watch BET? For the record; I never watch that station. Bob Johnson pissed me off a long time ago.

    Hi5ing @ what Carey Carey said.

    Desertflower, you need Jesus. But that Weiner joke was kind of funny.

    Anon 12:43 AM, if you are really black, may I suggest that you simply upgrade your circle of friends.

    Honestly, it's really not that bad for us. Just pray for those of us who are still living in ignorance.
    That includes ignorant racist like slappy and some of the Anons who come here. See what Desertflower said about them. You don't want to fall in to that group, do you?

  39. Among the long list of equity research reports I've written is a report on BET.

    I think I wrote it about 1991, not long after BET became a public company. As part of researching and writing the report I conducted a telephone interview of Bob Johnson.

    In the end I gave the stock a "speculative buy" rating.

    Ultimately BET worked out remarkably well for Bob Johnson, but BET, back then, was no money-maker. It was not MTV, but it did have a guaranteed audience and due to the way programming rules on cable work, it was guaranteed some revenue.

  40. Anonymous6:55 AM

    "What did Nicki Minaj? Shitted on em, if I had a dick I would whip it out and piss on em -- Nasty disgusting culture."

    Yeah but the beat on that song....never mind. :)

    "All dese bitches is my sons"
    --Justin Bieber

  41. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Sure you do, Slappy. Try it on someone who didn't teach Engineers at the college level

    Oh, I see Mold, were you teaching your latest profession to engineers? Your most recent one was that of Harvard Grad/Lawyer who passed the bar exam. You are such a fucking nutcase. Gonna have to ignore you like all the rest do, enough is enough with your retarded nonsense. Now go get on the short bus and meet your one legged girlfriend named Eileen so she can get pancakes at IHOP from the waiter in a wheelchair named Kneel.

  42. Anonymous8:58 AM

    MC. Minaj,yo ass best be watchin out.Some of Justin's preteen fans might go Amy Fisher on yo black ass!

  43. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Creepy obsession with the lives of others.


    Yes that describes your creepy obsessions with Bush and Sarah's kids.

    What adult obsessions over someone's kids everyday of the week?

  44. "Some of Justin's preteen fans might go Amy Fisher on yo black ass!"

    I doubt it.

    If they're anything like you they'll just talk shit at their keyboards.


    One what grounds can Tyler Perry fans attack BET?

    Same $hit, different flavor.

  45. "17-years-old or not, Bieber is still underage"

    Are you serious?


    Certainly not in Europe, or even Canada where Bieber comes from. Up till a couple of years ago the age of consent in Canada was 14.

  46. islam the religion of peacewith a little rape on the side.9:35 AM

    Islam is the religion of rape.ALL Norwegian RAPISTS in 2010 were MUSLIM.


    The report was cited by an official Norwegian television station, which interviewed a victim who said that her rapist explained to her that his religion permits him to rape her.

    According to the police report there was a total of 186 of known rape cases in 2010. These fall into various categories, the largest one of which is assault-rape, carried out by sheer physical force, of which there were 86 cases. In 83 of these cases the perpetrator could be identified by the victim. In all 83, the attacker was described as having "non-western appearance," a laundered euphemism for Muslim immigrants from Africa, the Middle East, or Asia.

    The problem is not new. A report in Aftenposten in 2001 said: “While 65 percent of those charged with rape are classed as coming from a non-western background, this segment makes up only 14.3 percent of Oslo's population. Norwegian women were the victims in 80 percent of the cases.”

    “In other words,” says the New American, “Muslims from Africa and other benighted Third World places are targeting Western women for rape.” It elaborates:

    “In 2005, the blogger Fjordman reported on a similar rape wave in Sweden. A crime prevention study that year reported that Algerians, Libyans, Moroccans, and Tunisians ‘dominate the group of rape suspects,’ he reported. The same year, the newspaper Aftonbladet reported that nearly half of all rapists were immigrants.”

    Praise allah!!!!!!

  47. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Mold adds to her make believe resume.

    Mold's make believe resume...

    mold was a preacher

    mold was a accountant

    mold fought bravely in the military

    mold is a Harvard grad and has many degrees.

    mold has acted on broadway

    mold claims to be a engineer

    mold claims to be a teacher

    the CIA,FBI,NSA,DOD,all offered mold jobs.

    mold claims to be the head of a major company.

    has head of a major company, mold claims heshe was forced to hire less qualified whites over more qualified blacks.

    mold claims to be a lawyer that has worked with DA'S and pimps in Philly.

    With that kind of resume, how did mold have time to get fat?

  48. "ALL Norwegian RAPISTS in 2010 were MUSLIM."


    The African and Middle Eastern emigre to Norway are hitting all those buxom blondes and the Noogin dudes are getting mad.

    It's always like that.

  49. "3 charged in roving Philly mob incidents


    Three young adults are facing charges after a large group of roving young people accosted pedestrians in downtown Philadelphia over the weekend.

    Members of a roving band of teens and young adults that walked from North Philadelphia to South Street on the southern end of downtown are believed to have robbed and assaulted several people on Saturday night.

    The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that two men are charged with reaching through the windows of a downtown restaurant to snatch cell phones and an 18-year-old woman is charged with punching a woman whose phone had been taken.

    Police are investigating two other attacks involving the roving mob, including one that left a woman with a broken leg."

    Does anybody suspect they might be members of the gutter-ape race? Looks like they are instant nominees for "field negro of the week" and also deserving of a support march by the NAACP.

  50. Proponents of the myth of "the supremacy of the black male" always point to Heidi Klum as a jungle-jumper who is "not a slut".

    Let's see what Heidi, the supposed role model of classy mom and wife, is up to these days.

    "Project Runway": Heidi Klum bares all for new ad

    Well, that figures. But is she slut or whore? Either way, her kids must be so proud of her. Hubby Seal, too. no doubt. Negro males adore and worship white sluts/whores.

    How did they meet?

    "Heidi met Seal in 2004 - when she was pregnant with Leni, whose biological father is Formula One businessman Flavio Briatore - and admits she didn't waste time in getting to know him because she felt a connection right away."

    Yep, she's a betraying slut. Lest she leave any doubt:

    The 38-year-old beauty said: "I'm not someone who plays hard to get. This whole thing about 'Oh, let's exchange numbers' and then people wait four or five days before they call you? I don't see the point. If you feel something, why would you let that pass? You only live once."

    Which are code words that sluts use, of course. Immediate sex with strangers while married to someone else, cool. Yeah, Heidi, we know you are not HARD TO GET. Haha, what trash.

  51. Anonymous10:26 AM

    field nig says: "That includes ignorant racist like slappy..."

    hey dat funny. fn think anybody not for special privileges for negroes is a 'racist'

    like when wayne got his affirmative action law degree... that was OWED to him because he be black

    also, nobody better say his law degree was affirmative action, else he call you a 'racist'

  52. islam the religion of peacewith a little rape on the side10:28 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "ALL Norwegian RAPISTS in 2010 were MUSLIM."


    The African and Middle Eastern emigre to Norway are hitting all those buxom blondes and the Noogin dudes are getting mad.

    It's always like that.

    Just like a black male to defend the raping of white women.

  53. field, what was festus writing in reference to? was it a story from peoria, illinois? i'm sorry you have to put up with such vitriol from . . . what is the caw-cage-un equivalent to "knee grows"? wrong key instead of honkey? crock-er v. cracker? anyhoo, i feel you are a blessing to all of america, and i appreciate your holding us to the fire; peace

  54. I have to intervene and defend my wife. When I married her, I said to da bruthas, "look at me, I got's me a white slut. You all iz so jealous". Then she did all the bruthas in da men's room at da reception. Reminded me of the night we met.

    But dat be a while ago, so now I'm proud again that she be barin' all and such. So much to be proud of in my life.

  55. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Poor sockpuppet. You are so upset that your ill-constructed world view is proven false by my very existence. When Data refutes dogma...you cling to dogma.
    Your list is only in your mind. My actual c.v. is far more extensive...but you are already bawling over the tiny bits I've posted.

    We send kids Beiber's age off to die in the bushWars...so why are we clutching pearls over his flirting with a woman? In many jurisdictions, he is considered an adult...and treated like one.


  56. Lt. Cmdr Johnson10:39 AM

    When semen steve was onboard, he always said that he wished we could go to a muslim port, so that he could get on his hands and knees and make an offering to the muslim men.

    I'd tell him that I didn't know what he meant, and then he'd giggle.

  57. Anonymous10:41 AM

    It must rankle you Goobers to see Heidi Klum, a woman who would never notice you, have such a pleasant life with Seal. Your lowly social status means that you will never be able to date, much less wed, a woman of such beauty.
    Besides, it is HER choice. Novel concept for you?


  58. Anonymous10:42 AM

    mold is such a naive freak, that it thinks that making unsubstantiated claims anonymously on the internet is somehow credible. In reality, it makes you look like a real craphead.

  59. Anonymous10:47 AM

    'mold' thinks that actually marrying a white slut with a promiscuous past is the epitome of existence...

    negroes think like children. why are they allowed to vote?

    mold, I have some cotton for you to pick. you'll get a nice tan and I don't think it's beyond your intellect to be able to handle the job... probably not, anyway

    when can you start?

  60. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Beiber is, in many parts of the US, treated as a fictional adult...because he is of an age when a lot of folks have passed their high school 'breathing certificates'.
    Must be the eveel animalistic nature of the older AfAm, leading the gawd-fearin' 'Merican wite example of perfect boyhood away from gawdNcountry.
    Or, he is 17 and flirting with a woman.


  61. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Bieber proves that black females have always lusted after white males. However, they have been intimidated into avoiding the superior race by the animalistic and threatening attitude of the jungle ape males.

    But now black women are setting themselves free. Free at least to pursue a better life with white men.

  62. Wayne's dad11:00 AM

    fn said: "No, not the teleprompter screw up. (Can't BET do anything right?)"

    Wayne, you truly are an idiot. Do you think they hire lots of AA negroes there? Are AA negroes hired because of ability, dummy?

    You inadvertently answered your own question, and are too dense to know it.

  63. Anonymous11:08 AM

    quoting wayne, who quotes his admirer: "[african americans] are only good for turning where ever you live into a cesspool"

    Muhammad Ali said the same thing decades ago, something like "you don't live in the ghetto, the ghetto lives in you. Give you a nice new building to live in and in twenty minutes you'll have turned it into a ghetto".

    But I bet you ignorant negroes will claim that's not true.

  64. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Anonymous said...

    quoting wayne, who quotes his admirer: "[african americans] are only good for turning where ever you live into a cesspool"


    that's why the jews want to keep negroes out of Israel... but Wayne kisses jew butt every day in Phila so he doesn't have the stones to mention that. After all, no one ever described a negro as 'standing up for principles'.

    (Hint to Wayne: constantly sniveling about negroes not getting special privileges doesn't qualify as 'standing up for principles')

  65. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Secret Mold language

  66. "that's why the jews want to keep negroes out of Israel.."

    I swear some white folks have cojones the size of Hummer wheels.

    How the hell are you going to bar a race of people from somebody else's country?

  67. Lt. Commander Johnson11:42 AM

    " uptownsteve said...
    "that's why the jews want to keep negroes out of Israel.."

    I swear some white folks have cojones the size of Hummer wheels.

    How the hell are you going to bar a race of people from somebody else's country?

    11:27 AM"

    Steve, you're still stupid, after all these years. Israel is a country, primarily inhabited by Jews. If the Jews in Israel wish to keep negoes from living in Israel, you think they couldn't do so?

    They've already got enough sand negroes. (I'll bet they wish they didn't.)

    I'm sure most of the U.S. wouldn't miss "our" negroes too much, either.

  68. Anonymous12:42 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "that's why the jews want to keep negroes out of Israel.."

    I swear some white folks have cojones the size of Hummer wheels.

    How the hell are you going to bar a race of people from somebody else's country?


    steve, you are truly a dimwit. you have no idea what goes on in the world, you poor sap

    I'll give you one reference out of countless ones, but don't expect me to look up everything for you, you lazy negro:

    "A sign is seen near the Israel–Egypt border Monday. Israel's prime minister has ordered the construction of two massive fences along the long and porous southern border with Egypt, saying he wants to stem a growing flood of African asylum seekers and to prevent Islamic militants from entering the country."

    instead of attacking the source of that piece like a typical negro, you can easily verify with dozens of sources

    btw, do you know what country means and what country you are in? did they teach that in your african studies classes?


    Your Pal,


  69. Anonymous12:48 PM

    the victim of the gutter-ape and sheboon attack said the following:

    She was more surprised, she said, than frightened.

    "I didn't expect something like that in Center City."


    how naive can anyone be? she is near negroes and doesn't expect violent crime?

    on a related note the NAACP and the media will launch a campaign that whitey-be-raciss for thinking that negroes be gutter-apes (and sheboons)

  70. Anonymous12:54 PM

    The only Jews who want to restrict Africans from Israel...are the Ultras imported from elsewhere, particularly the US. Seems that their Con and Neo-Con racism trumps Jewishness.
    But then, these are the same brave heroic heroes who attack women on public transport and refuse to serve..as it would take them away from studying how to excuse the heroic bravery it requires for a gang of Ultras to assault a solitary woman.
    In case you missed it, AfAms are US citizens...no matter how much you wisherate otherwise.
    Bieber is an object...in your eyes. Makes me compare you immediately with Foley, Craig, ManDumpling and such. While you may have those desires towards a cute young man...it seems Minaj was flirting. You know, the stuff that doesn't require Fwee Market exchange of money to make up for your lack of hygiene, manners, or desirability.
    Bieber flirts...you pay cash...up front. Maybe you should ask why.


  71. mellaneous12:56 PM

    Sup Field that was a pretty nasty letter. Why don't you watch BET now, JOhnson has been gone for quite awhile now.

    I saw the show by happenstance cause I was hanging with a buddy of mine who thought this was going to be worth watching. The whole thing was a bit amateurish unfortunately. The be st part was Patti LaBelle and Cee-LO actually nailing "Somebody loves you." The comedy skits by the host Kevin Hart were also entertaining.

    The Bieber thing didn't strike as all that inappropriate.


    Kid how old are you? You are not that young if you remember
    those songs you talked about.
    You hit the nail on the head. Every generation has had its risque sexually loaded songs. How about this line from Chubby Checker "I found my thrill on blue berry hill."

  72. There was a time long ago when Muslim civilization predominated as a result of Islam imposing itself on what were then the most advanced parts of the world. Inevitably the barbaric ideology brought the Middle East into long-term decline. Today, people from the Islamic world often come across as crazy and not very bright. There's a reason for that:

    "Nicolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who has done extensive research into a little-known problem in the Muslim world: the disastrous consequences of Muslim inbreeding brought about by the marriage of first-cousins.
    The practice of marrying close relatives, which has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian tradition since the days of Moses, was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world.

    This practice of inbreeding will never go away in the Muslim world since Muhammad is the ultimate example and authority on all matters, including marriage.
    The massive inbreeding in Muslim culture may well have done virtually irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage to its intelligence, sanity, and health.

    According to Sennels, close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred."

    For an example of the cretinism inbreeding can reduce people to, refer to the Prince of Wales.

  73. Anonymous1:01 PM

    But then, these are the same brave heroic heroes who attack women on public transport and refuse to serve..as it would take them away from studying how to excuse the heroic bravery it requires for a gang of Ultras to assault a solitary woman.


    Examples please.

  74. "instead of attacking the source of that piece like a typical negro, you can easily verify with dozens of sources"

    As usual the point went right over your tin foiled head goober.

    Israel is a country that was stolen from Palestinians who had lived their for generations.

    Now these emigres from Poland and Long Island have the balls to bar Africans??????

  75. Anonymous1:16 PM

    20 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "that's why the jews want to keep negroes out of Israel.."

    I swear some white folks have cojones the size of Hummer wheels.

    How the hell are you going to bar a race of people from somebody else's country?

    Simple, have standards and APPLY them. No affirmative action or dumb down/violence pass cards.

    Throw them out of the country as is happening throughout EU when they find out they are leeches on society, disease carriers, culture destroyers, handout demanding and taking things - you know --- you.

  76. Anonymous1:25 PM

    thank gawds that gutter ape sheboon banks isnt posting today that shit stain makes reading this blog boring

  77. Anonymous1:29 PM

    "instead of attacking the source of that piece like a typical negro, you can easily verify with dozens of sources"

    As usual the point went right over your tin foiled head goober.

    Israel is a country that was stolen from Palestinians who had lived their for generations.

    Now these emigres from Poland and Long Island have the balls to bar Africans??????

    1:06 PM

    Hey Cooney Tunes, you truly are a product of your own ignorance, you really need to educate yourself a bit better and stop watching liberal hate talk shows.

    Find out which country the nomadic arab people who were called palestine arabs for the first time by newspapaers in 1967 came from, what was the name of that country? Or let me help you, what were the NAMES of the countries they hailed from.

    Do you have any idea of real history aside from your MudGuppy talking points? Look it up, you might be surprised to learn (if you can learn) the truth.

    In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews. Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier.

    The Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to Arab brutality, persecution, and slaughter.

    The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands is estimated to be the same.

    Arab refugees were intentionally not absorbed or integrated into the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory. Out of the 100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the only refugee group in the world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their own people's lands. Jewish refugees were completely absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the state of New Jersey.

  78. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Try reading the Israeli press. Or their MSM.
    Really, for someone pretending to be an 'expert' on the Middle East...you seem to have based your entire claim on being a gradumate of the BillyRaySue Skool O Bible Readin'.
    Which one...where the heathen wimmens was eveel Jezebels fer ridin' the public transport on the Ultra version of the Sabbat? Or where the girls were assaulted for wearing 'immodest' clothing? Or the forcing of icky terrible sinful nasty yucky not-mens from their bus...as it could contaminate the much saintlier and holier and kewler and superior genitaled manly men?
    Keep faking that 'expertise'. I'm sure not one FOX viewer knows the difference between the real thing...and what you pose.


  79. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Cooney Tunes Steve Said...

    "Israel is a country that was stolen from Palestinians who had lived their for generations"

    This is very interesting since there is no such thing as a "Palestinian People". When the Romans changed the name of Israel to Palestine, the people living there at the time were Jews, not Arabs. If there had been a "Palestinian People", which there never was, they would have been Jews.

    For centuries pre-Israel Palestine was a forgotten, desolate wasteland inhabited by a remnant of Jews, along with some Christians and wandering Bedouins who certainly had no thought of a national identity of any kind.

    The Palestinians want their own country. There is just one thing about that: There are no Palestinians. It is a made up word. Israel was called Palestine for two thousand years. Like "Wiccan", "Palestinian" sounds ancient but is really a modern invention. Before the Israelis won the land in war, Gaza belonged to Egypt and there were no "Palestinians" then. The West Bank belonged to Jordan, and there were no "Palestinians" then. As soon as the Jews took over and started growing oranges as big as basketballs, what do you know, say hello to the "Palestinians", weeping for their deep bond with their lost "land" and "nation."

  80. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Thank you Sockpuppet Troll for astroturfing in Con silliness, pretending it to be from a private citizen...and not from a paid wingnut astroturfer.
    However, a Google search (the way some posters explain away their marked unfamiliarity with the job and house they profess to have) reveals that the post is a piece from the wingnut Wurlitzer. Verbatim. Without the fake author mentioning this is the latest marching order.
    Funny thing...cousin marriage is common amongst the US elite. Yet the whole issue is...Muslims?


  81. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Mold Said...
    Try reading the Israeli press. Or their MSM.
    Really, for someone pretending to be an 'expert' on the Middle East...you seem to have based your entire claim on being a gradumate of the BillyRaySue Skool O Bible Readin'.

    The answer:

  82. In Louisiana, where I live, 17-year olds can go to jail for life on second degree murder charges because they are considered adults.

    In one year, Bieber would be old enough to die on foreign soil.

    Basically, a 17-year old boy flirting with an older woman doesn't make me squeamish.

  83. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Mold is just a sweet transvestite, proud transsexual; from transylvania.


    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Secret Mold language

  84. Talk about revisionist!

    Anon-Goober just wiped his lesion filled butt and then spread the toilet tissue all over his keyboard.

    "In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews. Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier"


    In 1948 thru the British mandate hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were driven from their homelands.

    Just for instance On 9th April 1948the Irgun Zwei Leumi led by Menachem Beigin, a former Israeli Cabinet Minister and former leader of the Opposition in the Israeli Parliament, attacked the small Arab village of Deir Yassin near Jerusalem. An account of this barbaric massacre was given by Jacques de Reynier, the Chief Delegate of the International Red Cross , who was able to reach the village and witness the aftermath of the massacre: "Three hundred persons" he said, "were massacred ... without any military reason or provocation of any kind; old men women, children, newly-born were savagely murdered with grenades and knives by Jewish troops of the Irgun, entirely under the control of their chiefs."

  85. Anonymous2:10 PM

    But then, these are the same brave heroic heroes who attack women on public transport and refuse to serve..as it would take them away from studying how to excuse the heroic bravery it requires for a gang of Ultras to assault a solitary woman.


    Examples please.

    More bullshit from mold.You made the claims,now back them up.

    What is it about facts that scare the left?

  86. Anonymous2:33 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Talk about revisionist!

    Anon-Goober just wiped his lesion filled butt and then spread the toilet tissue all over his keyboard.

    Allright, have it your way, I would have to be crazy to discuss reality with some cooney tune affirmative action proven moron who obviously just copied and pasted from a Palestinian hate site. How could there have been a Palestine when the "press" made up the name in 1967? Decades after the Arabs of Egypt and Jordan and more attacked Israel and lost.

    Just like a Negro, try and run a cop down with a car, then when he gets shot ,cry police brutality.

    Just know this, you are right up there with the stormfront racists, they like you also hate jews. The supreme coon, ignorance and racism mixed in with undereducation and low IQ capacity.

    Useless Cooney Tunes Steve.

    P.S. I know you don't know much about borders, shit you still think the Bronx is uptown Manhattan.

  87. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Lady GaGa On Iran....

    "They support terrorist groups, ferment trouble in Iraq, and are building a nuclear bomb. And what do we do? Nothing. Not that we do anything about North Korea either. Why are we so spineless?” With that rhetorical question, Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, throws her hands in the air, and takes a sip of water (she’s on a diet). “I mean,” she then continues, “has anyone in the White House ever read Machiavelli or Thucydides?”

    British Foreign Secretary William Hauge Says:

    Iran Testing Missiles with Nuclear Capability:


    I wonder when the fireworks get worse between Islam and the rest of the world where Islamic apologists and defenders will attempt to lay thier heads? I know I will never trust someone named Abdul who converted to Islam in Prison and used to call himself Leroy.

  88. "P.S. I know you don't know much about borders, shit you still think the Bronx is uptown Manhattan."

    No I just said the Bronx is uptown.

    Do I have to humiliate you yet AGAIN Slappy?


    BTW do you really think you're fooling anyone with these multiple aliases?

    Just shows how much of sick, racially obsessed, scapegoating loser you are.

  89. dumbtown steve et. al.:

    There has never been a sogvereign nation of Palestine. It is only an area on the map like the North Pole. Most people know where to find both, but neither is an actual state.

    Before the British took control of the "mandate of Palestine," it was part of the Ottoman Empire, which collapsed.

    The refugee issue is one of the many examples of muslim weirdness. As was stated here, the neighboring Islamic nations refused to allow the refugees to become citizens of their countries, and they refused to grant citizenship to the children of those refugees.

    Every child born in America is an American citizen. But muslims don't go for that. Especially when they see a way to use the refusal for citizenship as a strategy to destroy Israel.

    These dirtbag Palestinians -- there are supposedly 4 million of them -- want to be granted immediate citizenship in Israel. But that would give muslims a voting majority, and they would immediately dismantle the democracy and turn Israel into another failed Islamic state. Like Gaza.

  90. To the person who thinks Blacks screws BET, tell the white owners, Viacom.

  91. How Ironic4:07 PM

    "uptownsteve said...
    Just shows how much of sick, racially obsessed, scapegoating loser you are.

    2:59 PM"

    What a classic case of "the pot calling the kettle black".

  92. "There has never been a sogvereign nation of Palestine. It is only an area on the map like the North Pole. Most people know where to find both, but neither is an actual state"

    That's what racist peckerwoods always say in order to justify genocide and colonialism.

    In Africa, the Pacific Islands, the Americas, the Caribbean.

    "It wasn't really a nation anyway."

    Then comes the mass slaughter and human removal.

  93. Ugandan experts claim whites at fault:

    Lightning Kills 22 Students, Teacher in Uganda

    School was built on high groundBy

    Jun 29, 2011

    Twenty-two students and a teacher died when lightning struck their school in Uganda, officials said.

    Another 51 students, aged 7 to 16 were injured in the freak strike 160 miles northwest of Kampala, said local police spokeswoman Zura Ganyana.

    Lightning strikes in recent weeks have killed at least 38 people around the country in recent weeks, as unseasonably heavy storms have ravaged the area.

    Experts said the school was prone because it is on high ground and does not have a lighting conductor to ground strikes.

    Another lightning strike injured 37 students at a school 200 miles away, officials said.

    One member of parliament called the situation a crisis.

    "I don't know which minister is in charge of the lightning but let the government come up with a statement to inform the country on what is going on and how we can manage it," Parliament Speaker Rebecca Kadaga told Reuters.

    Uganda's Minister of State for Disaster Preparedness Musa Ecweru told the BBC the deaths could be blamed on buildings not having lightning rods.

    "There are very many schools and brand new health centres which are lacking lightning arrestors," Mr Ecweru said.

    It's good Uganda has experts who know what happens when schools built on high ground lack lightning rods.

  94. ditto!

    real music died app 1989...

    i evade all pop "music" and its award shows



  95. Anonymous5:25 PM

    "There has never been a sogvereign nation of Palestine. It is only an area on the map like the North Pole. Most people know where to find both, but neither is an actual state"

    That's what racist peckerwoods always say in order to justify genocide and colonialism.

    In Africa, the Pacific Islands, the Americas, the Caribbean.

    "It wasn't really a nation anyway."

    Then comes the mass slaughter and human removal.

    Po wittle chile the big bad mans are agin ya...it's the hole world agin cooney tunes stevey.. I'm so glad im not a coon chile just pointin the finger at da wurld and waitin for someone to take cares of me

  96. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I did provide examples. Three. Which could have easily been used to confirm my statement. Wonder why you declined. Would you like the names and websites for the local MSM and specialized media? I'll even be nice and pick the ones in English...as I strongly doubt you read anything but.

    Rocky Horror Picture Show...although I am not as famous or as appreciated an actor as Tim Curry. Keep trying to pretend the world is exactly as you imagine....wite, rural, poorly educated, ill-paid, and deliberately stooopid. Note how your Masters spent the Rail funds on giving more money to gambling planters...while the Chinese used the money for trains and such. Yeppers, your choices are sooo smarterate.


  97. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Rocky Horror Picture Show...although I am not as famous or as appreciated an actor as Tim Curry.

    Nope, you aren't as famous or appreciated an actor as Tim Curry ( I didn't know you were an actor too) but a sweet transvestite and proud transsexual from translyvania you are, nonetheless.

  98. "There has never been a sogvereign nation of Palestine."

    But that doesn't mean there is no such thing as Palestinian people. Most of my friends at Uni were Palestinians and they are a very proud and independent people.

    The irony is that Palestinians are not well liked by other Islamic or Arabic people because they are considered the most secular and most pro-Western of all Arab peoples.

  99. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Once again moldlox is asked for facts and heshe filibusters.

    Obsessed with facts? Not so much.

  100. Anonymous7:02 PM


    Field, Looks like due to crime, hefty debt burden and an inneficient government 60% of Jamaicans believe the Island would be much better off if it had stayed under UK rule. Are you surprised?

    Poll: Most Jamaicans believe UK rule better
    AP – Tue, Jun 28, 2011...
    KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) — A new poll suggests that most Jamaicans believe the island would be better off under British rule.

    The poll of 1,008 Jamaicans for The Gleaner newspaper was conducted over four days by U.S. pollster Bill Johnson. Sixty percent of those surveyed believed the island would be better off if it had remained a U.K. colony.

    Seventeen percent said the island would be worse off as a British colony and 23 percent said they did not know. The poll had a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

    Jamaica achieved independence from Britain in 1962.

    Since then, the island has struggled with high crime, a hefty debt burden and inefficient government

  101. Anonymous10:28 PM

    This is what liberal progressive dems hatred did to Beck's wife and daughter:


  102. most music is vapid and vulgar

    because most pop singers have no souls and are sexists...



  103. Anonymous11:06 PM

    I really hope this is the last time Field does a post about BET and it's failures. We already know it's a loser. Please, no more BET.

  104. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Field, you guys are letting us down. Please see recent Rasumussen poll results Where it is ANY generic Republican 46% VS Obama 42%

    Please note this is unsatisfactory performance and the part of you and your followers. Effective immediately we expect that you will show your appreciation for all the resources we have plundered in providing unfettered entitlements and get out there and lie cheat steal, form more Acorn groups, demand illegal aliens can vote twice instead of once and get us those votes.

    Yours Truly the Hobama Democratic Campaign.

  105. "Please see recent Rasumussen poll results Where it is ANY generic Republican 46% VS Obama 42%"

    Rasmussen poll results are not worth the paper they are faked on. It's an organization owned by a former George W. Bush advisor that uses fake poll data as a tool of Republican propaganda.

    In the last round of elections their results showed an average 3.9% bias towards Republican candidates.

    In the senate elections they were wrong by an average of 5.8%, the worst record of any major polling organization, in THIRTEEN elections they were wrong by more than 10% ! In the Hawaii Senate race they were wrong by an astonishing FORTY POINTS! The highest level of wrongness ever recorded.

    So for Rasmussen poll results file under 'Fiction'.

  106. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Field were you concerned when Lil Wayne had his daughter and her little friends on stage dancing to "I wish I could f*** every girl in the world"?

    Inquiring minds would like to know

