Sunday, August 14, 2011

They sure are crazy in Jersey, and bye bye Tim.

Oh my! There was a mass murder in Jersey. Some wack job stabbed seven people to death--including three children. Now, in case you were wondering, I am not writing about New Jersey; I am referring to the British island of Jersey.

This has not been a good couple of weeks for the British.

"LONDON (AP) — A man was arrested on suspicion of stabbing six people to death, including three children, on the British island of Jersey in what was the deadliest crime in the community's living memory, police said.
Neighbors said Sunday the victims were members of the same family. The dead, all Jersey residents, were a man, two women and three children, police said.
Some were stabbed inside their home, others outside the property, which is located on a relatively secluded side street. The 30-year-old suspect, who was not identified, also sustained unspecified injuries that were not life-threatening. Police said they were questioning him at his hospital bed." [Source]

So let's see now; there were approximately five deaths attributed to the London riots, and this wacko just goes out and tops that number in one fell murderous swoop.

Goodbye Tim Pawlenty, we hardly knew ya.

"Bland cheese curd/make-believe Republican candidate Tim Pawlenty ended his candidacy today in a desperate bid to convince voters he had been running for the GOP nomination. As his announcement came on a Sunday morning when news editors were at their orgy mansions in the Hamptons and regular GOP voters were sleeping off their oxycontin in church, the move did little to combat the reality that Tim Pawlenty doesn’t even exist.
The Christian Science Monitor mentions Pawlenty’s exit in passing, in this article that’s ostensibly about Tim Pawlenty quitting the 2012 race:
Candidates who go all-in but fall well short in Ames typically find it difficult to raise money, and without personal wealth to fall back on, Mr. Pawlenty decided to cut his losses and bow out. In addition, the entry of Texas Gov. Rick Perry into the race Saturday, combined with Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann’s victory in the straw poll, has shifted the focus to their expected battle for the hearts and minds of conservatives.
Good-bye, what’s his name! Hello, crazee lady and guy who was Al Gore’s former campaign manager and who also is hated by God. [CSM]" [Source]

"..regular GOP voters were sleeping off their oxycontin in church.."

Damn I wish I had written that. It is insightful.

Anywhoo, Tim is out and Rick is in. Rick is much more colorful than Tim, so Rick should generate some excitement for the base. Much like Sarah did and Michele is doing now.

BTW, is it true that the drought is so bad in Texas that they are recycling sewage water in one Texas town? Yes, I think it is. Hmmm, Perry running for President and a Texas town recycling sewage water. Now there is a perfect metaphor if I have ever seen one.


  1. Field on the Riots: Nothing to see here, read this story about a white guy who killed somebody.

    I think the bigger story today is why are black people so prone to violence and looting, no matter where you go? The usual American narratives of slavery and segregation don't work in the UK. The blacks in the UK are not the descendents of slaves, they are descendents of immigrants who arived as full citizens.

    You've offerred up over the past few days the occasional "man bites dog looters" (the lady social worker, etc.). The German newspaper Die Welt reports that the main story was ... dog bites man:

    "Riots in the UK
    Most defendants confirm all stereotypes

    Dispensation of justice on the assembly line in a 24-hour court:

    Despite a few exceptions most defendants confirm all stereotypes: foreigners, criminal, unemployed. Half of the accused are minor.

    In recent days many British media reported on defendants that did not confirm typical prejudices against rioters at all. There was the aspiring social worker who stole a flat screen TV, the student who swiped two T-shirts, or the elementary school teacher who broke into a music store.

    A night at Westminster Magistrates' Court, however, conveys a different picture: Almost all suspects have a migrant background, no job, but a sizable criminal record. About half of the defendants are minor, yet parents hardly felt the need to appear in court."

    Why does one of the most generous social service systems in the world breed such resentment?

    Is this evidence of the fundamental disfunction of socialism?

  2. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Well, now that Perry is in the race, if he wins, expect Sarah Palin to be his running mate. Without question those two will win by a landslide. Remember you heard it first from Anon.

  3. Shabazz10:57 PM

    Yeah, and then you woke up dickhead.
    Keep dreaming.

  4. Panfer10:59 PM

    Yo, Shobizzo, you voting for Herman Cain?

  5. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Sunday morning when news editors were at their orgy mansions in the Hamptons and regular GOP voters were sleeping off their oxycontin in church

    Whoever wrote that has the parties mixed up, gay orgies and drug addicts - sounds like the oh so liberal left.

    field are you bored with Obama now that he is a Has been? You have this seemingly unhealthy fixation with conservatives. So far Perry announced yesterday and you are two for two spreading the shit. Interesting. I guess you dont want to talk about Obama's plummeting approval rating?

  6. Lickem Salami Abdul11:09 PM

    Until the riots I didn't realize what a cesspool england has become its like a third world sewer. Now they have Sharia Law zones. I seem to remember someone saying this would never happen.

    "Imagine one morning waking up, walking out your door, and seeing bright yellow posters plastered on the walls and telephone poles throughout your neighborhood that announce that you are now living in a 'Shariah Controlled Zone.' That is what is actually happening in several boroughs of London and other communities in the UK... and this could realistically happen in US cities within the next few years if we do not take legal precautions against 'Shariah Law' in our states.

    Some may think that I am an alarmist. After all, how can one believe that we Americans are as vulnerable as those Brits? That can't happen in the US. Well, the residents living in neighborhoods like Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Newham, all boroughs of London with large Muslim populations, didn't think so either.

    This is more than a call or a march for 'Sharia Law' that has happened in recent months. This is a clear attempt to impose 'Shariah Law' on the residents of these communities by members of a Muslim organization called 'Muslims Against the Crusades.' These British citizens woke up one morning in late July to find those bright yellow posters plastered on their streets alerting everyone that they are entering, or already living in, a 'Shariah Controlled Zone'; a 'sinless city' where drinking, gambling, prostitution, drugs, playing loud music or having concerts is no longer permitted.

    This would play havoc in black communities thats for sure.

  7. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Shabazz, "Yeah, and then you woke up dickhead. Keep dreaming."

    you must be new to FN white boy. Look, I am in no mood to be screwing around with you pasty ass ghosts.

  8. Nosmo King11:16 PM

    Democratic Economics and then we wonder why the Keynesian plan never worked, the democratic fav Paul Krugman explains why: We need an alien space invasion to attack earth requiring massive defense spending to boost the economy. Liberals are in meltdown mode, you definitely cannot make this stuff up and no, no one is suggesting Obama is an Illegal Alien :) Although those ears are awfully strange.

    PAUL KRUGMAN, NEW YORK TIMES: Think about World War II, right? That was actually negative social product spending, and yet it brought us out.

    I mean, probably because you want to put these things together, if we say, “Look, we could use some inflation.” Ken and I are both saying that, which is, of course, anathema to a lot of people in Washington but is, in fact, what fhe basic logic says.

    It’s very hard to get inflation in a depressed economy. But if you had a program of government spending plus an expansionary policy by the Fed, you could get that. So, if you think about using all of these things together, you could accomplish, you know, a great deal.

    If we discovered that, you know, space aliens were planning to attack and we needed a massive buildup to counter the space alien threat and really inflation and budget deficits took secondary place to that, this slump would be over in 18 months. And then if we discovered, oops, we made a mistake, there aren’t any aliens, we’d be better –

    ROGOFF: And we need Orson Welles, is what you’re saying.

    KRUGMAN: No, there was a “Twilight Zone” episode like this in which scientists fake an alien threat in order to achieve world peace. Well, this time, we don’t need it, we need it in order to get some fiscal stimulus.

  9. mellaneous11:25 PM

    Sup Field!

    @Kokkarinen said-
    "Why does one of the most generous social service systems in the world breed such resentment?

    Is this evidence of the fundamental disfunction of socialism?"

    Before I answer your question, let me ask a question or wonder why Field draws so many folks who fit the dictum of, "a little bit of knowledge being dangerous"

    -First Great Britian has been cutting back its safety net since the days of Margaret Thatcher. If you had read a little more about the reasons for the rioting, you would have come across that fact. It was mentioned in quite a few British commentaries on the riot.

    - Second- The answer would be no because Britian has a free market economy and calls itself a capitalist country, which it is, and not by any measure even cereal box rantings, is it Socialist.

  10. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Mell, fyi The Help was completely sold out this weekend. btw, I gave a link specifically to you regarding the movie and you haven't responded. Why is it you want responses but don't respond yourself?

  11. mellaneous11:36 PM

    @Kokkerianen who said:

    "I think the bigger story today is why are black people so prone to violence and looting, no matter where you go?"

    The same question could have been asked of the Conquistador,
    or the African slave traders (stealers of human beings), or the Romans,
    or the Europeans who murdered Jews for centuries,
    or the British Empire(hint they stole whole countries and claimed all the natural resources and even the people as their own),
    or the European settlers who came to America and didn't just steal the Indians land but committed genocide as well,
    or the Germans (again not black) that committed an entire holocaust and against their fellow Jewish human beings,
    or the Americans who are the only ones to drop an atomic bomb on human beings.

    And thats just the more obvious ones.

    So cut out the crap. And do some reading, even your post undermines your premise. The kids taking part in those LOndon riots were from all walks of life, you can read it in the British papers.

    And BTW the British did have slaves and some of the black folks there are their descendants along with the other immigrants, who by the way came from countries that the British stole from, okay I'll say it nicely, COLONIZED!!

  12. mellaneous11:38 PM

    anon my bad meant to check it out I actually usually do but don't always co.mment. I will check it out.

    I think Field has a good point about the movie but it has some value, because it tells a story that as incredible as it may sound to even Field, they have never heard of.

  13. Anonymous11:56 PM

    "I think Field has a good point about the movie but it has some value, because it tells a story that as incredible as it may sound to even Field, they have never heard of."

    No, he has no point whatsoever. This is a movie for Blacks and Whites and it has nothing to do with his "I'm not feeling it" mood. In fact, it has 'eveything' to do with his feelings, but he is quite frightened of them.

  14. Anonymous12:04 AM

    I bet Field has seen Rise of the Planet of the Apes. And Queen with her 5 degrees has seen the movie two or three times.

  15. Anonymous12:06 AM

    AB, have you seen "The Help"?

  16. mellaneous said...
    "-First Great Britian has been cutting back its safety net since the days of Margaret Thatcher. If you had read a little more about the reasons for the rioting, you would have come across that fact. It was mentioned in quite a few British commentaries on the riot."

    A lot of nonsense has been mentioned in quite a few British commentaries on the riot. Many of the "youths" out burning and looting come from families where probably no one ever worked a day in their lives. Everything they have, every day in school, every piece of clothing, every bit of food they've ever eaten has been paid for by someone else. The concept of the "safety net" is to help those in need with their basic human requirements, not to make sure they have enough disposable income for the latest jacket or a new ipod. A safety net implies catching someone who has fallen from a position of self-sufficiency. The British system props up those who have never been self-sufficient, never will, and have no desire to ever to get off the dole. They have been infantilized by the all encompassing state and now riot when they think they're not getting enough candy.

    "- Second- The answer would be no because Britian has a free market economy and calls itself a capitalist country, which it is, and not by any measure even cereal box rantings, is it Socialist."

    Free healthcare for everyone is not Socialist? Cradle to grave welfare is not Socialist? WTF are you talking about? Government confiscation of the means of production? I think you confuse communism with socialism. Socialism redistributes wealth, thus greatly diminishing the overall prosperity of a society. Communism siezes all the wealth, resulting in complete poverty for everyone but the ruling elite. You really are a fan of totalitarianism, aren't you?

  17. mellaneous said...
    "So cut out the crap. And do some reading, even your post undermines your premise. The kids taking part in those LOndon riots were from all walks of life, you can read it in the British papers."

    The British papers have of course gone to great lengths to hide the fact that these were primarily black riots, albeit with a lot of white hangers-on thrown in.

    These are Ali G Riots, with blacks in the cultural vanguard and idiots of other races following their example of what's cool. The riots are a triumph of multiculturalism over white racism, which would have presumedly responded with violent counter riots.

    Here's roundup of those arrested:

    An analysis:

    "The demography is 60% Black, 35% White, 5% South Asian.

    Demography of the city of Birmingham (where the shots are sourced from) is - " 70.4% of the population was White, 19.5% British Asian, 6.1% Black or Black British, 0.52% Chinese, 2.9% of mixed race and 0.63% of other ethnic heritage."

    So merging mixed race and Black, we have a per capita representation level of White - 0.5, Black - 6.7 and South Asian - 0.25.

    Now since the demographics are younger around ethnic minorities and older among Whites, I'd say that it probably normalizes to age around 6-8x White representation level among Blacks and a 1/4x White representation level among South Asians.

    Of course, the totals as a whole might be Blacker or Whiter depending on how the other areas work out - I'd guess them to wash out at least somewhat Blacker and less White and South Asian, considering London is where the main action is at."

    So, blacks 6-8X versus whites sounds about like the usual racial ratio in crime rates seen in America.

    It is unfair to say all blacks--or even most blacks--commit crime, and there has been a history of casting aspersions on blacks as a whole. But the extreme PC reaction to this has been to deny that there is a unique black problem when it comes to a certain kind of criminal culture.

    Denying reality will lead only to more burning cities.

  18. mellaneous12:33 AM


    NO man Universal Health Care or what you call "free health care" is not Socialism.

    The Welfare State which is what you are talking about does nor redistribute the wealth. It is merely a concession to the working class ironically, so that they won't demand fair economic relations or a redistribution of the wealth.

    And Socialism is not totalitarianism and no I am not a fan of totalitarianism. Just like I am not a fan of the right wing website/book/magazine/friend that you got all this misinformation from.

  19. mellaneous12:35 AM

    Anon I saw the clip you mentioned. I already put out my opinion on the movie two threads ago.

    Again the film has some merit and though its told from the white women's viewpoint it gets info in about what the maids were going through and the author does at least acknowledge the role of the black maid in her life.

  20. mellaneous12:39 AM

    @K who said:

    " But the extreme PC reaction to this has been to deny that there is a unique black problem when it comes to a certain kind of criminal culture."

    Again cut it out. Its complete racist crap and you know it.

    Do you think the Iraqis or Afghanis or the Pakistanis who are being droned think they are being bombed and murdered and occupied by black countries!

    The only criminal culture is the one that seeks to occupy any country it wishes and take anything from any underdeveloped country that it wants and then refuses to take care of its own at home.

  21. Anonymous12:45 AM

    "Again the film has some merit and though its told from the white women's viewpoint it gets info in about what the maids were going through and the author does at least acknowledge the role of the black maid in her life."

    That's a really good point because there were a lot of black maids that played roles in the lives of white children as well as the parents of those children. In fact, some were an extension of the family. It wasn't cut and dried, and it was not a humiliation like Dr. Queen said. It was a much needed job that many were grateful for at the time.

    Anyway, the movie was sold out this weekend and guess what? there were just as many Blacks in line as Whites.

  22. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Why is Granny mute about this movie when she probably has direct experience?

  23. Anonymous12:57 AM

    The Welfare State which is what you are talking about does nor redistribute the wealth. It is merely a concession to the working class ironically, so that they won't demand fair economic relations or a redistribution of the wealth.

    Where do you come up with this shit? Is it hide your embarassment? The welfare state is made up of people who do not work. They are not working class. They are moocher class. Its a concession so they wont demand fair economic relations? Are you serious? I bet you are. So what would be fair economic relations in your view?

  24. Sufferer of Fools12:59 AM

    mellaneous said..."Do you think the Iraqis or Afghanis or the Pakistanis who are being droned think they are being bombed and murdered and occupied by black countries!"

    No, the ones being targeted are terrorists and they know they are getting what they asked for from the white man.

  25. Pawlenty isn't insane. There are two other Repug candidates who are probably not insane. The odds of a Repug ticket with no insane candidate on it are longshot.

  26. mellaneous1:13 AM


    "Where do you come up with this shit? Is it hide your embarassment? The welfare state is made up of people who do not work. They are not working class. They are moocher class. Its a concession so they wont demand fair economic relations? Are you serious? I bet you are. So what would be fair economic relations in your view?"

    Don't be ridiculous! The Welfare state includes Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance.

    Of course some folks have abused the system. Hell the system in which these hands out come is abusive, which is why the need for aide came about in the first place.

    This system can't and isn't designed to hire everyone so the system put some nets in place. Thats better from the system's point of view than having folks rise up and take their fair share.

    You know Field an amazing feature of your blog is that many folks read your blog who know the truth and know that what I am saying is true but they won't say a peep.

    And all it does is let these misinformers think that the propaganda they put out to pass as truth is really true.

    Its part of the reason injustice still exist because folks who know better or could at least lend their voices to truth, they remain quiet and on the sidelines.

    And anon don't you know that most jobs only pay a percentage of what people have actually put in, its where the large profits come from, witholding labor's fair share.

    I'm out Field others. The foolishness has worked my nerves for one night. And we wonder why the kids act the fool.......

  27. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Yep, I am out too. Can't get any replies from nobody, including Mell and Granny. and chickenshit Mack.

    Even Field is hiding under the covers from me. All of you FN Negroes are hiding and running from me. You are just like Granny...weak. I can't get no satisfaction.

  28. Anonymous2:06 AM

    I'm out Field others. The foolishness has worked my nerves for one night. And we wonder why the kids act the fool.......

    After hearing what you think the world owes you, I don't wonder any more.

  29. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Mell, you might find this article by Warren Buffet on taxing the rich interesting. He shoots down the GOP's theory of no increase in taxes. I bet they will shit when they read this:

  30. Sad about any death and the Republicans need to have a reality check. Field you just have such a way with words. Next you will be trying to make us believe you are a lawyer:)

  31. It's amazing how much nonsense is posted here about England, who all claim to know more about England than I do! I wonder how many of these far-Right nutcases who post here have ever actually been to England? None, I'm guessing.

    1. England does not have Sharia law zones, so you can stick that lie back in its racist clap-trap box for a start.

    2. As far as descendants of slaves is concerned, actually many people here are descendants of slaves - me for instance. It's true that about 1.2 million English citizens came directly from Ghana, and about 350,000 came from Nigeria, but there is a significant minority of Black people here who are Afro-Caribbeans who came to England from the Caribbean in the 1950's.

    3. Kokkarinen, I notice you focussed on the riots in Birmingham (my home town as it happens) but what of the riots in Gloucester? Would you like to give us a breakdown of Gloucestershire's racial make-up?

    4. There is no cradle-to-grave welfare state in the U.K. Thatcher spent most of her years in power destroying it, for idiological reasons, rather than any fiscal reasons. These are Thatcher's children who are rioting.

    5. Britain's health care system is MASSIVELY popular among its citizens - greater than 98% approval rating. Not even Thatcher had the guts to try and break it down, she knew that the conservatives would lose every election for a hundred years if she tried. The NHS is popular because it WORKS. We have a decent quality health care system that costs massively less that America's for instance. (Compare and contrast the relative costs as percentage of GDP between Britain and America.)

    The NHS has been starved of cash in recent years, so there are better socialized medicine systems out there - France, The Netherlands, Finland, Sweden for instance, but nobody here would want to live without it.

    Socialized medicine is the most efficient and the most humane system in the world. It's also the most cost-efficient.

  32. "Field on the Riots: Nothing to see here, read this story about a white guy who killed somebody."

    Meanwhile, here's yet another story about black people committing crimes, along with commentary slanted to confirm and reaffirm racial stereotypes and justify one's personal bigotry.

    "I think the bigger story today is why are black people so prone to violence and looting, no matter where you go? The usual American narratives of slavery and segregation don't work in the UK. The blacks in the UK are not the descendents of slaves, they are descendents of immigrants who arived as full citizens."

    It's a distinction ignored by those who still want a reason to treat blacks as second-rate, even subhuman at some points. Even in a place like London, a black life holds little value to the general establishment.

    "Why does one of the most generous social service systems in the world breed such resentment?"

    Good question. Most social service systems operate under the assumption that people who generally look like their own will get most, if not all of the benefits. Swedes, Norweigians and Finns don't seem to have many problems with their social service systems. It's only when people who don't look like the majority want to be covered under the same umbrella that things get a bit dicey. Being shut out of the mainstream and kept from under the umbrella tends to leave people drenched and pissed.

    "Is this evidence of the fundamental disfunction of socialism?"

    No, just evidence of your own confirmation bias.

    Watched the YouTube vid, by the way.

    "She's really forcing words into his mouth. He said what he saw. If he saw 100+ black youths, that's what he saw. There's no stereotyping going on."

    He's such an upstanding bloke that we should take his eyewitness account at 100% full face value.

  33. "Yep, I am out too. Can't get any replies from nobody, including Mell and Granny. and chickenshit Mack.

    Even Field is hiding under the covers from me. All of you FN Negroes are hiding and running from me. You are just like Granny...weak. I can't get no satisfaction."

    Aww. Look at this guy starve for attention. I guess the other anons just don't do it for him.

  34. Kokkarinen? What's the significance behind that name, pray tell? Google results show a "Ilkka Kokkarinen", along with a couple others. Dead ends, really.

  35. Some may think that I am an alarmist. After all, how can one believe that we Americans are as vulnerable as those Brits? That can't happen in the US. Well, the residents living in neighborhoods like Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Newham, all boroughs of London with large Muslim populations, didn't think so either."

    Those places you mentioned sound like Dearborn,Michigan. Been that way for awhile. Methinks you protest too much.

    Anyway, the movie was sold out this weekend and guess what? there were just as many Blacks in line as Whites."

    It just goes to show you that I have a lot of work to do. *calling the Drop Squad now*

    "I bet Field has seen Rise of the Planet of the Apes."

    Go Ceasar, go!!

  36. Anonymous6:34 AM

    The 'Sharia Law' zones are set up by loser Fundies with about as much validity as the US version of street corner shouting Fundies. Now, if we are speaking of the child-molesting Fundies who are not prosecuted because the Cons like the 'freedom' they express....

    Loved the responses to the fakes offered up. Does my creaky heart good to know lies will be 'refudiated'.

    It did seem a bit pontificating to be lectured by some unknown with no visible quals and a clear Con agenda. And yes, the statements were sourced in the finest aged wingnut welfare writing. Wonder why they declined to source the authors?

    T-Paw isn't religio-crazee enough? Since when does the US have a religious litmus test? And the passing grade is to be devoutly ignorant and refusing the Enlightenment? Atheism and Secular Humanism are religions...I laugh at the sheer stoopid it takes to accept the premise. But...if they are beleefs, the same as Fundie...then the false equivalence has been made. Beleef is the 'exact same' as reproducible, verifiable results.

    Makes it clearer why so many Cons, wingnuts and Fundies hates them the teachers. A teacher delights in having you learn and be able to discern Truth and gain knowledge. The others do far better when the audience want the eveel gubmint out they Medicare.


  37. So, why are you lying to questions you posed to yourself?
    You also deny that AfAms are in the Sciences. Really? You base this on what...your beleeveration?
    Would you like a list?


    Still waiting on the list.

  38. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Steven Ernest Sailer is an American journalist and movie critic for The American Conservative, a blogger, a columnist, and a former correspondent for UPI. He writes about race relations, gender issues, politics, immigration, IQ, genetics, movies, and sports.
    The person listed as 'expert' by Kokky.

    Yep, a man without any qualifications whatsoever in certain fields...will pompously pontificate about those areas. After all, he has a Finance!

    Wonder if his business is providing paid shilling for wingnuts? Or is it bringing eyeballs to scam websites?


  39. Yep, a man without any qualifications whatsoever in certain fields...will pompously pontificate about those areas.


    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

  40. Anonymous7:06 AM

    LT, you may keep waiting. I decline to do your work for you.
    Cue, whimpering whine from LT that an elderly Afam won't do his work. And that this is 'proof' that the orgs don't exist.
    They exist, you are closing your eyes and hoperating no one notices.


  41. Anonymous7:09 AM

    LT, check again. You may wisherate that it is the 'exact same'...but it isn't.
    You just lack the inside knowledge that others have. Maybe it is time you 'earned your spurs' in something. How about a few classes at your local community college?


  42. Anonymous said...
    I bet Field has seen Rise of the Planet of the Apes. And Queen with her 5 degrees has seen the movie two or three times.

    Queen has FOUR degrees, 2 Bach 2 Mast, the same number of missing front teeth you have. Perhaps that will make it easier for you to remember next time.

    And I'd guess you saw the Help this weekend too. However, must be strange for cracka's like you to relate to the Black characters in a movie. We all know damn well your poor ass family couldn't afford indoor plumbing in the 50's, much less a maid.

    So tell me, how's does your GranMammy feel about the movie? I bet she screwed her Boss just to get extra scraps. And I'll bet she screwed her Boss' husband too, LOL!!!!

  43. Mold is nothing more than a blah blah betty.A simpleton that uses slander and lies in place of facts.

    Why not pick up a book and educate yourself? To actually know what you post is better than being embrassed by lack of knowledge?

    Liberalism like ignorance,is bliss.

  44. miscellaneous7:30 AM

    melleaneous the moron can't help himself:

    The same question could have been asked of the Conquistador...

    Hey bonehead, here's some news. Everywhere white explorers went, they found people who were armed with weapons. Yeah, the locals were hunters. And they were also killers who attacked neighboring tribes.

    You live in some dream-world where the primitive people were happy forest-dwellers who lived in perfect harmony with their universe.

    or the African slave traders (stealers of human beings)

    Who received their human product from blacks in Africa who brought captured Africans to them.

    or the Romans, or the Europeans who murdered Jews for centuries

    Blacks never seem to notice that a record of white history exists because whites learned to read and write, while there is no record of black history in Africa because no one could do either.

    Thus, due to the fact that blacks could not read or write, they left no record of the atrocities committed in Africa, an absence that makes today's blacks believe there were no atrocities in Africa.

    However, when whites arrived in Africa, they started keeping records, and the records show plenty of bloodshed between blacks. And, there's Rwanda and the slaughter in every black African nation since independence.

    or the British Empire(hint they stole whole countries and claimed all the natural resources and even the people as their own)

    Yeah, just like every nation with the capacity to build armies and navies.

    The Islamic Ottoman Empire spread over most of the known world by conquering and absorbing every tribe and society in its path.

  45. Anonymous7:34 AM

    LT, sour grapes? Over exhorting you to attend college?
    Which 'book'...Turner Diaries? Going Rouge? 'the autobiography of a chubby wite miffed muffin topper'?

    Silly lad, I do know. Unlike the hordes of wingnut welfare recipients...I have the quals. You just keep wisherating that you can find the bit allowing you to refuse the statement from authority.

    Instead of looking for the magickal item that makes your worldview True and Accurate....use the Facts and Data. Even if you retain the conservative philosophy, you will cease to be a laughingstock. And you won't be placing your trust in known prevaricators.


  46. miscellaneous7:49 AM

    mellaneous goes crazy:

    or the European settlers who came to America and didn't just steal the Indians land but committed genocide as well...

    Inasmuch as there were no laws recognized by both European settlers and indigenous tribes, the land inhabited by settlers was not "stolen".

    It was controlled by whichever group had the power to maintain control. The Europeans, with superior power, took control.

    or the Germans (again not black) that committed an entire holocaust and against their fellow Jewish human beings...

    It's estimated that during Mao's Great Leap Forward, 100 million Chinese were murdered. That's one price of forcing communism on a nation of peasants.

    It's been said that Stalin killed 30 million as he built the Soviet Union. Once again, that's the price of imposing communism.

    The Nazis killed 6 million Jews, once again, the result of a political ideology.

    Rwanda? 800,000 murders committed by individual Hutu citizens urged to hack their neighbors to death
    Tutsi simply because they were Tutsis.

    Meanwhile, millions and millions of Africans have been murdered in the civil wars that have raged continuously in African nations since they were given independence.

    And the final doozy:

    ...or the Americans who are the only ones to drop an atomic bomb on human beings.

    Dropping the bomb ended WWII and saved lives. Japan offered unconditional surrender only days after the bomb was dropped on Nagasaki August 9, 1945.

    If the US had the bomb earlier and had dropped it August 9, 1942, Japan would have surrended in 1942, three years earlier, sparing millions of lives.

    Dopes like you never get the message that America does NOT conquer nations to seize them and exploit them. After WWII, we rebuilt Japan and Germany, and after the Korean War we helped South Korea.

    Where's the problem?

  47. albert schweitzer8:00 AM

    the purple retard said:

    5. Britain's health care system is MASSIVELY popular among its citizens - greater than 98% approval rating.

    Is there anyone on the planet who would refuse free medical services?

    However, we know that lots of Brits have no use for the state system. The proof is in the existence of private healthcare services.

    Meanwhile, if a massive state-run healthcare system is popular in Great Britain, what's keeping the Nigerians from creating a world-class healthcare system?

    Nigeria has oil coming out its wazoo. There should be no problem funding the world's best healthcare system.

  48. moneybags8:26 AM

    Buffett speaks:

    In short, he makes a case for raising the top income for FICA. But that's it.

    Moreover, he neglects to mention that he has so little faith in the US government's ability to allocate the funds it receives that he's already committed his entire fortune to a charitable trust that will distribute it after he dies according to his views, and the views of the Gates Foundation.

    Meanwhile, the tax rates on personal income might not affect all investment decisions, but corporate tax rates and other costs imposed on businesses operating in America do cause companies like GM to open factoris in other countries rather than here.

    It's Capital Investment that's needed here. A hedge-fund manager might make money from trading foreign securities.

    But people in the US who need jobs get jobs when companies make Capital Investments here in the US -- factories, power plants, energy development, mining, construction, etc.

  49. Anonymous8:54 AM

    another negro mob.

    negro try to kill the mayor of KC.

    rise of the planet of the apes is happening before our eyes.

    the seas would stop rising

    the earth will heal

    hope and change

    obama will pay my rent

    obama not looking like the messiah these days,eh?


  50. "..regular GOP voters were sleeping off their oxycontin in church"


    "Until the riots I didn't realize what a cesspool england has become its like a third world sewer"

    Comes from attempting to colonize most of the third world.

    Chickens coming home to roost.

    Goobers will never get it.

  51. So Mildew

    When the GOP gets back in the White House what are they going to do to those awful black folks.

    I remember the same bull$hit rhetoric back in 1980 when I was in college and Reagan was about to win.

    What happened?

    From what I remember the inner cities, violence, poverty and deparavity got even worse.

  52. Cheetah, Tarzan's Buddy9:23 AM

    I haven't seen "Rise of the Planet of the Apes".

    Are there any African-American actors in the film? How are they treated / regarded by the apes?

    Something seems screwy about the concept.

    Will African-Americans be treated any better, worse, or equally, by the apes?

    I don't seen to recall any black folks in the "old" Planet of the Apes movies.

    Shouldn't Al Sharpton be running things?

  53. russia10:05 AM

    special ed steve says:

    Comes from attempting to colonize most of the third world.

    Chickens coming home to roost.

    Goobers will never get it.

    In other words, says steve, it's a mistake to open a modern society to blacks.

  54. Gimme Some Cheese, B!tch10:08 AM

    Hell, apparently it's a mistake to open a Burger King or McDonald's to blacks.

  55. affirmative action10:09 AM

    cheetah says:

    Shouldn't Al Sharpton be running things?

    You mean shouting into his bullhorn, urging the crowd to go into Freddy's Fashion Mart on 125th Street to drive out the Jewish owner?

  56. unintended consequences10:15 AM

    What's with this new Planet of the Apes movie?

    Are the apes given some new drug that makes them smarter?

    Was there a good intention behind the use of the drug?

    Is there a conversion of something that was meant to be good into something that turned out bad?

    Like converting commercial jetliners into flying bombs that are flown into buildings?

  57. "In other words, says steve, it's a mistake to open a modern society to blacks."


    It's a mistake to rape and colonize other people's countries because those displaced poor folks will then flood into your cities.

    Last I looked a brother was running this modern society.

    And Russia looks a lot like a 3rd world country these days goober.

    Highest homicide rates IN THE WORLD.

  58. BTW Brother Al Sharpton is a lock to be the first fulltime African-Amerian host of a cable TV political program.

    His ratings have been great as a sub.

    You go Al.

  59. kudos to ron paul!!!!

    paul/ventura 2012 = our last best hope

    perry has been selected to stage 2012's "election"...

    just as hobama and gwb were

    that is why he can even skip debates


  60. target practice10:29 AM

    bell curve bonehead steve says:

    Highest homicide rates IN THE WORLD.

    Russia? Learn to read.

    The murder rate in most African nations is so high it's beyond counting.

    Among white nations, Russia may have a murder rate that's above the average. But compared with black nations? There's more murders in Haiti.

  61. uts:

    only a conked coon like you would sheer a permed coon like al...


  62. uts:

    only a conked coon like you would cheer a permed coon like al...


  63. Me Likey Flied Ape10:32 AM

    So, now...wait a minute:

    We've got this planet, presumably earth, inhabited by apes & white folks?

    And, presumably the white folks evolved from the apes?

    What happened to the black folks?

    And, the apes get smart, and run off into the woods, to one day return & become the masters of the planet?

    So, would the apes make slaves of the black folks too? I'll bet those billion or so Chinamen wouldn't put up with that crap.

  64. there is a new breed of turbo bred amoral young people IN ALL RACES GLOBALLY who do indeed endanger, disgrace, and doom us all...


  65. Dr. Queen:

    classic bite re: 4 teeth!


    have a regal day

    u made mine

  66. uptownsteve said...
    BTW Brother Al Sharpton is a lock to be the first fulltime African-Amerian host of a cable TV political program.

    You forgot about brother Alan Keyes.

  67. uts:

    wtfu u racist hobama nazi moron!!!!!

    The Obama campaign has succeeded in placing its Black pit bull in MSNBC’s prime time slot, where Al Sharpton will more than fulfill his promise to never say anything critical of the First Black President. MSNBC ejected a mildly leftish analyst to provide Sharpton with a megaphone to keep African American politicians and activists on the Obama reservation, where they can do no harm to Wall Street’s rulers – a perfect position for an “eminently buyable man.”

    Wrong. MSNBC’s choice of Sharpton over the leftish young Turkish American Jenk Uygur is a net loss for everyone outside the orbits of power. Al Sharpton is President Obama’s paid pit bull, whose main mission is to maul and mangle any Black politicians and activists that might consider leaving the Obama reservation. He has been bankrolled by billionaire New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is running Black and brown folks out of the Big Apple as fast as hyper-gentrification will allow. Sharpton – always buyable and never trustworthy – has completed his biggest deal yet with Power, Wall Street power, and the power of a White House that serves Wall Street. He is nestled in the bosom of the rulers, and will savage anyone that tries to mess with his sugar daddies: Obama and Bloomberg.

    So, how do Black people, or anyone else seeking to understand reality, benefit from having Obama’s pit bull and Mayor Bloomberg’s pet taking up space on the MSNBC set, every night? Who will be better off when Rev. Al hosts Obama administration officials, or even the president, on his show? Rev. Al is not going to put forward any questions worth asking – that would violate the terms of his service to Obama and Wall Street. No, all we will get from Sharpton is a demand that Blacks build a “wall” around Obama to keep him safe and secure in the White House for another term – no matter how much of the social safety net he signs away forever.

    The young Turkish American host, Jenk Uygur, showed that he could be counted on to confront the Obama administration on questions of policy. That’s why he was replaced by the mercenary, Al Sharpton.

    So, we will have our Black face at 6pm. Some African Americans think what’s most important is to have Black role models on TV, for the sake of the children. That’s what’s so scary: Al Sharpton, the eminently buyable man, a role model for Black kids.

  68. Clamidia Jones10:48 AM

    Anonymous said...
    LT, you may keep waiting. I decline to do your work for you.
    Cue, whimpering whine from LT that an elderly Afam won't do his work. And that this is 'proof' that the orgs don't exist.
    They exist, you are closing your eyes and hoperating no one notices.


    I know a guy name Mold who isnt that bright
    Hes so controversial he thinks black is white
    He cant really spell or put forth clear thoughts
    His words are like the dirtiest murkiest broths
    He thinks he is witty when really in fact
    He sounds like a dude, who with a bat has been whacked
    When he claims I wont do your work what he specifically means
    Is I am pretendin and dont know jack shit or beans
    His knowledge of everything is to him simply grand
    when you ask him a question reason sinks into quicksand
    He likes to invent words that we know he cant spell
    He thinks by this trick we will think he is swell
    The truth is we know he is just some dumb dude
    Who probably has to flip burgers for food
    He has an IQ of about 35
    and hes constantly on this blog shuckin his jive.

  69. because that black mongrel hobama gave his bottom bitch al s a tv show on msnbc/hobama tv

    hobama's new bitch steve harvey is in charge of the radio/streets

    2 super clown black vote czars for that super congressed hobama

    on the dual stroll for that corp ho hobama


  70. Anonymous10:58 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    BTW Brother Al Sharpton is a lock to be the first fulltime African-Amerian host of a cable TV political program.

    His ratings have been great as a sub.

    You go Al.

    I love it, it's a great comedy show. I just had to post this, I just couldn't resist we much....

    But resist, we much… we must… and we will much… about… that… be committed.”
    – Al Sharpton, August 9, 2011

  71. anon:


    and that media ho/mumbling moron al s even enjoyed his own flub...


  72. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Anonymous said...
    uptownsteve said...
    BTW Brother Al Sharpton is a lock to be the first fulltime African-Amerian host of a cable TV political program.

    His ratings have been great as a sub.

    You go Al.

    Affirmative Action at its finest, be a corrupt law breaking despicable brother but promise never to criticize the chosen white man in the white house, err, sorry half white man and you get a show.

    Steve to you this is something, you really don't think everyone doesnt' know that CNN is dying a slow death because of all the crazy liberal views and is hardly watched? Highest ratings on CNN is like saying the abandoned house in detroit with the most bathrooms.

  73. kudos to mitt!

    A new web video and harsh criticism emerged from the Mitt Romney camp today as President Barack Obama launched his three-day bus tour that will make stops in Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois.

    Dubbing the president’s trip the “Magical Misery bus tour,” Romney said in a statement that “it is unlikely President Obama will speak with unemployed Americans, to near-bankrupt business owners, or to families struggling to survive in this economy.”

    “He is more interested in campaigning in swing states than working to solve the economic crisis that is crushing the middle class,” said Romney. “Turning this economy around will require real leadership and the experience of someone who has actually worked in the private sector.”

    And in the web video titled “Obama Isn’t Working: Minnesota,” the campaign interviews several Minnesotans ahead of the president’s visit today.

  74. Anonymous11:04 AM

    "I don't seen to recall any black folks in the "old" Planet of the Apes movies.

    Shouldn't Al Sharpton be running things?"

    In this movie the apes reminded you of some humans. There was an overweight Orangutan that reminded you of AB.

    There were plenty of our folks in the theatre yelling, "eff 'em up! show those mfs we got a brain too."

    It got so loud I couldn't hear parts of the movie. Our folks don't know how to watch a movie without talking to it.

  75. Johnny Quest11:10 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "In other words, says steve, it's a mistake to open a modern society to blacks."


    It's a mistake to rape and colonize other people's countries because those displaced poor folks will then flood into your cities.

    So the chid justifies being dependant. If there were no colonialization of African Nations, there would be no (for what it is) modern african nation ,they would all be Haiti - if white nations donated tents, if not huts at best.

    However the immigrants would still as they do today beg to be part of white nations where they are protected, fed and clothed. Unlike in every african or black country and just like you. Only the more blacks in the society, the more depraved and despondant the society becomes. There is only so much mooching and depravity great white nations can absorb.

    Last I looked a brother was running this modern society.

    What a great job he has done, but just checkin, did you serious say runnin? THe only thing Obama knows how to run is his mouth and it gets him and us in trouble. The first AA action president and certainly the last, if we survive.

  76. monkeyshining fat assnon:

    too bad your brain is not as fat as your belly...


    home movies of your fat mammy that u share publicly do not have anything to do with me


  77. Hey Goober,

    It's obvious you want to blame the economy on Obama.

    I'll ask this again.

    What is the Republican alternative?

    What would have the Rethugs done differently?

    Don't tell me to research it.

    EXPLAIN IT. If you're able.

    Because their only policy seems to be "destroy the nigger at all costs".

    One more thing.

    The West would never have achieved their "modern societies" without the wealth and the free labor they stole from people of color and their native lands.

  78. Just for the record AB, I will no longer pay you any attention.

    You have revealed yourself to be a self-hating, foot shuffling Aunt Jemima fraud.

  79. Anonymous11:17 AM

    dear field, ab is attacking me and my mother for no good reason. please warn her that unprovoked attacks by her will not be tolerated.

  80. mister black rogers11:21 AM

    Just another day in Mr Rogers black neighborhood:

    Kansas City mulls curfew after racial attacks...

    Mayor gets shoved to ground when gunfire erupts...

    Flash mob robs DC-area 7-ELEVEN...

    Boy Stabs Girl At Philly Mayor ANTI-VIOLENCE Event...

    91-Year-Old Journalist Killed in D.C., Death Ruled Homicide...

  81. beta male bitch uts:

    u lie like hobama!!!!!!!

    u whiny witless lying hobama nazi bastard

    eff u u inept clueless wimpy fool

    After giving a nearly six-month tryout for the Internet talk show host Cenk Uygur, the cable news channel MSNBC is preparing to instead hand its 6 p.m. time slot to the Rev. Al Sharpton," Brian Stelter reported Thursday for the New York Times.

    Such a move would respond to complaints from the NAACP that "Currently, there are no African American hosts or anchors on any national news show, cable or broadcast network, from the hours of 5PM-11PM."

    But it is less likely to satisfy black journalists, who have continually criticized the networks for their failure to place journalists of color in these key prime-time slots.

    When rumors surfaced this week that Sharpton was under consideration for the MSNBC job, one NABJ member told colleagues without challenge, "This would still be just another non-journalist media 'celebrity' receiving a TV show based upon their name recognition, not their years of experience, training, ability and talent."

    Another listed five African Americans who have had their own cable news shows, and noted that all but one have been nonjournalists: Alan Keyes, prime time, MSNBC; Carlos Watson, weekend, MSNBC; the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, weekend, CNN; Arthel Neville, Talkback Live/daytime, CNN; D.L. Hughley, weekend, CNN. Only Neville has a journalism background.

    Moreover, as David Zurawik noted Thursday in the Baltimore Sun, "While the TV industry defines the hours of 8 to 11 p.m. weeknights as prime time, the NAACP appears to be expanding the definition. That matters, because Sharpton would be the first African-American prime-time cable host, according to the NAACP's definition."

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. uts:

    no nigs hate themselves like u poor black mongrels who perpetually suck off that house nig hobama


  84. michael moore11:35 AM

    head-wound steve says:

    It's a mistake to rape and colonize other people's countries because those displaced poor folks will then flood into your cities.

    In other words, you're confirming that when black invaders rape and pillage African nations or Haiti, those able to escape come to the US, where they commit their own share of raping and pillaging.

    Last I looked a brother was running this modern society.

    Obama? Running this modern society? More like he's hiding from it.

    So far, he's committed more men and treasure to losing in Afghanistan. He's done nothing to lower unemployment. He's done nothing to stimulate the economy. He's done nothing to improve academic performance among blacks -- or anyone else. He's done nothing to lower the cost of energy. He's done nothing.

    In your impaired mind, that's a raging success.

  85. Anonymous11:35 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Hey Goober,

    It's obvious you want to blame the economy on Obama.

    I'll ask this again.

    What is the Republican alternative?

    What would have the Rethugs done differently?

    Don't tell me to research it.

    EXPLAIN IT. If you're able.

    Because their only policy seems to be "destroy the nigger at all costs".

    Nigga Say Wut, Nigga Say Wut, Nigga Say Wut.

  86. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Anonymous said...
    uptownsteve said...
    BTW Brother Al Sharpton is a lock to be the first fulltime African-Amerian host of a cable TV political program.

    His ratings have been great as a sub.

    You go Al.

    Hey UTS, wasn't there a little sumpin sumpin about AL selling out to Comcast and taking advantage of the bruthas and sistas as well as promisin Obama he would never criticize him that got him this house negro job? You know the black reporters hate the fact that this sloppy dumb uneducated negro is getting a shot due to his sellin out the race and then representin black journalists, he being such an uneducated mealy mouthed dumbass and all. I did watch one episode of his show talking about government debt and the the debt ceiling and understand where you get your idiotic views from. Both of you aren't very capable when it comes to topics where you cant blame skin color for failure.

  87. uptownsteve said...
    "In other words, says steve, it's a mistake to open a modern society to blacks."


    It's a mistake to rape and colonize other people's countries because those displaced poor folks will then flood into your cities.

    Last I looked a brother was running this modern society.

    So white countries are being justly punished by having black minority populations? What does this mean, Steve?

    And Obama is no "brother". He has not one drop of African American blood in his veins. He is the Sacred Halfrican.

  88. Anonymous12:02 PM

    You know UTS you do sound just like AL, disingenous and delusional.

    Did you think the Dow was down 630% on the day of Obama's speech as well? Do you know wha the dow is and how it impacts the economy? Your hero Al doesn't.

  89. anon:


    that willfully clueless inept racist coon fool uts is so blinded by the blackish skin of that rabidly elitist warmongering black mongrel hating hobama...

    that he cannot even see/hear the rattling gates of his own gated enclave


    In every case, the black wall around Barack Obama protects him not from Tea Partyers and Republican foes, whom he is anxious to meet more than half way. The black wall around Barack Obama protects him from accountability to black people, to his supposed base.

    Increasingly we can expect the White House and its allies will demand that all grassroots political agitation and organizing not explicitly connected with turning out the vote for the president and his party cease. That's been the traditional pattern. Antiwar movements, housing and human rights work, all of it folds in even numbered years, as activists allow all their efforts to be diverted into electing Democrats.

    As 2012 looms, the black wall around Obama remains a crucial asset. It's why his first campaign appearance will be on the arm of Al Sharpton. The pressure will be on to circle the wagons again, to build the wall higher. As the pastor predicted, the black wall around Barack Obama wall insulates the president against his foes, not from the right, but from the left. It protects the president not against the Pentagon, the banksters, the corporate thugs, the privatizers and the Republicans, all of whom he seems to get along with just fine --- but against us. It makes him democracy-proof and people-proof. It protects him against his own supposed base.

    It's time for black America to answer the questions the Atlanta pastor wouldn't. What's more important? Stopping the foreclosures, ending war and mass incarceration, reining in the banks and corporadoes, saving the public education and the environment, creating jobs and doing justice? Or protecting and prolonging the career of one man, a man who doesn't protect us?

  90. Anonymous12:12 PM

    This man is embarra-sink. Do we really want him as the face of Black America? What is the environmental projection agency anyway? Oopps, dere it is.

  91. blind coon uts:

    no prez has been more repub than that dem hoax elitist global thug hobama

    wtfu u racist fool!!!

    The phony debt ceiling crisis was, from beginning to end, a con. It was an elaborate and successful hoax in which the nation's first black president, the Democratic and Republican parties, Wall Street and corporate media all played indispensable parts. The object of the supposed “crisis” was to short circuit public opinion, existing law, democratic process and traditions of public oversight, in order to deal fatal blows to Medicaid, Medicare, social security, job growth and public expenditures for the common good. It worked. We've been conned.

    The key actor in the con was and is Barack Obama, leader of the Democratic party and president of the United States. When the Bush and Obama administrations bailed out the banksters in 2008, 2009 and 2010 they didn't print new warehouses of greenbacks and send them over in a fleet of trucks. The Federal Reserve simply opened its spreadsheets, and wrote numbers with lots of zeroes crediting the banksters' accounts. It literally created the new money by giving it away, and next proceeded to borrow those funds back from the banksters at interest. The debt ceiling crisis was nothing but those same banksters twirling their mustaches and oinking “Well, we don't think you (the government that created the money by giving it to them) can really afford to repay all these loans you've been taking out... We might have to downgrade your credit rating...”

    The whole notion of excessive government indebtedness, or that government might not be able, as the president threatened, to issue or cash social security checks was always a crock, a sham. There was never, ever a moment when Barack Obama didn't know that his homey analogies about government having to live within its means just like a family were just cynical fairy tales.

  92. big brother12:35 PM

    Obama has achieved a unique position in American history.

    He will always be the clown president who did nothing to head off the credit downgrade of the US.

    S&P announced, a few months ago, that it had placed the US on "credit watch" with negative implications.

    If our muslim-in-chief cared about the financial repuation of the US, he would have gotten to the bottom of S&P's concerns and used their overhanging threat as an opening to LEAD Congress to resolving the spending and debt issues in a satisfactory way.

    Instead, he hid in the shadows, occasionally criticizing from a safe distance.

    Last Monday he spoke to the nation and the Dow Jones Average fell 630 points while he was jabbering away.

    In other words, a lot of people can translate Obama's silly chatter into economic impact in a hurry.

    Every night he goes to bed and tells Michelle, "Those rich white guys, they just don't understand. They just don't understand. They're going t ruin everything if they keep trying to make so much money. It's just like my mother said."

    Michelle always rolls her eyes and reminds him, "But you always said you hated your mother for what she did to you. How did she suddenly get so smart? Ten years ago you said she needed a psychiatrist."

  93. Anonymous12:41 PM

    dear field, blood-thirsty ab is slaying uts for no good reason.

  94. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Gosh, such valiant and heroically brave...sockpuppetry.
    The wite historee TELLs us that glorious gawd-fearin' wites came to the benighted lands and smoted the eveel Libruls living on the lands that were troolly owned by the chosen ones of gawd.
    Actual History is a slightly different tale. White societies sent their psychopaths out to acquire territory and raw goods.
    Success? Lingua franca should be a clew. Or the Spanish influences. Or that the weenie wites would have been removed...had not pestilence struck first.

    When your response is 'teecher aint so smart'...maybe you should ask why you are sorely lacking. We all recall the sillies that used that oh-so-lame statement...and it was prima facie the speaker had nothing.
    Do the work...'earn your spurs'...and find out why mindlessly repeating the poorly written works of wingnut welfare paid hacks is a waste of human potential.

    You also might wonder why the Lefties who praised Stalin and Hitler and Mussolini and the like...had to be constantly watched and only shown certain things...while the Glorious Capitalists and Kapitans of Industry saw the actual stuff...and they still loved them some dictators.


  95. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    dear field, blood-thirsty ab is slaying uts for no good reason.

    Hey, leave UTS alone, he has plenty of good reasons why he is no good, just ask him.

  96. silly sloppy hobama slurping assnon:

    nothing is as bloody as the legacy u hobama nazis have helped that repub elitist vampire hobama
    fashion to slay is all in rivers of financial bloodletting and bloody poverty for decafdes to come!

    bet u bumbling bleeder!!!

    “What the president is doing is not the same as what we’re doing,” said caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver II, of Kansas City, referring to Obama’s current “jobs” tour. “We have real jobs to give real people who are unemployed.”

    Obama has nothing to offer but austerity, suffering and war. Thus, his current “listening tour” of the Midwest. Former presidential booster Paul Krugman, the economist and New York Times columnist, advised the White House that it is better to keep silent than to offer minor jobs measures that would “just make President Obama look ridiculous.”

    For Obama, this is turning into a long, hot summer, from which he may not recover. The final denouement of the Age of Obama will arrive when substantial portions of Black America reject him. For many, the process will be excruciating, and majorities of African Americans may never fully relinquish the illusion. But, the Obamite grip on Black political activity is already being broken.

  97. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Sorry winger, pretty much everyone knows the downgrade is the direct result of electing moronic Rs...known as TaxBaggers. And a large portion of the economic difficulty is from the bushMess.
    Maybe you should stick to mentioning things that actually apply to Obama.


  98. nothing is as bloody as the legacy u hobama nazis have helped that repub elitist vampire hobama
    fashion to slay us all in rivers of financial bloodletting and bloody poverty for decafdes to come!


    your refusal to make any demands of that blackish hobama will curse us all 4ever

    Would it not be a sign of political maturity to put aside that Obama is the first black president and to judge by the (worsening) conditions since the election and to make demands based on that? This is not to say that the conditions are Obama’s fault, but there are things that government can do that needs to be demanded of it from the community. In fact by creating a left self-determining pole of black demands, it could even provide cover for the President to meet some of those demands. More importantly it puts us as a people back in the middle of a conversation on what is in the best interest of our community. That is not something that we can leave to mainstream black pundits who keep their distance from any conversation on what is best for the black community and how to achieve it.

    The post black power/civil rights era (notice not post racial but post movement in America) that was largely destroyed by outside forces and inside fratricide has left us intellectually defenseless to those who would tell us not to make demands, not to have expectations, or else be called “hata.” How long can we let this anti-intellectual phase popularized by black youth culture dominate community interaction? When did we start adopting the slogans of young musicians as words to live by? Are they the philosophical queens and kings of our discourse? Why do we live by a creed of “no critique”? Is that really better than a discussion to draw out the positives and negatives of a political figure that millions of us voted for? Many of the Black pundits and defenders of the no “hata” mantra come off as reactionary nationalists, who on the one hand claim there are no Black community demands—or none should be made because Obama is not the president of Black America – but on the other hand, defend the Black President only because he is Black.

  99. nothing is as bloody as the legacy u hobama nazis have helped that repub elitist vampire hobama
    fashion to slay us all in rivers of financial bloodletting and bloody poverty for decades to come!


  100. lost hopeless unchanged colorist racist slave nig uts:

    hobama could teach repubs to pimp and rob blacks globally!!!

    that blackish hobama is bombing your black cousins for more oil and gold


    The war raging in Libya since February is getting progressively worse as NATO forces engage in regime change and worse, an objective to kill Muammar Gadhafi to eradicate his vision of a United Africa with a single currency backed by gold.
    Observers say implementing that vision would change the world power equation and threaten Western hegemony. In response, the United States and its NATO partners have determined “Gadhafi must go,” and assumed the role of judge, jury and executioner.

    Minister Farrakhan further pointed out in the April 1 radio interview that the current plot to kill Col. Gadhafi comes at a time of great distress and decline for America. The fall of the dollar is a manifest loss of America's prestige and influence among the nations of the earth and an indicator of her end.

    Graphic: MGN Online
    “How's America's wealth today? How is she doing financially? What is the deficit? Some say it's about $56 trillion counting Social Security and Medicare. That's a big number. She's printing money, but there's nothing backing it,” said Min. Farrakhan.

    In the book, “The Fall of America,” the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote, “One of the greatest powers of America washer dollar. The loss of such power will bring any nation to weakness, for this is the media of exchange between nations

  101. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I miss 'MN Bridge is Falling Down' T-Paw. His wonderful legacy of removing all the programs that got his own sorry christian self out of poverty was just the most delish hypocrisy.
    Perry reminds me of bush...without the Daddy to cover up the little mishaps.

    I do like that the same mental giants who think the world is made by jebus for wite menz to ruin...are the same 'experts' who need to TELL us that the London riots were all them 'urban folk'. And that Maggie Thatcher had nothing to do with it, despite her crowing over ruining the minute happiness of the working class.


  102. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sorry winger, pretty much everyone knows the downgrade is the direct result of electing moronic Rs...known as TaxBaggers. And a large portion of the economic difficulty is from the bushMess.
    Maybe you should stick to mentioning things that actually apply to Obama.


    Uh-huh and who tolderated you dis um factoid (not Hemorrhoid) was it your gerbils named Donald and Daisy? Was it Rev Al Tawana Brawley Sharpton, Cris Tingles and Rachel Madcow? Want to borrowate some more moneyate? So you um can keepum spendin dat wampum? Or maybe it was Debbie SGT Schults who says the economy is doing great and Obamas poll numbers are excellent.

    Take Care.

    P.S be careful with dem gerbils, I heard if you use them like you plan they will claw your colon up if they get out of the tube. Stick with lightbulbs hospital staff say they are safer.

  103. Who sux worse? You decide1:14 PM

    Funny how Mold & AB go out of their way not to confront each other, isn't it?.....Especially when they're both calling each other a liar with almost every comment they make.

    One is constantly blowing Obama, the other wants him hung on the nearest tree.

    It's like Godzilla and Mothra running all around Japan, doing their best to avoid each other, all the while dropping moster crap all over this blog.

  104. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Moldicroch said

    "ruining the minute happiness of the working class"

    I know you cantz helperate it but lissen stupid if you collects da welfare and gub'ment bennies you aint da workin class you da moochin class you have to actually work to be in da workin class now for you, you likke school in summer no class.

  105. lying faceless assnon/molded moron:

    ignorance trumps invisibility

    i ignore u like you clone yourself



  106. ignorant molded assnon:

    u lie like hobama!!!!

    i post more facts and sanity to this blog than any of you racist hobama nazi drones

    get over that asap

  107. mold: "Sorry winger, pretty much everyone knows the downgrade is the direct result of electing moronic Rs...known as TaxBaggers. And a large portion of the economic difficulty is from the bushMess."

    Right mold. Just like the fire is the direct result of the fire department showing up to fight it. And that void in your skull is a direct result of the x-ray that found it.

    Only a moron swallows the democrat spin that the downgrade was the fault of the people who tried to enforce spending cuts.

    Bush deserves blame for his fiscal irresponsibility and lack of spine, but the downgrade is the fault of the democrat spending spree that has been going on since 2007, and the president, who lied when he threatened default.

    Default was never a possibility. If Obama had come out early and said that no matter what happens with the debt ceiling, the US will honor it's debt payments and will not allow any disruptions in social security, medicare, or armed service paychecks - we'll make necessary cuts in non-essential spending - this whole issue could have been settled calmy and rationally.

    Instead, the democrats as usual played politics and threatened disaster, with old ladies being pushed off cliffs.

    This is not leadership. It is a disgrace. This is why the democrats will be completely thrown out of power in 2012.

  108. not to mention all the links and books i post too...

    that u illiterate blind hobama lovers ignore and lament


    read a mf book u original mf

  109. I miss 'MN Bridge is Falling Down' T-Paw. His wonderful legacy of removing all the programs that got his own sorry christian self out of poverty


    What were these programs?Blah blah betty i don't expect any facts since you are lacking.

    Sorry winger, pretty much everyone knows the downgrade is the direct result of electing moronic Rs


    Only to simpletons without facts is that known.Most people know Obama is the first president everrrrrrrrrrr to get downgraded.

  110. Run for the hills! It's gonna blow!1:26 PM

    Damn! Looks like somebody got Godzilla constipated!

  111. FN, whats going on in Philly?Can't have a anti-violence event without someone getting stabbed?

    A new web video and harsh criticism emerged from the Mitt Romney camp today as President Barack Obama launched his three-day bus tour that will make stops in Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois.

    Dubbing the president’s trip the “Magical Misery bus tour,” Romney said in a statement that “it is unlikely President Obama will speak with unemployed Americans, to near-bankrupt business owners, or to families struggling to survive in this economy.”

    “He is more interested in campaigning in swing states than working to solve the economic crisis that is crushing the middle class,” said Romney. “Turning this economy around will require real leadership and the experience of someone who has actually worked in the private sector.”

    And in the web video titled “Obama Isn’t Working: Minnesota,” the campaign interviews several Minnesotans ahead of the president’s visit today.

    Magical Misery bus tour.Ha ha ha

  112. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Just saw part of Obamas Magical Misery bus tour and what a joke.

    First off he bought two new buses for his eternal campaign, going to the same places republicans just visited and spent 1.1 million each, then he claims he isn't campaigning but by going out and maligning people and pointing the finger that he is creating jobs, sp therefore the multi million dollar cost will be payed for by us taxpayers and not his campaign.

    Well his ideas for job creation are small his admin says they would create 70k jobs, we only need 7 million to come out of the recession.

    But in any case they are the same ideas from a few weeks ago:

    1) Extend payroll tax - I guess this helps the unemployed who arent on any payroll, no payroll no tax, promise kept.
    2) sign 3 Free trade agreements - he hasn't written any legislation yet so what is to be signed? Oh and no Free trade agreement has ever created one job, in fact it will be the opposite especially in panama.
    3) More infrastructure nonsense - he wants congress to act, but hasn't put any legislation forward. This means he wants to add to the already two failed stimulus, borrow more money right after being downgraded by S+P for high debt, ok Obama put a bill together and propose how much you want to borrow to the public and what exactly will be targeted where last I heard there were no shovel ready jobs, did you change your mind yet again?
    4) there was one more but it was just as silly as the first three, maybe something about spending 2 million per job for alternate energy companies to go out of business after the money is "spread about" or college kid ideas like caulking someones windows for 5k...or sector destroying ideas like cash for clunkers making it so lower income people cant find an affordable used car...

    This man should do the country a favor and resign.

  113. Rosa Park's Stinky Feet1:31 PM

    I'll bet Obama rides in the back of the bus.

  114. lying looping molded assnon:


    i post standard english!!!

    unlike that molded nell

  115. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Dear Hugo,

    Learning about your ass cancer reminded me of something I hoperate you know. The colon doesn't tolerate the presence of long-toothed, borrowing rodents for long. But they can be trained to dig out those deeply embedded tumors, like yours.

    The gerbils were fun for a while, until one clawed its way out through my belly-button. Now I wear a bag. That's one way to save on toilet paper.

    We haven't seen you for a while. Are you pukerating from the chemo?

    Best wishes from your fellow bag-wearer,


  116. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Dear Hugo,

    Learning about your ass cancer reminded me of something I hoperate you know. The colon doesn't tolerate the presence of long-toothed, borrowing rodents for long. But they can be trained to dig out those deeply embedded tumors, like yours.

    The gerbils were fun for a while, until one clawed its way out through my belly-button. Now I wear a bag. That's one way to save on toilet paper.

    We haven't seen you for a while. Are you pukerating from the chemo?

    Best wishes from your fellow bag-wearer,


    This post is classicerated!!!! Colostomy bag Mold, sounds like a silent but rotten killer.

  117. Anonymous2:10 PM

    A TaxBagger as a self-professed heroic brave hero. -snicker-
    If you have to TELL us you are a hero...maybe it is all in your fantasy life.
    I see you more a gullible idiots, serving the purpose for which your Master paid money. Well, as long a s you can indulge your inner'll do what Massa says.

    Your blithering ignorance of Econ is if you can't understand more than..One..five..many. Well, yes. You are utterly out of your depth and no matter how often you protest and bluster...the lack shines through.
    Just because you ape wingnut drivel does not make you smart.
    Why don't you pull one of the Economics in Cartoon form...

    LT, why am I not surprised that you are beside yourself with ideer that Obama is not as good as you. Well...he is much, much you are somewhat correct. The downgrade was one of many expected poo flingings by the Left Behind racists. While you willingly swallowed whatever came forth from the Legacy of could not countenance the success of an AfAm. Sets a precedent, eh?
    The downgrade causes are mentioned...and most include the TaxBagger refusal to make good on the debt they owe. Just like so many of their members (Walsh, Palin, Bachmann, etc) They seem to have had no consequences for why should the US?
    Really, should read more than the wingnut lies.

    Romney made his money by firing workers, removing the value from the company, and then running away. Not exactly a 'job creator'...unless it is a Gooberism for 'rich'.

    T-Paws programs for getting him out of poverty are listed elsewhere. Just because you don't beleeve...means nothing.

    Infrastructure, before drooling out what some wingnut placed into your all-too-willing should check with those folks who deal with infrastructure. Most of the US is at the extreme end of the expected life span of the materials. You may beleeverate it will only be those nasty eveel icky urban cities...but you might want to check bridges, roads, and other items that impinge upon your Rugged Randian Rightie Individualist Fantasy.

    As you might have guessed, I do know about this. Unlike you...I have made plans. Wonder how you will do when you can't get anywhere...and you watch your master fly over your favela in his helicopter?


  118. Winger2:14 PM

    "As you might have guessed, I do know about this. Unlike you...I have made plans. Wonder how you will do when you can't get anywhere...and you watch your master fly over your favela in his helicopter?"

    You know nothing. Nada.

    Now you claim to have a helicopter? This is hilarious!

  119. mellaneous2:15 PM

    @Purple Cow and Mack

    Thanks for adding facts to the thread. I felt all alone while these crack pots were throwing out so much that wasn't true.

    Speaking of untruth. I refuse to answer any more of the resident racists foolishness no matter what name heuses.

    But for laughs check out what this silly guy said.

    "Hey bonehead, here's some news. Everywhere white explorers went, they found people who were armed with weapons."

    LOL, LOL, Now that was funny.

  120. mold: "The downgrade causes are mentioned...and most include the TaxBagger refusal to make good on the debt they owe."

    A ridiculous lie.

    No one in government has called for not paying the debt.

    S&P expressly stated the reason for the downgrade was that sufficient cuts in spending were not agreed to.

    Why do you feel compelled to shill for Obama? Blaming the Tea Party for the downgrade is not even remotely believable.

    If you believe that, maybe you would be interested in buying a cave.

  121. mellaneous said...
    @Purple Cow and Mack

    Thanks for adding facts to the thread. I felt all alone while these crack pots were throwing out so much that wasn't true.

    Speaking of untruth. I refuse to answer any more of the resident racists foolishness no matter what name heuses.

    mellaneous, are you really admitting defeat to the likes of Kokkarinen and LT?

    This cannot be! You must stand up for your liberal beliefs. You are the champion of the dispossessed and those unable to articulate their positions. I know Purple Cow and Mack aren't much help, but you can handle things on your own. Don't abandon us to these right wing know it alls.

  122. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Wow, sockpuppets! And a man who has almost the reading comprehension of an Elementary student.

    Pout all you want. I've been aware of the failing US infrastructure for decades. If not for the skilled union labour and wonderfully public educated professionals...we sould already be in TaxBagger Hevvin'...otherwise called the Stone Age.
    Sorry, your pout made me giggle. As if some nameless silly could determine my familiarity with infrastructure. beleeverate all you want. And stamp your widdle feets in impotent 'wage'...and yowl that no True Liberal could ever know. -giggle-


  123. Stanley Ann2:48 PM

    "fairly quickly after the TaxBagger failure...real Americans rush to render aid and comfort."

    What a nut.

    Funny and nauseating, all the same time.

  124. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Anonymous said...
    the thing I notice (and I don’t think it’s just because I look for it) is that the people on the ground ran to help the people who were hurt.

    Because that’s what most people actually do

    Where are the wingers TELLing us they 'deserved' their fate? Creeps.

    Still, the writer is correct. Fairly quickly after the TaxBagger failure...real Americans rush to render aid and comfort.


    You are really insane and it shows. Your about the stupidest person on this blog, you cannot formulate a complete coherent sentence you can't spell and you are subject to random mood swings and irrelevant brain farts.

  125. ObamaGoingDownFasterThenMoldDoesOnAHomlessMan2:54 PM

    I know some on this blog have a hard time with numbers, evidenced by their naive views on the economy. But here are some numbers they may be able to understand, note I say may, so don't hold me to this.

    Obama weekly job approval hits the lowest ever at 40%. Don't confuse this with the three day rolling total of 39% from yesterday.

  126. Anonymous2:57 PM

    More sockpuppets!
    Maybe instead of drooling over the Bachmann pics..your choice of welfare could watch the Indiana Fair vid. Almost immediately after the TaxBagger induced failure...the Real Americans rushed to render aid and comfort. You'll not that they didn't do means testing or paused to worry about how 'deserving' the people were.

    Note how they did...and the TaxBaggers have to TELL us. Me, I prefer the folks who ran to assist.


  127. more proof that hobama is worse than gwb!!!!

    and that dems = repubs

    George W. Bush, an incompetent president, never treated his base as contemptuously as Obama deals with liberals. Even when Bush angered them -- No Child Left Behind and rampant federal spending, for example -- he worked hard to keep them in the fold. Not so with Obama. He responded to the criticism launched from within Democratic ranks that he sold out his campaign promise to let the tax cuts lapse by dismissing his critics as sanctimonious and fixated on purist policymaking. This unproductive response is part of a trend. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs derided the "professional left." Former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel lashed out at some liberal groups as "f+@king retarded" for their plans to run ads against conservative Democrats opposed to the president's health-care plan. These and other examples will likely be duly noted when the fundraising requests for the 2012 reelection campaign begin to hit the mailboxes of the sanctimonious professional left retards that elected Obama in the first place.

    This was made plain by President Obama's comments following the announcement of a deal with congressional Republicans on Bush-era tax cuts. What began as a single-issue matter -- whether to extend those tax cuts -- morphed into a fiscal-relief gumbo that will add $700 billion to the national debt. Particularly galling is the estate-tax capitulation. The agreement set an exemption of $5 million per individual and a maximum rate of 35 percent for two years. The estate tax, which was dormant this year, was going to return in 2011 with an exemption of $1 million and maximum rate of 55 percent. Other aspects of the deal include an extension of jobless benefits through 2011 and payroll tax cut by 2 percent for every American worker through the end of next year. Ultimately, all you need to know about the deal can be found in its supporters and critics. Very few Republicans are unhappy with this deal, despite its massive damage to the deficit/debt, while a critical mass of Democrats are trying to clean the residue out of their Christmas stockings from the lump of coal Obama gave them. Meanwhile, Republicans are working to undermine the healthcare reform he just signed into law and other presidential initiatives. And yet, he still deals with them as if they really want to do the right thing. Give me a break.

    Worst of all in this may be his statement that he agreed to extend the tax cuts because the Republicans were holding the middle-class tax cuts hostage to the high end. In effect, he gave the GOP a roadmap to rolling him -- hold hostage something he wants until he agrees to give you what you want. It also appears that you won't have to hold the hostage very long before he gives in. How can he fight the Republicans tomorrow when he folded up his tent so quickly today?

  128. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Ignore the rotting minds of those who have been inhaling mold spores. It's a waste of time trying to have a conversation with someone who doesn't have the most basic intellectual capacities.

  129. Anonymous3:15 PM

    the thing I notice (and I don’t think it’s just because I look for it) is that the people on the ground ran to help the people who were hurt.

    Because that’s what most people actually do

    Where are the wingers TELLing us they 'deserved' their fate? Creeps.

    Still, the writer is correct. Fairly quickly after the TaxBagger failure...real Americans rush to render aid and comfort.


  130. Anonymous3:16 PM

    the thing I notice (and I don’t think it’s just because I look for it) is that the people on the ground ran to help the people who were hurt.

    Because that’s what most people actually do

    Where are the wingers TELLing us they 'deserved' their fate? Creeps.

    Still, the writer is correct. Fairly quickly after the TaxBagger failure...real Americans rush to render aid and comfort.


  131. Anonymous3:16 PM

    the thing I notice (and I don’t think it’s just because I look for it) is that the people on the ground ran to help the people who were hurt.

    Because that’s what most people actually do

    Where are the wingers TELLing us they 'deserved' their fate? Creeps.

    Still, the writer is correct. Fairly quickly after the TaxBagger failure...real Americans rush to render aid and comfort.


  132. Anonymous3:17 PM

    the thing I notice (and I don’t think it’s just because I look for it) is that the people on the ground ran to help the people who were hurt.

    Because that’s what most people actually do

    Where are the wingers TELLing us they 'deserved' their fate? Creeps.

    Still, the writer is correct. Fairly quickly after the TaxBagger failure...real Americans rush to render aid and comfort.


  133. Anonymous3:17 PM

    the thing I notice (and I don’t think it’s just because I look for it) is that the people on the ground ran to help the people who were hurt.

    Because that’s what most people actually do

    Where are the wingers TELLing us they 'deserved' their fate? Creeps.

    Still, the writer is correct. Fairly quickly after the TaxBagger failure...real Americans rush to render aid and comfort.


  134. Anonymous3:18 PM

    the thing I notice (and I don’t think it’s just because I look for it) is that the people on the ground ran to help the people who were hurt.

    Because that’s what most people actually do

    Where are the wingers TELLing us they 'deserved' their fate? Creeps.

    Still, the writer is correct. Fairly quickly after the TaxBagger failure...real Americans rush to render aid and comfort.


  135. Anonymous3:19 PM

    the thing I notice (and I don’t think it’s just because I look for it) is that the people on the ground ran to help the people who were hurt.

    Because that’s what most people actually do

    Where are the wingers TELLing us they 'deserved' their fate? Creeps.

    Still, the writer is correct. Fairly quickly after the TaxBagger failure...real Americans rush to render aid and comfort.


  136. Anonymous3:19 PM

    the thing I notice (and I don’t think it’s just because I look for it) is that the people on the ground ran to help the people who were hurt.

    Because that’s what most people actually do

    Where are the wingers TELLing us they 'deserved' their fate? Creeps.

    Still, the writer is correct. Fairly quickly after the TaxBagger failure...real Americans rush to render aid and comfort.


  137. Democrats Just Don't Get It3:20 PM

    Most people assumed the purpose of the deficit reduction commission would be to address the government spending crisis, right? Not so says a democrat member of the commission:

    "Rep. James Clyburn (S.C.) said the recent debate over slashing spending and reducing deficits has all but ignored the toll those cuts could exact on lower income folks, particularly in minority communities. Clyburn — the third-ranking House Democrat and a member of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) — is vowing to use his perch on the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to tackle the nation’s enormous wealth gap. …

    Clyburn said he’ll be pushing for revenue raisers — not just cuts — in the next round in order to “secure our nation’s financial future in a fair and balanced way that requires shared sacrifice and creates opportunity for all Americans.”

    That is, he and other Demorrhoids will be doubling down on the same socialist policies that got us into this mess, using still more taxation to keep unemployment high and to stave off economic recovery while they continue looting our country into economic collapse. And by "shared sacrifice", he is not talking about the 50% of people who pay no federal income taxes.

    After 2012, elected democrat officieals will be an endangered species.

  138. The Effects Of Fecal Ingestion3:23 PM

    You're a retard, mold.

  139. You don't need a PhD to know pedophilia is a liberal predilection, and you didn’t need a crystal ball to predict that pedophilia would be the next perversion to be officially normalized by our liberal rulers after homosexuality. Few besides moonbats deny the connection between them. Here we go:

    "If a small group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have their way at a conference this week, pedophiles themselves could play a role in removing pedophilia from the American Psychiatric Association’s bible of mental illnesses — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), set to undergo a significant revision by 2013. Critics warn that their success could lead to the decriminalization of pedophilia.

    The August 17 Baltimore conference is sponsored by B4U-ACT, a group of pro-pedophile mental health professionals and sympathetic activists. According to the conference brochure, the event will examine “ways in which minor-attracted persons [pedophiles] can be involved in the DSM 5 revision process” and how the popular perceptions of pedophiles can be reframed to encourage tolerance."

    Until 1973, homosexuality was acknowledged by the DSM as a mental illness. That was changed in the interests of the still more severe form of mental illness known as political correctness. Now acceptance of homosexual depravity as normal is mandatory. The same will eventually be true of raping children, if moonbats have their way.

  140. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Umm...soooper genius...they don't pay the Federal income tax...because they are too poor. Why don't you pull out an old form and see how low the threshold is. You could also visit the IRS website. Go ahead.

    Taxes don't make unemployment high. Nor do taxes prevent economic recovery.
    It sounds like you are unable to finish your 1040EZ without help.

    You do sound so much like a widdle brownshirt...'soon, we shall implement the Final Solution for Libruls'. And hating the 'parasites'.

    Poor baby, knowing that your preferred option of making everyone as poor and desperate as you may fail. Must be pretty bad when Welfare, the widow's mite, is more than your 'working' wage. Ever wonder why?

    Oh, thank you sockpuppet Troll for cutNpaste. You make my point...for me. I know, not your intention...but you could not resist being stooopid.;)
    Maybe you should sign up for a class at your local community college.


  141. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Love it...fake not-news for idiots who have no idea they are being lied to. And an org that was created by wingnuts and Cons.
    Even on have to create strawmen.
    Oh, if you are a never use wingnut or Con terms. It is prima facie for being ignorant and uneducated.

    Actually, homosexuality was removed as that icky non-Fundie Science indicated it should be done. You are lying.

    Oh, still miffed that the correlation between molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0? Maybe you should review the Data. have...and you know I am correct..:)


  142. Liberalism is a Mental disorder, as is Pedophilia, for now3:49 PM

    "Oh, still miffed that the correlation between molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0? Maybe you should review the Data. have...and you know I am correct..:)"

    You have definitvely been proven wrong once again, mold.

    Give it up and move along to the next lie.

  143. Anonymous3:51 PM

    AB, "For Obama, this is turning into a long, hot summer, from which he may not recover. The final denouement of the Age of Obama will arrive when substantial portions of Black America reject him. For many, the process will be excruciating, and majorities of African Americans may never fully relinquish the illusion. But, the Obamite grip on Black political activity is already being broken."

    Thank you, ab. It's refreshing to know that more Blacks are coming to their senses, although it hasn't happened on FN. They will be the last to go-if ever. They are the truly 100% blind ones, Field included. They cling to his coattail.

    They can't let go of their dead dream. How sad.

  144. Obama The Idiot4:04 PM

    Remember how Obama's "Green Jobs" were going to save the economy?:

    The man is a complete & utter buffoon....and his poll numbers reflect that.

  145. LaTreen Dartay4:13 PM

    The same will eventually be true of raping children, if moonbats have their way.

    I think I just saw Mold running down the yellow brick road clicking his heels, he stopped singin "if I only had a brain" and is now singing something, I couldnt quite make out but the words "c'mere little boy want some candy" leapt out at me, refrained by a chorus of yes, daddy diddles me, yes.

  146. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Dear Hugo,

    I hoperate all is going well for you down there in Venezuela. Life is always tougher with ass cancer.

    A lot of us understand your feelings about refusing radiation treatments. I mean microwaving your ass is no way to go. You never quite get the smell of burning flesh out of your nostrils.

    I know about the smell because I tried lighting my farts with a road flare. Yeah, it hurt.

    And all the kids in the neighborhood came over and asked my "Uncle Rod", (he's the nice man I live with) "who's barbequing?"

    Uncle Rod took one look and said, "Damn, you welded it shut. What am I gonna do now, you fruitcake?"

    So, you know how that goes. Uncle Rod and me, well, we've got some things to straighten out. Last night he told me not to put that road flare near my mouth. Yeah, like I'm some kind of crazy sword-swallower.

    Anyway, some of us Norte Americanos know what it means when everybody hates the president. You'll adjust. Till then you can sit around with Fidel. Have a race. See which of you can fill his colostomy bag fastest.

    Hold an auction. Sell the full bags. That's one way to make a little spending money while the ass cancer works its way up to other regions.

    I know. You don't have to say it. You're going to beat the ass cancer. That's been my outlook. But, the truth is, nothing works for long no matter what those specialists in ass cancer say.

    One side effect of the chemo is it makes you write all crazy. You start adderating syllables to words and geterating your thoughts and sentences all jumbled.

    But you know things are getting bad when you fart and for hours it feels like a sandstorm is passerating through your anal orifice.

    Your brother in colostomy bags,


  147. BetterMan4:18 PM

    Oh, thank you sockpuppet Troll for cutNpaste. You make my point...for me. I know, not your intention...but you could not resist being stooopid.;)

    Did the dysfunctionaly illiterate Mold just call someone else stupid a sockpuppet and a cut and paster? HA you just can't make this stuff up.

  148. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Umm...just because you beleeverate something...does not mean it is proof. Any time you care to offer any...I'll look. And no, wingnut false flag ops are not proof.

    The correlation between molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0. It increases with the conservatism of the priest.
    Feel free to review the Data.

    Why would any AfAm vote for the intellectual and natural law heirs of the South? Even a moderate centrist right-leaning Obama is a far better choice. Even if he is foolish enough to accept Chicago School dogma...he still is vastly superior to any wites...or their racist astroturfers.
    Sure...some anon wite dude TELLs us how much we all loves us those kindly gentle caring slave owners. And that what they did was done out of christian love. And that seeing our self as President is not gawdly and should be removed to protect us. and that wite mastery is soooo much to be desired...but we don't know because that eveel Satan is foolerating us.
    Like your teeny weeny whatever isn't enthralled with the idea of owning a person and being immune from prosecution.


  149. molderator4:32 PM

    "The correlation between molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0. It increases with the conservatism of the priest.
    Feel free to review the Data."

    I did. You read it backwards. The correlation is 0.0.

  150. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Sure, Butters. I went to my garden and magickally some wingnut sockpuppeteer cutNpaste my post. simpleton missed the point...but I do understand that is most of their life.
    I have edited...and corrected papers. The fantasy you have of foolerating is one I allow. I am not paid to correct your lies...nor am I inclined to induce adult behavior. It amuses me to watch you thinkerate you are getting away with it.

    Well, if you want to be funny...check Jon Stewart. Or Stephen Colbert. Both are political humorists. Twain is hilarious..but you have to be literate.
    I'd like to list some Con comics...but most of their stuff is laughing while being a jerkhole.


  151. Eczema Clyburne4:43 PM

    Why would any AfAm vote for the intellectual and natural law heirs of the South? Even a moderate centrist right-leaning Obama is a far better choice. Even if he is foolish enough to accept Chicago School dogma...he still is vastly superior to any wites...or their racist astroturfers.
    Sure...some anon wite dude TELLs us how much we all loves us those kindly gentle caring slave owners. And that what they did was done out of christian love. And that seeing our self as President is not gawdly and should be removed to protect us. and that wite mastery is soooo much to be desired...but we don't know because that eveel Satan is foolerating us.
    Like your teeny weeny whatever isn't enthralled with the idea of owning a person and being immune from prosecution.


    Sorry buttbrain, you didnt make one iota of sense, very little sensible english mixed with many grammatical and "mis-spellerated" words. Try again, maybe you should read a book or enroll in a free local college course where they can hopefully bring you up to 2nd grade reading and writing level. You might start with hooked on phonics, for clarity purposes even though you are a white male wiht a small penis that is hooked on phonics not fucked by ebonics, don't get them confused.

    Your success at learning to read and write all depends on your intellectual capacity which honestly isn't very hopeful from what I have seen of you thus far.

    In other words, your a blithering idiot who cannot read write and I supposes speak english and you prove how stupid you are each and every post.

  152. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Sure you read the Data. You said you did. And the Data says the correlation between molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0. So...either you are lying...or you are lying.
    Silly...I know the Data is there...and I know what the results are. You either had to review the Data and then respond with the new knowledge...or you could lie. You chose to lie.
    Bluster away. Pout. You still are lying to us.
    For what? so you can brag about how you got away with lying? Except, you didn't. Pissing off adults? I think you are gullible and silly. Taking one for jebus? Why support molesting priests? And you really should read the teachings of Jesus.
    You lied...and gained nothing. Is it pathological with you? You can't stop lying? ;)

    Yeah, it was a 'trap'. You could either review the Data and then show you had...or lie.


  153. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Why would any AfAm vote for the intellectual and natural law heirs of the South? Even a moderate centrist right-leaning Obama is a far better choice. Even if he is foolish enough to accept Chicago School dogma...he still is vastly superior to any wites...or their racist astroturfers.
    Sure...some anon wite dude TELLs us how much we all loves us those kindly gentle caring slave owners. And that what they did was done out of christian love. And that seeing our self as President is not gawdly and should be removed to protect us. and that wite mastery is soooo much to be desired...but we don't know because that eveel Satan is foolerating us.
    Like your teeny weeny whatever isn't enthralled with the idea of owning a person and being immune from prosecution.


  154. BetterMan4:50 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sure, Butters. I went to my garden and magickally some wingnut sockpuppeteer cutNpaste my post. simpleton missed the point...but I do understand that is most of their life.
    I have edited...and corrected papers. The fantasy you have of foolerating is one I allow. I am not paid to correct your lies...nor am I inclined to induce adult behavior. It amuses me to watch you thinkerate you are getting away with it.

    Well, if you want to be funny...check Jon Stewart. Or Stephen Colbert. Both are political humorists. Twain is hilarious..but you have to be literate.
    I'd like to list some Con comics...but most of their stuff is laughing while being a jerkhole.


    You went to your garden and "magickally" I don't know what that is, is this an act you perform on yourself? Something you would get arrested for if you did it in public? You have edited and correct papers----ah Now you were a teacher as well, cool, was this before you were a Harvard Graduate criminal lawyer? Before you were a Criminoligist? Before you were a economist? After You were a stockbroker? In between being a Pilot? On the side when you owned a radio station? During your down time when you were a D.J? I have one question; with all of these things, was there ever a time you were sane?

    As for the rest, what is "foolerate" is this something you drink?

    What is "thinkerate" is this similar to gatorade?

    "you are getting away with it" who is getting away with what? Did someone steal your gerbil? It's not gone, just look up your ass, you already have your head in there.

  155. BetterMan4:50 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sure, Butters. I went to my garden and magickally some wingnut sockpuppeteer cutNpaste my post. simpleton missed the point...but I do understand that is most of their life.
    I have edited...and corrected papers. The fantasy you have of foolerating is one I allow. I am not paid to correct your lies...nor am I inclined to induce adult behavior. It amuses me to watch you thinkerate you are getting away with it.

    Well, if you want to be funny...check Jon Stewart. Or Stephen Colbert. Both are political humorists. Twain is hilarious..but you have to be literate.
    I'd like to list some Con comics...but most of their stuff is laughing while being a jerkhole.


    You went to your garden and "magickally" I don't know what that is, is this an act you perform on yourself? Something you would get arrested for if you did it in public? You have edited and correct papers----ah Now you were a teacher as well, cool, was this before you were a Harvard Graduate criminal lawyer? Before you were a Criminoligist? Before you were a economist? After You were a stockbroker? In between being a Pilot? On the side when you owned a radio station? During your down time when you were a D.J? I have one question; with all of these things, was there ever a time you were sane?

    As for the rest, what is "foolerate" is this something you drink?

    What is "thinkerate" is this similar to gatorade?

    "you are getting away with it" who is getting away with what? Did someone steal your gerbil? It's not gone, just look up your ass, you already have your head in there.

  156. Father Sodomy4:54 PM

    mold: ah, it was a 'trap'. You could either review the Data and then show you had...or lie.

    A trap you have caught yourself in, you crazy old fool.

    There is no data correlating the political beliefs of priests with their proclivity for pedophilia, YOU MADE IT UP.

    Anyone with a brain can see you live in a fantasy world.

    What a loon....

  157. "The man is a complete & utter buffoon....and his poll numbers reflect that."

    Get back to me after November of 2012.;)

  158. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Sorry liar. There is Data. Keep fibbing to us. It makes me laugh. See what happens when you try to pretend to expertise you never had?

    Poor Butters, you thoughterate it was so smart and kewl. But I went to my garden...and you just could not resist being who you are.
    And you are acting like a very loud, scared criminal..yelling to deflect from what you've done.
    We'll just wait for your fake outburst to finish...


  159. Butters5:08 PM

    "Poor Butters, you thoughterate it was so smart and kewl. But I went to my garden...and you just could not resist being who you are."

    Classic molderating. What does it mean? If I give it some spare change, will it go away? My oh my.

  160. Anonymous5:15 PM

    You still need to learn funny.
    Your humour is as flat as the ick on FAUX. are trying for christian hunour. Where funny isn't important.


  161. Bishop Obama5:16 PM

    mold: Sorry liar. There is Data.

    Then share it please, before I rape again. I needs to know.

  162. BetterMan5:19 PM

    Anonymous said...
    You still need to learn funny.
    Your humour is as flat as the ick on FAUX. are trying for christian hunour. Where funny isn't important.

    The way you speak and spell, are you from Transylvania? Is your real name Abby Normal by any chance?

  163. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Poor Butters, you thoughterate it was so smart and kewl. But I went to my garden...and you just could not resist being who you are.

    "I went to my this philisophical or something? You mean you reached down into your bush and found a twig in your garden of eatin?

  164. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Wow, you boys must be intensely single.
    The obviously beyond the capacity of skoolers. Might I suggest a class in your local community college? It would help you.


  165. Barry Cade5:35 PM

    Wow, you boys must be intensely single.
    The obviously beyond the capacity of skoolers. Might I suggest a class in your local community college? It would help you.


    Is there an insanely moronic autistic person around who could translate this ? What does skoolers mean? You want someone to go to school to learn how to mispell words? Isnt that anti progress? Oh yeah, you are a democrat. Gotcha.

  166. Splattered Mold5:45 PM

    Mold, since you're always offering up such helpful suggestions, here are a few for you:

    Airplane. 20,000 feet. No Parachute. Jump.

  167. Anonymous5:48 PM

    That's it? All you have is your lack of comprehension?
    Dude, this is written at the GenEd level for Grade Eight. And you are lost?
    Maybe it is better for you to retake the basic English course from your public high school.
    Terrible shame you are so unable to offer any productive efforts.
    Still, after passing the English for Grade Eight, all will become apparent.


  168. Barry Cade5:56 PM

    Still, after passing the English for Grade Eight, all will become apparent.


    Maybe all will become a parent in your world after grade 8, in mine people wait until much later to have kids.

    You are a blithering blathering dolt. Why would you expect someone to understand your made up language or do you really think you are writing and spelling english correctly.

  169. Barry Cade5:58 PM

    Airplane. 20,000 feet. No Parachute. Jump.

    Nice one suggestion - Jump into the prop or right into the jet engine if you can.

  170. Hagan6:43 PM

    The police shut down a water park in Nashville today due to disorderly behavior by blacks. Recreational parks all over the country are now out of business due to black mob behavior.

    Field, what is going on?

  171. Obama has sunstroke6:48 PM

    Will Obama dump Biden in 2012?

    If he does, will he replace Biden with Hillary?

    Di you clowns read about Evergreen Solar, the "clean-energy" company in Massachusetts that filed for bankrtuptcy today?

    The state invested #$60 million, all of which will be lost due to the bankruptcy filing.

    This company was one of Obama's pets. The stock is now closing in on $ZERO.

    But will our idiotic muslim-in-chief get the message, that this is an oil & gas economy AND solar energy is decades away from competitiveness?

    Probably he won't get the message. Or he will, but won't care, and just plow ahead, wastimg more money on useless activities.

  172. mold in a colostomy bag6:55 PM

    Over at Evergreen Solar it keeps getting worse:

    Evergreen CEO Michael El-Hillow said the company had “earned” 85 percent of the taxpayer benefits it received because of the jobs it originally created.

    The company has a muslim CEO. Big mistake.

    Second, a while ago, the company employed 800. Very soon, the number will drop to almost zero.

    That's Obama for you. Causing economic disaster, every step of the way.

  173. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Mold lemme get one with cheese, ketchup and fries on the side....oh your off now, allright manana you can serve me.

  174. Anonymous7:33 PM

    FN, fyi, here's proof that Sarah is Presidential material. That lady has come a long way...she's ready! If she doesn't run, pray no one picks her as their running mate.

  175. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, GOLD once again took off for the moon today. The market is going to tank this week. Are you ready?

  176. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Why are you complaining that you can't understand posts written for a GenEd Grade Eight reader?

    Business is risky. Don't you recall your fake Economics? Even in the Real Economics, many businesses fail. Enron. Arbusto. Harken.
    You might want to review the failure rate for restaurants.

    Would you be so kind as to detail what you and your racist beleefs have to do with the fate of the business? Some Muslim businesses have been solvent for so long they probably bought and sold your ancestors. Which you would know...had you read any Real History.

    Selling gold. If it makes you happy to stroke it and store is your kids lunch money.


  177. hey elf coon uts:

    merry christmas from hobama

    memo from hobama
    winter agenda for black mongrel


    The already high rate of household utility shutoffs in Michigan is set to multiply several times over by this autumn as a result of a recent Michigan Court of Appeals decision. In July, the court made a ruling that would wipe out the statewide Low Income and Energy Efficiency Fund (LIEEF) by the fall.
    By contending that the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC), which regulates utilities, no longer has the authority to administer the entire Low Income Energy Efficiency program, the further collection of money for the fund is in jeopardy.
    The Michigan fund would be impacted at the very time the Obama administration is slashing the Federal Low Income Energy and Heating Assistance Program (LIHEAP) by as much as half. In fiscal year 2011, Michigan received $240 million from the federal government for LIHEAP block grants and other programs. In 2010, LIHEAP assisted 453,736 households in Michigan with an average utility payment of $177.
    With about $90 million in yearly distributions, Michigan’s state LIEEF assistance fund has a comparable scope. While the July court order blocks Consumers Energy (Mich Con’s) ability to collect $12 million to fund their portion of LIEEF, as regulators at the Michigan State Public Service Commission (MPSCC) take up more cases, more will be eliminated.
    The Michigan-based LIEEF fund is the major source of funds for utility assistance programs at several major Michigan non-profits. Also impacted will be the State Emergency Relief Fund (SER), a first-line state Department of Human Services program that relies on LIEEF to help low-income Michigan residents pay rising utility rates. LIEEF has distributed $500 million in assistance since it was established in 2002 in response to the 2001 recession.
    The devastation of these major sources of funds for social programs serving the most vulnerable, even as need is growing astronomically, is emblematic of the scale of cuts to vital social programs affecting every aspect of the life of the working class.

  178. "The police shut down a water park in Nashville today due to disorderly behavior by blacks. Recreational parks all over the country are now out of business due to black mob behavior.

    Field, what is going on?"

    It's the after-effects of eight years of W. :)

  179. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Why are you complaining that you can't understand posts written for a GenEd Grade Eight reader?

    Business is risky. Don't you recall your fake Economics? Even in the Real Economics, many businesses fail. Enron. Arbusto. Harken.
    You might want to review the failure rate for restaurants.

    Would you be so kind as to detail what you and your racist beleefs have to do with the fate of the business? Some Muslim businesses have been solvent for so long they probably bought and sold your ancestors. Which you would know...had you read any Real History.

    Selling gold. If it makes you happy to stroke it and store is your kids lunch money.


    See again in your world maybe, in my world much more is expected from an eight grader then poor incoherent sentence structure and horrible spelling skills masked by made up words.

    Remember, aim for the air intake on the engine on the way out of the plane.

  180. Anonymous9:15 PM

    FN, LOL!


  181. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Poor baby. Whine some more if it helps. Pout, even.
    Try to portray your self as an 'expert'. It makes me laugh. I am published. Not Sarey astroturf...not Vanity House...published.
    So your plaint is based on what? Jealousy?
    Keep pretending, silly. It is very revealing.

    Which is why I encourage people to do the tasks that Enlighten (and we know how much the religio-crazees hate them some Enlightenment) and improve. Like taking a class that shows what is going on. Posturing doesn't work...unless you are on a FAUX show and paid to play a role of pompous jerkhole.

    FN..still smirking over the post


  182. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Poor baby. Whine some more if it helps. Pout, even.
    Try to portray your self as an 'expert'. It makes me laugh. I am published. Not Sarey astroturf...not Vanity House...published.
    So your plaint is based on what? Jealousy?
    Keep pretending, silly. It is very revealing.

    Aahhhhh, I forgot that you are also a published what scientist, author? Terrorism IMAM advisor?

    So whats the name of your paper or book, give us a link so we can admire your writing creativity and skills. Pretty ironic considering you dont even have enough creativity to post original thoughts. So give us a link, or do we just add this claim to the column of load of bullshit things Mold has done professionally?

    P.S you are right, I am totally jealous of you. I wish I could be like and write just like, I might even go have a car accident or partially drown starving my brain of oxygen for 20 minutes so I can be just like you, Only I haven't done it yet because the pain of brain damage is so scarey.
