Sunday, June 26, 2011

Newt, is she really your friend, or is that just a photo op?

I see that Newt is courting the black vote for the "grand old party" these days. Memo to Newt: If you want to get black folks to vote for your party, tell us what you will do for us that will uplift our condition, not how bad Obama has been for us.

Newt can't really believe that black folks are going to all of a sudden forget what the republican party represents and change party affiliations, can he? That's just not going to happen. All Newt is going to get are editorials like the following that appeared in The Grio:

"Courage is one thing. But Gingrich will have to dust off his magic time machine and effectively undo a history of policy decisions and political shenanigans that have negatively impacted black communities in ways that have and will span generations.

For instance, President Ronald Reagan never supported the use of federal power to provide blacks with civil rights. In fact, he opposed the Voting Rights Act of 1965. In 1980, Reagan called the landmark legislation "humiliating to the South." It was Reagan who extolled the virtues of "states rights" when announced his bid for the presidency in Philadelphia, Mississippi where civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner and James Cheney were tortured and murdered. "States rights" and, by extension, the south's ability to continue the slave trade, was the very issue that lit the fuel on the Civil War.

For Gingrich to be right, we would have to forget about Willie Horton. We'd have to forget a now infamous television ad run by the late North Carolina Senator Jesse Holmes in which he attacked Affirmative Action by saying it took away jobs from hard working, more qualified white people and his 16-hour filibuster against honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a federal holiday". [Article]

Well, maybe you black folks would do well in the republican party; you certainly seem to have memories like elephants.



  1. Wesley R11:38 PM

    Yea Newster, Obama is so bad that my daughter has enough grants for college that it's all paid for. That was included in the health care bill. The Newster is tryig to play to the Dr. Cornell West crowd that thought Obama was going to march through the hoods handing out checks.
    Conservatives always act as though Reagan was the best President ever. This economy is the direct result of 30 years of his policies. The crack problems in this country are the direct result of his policies as well.

  2. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Hapenin' in Obama's America

    Elderly woman asked to remove adult diaper during TSA search

    A woman has filed a complaint with federal authorities over how her elderly mother was treated at Northwest Florida Regional Airport last weekend.

    Jean Weber of Destin filed a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security after her 95-year-old mother was detained and extensively searched last Saturday while trying to board a plane to fly to Michigan to be with family members during the final stages of her battle with leukemia.

    Her mother, who was in a wheelchair, was asked to remove an adult diaper in order to complete a pat-down search.

    “It’s something I couldn’t imagine happening on American soil,” Weber said Friday. “Here is my mother, 95 years old, 105 pounds, barely able to stand, and then this.”

  3. wesley writes:

    Yea Newster, Obama is so bad that my daughter has enough grants for college that it's all paid for.

    On what basis did your daughter receive enough grant money to pay for college?

    How about naming the grants?

    What is the cost of room, board and tuition at her school?

  4. field writes:

    Memo to Newt: If you want to get black folks to vote for your party, tell us what you will do for us that will uplift our condition...

    Tell us what you will do for us? Wow. A plea from field to buy the black vote.

    Uplift our condition?

    What is this condition? Based on the tone of your comment, the condition is some kind of handicap.

    Do blacks in Africa suffer from this handicap? Does the condition afflict every black? Do asians in America have this condition?

    Is it contagious? Or does it strike randomly? If I understand what you wrote, it must be like sickle cell anemia.

  5. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Field, "Memo to Newt: If you want to get black folks to vote for your party, tell us what you will do for us that will uplift our condition, not how bad Obama has been for us."

    Newt did tell us what he would do. In fact, it will be the GOP's theme for Blacks: JOBS, JOBS, JOBS.

    You see, Mr. Field, JOBS is the black hole that Obama has left in the black community. As a black Conservative, it doesn't take a genius to know that EVERY Republican will offer up JOBS to Blacks and Latinos. That's the BIG POLITICAL HOLE the Dems have left open for the GOP to do a lot of political damage to what Obama's CHANGE failed to do.

    So, in summary, Newt said what he or any Republican candidate will do for Blacks as well as Latinos: "JOBS."

  6. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Field, "Well, maybe you black folks would do well in the republican party; you certainly seem to have memories like elephants."

    Oh we remember the days well. And we remember too well recently that more Blacks are unemployed than EVER in the history of America, thanks to Democratic President Obama and his Democratic Party!

    Field, you not only have a short-term memory, but you are blinded by your prejudice and denial of what is happening to the unemployed black community NOW!!!

  7. Anonymous1:18 AM

    California Girl, you have a great blog. And you are a good writer too.

    Field, thanks for making me aware of WOMEN OF A CERTAIN AGE. You are a good man.

  8. Bill A.1:19 AM

    Wesley R said...
    Yea Newster, Obama is so bad that my daughter has enough grants for college that it's all paid for. That was included in the health care bill.

    That's great that your daughter gets to go to college, but why the hell should government healthcare for poor people be paying for some people's college?

    I have three kids in college right now that I am paying for myself. I guess your daughter makes four. WTF?

  9. Anonymous1:20 AM

    "Field, thanks for making me aware of WOMEN OF A CERTAIN AGE. You are a good man."

    And you are a moron.

  10. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Field, "Newt, is she really your friend, or is that just a photo op?"

    Mr. Field, the sista is really a Newt supporter. Btw, she reminds me of a cross between Desertflower and Hathor.

    Isn't that why you chose that specific photo? good choice.

  11. Anonymous1:35 AM

    "Field, thanks for making me aware of WOMEN OF A CERTAIN AGE. You are a good man."

    And you are a moron.

    1:20 AM


    Anon1:20am, Mr. Field posted WOMEN OF A CERTAIN AGE in his sidebar BLOG I AM FEELING.

    Are you calling Field a moron for posting it?

    You should look in the mirror to get an idea of what a moron looks like.

  12. m. bigoyen1:37 AM

    What Field Negro calls "a history of policy decisions and political shenanigans that have negatively impacted black communities in ways that have and will span generations" (from the link):

    "As a member of Congress, Gingrich had an anti-civil rights record and called for the discontinuation of affirmative action programs. In his Contract With America, he favored cuts in social spending to fund more prison construction, and advocated for increased drug sentences and the three-strikes laws that have placed devastates communities of color. And he wanted to replace multicultural teachings in the schools with patriotic education. "

    Affirmative action programs are unjust - they are legal discrimination that negatively affect everyone.

    Spending more on prisons helps fight crime. Why do you think this adversely affects black people? Don't criminals deserve to go to jail? Aren't most of the victims of black criminals other blacks? Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

    "Multicultural" teachings do nothing but promote cultural separatism and resentment between groups and are an attack on the common culture.

    All of Gingrich's accomplishments have benefitted good black people. But apparently to you, the typical black person is an underqualified, criminally inclined, afrocentric black nationalist.

    What a self-hating black person you are.

  13. Democrats must Go!1:54 AM

    The Democrats have been blocking oil companies from developing America's fossil fuel resources--the largest in the world--for decades. Whenever their anti-drilling policies are challenged, they assure us that increasing domestic production would do little or nothing to bring down the cost of energy.

    Yet, whenever the price of gasoline becomes politically embarrassing, what do they do? They take "emergency" action to increase the supply of petroleum by opening up the Strategic Petroleum Reserve--some 700 million barrels of oil that are stored along the Gulf coast. Today the Obama administration announced that it will release 30 million gallons from the reserve in an effort to hold down prices.

    No one pretends that this is the intended use of the strategic reserve--the administration is just trying to get past the Fourth of July without too much political fallout from gas prices--nor does anyone think that a one-time influx of oil will have any long-term impact on energy costs. Still, the administration's action is revealing: if you want to keep prices down, what do you do? You increase supply.

    That being the case, why has the Democratic Party done everything in its power for more than 30 years to suppress domestic production of oil? Let's consider some sources of petroleum that the Democrats have blocked. ANWR is estimated to have the capacity to produce 1,000,000 barrels per day. Currently, around 1.5 million barrels per day are produced in the Gulf of Mexico; if the Obama administration would stop blocking permits and allow that production to increase by only 20 percent, that would be 300,000 barrels per day. Then there is the Keystone pipeline. The administration would like to block its construction, which would prevent 900,000 barrels per day from entering the U.S. If it is a good idea to restrain prices by a one-time release of 30 million barrels, why isn't it a really great idea to open up production that would add more than twice that amount every month, indefinitely?

    There is, of course, no good answer to this question. The problem isn't that the Democrats are too dumb to understand that opening up our energy resources would lower energy costs and make the country more prosperous. Rather, the problem is that increasing the country's prosperity is not their objective.

  14. Farley5:18 AM

    I don't know of many black tea-baggers personally. More-so they're democrats and a large mix of libertarian, Any person of color that has run for a GOP office has bought, and pandered to, lock-step, single minded ideology.

    The GOP is what it is.

  15. "Elderly woman asked to remove adult diaper during TSA search"


    "Affirmative action programs are unjust - they are legal discrimination that negatively affect everyone."

    Good, tell that to the corporations that benefit from it.

    "There is, of course, no good answer to this question. The problem isn't that the Democrats are too dumb to understand that opening up our energy resources would lower energy costs and make the country more prosperous.."

    Blah blah blah.

    Why didn't your tribe do it when they were in power?

    "All of Gingrich's accomplishments have benefitted good black people."

    What's a "good black" person?

    Never mind, I think I have it.

    *as images of Morgan Freeman driving a certain old lady floats in my head* :)

    "Oh we remember the days well. And we remember too well recently that more Blacks are unemployed than EVER in the history of America, thanks to Democratic President Obama and his Democratic Party!"

    I know. When we were slaves we all had jobs.

  16. Anonymous6:39 AM

    "Elderly woman asked to remove adult diaper during TSA search"


    Now that is a shitty attitude.

  17. Black Weekend News.

    NY City is on its way to another year in which well over 90% of the murders are committed by blacks and hispanics.

    Queens teen gunned down in Jamaica ambush


    Posted: 7:21 PM, June 26, 2011

    A college-bound Queens teen who dreamed of being a teacher was gunned down in cold blood when a hooded thug inexplicably opened fire as the youngster and three friends walked home from a party early today, sources said.

    Terrell Fountain, 18, was walking to his home in Jamaica with his friends when a hooded lone gunman jumped from behind a parked car and opened fire around 4 a.m.

    All four were taken to Jamaica Hospital, where Fountain was pronounced dead. His friends suffereed non-life threatening injuries.

    The gunman fled.

    "We're lost, we're empty, we have a lot of questions," said Fountain's grieving aunt, Shanell Cherry-Mitchell, 43. "You want to retaliate but you know that is wrong, these senseless killings have to stop."

    "The last time we talked, he told me he loved me," said Fountain's heartbroken mother, Brigitte Hoggard, 44, adding Fountain had just graduated high school last week.

  18. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Negros in america...

    This is like watching the animal planet, or more like what happens when you inject animals and give them the benefits not typically associated with black society.

    These are the educated yoofs...

  19. Anon bigoyen

    "Multicultural" teachings do nothing but promote cultural separatism and resentment between groups and are an attack on the common culture."

    I asked you this once before and of course you evaded.

    When in America hasn't there been separatism and resentment?

    What exactly is the "common culture"?

    Don't throw a hissy fit.

    Just answer the questions.

  20. Newt's not courting the black vote.

    Race-baiting and codespeak have worked very well for the GOP over the last 40 years and they figure they don't need or want the black vote.

    What they will do is find the 8% buckdancers and minstrels of the black community to pose with and use and cover against charges of "racism".

  21. Democrats didn't imitate AA. Please would someone with a name tell me how any Republican, since Nixon, has directly or indirectly helped Black people.

    Ask any economist and they will tell capital isn't an issue when it comes to job creation.

    I want your specific plan.

  22. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Hathor said...

    "Ask any economist and they will tell capital isn't an issue when it comes to job creation"

    Really, so how does a company without capital running in the red, not having the business traffic or revenue, severely hampered in the fees and regulations levied by the government, actually create a job for someone? How does this work?

  23. Phi Beata Krappa Award Ceremony at Howard University:

    One of the best moments -- when one of the scholars imitates Pro Wrestling and clobbers another honor student over the head with a folding chair.

  24. If Plantation Negros Can Forget8:54 AM

    If plantation negros can forget...

    The KKK was a Democrat invention.

    Margaret Sanger is a Progressive.

    The Negro Project is a Progressive idea.

    Eugenics is a Progressive idea.

    The Tuskegee syphilis experiment was a Progressive idea.

    Than i'm sure plantation negros can forget about Reagan.

  25. hathor asks:

    Democrats didn't imitate AA. Please would someone with a name tell me how any Republican, since Nixon, has directly or indirectly helped Black people.

    Did you not listen when John Kennedy said "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You...Ask What You Can Do For Your Country."

    Meanwhile, why do blacks claim they need special, race-based help. If blacks are as competent as blacks claim themselves to be, why would blacks need special, race-based benefits?

    In Islamic nations, the Islamic government impose abusive Jim Crow-type legal restrictions on non-muslims. Coptic Christians are, as always, under seige in Egypt, the new Egypt, the Egypt that's supposed to be headed toward democracy, but is really heading toward radical Islam, thanks to the growing strength of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    But no laws impede life for blacks in America. Just as no laws impede life for asians in America. They're doing impressively well. Are they smarter than blacks? Do they somehow cheat? Have they got some secret advantage they refuse to share?

  26. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Shocking hate crime.Black man charged in dragging death of Asian man.

    MORRISTOWN, N.J. (AP) - Felony murder charges have been filed against a man accused in the dragging death of a northern New Jersey gas station owner, who authorities say was killed over the alleged theft of a few dollars worth of lottery tickets.

    Bail was set Sunday at $750,000 for 34-year-old Ronnie Fedo of Lake Hopatcong. He's also charged with aggravated manslaughter, death by auto, leaving the scene of an accident resulting in death and robbery in connection with Saturday afternoon's incident in Jefferson Township.

    Speaking at a news conference Sunday in Morristown, Morris County Prosecutor Robert Bianchi said Fedo arrived at the station in a sport utility vehicle around 1:45 p.m. and went into its convenience store. At the time, the station's owner — 65-year-old Nisan Ambaroglu of Paramus — was working at the gas pumps and no staffers were in the store.

    Fedo soon reached over the counter and took the lottery tickets — about $3 to $4 worth — and put them in his pants pocket, Bianchi said. Ambaroglu then entered the store a short time later and Fedo, after making unrelated purchase, left and entered his vehicle.

    After realizing what had happened, Ambaroglu ran out and went to the driver's side window of the SUV in a bid to stop Fedo, who drove off and dragged Ambaroglu through the parking lot and then for about 100 yards on Route 15 South. Ambaroglu then fell from the vehicle and ended up in the roadway as Fedo drove away.

    Ambaroglu, who had owned the gas station for about seven years, was taken to Saint Clare's Hospital in Dover, where he was pronounced dead a short time later. But further details on his injuries and a cause of death have not been disclosed

  27. hathor writes:

    Ask any economist and they will tell capital isn't an issue when it comes to job creation.

    What? Job creation without Capital?

    So you admit that Obama's stimulus programs are history's biggest acts of thievery.

  28. slapnuts posted:

    the station's owner — 65-year-old Nisan Ambaroglu of Paramus

    With a first name of "Nisan" you might think he's Japanese. But those names ending in "glu" are usually Turkish.

  29. Slappy and the Goobers

    Which party does the KKK support today?

    And of course you oppose the stimulus package?

    What would you had done instead?

  30. Anonymous9:13 AM

    no_slappz said...
    Phi Beata Krappa Award Ceremony at Howard University:

    One of the best moments -- when one of the scholars imitates Pro Wrestling and clobbers another honor student over the head with a folding chair.

    This happen at the famous Howard University? You mean edge u ma cated negros act this way to?

    Maybe they were just frustrated about Paul Ryan's Budget Plan.

    They could have watched Sarah Palin's Alaska and became traumatize.

    Sarah did kill a boo and gut a fish.Don't know what effect that could have had on a young negro mind.

    Maybe the NAALCP can do a study?

  31. Obama says nothing when:

    TSA stands by officers after pat-down of elderly woman in Florida

    June 27, 2011 6:18 a.m. EDT

    (CNN) -- The Transportation Security Administration stood by its security officers Sunday after a Florida woman complained that her cancer-stricken, 95-year-old mother was patted down and forced to remove her adult diaper while going through security.

    Reports of the incident took hold in social media, with scores of comments on the topic and reposts appearing hourly on Twitter Sunday afternoon.

    The TSA released a statement Sunday defending its agents' actions at the Northwest Florida Regional Airport.

    "While every person and item must be screened before entering the secure boarding area, TSA works with passengers to resolve security alarms in a respectful and sensitive manner," the federal agency said.

    "We have reviewed the circumstances involving this screening and determined that our officers acted professionally and according to proper procedure."

    The TSA assault on this old diaper-wearing, wheelchair-bound woman should make it plain as day that Obama accomplished nothing by executing bin Laden.

    The scourge of Islamic hate will live decades, if not centuries longer than one of Islam's favorite sons.

  32. Anonymous9:22 AM

    " field negro said...
    "Elderly woman asked to remove adult diaper during TSA search"


    Somehow, I get the feelig you would be saying a little more than "and?", if that had been your 95 year-old grandmother.

  33. Anonymous9:25 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Slappy and the Goobers

    Which party does the KKK support today?

    And of course you oppose the stimulus package?

    What would you had done instead?

    No, how about we answer this question first Cooney Tunes....what did the stimulus accomplish. Did it work?

  34. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Woman's leg broken, others hurt in Philly black mob attack...

    A WOMAN'S leg was broken and several other people were injured Saturday night when a large group of black teens accosted pedestrians in Spring Garden, police and witnesses said.
    Philadelphia police responded to two reports of pedestrians being assaulted by a large group of young people along Broad Street about 9:30 p.m.

    One of those reports came from Emily Guendelsberger, 27, city editor for local arts and entertainment content for the Onion, the satirical newspaper and website. She was walking with seven friends on Green Street near Broad when they were accosted, she said. Guendelsberger, who remained hospitalized with a broken leg yesterday, declined to comment further.

    A friend who was with her at the time, Daily News staff writer Molly Eichel, said that they were walking down Green Street when a group of teens was walking down Broad. "We heard kids yell, 'Run, run,' " Eichel said. "Some kid just came out of nowhere and punched my friend Charlie in the face."

    Eichel said that when her group tried to run, about 20 teens chased them down the street. "They were kicking kids down and punching them when they were down," she said.

    Two other friends sought treatment at area hospitals for facial injuries, Eichel said.

    The only redeeming factor about the experience was that a few people realized the extent of Guendelsberger's injuries and tried to protect her, Eichel said.

    According to the police report of the incident, Guendelsberger was "jumped" by 30 to 40 men who punched and kicked her numerous times. Police said they checked the area for surveillance but had no luck.

    Shortly before Guendelsberger's assault, police said, they responded to another assault, about five blocks away at Broad Street and Fairmount Avenue, of a 20-year-old man who said that he was attacked by a large group of black men and women.

    Police said that he was treated for a bruise and abrasion under his right eye.

  35. ree-tard steve says:

    Which party does the KKK support today?

    Who knows? Why does it matter? The KKK is a nearly defunct organization with no political power. The Nation of Islam is another matter, however.

    And of course you oppose the stimulus package?

    The spending on "shovel-ready projects"? Yes.

    What would you had done instead?

    Open up almost all land and US waters to oil & gas drilling.

    Eliminating the tax on corporate income earned by domestic companies through their foreign operations.

    Reduction of corporate income tax.

    Elimination of costly and counter-productive tax credits for electric cars.

    Elimination of farm subsidies for domestic ethanol.

    Elimination of the tariff on imported ethanol.

    Increase in the number of H1-B visas for scientists and engineers.

    Elimination of the mortgage interest deduction for homeowners.

    Elimination of the minimum wage.

    Creation of a guest worker program.

    Repeal of ObamaCare.

    Shortening the life of a patent to 10 years, down from 17.

    Build new nuclear power plants.

    Build more coal-fired power plants.

    Provide grants -- free money -- to qualified high school grads planning to study engineering or science in college.

    Outlaw collective bargaining for any and all government employees.

  36. Anonymous9:37 AM

    No, how about we answer this question first Cooney Tunes....what did the stimulus accomplish. Did it work?

    "Cooney Tunes" that has got to be the most fitting name given to UTS I have ever seen. Dude has not gotten one thing right yet always sticks to his racial lines and fights to the death no matter how stupid he is...Cooney Tunes; reading steves posts is like listening to porky pig speak, because of all the lunacy he has to backtrack on........that's all folks, the economy is doing great, because Obama tol me so.

  37. Let me put it another way. There is no lack of capital now. That is why I said it is not an issue. Apparently both of you have not even kept up you are just stuck on stupid.That why you always change the subject.

    There are no black mobs running the streets of Philly and I bet you think every murderer in this city is Black. If you ever find Philly there some white areas you need to keep your Black ass out of.

  38. fn:

    i hate newtie even MORE than i hate hobama...

    i cannot believe you actually posted June of 2011???:

    "tell us what you will do for us that will uplift our condition, not how bad Obama has been for us."????

    what the hell has hobama done for ANY of us that is GOOD if we are NOT banksters????????


    Most African Americans are aware that the black community has been hit by the recent economic downturn in ways that dramatically surpass the impact of those in other communities. In a recent Your Black World Survey, we sought out to assess the extent of the damage being done to the black community as a result of the recession. As part of the survey, it was found that 38% of African American respondents have lost their job during the last three years. Of the group that lost their jobs, 88.5% were unable to find another position of equal or higher pay.

    Respondents were then asked, “Have you experienced eviction or foreclosure at any point over the last three years?” In response, over one-fourth (25.8%) of all respondents said that they’d gone through either eviction or foreclosure at some point during the last three years. The three-year mark was chosen because it covers the time period during which the foreclosure crisis and economic downturn has taken place.

    The survey had 917 respondents, with over two-thirds having a bachelors degree or higher. The Your Black World audience is more educated and affluent than the general African American population, but were just as dramatically affected by the downturn. Education level also didn’t make much of a difference, since 22.8% of those with a graduate degree went through either eviction or foreclosure during the last three years.

    The depth of the impact of the recession on the black community has been nothing short of a full-scale depression. Black unemployment stands at double that of the white community, at 16.1%. Also, black male unemployment is officially listed at 17%, with black teens experiencing unemployment over the 40% mark. Black America is in need of solutions, and like every other community that demands targeted economic policy, the black community is no different.

    During the 2012 elections, it only makes sense that any and every politician with a viable solution to the black American economic situation be given an opportunity to present a plan. Rather than advocating for or against any political party, the economic struggles of black America must lie at the forefront of our collective political conscience. This survey shows that the black unemployment and foreclosure problem is not just an urban issue or a poverty issue, it is a race issue, nothing less.

  39. Anon Goober

    "No, how about we answer this question first Cooney Tunes....what did the stimulus accomplish. Did it work"

    Yes. The Stimulus package added 2.5 million jobs, provided a middle class tax cut and bailed out Wall St.

    "The KKK is a nearly defunct organization with no political power."

    Oh I nearly forgot, they're mostly Tea Partiers today.

    "The Nation of Islam is another matter, however."


    And the NOI's political power consists of.............?

  40. anon - 10:58 - 6/25/11

    that was hilarious!!!

    i NEVER understand what the molded moron mumbles!!!


    u made my day...

  41. Anonymous10:21 AM

    ab, "anon - 10:58 - 6/25/11

    that was hilarious!!!"

    LOL.. that was sooo funny. I am still laughing!

  42. fn:

    too many hobama nazis are still in american idol mold!!!



    cc that to a soldier or any american in line at any grocery store or anyone staring at unpaid bills etc...

    cornel west and tavis smiley ET AL have been FAR TOO RETICENT and kind about that blackish ruthlessly repub elitist hoax hobama!!!

    more LOVING rebel truth from cornel:

    I know my dear brother, President Obama, has a bust of Martin King right there in the Oval Office, but the question is are is he going to be true to who that Martin Luther King, Jr., actually is? King was concerned about what? The poor. He was concerned about working people. He was concerned about quality jobs. He was concerned about quality housing. He was concerned about precious babies in Vietnam, the way we ought to be concerned about precious babies in Afghanistan and precious babies in Tel Aviv and precious babies in Gaza.

    Martin King was fundamentally committed to the least of these. Of course, he was a Christian soldier for justice from the 25th chapter of Matthew.

    And so more and more black folk tend to be well-adjusted to Obama's presidency, but does that mean they're well-adjusted to injustice? Because we don't hear our president talking about the new Jim Crow, the prison-industrial complex.

    We don't hear our president talking about the need for high-quality jobs for everybody, giving it priority, not just giving a speech in Detroit. That's fine, but speaking to Tim Geithner, speaking to Larry Summers. When are you going to make jobs, jobs, jobs a priority rather than Wall Street, Wall Street, Wall Street a priority? That's what I'm concerned about.

  43. too many hobama nazis are still in american idol MODE!!!

    i have that molded moron hobama nazi on my brain!!!

  44. Oh and let's not forget Jesse Helms' response to a caller on the Evans/Novak CNN Talk show who called in to thank Helms for all he did to "keep the niggers down".

    Helms response?


  45. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Cooney Tunes Steven Said...

    "Yes. The Stimulus package added 2.5 million jobs, provided a middle class tax cut and bailed out Wall St."


    Ohhh, you must mean the Rachel Maddow/Obama Campaign Stimulus and not the actual one Obama put forward and recently reported by the Congressional Budget Office" That stimulus with the alternate reality results perhaps was a success, the real one, not so much.

    Please tell me how in your mind unemployment can go from below 5% pre obama to over 9% now and yet they still claim and you buy that there were millions of jobs created? You do understand that unemployment means people have lost jobs and jobs have been eliminated and they are not working right? Hopefully by now you have recanted your position that things are wonderful and getting better all the time as the unemployment numbers say you are really, really wrong.

    You do recall Obamas prediction that if the stimulus was passed unemployment would not go over 8% right?

    You do recall the number of fake jobs reported as created by Obama got so out of hand that they change the term to "or created" right but never really eliminated the numbers of job saved for cities and towns that were just made up?

    You can add 2+2 I hope?

    You do realize that borrowing money to keep paying Union cronies and friends is corrupt and only temporary right? In fact, Obama admin recently had to raid the pension plans of these same folks because he has borrowed and spent so much. Next, the jobs will be eliminated because instead of unfettering the economy through private industry, he temporarily bought votes by borrowing and propping up what cannot be maintained at cost to the country, taxpayer and overall financial health of the country.

    Other lowlights from the report include:
    •Debt will reach 70 percent of GDP by the end of this year – the highest percentage since World War II.
    •Spending on Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will reach 15 percent of GDP by 2035 – spending on all government programs has averaged 18.5 percent over the past 40 years.
    •Total government spending is set to hit 27 percent of GDP by 2035.
    •Taxes are set to grow from 19 percent of GDP in 2013, to 23 percent by 2035.
    •Americans “at various points on the income scale would pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than people at the same points do today.”
    •The effective marginal tax rate on labor income would rise from about 25 percent now to about 35 percent in 2035.

  46. Anonymous10:36 AM


    alicia banks said...
    anon - 10:58 - 6/25/11

    that was hilarious!!!

    i NEVER understand what the molded moron mumbles!!!


    u made my day...

    Thanks Ab, I was reading last night and saw that poem and it hit me hard...that is our very own Moldilox. Still has me laughing too.

  47. tangential uts:

    who has ever kept nigs/poor people of all races down better than hobama and his banksters???

    who has created more homeless jobless downtrodden nigs than hobama????

    why single out that dead dog jesse
    and ignore that lead dog hobama?????

  48. Anon Goober,

    Why do you clowns continue to lie when it's so easy to expose you.

    The figures are on the web for every one to see.

    The unemployment rate was at 7.2% when Bush left and the recession was spiking.

    Obama is cleaning up the mess the righties created with their tax cut for the rich/blow up the government insanity that's been going on for 30 years and they're blaming Obama for it.

    Unemployment rates

    2008-06-01 5.6
    2008-07-01 5.8
    2008-08-01 6.1
    2008-09-01 6.2
    2008-10-01 6.6
    2008-11-01 6.8
    2008-12-01 7.3
    2009-01-01 7.8
    2009-02-01 8.2

  49. Anonymous10:47 AM

    The Schott Foundation reports that 47% of African-American males graduate from high school. In D.C., the black homicide rate dropped over the last decade, but remained much higher than the average white murder rate. The National Campaign reports that 50% of black teen girls get pregnant at least once before age 20—nearly twice the national average.

    These are all outgrowths of a disintegrated values system among many blacks. Most noticeably in a number of darkened inner city neighborhoods, where a miasma of underclass culture has been swallowed whole. Where a shrinking middle class, due to rampant illegitimacy and disproportionately high crime rates, produces poor expectations for home ownership and income equality.

    Liberal media have invested too much in Obama to hold him responsible for his negligence. And blacks who still support Obama and who have staked everything on his “success” are the ones being pushed to the furthest margins of society.

    For far too many blacks, Barack Obama’s presidency reinforces an all-to-familiar brew of monolithic groupthink. This herd mentality breeds a harmful protectionism that suggests, “He can do no harm.” An affirmative action of sorts now defines his first term in office.

    Famous French romantic writer Victor Hugo once surmised, “No army can stop an idea whose time has come.” Exposing the lie that liberalism and the Democratic Party are the keys to black advancement is an idea whose time has come.

    Why blacks, who are just 13% of the population, account for 30% of abortions in America is beyond comprehension. After nearly 50 years, is this what blacks have to show for 90% support to Democrats?

  50. Doomsday, postponed again:

    Global Tropical Cyclone Activity Update

    New Paper: Maue (2011) Recent historically low global tropical cyclone activity:

    During the past 6-years since Hurricane Katrina, global tropical cyclone frequency and energy have decreased dramatically, and are currently at near-historical record lows.

    According to a new peer-reviewed research paper accepted to be published, only 69 tropical storms were observed globally during 2010, the fewest in almost 40-years of reliable records.

    Furthermore, when each storm's intensity and duration were taken into account, the total global tropical cyclone accumulated energy (ACE) was found to have fallen by half to the lowest level since 1977.

    In his new paper, "Recent historically low global tropical cyclone activity", Dr. Ryan Maue, a meteorologist from Florida State University, examined the last 40-years of global hurricane records and found strikingly large variability in both tropical cyclone frequency and energy from year-to-year.

    Since 2007, global tropical cyclone activity has decreased dramatically and has continued at near-historical low levels. Indeed, only 64 tropical cyclones were observed globally in the 12-months from June 2010 - May 2011, nearly 23-storms below average obliterating the previous record low set in 1977.

    All told through June 27, 2011, overall global accumulated cyclone energy and frequency has settled into a period of record inactivity.

  51. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Unemployment rates

    2008-06-01 5.6
    2008-07-01 5.8
    2008-08-01 6.1
    2008-09-01 6.2
    2008-10-01 6.6
    2008-11-01 6.8
    2008-12-01 7.3
    2009-01-01 7.8
    2009-02-01 8.2

    Sorry Cooney Tunes, you are right. The number was higher when Bush left office. Now then, moving on why did you stop at 2/1/09? Didn't want to go to the 10.2% rate? How are things doing? Seems like nothing he has said or done has made anything better has it? Yet you still have faith that continuing the same of nothing pointing fingers and playing golf will magically work? Why?

    How is Obama cleaning up the financial mess that was created by growing as opposed to shrinking an economy - uh-huh. By not doing a budget in near two years? When he does a budget it is rejected by both democrats and congress? By increasing our debt so that the majority of revenue will be paid in interest? By propping up companies that shou Tell me when someone spends more and keeps giving away more and more, how does this impact your wallet? In your view, you can go shopping until you drop and this will get you more money instead of put you into debt.

    P.S. note a real man admits when he has made a mistake and takes accountability for it. You might learn this conservative trait sometime when and if maturity ever stops playing turtle with you.

  52. foolish drone uts:

    it is easy to believe hobama's FLAGRANT magical statistical lies when u live within a gated enclave as u do....

    your delusion and detachment and denial...will NEVER padlock your gates!!!

    jesse jj knows better:

  53. However, Gallup's underemployment -- real unemployment -- including those unemployed and those employed part-time but looking for full-time work, remains at 19.2% for the 30-days ending Jan. 8, 2011. This is down 0.4% from the same day in January 2010 and suggests nearly one in five Americans need a full-time job as 2011 begins -- just as they did a year ago.

  54. shame on hobama/banksters/hobama nazis and ALL who ignore black misery like that ruthless rich fool uts!!!!

    A more interesting story beneath the surface is the fact that black unemployment continues to rise to levels that would be outrageous for any other loyal constituency. Black unemployment grew to a startling 16.1 percent, from 15.5 percent last month. This is an even bigger increase than the rise from 15.3 percent the previous month.

    Black women are dealing with 13.4 percent unemployment, while black males have the highest unemployment rate of all ethnic groups, at 17 percent. The most recent jobless rate for African American males is higher than the rates of 16.8 percent and 16.2 percent marks for March and February, respectively. Most ironic is that while this much joblessness would represent a state of emergency for the rest of America, African American males are not given a license to speak publicly about their concerns. The mandated political silence within the black community is similar to the “stop snitching” campaigns that keep police from finding assailants in urban neighborhoods. No one wants to snitch on the fact that the Obama Administration has shown little public concern for distorted realities between black and white labor markets, and this is obviously disappointing.

    We know that the unemployment problems for the black male are only extensions of equally deep concerns about mass incarceration and poor educational systems. Actually, the systems feed off one another, for the black male attending the underfunded inner city school is far more likely to end up in the unemployment line. He also has a very good chance of ending up in prison.

    The grave concern with the “stop snitching on Obama” argument is that it tells black Americans that they are politically irrelevant and must rely solely on self-sufficiency to solve their problems, instead of asking the federal government to reinvest their tax dollars to help alleviate the crises that are affecting them. So, when you’ve adequately convinced a constituency that they are not important enough for the White House Agenda, these individuals may begin to feel invisible and unable to affect the outcome of an election. It’s hard to explain to someone that they are unimportant when it comes to presidential priorities, yet critically important when it comes to showing up at the polls. So, when the day comes for the single black mother on the brink of homelessness to choose between going to vote or going to her job, she is going to remember that it’s up to her and her alone to take care of her family. Therefore, she is going to go to work on election day and then pray that Obama gets reelected; after all “Obama ain’t payin no bills up in this house.”

    So, The Great Black Disconnect reflects the fact that black people who love Obama may ultimately disconnect their love for him with their ability to invest the time and energy necessary to get him reelected. The Beyonce fan who doesn’t have money to buy her CD represents the kind of love that doesn’t show up in record sales. The fan believes that Beyonce will be wealthy whether she buys her CD or not. Similarly, the struggling black citizen with her picture of Barack Obama next to Jesus and Martin Luther King may feel that his/her vote doesn’t matter in a nation of over 300 million people. Also, the message of self-sufficiency being repeated by “stop-snitching” Obama supporters may convince her that the complexion of the White House makes little to no difference in her day-to-day life. In other words, she will disconnect her adulation for the Obamas with the impact that voting will have on her personal outcomes. This becomes a serious threat to the Obama presidency.

  55. Anon Goober

    "Sorry Cooney Tunes, you are right. The number was higher when Bush left office"

    That's right. You lied and got busted. AGAIN.

    "Didn't want to go to the 10.2% rate?"

    No problem. Bush's recession was spiking and went to 10% after Obama's 9th month in office.

    Then showed a steady but slow decline since.

    2009-10-01 10.1
    2009-11-01 9.9
    2009-12-01 9.9
    2010-01-01 9.7
    2010-02-01 9.7
    2010-03-01 9.7
    2010-04-01 9.8
    2010-05-01 9.6
    2010-06-01 9.5
    2010-07-01 9.5
    2010-08-01 9.6
    2010-09-01 9.6
    2010-10-01 9.7
    2010-11-01 9.8
    2010-12-01 9.4
    2011-01-01 9.0
    2011-02-01 8.9
    2011-03-01 8.8

  56. If Plantation Negros Can Forget11:03 AM

    If Plantation Negros Can Forget....

    FDR was down with the KKK and FDR put KKK member Hugo Black on Supreme COURT.

    Wilson and Truman were in the KKK.

    Democrats filibustered Republican attempts to make lynching a federal crime.

    The Democratic Convention of 1924, known as the “Klanbake.”

    I think plantation negros can vote for Newt.

  57. Why do these clowns keep talking about $hit from 60 years ago?

    What party does the KKK support today?

    Why do white supremacists recruit at tea party rallies?

    Why do GOP POTUS candidates pose with white Supremacists?

    What party did David Duke hold public office with?

    Why is the GOP so white?

    Answer THOSE questions Goober and stop the historical revision bull$hit.

    BTW, didn't Truman integrate the Armed Forces and was the first President to speak before the NAACP?

  58. hobama nazi drone uts:

    only rich people like u and hobama believe his stat lies

    the rest of us feel the pain of his misery index and miserable LIES daily!!!

    every time we see:
    gas prices
    food prices
    util bills etc
    "Unfortunately, underreporting unemployment has served the interest of both political parties," wrote Goolsbee. "The situation has grown so dire, though, that we can't tell whether the job market is recovering."

    OK, I promised you a laugh. So here it comes.

    Goolsbee no longer works at the University of Chicago. He now has a job at the White House as President Obama's top economic adviser.

    So the president and Goolsbee will now have to convince the American public that the slight statistical improvement in the employment situation over the past year really is credible -- even if Goolsbee doesn't believe it.

    Laughing yet? Of course not. There's nothing funny about what we went through either back in 2003 after the 9/11 terrorist attacks or what we are experiencing now.

    As you already know the Labor Department last Friday announced that another 85,000 jobs disappeared from the economy in December and that the unemployment rate stayed, unbelievably, at 10 percent.

    On one level it was -- to say the least -- a disappointment for the White House, Wall Street and every American who is out of work or thinks they might be.

    Yet on another level, the negative 85,000 figure was a blessing for Goolsbee and President Obama.

    At least, as they are quick to point out, this job loss wasn't as bad as the hundreds of thousands per month that were coming earlier this year.

    As any regular reader of this column already knows, I take the side that Prof. Goolsbee took when he was in Chicago -- the government's employment numbers aren't believable.

    I thought it would be interesting today to present a few (not-so) fun facts about the jobs market

    Read more:

  59. hathor writes:

    Let me put it another way. There is no lack of capital now. That is why I said it is not an issue.

    Obviously you do not understand capital and capital formation.

    The government has lowered the only interest rate it controls -- the short-term rate, which is the Fed Funds Rate.

    All other rates are set by the Market.

    Why is money cheap? Because there are FEW projects likely to generate a return higher than the borrowing cost.

    Amazingly, the estimated Return on Investment for money borrowed at nearly ZERO percent is too low to stimulate borrowing. There is no confidence that projects will succeed.

    Hence, the easy money flowing into the economy from Fed purchases of Treasury Bonds has gone into the stock market rather than directly into businesses.

    This has happened because Obama is rightly seen as someone who believes in taxing and spending. He obviously is a moron when it comes to understanding economics.

    Americans do NOT want $41,000 Chevy Volts. Those ridiculous cars are selling at the rate of about 450 a month -- a failure.

    Americans want jobs and they want developments that will improve their lives in the near term.

    Inflation has been low to non-existent in every category except food and energy.

    Rising food and energy costs are punishing everyone in the country.

    What's Obama doing about rising food and fuel costs? He's doing everything he can to give them the basis for rising even more.

    The only way to let the US get better positioned to handle energy costs is to allow a vast expansion of oil & gas drilling on US territory.

    More oil & gas drilling guarantees more jobs -- high paying jobs -- and the high likelihood of a lasting down-trend in energy prices.

    Meanwhile, Obama's retarded support for domestic ethanol production is the main factor driving food prices higher. Way too much corn goes to ethanol production. Way too much.

    Bottom line -- there's always capital for projects that have a potential for profit. But when businesses doubt that profits are out there, they hunder down.

    Obama is the source of the doubt. He's a double dose of Jimmy Carter.

  60. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Anon Goober

    "Sorry Cooney Tunes, you are right. The number was higher when Bush left office"

    That's right. You lied and got busted. AGAIN.

    No Cooney Toons, I made a mistake. Stop projectin how you think onto me. What do I get out of lying to some dumb coon like you? Lack of self respect that I cheated a retard?? What you don't get is conservatives want things to be better for all, not just be able to SAY they are even though they may not be.

    "Didn't want to go to the 10.2% rate?"

    Yet you stopped try and liberalize facts....todays unemployment is at what rate Cooney Tunes Madcow? what percentage? Could that be 9.1% and climbing?

    No problem. Bush's recession was spiking and went to 10% after Obama's 9th month in office.

    Then showed a steady but slow decline since.

    Right and now we have stagflation, I guess in your simple mind it is still all Bush's fault?

    So we will end this deluded conversation with this statement. Despite the state of the current economy and unemploymnet you are still trying to convince someone that things are getting better by insisting unemployment is declining via cutting off in march. Remember this, things are looking good, it's all getting better, Obama is the king. We shall see now, wont we. I guess we can ignore inflation, fuel prices, debt so out of control democrats are ignoring the law and not even putting up a budget. Yeah, things are looking real good - uh-huh.

    2011-03-01 8.8 and then???

  61. But when businesses doubt that profits are out there, they HUNKER down.

  62. Drive-By Whitey11:27 AM

    I swear, there go those white clown Jethros again, shootin' up all those peaceful black neighborhoods!


  63. Anon Slappy Goober

    I think you have totally went off the deep end with AB.

    Who do you think you're fooling with your multiple alias act?

    What a clown? LMAO!!!!

    "No Cooney Toons, I made a mistake"

    No goober, you lied. And just like you slimeballs always do you figured your opponent was as ignorant and uninformed as you and wouldn't challenge you.

    Busted AGAIN.

    "Right and now we have stagflation, I guess in your simple mind it is still all Bush's fault"

    It was Republican economic lunacy which caused the recession.

    Oh BTW, since the GOP is running on the economy could you name one job creating proposal they created since taking over the House?


    Nope. They are still stuck on stupid by stomping out of talks about tax increases because they still believe that tax cuts for the richest one percent somehow benefits the economy when 30 years of evidence shows that's bull$hit.

  64. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    file under and ENTIRE brutal clan of fertile WHITE pookie baby killers

    cc this to a white blog now!!!


    Mother also faces murder charges as 'she knew her boyfriend planned to kill baby'
    She already had five children under the age of nine
    Little girl died just hours after she was born
    A father allegedly killed his baby daughter with a cinder block just hours after she was born - because he and the little girl's mother couldn't afford to have another child.

    Christopher Fitzpatrick, 20, allegedly told his girlfriend, Jennifer Barrise, 'I just want to get rid of it' as she started having contractions while they were out shopping near their home in Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania.

    Both have now been charged with criminal homicide after police found their daughter's tiny body buried in woodland near Fitzpatrick's workplace.

    Barrise, 28, already has five little boys, all aged under nine. The youngest, Christopher - her first child with Fitzpatrick - was born just a year ago in Franklin, New Jersey, where the couple used to live.

    Now the couple are both being held at Wayne County Jail on murder charges. Police claim Barrise knew Fitzpatrick planned to kill their baby.

    According to an arrest affidavit both have admitted the charges.

    The alleged killing happened on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, just hours after Barrise The alleged killing happened on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, just hours after Barrise went into labour when the couple were at a grocery store with Fitzpatrick's 11-year-old sister.

    Read more:

  65. mellaneous11:56 AM

    What up Field? I been busy here in Minneapolis working with folks organizing around making sure that the victims of the tornado get their just due. Nothing ever seems to change. The victims who are primarily black have been treated by some as if they were homeless bums, when most have jobs and work every day.

    Yeah a tornado devastated the North side of Minneapolis damaging a few thousand structures and destroyed over 250 homes. The news focused on Joppa Mo because of the loss of life there. But Minneapolis was devastated as well.

    Anyway even in disaster class society operates the same. Its hard to tell the liberals from the conservatives these days.

    The Dems rallying cry is we are not Reps while they are as much a part of the problem as anyone. No matter how we spin it a Dem was in office when the banks gangstered our money.

    And black folks and others are hurting and there is no campaign by the Dems to encourage corporations to hire folks. Nor is their a concerted campaign by them to oppose the attacks on unions and wages.

    As the song goes Field, "sometimes I can't help seeing all the way through..."

  66. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Anon Slappy Goober

    I think you have totally went off the deep end with AB.

    Who do you think you're fooling with your multiple alias act?
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, liberal escape hatch technique, create fake conspiracies, no you are just a dumbass. I am not someone else.

    What a clown? LMAO!!!!

    Yes you are. Next.

    "No Cooney Toons, I made a mistake"

    No goober, you lied. And just like you slimeballs always do you figured your opponent was as ignorant and uninformed as you and wouldn't challenge you.

    Look Steve with all sincerity you are ignorant and uniformed. You prove this day in and day out with the tripe you post that you haven't even read that actually goes against your very own talking points. You are no one's opponent, how the fuck old are you? If you were my opponent the match would have been called months ago each time you shamed yourslef.

    Busted AGAIN.

    You can't bust someone who admits they made a simple mistake, when the retard is convinced he is so important that someone has to make up facts to make him look stupid. No, you are stupid and the facts have made themselves. Get over yourself, you just aren't that impressive nor important.

    "Right and now we have stagflation, I guess in your simple mind it is still all Bush's fault"

    It was Republican economic lunacy which caused the recession. OK, sure, we won't mention fanny and freddie again cause the last time you saw those facts they went over your head and you got stuck in name calling.

    Anyway, again, get over yourself, clearly my morals are not the same as yours. I don't need to lie to some dumb coon on a blog to get off and twist reality in a discussion as some form of personal validation. Looking at your thoughts, I already know I am much smarter than you can ever be, you don't allow logic to interfere with your racialist trains of thought. You are the essence of a severely delusional and handicapped coon.

    Keep enjoying how good the economy and unemployment rate is for you as all around you snicker at your absolute coonfuckery. I am sure as things get worse for the rest of us they will continue (in your mind) to get better for you.

    Carry On Cooney Tunes.

  67. hey uts:


    "gone off of the deep end"

    and no one has gone DEEPER than you doting drowning dimwitted drone hobama nazis since u dove inside hobama in 2008!!!


  68. crazy coon uts:

    why are u so quick to dismiss any sane critic of that blackish inept fool hobama...

    but completely blind to your very own black mongrel lunacy as u LIE about that hoax hobama's IMAGINARY divinity/success/jobs/change/hope??????


    lying about us will not creat one job for that liat hobama!!!!

  69. crazy conked coon uts:

    lying about us will not create one job for that liar hobama!!!!

    nor one

    black agenda
    war cessation
    grocery bill



  70. hey hobama zombie drone uts:

    slur hobama's crazy endless war costs asap!!!!!

    President Obama will talk about troop numbers in Afghanistan when he makes a prime-time speech from the White House on Wednesday night. But behind his words will be an acute awareness of what $1.3 trillion in spending on two wars in the past decade has meant at home: a ballooning budget deficit and a soaring national debt at a time when the economy is still struggling to get back on its feet.

    As Mr. Obama begins trying to untangle the country from its military and civilian promises in Afghanistan, his critics and allies alike are drawing a direct line between what is not being spent to bolster the sagging economy in America to what is being spent in Afghanistan — $120 billion this year alone.

  71. How many times can one person use the word "coon" in one post?

    I guess that was the idiot's point in that last rant.


    I love it when I make the goobers lose it.

  72. coontastic conked uts:

    how many times can a coon hobama nazi defend that horridly FAILED hoax hobama???????

    u inspire me u quasi-illiterate coon!!!!!!!

  73. cackling coon uts:

    find this amusing too u suicidal lovesick fatally bromanced fool??????

    President Obama seems positively eager to dismantle the safety nets put in place in the Thirties and strengthened by a Black-led movement in the Sixties. He calls it “Winning the Future” – a future that “holds nothing but further pain and decline for Black America.” By virtually all indices, Black fortunes have plummeted under the First Black President, whose policy is to let the (chocolate) chips fall where they may.

    Two years ago this month, BET reporter Andre Showell [9] posed a question to Barack Obama at a press conference to mark the president’s first 100 days in office. Showell noted “double-digit unemployment” among Blacks and asked Obama, “What specific policies can you point to that will target these communities and what’s the timetable for us to see tangible results?”

    It was one of the First Black President’s greatest “I Have Nothing for the Blacks” moments. “My general approach is that if the economy is strong, that it will lift all boats,” replied the man who had brought millions to the Washington Mall just three months earlier, transforming an inaugural formality into a must-be-there-if-you-are-breathing Great Black Hajj [10]. Obama then offered smug assurances that “folks who are most vulnerable are most likely to be helped because they need the most help.” Under his presidency, the exact opposite would occur.

    In the year that followed, Obama would pump $14 trillion into Wall Street’s accounts, the biggest transfer of wealth in human history, but the “rising tide” would swamp Black America. Black male unemployment, which stood at an official rate of 17.2 percent when Showell posed his question, would exceed 20 percent as the crisis deepened, with never a hint of targeted policy consideration from the Obama administration. Today, at 16.8 percent, Black male unemployment [11] is markedly higher than twice that of white men (7.7 percent) – a significant widening of the great gap that has come to be thought of as “normal,” beginning in the early Seventies. The “hidden” chasms of Black joblessness have grown even more under Obama’s economic tutelage, as Blacks disproportionately crowd the subterranean corridors of the long-term and “discouraged” unemployed – a despairing cohort whose ranks have swelled to record levels during this rich man’s “recovery.”

  74. @Anonymous 12:55 AM

    The Republicans had eight years to produce jobs AND THEY DIDN'T. In my state they're interviewing fetuses to testify in court. Their concern is abortion. The only taxes they approved of is on reproductive health providers. That's not a exageration.THE REPUBLICANS ARE OUT TO KILL US! This is not hyperbole. Every day they publish, print, put on the air excuses of why Blacks should be killed. Look at no_slappz. Every day bringing a excuse of why we should be eliminated along with Gays and Muslims. black media has gotten the message, YOU WANT US TO DIE. When Newt was in office he was the biggest bitch out there. He's so prejudice he was relieved when his sister was Gay because that meant that a Black man wasn't dating her any more. If you want to SEE how white Republicans feel about us come to my blog.

  75. cackling coon uts says:

    "heh heh heh....massa hobama sho is a clown...he be killing all us black mongrels in the fields...but i show am glad mah shack is intact...hee hee a dee doo dah.. i sho do love me some purdy yaller massa hobama."


    A 53 percent Black majority think that the economy is starting to recover. Only 40 percent of whites hold that opinion. Yet, for the average Black or white working class person with a mortgage to pay, the situation is as bad as ever – and for Black people, that means roughly twice as bad. The Pew poll shows that 35 percent of Blacks report their homes are worth less than their mortgages, compared to just 18 percent for white people. Fifty-four percent of Blacks took a pay cut, worked reduced hours or were forced to take unpaid leave during the Great Recession. Only 37 percent of whites suffered such employment trauma, yet Blacks are consistently – and insanely – more optimistic about the future, and feel better about the present, than whites do. Nearly a third of Blacks say they are in better shape than before the recession began – a figure with no basis whatsoever in real life, and a perception that is at total war with reality. Everything is worse for every major Black demographic since December 2007. There is nothing to be upbeat about – except, for Obama supporters, the election 0f 2008. From that point on, a large segment of Black America became disconnected from reality, numb to their own pain and to the pain of their children. They have been singing zippidity-doo-dah while all around them Black America is in economic free-fall. These deluded Black folks have been rendered incompetent and politically useless to themselves and their families by the mere existence of a Black president. Obama's election was, besides the Great Recession itself, the worse thing that has happened to Black people in a long time.

  76. Anonymous12:43 PM

    How many times can one person use the word "coon" in one post? I don't know, let me count the goobers that you use as that is all that you have....

    I guess that was the idiot's point in that last rant.


    I love it when I make the goobers lose it.

    You are so sad. Yeah, we lost it due to your infallible logic. Where did you learn this technique? When you are exposed for the low intellect fool you are, come back and claim someone else is upset? You are good ole dependable coonfuckery, same old, same old techniques time after time after tine. You do know we have all seen this over and over and over again and no one is buying it right?

    Next you will lay on the racist theme, guaranteed, you haven't used that crutch much at all today. and your schtick is running thin.

    So, try this. Have a blessedly wonderful day. If you believe what you say then you are truly happy and that is all that matters. What the world thinks of you is not important and I hope you are out there being philanthropic and spreading the wealth to those less fortunate who do not have the wisdom and economic expertise then you. You know man, help a brutha out, put your money where your mouth is.

  77. anon 1243:


    that coon uts is a gd coontastic fool!!!!!!!


    retarded blind kid:

    how has hobama helped you LIVE???????

    hobama has killed more broke uneducated nigs like u than any wm prez in history...

    wtf has hobama done ANY dif from ANY repub????

    reps = dems








    see what hobama has done asap!!!!

  78. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Black on white crime must be confronted.

    Recently, editors for the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and the Chicago Tribune have all publicly admitted to censoring black crime. They all said they justified it to protect blacks from being stigmatized. In his recent undercover videos, LA Lawyer Ben Shapiro recorded the creator of the TV show COPS stating the same thing.

    All have decided that political correctness is more important than public safety. In recent days there has been a major online backlash against these policies. It is playing out on newspaper websites in the comment sections, on craigslist "rants," youtube comments, and facebook.

    Many in South Carolina are particularly outraged over the treatment of the near fatal beating of Carter Strange in Columbia, SC. Carter Strange, 18, was jogging late at night near five points. A group of 8 black males aged 13-18 were out looking for a white person to attack.

    They pounced on Strange and beat him almost to death. It wasn't until four days later that the story began receiving significant media attention in the Columbia area. The media and the Columbia Police have made no mention of "hate crime" or "lynching.”

    The website for The State filled up with angry comments demanding that the newspaper call the attack a "hate crime." The State responded by deleting all the comments and disabling future comments on the story. There is a strong sense, that had the races been reversed, the media would be reporting it much more aggressively and using much stronger terms.

    On Sunday, June 27th, the Peoria Chronicle reported a statement from the president of a neighborhood association about a rash of violence and disturbances from large groups of young black males. The incidents had been going on for weeks. He said the mobs target whites. In a recent incident, black teens were screaming, "Kill all whites" in his neighborhood.

    Peoria, IL and Columbia, SC are not the only places where these events are occurring. Over the weekend, half a dozen whites were viciously assaulted by a mob of young blacks in Philadelphia. Police say the mob ranged from 50-100 people.

    One woman had her leg broken. Two other were hospitalized with facial injuries. Yet the Philadelphia Inquire completely censored all mention of race in their article. No mention of “hates crimes” either.

    No one has ever claimed that censoring information about crime makes the public safer. So why are major media bosses justifying all of this censorship? It is time to put public safety above political correctness and confront crime as it happens.

    If media, police, and politicians do not openly and honestly confront the growing trend of brutal black on white crime things will only get much worse. It will also severely poison race relations in this country. Censorship is never justified when it puts the public in danger.


    Continue reading on Black on white crime must be confronted. - Charleston Political Buzz |

  79. retarded blind kid/IQ of 8.0:








  80. Add one more to list of favorite commentators - Purple Cow. Dude is hilarious and makes sense.

  81. @Alicia Banks

    I wasn't even talking to you sellout. You think I forgot about what I told you the other time. You better start deleting all the anti-Obama shit you put up. I will contact Secret Service NOW! Maybe they will put you in the hospital. Think about all the articles you put here almost four years. You might go to the hospiuital orJAIL. I really don'r give a fuck. Even if you delete all of them forensic detectives can STILL read them. Yes because of your unnatural hate for this man that didn't do shit to you you might be put in a hospital or JAIL.

    You need help!

  82. Anonymous1:30 PM

    kid said...
    @Alicia Banks

    I wasn't even talking to you sellout. You think I forgot about what I told you the other time. You better start deleting all the anti-Obama shit you put up. I will contact Secret Service NOW! Maybe they will put you in the hospital. Think about all the articles you put here almost four years. You might go to the hospiuital orJAIL. I really don'r give a fuck. Even if you delete all of them forensic detectives can STILL read them. Yes because of your unnatural hate for this man that didn't do shit to you you might be put in a hospital or JAIL.

    You need help

    Ya mean yaw gunna snitch? A hoodrat like u is threatin to call de authoritayz? Wuts up wit dat? I thought you wanted to be like us eyetalians? U get no props for bitchin out when the going gets tough. So ya'll just a HS dropout who aint even a real thug . Gottdamn a real fuckin loser.

  83. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Sockpuppet, do you actually read your marching orders?

    UTS, despite the cowed whimpers of Cons who you just thumped with Logic and Facts, you are indeed bringing it...and should continue to do so. If one lonely rural wite dude can log-roll himself with multiple 'personas'...I can fete your actual accomplishments.


  84. What do the folks like no_slappz, slapstick and some of the anons get out of essentially trolling a blog about black interests? Why spend all of your time and energy expounding on the faults of blacks and how they're seemingly incapable of doing much of anything except commit acts of violence or soak up what some whites see as "government charity"? What do these guys and gals get out of it?

    What does no_slappz get out of his daily "newsreels" on blacks and their "natural" violent tendencies? What does "If Plantation Negros Can Forget" get out of listing the race-driven ideals of the Democrat party, knowing that most blacks were staunchly Republican and remained so until Nixon's "Southern Strategy" flooded the Republican party with all sorts of racist Dixiecrat filth?

    "According to Woodson (The American system) “inspires and stimulates the oppressor with the thought that he is everything and has accomplished everything worthwhile, depresses and crushes the spark of the Negro by making him feel that his race does not amount to much and never will measure up to the standards of other people.”"

    That must be the ultimate aim -- to depress and crush blacks so that eventually, they will be eager to accept their reserved places as the unseen and unspoken helpmeet of white society, since that is all they will eventually believe they amount to.

  85. Slapped stupid

    "Recently, editors for the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and the Chicago Tribune have all publicly admitted to censoring black crime."

    What a pathetic liar.

  86. Mold

    "UTS, despite the cowed whimpers of Cons who you just thumped with Logic and Facts, you are indeed bringing it...and should continue to do so."

    I don't worry, I will.

    No matter how many hissy fits, or "coon" rants, or multiple aliases No Slappz comes up with.

    These goobers are going to find out that their tactics of heckling and attempted intimidation will never work with righteous black people.

  87. Anonymous2:07 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Slapped stupid

    "Recently, editors for the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and the Chicago Tribune have all publicly admitted to censoring black crime."

    What a pathetic liar.

    C'mon add the visual effects to what you are doing.

    UTS stampin his feet and screamin in his best mammy whiney tinny voice says...liar..liar..liar....sticks his fingers in his ears and say nanny, nanny poo-pooo I can't hear you so it's not true...Liar.....Liar....

  88. Anonymous2:10 PM

    They are either paid to hijack threads...or simply are ignorant rubes who delight in being jerkholes.
    Oh, I did note how bravely your heroism became...once I went to my frilly kitchen, made some tea and retired for the evening. Then, and only then, could you find the alleged courage to make up what you thoughterate were funny witticisms. Well, they may have been to you...but you also beleeverate that Sarey or Michelle will be your willing MILF.
    As far as the Troll pretenderating to knowledge of bloodletting, Galileo and Darwin. All you are doing is bluster. Would you like the layperson material, the Science, or the Historian? Yes, you are lying when you say you are just as knowledgeable as I. The very idiocy of posing the questions in such a deceitful and unprofessional manner was telling those who actually have earned are going to lie to us. Now that your fibbing is mew like a pouting child.
    No, you are not an expert. You are the religio version of a script kiddie...pretending that the hackery was yours...and it isn't even all that good.

    Tuskegee Syphillis Experiment and eugenics was never Progressive. Saying so is lying to us. Instead of mindlessly repeated talking the source material. The US has quite a bit on Eugenics...most of the adherents tend towards the aristo and conservative political spectrum. Gee, would any wite rich inbreeds ever face involuntary sterilization...even if they produced a bush...or Quayles...or Vitters...or Addison Graves Wilson...or other visible manifestations of close inbreeding. In case you are wondering, almost all of the US elites show genetic markers for inbred populations.
    Try again, sockpuppet.


  89. Okay, how's this anon-goober

    How producing a link or evidence that the NY all admitted to censoring "black crime".

    What this lying goober did was get this bull$hit from a white supremacist

  90. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Secret Mold language

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. scared shameless sniveling cowardly retard/kid:

    spell my mf name right u pissy lil p*ssy:

    A L I C I A B A N K S


    I have been telling the truth about prezes publicly for far longer than you have been sucking on hobama you snake!!!

    U r the same type of nig that drugged and snitched and helped cops kill my hero Fred Hampton u sorry lil soulless deddyless brain dead mf

    You are the most racist moron on this blog

    And you prove that by calling me a sellout

    Newsflash u gd fool:



  93. hey RADIO"/Retarded Arrogant Dunce Ignoramus Old school slave nig mf/retarded kid:

    "Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993

    "Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993

    "Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000

    "Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997

    "Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996

    "If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996

    "Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994

    "Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993

    eff u!!!!!!!!!

  94. radio/retarded kid:

    hobama is the most sold out blackish mf ever on earth


    Obama-induced chemical imbalances messed up Black people’s minds regarding the gap between Black and white incomes. Asked if the racial gap had grown smaller in the last ten years, 56 percent said “yes” in 2009, compared to 41 percent in 2007. In fact, the racial wage gap had grown significantly. In 2000, Black households made 64.8 cents for every dollar made by whites. By 2008 Black households had slipped three cents, to 61.8 cents on the white dollar – approximately the same size gap as existed in 1989 and 1979. Blacks are worse off, income-wise, than ten years ago, and except for a brief uptick in Black household income during the Clinton bubble-boom of the Nineties, the Black-white earnings gap has remained virtually unchanged for the past 30 years.
    ObamaL'aid is a mind-altering substance, a hallucinogen. It makes Black people see progress when they are actually facing disaster. Obama-on-the-brain also behaves like an opiate, blocking out pain. African Americans’ ability to apprehend political and economic danger is compromised by Obama-induced delusion, while the opiate effect prevents Blacks from knowing where and how badly they have been hurt. That’s a fatal combination.

  95. Anonymous2:35 PM

    They are either paid to hijack threads...or simply are ignorant rubes who delight in being jerkholes.
    Oh, I did note how bravely your heroism became...once I went to my frilly kitchen, made some tea and retired for the evening. Then, and only then, could you find the alleged courage to make up what you thoughterate were funny witticisms. Well, they may have been to you...but you also beleeverate that Sarey or Michelle will be your willing MILF.
    As far as the Troll pretenderating to knowledge of bloodletting, Galileo and Darwin. All you are doing is bluster. Would you like the layperson material, the Science, or the Historian? Yes, you are lying when you say you are just as knowledgeable as I. The very idiocy of posing the questions in such a deceitful and unprofessional manner was telling those who actually have earned are going to lie to us. Now that your fibbing is mew like a pouting child.
    No, you are not an expert. You are the religio version of a script kiddie...pretending that the hackery was yours...and it isn't even all that good.

    Tuskegee Syphillis Experiment and eugenics was never Progressive. Saying so is lying to us. Instead of mindlessly repeated talking the source material. The US has quite a bit on Eugenics...most of the adherents tend towards the aristo and conservative political spectrum. Gee, would any wite rich inbreeds ever face involuntary sterilization...even if they produced a bush...or Quayles...or Vitters...or Addison Graves Wilson...or other visible manifestations of close inbreeding. In case you are wondering, almost all of the US elites show genetic markers for inbred populations.
    Try again, sockpuppet.


  96. radio/reatrded kid:

    that blackish repub hoax hobama is the sell out in chief!!!!

    that is why that crack dealer raygun is hobama's repub hero!!!

    ask any wm bankster!!!!

    Obama has been doing lots of winking as president, but all his signals are designed to please the other side. He almost injured his eyeballs winking at Republicans when he stacked his administration with Bush holdovers and Wall Streeters. He winked till his eyelashes nearly fell out at the insurance and drug companies as he arranged for their continued dominance and super-profits in health care. Obama winked his way into a much larger war in Afghanistan and beyond. He's got that wink, alright, but it's always in the wrong direction.

    Obama has been doing lots of winking as president, but all his signals are designed to please the other side. He almost injured his eyeballs winking at Republicans when he stacked his administration with Bush holdovers and Wall Streeters. He winked till his eyelashes nearly fell out at the insurance and drug companies as he arranged for their continued dominance and super-profits in health care. Obama winked his way into a much larger war in Afghanistan and beyond. He's got that wink, alright, but it's always in the wrong direction


    i loved your retarded biopic u lil loopy bitch!!!!

  97. If Plantation Negros Can Forget2:38 PM

    If Plantation Negros Can Forget

    What happen in 1898 in Wilmington, N.C.

    Democrats and Jim Crow were best friends.

    Democrats opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution.

    Lester Maddox came close to being Jimmy C's VP.

    George "segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever" Wallace

    Bull Conner

    Only 64% of Democrats voted for the CRA of 1964

    Democrats opposed the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875.

    Than again,Democrats enjoy a nazi like devotion from plantation negros.

    No way Newt.

  98. radio/retarded kid:

    i am poor black female and gay???

    wtf has hobama done for me except make me a legal corpse with no soldier's widow pay?????


    that brutal elitist warmongering bankster mf hobama has destroyed all broke black mongrels like u since 2008????

    where have u been son??????

    did u snitch on those who bashed gwb????

    that nig hobama is a clone of gwb...nahmean?????

    man up tell massa on massa's clone hobama asap u dirty dimwitted dog!!!!!

  99. Anonymous2:48 PM

    100 idiotic comments from qoohole da banks licka

  100. Mack Lyons

    "What do the folks like no_slappz, slapstick and some of the anons get out of essentially trolling a blog about black interests?"


    "They are either paid to hijack threads...or simply are ignorant rubes who delight in being jerkholes"

    They are LOSERS.

    Yellow-toothed, external nose-haired, goat-smellin, knuckle draggin goobers who have failed at just about everything and get a cheap feeling of satisfaction by heckling black folks on the web.

    See No Slappz for instance probably sees brothers everyday wearing tailored suits and driving luxury vehicles and wonders why he isn't doing that.

    So he rationalizes it with "It's either Affirmative Action or they're drug dealers."

    Yeah, that's the ticket.
    They are LOSERS.


  101. Anonymous2:50 PM

    ever notice how senile steve pops up whenever mold anon troll comes up talking about LOSERS? steve get a grip and cover your tracks better dummy!

  102. Radio/retarded kid uts

    Cc that bs to the vdlr

    She is an uneducated unlicked unloved unkempt…. broke as a storefront ghetto church mouse…perpetually pregnant and has severe tourette’s syndrome…and has a special club card at her local vd clinic…

    Wtf has hobama/hobamacare done for her?????

  103. vdlr:

    i am absolutely certain that i make 10 x more in annual income than you do...

    especially if u do not factor in your ebt card/wic/bootleg yak sales/horsey hair barters/EBT CASH SWAP SCAMS etc....

    and my wife and i combined make 20x more than u do 4 sure...


    hobama says that anyone who makes less than 250k per yr is poor

    so we are poor




  104. "Only 64% of Democrats voted for the CRA of 1964"

    Democrats LBJ, Hubert Humphrey and Emmanuael Celler were the freaking sponsors of the CRA of 1964.

    Republican POTUS Candidate of 1964 Barry Goldwater opposed it.

    And won all the states of the Deep South.

    Today Republican politicians Rand and Ron Paul want to overturn the CRA of 1964 as well as the 14th Amendment.

    Any secret why Uber-Goober wants to talk about $hit from 50 years ago?

  105. Anonymous3:14 PM

    "uptownsteve said...
    Any secret why Uber-Goober wants to talk about $hit from 50 years ago?

    3:00 PM"

    I agree with you. Makes about as much sense as always crying and pissing & moaning about something that happened a couple of hundred years ago.

  106. You mean like the Civil War?

    Or maybe the Revolutionary War?

    What are you talking about Goober?

    tee hee

  107. Anonymous3:24 PM

    ab-"She is an uneducated unlicked unloved unkempt…. broke as a storefront ghetto church mouse…perpetually pregnant and has severe tourette’s syndrome…and has a special club card at her local vd clinic…"

    This is hilarious! rofl. i see fn blog is coming out of the comedic gate on monday leading all blogs. lol..

    ab, have mercy on

  108. vdlr/radio/retarded kids:

    what is YOUR vacation budget this yr?????

    laura bush would be crucified for this ROUTINE rock star bs!!!!!

    what a gd typically tacky elitist shame this AFRICOM PR BS IS!!!!!!!

    First Lady Michelle Obama’s trip to South Africa and Botswana last week cost taxpayers well over half a million dollars, possibly in the range of $700,000 or $800,000, according to an analysis by White House Dossier.
    While the goals of her journey – “youth leadership, education, health and wellness” in southern Africa, according to the White House – are laudable, many may question whether such an expensive outreach overseas by the president’s wife is worthwhile given the threat of the ballooning federal debt to the economy.
    This is particularly true given that the trip, while featuring many official events, also included tourist components such as visits to historical landmarks and museums, a nonworking chance to meet Nelson Mandela that Mrs. Obama described as “surreal,” and a safari. Mrs. Obama also brought along her mother, her daughters and two of their cousins – the children of her brother Craig Robinson.
    In a conversation last week with a South African online newspaper, U.S. Embassy Spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau made clear that the trip was partially a personal pilgrimage for the first lady.
    “She’s coming on this trip to talk about women’s development and youth development, and South Africa is a leader in that, not only on the continent but globally,” said Trudeau. “A visit to South Africa is important for them as a family. She’ll be visiting many Struggle-era landmarks, including the Apartheid Museum (and) the Hector Pieterson Memorial.”

  109. Oh lawd, now this wacko is going after Michelle Obama.

    Tell the truth AB.

    You're voting for Ron Paul, aren't you?

    You'd rather be a slave on a Mississippi plantation than see a black man as President, wouldn't you?


  110. Anonymous3:54 PM

    what is YOUR vacation budget this yr????? kuntlick banks

    what is urs ten year old trying to be grown? u want a pissing contest sweetie pie? uve already lost kuntlick u have nothing to offer the world just inane words from an insane person qoohole kuntbreaf

  111. Shftless Negro For Sale3:56 PM

    UTS, at least AB looks like she could put in a good day's work.

    A Mississippi Plantation Owner would sell your wormy ass to some hog farmer in Iowa in a heartbeat.

  112. Conked coon pathetic perp court jester beta male bitch uts:

    U r late as always

    I hate hobama less than mlk and Malcolm would…bet!!!!

    The first black prez will NOT be a clone of that wm gwb
    And he will have 2 black parents and he will not bash black mongrels on tv…fyi
    That blackish cia baby hobama does NOT count!!!!

    When a real black man is prez…cc me
    If u can even spot a real bm in a crowded coon juke joint u joker


    I will never vote again

    And I slew that beard michelle long ago

    Catch up coon…asap

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. hey lying mf uts:

    i would love to see:

    mumia abu jamal
    mike e dyson
    glen ford
    tavis smiley
    harry belafonte
    danny glover
    bob herbert
    cornel west
    and MANY other real BM be prez

    a court jester like u has NO IDEA how to even contact said u coon boy????????

  115. Shiftless Goober

    You got the wrong negro here.

    I would have been leading the slave uprising.

    Burning down the big house.

    Kicking goobers like you in the ass.

    And trying to keep Missy's hands away from my.........

  116. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Shftless Negro For Sale said...

    UTS, at least AB looks like she could put in a good day's work.

    A Mississippi Plantation Owner would sell your wormy ass to some hog farmer in Iowa in a heartbeat. buceta breaf clone

    gosh clone kunt its so obvious ure the one saying shit to senile steve he may be senile but u take it a bit too far hes more of a man then ule ever be penis envy dyke kuntsuckin loser!

  117. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey. kuntbreafs words of choice

  118. Conked coon uts:

    Whack this u whacked out hobama nazi COONTASTIC court jester!!!

    Cc this to hobama as he is whacking on black mongrels all over the world!!!!!

    The Libyan people are paying the price for Moammar Gaddafi’s insubordinate behavior to the Godfathers of global finance capital: the U.S. and Europe. “Gaddafi’s sin for being placed on imperialism’s death row consists largely of the challenges he posed to the free reign of Western capital in the region, of his refusal to relinquish Libya’s national sovereignty to become another unconditional ‘client state’ of Western powers.”

    This explains why the corporate media, political pundits and other mouthpieces of imperialism are increasing talking about Western powers’ “responsibility to protect,” by which they mean that these powers have a responsibility to protect the Libyan (or Iranian or Venezuelan or Syrian or Cuban or ... ) citizens from their “dictatorial” rulers by instigating regime change and promoting “democracy” there. It further means that, in pursuit of this objective, the imperialist powers should not be bound by “constraints” of national sovereignty because, they argue, “universal democratic rights take primacy over national sovereignty considerations. ”In a notoriously selective fashion, this utilitarian use of the “responsibility to protect” does not apply to nations or peoples ruled by imperialism’s client states such as Saudi Arabia or Bahrain. [6].
    This also means that the imperialist war against peoples and states such as Libya and Venezuela is essentially part of the same class war against peoples and states in the belly of the beast, that is, in the United States and Europe. In every instance or place, whether at home or abroad, whether in Libya or California or Wisconsin or Greece, the thrust of the relentless global class war is the same: to do away with subsistence-level guarantees, or social safety net programs, and redistribute the national or global resources in favor of the rich and powerful, especially the powerful interests vested in the finance capital and the military capital.

  119. conked coon uts:

    why do u racist fools pretend anyone hates that halfrican american hobama because his deadbeat dedddy was a bm????

    why do u pretend that all the EVIL MONEY GREEN things hobama has done have nothing to do with the MILLIONS IN ALL RACES/HUES who hate hobama???



    we see u u blind racist COON!!!!!

  120. FryTheLiberalWeenies4:18 PM

    Another Obamie Commie bites the dust another criminal democrat found guilty - Blago is going away. I hope he tells all; everyone forgot about he Obama Corruption with this one, I don't think it will stay hidden much longer. Via Con Dios Next the senate and the presidency - then you liberal weenies can do what you do best, cry and complain about racism and what have you, while the adults rebuild the country that has been completely trashed in such a few short years.

  121. Don't Be Speaking No Ebonics4:24 PM

    Will someone tell me just what in the hell "conked" is supposed to mean?

  122. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Secret Mold language

  123. conked = permed hair via lye/perm kits etc


    "s-curl" for permed mongrel men like uts and al sharpton

    like that LYE-ing baldheaded fool the vdlr tries to replicate via horse hair...

    see a classic conk film scene here:

    ps: the reason the vdlr wears wigs is because she has no water/toilet water in her filthy section 8 crib!!!....

    but her henny keep dat apt bar wet 4 real!!!!

  124. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Shiftless Goober

    You got the wrong negro here.

    I would have been leading the slave uprising.

    Burning down the big house.

    Kicking goobers like you in the ass.

    And trying to keep Missy's hands away from my

    Nice fantasy, big strong negro, even gettin you some white tail....Actually we both know with your personality you would have been shivering in the corner huddling in fear sayin go get em, go get em...watchin all the brothers you incited get mowed down and killed while you hid. You are a frontin coward who isn't man enough to ever and I do mean ever tell the truth. Something only a pussy is - self deluded. They would have found you with flayed skin and being some weird lookin fruit all done by your bruthas after they saw what a pissant coward you are.

  125. see the conk kits that are the only things that conked coon uts loves more than hobama here:

  126. If Plantation Negros Can Forget4:43 PM

    Mold. Tell you what.I wont tell anyone that you have splinters in your mouth if dont tell anyone that i have a wooden dick.

  127. If Plantation Negros Can Forget4:44 PM

    If Plantation Negros Can Forget


    I don't have all day on this one but yahoo search

    Progressives,free abortions for black women,controlling the minority population lowers crime rates,aborting the poor and "undesirables",chemical abortions.

  128. anon 4:33


    and that scared dickless spineless brainless racist retard the retarded kid would be telling massa:

    "boss..uts down theah fonicatin' wid missy maria one mo gin..

    and alicia done ran away agin too massa...

    it be jess all kinds of bad niggas wildin today boss....

    lemme help u find em and whip on em boss....pleez massa...i craves ta help u cuz dey is bad and i's a good scared obeying nig boss...

    lemme show u how good and scared i is massa pleeez...."

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. dickless (& manless) lickless immature immaterial irrelevant irrational irrigated follicled chrome domed crackhead vdlr:

    u lamenting the lack of peen is like your scalp lamenting the lack of sheen....UNNECESSARY & TRIFLING!!!!!

    shame on u shiny trick....shame!!!!!!

  131. never a cheerleader but always splayed under the bleachers vdlr:

    turbo breeders out the door
    your menses is always late

    get a life u vulgar hobama nazi trick!

  132. The Republicans would have been smart if they had invited Edward Brooke to the nomination and honored him in some way. He was quite influential in the passage of some laws that effected Blacks.

    That may have gotten a few Black votes, but instead the wingnuts think browbeating will get them somewhere.

  133. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "gosh nine year old trying to be almost fifty ya kuntlicker ude think that an alleged teacher and scholar would be happy with those who have children"....

    He Mold, kinda wondered where you have been all day...then I ran across this....

    One thing i am confused though, is you must already know don't you? Do you keep taking the test just to be sure???

  134. burrless brainless baldheaded vdlr:

    i love my long lovely soft silky nappy natural locks

    i wear god's hair as proudly as u wear chinee weaves!!!


    burrs trump burnt!!!

    u lye scarred scabbed up smooth brained shiny scalped fool


  135. This comment has been removed by the author.

  136. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Anonymous said...
    hows that kuntlickin std coming along shit stain banks?

    Mold was observing his annual aids testing day again today.

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Secret Mold language add in a kuntbref and buceta bref or two for one he becomes the vulgar anon.

  137. Anonymous5:41 PM

    AB,mold starts posting,your stalkers come back.

    Any doubt who your stalker is?

  138. weaved wench vdlr:

    ALL teachers have become experts at weave/drugs/DHS/custody/ebt cards/wic/weed etc...

    we see u fertile "parents" doing all the aforementions FAR more often than we see u in our parent
    teacher conferences...

    nahmean nig fool?????

    Toxic parenting is universal in America. It knows no boundaries of race or class. Reality television proves that rich white parents are often even more toxic than poor black ones. Toxic parenting entails: Parents who begin abusing children chemically in their wombs, with recreational drugs and toxic diets; Parents who poison wombs that leave permanent damage inside children’s brains and nervous systems; Parents who do nothing to give lonely fatherless boys mandatory male role models; Parents who routinely physically and verbally assault teachers, but never spank or reprimand their children; Parents who buy children breasts and noses, rather than teach them to become surgeons; Parents who buy students expensive designer clothes, but never show them how to obtain free library cards; Parents who abuse drugs and dress like whores and thugs, as they actively encourage their children to become consummate mini clones; Parents who never attend a teacher conference, but never miss a field trip or party; Parents who are always on time at hair salons or nightclubs, but never bring children to school on time; Parents who harass or ignore teachers as they coddle or neglect children; Parents who brazenly place schools'/teachers' phone numbers on "call block", so that they are not bothered when their children bother others during school hours; Parents who hijack schools as babysitters, even on days when classes are not in session; Parents who brazenly enroll their children in first grade classes, fully aware that these children have never attended Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten; Parents who never read any books, and never read to their children; Parents who never teach children any moral intelligence, because they are amoral themselves; Parents who never teach children to sit still, behave, listen, and concentrate; Parents who hate children and dare to demand that teachers and other surrogates fully parent their own children; Parents who never teach children to do their homework; Parents who are intellectually incapable of helping children, or seeking tools/tutors to help children, with their homework; Parents who have no concept of proper child nutrition or sleep patterns; Parents who neither do or assign any chores; Parents who are irresponsible and incapable of teaching children to be responsible ...

  139. s:

    no doubt at all...until they start bleeding morphed and cloned assnons...

    have a great evening!

  140. hey illiterate vdlr:

    u forgot to read fn's post...again!!!!!!

  141. Anonymous6:01 PM

    AB look at this, now Los Angeles is dumbing down homewok assignments saying urban enironment is too hard for homework...for's lack of parenting that is dumbing down america.

    They say grades shouldn’t be “based on the routes which students take towards mastery, nor their behavior, attitude, effort, or attendance. Here you go, more democratic nonsense.,0,2416846,full.story

  142. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

  143. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey says kuntbreaf banks da loser

    im smart my iq is 250 i am a scholar and a musicologist and a this and a that and a whats it and a wannabe and a queef and a LOOOOOOSER LOOSER LOOOOOOSER LOOOOOSER
