Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"The Killing"

“May God bless your souls” Those were Troy Davis’s last words to the men who killed him on behalf of the state of Georgia.
He is not here, so I will say those very words on his behalf to the rest of you in A-merry-ca: “May God bless your souls.”  

The McPhail family members who were there seemed to get some satisfaction from the entire process. Davis told them that he was sorry for their loss, but that he was innocent and did not kill their family member. According to reporters present, while Davis lay on the gurney they (the family members) stared at him, and after he took his final breath, they smiled and hugged each other. Justice was served.
What a country. Casey Anthony and OJ Simpson are alive, Charles Manson is alive, and Troy Davis is dead.  *shaking head*
I hope that he died quickly.

 America is dying as well, but her death has been slow and painful.

What happened to Troy Davis tonight just helped to speed up the process.     


  1. I'm too upset about this to sleep!

    Another great post Field!!


  3. “May God bless your souls”

  4. Field, I can't stop crying and this is going to be a long night.

    The account given by an eyewitness on the Democracy Now Live Stream would indicate that he didn't suffer. They said he did refused the Ativan that was offered before he was led to the death chamber.

    Appreciate the post!

  5. So let me get this straight. Obama is ordering the blowing up of terrorists, their families and any other collateral damage with drone missiles.No jury,no rights, in countries we are not at war with. Ordered the execution of OBL{while Liberals cheer}in a country we aren't at war with and Liberals fight continuously for the right to abortion which kills hundreds of thousands of babies a year. You decide to protest and cry over a convicted cop killers death by lethal injection?

  6. The Real Killer12:17 AM

    OJ DIDN'T DO IT;-()

  7. Anonymous12:19 AM

    @ Liberal Tormentor,

    Please go take your medication and go to bed.

  8. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Clearly, in this case, the supreme court and The Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles has appeased the minority and the minority has won the vote against the majority. There are no more legal barriers for the execution of Davis after there ...have been no findings whatsoever of: a gun..linking DNA..conclusive polygraph tests...yet there remains a possibility of the pigs coercing the testimony..a viable suspect who later confessed that it wasn't Davis ect.. The Palpably unfair act of conviction lies with of The Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles, Georgia Supreme Court, the County Courts,and the sentencing jury. This proves nothing more than in America, if you're poor and without the resources to challenge the system , a minority, or uneducated and the glove still don't fit, there is a likely chance you won't be acquitted. Davis' execution is nothing short of a 21rst century lynching, and the sad part is that it was as though he was a spectator in the crowd to the event as the whole thing unfolded. Justice has not been served to the family and to the millions who knew as much as the Supreme court and anything with half a brain that there was too much doubt.

  9. Anonymous12:22 AM

    This murder, to me, is symbolic of what the right wing Xtian nutbag agenda has done and will continue to do to living, breathing Americans who do not fit their mold or obey.
    This murder was American Christian pornography.

  10. Anonymous12:23 AM

    ..and may G-d damn the McPhail family for rejoicing in the loss of another family's loss.

  11. Anonymous12:25 AM

    " America is dying as well, but her death has been slow and painful."

    Field you forgot to put "Black" in front of "America". It is Black America that has been dying....quickly.

    BTW, the beige President is consistent in his remarks to Black America, which is to ignore anything happening to anyone Black. But he IS speaking out for immigrants, Latinos and Muslims.

    yep. they all receive his attention but the bm is not worth his time. How ironic and sad.

  12. Anonymous12:33 AM

    This proves nothing more than in America, if you're poor and without the resources to challenge the system , a minority, or uneducated and the glove still don't fit, there is a likely chance you won't be acquitted. Davis' execution is nothing short of a 21rst century lynching,

    Hardly, either Field is playing liberal shill and lying or he isn't aware of the facts. Troy Davis was a thug, he killed the cops. He had numerous trials and no matter how many times it is attempted to be twisted he was a murdering phsycopath.

    The shell casings for the person Troy shot in the face and the bullets that killed the cop matched.

    There weren't 9 witnesses, there were 34 eyewitnesses for the state, he murdered this cop in a burger king parking lot.

    Among the many witnesses who did not recant were three airforce who witnessed the shooting one said "you don't forget someone who stands over and shoots someone"

    Three of the "recantations" were from Friends of Davis and were unbelievable - one said he was no longer sure he saw Davis shoot the cop even though he was standing five feet away. One supposed recantation wasn't a recantation at all, the homeless guys girlfriend rather reiterated all relevant parts of her testimony.

    Only two recanted anything of value and their affidavits were discounted by the court because Davis REFUSED to allow them to testify even though one was in the courtroom. The court warned davis refusing to call them would make their changed story worthless he refused, suggesting their lawyer written affadavits would not stand up to cross examination

    More than a dozen courts looked at this case and refused to overturn his death sentence, because he was a cold blooded murderer.
    It's true that the bulk of the evidence against Davis was eyewitness testimony. That tends to happen when you shoot someone in a busy Burger King parking lot.

  13. “In the past two decades, seven of the nine witnesses in this case have recanted their testimony or changed their stories,”

    Where they force to change their stories? Where they conned,faked,paid, into changing their stories?

    Wouldn't be the first time lawyers or anti-deathrow folks have done that. Remember Ken Starr?

  14. mellaneous12:47 AM

    @Liberal tormentor don't you have any since of proportion any dignity any compassion?

    ...there is a time for everything a time to mourn, a time to rejoice, a time for...."

    Let folks have their moment of grief and sorrow. Its the human and the humane thing to do.

    You can come back tomorrow. Today let us mourn the loss of a human being because the system has determined that it the system must prevail and not justice.

    Thank you Field for taking time out and helping us to look at this more soberly and encouraging us to look at what this says about our system.

    The end is closer than it ever was, may God help us!

  15. Anon @ 12:33 AM, just reading your comments gives me doubt. And I know that you were trying for an opposite effect.

    Seven of the nine witnesses for the state recanted, and they stated in sworn affidavits that they were pressured by the police to testify the way they did at the trial?



    Yes, he might have been a punk and he was running with some bad dudes. But you forgot the fact that the person who reported Davis to the police in the first place was with Davis that day, and was the person who first accosted and beat that homeless man.

    Also,you might want to check on your facts regarding the gun:

    "One of the state's key claims at trial was that the same gun used to shoot Officer MacPhail was also used in the first of two shootings earlier that evening in another neighborho­od known as Cloverdale­--and that this 'fact' implicates Mr. Davis -- has now been called into serious doubt. The state attempted to link the two crimes based on 'expert' findings. The state had a ballistics examiner, Roger Parian, testify that there was enough similariti­es between a bullet fired in Cloverdale and a bullet removed from the officer's body that the bullets may have been fired from the same gun...

    The state's 'same gun' theory is no longer viable. A new report prepared by the Georgia Bureau of Investigat­ion years later at the request of the Board of Pardons and Paroles showed that the markings on the two bullets are insufficie­nt to determine that they were fired from the same gun. Former Georgia Bureau of Investigat­ion firearms examiner Christophe­r Robinson confirms that the 2007 GBI reports show that the state's 'same gun' testimony at trial was 'inaccurat­e and misleading­.' and that the 2007 GBI report 'indicates that it is impossible to tell whether the bullets were fired from the same firearm."”

    There is a very good chance that the guy who fingered Davis was the actual trigger man.

    But it doesn't matter now, does it?

  16. The Wages of Sin1:37 AM

    Troy Davis was a cold-blooded cop killer POS who should have been executed long ago.

    Justice was served.

    Now he can stand before God and receive his final judgement.

  17. No words, Field. None at all.

  18. "Troy Davis was a cold-blooded cop killer POS who should have been executed long ago.

    Justice was served.

    Now he can stand before God and receive his final judgement."

    And you are a vindictive piece of dogshit who will also receive his final judgement. Unfortunately for you, I doubt God will be as forgiving towards you as He may be towards Troy Davis.

  19. Mumia Abu Jamal1:39 AM

    There's nothing like killing a cop to get the black community to rally around you.

    Smartest thing I ever did.

  20. mellaneous1:43 AM

    Ode to Troy

    You found yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time

    You were born into an unfavorable race
    You were born into the unfavorable class
    You were born into an unfavorable system
    You were left at the mercy of the merciless

    You were forced to seek justice from the unjust
    You were judged and found wanting by those still wanting
    You were left to seek insight from those with eyes but no vision
    You were left without forgiveness by those who seek only retribution
    You sought final humane relief by your judges but was tortured instead

    But thanks be to God you have found comfort at last in the arms of the eternal, forgiving, loving and just God.

    In those arms we pray you find rest and the peace that too long abandoned you in the land of the lving.

  21. The Wages of Sin1:44 AM

    "And you are a vindictive piece of dogshit who will also receive his final judgement."

    Yes I will, as will you.

    Maybe then you can explain to God why you support letting cop murderering scum go free.

    You'd better start thinking now, Mack.

  22. @ Mellaneous:

    You forgot:

    "You murdered a cop in cold blood in a Burger King parking lot"

    I'm so glad that MF is dead.

  23. blackinalabama2:30 AM

    "Troy Davis was a cold-blooded cop killer POS who should have been executed long ago"

    "Now he can stand before God and
    receive his final judgement"

    Yes and according to your bible he can stand before a forgiving God and enter into the kingdom of Heaven.

  24. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Anon 12:33..where are you getting all this fabricated drivel?

    Did you have access to Davis' rap sheet to allege he was a "thug"?

    How do you know there were 34 witnesses?

    Were you there?

    I'm gonna need you to back up some of those allegations with actual facts and not some racist bullshit claims.

    The federal court that finally reviewed evidence of Davis' innocence agreed "this case centers on eyewitness testimony."

    Yet that court put to one side the fact that seven of the nine witnesses at the trial have now recanted, and new witnesses have implicated another man.

    The court did so while failing to carefully examine how eyewitnesses ultimately came to identify Davis as the man who shot a police officer intervening in a fight at a Burger King parking lot.

    The Troy Davis case— raises a wide array of flaws in our death penalty system, our post-conviction system, and the politics of criminal justice—is thus also a case about malleability of eyewitness memory and police misconduct.

    The pigs were in on it and the goobers at The Georgia Board of Pardons & Paroles had their minds made up to bring the needles out loong before reasonable doubt was made public because a white man had been killed and the McPhail widow will be hopping mad and justice will be denied for the only people who matter if the nigger isn't put to death and we just can't have that in Amerikkka. POINT BLANK.

    ps. watch your back mumia abu jamal..

    you've got some serious competition out there, son ;)

  25. NSangoma3:49 AM

    This weak gaming punk assed shit should insult the intelligence of the average Negroe:

    ... Later that morning, Sylvester “Red” Coles turned up at the police station with his attorney. He had been part of the argument that precipitated MacPhail’s shooting and wanted to tell the police his story. Across town, Troy Davis woke up and began to check items off his list of errands for the day: According to his sister, Martina, he would then head over to her house for a dinner party before catching a ride to Atlanta with her and her husband to look for work.” ...

    He conveniently leaves Savannah GA to go to Atlanta GA to look for a job, the day after the police officer was murdered.

    NEGROE Please!!

    Negroe when innocent, do not act guilty.

  26. "Yes I will, as will you.

    Maybe then you can explain to God why you support letting cop murderering scum go free.

    You'd better start thinking now, Mack."

    I'm not worried about explaining myself when the time comes.

    On the other hand, God will have a few questions about your vindictive, revenge-driven nature.

    "There's nothing like killing a cop to get the black community to rally around you.

    Smartest thing I ever did."

    Hello there Anonymous member who's co-opting a well-known man's name to make a point. We get what you're driving at. You can't be soft on any of those criminals, especially Nigger criminals, right?

    There's a difference between fighting miscarriages of justice and advocating unearned freedom for criminals. Being against the death penalty does not equal being "soft" on crime. Wanting those accused of a crime to be treated fairly and humanely in the course of discovering their guilt does not equal being "soft" on crime.

  27. NSangoma4:06 AM


    field booty, you are playing the same game here that you played with the Jena Six case.

    It is not that the Jena Six were innocent; in your humble opinion, the Jena Six had not been proven guilty.

    It is not that the Troy Davis was innocent; in your humble opinion, the evidence did not demonstrate that Troy Davis was guilty.

    MOTHER FUCK that!!

    Troy Davis had to go if for no other reason than being intellectually slow.

    We need to cull these slow Negroes from our gene pool.

    Where the rest of Troy Davis' family of pitiful Negroes at?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Anyone seen the real NSangoma lately? I don't remember that person being as batshit insane as this possible stand-in.

  30. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Mack Lyons, "Anyone seen the real NSangoma lately? I don't remember that person being as batshit insane as this possible stand-in"

    Maybe NSangoma is bi-polar? This disease goes untreated among some black men. Clearly, he is sick. However, there are quite a few sickos on FN. Don't you think so?

  31. "Anyone seen the real NSangoma lately? I don't remember that person being as batshit insane as this possible stand-in."


    "Yes I will, as will you.

    Maybe then you can explain to God why you support letting cop murderering scum go free."

    Hmmm, seems to me that a lot of folks here in A-merry-ca has some splaining to do.

    Let's start with our former president.

  32. "Maybe NSangoma is bi-polar? This disease goes untreated among some black men. Clearly, he is sick. However, there are quite a few sickos on FN. Don't you think so?"

    Yes, I do......

  33. I think the question is if you associate with bad people and do bad things ( except murder someone), do you deserve to die for that?

    The answer in this case especially given all the reasonable doubt, is no. But isn't Bernie Madolf guilty of the white collar version of what Troy Davis did?

  34. Anonymous7:12 AM

    There is one unhappy Negro whom Mack gave the name 'depressed Negro'. Field later called that depressed Negro a "loser" because this Negro felt in his heart that "it sucks to be a bm in America". To have Field call you a "loser" is depressing; to have Mack Lyons call you a depressed Negro is depressing; to have Rottenkid call you names is depressing. I tell you, to be a bm in America is depressing.

  35. Anonymous7:49 AM

    America has lost its soul. We celebrated the murder of a man that could have been put on trial and then executed in fact our President call it justice. We just executed a man whose conviction was questionable to say the least- our Supreme Court did not act ( never expected the federal or state courts in Ga to do justice under the circumstances). The green-eyed monster now owns 60+% of the country and 90% of the executive, legislative, and judicial branchws of government.

  36. Nothing To Burn In Detroit8:32 AM

    It's a tragedy, a tragedy, I tell you!

    I think ya'll should burn down Atlanta. The Yankees got away with it once, you know.

  37. ditto

    i do not believe in religion/hell because i see daily that nothing could be more hellish than this racist elitist evil EARTH!!!...

    i am wounded...and petrified
    i pray this same horror does not happen to mumia soon also

    and i am not angry at the mcphail family

    they only believe what the racist police and other black liars have told them...

    like the black dog who actually lied on troy and shot their kin

    our entire justus system is criminal and murderous
    who will execute the states????

    have hobama and eric said anything about troy yet?????


  38. fn:

    never forget

    clarence t slew troy too

    hobama is amerikkka's newest superstar blackish executioner...

    as he funds the PIC more than any prez ever

    PIC = Poor In Cages...


  39. and MOST of the GA penal officials
    who slew troy are also black

    class and amorality trump race and innocence always

  40. AB

    "And MOST of the GA penal officials
    who slew troy are also black"

    Evidence please.

    Your Aunt Jemima shuffling is really getting annoying.

  41. BTW

    Casey Anthony was straight up PWT and she's walking around free today while her three year old baby is cold and dead in the ground by her hands.

  42. NSangoma10:10 AM

    NSangoma, a sock-puppet for NSangoma.

    NSangoma, a poseur for NSangoma.

    Interesting concept(s).

    No, your ever loving 'Sangoma is not batshit insane, your ever loving 'Sangoma is batshit crazy.


  43. LMAO!!!!

    Like shooting fish in a barrel.

    Ask AB to substantiate her assertions with evidence and she launches into a totally irrelevant rant.

  44. troy had public defenders.

    if troy had michelle's jewelry to pawn for a real atty...he may be alive today


    i will NEVER EVER defend her!!!

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  47. kudos to all the angry hurt rebel youth who did not riot in ga last night

    thank god the pookies were at the clubs etc...


  48. uptownsteve said...

    Casey Anthony was straight up PWT and she's walking around free today while her three year old baby is cold and dead in the ground by her hands.

    For that you can thank the shameful actions of the judge (who happened to be black), the incompetent prosecutors, and a brain-dead jury.

    Casey Anthony should have been shot like a dog.

    Same with Troy Davis.

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. troy davis was framed and murdered with nominal verbal hearsay "evidence"

    casey a got away with a sloppy murder and droves of dna evidence

    including an entire corpse rotted in a trash bag

    there is no comparison

  51. Anon Goober

    "For that you can thank the shameful actions of the judge (who happened to be black)"

    For instance?

    Watch this folks.

    This fool is going to launch into an irrelevant rant because he pulled this out of his ass.

  52. Anonymous11:16 AM

    AB, "they only believe what the racist police and other black liars have told them...

    like the black dog who actually lied on troy and shot their kin

    our entire justus system is criminal and murderous
    who will execute the states????"


    Preach it, AB. WE, the Black people are our worst enemies, whether we are in the hood or in the WH. Farrakhan is right. WE are losers...hopeless. It is very sad when I think about MLK and MalcolmX of what could have been, but we turned on ourselves and joined the racists against us.

    An innocent black man would still be alive today and the murderous one would be executed IF Blacks had the moral decency, and the moral potency to stand up for truth and what's right.

    Instead, WE trash, and kill each other while Whites observe with amusement.
    Blacks are such a weak fearful lot. We have code, no vision, no beliefs, no conscience. We are finished.

  53. AB

    "u blatantly lie and make up bs daily u bold fool!!!!"

    For instance????

    Watch again folks.

    I'm huntin' trolls, nuisances and bs artists today so get ready.

  54. ANON

    11:16 AM

    Who do you think you're fooling idiot?

    Your nothing but a neurotic Stormfront loser addicted to black blogs.

  55. Troy's Outta Luck..Why Not Make A Buck11:21 AM

    Looks like there's a hot new tee shirt out!:

  56. anon:



    i am proud to be 48
    i pity the youth for what they inherit and endure...especially post hobama

    brother dawud said it best on youtube long ago

    "malcolm hated u scared dirty was his own assisted suicide via the noi/fbi...because he was tired of u black evil envious cowards"


    ossie davis was one of the few true friends to malcolm always

    ossie said the same with more prose and tact at mx's eulogy

    There are those who will consider it their duty, as friends of the Negro people, to tell us to revile him, to flee, even from the presence of his memory, to save ourselves by writing him out of the history of our turbulent times. Many will ask what Harlem finds to honor in this stormy, controversial and bold young captain - and we will smile. Many will say turn away - away from this man, for he is not a man but a demon, a monster, a subverter and an enemy of the black man - and we will smile. They will say that he is of hate - a fanatic, a racist - who can only bring evil to the cause for which you struggle! And we will answer and say to them : Did you ever talk to Brother Malcolm? Did you ever touch him, or have him smile at you? Did you ever really listen to him? Did he ever do a mean thing? Was he ever himself associated with violence or any public disturbance? For if you did you would know him. And if you knew him you would know why we must honor him.

    Malcolm was our manhood, our living, black manhood! This was his meaning to his people. And, in honoring him, we honor the best in ourselves. Last year, from Africa, he wrote these words to a friend: 'My journey', he says, 'is almost ended, and I have a much broader scope than when I started out, which I believe will add new life and dimension to our struggle for freedom and honor and dignity in the States. I am writing these things so that you will know for a fact the tremendous sympathy and support we have among the African States for our Human Rights struggle. The main thing is that we keep a United Front wherein our most valuable time and energy will not be wasted fighting each other.' However we may have differed with him - or with each other about him and his value as a man - let his going from us serve only to bring us together, now.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. AB and others who think that Obama should have stepped in at the last minute and rescued Troy Davis, its an emotionally satisfying thought, but note two things:

    Troy Davis first went to prison when I was in the 7th grade over 20 years ago. Pappy Bush, Clinton and Bush the Lesser all let a possibly innocent man (along with other innocent men) rot in prison awaiting the gallows. Clinton and Bush made the death penalty hallmarks for their 'tough on crime' stance on the campaign trail. So, this won't be the first or last time a President doesn't intervene in a death penalty case.

    Hell, Bubba broke from the campaign to oversee a convicted learning disabled man undergo lethal injection and Bush the Lesser mocked a condemned woman. Last time I checked, Obama wasn't bragging about killing a convict.

    Second, the last thing you want the President to do is to intervene in matters that don't affect the executive. Remember Terry Schiavo? The President legally can't do much of anything. Its called the 10th Amendment. Do you really want Obama or any other federal agent intervening in a state law that doesn't violate federal law? Probably not. Also, shouldn't the President be focused on reigniting the economy and preventing the Middle East peace process from breaking down in the UN? (I have my reservations about that one - but that's another post). Also, it wouldn't look cool (and possibly illegal, correct me if I'm wrong Field) but the President would be overruling the Supreme Court. Probably not illegal, but certainly not a good look.

    Despite our emotions and outrage, Obama can not and should not try to be the Negro Superman, flying in to right every wrong and travesty.

    If anything, Troy Davis' life and death need not be in vain. We must use this as to revive the debate and ultimately end the death penalty and dismantle the prison industrial complex. State sanctioned murder and warehousing mass numbers of the adult population like raid dogs shouldn't be the model for a developed nation of the West.

  59. Troy Davis was injected with the Lethal injection 15 minutes before he died. It was not quick.

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  61. Last Cigarette11:40 AM

    "Redeye said...
    Troy Davis was injected with the Lethal injection 15 minutes before he died. It was not quick.


    AMEN. Bring back the firing squad!

  62. In an age of pervasive racial profiling and militarized policing, impunity is the order of the day in local law enforcement. When summary execution and casual sadism pass for justice at the street cop level, where is the appeal of last resort? Certainly not the Obama Justice Department.

    The Obama administration's refusal to seek justice for Sean Bell through the civil rights statutes should cause us to review the history. The feds began to prosecute killers on denial of civil rights grounds because southern white law enforcement agencies and juries refused to mete out punishment to racist murderers. Federal prosecutors felt compelled to take the civil rights route because entrenched racism made justice an impossibility in the state courts. More than two generations later, in the age of mass Black incarceration, a police state exists on the streets of New York and all our major cities. Police can organize instant firing squads or shove objects up people's rear ends, with near impunity. The circumstances cry out, just as forty-plus years ago, for federal intervention. But even the horrifying facts of the Sean Bell case are not enough to move the Obama administration's Justice Department.

  63. hey lack:

    too bad troy davis was not a rich

    Sean Bell and Oscar Grant were shot down like dogs, but that was none of Barack Obama's concern. But when a local cop racially profiled Dr. Henry Louis Gates as if he were just another Black man, Obama's world shook. “To be subsumed within the Black mass means class death. No one was safe!”

    What compelled President Barack Obama, the great practitioner of the art of dodging racial issues, to put precious political capital at risk in defense of Dr. Henry Louis “Skip” Gates, whose run-in with a Cambridge policeman threatened neither the Harvard professor’s life nor freedom? At no time in his candidacy or brief tenure as president had Obama displayed the slightest inclination to voluntarily come to the defense of Black folks in general or to interpose himself between white power and any individual African American. In this sense, he has been studiously “race-neutral” – or some would say, downright hostile to Blacks in the mass.

    When New York City police went unpunished for killing unarmed Sean Bell in a barrage of 50 bullets, President Obama tersely stated that Blacks should “respect the verdict that came down.” Obama had nothing at all to say when a Bay Area transit cop was video-taped fatally shooting Oscar Grant in the back as he lay face down and handcuffed. And why should Obama have spoken out, anyway? These were not his people. Oh no, they were the problem people, a problem for everybody, but especially for the Better Class of Blacks, who would now have to work even harder to disassociate themselves from the Bells and Grants of Black America.
    But the “Skip” Gates case cried out for solidarity. Obama stood up for his class (at least briefly), the political fallout be damned.

  64. how long will u bold blind suicidal masochistic soulless black racist hobama nazis lie about what we sane blacks demand from hobama??????

    it has been 3+ years...wtfu!!!!!

    Reed continues his scurrilously- Fox News like -attacks against progressives who speak truth to power, by misleading whites liberals and Blacks folks into thinking that progressives want Obama to sport a black beret, sunglasses, and throw a black leather gloved first in the air on national TV. What we have been saying over and over again, is that President Obama should use the elegant rhetoric that got him elected President, to honestly explain to America how the disparity between rich and power in our country is now equal to Great Depression era levels and how one percent of the population controls 40 percent of the wealth while the rich are demanding more! But I guess the best we can do is allow President Obama to waste away his Presidency by continuing to be the night watchmen of the plutocrats who sank The United State’s of America into the icy sea, while they speed off ( with all the money) aboard a luxurious yacht purchased from The United State’s Treasury.

  65. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Obama had no power to reverse a state court decision.

    AB you are a fucking freak. Even today you couldn't take your meds and stay on topic, could you?

    How do you support yourself? Must be those SSI/mentally disabled payments.

  66. Lt. Commander Johnson11:52 AM

    "alicia banks said...
    or shove objects up people's rear ends, with near impunity.

    11:43 AM"

    Now, now, AB.....don't go getting Seaman Steve all excited.

  67. silly assnon:

    scan up.

    pay attn.

    quote me or stfu!!!!

    hobama has made no comment about troy as he did skippy!!!!

  68. Last Cigarette said...
    "Redeye said...
    Troy Davis was injected with the Lethal injection 15 minutes before he died. It was not quick.


    AMEN. Bring back the firing squad!

    He should have been marched out to that same Burger King parking lot and shot in the head in front of the public.

    Let's do Mumia next.

  69. hey lack:

    all of these men deserve more attn from hobama than skippy!!!!

  70. Anonymous said...

    Obama had no power to reverse a state court decision.

    11:52 AM

    Anon, thank you for reenforcing my point. The federal government has no right to stop a state sponsored execution because well, there's no federal law banning state sponsored executions. Sad but true.

    Alicia, you're as predictable as the tides and a Swiss army watch. I bring up facts and the law, you bring up random net roots blogs that you often misquote and are often more off base than you.

    Have a good day, Field Negroes.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. catty lying hobama girl lack:

    what is predictable is how whiny bitchy hobama loving nigs like u pretend i am saying that hobama could have stopped an execution

    i said he should speak up for troy as he did skippy

    hobama did not save skippy from arrest either

    but hobama gave credence to skippy as he refused to do for troy/sean/oscar


  73. lying lack:

    sorry inept original mf nigs make up lies when they cannot handle truths

    carry on u hobama nazi bitches

    hobama is not your deddy/dl lover!!!!

    get over him and wtfu asap

  74. rabid uber hobama nazi lack:

    a lying weak wimpy nelly bitch like u will never kill any messengers

    thus u attack and twist the msgs

    i get that a lot


    i respect the truth from any source

    just as u love and respect any evil via hobama

    always have
    always will


  75. liar lack:


    quote ONE time i have ever misquoted anyone/any blog

    like your cloned coon dl hobama bottom uts

    YOU have to degrade the source to upgrade your nonexistent debate skills


  76. A Half-Black Kenyan Joke1:27 PM

    LOL. Before long, you black folks are going to start forgetting your Messiah is one-half black, and are going to start hollering, "Get that Honkie pretender out of the White House!". Ya'll need to get your act together and give yo faux brutha a helping hand back to "Community Organizing". Obama couldn't organize an ant farm.



    LOL, LOL, LOL.

    Look at what the Markets are doing, that AIN'T LOL!

  77. Chairman Soetoro1:34 PM

    Don't you be dissing the Sacred Halfrican!

  78. Anonymous1:44 PM

    AB, "Malcolm was our manhood, our living, black manhood! This was his meaning to his people. And, in honoring him, we honor the best in ourselves. Last year, from Africa, he wrote these words to a friend: 'My journey', he says, 'is almost ended, and I have a much broader scope than when I started out, which I believe will add new life and dimension to our struggle for freedom and honor and dignity in the States. I am writing these things so that you will know for a fact the tremendous sympathy and support we have among the African States for our Human Rights struggle. The main thing is that we keep a United Front wherein our most valuable time and energy will not be wasted fighting each other.' However we may have differed with him - or with each other about him and his value as a man - let his going from us serve only to bring us together, now."

    Thank you for this quote. It eloquently sums up what I have always felt and always wanted and continue to wish for in our race. But again, it feels hopeless. We have had so much time, to bring forth this kind of inner strength, courage, integrity, clean clear honesty, and love for each other.

    Instead, we show through our words, emotions and behaviors that we actually fear and hate each other more than Whites could ever do. Yet, when some courageous brother or sister mentions the obvious truth-which is in plain sight-the loud-mouth vociferous Blacks shout them down with insults and threats.

    I never believed Farrakhan's words that the black race is doomed because of its failure to care for each other; to unify for its own well-being and survival; to not hate but love each other. But I believe him now.

    Love each other? Please. As a race we are as far from the loving heart as one can get.... Satan is even closer. IMO, we know a lot about degradation of each other, but many know little about selfless love.

    Hell, we don't even know how to talk to one another with respect: "buck-dancing tom, loser, nigger, coon, slave catcher, House Negro, uncle tom, the list of black degradation BY BLACKS seems to be endlessly growing....a sign of deepening intolerance and hatred of each other. The latest new insult and is "depressed Negro", an obvious insensitivity and ignorance of a PTSD disease that some Blacks cannot tolerate.

    FN is an interesting blog for those interested in hate, and untreated emotional sickness that brings on depression and PTSD. It's hidden right in front of our faces, but we are blind and can't see.

  79. anon:


    i call out all nigs as i see them

    just as mx did


    lack and uts have LIED on me all day as usual

    as they IGNORE the kkk herein


    Here is more on my hero mx

    I pray he and troy and mlk and huey and harriet…are chilling together today….

    More on the ongoing hate/lies/hobama Nazi bs etc

  80. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Lac, "AB and others who think that Obama should have stepped in at the last minute and rescued Troy Davis, its an emotionally satisfying thought, but note two things:"

    That is not the point, LAC. The point is he has not said much of anything on issues that involve the profound 'human' suffering of Blacks. He, AND his wife have remained mute on the ever growing unemployment and misery of Blacks, the of poverty, Blacks, the injustices perpetrated on Blacks, the degradation of Blacks, the overwhelming violence that Blacks encounter everyday.

    It's not Troy Davis, but a signal to Obama that he has not said or done anything in the interest of Blacks, Period. Obama has proven again and again, time after time that he doesn't give a damn about Blacks. Clearly he is a Negro who only cares about himself. Hell, he hasn't said a thing about the insults hurled at his family.

    Does he have any boundaries? Where does he draw the line? Nevertheless, he mirrors what WE as a race looks like: Timid, fearful, divided, and basically uncaring and unsympathetic toward each other.

    If that isn't depressing then it does not exist. No human being of any race in America can survive unwanted and alone.

  81. anon:

    u e equally eloquent as ossie


    PROOF that we hate each other is how MOST of us can adore hobama as he slays us all


    The last refuge of Obamaphiles is that no matter how many times the First Black President double-crosses us by cutting Medicare and Medicaid, no matter how completely be betrays his voters us by ignoring black unemployment, by deporting one million Latinos, by protecting the banksters responsible for the foreclosure crisis and by invading, bombing, occupying and subverting even more countries than the Cheney-Bush regime, his white supremacist tea party opponents are far worse. But what if Democrat Barack and the Republican tea partyers are just playing different positions on the same team?

    When Republicans invade new countries, global public opinion can put millions worldwide in protest demonstrations in the street. When Democrats invade, there are no demonstrations. When Republicans propose social security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts, and try to regulate unions out of existence, public outcries and near general-strike situations loom. When Democrats do the same, all is quiet. Republicans could not even pass their own bailout bills with a Republican in the White House. So between bigoted, bumbling tea party Republicans, and level-headed, competent corporate Democrats, which is the greater evil? And which is the more effective evil?

  82. All these expressions of sympathy for someone who clearly seems to have been a vicious murderer are puzzling to me. Multiple eyewitness acounts of an execution-style killing are quite damning. Why do so many black murderers receive such an outpouring of support from the black community?

    When I see white liberals out protesting for Mumia, I think it's just an expression of their hate for their culture.

    Do blacks really believe in the innocence of black muderers like OJ, Davis, and Mumia, or is it an expression of their support for killing whites, especially white authority figures such as police?

  83. illiterate assnon:

    cc that bs to

    the pope
    troy's own warden
    and millions of others

    who unlike u

    are NOT arrogantly ignorant about troy's case!

  84. It's obvious that AB and this pathetic anon troll have deep emotional and psychological problems.

    Imagine clogging up someone else's blog endlessly because of a pathetic need for SOMEONE to notice you.

    It's very sad in a way.

  85. "Hell, we don't even know how to talk to one another with respect: "buck-dancing tom, loser, nigger, coon, slave catcher, House Negro, uncle tom, the list of black degradation BY BLACKS seems to be endlessly growing....a sign of deepening intolerance and hatred of each other. The latest new insult and is "depressed Negro", an obvious insensitivity and ignorance of a PTSD disease that some Blacks cannot tolerate."

    As opposed to white rightwingers who engage in terrorism against their political opponents?

    Be for real fool.

  86. we are all troy davis!!!!

    more on innocent framed black men



    darryl hunt
    the central pk 5

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. AB

    You make my point.

    You have your own blog, yet you're always here yapping.

    Why is that?

  90. cc that to the other yappers with blogs


    lying nig morons like you are banned from my blog

    but my yaps slay u HERE

    and slaying u is fun!!!

    see coon???

  91. AB

    I find you and your anon buddy BORING.

    A couple of pathetic flea infested stray dogs barking at the full moon.

  92. uptownsteve said...
    I'm huntin' trolls, nuisances and bs artists today so get ready.

    Any Toms to report? I'm huntin' today.

  93. AB

    "bubba and jimmy have spoken on troy"

    Neither one of them are in office, are they?

    No political accountability.

    Tell me you're not this stupid AB.

  94. cowardly coon uts:

    any excuse will do u hobama sucking fools

    cc that bs to skippy gates u dumb dl doormat nig!!!!!!!!

    and cc that bs to h leal too

  95. Any of the Rethug POTUS candidates speak out on Troy Davis?


    They're too busy performing for goober audiences who cheer for state sponsored executions.

  96. Obama Sin Laden3:22 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Any of the Rethug POTUS candidates speak out on Troy Davis?

    Who gives a shit about another no-good killer getting his due?

  97. @ The Melanin Challenged Anons.....

    Whyyyyyyy???(in the voice of the ice skater, Nancy Kerrigan) whyyyyyyy? do you continue to "try" to sabotage this blog??? I have tried over and over again to contribute to the discussion of the day, but, to no avail. Yahoos like you always "hang around" blogs by black people. GO AWAY.

  98. Thank you Essence.

    They're pathetic neurotic losers who are obsessed with their hatred of blacks.

    However they don't have the guts to confront us face to face.

  99. Yahoo4:02 PM

    Essence73T said...
    Yahoos like you always "hang around" blogs by black people. GO AWAY.

    So you can celebrate the killers of the "Melanin Challenged" in peace?

    You racist POS.

  100. The only ones celebrating killing around here are pieces of garbage like YOU.

  101. To the Yahoo of Yahoos....

    I am AGAINST the DEATH PENALTY...ANYWHERE...I'm a Texan and I was AGAINST the execution here last present your FACTS with a little backup...K? And BTW, people who have a "limited" vocabulary generally resort to Swearing, Cursing, Cussin'(if you will). :)

  102. we are all troy davis

    and we always have been

    and the world is watching....shame!!!!!

    On June 16th, 1944, the United States put to rest the youngest person ever to be subjected to the death penalty.

    George Junius Stinney Jr. was only 14 when he was arrested and charged for allegedly murdering an 8 and an 11-year -old duo of white girls with a large railroad spike.

    The sheriff at the time said Stinney admitted to the killings, but there is only his word — no written record of the confession has been found. A lawyer with the case figures threats of mob violence and not being able to see his parents rattled the seventh-grader.

  103. still no word from hobama

    and the world is watching that blackish mute bitch hobama too!!!


    wonder if these hbcu students donned their hobama tees to dc???

    The students were told to move from the front of the White House to Lafayette Square. They refused to move and were then arrested.

    One of the students, Marcus Ware, said they weren’t being rowdy or violent.

    “We weren’t being aggressive,” Ware said.

    They believed the White House needed to intervene at such a critical stage in the process.

    Despite worldwide reaction and protests regarding Davis’ possible innocence of a murder conviction, Davis was still executed at 11:08 p.m. ET on Wednesday night.

  104. Justice was served.5:05 PM

    "Despite worldwide reaction and protests regarding Davis’ possible innocence of a murder conviction, Davis was still executed at 11:08 p.m. ET on Wednesday night."

    Despite overwhelming evidence regarding Davis' guilt, black people still wanted him freed.


  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. lying racist kkk assnon:

    "overwhelming evidence" is a fantasy

    just like you ever taking off your sheets

    cc it or stfu!!!!

  107. hey sexist colorist lying coon uts:

    jason is a real man i love!!!!

  108. Jason5:20 PM

    alicia banks said...
    jason is a real man i love!!!!


    Enough to let me probe the depths of your womanhood?

  109. AnonymousE5:25 PM

    Who is the field negro, for this seems to be the alicia banks blog.

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. Anonymous5:30 PM

    No one will ever know for sure if brother Troy was innocent or guilty.The only thing known for sure is it sucks to be a black man in Amerikkka.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. Achmed5:39 PM

    Anonymous said...
    No one will ever know for sure if brother Troy was innocent or guilty.The only thing known for sure is it sucks to be a black man in Amerikkka.

    As opposed to where?

  114. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Essence73T said...
    @ The Melanin Challenged Anons.....

    Whyyyyyyy???(in the voice of the ice skater, Nancy Kerrigan) whyyyyyyy? do you continue to "try" to sabotage this blog??? I have tried over and over again to contribute to the discussion of the day, but, to no avail. Yahoos like you always "hang around" blogs by black people. GO AWAY.

    3:27 PM

    Be serious. The biggest danger to this blog is AB! Look what she did all day long. No one else posted.

    Some do believe she is a white male. Whatever it is it is surely sick.

  115. yapping assnon uts:

    we see u.

    and each post reminds us of how i slew u today and how i slay u daily...

    we feel your pain:

    paul/kucinich 2012

  116. Get Real6:26 PM

    Troy Davis shot a cop in full view of dozens of witnesses in a Burger King parking lot, only a few hours after shooting at a passing car while exiting a party.

    After a two-week trial with 34 witnesses for the state and six witnesses for the defense, the jury of seven blacks and five whites took less than two hours to convict Davis of Officer Mark MacPhail's murder, as well as various other crimes. Two days later, the jury sentenced Davis to death.

    Several of the eyewitnesses knew Davis personally. The bulk of the eyewitness testimony established the following:

    Two tall, young black men were harassing a vagrant in the Burger King parking lot, one in a yellow shirt and the other in a white Batman shirt. The one in the white shirt used a brown revolver to pistol-whip the vagrant. When a cop yelled at them to stop, the man in the white shirt ran, then wheeled around and shot the cop, walked over to his body and shot him again, smiling.

    Several of Davis' friends testified -- without recantation -- that he was the one in a white shirt. Several eyewitnesses, both acquaintances and strangers, specifically identified Davis as the one who shot Officer MacPhail.

    Recanted testimony is the least believable evidence since it proves only that defense lawyers managed to pressure some witnesses to alter their testimony, conveniently after the trial has ended.

    Only two of the seven alleged "recantations" (out of 34 witnesses) actually recanted anything of value -- and those two affidavits were discounted by the court because Davis refused to allow the affiants to testify at the post-trial evidentiary hearing, even though one was seated right outside the courtroom, waiting to appear.

    There's a reason more than a dozen courts have looked at Davis' case and refused to overturn his death sentence. He is as innocent as every other executed man since at least 1950, which is to say, guilty as hell.

  117. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Alicia banks, you are one of the silliest bitches that ever posted on this blog. Always spouting the same shit on a daily basis. You are a disgrace to the gay community and the black race.

  118. Anonymous6:27 PM

    anon5:39pm, "No one will ever know for sure if brother Troy was innocent or guilty.The only thing known for sure is it sucks to be a black man in Amerikkka."

    Careful anon, you will be called a "loser" by Field, a "depressed Negro" by Mack Lyons, and told to "off yourself" by UTS.:)

  119. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Anon6:26pm "Alicia banks, you are one of the silliest bitches that ever posted on this blog. Always spouting the same shit on a daily basis. You are a disgrace to the gay community and the black race."

    I agree that she can be silly. But if she is a disgrace to her race, then you have GOT to know that AB has plenty of company on FN blog from chauvinistic homophobic racist black men who deny they are chauvinistic homophobic racists.

    These dudes attack other men who speak the truth about being Black in America, which ain't too good. But you will NEVER read a post on FN about this truth. That's because those dudes swear up and down that they are happy, joyous and free. And bm who feel any less than that should "off themselves."

    Wouldn't you think that bm who feel good about themselves would not tell another to go kill themselves? Or call another brother asswipe for asking a question? Yeah, AB has plenty of company when it comes to disgrace.

  120. "Wouldn't you think that bm who feel good about themselves would not tell another to go kill themselves"

    Why not?

    You're obviously miserable and wish you were something else besides what God made you.

    Since you will never be anything other than black (as you claim) and it makes you sad, then off yourself.

    You can't speak for anyone but yourself.

    Stop trying to project your personal failure and loserdom onto others.

  121. Anonymous7:06 PM

    uts, "Stop trying to project your personal failure and loserdom onto others."

    You are projecting, AGAIN.

  122. Fact time.

    A person who posts "anonymously" 24/7 is a classic case of someone who is ashamed of who they are.

    It's so obvious.

  123. John J. Moethefokker III7:31 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Fact time.

    A person who posts "anonymously" 24/7 is a classic case of someone who is ashamed of who they are.

    It's so obvious.

    You mean like someone who posts under an anonymous pseudonym like "uptownsteve"?

  124. puh-leeze. My picture and info is public record.

    One of you anonymous goobers actually called my job.

    That's how totally sick and pathetic you are.

  125. Anonymous7:51 PM

    anon "Wouldn't you think that bm who feel good about themselves would not tell another to go kill themselves"
    stevie boy replied, "Why not?
    You're obviously miserable and wish you were something else besides what God made you."

    LMBAO!!!! Steve, your spiritual IQ is too low to determine whether someone should kill themselves-'Unless' you ARE GOD. You must have had a hand in the decision of Troy Davis’s life.

    You have no idea what God has intended for anon, or even for your grandiose dumb ass. But who knows? God might be planning something priceless to give you. in large doses of humility just to make your callous petrified mind a little more pliable.

    You have got to be the most arrogant nut since Dick Cheney. ROFLMBAO!!!!

  126. John J. Moethefokker III7:52 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    puh-leeze. My picture and info is public record.

    One of you anonymous goobers actually called my job.

    Were you asleep?

  127. Anonymous7:53 PM

    "One of you anonymous goobers actually called my job."

    Now why would someone want to do that? and 'how' is that possible, goober?

    Nobody believes you anyway, you big LIAR.

  128. Anonymous7:59 PM

    anon, "Were you asleep?"

    Steve, don't fall asleep!!! Those goobers can enter into your dreams and really fuck you up. Please brother, stay awake!

    And don't think goobers are all White. They come in all colors! Things are really eff's up these days in America.

    Why do you think Francis L. Holland left? I am moving to Brazil myself as soon as I can get my Brazilian ebonics in order.

  129. uptownsteve said...
    puh-leeze. My picture and info is public record.

    One of you anonymous goobers actually called my job.

    That's how totally sick and pathetic you are.

    Steve that's really f*cked up!

    Wonder if the HAGS (Hatin' ass goobers) know that a Black man that can afford to live in a mini mansion, probably has an Attorney on stand by too.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. Anon

    "Now why would someone want to do that?"

    That's the question I asked.

    It must be because the loser had no life and was jealous of someone who did.


    "and 'how' is that possible, goober?"

    Field knows what happened and we dealt with it.


  132. Dr. Queen

    "Steve that's really f*cked up!"

    Oh yeah they did.

    Got a hold of my name, position, company and company phone number.

    Then called the toll free number and told the receptionist (LOL!!) that I was posting on the internet during work hours.

    Happened back in May.

    What a loser.

  133. Steve I believe you're going back and forth tonight with my future med school cadaver.

    And if you keep beaten' his ass like this, there's going to be so much tissue necrosis I won't have much to slice and dice, LOL!!!

  134. uptownsteve said...
    Got a hold of my name, position, company and company phone number.

    Well d@mn, ain't that a b*tch/their Mama!

  135. Dr. Queen

    I'm just getting tired of these anon goons trying to bust up this blog.

    They can't deal with black folks passing them by when the one lifeline they've psychologically held on to is that they're better than any nigger.

    Desperate, pitiable losers.

  136. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Steve, you don't just have Whites who dislike you, there are a host of Blacks who don't.

    Why is that? Is it because the Blacks don't have a life either? Oh, I forgot. They shouldn't be alive. they should "oft" themselves.

    Do you know what they call you in the hood?

  137. Anonymous8:42 PM

    steve, "Then called the toll free number and told the receptionist (LOL!!) that I was posting on the internet during work hours."

    If that really happened, then why are you laughing(LOL) brother? You should be both sad and angry. But you are laughing. That ain't human.

  138. So given your situation Steve, I guess I'm supposed REALLY want to discuss with an audience of HICKS details about my MCAT scores, exactly where I'm applying to med school and when ( everywhere but GA), the other universities I've graduated from, ect ect. All the while, these a$$holes post bullsh*t on THIS Black blog 24/7, and go out of their way to ruin a Black man's success.


    And the ass of my mother, cousins, nieces, uncles, and aunts. And any other relative I left out!

    And yours too Steve, LOL!!!!!

  139. Anon,

    "If that really happened, then why are you laughing(LOL) brother?"

    Because the goober couldn't harm me.

    Even the receptionist commented that only a loser would do something like that.

    "You should be both sad and angry"

    There you go projecting again fool.

    I'm not you.

    A pathetic loser.

  140. Dr. Topshelf8:53 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Steve I believe you're going back and forth tonight with my future med school cadaver.

    That's pretty sick, although farcical, as the only thing near death around here is your medical career.

    You will never be a doctor.

  141. Queen

    "All the while, these a$$holes post bullsh*t on THIS Black blog 24/7, and go out of their way to ruin a Black man's success."

    They try to disrupt a black man's blog and even go so far as to attempt to affect a black man's job.


  142. HICKS9:00 PM

    Ms. Queen said....
    I guess I'm supposed REALLY want to discuss with an audience of HICKS details about my MCAT scores, exactly where I'm applying to med school...

    We really don't care how poorly you did on your MCATs or where you are wasting people's time in the admission offices of med schools.

    We would, however, advise you to make sure every school you apply to knows that you are black, although that should be readily apparent when they read the Ghettoese.

    You will never be a doctor.

  143. Goobaire9:03 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    They try to disrupt a black man's blog and even go so far as to attempt to affect a black man's job.

    Don't worry steve, everybody knows you can't fire a black man in America today.

    That's what Obama is counting on, although it might not work if you are only half black.

  144. Anonymous9:04 PM

    stevie, "Anon,

    "If that really happened, then why are you laughing(LOL) brother?"

    Because the goober couldn't harm me.

    Even the receptionist commented that only a loser would do something like that.

    "You should be both sad and angry"

    There you go projecting again fool.

    I'm not you.

    A pathetic loser

    Well, speaking as psychologist when something like that happens to a healthy minded individual with healthy emotions, they feel violated. That's what is know in the mental health field as a healthy person.

    Since you are laughing and consider a normal healthy person to be a loser, you obviously come from a culture of a different kind of human being, if you can call it that. And you think you are alright? I don't think so.

  145. Anonymous9:07 PM

    uts is a superman who doesn't feel anything but laughter. Typical grinning Negro, afraid of his true feelings. Steve, yu must be afraid of your own shadow.

  146. Uh oh Queen,

    Now he's fixating on you.

    You think that if these anon fools had a woman and a job they wouldn't be here 24/7 annoying people?

  147. uptownsteve said...
    There you go projecting again fool.

    I'm not you.

    A pathetic loser.

    I gotta admit Steve, when I put my cap and gown on recently with the silver and grey lining my gold and black hood, my smile got little broader knowing I was once again slaying the beast called HICK, one educational achievement at a time, ROTFLMBAO!!!!

  148. "Don't worry steve, everybody knows you can't fire a black man in America today."

    I thought you said it really sucked to be a black man in America.

    Now, they can't fire us?


  149. Anonymous9:11 PM


    uptownsteve said...
    Dr. Queen

    "Steve that's really f*cked up!"

    Oh yeah they did.

    Got a hold of my name, position, company and company phone number.

    Then called the toll free number and told the receptionist (LOL!!) that I was posting on the internet during work hours.

    Happened back in May.

    What a loser.

    That's crazy, had to be someone like Queefa, cause if it were a real smart person, they would just talk to your co-workers about what a racist you are and how you hate white people and are part of the nation of Islam - even send a letter to HR, oh don't think you are bulletproof because a receptionist (yes that's the level you are at) laugh, let your bosses find out you don't work and are a racist Mofo putting the company name aligned with yours all over the internet, they won't laugh at you not having any work to do or not being productive and the whole place will know for sure what they already say, you are racist.

  150. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Poor Queen, will never be a doctor. The Black and White Anons have spoken to the red/brown ass. Now go back and work on getting your HS diploma, if you dare.

  151. Queen,

    "I gotta admit Steve, when I put my cap and gown on recently with the silver and grey lining my gold and black hood, my smile got little broader knowing I was once again slaying the beast called HICK, one educational achievement at a time, ROTFLMBAO!!!!"

    Be proud my sista and live large.

    NOTHING fucks with the HICKS more than that.

  152. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Dr. Queen, "I gotta admit Steve, when I put my cap and gown on recently with the silver and grey lining my gold and black hood, my smile got little broader knowing I was once again slaying the beast called HICK, one educational achievement at a time, ROTFLMBAO!!!!"

    Dreamin, I'm always dreamin...dreamin my life away!

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. Anon,

    "cause if it were a real smart person, they would just talk to your co-workers about what a racist you are and how you hate white people and are part of the nation of Islam - even send a letter to HR"

    Now, why would someone who had a satisfying life go through all that trouble to fuck with someone they only know from the internet?

    You're revealing yourself loser.


  155. uptownsteve said...
    Uh oh Queen,

    Now he's fixating on you.

    Actually Steve, he's not fixated on me at all. He's fixated on my numerous college degrees and my future MD degree, LOL!!!!! In other words, highly successful Blacks are a serious threat to his Hickdom.

    So let's see here. Would a person rather be an uneducated, socially lower class Hick with 2 teeth and a pair of dirty overalls, or an educated, well paid Black person?

    Bidet or outhouse? Granite or TV tray? Hardwoods or dirt? "Mutt and Jeff" or 7 series?

    Ahh yes, it "sips" to be Black in America as in a glass of the best german reisling money can buy!

  156. Queen

    You know it.

    Nothing a goober with a nickel hates more than black with a dollar.

    Except an internet goober with no life and a black man with a popular blog.

    And black folks who are clearly his betters posting on it.

  157. Dr. Hick10:04 PM

    Ms. Queen said....
    "I gotta admit Steve, when I put my cap and gown on recently with the silver and grey lining my gold and black hood, my smile got little broader knowing I was once again slaying the beast called HICK, one educational achievement at a time, ROTFLMBAO!!!!"

    One educational achievment? You are 46 years old. It took you 28 years to get a cosmology degree.

    The only thing getting a little broader is your ass.

    You will never be a doctor.

  158. Ms. Queen said...
    So let's see here. Would a person rather be an uneducated, socially lower class Hick with 2 teeth and a pair of dirty overalls, or an educated, well paid Black person?

    Bidet or outhouse? Granite or TV tray? Hardwoods or dirt? "Mutt and Jeff" or 7 series?

    Your crass materialism is stark evidence of your utter unsuitability for a career in the healthcare field.

    Instead of applying yourself to learning how to help people, you spend your time bragging about all the Courvoisier you'll drink and the BMW you'll drive, when in fact your future consists of Colt 45 and the bus.

    You will never be a doctor.

  159. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Larence Brewer is dead but Lemrick Nelson is alice and according to the recent interview considers the lynching he participated in a "youthful indiscretion". The 19 other blacks who lynched Yankel Rosenbaum were never charged. Anyone want to guess how much black's were angered over this?

  160. You will always be a waste to humanity.

    You will never earn more money than I do.

    You will always be a Hick.

    You will never out educate me.

    You will always be a poor bitter slob.

    You will never be more than a punk ass Internet stalker.

    And you will always be obcessed with me. Ass licker!
