Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The "birthers" are back, and Herman is still number one.

I'm baaack. It's always good to finally come home and sleep in your own bed. (Or, in the case of some of you fellows; your own couch.)Taking a break is nice, but being home is always better.

Big shout out to the folks who wished me safe travels.

Anywhoo, now that I am back on A-merry-can soil, I feel like I stepped into a time machine. Didn't we do this whole birther thing before? Can you say "Groundhog Day" boys and girls:

"Gov. Rick Perry isn't convinced President Obama was born in the U.S., but says he doesn't care.

After raising the question of Obama's birthplace over the weekend, the presidential hopeful told CNBC on Monday that he's not too concerned about the issue.

"I'm really not worried about the president's birth certificate," he told John Harwood. "It's fun to poke at him a little bit, and say, 'How about, let's see your grades and your birth certificate.'"

In an interview in Sunday's Parade magazine, Perry ressurected the "birther issue," a belief among some right-wing conservatives that Obama was not born in the states and, therefore, illegally holds the office of the president.
"Well, I don't have a definitive answer, because he's never seen my birth certificate," the Texas governor said.

Perry added that he'd had dinner with Donald Trump, and the topic of Obama's birth certificate did come up.
"[Trump] doesn't think it's real," he said.

Perry stressed, however, that he didn't necessarily agree.
"I don't have any idea. It doesn't matter. He's the president of the United States. He's elected. It's a distractive issue," the governor said." [Source] 

Oh yes, let's get the "graders" on board as well. Poor Rick. Today he unveiled his [flat]tax plan(if any of you figure out what the hell it stands for and how he plans to carry it out please holla at your boy) and we are all still scratching our heads.

Meanwhile, some thing's have not changed here in A-merry-ca. Mr. 9-9-9 is still leading -or close to the top- the pack among the republican field of candidates.
I guess Rick is trying to keep up with the Cains. If you can't beat em join em.

If you are a republican operative you must be praying for this Cain madness to end. But, sadly for them, Herman is the personification of the republican party as it stands today. A party of soundbites with no substance. A party so shallow,lacking critical thinkers, and full of misanthropes, that its leading candidate for president is proud of the fact that he doesn't know the name of the president of another country in the world. (BTW Herman, Uzbekistan is not some "small insignificant state". ) He also wants to put an electrical fence on the US Mexican border, but that hardly got a peep from his friends on the right. In fact, I suspect that many of them would do the exact same thing.

His campaign released an Internet ad.today that was so comical and goofy, that  there are folks out there who honestly believe that it's a hoax.

But it's not. Like Herman, it's very real. And what's comical and goofy to the rest of us might be just what the doctor ordered for my right wing friends.

Finally, I have to salute the students of Ohio University for trying to check the Big R:

"Halloween is right around the corner and as costumes fly off the shelves, an Ohio University student group is taking a stand against outfits that promote cultural prejudices.

Students Teaching Against Racism (STARS) started a campaign called "We're a Culture not a Costume" to generate a discussion about Halloween costumes that parody people of color. The group contends that these cultural caricatures help to reinforce stereotypes that are not cool and funny.

Slideshow: Boo! What not to wear this Halloween

By releasing the posters, the group says they want to:

"Educate and facilitate discussion about racism and to promote racial harmony and to create a safe, non-threatening environment to allow participants to feel comfortable to express their feelings."
STARS have garnered over 8,000 plus views on their president's tumblr blog where the posters were first released. However, the comment section has since been disabled due to inappropriate and hateful comments from some visitors."  [Source]

So now I see where some of you folks who comment anonymously were while I was away.




  1. Welcome back Field!

  2. "Students Teaching Against Racism (STARS) started a campaign called "We're a Culture not a Costume" to generate a discussion about Halloween costumes that parody people of color. "

    We here in the pirate community hope people think twice before stereotyping us during the Halloween season.

    Arrrrrrrrr matey

  3. J. Fryer9:46 PM

    I think it's cool how Perry likes to needle the President. Obama is a puffed up buffoon, and Americans are sick of him.

  4. 45's not really running for president; he's auditioning for white privilege's next cheerleader.

  5. Welcome back Field. Hope you enjoyed your excursion.

  6. Anonymous9:56 PM

    More racist black mob attacks

    From Peoria Journal Star…

    Two motorists were accosted by groups of teenagers within a few days of each other in an area near the site of a similar incident over the summer that drew national attention.

    A group of about 50 young people on West Thrush Avenue near North Sheridan Road in June caused a disturbance by blocking the roadway and, according to one resident but not others, shouting race-related remarks.

    Comments related to race also were part of one of the incidents last week.

    A Meals on Wheels delivery driver was making his way to a home in the 800 block of West Nowland Avenue about 12:45 p.m. Wednesday when he encountered a group of 15 teens – 13 males and two females – walking down the middle of the road.

    The group would not yield to the motorist, who followed him until reaching the house where he had to make the meal delivery. As he exited to take the food to the door, he was verbally attacked, according to a report on the incident.

    One teen called him “honky,” while another threatened to “kick his white (expletive).”

    As the volunteer driver returned to his car to leave, the teens surrounded his car and pounded on it. The vehicle was not damaged, but police noted disturbances to dust on the vehicle, backing up the driver’s story.

    A woman driving in the 800 block of West Brons Avenue on Saturday night was the subject of a similar, but much more aggressive confrontation. She encountered a group of more than 40 teens about 10:25 p.m.

    The group surrounded the 21-year-old woman’s car and began beating on it with an object that shattered her driver’s side window. One of the boys involved in the attack also pointed a handgun in the direction of a passenger in the car, but didn’t make any threats or attempt to open the door.

  7. Mack "Ass Sucker" Lyons said...
    Welcome back Field. Hope you enjoyed your excursion.

    I'm sure he enjoyed being away from the cloying sycophants armed with desperate affirmations and vaseline-stained thesauri.

  8. no slappz11:34 PM

    "I don't have any idea. It doesn't matter. He's the president of the United States. He's elected. It's a distractive issue," the governor said."

    And there you have it. Perry may cause the thought of Obama's birth facts to remain in the public sphere. But he said the right thing.

    The story/myth of Obama's origins are unimportant now that he's the president. His lousy/failed record as president is the real problem.

    There will be thousands and thousands of oilfield service jobs available as soon as our clown-in-chief admits we need all the oil we can get and that we should get it from our own oil wells.

  9. no slappz11:37 PM

    The rate of shootings and murders in NY City has risen because thousands of cops have been posted in lower Manhattan to watch the Occupy Wall Street crowd rather than patrol their usual, more criminally active precincts.

    Meanwhile, as usual, all the shootings and killings have involved black shooters and victims.

  10. Why be like that, Mack Daddy? I'm sure the Field missed all of you schizophrenic anons. Kleptomaniac tomfuckery is the spice of life on this blog.

    Anon @ 9:56 pm, you may want to read this. I know you probably won't, though.

    And there's more important news. A 5-year-old girl is missing in the Glendale, Arizona area and help is needed in finding her.


  11. You might want to take a look at that link too, Slapstick.

  12. Anonymous12:17 AM

    glad u back

  13. Anonymous12:17 AM

    shut up queefa u neva ain got shyt to say DUMMY!

  14. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Field said...
    His campaign released an Internet ad.today that was so comical and goofy, that there are folks out there who honestly believe that it's a hoax.
    That ad is downright spooky, specially the last shot of Cain as he breaks out that weird smile....what was he thinking,were they all thinking.....crazy. I think they'll be pulling that soon...or they should anyway...

  15. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Field, I see you started right in on effing with GOP candidates but ignoring Obama and his ilks. Obviously, that so-called vacation trip didn't do shit for your demeanor. BTW, how's your lawyer friend doing?

    Your refusal to give Cain any credit for what he has done as a Republican is nothing but the ungraceful attitude of a brainwashed closed-minded Negro.

    And do something about that mickey mouse clown called Mack Lyons. The 'boy' is useless. That's right, I said it: "boy"-- and before you go off thinking I am a honky, I am not. I am a proud Conservative Black man who knows a "boy" when he sees one..and Mack is definitely a long way from being a man.

  16. Anonymous12:54 AM

    "Declining numbers of blacks seen in math, science:

    Many black students feel pressure to stop studying and start earning real money

    With black unemployment reaching historic levels, banks laying off tens of thousands and law school graduates waiting tables, why aren't more African-Americans looking toward science, technology, engineering and math — the still-hiring careers known as STEM?

    The answer turns out to be a complex equation of self-doubt, stereotypes, discouragement and economics — and sometimes just wrong perceptions of what math and science are all about.

    The percentage of African-Americans earning STEM degrees has fallen during the last decade. It may seem far-fetched for an undereducated black population to aspire to become chemists or computer scientists, but the door is wide open, colleges say, and the shortfall has created opportunities for those who choose this path.

    STEM barriers are not unique to black people. The United States does not produce as high a proportion of white engineers, scientists and mathematicians as it used to. Women and Latinos also lag behind white men.

    Yet the situation is most acute for African-Americans.
    Black people are 12 percent of the U.S. population and 11 percent of all students beyond high school. In 2009, they received just 7 percent of all STEM bachelor's degrees, 4 percent of master's degrees, and 2 percent of PhDs, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

    From community college through PhD level, the percentage of STEM degrees received by blacks in 2009 was 7.5 percent, down from 8.1 percent in 2001.

    The numbers are striking in certain fields. In 2009, African-Americans received 1 percent of degrees in science technologies, and 4 percent of degrees in math and statistics. Out of 5,048 PhDs awarded in the physical sciences, such as chemistry and physics, 89 went to African-Americans — less than 2 percent."

    Mr. Mack Lyons, of the few Blacks who are in the science and engineering fields, ALL of them are black Conservatives. Liberal progressive Blacks don't have the mental discipline or intelligence to be a scientist. You folks specialize in talking a good bullshit with no substance. Republicans are the "doers" in America.

  17. "Mr. Mack Lyons, of the few Blacks who are in the science and engineering fields, ALL of them are black Conservatives. "

    How do you know this? Can you provide concrete sources for this statement?

    "Liberal progressive Blacks don't have the mental discipline or intelligence to be a scientist."

    Again, what studies or independent medical journal provides proof of the above? How does skin color correlate to mental discipline or intellegence?

    "You folks specialize in talking a good bullshit with no substance. Republicans are the "doers" in America."

    If they were, they wouldn't be standing in the way of efforts to generate desperately-needed jobs. Or going on "strike": http://www.dollarsandsense.org/archives/2010/0710miller.html

    Republicans can spin their own special brand of bullshit to their constituents and they'll eat it up. And then they'll accuse Democrats of doing the same.

    "And do something about that mickey mouse clown called Mack Lyons. The 'boy' is useless. That's right, I said it: "boy"-- and before you go off thinking I am a honky, I am not. I am a proud Conservative Black man who knows a "boy" when he sees one..and Mack is definitely a long way from being a man."

    You're getting desperate. And besides, I don't think you have any concept of what it means to be a man.

    I guess you were tired of being called "boy" behind your back by your conservative friends, eh?

  18. Field, your anons need a serious upgrade. Perhaps you can get Conservative Feedback back here to teach these poor saps how to troll properly.

  19. "Mr. Mack Lyons, of the few Blacks who are in the science and engineering fields, ALL of them are black Conservatives. Liberal progressive Blacks don't have the mental discipline or intelligence to be a scientist."

    A link would be nice. I will wait.....

    BTW, I see that New York's finest is involved in yet another scandal.


    Cops gun running? Nice.

    "Field, your anons need a serious upgrade."

    Yes, I went to the troll factory while I was away, but there is a waiting list. :)

    Sup Dr. Queen and Desertflower?

  20. Hey Field, Everything is everything as the young people say! I'm getting really good feedback from schools in the area and in Philly, so I may have some serious choices to make in the not too distant future. Class of 2017 baby!

  21. Mack Lyons said...
    "Mr. Mack Lyons, of the few Blacks who are in the science and engineering fields, ALL of them are black Conservatives. "

    How do you know this? Can you provide concrete sources for this statement?

    Mack I can't believe you feel for this! Most of the hundred or so Black Scientists, Engineers, and Physicians I know are NOT conservative. But I'd guess there are more Black conservatives in this bunch than there are in other professional fields.

    IMHO, it pretty much boils down to money, and the more you make, the more likely you are to favor political processes which allow you to keep more of it!

    That said, I married a conservative Black engineer and my sis, the Dr. Pharmacist, also leans conservative in her politics.

  22. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Mack Lyons said...

    "Liberal progressive Blacks don't have the mental discipline or intelligence to be a scientist."

    Again, what studies or independent medical journal provides proof of the above? How does skin color correlate to mental discipline or intellegence?

    The study where persons actually qouting someone in one sentence, still cannot spell a word denoting intellectual capacity correctly in the very next sentence.

    "You folks specialize in talking a good bullshit with no substance. Republicans are the "doers" in America."

    If they were, they wouldn't be standing in the way of efforts to generate desperately-needed jobs. Or going on "strike": http://www.dollarsandsense.org/archives/2010/0710miller.html

    Exactly what jobs does Obama's bill (I say Obama's cause you must know the democrats are against it as well) create? Does it borrow more money to give to the democratic voting block temporarily hiding the fact that his policies are destroying wealth and numerous cities are heading to bankruptcy? How will borrowing more we don't have that we cannot pay back help? Please explain.

    Republicans can spin their own special brand of bullshit to their constituents and they'll eat it up. And then they'll accuse Democrats of doing the same.

    So this is the new way? Keep saying I know you are but what am I? Yet not offer one fact?

    "And do something about that mickey mouse clown called Mack Lyons. The 'boy' is useless. That's right, I said it: "boy"-- and before you go off thinking I am a honky, I am not. I am a proud Conservative Black man who knows a "boy" when he sees one..and Mack is definitely a long way from being a man."

    You're getting desperate. And besides, I don't think you have any concept of what it means to be a man.

    No offense, but this whole time I was certain you were a woman You are a man? Is this recent?

  23. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Weally Big Queefa Said...

    "Mack I can't believe you feel for this!"

    I feelz u pain sizta I feelz you pain.

    "That said, I married a conservative Black engineer and my sis, the Dr. Pharmacist, also leans conservative in her politics."

    Shhhh....Queefa...YT be watchin to dem Crack dealer aints no "Dr Pharmacist" and DR Dre aint gots no deeplomas.

  24. After about two weeks reading your blog, it's pretty ridiculous, but I'm glad you're back, too, Field.

    So - okay - Donald Trump is a colossal idiot who pretty much epitomizes Republicans in general. Did you know the IQ scores of conservatives actually do test lower than liberals, btw?

    His success in spite of his obvious stupidity is a benchmark of our twisted, negatively-reinforced, falsely capitalistic, greed idolizing society. Did you also know that sociopathic tendencies have been found in replicable studies to be more common in executives?

    So the birth certificate thing is evidence of those two factors. Stupidity and hate. Conservatives think they're figuring something complex out - though the explanation about how the OCR element of Adobe Acrobat puts text layers in scanned documents (or whatever) is totally lost on some folks. And, they just hate Obama because he's black. One lame reason deserves another. And yet Donald Trump isn't homeless. Go figure.

    So you're right, right, right.

    But, now for my obligatory racism-dismissive comment:

    OMG! What douchebaggy little whiny college libs made the Halloween costume thing? Don't dress like a ghost in a sheet? Don't go as a Nazi? WTF? It's HalloWEEN! Hello!

    Am I to say no one should go as an ugly person? Or a nerd? No bald wigs?

    I say this type of thing every time I post here, but seriously. There comes a point at which opposing something to the nth degree only makes it worse.

    You know, not being able to take a joke is one of the leading causes of racism.

    I think a Nazi Halloween costume is freaking hilarious, okay? Not on August 17th or February 3rd, it isn't, but on Halloween? Okay. Haha, you're a Nazi. And if you're a zombie Nazi, you just might win the costume contest. That's what I say.

    People actually HAVE afros, last time I checked, and the mere juxtaposition of a bald guy who now has an afro is pretty good comedy all by itself.

    If you ask me, those college students have Extreme Color Arousal, too. Someone should point out they're actually keeping something natural, innocuous, arbitrary and beautiful like having an afro stigmatized by implying it's so horrible no one dare ever joke about it.

    As far as the Nazis go - Halloween is associated with monsters. A Nazi costume fitting in that sense. Freddy Krueger, Frankenstein, Hitler . . . Those kids need to lay off the bong for a day or two.

    Damn, people are dumb!

  25. no one could be worse than hobama

    hc included

    we birthers never left
    and never will

    hobama is an INCESSANT liar

    why would his birth tale be his ONLY truth??????



  26. wtfu

    Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie suggested in an interview published today that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.

    Abercrombie told the Honolulu Star Advertiser he was searching within the Hawaii Department of Health to find definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii, because the continuing eligibility controversy could hurt the president's chances of re-election in 2012.

    Read more: Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=252833#ixzz1btTDat4v

  27. Anonymous10:01 AM

    As soon as "she" shows up, the comment section turns to shit.

  28. hobama is a global thief & thug


    would will and jada host cash parties for gwb if he was bombing africans or cusrsing starving & ignoring jobless homeless black mongrels at will?????

    hell no!!!


    “I think one of the reasons why Gaddafi’s country has been invaded and he has been killed is because he had plans to introduce the gold dinar as a golden currency that could very easily have become a major currency at least in North Africa and in the oil market,” he said.

    “Don’t forget Libya has the ninth-largest oil reserve in the world and the main oil reserve in all of Africa, so I think this definitely smells of oil and greed on the part of Western companies. They are just using this to justify they have supported the worst terrorists probably because in the White House and Palais de l'Élysée in France, and at 10 Downing Street, we also have very high-class terrorists and mafias running those countries and the better part of the world,” he pointed out.

    He added the US, France, Britain and NATO should be held accountable for the sectarian violence, should it take place in Libya.







  29. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Mack Lying Said...

    Anon @ 9:56 pm, you may want to read this. I know you probably won't, though.

    Mack, you are completely myopic. You see the world through shit colored glasses.

    Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

    You mean like the entire system of pandering to Black America and rarely mentioning race during crimes and eliminating categories of excellence because Blacks haven't been able to compete, all despite being a minority of the country at 13%? Do you mean not reporting the countrywide problem of Black Rob and Mob and get the white man attacks that go unreported by the MSM lackeys. Do you mean complete obliteration of ways of speaking to make sure that the truth is hidden behind political correctness? Do you mean the complete attack on legitimate science and progress because it doesn't favor a certain racial group?

    Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

    Of course not, you can't play the eternal victim this way. Look at what the U.S is now shaking off, how well do you think Black Culture has done for america, aside from glorifying hoes and bitches? You simply justify bad behaviour and lack of achievement by blaming someone else. Than measure self worth by how much you are scamming someone else and how violent you can be.

    There is nothing like a black n-word for whites. So much so that most of the commenters on this blog who use racial slurs against whites are themselves white!

    No, there are plenty of racial slurs for whites. Goober and so on. Only it hasn't become politically correct to outlaw these words and Blacks use whatever name they want and are "color aroused" and racist 24/7. How did Blacks accomplish this? By being violent and racist and demanding they not be called anything but what they wish. Negro, Colored, Black, African America what's the next group PC going to be? Held Down by whitey because he aint payin enough and you owe me folks?

    There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think the Black Panthers were like that, but they never went into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

    Rev Al says be quiet man..he may have to whack him some hymie.The Obama Administration and Eric Holder are worse than the KKK. They destroy everyones foothold while being racist. Not to mention the nation of Islam, just about any Rev and the entire Congressional Black Caucus living on stupidity and prejudice of skin color.

  30. would will and jada host cash parties for gwb if he was bombing africans or cursing starving & ignoring jobless homeless black mongrels at will?????


  31. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Who's bombing Africans?

  32. foolish assnon

    cc your mindless queries to any libyan etc

    or any predator droned global dark mongrels etc

  33. hobama fallout for elder black mongrels


    A new study by researchers at Brown University Brown University found that more Latino, black and Asian seniors are moving into nursing homes, while white seniors are choosing other options.

    The nationwide trend is said to be driven by changing demographics, but it’s also because many elders of color can’t afford alternatives.

    “The growing proportion of minorities in nursing homes is coming about partly because they do not have the same access to more desirable forms of care as wealthier whites do,” said the study’s lead author Zhanlian Feng, assistant professor of community health in the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.


  34. AB Is A Blackhead10:51 AM

    Hmmmm. Field goes on vacation, and AB disappears. He comes back, and she pops up like a pimple that just won't go away.

    Coincidence? I'll let you be the judge.

    We Report; You Decide.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Anonymous11:36 AM

    alicia banks said...
    shitty assnon:

    hobama is buried in his own global shit

    does that vex u too???

    How totally craptastic - speaking of which where is First Semen Craptastic UTS these days? I kinda miss Molds incoherent rants and he did him so well.

  39. OccupyDemocraticFreaks11:38 AM

    alicia banks said...
    pimply puss filled assnon/fugly fool uts:

    u r spewing crap again kkklown

    your iq is lower than your acne is chronic...and your rabid colorism is toxic

    u silly old pizza faced slave assed nig

    You know what they say, if you get shit on your face and leave it, it causes pimples. So wash after you 69 or better yet do a 68 - you do me and I owe you one.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Anonymous12:05 PM

    miss communications major wannabe oprah who is just about as old as oprah but aint done shit else in her life other then get old kuntlickin imbecile alicia banks u buceta breaf moron! and then ur fish lipped friend wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef LOSERS!

  42. Anonymous12:07 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Anonymous12:30 PM

    OMG! field is gonna be wanting to leave again,if this keeps up! Lawd!!!

  45. James Fryer12:38 PM

    @ Desertflower:

    Alicia is insane. She has an obsessive need to post over and over and to respond to every slight.

    She posts the same links repeatedly that no one ever looks at. I stopped reading her posts years ago, and I'm sure most peopele just scroll by them. The only thing she accomplishes is clogging up this comment board.

  46. jf = just fibbing

    u missed a lot of cloggers u liar

  47. no one is more insane than a lying blind hobama nazi

    this blog is a mf hobama zombie asylum

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Anonymous12:52 PM

    alicia banks said...
    shitty silly assnon:

    AB she just had a enema thats why she be talkin all dis shit or maybe she looked in da mirror n see she gots a shitface

  50. diarrhea drone assnon:

    you are spraying crap yet again


    u do not have shit to say/spray to defend that fecal hoax in chief hobama

    i get that bs herein a lot.

  51. Tired Negro1:02 PM

    46 posts in the last 4 hours.

    27 from AB, 10 from her stalker.

    9 from the rest of the world.

    Go away Alicia.

  52. I'd Rather Stalk A Hippo1:06 PM

    I'm pretty sure AB has a lot more than just one "stalker".

  53. I've seen a lot of confused explanations from white hippy liberal arts degree OWS protestors about what exactly it is that they want the government to do that really don't make sense or are completely unworkable.

    Where are the voices from the true proletariat?

    Here's a perspective from a black woman protestor that I think really puts it all together in the best way yet:


    What do you guys think?

  54. sleepy stymie/bumbling bowel/bestial buffoon/lying counting shitty assnon:

    tally the days until hobama's karma returns...

    do start in advance of his fecal re-selection in 2012

  55. AB Has A Turd Stuck Between Her Teeth2:08 PM

    Great. And to top it all off, AB is apparently having flashbacks from her first up-close encounter with someone else's turd.

  56. vulgar shitty obsessed assnon:

    thanks for your proof of dual pts:

    u accurately envision yourself as a turd


    you wish you were in my mouth

    u r indeed my dumbest dirtiest most desperate stalker

    fix that asap

  57. The disgraced voter fraud organization and Obama ally ACORN has rebranded itself as NYCC and is gathering donations under false pretenses that are instead being used to pay people to attend the OWS protests:

    >Sources said NYCC has hired about 100 former ACORN-affiliated staff members from other cities – paying some of them $100 a day - to attend and support Occupy Wall Street. Dozens of New York homeless people recruited from shelters are also being paid to support the protests, at the rate of $10 an hour, the sources said.

    At least some of those hired are being used as door-to-door canvassers to collect money that’s used to support the protests.

    Sources said cash donations collected by NYCC on behalf of some unions and various causes are being pooled and spent on Occupy Wall Street. The money is used to buy supplies, pay staff and cover travel expenses for the ex-ACORN members brought to New York for the protests.

    In one such case, sources said, NYCC staff members collected cash donations for what they were told was a United Federation of Teachers fundraising drive, but the money was diverted to the protests.

    Sources said staff members also collected door-to-door for NYCC’s PCB campaign — which aims to test schools for deadly toxins —but then pooled that money together with cash raised for the teachers union and other campaigns to fund Occupy Wall Street.

    “We go to Freeport, Central Islip, Park Slope, everywhere, and we say we’re collecting money for PCBs testing in schools. But the money isn’t going to the campaign," one source said.

    "It’s going to Occupy Wall Street, and we’re not using that money to get schools tested for deadly chemicals or to make their kids safer. It’s just going to the protests, and that’s just so terrible.” <

  58. more on the unlicked uneducated unglued unsung vdlr's pistol packing pookie kin



  59. notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts

    and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???


  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. What A Buffoon5:42 PM

    " alicia banks said...
    notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts

    and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???


    5:33 PM"

    What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?

    You're so stoopid.

  62. hobama is one and done!

    Installed in the White House, the new President chose Washington insiders such as Timothy Geithner (a former central banker) to be Treasury Secretary, and Larry Summers (who had held that post under Bill Clinton) to be his chief economics adviser.

    Both men had, in different ways, been complicit in the policy mistakes that had devastated the U.S. economy. Their appointment suggested the Obama administration would have no new, radical ideas to improve the economy.

    That has turned out to be so. The old problems have persisted, and in some cases have become worse.

    After three years, the U.S. national debt is a breathtaking $14.8  trillion.

    The total debt, including what households owe, is over $54  trillion.
    Growth is negligible. Unemployment is 9.1  per cent, and the leading bank Goldman Sachs predicts it will rise to 9.5  per cent by the middle of next year — just as Mr Obama begs American voters to re-elect him.

    There were 115,730 job cuts in September, double the number in August, and the highest monthly figure since April 2009. Around 70 per cent of those losses were from the U.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2046595/US-presidential-election-2012-Is-Barack-Obama-way-out.html#ixzz1bvWdqgeB

  63. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Desertflower, "OMG! field is gonna be wanting to leave again,if this keeps up! Lawd!!!

    12:30 PM

    No, this is the result of him leaving in the first place. He stayed away too long and people are restless. Field should be ashamed of himself, abandoning his fans like this. that is what happens when a celebrity holds up his fans like this....they revolt!

    Serves him right.

  64. "Knockout" the popular St. Louis game where the object is to sucker punch a stranger and try to knock him out cold has claimed another vicitim. This time a 51 year old guy was jumped by 18 (count 'em, 18) youths who beat him with bricks after he was on the ground.

    Although the story once again omits the races of those involved, as is typical the victim was white and the "youths" were black.

    In fact, the knockout players are always black and the victims almost always white (In a show of diversity, some black kids beat a 72 year old Asian guy to death last April.)

    This has caused serious injury (or death) to at least 4 people this summer, and major trauma to dozens more.

    Just imagine for a moment Field, if one, just one of these cases involved a group of white "youths" severely beating a an older black guy as part of a game.

    Meanwhile, righteous liberals concerned about racism warn us not to wear politically incorrect costumes this Halloween. We’re told that racism isn’t getting your head bashed in with bricks for being Caucasian, rather it is a Halloween costume that might offend someone.

  65. You know, Alicia, I can identify with the whole antisocial insomniac troll thing. You do a good job of it, and I hope you're having fun. Still, there are other ways of seeking attention. I hope sometime you pause and wonder if perhaps there's an internal reason you're the only one saying the stuff you say in a forum where everyone is pretty open-minded and most have every reason to agree with you - if only you were right. Although, even if you were, your delivery screws all that up.

    There's zero reason to expect or want 'Hobama' to be anything other than a damn good weasel just like all the other weasels. Well, a good LIBERAL weasel is a big plus. Expecting him to single-handedly reverse the entire political system, the sabotaged economy, and strategically problematic military situations centuries in the making is unrealistic than a motherfucker.

  66. All Power To The People, My Brotha! Glad I found this blog today.

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