Friday, June 03, 2011

Those racist blue people.

I have got to get out of the lawyer game. It's getting way too dangerous. I bet the last person this poor lawyer expected to take him out was some 73 year old guy whose wife he represented in divorce case. Seventy three and the guy goes all Rambo and s&^%. Then he kills himself. *shaking head*

He was a perfect candidate for one of Dr. Jack's bedtime mixers. Wait.....Dr. Jack is himself now dead. (Save the jokes)Never mind.

My racism meter must be dropping off as I get older, because lately I have not been seeing racism where some folks claim they see it.

Take this latest from some French sociologist, for instance. Dude says that the Smurfs are racist and anti Semitic, and that there is some Nazi subliminal thing going on with the entire franchise. Really? The Smurfs?

"As relayed by, Buéno says that Papa Smurf, the leader of the village, is an authoritarian figure, and that their lack of private property and collective-style economy is a clear nod to socialism. Meanwhile, their enemy seems Jewish: Gargamel, the monster that haunts the village, matches negative Jewish caricatures and his cat's name is Azrael, the French author writes, while Smurfette, for a long time the only female in the village, is a vision of aryan perfection.

Buéno, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, touched on what he perceives as their blue racism.

"The first comic strip, 'The Black Smurfs,' was intimately concerned with what you might classify as a racial threat," he said. "Because in that album, the smurfs are sick. And when they're sick, they don't turn purple or red or anything like that, they become black. And when they become black, they lose all trace of intelligence. THey become completely moronic. And further more, they can no longer speak, they just go 'nyap nyap nyap.'"

Hmmm, "blue racism". Nope, I can't bite. I am too busy chasing the white one.

Has Anthony Weiner stopped talking yet? Please make him stop! What's sad about this entire episode is that it might take away from something very important that Weiner is doing: pushing for an investigation into the shenanigans of Uncle Clarence and his wingnut wife. Yes folks, at least for now, Andrew Brietbart and his wingnut friends seem to be getting the upper hand. For now.

Then there are black writers wondering out loud if Weiner was black would we be making jokes at his expense. Let me answer that for you: Yes! As someone in the comments section mentioned in the post that I linked; Bishop Eddie Long is Exhibit A.

Finally, I see that Florida is drug testing welfare recipients. Good luck with that. Hey I know Rush is glad that he doesn't need a welfare check. He would never qualify.

But don't despair my drug addicted friends, you could always move to Brazil. I hear that they have a new strain of crack there.


  1. Here, in Louisiana, they supposedly test recipients initially, and they passed a law recently that allows random or regular (i dont quite remember which) screenings.


  2. Anonymous11:33 PM

    The farmer went into a lawyer's office and said,

    "I want one of them there dayvorces."
    The lawyer said, "Do you have grounds?"
    The farmer said, "Yes, I have 140 acres."
    The lawyer said, "No you don't understand. Do you have a case?"
    The farmer said, "No, I have a John Deere."
    The lawyer said, "You still don't understand. Do you have a grudge?"
    The farmer said, "Yes, that's what I park my John Deere under every night."
    The lawyer said, "You still don't understand. Do you have a suit?"
    The farmer said, "Yes, I wear it to church every Sunday."
    The lawyer said, "Does she beat you up?"
    The farmer said, "No, we both get up about 4:30 every morning."
    The lawyer said, "Is she a nagger?"
    The farmer said, "No, she's a little ol' white gal, but the last youngen' she had was a nagger. That's why I want a dayvorce."

  3. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Happy Donut Day fields.Hope you took a break from fighting racism to enjoy a donut.

    You on the left have to much time on your hands.From the smurfs being racist to the A-team causing distrust in the gubmit.Jeezzzzz get out and enjoy life.

    Least we still have Gorilla glue....

  4. Unsmurfing believable! Jew hating Lawyer killers on crack in Brazil, what's the world coming to eh. Just when you thought it was safe to be a Mexican in Arizona.

  5. Anonymous12:18 AM

    "Hmmm, "blue racism". Nope, I can't bite. I am too busy chasing the white one."

    You need to ease up on the white folks and broaden your color horizons. Chase some blue people, it'll be a change of pace and do you some good.

  6. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Field, "I have got to get out of the lawyer game. It's getting way too dangerous."

    When was the last time a lawyer was shot in Philly? I bet it has already happened this year but you conveniently forgot to post it.

    I don't blame you for wanting to get out of the criminal law business. It IS dangerous but I suppose the money keeps food on the table.

  7. Sarge7:15 AM

    Remember the Babar the Elephant controversy a couple decades ago?

    Right wingers insisted that the whole thing was communism, extoled and gloried in it to trick the kids.

    You couldn't tell them that the elephant was a king, fer krisake.
    They should have LOVED him, with their mind set.

  8. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Ahahahahaha! I see everyone's in a jolly mood here today! That's good! 'Cuz we're all in this s#!&pot together guys! ;)))))))))))

    and yes, the Smurfs have always been communist.

  9. Oxidado, the super crack from Brazil.

    According to the news story, which, by the way, originated with the al-jazeera news agency, oxidado users become addicted immediately -- with the first use -- experience sudden and dramatic weight loss, and often die within a year.

    Wow. And millions of Americans want recreational drugs LEGALIZED. Moreover, according to the news story, oxidado is dirt cheap. About a dollar per high, claims the reporter.

    Thus, if oxidado were LEGAL in the US and sold at such bargain prices, what would happen to the black population within a year or two?

    Of course, if it were legal, the government would tax it like tobacco and alcohol. With a little of the tax revenue, the government would rent some billboards telling people to avoid the highly addictive, health-destroying oxidado.

  10. "Ahahahahaha! I see everyone's in a jolly mood here today! That's good! 'Cuz we're all in this s#!&pot together guys! ;)))))))))))"

    I don't mind being in this spot with some of you. The rest of you,on the other hand, not so much.

    "When was the last time a lawyer was shot in Philly? I bet it has already happened this year but you conveniently forgot to post it."

    Nope, not this year. One was shot about three or so years ago, but he was a PI lawyer.

    "You need to ease up on the white folks and broaden your color horizons. Chase some blue people, it'll be a change of pace and do you some good."

    There is nothing to chase. Only you white folks keep me on my feet.:)

  11. field writes:

    Finally, I see that Florida is drug testing welfare recipients. Good luck with that. Hey I know Rush is glad that he doesn't need a welfare check. He would never qualify.

    Leave it to field to mix apples and oranges. As well as non-sequiturs.

    Limbaugh ISN'T seeking a welfare check. thus, his personal life is irrelevant to the discussion. However, if you want to explore this non-sequitur side of things, then you'll have to consider drug use by, hmmmm, Richard Pryor, or Gil Scott Heron, Jimi Hendrix and a long list of black entertainers and musicians. There's an even longer list of black athletes who consume illegal drugs.

    Meanwhile, Limbaugh was not consuming illegal drugs. He developed a problem with Oxycontin, a legal drug.

    His crime was getting doctors to over-prescribe it -- doctor shopping. As crimes go, that's much less serious than buying illegal street drugs.

  12. Glad I read your post because I hadn't heard the news about Va Thomas. Sounds alot like the John Edwards situation and he's been indicted already!

    Weiner has been outspoken and in everyone's conservative faces for years. I admire his work. But from a PR standpoint, he's handling the crotch shot poorly. He's giving the impression it is him but he didn't send it. If so, fess up & move on. If not, deny definitvely.

  13. Anonymous8:40 AM

    field negro said...
    "I don't mind being in this spot with some of you. The rest of you,on the other hand, not so much"
    So sad, but sometimes this entire WORLD just seems to be a such a s#!+pot. One is hardpressed to find the good in it! :(
    no_slappz said...
    Of course, if it were legal, the government would tax it like tobacco and alcohol. With a little of the tax revenue, the government would rent some billboards telling people to avoid the highly addictive, health-destroying oxidado.
    Exactly! Just like it does with cigarettes. They don't care who gets addicted or dies from it. and as well the article says it's the poverty stricken, hopelessness that drives people to seek relief with whatever drug is available.

    But you know, what they should realize AND care about is that these addicted people become hotbeds of bacteria and infections that eventually work their way into the rest of society, because we're all in this s#!&pot together!

    The air and water that we are breathing and drinking today is the same recycled air and water that passed though the lungs and guts of Tutankhamen, Socrates, Hitler, Manson, Bush, Cesar, etc,etc,etc,. As well as all of the animals on the planet. Nobody's changed it:)

    Just one big happy family, the walls of separation are in our minds.....

  14. Taxing soda or oxidado. What's the difference?

    Nutter Offers Council A Menu Of Tax Hikes: Parking, Property, And/Or Sodas

    June 2, 2011
    RMike Dunn

    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter is proposing a tax on soda and other sugary drinks as he and City Council continue trying to help bail out the cash-starved Philadelphia school district.

    On Thursday, Nutter sent City Council a revival of his soda tax idea that was soundly rejected by the lawmakers last year. This time he proposes two-cents per ounce, to bring in an estimated $80 million a year.

    Nutter is also expected to raise rates at parking meters and kiosks to raise an additional $6 million. Council approval of that is not needed.

    Also being discussed as part of the School District bailout is a hike in property taxes similar to last year’s nearly 10-percent hike (see related story), which the administration says could bring in $95 million.

    Council members, by and large, say they are extremely hesitant to agree to another property tax hike, and many also say they are skeptical of enacting a soda tax. The beverage industry successfully lobbied against the idea last year.

    Council members like Marian Tasco don’t want to single out one industry.

    “After we went through the fiasco last year on the sugar tax, I looked at it,” Councilwoman Tasco told KYW Newsradio. “As I eat an Oreo, I said, there’s sugar here. Much more sugar than in the soda.”

    “I run the city. I don’t run the schools, but they’re my children — they’re my children,” the mayor said.

    “So, for instance, a combination of the sugar-sweetened beverage and additional parking revenues would actually cover what we need without any real estate tax increase,” Nutter explained.

    Soda tax proponents, such as Jonathan Ramirez, pointed out that it would accomplish more than just raising revenue: “Tax on the soda, because you shouldn’t be drinking soda. Start eating right.”

    So while a soda tax would be good for us, Ramirez pointed out a real estate tax increase could be bad.

    “Not the real estate. For me, increasing the soda’s not going to hurt a lot, but real estate could hurt a lot, especially with people buying the houses and this economy still not that good,” he said.

    The anti-soda-tax contingent confessed to drinking a lot of it, including Paul.

    And then, the off-the-wall: “I think he should raise the sales tax to 20 percent,” one person said.

    When told that would make buying goods in Philadelphia really expensive, he said, “It’s already expensive.”

  15. desertflower writes:

    Exactly! Just like it does with cigarettes. They don't care who gets addicted or dies from it. and as well the article says it's the poverty stricken, hopelessness that drives people to seek relief with whatever drug is available.

    All true. Therefore I cannot imagine why people rationalize that there are benefits to drug legalization.

  16. desertflower writes:

    The air and water that we are breathing and drinking today is the same recycled air and water that passed though the lungs and guts of Tutankhamen, Socrates, Hitler, Manson, Bush, Cesar, etc...

    Old news. However, the fact that advanced nations have abundant clear air and clean water is what matters.

    But poor nations have horrible water and sometimes they have horrible air.

    Thus, it's obvious the key to a healthy environment is prosperity.

    Some of the poorest nations, suffering from disease-carrying water, are in Africa. But those nations have enough oil and other natural resources to lift themselves our of poverty. Yet they don't.

  17. Anonymous11:07 AM

    no_slappz said...

    "All true. Therefore I cannot imagine why people rationalize that there are benefits to drug legalization."
    There are benefits. No jail for users or the drug cartels. Though I hardly think they would want to legalize their product and have to start paying taxes and fees in order to sell. They make millions as is.

    "Thus, it's obvious the key to a healthy environment is prosperity"
    That depends, right now the very prosperous Japan is the least healthy environment I can think of. You can fight bacteria with antibiotics and such, but you have no defense against radiation and chemicals that change the chromosomal structure.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Field, do you mind giving the Goobers of the blog a history lesson, specifically the role Paul Revere played in American History???

    Thanks a bunch!

  20. ditto

    do not forget those black church nazis who hate homos and torture gay sheeple inside black churches each day...

    they make us gays bluer than smurfs!



  21. Syntheea Spelling11:51 AM

    Field, do you mind giving the Goobers of the blog a history lesson, specifically the role Paul Revere played in American History???

    Thanks a bunch!

    Listen Smigger, What does Paul Revere have to do with Smurfs and Drug testing for welfare Or your preferred high of Jenkem?

  22. Klamidia Jones11:56 AM


    do not forget those black church nazis who hate homos and torture gay sheeple inside black churches each day...

    they make us gays bluer than smurfs!

    Oh please the only way you can turn blue is if she doesn't get off your face when you are slapping the ground cause you can't breath. Being gay is not natural men have to get feces on themselves to engage in this and women have to pretend to like soybean and make with the meat substitutes. You are only 1-3% of the entire US population - thus fringe deviant freaks. Now leave us alone with your sexual deviancy and stick with the topic at hand, although everything for you sexual freaks is about sex, it isn't so for normal people we don't want to hear about the sickness you have. Keep your sexual preferences to yourself.

  23. uts/smurf mayor of utopia:

    no one is bluer than the broke busted disgusted unemployed blacks that you and that blackish hobama so blatantly ignore



    real black male unemployment stats are OVER 50% in many cities while you cheer some imaginary recovery because your false gods and his mindless drones tell u so...


    shame u have NO love for those bros as u bromance that halfrican hobama

  24. defective vulgar fecal assnon/smurf blue balled moron:

    millions of gays never engage in anal sex

    hets enjoy anal sex globally MUCH more than gays

    you closeted gays are transparently and explicitly obsessed with gay sex as u completely ignore gay love for 2 reasons:

    1. u hate your miserable cowardly gay selves

    2. u need to get laid asap

    get over both asap

    and study homosexuality

    it is completely natural in every living species u tricked out troll

  25. ps gay assnon:

    cc that bs to all of the het porn makers who feature anal sex fare exclusively for hets...

    and cc that bs to the nearest strip club or call girl too

    start with the DC set

    call girls for politicos

    SEC pc porn surfers


  26. hobama and his martial law are making the men in blue make all hets and gays bluer than ever!!!

  27. Klamidia Jones12:14 PM

    alicia banks said...
    ps gay assnon:

    cc that bs to all of the het porn makers who feature anal sex fare exclusively for hets...

    and cc that bs to the nearest strip club or call girl too

    start with the DC set

    call girls for politicos

    SEC pc porn surfers


    None of them are on here talking about sex but u are. Did smurfs and welfare make you horney so you decided to post about your life consuming deviancy?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. defective diseased demented gay assnon:

    u lie like that dl hobama

    scan up fool

    YOU mentioned filthy XXX sex
    as always u nasty hater

    i mentioned "gays"


    "sex" and "gay"
    are ONLY synonyms for hard up uneducated sexually illiterate ignorant clueless sexless dl morons like u

    ditto for
    "book" and "torture"
    "lover" and "fist"

  31. illiterate gay assnon:

    church nigs are nazis that make sane gays blue and impoverish our spirits and souls...


    homosexuality does not consume my life

    as it clearly does yours

    why is that u dl dunce?

  32. Klamidia Jones12:41 PM

    "sex" and "gay"
    are ONLY synonyms for hard up uneducated sexually illiterate ignorant clueless sexless dl morons

    Allright, but I think you are being a little hardon....yourself.

    Wrong. gay is a sexual preference when you talk about gay you are talking about sex do you see hets going on to blogs and the topic being smurfs they say, smurfs oh yeah well I like women..

    Keep your sex to yourself unless someone asks you. When you say gay you say I like to sleep with women, so that's nice we are talking about something else so go sleep with women. the world isnt about you and your desire to drink clam juice so much so that you have to bring it up on totally non related issues. Now be a beaver and clam up about like the cat scratch fever. I mean maybe you can post about the topics instead of what you want for dinner

  33. Klamidia Jones12:44 PM

    ditto for
    "book" and "torture"
    "lover" and "fist"

    See this is why most of the world think gays are not right only you would think of lover and aint meant to be that big it really aint try this to get back to being normal so you dont need an arm to feel full

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. sleepless clueless vulgar pearl sized brained fool:

    so then why did u just said u "sleep with women" u fool???....ha!

    u will never police me or my posts


    does that count for fn and his perpetual lisa t posts too???

    cc your heterosexist be to all the hets herein

    i will post as freely as they do whenever i feel like it

    get over that

    your obsession with sex and animals only reveals that you are a foolish freak.

    you are stupidly bragging about your lack of sexual skills u shaftless shafter.

    neither surpise

    most morons are generically inept like u...carry on u clammy handed chronic masturbating clown.

  37. blue fisted buffoon assnon:

    i bet your poor jack hand is bluer than any
    church abused gay or smurf too!

    on topic x 2 more!!

  38. poster child for gay morons assnon:


    i already said that gay and sex are synonyms for fools like u

    no need to prove that yet again

    sex is a physical act

    being gay is an emotional id

    many gays are virgins
    many gays die as lesbian nuns or celibate old men
    many gays are closeted like u and married with kids...


    when u do your fist u r not perpetually cloning...see?

  39. unnatural uneducated unusually vulgar dl assnon:

    get over your nasty lies and vulgar sinful life asap


    3. Leviticus, Romans, and Corinthians all refer to “unnatural sex” for HETEROSEXUALS. It is NATURAL for HOMOSEXUALS to engage in homosexual sex. Yet, heterosexuals sin daily as gay prostitutes, porno film stars, lewd voyeurs, prison rapists, etc....

    From The Good Book: “In Romans...Paul did not discuss gay persons but heterosexual people who performed homosexual acts. To suggest that Paul’s references to excesses of sexual indulgence, involving homosexual behavior, are indicative of a general position in opposition to same-sex eroticism, is as unfounded as arguing that his condemnation of drunkeness implies opposition to the drinking of wine. In Corinthians 1:7, Paul discusses the conjugal relations that ought to obtain between christian husbands and wives. For those whom celibacy was too high a price, he issued his famous edict that it was ‘better to marry than to burn’- not in hell. But with desire for the satisfaction of sex. Nowhere does he mention the sole purpose of such conjugality is the procreation of children.”

  40. Klamidia Jones1:18 PM

    Holy shit you are a real freak. How many posts will it take for you to get this rage and love for pussy out of your system? The kindergarden rants and name calling are pretty funny. I feel like I am having a discussion with a 1st grader in a school yard. Oh yeah...well I bet you have lipstick on your hand...

    You are ranting a bunch of lesbian whack job nonsense. What in the hell would I care about what a lesbian thinks of my sexual prowess. You are a freak and not normal so who cares what you think, you think warped and I wouldnt touch you with your girlfriends diesel powered jackhammer vibrator.

    After seein all these posts I think you feel lonely and wish you could be with god again as that is all you talk about, but you know you like the bearded clam too much and you are too weak to control and defeat your deviancy. So you gave up god to eat pussy and now the only thing holy on you is your huge Va-J-J, sorry but you are going to hell for being a sexual deviant.

  41. PilotX1:25 PM

    I hope Uncle Thomas handled his business. I know his inner brother came out when Missy drunk dialed. You can do anythin gyou want but don't embarrass a brotha in public. BTW, was she the best he could do? i mean he is butt ugly but he is one of the most powerful men on the planet. SMDH.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. felled fecal fool assnon:

    why do u evil hard up homohating mfs think gays are supposed to ignore all your hate????

    in what world are all gays doormats so?????

    that will NEVER be from me

    count your brain dead posts

    watch your vulgar mouth
    ONLY then will i be silent and cool

    jump and die u dickless dl dimwit

    real men could not care less that my wife and i are happy unlike yours

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. hypochristian blind fool:

    are u reading your own XXX rated sex crazed barnyard orgy name calling posts u sinful fool??????

    ignorance is the greatest hell of all

    this earth is hell because it is filled with lewd ignorant hateful morons like you

    u r clearly already deep inside the bowels of hell right here on earth u cursed nasty clown fecal sinner moron!!!

    why are u so worried about my bedroom?

    i could not care less that your "woman" craves a dildo asap

    but i could give her some refs to make her toyless and blissful

  46. hey old morondonald on the farm:

    kudos to ac

    he is finally out and gay

    after decades of hiding from nasty evil homohaters like u

  47. blaspheming buffoon assnon:

    u should give up hating homos and your dl homo self and become godly asap

    god creates homos in every living species

    and god created me to slay homohating mfs like u


    u r having a blessed day mf!

    -The film “Jurassic Park” is based on ACTUAL scientific study. Millions of viewers missed the actual bisexual frog used to clone all those female dinosaurs. These exclusively female dinosaurs bred.

    -Many animals can change their sex at will. Many animals are bisexual. Many male animals become pregnant. Many animals have multiple sex organs. When such animals mate, both parties are impregnated simultaneously. (Research oysters, frogs, sea lions, cardinal fish, sea horses, river bullhead fish, mouth brooder fish, angler fish, lyre-tail coral fish, ten-spiked stickleback fish, orange sea perch, slipper limpets, roman snails, banana slugs, ravens, emperor penguins etc.)

    -Many animals are homosexual. Many homosexually mate for life. (Research dolphins, monkeys, pigeons, dogs, cats, graylag geese, pink flamingoes etc.)

    -There are many all female animal societies. Many of them reproduce females exclusively, by parthenogenesis. Many of them have sex for pleasure with fellow females. Many animals strictly segregate themselves by gender. (Research desert grasstail lizards, lions,whiptail lizards, water snails, rare birds, elephants, bees, ants, and spiders etc.)

    -There are even homosexual plants. (Research Jack-in-the-Pulpit etc.)

  48. Klamidia Jones1:46 PM

    hey old morondonald on the farm:

    kudos to ac

    he is finally out and gay

    after decades of hiding from nasty evil homohaters like u

    So what you found another freak and now you think you are normal?

    Listen, God just called, he said shut the hell up or he will send a pox down on your girlies vagina and make it scabby and full of puss. listen this time, he sounded like he meant it.

  49. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Ab Said...

    "Many animals can change their sex at will. Many animals are bisexual. Many male animals become pregnant. Many animals have multiple sex organs. When such animals mate, both parties are impregnated simultaneously. (Research oysters, frogs, sea lions, cardinal fish, sea horses, river bullhead fish, mouth brooder fish, angler fish, lyre-tail coral fish, ten-spiked stickleback fish, orange sea perch, slipper limpets, roman snails, banana slugs, ravens, emperor penguins etc.)"

    Allright you win, you are an animal. Now can we stop talking about how you like to have sex with women?

  50. retarded reader assnon:

    humans like u prove that most animals are superior to humans

    they do not torture homos in their own species

    you are as weak as you are vulgar

    animals are natural

    and they are naturally gay

    and u lying mfs always yelling about homosexuality being unnatural want to evade that

    you ignore millions of children who know nothing about sex and are clearly born gay too u evil homohating drone

    and you are naturally exposed by being too dumb to mask your dual ignorance

    u cannot please your wife or debate

    and u r too stupid to hide both


  51. blaspheming phoneless feckless fool:

    god never phones demons like u but

    if god ever called u

    it would be to check you about all those gay creations u bash

    not about me as the gay who beat the homohating hell out of u herein today...

    god creates the voice i use to slay u

    and it is a holy blessing indeed

  52. Klamidia Jones2:06 PM

    alicia banks said...
    blaspheming phoneless feckless fool:

    god never phones demons like u but

    if god ever called u

    it would be to check you about all those gay creations u bash

    not about me as the gay who beat the homohating hell out of u herein today...

    Sure, you beat the hell out of me. Go away thinking that, but please do fucking go away. Now can we stop talking about your damn sex life?

  53. sexless slithering slinking sinking assnon:

    u will never control me

    get over that


    kosher kkk needs slaps:

    more on how american oil corps make nigerians as blue as smurfs and as poor as the amoral haunted souls of homohating dl assnons

  54. AB

    Trust me on this.

    You need professional help.

    You're a beautiful, educated sister who could be doing so many positive things in this life.

    But you have succumbed to rage and paranoia.

    Get help.

    DO IT.

  55. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Bill Maher On Weinergate: “They Know It’s A Democrat’s Penis, Because It Won’t Stand Up”


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  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. bumbling beta bitch uts:

    what truly vexes u about my blessed life is that i choose to find time within it to kick your dumb useless colorist hobama nazi ass herein...

    that shall be eternal

    handle it

  59. blind blissful coon uts:

    everyone i respect and admire is/has been angry

    they know that what cowards like you call paranoia is wisdom

    and they are wise enough to know that there is MUCH to be righteously angry about

    u repulse me u fake fool

    Whenever I am slandered by those who view my complex spirit through the limitations of their own blinding cowardice, sexism, homohatred, pacifism, and arrogant ignorance, I recall the poetry of Ossie Davis, in his eternal eulogy to the equally maligned Malcolm X:

    “Many will ask what Harlem finds to honor in this stormy, controversial and bold young captain...and we will smile...They will say that he is of hate, a fanatic, a racist, who can only bring evil to the cause for which you struggle! And, we will answer and say unto them: Did you ever talk to Brother Malcolm? Did you ever touch him, or have him smile at you? Was he ever associated with violence or any public disturbance? For if you did, you would know him. And if you knew him, you would know why we must honor him...He was and is a Prince, our own Black Shining Prince!...who didn’t hesitate to die, because he loved us so...”

    Like those who know Malcolm, those who know me know that my eloquent fury is only one small part of my superior whole. Those fellow warriors who share my cypher know that my love, soulfulness, kindness, warmth, and passion are far greater than my righteous anger. Like Malcolm X, I will continue to be regal in my rage. And, I will continue to love all those who love me...Power to the People!!!

  60. fugly paranoid illiterate uts:

    feed your hobama nazi fears

    see the wisdom of a real bm who really knows hobama


  61. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I am always amazed at the posters who attack AB and when she retaliates 10 fold, they call her crazy. Even people like uts, who tries to play a therapist(a joke in itself) interjects his dumb ass judgments as though he is a qualified therapist, when it is plain for all to see that uts could have played his natural self in "One Flew Over the Coo koo's Nest."

    AB, this quote from Albert Einstein was directed to Great Spirits like yourself:

    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
    — Albert Einstein

  62. anon:



    i do always ignore all hypocrites like that evil ugly uts with their glaringly selective blinders and goofy bogus advice

    god bless u


  63. Anonymous3:10 PM

    If one hit can make someone addicted, and they become sick within weeks and die around a year later, then pray that the odidado does not make it into the States. As bad as crack is, and as bad as meth can be, users live more than a year and some can actually come clean; eventually. If drug users were to die within a year, that would become the devil's "rapture."

    Pain, physical and psychic causes people to use and abuse drugs. So what are we doing about easing the pain? Jobs and good educations to give people self respect and perspective. Hah! Not on the current watch....

