Friday, November 25, 2011

Green Friday, and Andrew Sullivan wants to bring back the Bell Curve.

Today is Green Friday in A-merry-ca. It is a day of crass commercialism designed by merchants and corporations to get gullible shoppers into stores. Prices have been marked up so that they can be slashed right back down with coupons and promises of price cuts in the stores.

Of course, as we all know by now, it's working. Pepper spray, shootings, bomb threats, and mobs at every box store door. I don't think that Jesus wanted us to prepare for his birthday quite like this. Professional shoppers (see Mrs. Field) have been preparing for this day for months. (15,000 at the Mall of America!) So for all of you amateurs out there, you shop at your own risk on days like these.

I tried to brave the "madding" crowd today. (Today. Not early this morning. Not last night. Today!) People watching was interesting, but I just couldn't take the crowds after awhile. I will get whatever gifts I have left online. It's a shame God didn't have two sons who were born months apart. Oh well, Cyber Monday is just a few days away.

Finally, I used to respect the writings of blogger Andrew Sullivan; he was one of the few conservative writers in A-merry-ca who I considered relevant. So imagine my shock when I read what Jason Johnson penned over at Politc365 about Sullivan's contribution to the Bell Curve debate. At first I thought that Johnson's take on what Sullivan wrote might have been misguided, but then I read Sullivan's post for myself and I....well, read it for yourself:

"Two points: research is not about helping people; it's about finding out stuff. And I have long opposed the political chilling of free inquiry into any area of legitimate curiosity or research. I'm not going to stop now. Secondly, I agree that there would be very little, if any, use for this data in our society, apart from the existence of affirmative action. But when public policy holds that all racial difference in, say, college degrees, are due to racism, a truth claim has already been made. So the p.c. egalitarians have made this a public and social issue by a statement of fact they subsequently do not want to see debated or challenged using the data. That's an illiberal position, in my view.

I remain gob-smacked by the resilience of IQ differences between broad racial groups, controlling for much other data. Maybe if we understood what was going on - which particular and subtle combination of genetics, culture and generation makes this the result - we could help increase equality of opportunity. Maybe racial categories themselves have become so fluid and opaque the whole area is now moot. Maybe we should accept that differences in outcomes among racial groups have some element of irreducibility to them. Maybe the answer is to abolish racial affirmative action and replace it by class-based forms. Maybe the answer is to abolish affirmative action altogether (my preferred outcome). But all these questions depend on a thriving research culture which has been chilled by politics. That's what saddens me." [Source]

Holy s^%*! Johnson was right! A big WTF? for my British friend.

I have more of an appreciation now of how Johnson ended his post:

"Because everyone’s work proves that their people are the smartest. In fact, even when Roland Fryer, a brilliant academic at Harvard showed what a farce IQ tests are, his work was largely ignored. Less than 4 years ago Dr. Fryer’s research showed that IQ levels, which are supposed to be immutable, are equal for African American and White children but differences only show up on tests once they’ve been in public schools for 2 years proving that the impact of racism and schooling is muting IQ scores more than actually assessing them.

Of course, his research was largely ignored by the press and pundit mags because it didn’t support the sexy self-aggrandizing narrative that people like Andrew Sullivan live by: Whites are smarter than Blacks, but it is their extreme benevolence that leads them to allow us to play house in the societies ‘they’ve’ created."

Not all of us Mr. Johnson. Some of us still choose "to play" in the fields.


  1. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Interesting. But I do admit to liking the irony when Goobers TELL us they am the smartest.


  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I will TELL you i dislike goobers telling me that dad diddling my skittle is wrong.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. To the author @8:12PM, I saw your comments in my inbox. Why did you remove it? I thought that it was very insightful. Still, I will respect your privacy.

    Feel free to contact me via e-mail:

  5. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Andrew Sullivan is the typical racist white gay man. They are far more hateful and disdainful of Blacks than any other group of people.

    Living in the Bay Area, I have never experienced such racism any other part of the country, including the South.

    Tell me Field, why have you supported white gays who are clearly racists? Remember how they blamed Blacks for Prop8? And you are still surprised that Sullivan is a racist and feels superior to Blacks?

  6. Anonymous8:22 PM

    "In fact, even when Roland Fryer, a brilliant academic at Harvard showed what a farce IQ tests are, his work was largely ignored."

    It wasn't "ignored", it was rejected.

    Just as there has never been a 100-meter dash that shows all races to be equally fast, there has never been an IQ test that shows all races to be equally intelligent.

    East Asians and Jews have the highest IQ's, which explains why brain surgeons and nuclear physicists are disproportionately Asian and Jewish.

    Now, call me a racist, and then think of some way to blame whitey for Asian & Jewish IQ superiority.

  7. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Field, "Not all of us Mr. Johnson. Some of us still choose "to play" in the fields."

    Field please explain what you mean by this...seriously.

  8. Field,

    I realize you made no reference to Sullivan's sexual orientation in your post. For me however, it cannot be ignored in reference to the revelations about Sullivan in Johnson's article. I am not saying that Sullivan's whiteness and his gayness are inextricably interconnected when it comes to his apparent racism. I am saying something slightly more subtle and nuanced. And, BTW, his conservatism is not really a factor here as I see it. There are many "progressive" and liberal openly gay white men who could make Bull Conner look like Malcolm X.

    I am a same gender loving man of African Descent. I have been out for 35 years. For every single one of those years I have been highly aware of rather extreme expressions of bigotry existing among what I perceive to be a fairly large cross section of openly gay white gay men. For years I attempted to believe I was imagining things. Finally the proof was so overwhelming, I simply could not ignore the preponderance of evidence any longer.

    However, for some reason, there is this belief, primarily among a seemingly large group of straight and white allies to the LGBT communities, that gay white men, on the whole, are really quite special human beings who are merely fun and campy or smart, savvy, artistic and poetic or some combination of any of those. There is a belief that white gay men cannot truly be racist, misogynist, transphobic and harbor all manner of other "isms" and "obias." Dan Savage, of course, burst that myth decades ago. But the myth persists.

    Field, because of my decades of experience with white gay men I must admit to having very patiently been waiting for Andrew Sullivan to reveal his (ahem) dark side for sometime now. I knew my wait would eventually end. There was never any doubt about it. Looks like finally my wait is over...

  9. Anonymous8:25 PM

    "They are far more hateful and disdainful of Blacks than any other group of people."

    Considering the tremendous love and respect that blacks feel for gays, this is shocking.

  10. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Field, "To the author @8:12PM, I saw your comments in my inbox. Why did you remove it? I thought that it was very insightful. Still, I will respect your privacy."

    Mr. Field, would you mind giving instructions on 'how' to remove a comment? It would be very helpful. Thank you.

  11. Field,

    I simply needed to do some editing of the original post.

  12. Anonymous8:32 PM

    It sounds as though Sullivan is working up to the belief and reason the Nazis killed 6 million Jews during WWII. Except it will take place in America and the victims will be Black.

    What a scoundrel!

  13. "Now, call me a racist, and then think of some way to blame whitey for Asian & Jewish IQ superiority."

    I won't call you a racist, just an ignorant misinformed person. How is that?

    "Field please explain what you mean by this...seriously."

    OK, I will try: Fields being a metaphor for outside of the mainstream. I consider folks who choose to spend time (play) in the fields as people willing to build their own community by putting in the work needed to make their community viable.

    Not depending on the handout of others but putting in the work needed to be self sufficient.

    I did a post called Field Negro 101which explains my position on this house Negro/field Negro dichotomy
    which exists in A-merry-ca.

    Hope that helps.

  14. Anonymous8:36 PM

    "It sounds as though Sullivan is working up to the belief and reason the Nazis killed 6 million Jews"

    LOLOL The "Nazi-Card".

    Sullivan is simply acknowledging what the IQ research community has recognized for decades, that racial egalitarianism is a myth.

    The fact that you mindlessly resort to "Nazi" references is predictable, yet hilarious.

  15. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Field, "Hope that helps.

    8:34 PM
    Yes it does. Thanks.

  16. Anonymous8:39 PM

    "I won't call you a racist, just an ignorant misinformed person. How is that?"

    Unsurprising and unoriginal.

  17. Thanks Sage, I was hoping you would do a repost.

    Yes, I knew Sullivan was Gay, but I didn't think that it was relevant. That is until I read your post. Now I am not so sure.

    I would love to hear from another person of color who happens to be Gay with a different opinion about the subject.

    As I said above, your comments were very enlightening.

  18. Anonymous8:41 PM

    anon@8:34pm-"The fact that you mindlessly resort to "Nazi" references is predictable, yet hilarious."

    I thought you'd find it hilarious. It's about as funny as your belief in the Bell Curve.

  19. "I won't call you a racist, just an ignorant misinformed person. How is that?"

    Unsurprising and unoriginal."

    If you believe in the Bell Curve you shouldn't be surprised.

    "The fact that you mindlessly resort to "Nazi" references is predictable, yet hilarious."

    Seig Heil!

  20. Anonymous8:50 PM

    "I thought you'd find it hilarious. It's about as funny as your belief in the Bell Curve."

    Have a good laugh, and please continue to believe that Asian and Jewish over-representation in physics, medicine, science, and advanced mathematics is all just a "statistical quirk".


  21. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Field, "Yes, I knew Sullivan was Gay, but I didn't think that it was relevant. That is until I read your post. Now I am not so sure."

    Please read anon8:22pm, esp the first two paragraphs. Actually, after Dan Savage's remarkable condemnation of Blacks, it was just a matter of Sullivan to close ranks. There is no one left who is White and gay who does not feel superior to Blacks. Surely you have heard of this in the Bay Area?

    Maybe not. Blacks in SF and Oakland tend not to speak of it. Once again, it happens again to us. So what's new?

    Somehow I think the Universe is telling Blacks to unite or perish. But we are a stubborn lot.

  22. If another LGBT person of color chooses to rebut what I have said, I want to at least give them a little something of substance to rebut.

    In my view, white gay men especially white gay men who also have class privilege and above average social capitol (As both Sullivan and Savage have) find themselves in a very interesting quandary especially from my perspective of being a Jungian therapist for over 20 years, with a large segment of my clients being white gay men.

    White gay men (again, especially those with class privilege and social capitol) sometimes/often find that all the privilege they have (white, male, class, social) is difficult to reconcile with the one thing that often places them squarely in the category of "oppressed group" (i.e. their sexual orientation).

    For some, this disconnect creates either conscious or unconscious desires to lessen the blunt of that part of their being that is *not* privileged. In order to accomplish this some become Log Cabin Republicans. Others become overt or downlow bigots. Others do some combination of all of the above. Others still have absolutely no psychodynamic stuff going on within their psyches. They are just plain ole unabashed bigots (you can't pray away the gay and you also can't pray away the bigot) who happen to also be gay and when they come out, to their surprise (and delight) they find they are far from being alone...

  23. Anonymous8:57 PM

    "If you believe in the Bell Curve you shouldn't be surprised."

    I'm never surprised at accusations of "ignorance" or "racism" in discussions of racial egalitarianism.

    Usually, the same people who are quick to embrace "black are better athletes"...or "blacks have more rhythm"...or "blacks have larger penises"...

    Clearly recognizing that different races are not the same, and are in fact different...

    Suddenly believe that "all races are the same" when it comes to discussions of intelligence.

  24. Anonymous8:58 PM

    "Have a good laugh, and please continue to believe that Asian and Jewish over-representation in physics, medicine, science, and advanced mathematics is all just a "statistical quirk".


    8:50 PM
    Yes, I can't stop laughing, at you...Poor fellow. Life must be hard for you.

  25. Well I agree with Sullivan that affirmative action should be class based. God knows there are many trailer parks in need of education.

  26. Anonymous9:03 PM

    "Yes, I can't stop laughing, at you...Poor fellow. Life must be hard for you."

    It's not.

    Life's great.

  27. Anonymous9:06 PM

    ""If you believe in the Bell Curve you shouldn't be surprised."

    I'm never surprised at accusations of "ignorance" or "racism" in discussions of racial egalitarianism.

    Usually, the same people who are quick to embrace "black are better athletes"...or "blacks have more rhythm"...or "blacks have larger penises"...

    Clearly recognizing that different races are not the same, and are in fact different...

    Suddenly believe that "all races are the same" when it comes to discussions of intelligence.

    8:57 PM
    You forgot to mention that character is more important than a dark intelligent mind who enslaves, kills and destroys its own economy without a conscience. Oh wait, there is no way for you to know that without character...never mind.

  28. Anonymous9:08 PM

    "God knows there are many trailer parks in need of education."

    Not really...

  29. Anonymous9:08 PM

    ""Yes, I can't stop laughing, at you...Poor fellow. Life must be hard for you."

    It's not.

    Life's great."

    9:03 PM

  30. "Usually, the same people who are quick to embrace "black are better athletes"...or "blacks have more rhythm"...or "blacks have larger penises"...

    Clearly recognizing that different races are not the same, and are in fact different.."

    You must be new here.

  31. Anonymous9:14 PM

    "You forgot to mention that character is more important"

    If you believe in the importance of character, I encourage you to focus on high black illegitimacy, high black violent crime, high black dropout rate, high black illiteracy, high black AIDS transmission rate, etc.

    I have a feeling you won't...

  32. Anonymous9:15 PM



  33. Anonymous9:17 PM

    "You must be new here."

    On this we're going to agree, this is my first visit.

  34. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I inadvertently posted the wrong graphic above, here is the correct one, apologies.

  35. @8:57

    Dr. Ben Carson once said "what you do most, is what you'll do best". And there's NO racial component to this statement.

    Good examples are the statements of the resident racists who post here 25/8. Posting dumb shit all the time makes them bigger idiots everyday!

  36. @9:14

    Illegitimacy, is a CLASS issue that Mr. Gooberlicious LOVES to forget.

  37. "Dr. Ben Carson once said "what you do most, is what you'll do best". And there's NO racial component to this statement."

    Ahhh Ben Carson. A fine Seventh Day Adventist fellow. I wonder how many of my friends who believe in the Bell Curve would allow the good doctor to perform brain surgery on their dying child? I suspect if it's between him and a doc of the melanin challenged persuasion, they would choose the good doctor. If not, they would not be giving their child the best shot to live.

  38. Anonymous9:42 PM

    ANNON 8:24

    Who do you think makes up the test?

    Who gen. controls the ed. system?

    Who claims to be a minority without being involved in the struggle.

    Once you begin to understand the history,of the world you may begin to understand the value of the contributions of others.

  39. Anonymous9:49 PM

    "Illegitimacy, is a CLASS issue that Mr. Gooberlicious LOVES to forget."

    If this were true, then poor Asian neighborhoods would have high illegitimacy...but they don't.

    No, it's a moral issue. Virtually all religions consider out-of-wedlock birth to be immoral.

  40. "Now, call me a racist, and then think of some way to blame whitey for Asian & Jewish IQ superiority."

    Nah, I'll just call you an idiot.

    The overwhelming preponderance of Asians in the world live in abject poverty.

    And isn't Judaism was a religion, not a race?

  41. Anonymous9:52 PM

    "Dr. Ben Carson once said "what you do most, is what you'll do best"."

    LOL I guess all those Mexican and Tibetan sprinters just aren't practicing enough.

    Good point.

  42. Anonymous10:03 PM

    "Nah, I'll just call you an idiot."

    Par for the course. In case you guys are unaware, name-calling does not strengthen your argument, and it's childish.

    "The overwhelming preponderance of Asians in the world live in abject poverty."

    It doesn't change the fact that East Asians are over-represented in high IQ fields.

    "And isn't Judaism was a religion, not a race?"

    It's a religion, and an ethnicity. I agree that anyone can convert to Judaism, but I'm referring to ethnic Jews.

  43. Once, when I was Battalion Sergeant of the Guard for a few months, I had a complete copy of the what was called the "Alpha Roster" that had all of the pertinent data on everyone in the unit anything you might want to know about someone, including education level, shooting, physical fitness and test scores, rough IQ, everything. I spent a lot of boring late-night hours digging out it's juicy details.

    The thing surprised me was how low my black colleges' IQ scores were compared to their reputation for competence. For instance, a black Gunnny Sgt. (E7) considered one of the best in the Battalion among his peers would be show in everything but IQ which would inevitably be so low that it was hard to even find comparable scores among whites above Corporal (E4). We're talking low 80s at the highest, when white staff NCOs with similar standing among their peers were usually in the 120s.

    I'm know that I'm talking about 2 different things, subjective judgments about reputation and supposedly objective measures, but you don't get an unearned reputation for competence in the Marine Corps among your peers. Among those under or above you, sure, but never your peers, they can't be fooled because they see your every f*ckup.

    I was therefore already pretty skeptical about IQ by inclination when I read Bell Curve in a public policy seminar in grad school, and became convinced that the assumption of race neutrality in the methodology is flawed and the results therefore skewed.

    Many of the best critiques of "The Bellcurve" demonstrated how segregated education itself account for most of the score differentials. That certainly tracks my experience 30 years ago with those black Staff NCOs came from either the rural South or the Inner City industrial North where the schools remain, to this day,as segregated as the day Brown v. Board cautioned all "necessary" speed correcting the inherent inequality of separate education.

  44. "LOL I guess all those Mexican and Tibetan sprinters just aren't practicing enough."

    Most championship level swimmers are white.

    Are you claiming that competitive swimming doesn't require athleticism?

    How about the fact that a disproportionate amount of baseball players are of Hispanic descent?

    Is that genetic, or cultural?

    Samoa, a country of 180,000 people has at least 28 players in the NFL.

    What's the reason behind that?


    For people boldly claiming intellectual superiority, you goobers sure make yourselves look dumb on this board on a daily basis.

  45. "It doesn't change the fact that East Asians are over-represented in high IQ fields."

    What is an EAST ASIAN?

    South-East Asians like Cambodians, Laotians and Vietnamese are disproportionately poor and uneducated both in their native lands and in the West.

  46. NSangoma10:25 PM


    TWes, TWou TWare TWeet.

  47. Anonymous10:47 PM

    "Are you claiming that competitive swimming doesn't require athleticism?"

    No, and since I haven't stated or suggested such, I'm mystified by the absurdity of your question.

    "How about the fact that a disproportionate amount of baseball players are of Hispanic descent?
    Is that genetic, or cultural?"

    Maybe it's both. I've never given it much thought, probably because I don't care.

    "Samoa, a country of 180,000 people has at least 28 players in the NFL.
    What's the reason behind that?"

    I'd guess that Samoans are genetically predisposed to being football players, and not basketball players, thus their absence in the NBA.



    "For people boldly claiming intellectual superiority"

    Once again, I'm perplexed by the absurdity of this statement.

    "you goobers sure make yourselves look dumb on this board on a daily basis."

    Very clever, for variety's sake, instead of "idiot", you used "dumb".
    Par for the course.

  48. Anonymous10:49 PM

    "What is an EAST ASIAN?"

  49. News flash "genius", ethnic Jews are people of color as are their descendants. As are mine the Jacobi's, who run that big a$$ hospital in NYC.

  50. Anonymous said...
    I'd guess that Samoans are genetically predisposed to being football players, and not basketball players, thus their absence in the NBA.

    Genetically predisposed? No such phrase, genetically speaking!

    One thing is clear is that in addition to being chromosomal XXY, you're "DD" homozygous at the genetic locus for being a dumb ass.

    PS- "D" in this case is dominant, completely!

  51. Anonymous11:03 PM

    "News flash "genius", ethnic Jews are people of color as are their descendants."

    You can refer to them however you like, I don't care.

    The IQ research community calls them Ashkenazi Jews.

  52. Anonymous11:04 PM

    I've read through all the comments thus far, but what I would like to know is: what happens when the white fathers who are smarter than blacks decide that they don't want to be benevolent any more?

  53. Anonymous11:05 PM

    "Genetically predisposed? No such phrase, genetically speaking!"

  54. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Anonymous said...
    I'd guess that Samoans are genetically predisposed to being football players, and not basketball players, thus their absence in the NBA.

    Genetically predisposed? No such phrase, genetically speaking!

    One thing is clear is that in addition to being chromosomal XXY, you're "DD" homozygous at the genetic locus for being a dumb ass.

    PS- "D" in this case is dominant, completely!

    Living proof of the validity of the Bell Curve (highly educated though only through self proclamation - often and at every opportunity) yet clearly has an IQ of 70 or less.

  55. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "One thing is clear is that in addition to being chromosomal XXY, you're "DD" homozygous at the genetic locus for being a dumb ass."

    Wow. More mindless name-calling. How original.

    Par for the course.

  56. Kim Long John11:10 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Now, call me a racist, and then think of some way to blame whitey for Asian & Jewish IQ superiority."

    Nah, I'll just call you an idiot.

    The overwhelming preponderance of Asians in the world live in abject poverty.

    And isn't Judaism was a religion, not a race?

    Yet when given the same opportunities as US black's they surpass them quickly and readily academically, socially and economically often while speaking little english. Why is that? Why can a first generation Korean immigrant come to the U.S have a business sell malt liqour and rent apartements to blacks becoming self sufficient and well off while the same blacks stay poor?

  57. Field Negro,

    This is my response to Andrew Sullivan. I am sending it tonight. It only distantly approaches how badly his article made me feel.

    To: Andrew Sullivan

    I read your article with chin on chest, and that now all too familiar feeling of let-down and a bone-weary sadness.
    Since the election of President Obama, I have been jolted into painful reality by learning that a favorite author is a flaming racist; that singers who were loved in my household would hold my family in contempt because we are black; that the standard that is set for us is so impossibly high that we will never overcome it.
    At each revelation, I mourn for my sons, my grandson, my students and my race.
    I don't have a long time left. I thought we were better than this. I thought we had made excellent progress, and then I read a post by you, a writer whom I respect, and there it is again: an assumption of racial inferiority that is so flawed and so inaccurate that I am appalled that one with intellect as high as yours would succumb to its findings.
    Out of all the reality-checks that I have experienced over the last 3 years, this has been one of the most painful.
    You do not know enough about the African-American experience, the daily grind, the years of discrimination and enforced ignorance to make a call about our intelligence. Scientific evidence be damned; you have not walked in our shoes, nor lived our lives. You have never known our despair and our deprivation. You have not experienced the soul-stealing, psychological damage of apartheid. Until you do, you have no right to make a call on our intelligence.

    I cannot tell you why I feel so betrayed,I can only tell you that I do.

  58. Anonymous11:40 PM

    "I've read through all the comments thus far, but what I would like to know is: what happens when the white fathers who are smarter than blacks decide that they don't want to be benevolent any more?"

    11:04 PM
    Read anon's comment @8:32p. Isn't that what we white gays are looking for in America?

  59. Anonymous said...
    Living proof of the validity of the Bell Curve (highly educated though only through self proclamation - often and at every opportunity) yet clearly has an IQ of 70 or less.

    The phrase "genetic predisposition" is NO WHERE in my Genetics, Molecular Biology, or Medical Biochemistry textbooks. So I suppose that the phrase "genetic predisposition" was likely created so that simpletons like yourself could understand genetics on an elementary school level.

    In fact, I've never even heard either a cancer or genetic epidemiologist use that phrase and I've "hung around" a few of them in my day too.

    Put another way, just because you still tell your Mommy you have to "boo-boo" a VERY popular phrase among toddlers, instead of using a more appropriate and adult phrase of "needing to have a bowel movement" doesn't totally negate the validity of your immature phrase.

    It simply means that adults have a more appropriate of speaking.

    And as far as your low IQ reference is concerned, I'll just say that it you posted multiple times to say the same thing which goes a LONG way to proving my assumption that your karyotype is XXY.

  60. Anonymous said...
    "One thing is clear is that in addition to being chromosomal XXY, you're "DD" homozygous at the genetic locus for being a dumb ass."

    Wow. More mindless name-calling. How original.

    Par for the course.

    What's the matter, can't appreciate my genetic sense of humor? Or was it taking you too long to "wiki" what da' hell I was talking about, LOL???

  61. Anonymous11:46 PM

    "Wow. More mindless name-calling. How original.

    Par for the course."

    You seem to be an expert in intellectual mindlessness. You win.

  62. Anonymous11:52 PM

    "The phrase "genetic predisposition" is NO WHERE in my Genetics, Molecular Biology, or Medical Biochemistry textbooks."

    So what? Since you understood it's meaning, why get into a pissing contest over it's legitimacy?

    "So I suppose that the phrase "genetic predisposition" was likely created so that simpletons like yourself could understand genetics on an elementary school level."

    Wow. So now we've added "simpleton" to the name-calling list.

    Just in case you're interested, I don't use spell-check or grammar-check, so please feel free to look for mistakes.

  63. Anonymous11:55 PM

    The reason some folks do the work needed to be brain surgeons and Physicists is that they weren't born bush/Quayle/Cheney/Russert....and aren't dishonest or illiterate enough to go Bachmann.

    Keep TELLing us you Goobers is smarter and besser than all Obama gets re-elected. And Neil DeGrasse Tyson shows your fantasy to be wisherating.


  64. Anonymous11:56 PM

    "What's the matter, can't appreciate my genetic sense of humor?"

    I guess not.
    I wasn't aware you were trying to be humorous.

    "Or was it taking you too long to "wiki" what da' hell I was talking about, LOL???"

    FYI...adding "LOL" to an unfunny statement does not make it funny.

  65. I'm Allowing11:59 PM

    I think that when a white, and black are together, the white comes out, & the intellegience is increased.

    Obama, for example.

    Not to say....they're aren't indiviuals of intelleginet smart blacks.


  66. Anonymous12:01 AM

    "You seem to be an expert in intellectual mindlessness."

    I've not once resorted to juvenile insults or name-calling.

    It's not my style.

    Is that what you've learned in Genetics, Molecular Biology, or Medical Biochemistry?

  67. Anonymous12:03 AM

    "The reason some folks do the work needed to be brain surgeons and Physicists"

    You are referring to folks who happen to be disproportionately Asian and Jewish.

  68. Anonymous12:13 AM

    "Is that what you've learned in Genetics, Molecular Biology, or Medical Biochemistry?"

    What do you care where it was learned? You came to trade insults so you are getting it, gay boy. Be thankful.

  69. Anonymous12:19 AM

    "You came to trade insults so you are getting it, gay boy. Be thankful."

    Please cite where I insulted you or anyone else.

    If you are unable to do so, please be honest enough to admit it.

    Also, for the record, I'm not gay, but please feel free to call me "gay boy" or "poopy-head" if you like, I don't mind.

  70. Anonymous12:24 AM

    "Also, for the record, I'm not gay, but please feel free to call me "gay boy" or "poopy-head" if you like, I don't mind."

    Yes you are. But maybe you haven't caught up to who you are, yet? I hope you do soon. Life is too short to hide from oneself.

  71. Anonymous12:29 AM

    "Please cite where I insulted you or anyone else."

    Either you are deluded or you are a moron. Maybe both. Regardless, I'm done wasting time with you.

  72. You know, the Internet is a strange and wonderful thing. You get to read the thoughts of interesting people and be challenged in your prejudices and beliefs.

    You also get to hear the rantings of people who are assured in their ignorance.

    I've been reading your blog for a while so I don't think the responses you're getting in this post are a surprise to you, and unfortunately they are not a surprise to me. I'm sad, however, that people who have the technology & skill to access the Internet still are so ignorant; I can only say that they must have to work hard to stay ignorant, which means that at some point they might get tired and stop. That's just a hope, though.

    I'm also sad that some people seem to think it worth their while to try to tear people down. I don't know what they want to accomplish - I don't think they've really thought through their end-game, but it sounds to me like they don't have the courage to simply be forthright in their racism; it's as if they know it's wrong and shameful, but think that if they dress it up with "science" then their attitudes can be justified. (And of course they seem to be a tad bit afraid of being exposed in their racism & bravely hide behind "Anonymous" as their posting handle.) Maybe the racists realize their day has passed, that they don't have anything to bring back the olden days, and the only thing left is to insult and hurt. And even those efforts are wasted because most people today don't need the approval of a white racist to do what they damned well please.

    I'm sorry for all this nonsense you're getting. Words aren't enough, of course - just being sad and sorry about it doesn't make things change.

    I'm OK posting with my own name, too. I mostly am here just to listen, but every so often I want to chime in.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Science, real science, does not acknowledge the existence of racial groups as we categorize them. Race in America is about skin color, which is one of the mutable & unreliable indicators of genetic makeup. So, for that matter, might be recent ancestry, which is sometimes the oral tradition of a family falsified over many generations until it is accepted as truth. People aren't always what they say they are or from where they say they're from, although they might honestly believe it.

  75. "purple cow has an interesting blog profile.
    The cow presents himself as a writer.
    He lists some of his favorite stuff. Music, movies etc.
    But no books.
    Some writer. No favorite books or favorite writers.
    Oops. Must have slipped his mind."

    So No Slapzzz, if I was a plumber would you want me to list my favorite faucets?

  76. I.Q. tests nothing except your ability to take I.Q. tests.

    The ultimate proof of that comes from the US Army, who have conducted more I.Q. tests than anyone else. They found (for instance) that simply changing the invigilator alters people's test score.

    So with white invigilators, white candidates scored better than black. But when a black officer is put in charge of the test the scores are reversed, with the greatest swing in scores coming from candidates from below the Mason-Dixon line.

    Similarly the US Army has found that people from the northern states, (both black and white), have higher I.Q.'s than southerners, (both black and white).

    So all in all as a test of intelligence it's nonsense.

    I.Q. tests were developed by 19th century, white middle-class Austrians and Germans to test the intelligence of 19th century white middle-class Austrians and Germans, they have no bearing on the modern world.

    I'm sure if you asked a Masai tribesman to develop a test of intelligence, white folks in Europe or America would do rather badly, but that (as with IQ tests) wouldn't mean a thing.

  77. Anonymous6:01 AM

    "You know, the Internet is a strange and wonderful thing. You get to read the thoughts of interesting people and be challenged in your prejudices and beliefs."

    People are challenged only if they are interested in getting to know themselves. The racist anon, who considers himself/herself intelligent by insulting others, does not know himself or his relationship to mankind. He/she is incapable of learning anything new while consumed with racism. Hence, ignorance has the poor person in its grips for life.

  78. Anonymous7:49 AM

    "Yes you are."

    No, I'm not. And since you know nothing about me, why in the world do you want to quibble about my sexual orientation? Do you hate gay people?

  79. Anonymous7:50 AM

    "Either you are deluded or you are a moron."

    More name-calling...

    Par for the course.

  80. eveingeorgia, that's a great letter. I feel your pain. Unfortunately, Mr. Sullivan will not.

    Stephen, I loved the comments.Glad to have folks like you lurking around, I just wish you would comment more often.

    PC, and WC, those are interesting comments about the Army and how they apply tests.

    "I think that when a white, and black are together, the white comes out, & the intellegience is increased."

    For the sake of other white folks reading this I hope that you are not white. It sure would make them feel bad about their race.

    "What's the matter, can't appreciate my genetic sense of humor? Or was it taking you too long to "wiki" what da' hell I was talking about, LOL???"

    Go get em, Doc. :)

  81. Anonymous8:09 AM

    "Science, real science, does not acknowledge the existence of racial groups as we categorize them."

    This is categorically false.

    The medical community certainly recognizes that Sickle Cell Anemia is endemic in black people, cystic fibrosis is most common in white people, and Tay-Sachs disease is almost exclusive to Jews.

    Also, medical treatments can vary significantly depending on one's race.

  82. Anonymous8:17 AM

    "I.Q. tests nothing except your ability to take I.Q. tests."

    It also tests your ability to understand complex science and mathematics, that's why these fields are over-represented by Asians and Jews.

  83. Anonymous8:35 AM

    "You also get to hear the rantings of people who are assured in their ignorance."

    Stephen Matlock, try to be more original with your insults, "ignorant" has already been used.

    "I'm also sad that some people seem to think it worth their while to try to tear people down."

    But your perfectly comfortable with repeated use of "idiot", "dumb ass", and "moron"??

    LOLOL Your selective outrage is amusing.

  84. Everyone knows blacks are not the sharpest tools in the shed. That's why blacks need affirmative action racial quotas just to compete.

    Colleges, military, police departments and fire departments have to lower their standards so blacks can compete.

    Even with lower standards blacks still have a hard time. So schools have to cheat in order to help blacks move up in grade levels and graduate.

    The higher the black population in a city the higher the crime rates.

    Blacks are sheep who follow their Democrat herders.

  85. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Only a dishonest or illiterate goober would think having my skittle diddled by my dad is wrong.

    bush/Quayle/Cheney/Russert spend most of their time wisherating they were that close to their dads.


  86. Dr Vinny BoomBatz9:23 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Anonymous said...
    Living proof of the validity of the Bell Curve (highly educated though only through self proclamation - often and at every opportunity) yet clearly has an IQ of 70 or less.

    The phrase "genetic predisposition" is NO WHERE in my Genetics, Molecular Biology, or Medical Biochemistry textbooks. So I suppose that the phrase "genetic predisposition" was likely created so that simpletons like yourself could understand genetics on an elementary school level.
    In fact, I've never even heard either a cancer or genetic epidemiologist use that phrase and I've "hung around" a few of them in my day too.

    Chapter 11Genetic Predisposition to Cancer

    Marcia S Brose, MD, PhD, Tom Smyrk, MD, Barbara Weber, MD, and Henry T Lynch, MD, while talking about the "Genetic Predisposition" to cancer all say the same thing.

    You will never be a Doctor. You just don't have the "genetic predisposition" for it.

    Put another way, just because you still tell your Mommy you have to "boo-boo" a VERY popular phrase among toddlers, instead of using a more appropriate and adult phrase of "needing to have a bowel movement" doesn't totally negate the validity of your immature phrase.

    So in your best attempt at "understanding" you are saying that "genetic predisposition" is in fact valid only now you are saying it is for entry level Doctors, Geneticists and the like for they would be infantile to use the term and would instead use a more mature term. Obvious that you don't have the intelligence to understand the meaning behind the words you have selected.

    "It simply means that adults have a more appropriate of speaking".

    So what is the adult "more appropriate way of speaking" used to refer to refer to the conditions that are encompassed under genetic dispositions? Something like you know a nigga can't swim"? Or did yo pops ever get da cancer or dat diabets shit?

    Why do you as someone who has not even entered medical school believe she is more mature and advanced than those in the field who use the term? Could it be the arrogance resulting from that low IQ?

    And as far as your low IQ reference is concerned, I'll just say that it you posted multiple times to say the same thing which goes a LONG way to proving my assumption that your karyotype is XXY.

    Well, there goes the low IQ again, assuming that one poster said the same thing instead of what appears to be various people observing you are not intelligent and expressing in individual manners as if it had to be a plot and manipulated for people to observe your intelligence level.

    If you simply can't understand a term that is widely used and understood in the medical profession because of it's absolutely critical relevance and importance, rather than learn that term you debate it with poo-poo references. You have proven two things: you do not have an IQ where more than poo-poo and name calling can be exchanged and you will never be a Doctor.

  87. Anonymous said...
    The medical community certainly recognizes that Sickle Cell Anemia is endemic in black people, cystic fibrosis is most common in white people, and Tay-Sachs disease is almost exclusive to Jews.

    Sickle cell anemia is NOT endemic in Black people, people of African decent are just more likely to carry Sickle cell TRAIT!

    Now since my first MS thesis examined the molecular mechanisms of sickle cell disease, I'd suggest you "sat" your Wikipedia aSS down somewhere before you "hurt" yourself.

    Speaking of sickle cell, I was taking my first general biology class when a "white" guy said that his "white" Mom had sickle cell disease. I almost lost my breakfast laughing at him when the Prof who was also White, informed him that he very likely wasn't "White" at all, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!

    Genetic lesson for the day: everyone with blonde hair and blue eyes ain't White!

  88. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Purple Cow bovinely bloviates..

    " I'm sure if you asked a Masai tribesman to develop a test of intelligence, white folks in Europe or America would do rather badly, but that (as with IQ tests) wouldn't mean a thing"

    Why you are quite right, if one were to place importance on justifying cattle theft as god gave you all cattle on the face of the earth" as an Intelligence factor over the abilities to learn and absorb, adapt to environmental changes, solve problems, to generalize to abstract, to detect redunancies, to tranform inputs.

    But I myself prefer the nations that have been developed by the "White folks of Europe and America" than to living in a nation or society developed by "those equally intelligent" Massia tribesman and all that African and similar intelligence levels have achieved.

    To each their own.

  89. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Genetic lesson for the day: everyone with blonde hair and blue eyes ain't White!

    So some white appearing people may actually have black in their DNA and to stress the point and prove this you say this is so as they said something dumb about Sickle Cell Anemia, while in class? Do you have a brain? Do you realize the things you say?

    OK, I guess I will go along with what you say. People who look white may not be white and actually not be so intelligent because they have some black muddled in their genetics and say dumb things about sickle cell anemia. I revise my estimate of your IQ, it now appears to be 65 and dropping.

  90. kinky_neocon said...
    Even with lower standards blacks still have a hard time. So schools have to cheat in order to help blacks move up in grade levels and graduate.

    So what's your excuse for being Jewish and unable to pass the PE exam?

    You're obviously more HICK than Jew. CLEARLY! And one more thing, I can't remember the last time I read your comments when you post as "Dr. Bee-otch", as it's so incredibly easy to clear them from my field of view. So continue with what I assume are your flagrantly ignorant, insignificant diatribes.

    And continue to kiss my fine, future physician a$$ too!

  91. Anonymous said...
    So some white appearing people may actually have black in their DNA and to stress the point and prove this you say this is so as they said something dumb about Sickle Cell Anemia, while in class? Do you have a brain? Do you realize the things you say?

    Did I read this right, Black in their DNA"? WTF does THAT mean exactly?

    Have you ever SEEN DNA? It's NOT Black dummy!

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Dr.Queen said...
    You know I should apologize for calling you a dummy. Being XXY is nothing to be teased about.

    You're a retarded motherf............

  94. Poopy-Head10:01 AM

    Sickle cell anemia is NOT endemic in Black people, people of African decent are just more likely to carry Sickle cell TRAIT!

    Now since my first MS thesis examined the molecular mechanisms of sickle cell disease, I'd suggest you "sat" your Wikipedia aSS down somewhere before you "hurt" yourself.

    Speaking of sickle cell, I was taking my first general biology class when a "white" guy said that his "white" Mom had sickle cell disease. I almost lost my breakfast laughing at him when the Prof who was also White, informed him that he very likely wasn't "White" at all, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!

    Genetic lesson for the day: everyone with blonde hair and blue eyes ain't White!

    Queenie Queefa, this is getting painful. I can see you now in class struggling to comprehend the material, laughing at rational thought and being pandered to by the same professor who goes along with and accept the "thesis" you supplied in order to move you along and not crush your aspirations. All the while knowing you will never be a Doctor.

    Judging by your conflicting thoughts and statements you are one very confused person over her head. If you laughed at the white guy who stupidly said his mother had "sickle cell" anemia for not knowing he "probably had black in him" How does it compute with your IQ level to emphatically state that sickle cell is not endemic to black people - but people of african decent? Do you understand any part of what you are writing. You see a higher IQ would allow you to see these conflicts and seek a better understanding even if it is a struggle. You on the other hand will just get more angry and blame someone and call them poopy-heads.

  95. Your Homie, with Love.10:08 AM

    Yes, yes , Yes. It's the AVERAGE! Same with crimes, and everything else you can name.

    Crap on that.

    In general, the 19th Century British were just more effectual at dog breeding than are moderns. I strongly doubt that they had better techniques. They just had better goals. For example, the reporter goes to visit a man who has been breeding a healthier English bulldog for 40 years, but nobody much cares.

    That reminds me that you occasionally read, although less often now than a decade ago, of somebody claiming that genetic engineering of humans will, Real Soon Now, change everything. I pretty much asserted that back in the 1990s.

    Well, maybe, but leaving aside all the technical questions and consider this: humans have near-complete control over dog breeding today, and yet we are lousier at it than a century ago.

  96. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Dr.Queen said...

    "So what's your excuse for being Jewish and unable to pass the PE exam?"

    You're obviously more HICK than Jew. CLEARLY! And one more thing, I can't remember the last time I read your comments when you post as "Dr. Bee-otch", as it's so incredibly easy to clear them from my field of view. So continue with what I assume are your flagrantly ignorant, insignificant diatribes."

    "And continue to kiss my fine, future physician a$$ too!"

    Did I read this right, Black in their DNA"? WTF does THAT mean exactly?

    "Have you ever SEEN DNA? It's NOT Black dummy!"

    "You know I should apologize for calling you a dummy. Being XXY is nothing to be teased about.

    You're a retarded motherf............"

    Ladies and Gentleman, when faced with questions of logic that require a working intellect to comprehend and respond... you get this. Kiss my ass, Motherf....have you ever seen DNA it's not Black...

    Nothing more need be said on this debate, simply view the intellect of one who claims she is superior and how she proceeds to justify her position with well thought out points. When you can't hang and say things that are clearly the sign of a low intellect if questioned, just call people hick jews and tell them they can kiss your ass. That ought to convince them how intelligent you aren't.

    Case closed.

  97. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Anonymous said...
    So some white appearing people may actually have black in their DNA and to stress the point and prove this you say this is so as they said something dumb about Sickle Cell Anemia, while in class? Do you have a brain? Do you realize the things you say?

    Did I read this right, Black in their DNA"? WTF does THAT mean exactly?

    Have you ever SEEN DNA? It's NOT Black dummy!

    OK now that you evaded the accountability of thinking and the disconnection of your thoughts with something ludicrous, how about trying to explain why you say that someone who is stupid enough not to know that he may have some "african" Dna in him, can be stupid when you also say "Sickle cell anemia is NOT endemic in Black people, people of African decent are just more likely to carry Sickle cell TRAIT! "

    Do you understand the thoughts your words and sentences are conveying? Perhaps the guy in class wasn't the "stupid" one.

  98. WHO are you talking to, Queenie?

  99. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Are you telling us, professor, that DNA doesn't make us red, white, black, yellow, and WHATEVER?

  100. Asson with NO genetic knowledge:
    "Do you understand the thoughts your words and sentences are conveying? Perhaps the guy in class wasn't the "stupid" one."

    I have absolutely NO time to explain to you the difference between having a disease and carrying the trait for a disease.

    So at the end of the day, the ONLY stupid one here is YOU! Yet another hick who thinks your "white" skin makes you academically superior to a Black person who's been studying genetic diseases since your father jacked half of you off, and your mammy used a turkey baster to impregnate herself.

  101. I Gotta Stump10:41 AM

    "I tried to brave the "madding" crowd today. (Today. Not early this morning. Not last night. Today

    Man, you got a ring in your nose. :)

  102. Anonymous said...
    "Are you telling us, professor, that DNA doesn't make us red, white, black, yellow, and WHATEVER?"


    ¿Comprende estúpido?

  103. Anonymous10:50 AM

    "Sickle cell anemia is NOT endemic in Black people, people of African decent are just more likely to carry Sickle cell TRAIT!"

    But if there's no such thing as race...then why are black people more likely to carry the sickle cell trait?

  104. Anonymous10:52 AM

    "Yes you are."

    No, I'm not. And since you know nothing about me, why in the world do you want to quibble about my sexual orientation? Do you hate gay people?"

    7:49 AM
    That's where you are clearly wrong. I know everything about you. You are lonely, unwanted, unloved and abandoned by your family. You spend your time here to feel better about yourself. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Does it?

  105. Anonymous10:52 AM

    "Speaking of sickle cell, I was taking my first general biology class when a "white" guy said that his "white" Mom had sickle cell disease. I almost lost my breakfast laughing at him when the Prof who was also White, informed him that he very likely wasn't "White" at all, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!"

    That's a real knee-slapper.

    Try to remember the rule about attaching "LOL".

  106. Anonymous10:54 AM

    No. But if you sit back, read what tou posted.....YOUR'RE the El Loco PUTA.

  107. "ROTFLMBAO!!!!!"

    You missed a few letters. That should read

    Laughin' My BIG black GHETTO ass off.

  108. Anonymous10:59 AM

    "That's where you are clearly wrong. I know everything about you."

    Repeating a lie does not make it true.

  109. Anonymous11:01 AM

    "Stephen Matlock, try to be more original with your insults, "ignorant" has already been used."

    He was very original. But ignorance has you in its grip. Unfortunately, you are in a trap you cannot spring. Pray for relief.

  110. Anonymous11:04 AM

    "But ignorance has you in its grip."

    Once again, strive for originality.

    "Ignorance" has already been used multiple times, it's boring, and suggests a limited vocabulary.

  111. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Asson with NO genetic knowledge:
    "Do you understand the thoughts your words and sentences are conveying? Perhaps the guy in class wasn't the "stupid" one."

    I have absolutely NO time to explain to you the difference between having a disease and carrying the trait for a disease.

    So at the end of the day, the ONLY stupid one here is YOU! Yet another hick who thinks your "white" skin makes you academically superior to a Black person who's been studying genetic diseases since your father jacked half of you off, and your mammy used a turkey baster to impregnate herself.

    Ahhh, I wish I were as intelligent as you and in discussions about genetics could talk about turkey basters and jacking off and prove this by stating the equivalent of anti science by saying that if you polish a turd long enough it will turn into a diamond. With the IQ you possess you can study until you are middle aged and you will not.....oh wait...that is what you are doing and yet it hasn't helped at all apparantly.

    Never mind. Keep polishing that turd, using your turkey baster to jack off and maybe someday someone will buy you a clue.

  112. Anonymous11:08 AM

    "That's where you are clearly wrong. I know everything about you."

    Repeating a lie does not make it true.

    10:59 AM
    I repeat, "You are lonely, unwanted, unloved and abandoned by your family. You spend your time here to feel better about yourself. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Does it?"

    That's not a lie, it's clearly the truth which everyone here can see. You are emotional and psychological ill...very easy to read.

  113. Anonymous11:16 AM

    "That's not a lie"

    Of course it's a lie.

    You can continue repeating it, if it makes you feel better, I really don't care.

    You certainly haven't scored any debate points, so maybe name-calling and personal attacks are the best you can do.

  114. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Hah. Queenie, if it wasn't for that Affirmitive Action, & Tax-Payers money, you'd be making burritos at Taco Bell.

    Your stupidity is apparent in your use of the "white" dictionary.

  115. I Be's A Dumb Cracker11:33 AM

    BTW....What's The Black Dictionary called? Ebonics For Dummies?

    About three pages long?

  116. Anonymous11:42 AM

    "Sickle cell anemia is NOT endemic in Black people, people of African decent are just more likely to carry Sickle cell TRAIT!"

    That's what endemic means.

    en·dem·ic   [en-dem-ik]
    1. natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place;

  117. Anonymous11:47 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    ...So all in all as a test of intelligence it's nonsense.

    I.Q. tests were developed by 19th century, white middle-class Austrians and Germans to test the intelligence of 19th century white middle-class Austrians and Germans, they have no bearing on the modern world.

    I'm sure if you asked a Masai tribesman to develop a test of intelligence, white folks in Europe or America would do rather badly, but that (as with IQ tests) wouldn't mean a thing
    So true!
    I was a secretary for a psychologist here who had a government contract with the board of education to administer a battery of tests to school age children in the public school system.

    He had a young man to translate theses tests from English to Spanish. With the cultural questions the young man had to translate them into cultural expressions of Puertoricans so the child could relate. I was perusing these tests one day and much to my surprise and shock, found out that many of these questions not only had no bearing whatsoever to this population, but that the young man, even though a college graduate, had a limited knowledge of English and had grossly misinterpreted/translated them. So some of the questions were downright laughable, but immensely saddening to see what these youngsters had to deal with and were super unfairly judged by.

    My thoughts are that these tests keep populations unfairly categorized/stigmatized

  118. Drooling In Style11:58 AM

    " Desertflower said...
    The Purple Cow said...
    ...So all in all as a test of intelligence it's nonsense.

    I.Q. tests were developed by 19th century, white middle-class Austrians and Germans to test the intelligence of 19th century white middle-class Austrians and Germans, they have no bearing on the modern world.

    I'm sure if you asked a Masai tribesman to develop a test of intelligence, white folks in Europe or America would do rather badly, but that (as with IQ tests) wouldn't mean a thing
    So true!
    I was a secretary for a psychologist here who had a government contract with the board of education to administer a battery of tests to school age children in the public school system.

    He had a young man to translate theses tests from English to Spanish. With the cultural questions the young man had to translate them into cultural expressions of Puertoricans so the child could relate. I was perusing these tests one day and much to my surprise and shock, found out that many of these questions not only had no bearing whatsoever to this population, but that the young man, even though a college graduate, had a limited knowledge of English and had grossly misinterpreted/translated them. So some of the questions were downright laughable, but immensely saddening to see what these youngsters had to deal with and were super unfairly judged by.

    My thoughts are that these tests keep populations unfairly categorized/stigmatized

    11:47 AM

    Yeah, but you gotta admit, DFlower....some people, all people, are smart, and some are dumd as a box oof rocks.

    There HAS to be an explanation for this.

  119. Anonymous12:27 PM

    "That's not a lie"

    Of course it's a lie.

    You can continue repeating it, if it makes you feel better, I really don't care.

    You certainly haven't scored any debate points, so maybe name-calling and personal attacks are the best you can do.

    11:16 AM
    What you say doesn't count. You've proven nothing here. You are everything I said you were and that's a fact.

    No debate points? Who says, "YOU"? Forget it. You lost ALL integrity due to your dishonesty and, as Stephen said, "ignorance". I am quite surprised that you are still trying to be accepted, wanted and loved. All you are doing is continuing your suffering of being unloved, and unwanted. Look closely at your comments from yesterday and today.

    You have an emotional and psychological illness that you cannot overcome by yourself. You are projecting your sickness all over the blog. It's called incurable low-self-esteem born out of your family of origin. The good news is it's treatable, provided you can find the 'right' therapist.:)

    It's clear that you were either physically or/and sexually abused...maybe both. Your thought patterns also indicate you were emotionally or physically abandoned by your parents. Growing up has been painfully challenging for you.

    Again, you need help. May I suggest you get it ASAP?

    PS: Take it from me, FN blog is not the appropriate place for the kind of professional help you need. I know Field and some others like uts, Mack Lyons, PC and Desertflower might slam me for taking away some good business, but trust me, you can do better. You will only end up sicker than you already are. Please, go get a REAL psychiatrist.

  120. Anonymous12:34 PM

    "What you say doesn't count. You've proven nothing here. You are everything I said you were and that's a fact."

    FYI...calling something a "fact" does not make it factual.

    Here's an example:
    "Black people consistently score at the top of the IQ pyramid, and that's a fact."

    Do you see what I mean?? It sounds ridiculous.

  121. Quote Anonymous 10:50

    "But if there's no such thing as race...then why are black people more likely to carry the sickle cell trait?"

    That's easy.

    It's because of Malaria. People who have the Sickle cell trait (including but not exclusively, African Americans) have their roots in areas where the Malarial mosquito is prevalent. Having a sickle cell trait gives you a greater chance of surviving malaria.

    So if you live in a Malarial region there is a genetic advantage to having the sickle-cell trait.

  122. Interim Pesident of ANON, Inc.12:57 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    "That's not a lie"

    Of course it's a lie.

    You can continue repeating it, if it makes you feel better, I really don't care.

    You certainly haven't scored any debate points, so maybe name-calling and personal attacks are the best you can do.

    11:16 AM
    What you say doesn't count. You've proven nothing here. You are everything I said you were and that's a fact.

    ANON! You are in violation! You MUST at least reference the time of the post you are referring to!

    No Hoods for you, next campfire.


  123. I CRAP OFF1:08 PM

    We have mosquito in Mississippi tha w will pickk you, all the mosqitos feasting uponst you, your net, & hut, and you're gone.

    I've prolly been bitten over a thousand times in my life.

    Only African mosquitos have malaria?

  124. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Drooling In Style said...
    ..Yeah, but you gotta admit, DFlower....some people, all people, are smart, and some are dumd as a box oof rocks.

    There HAS to be an explanation for this.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And there are many explanations. Learning disorders, brain disorders/malfunctions,cultural deficiencies,et al.
    These are found in every peoples on the planet, but they are not endemic to any one in particular.

  125. Anonymous1:09 PM

    "People who have the Sickle cell trait (including but not exclusively, African Americans) have their roots in areas where the Malarial mosquito is prevalent."

    In other words, you are agreeing with my original point that sickle cell is largely racially exclusive to black people.

  126. Kim Jong Goober,

    "Why can a first generation Korean immigrant come to the U.S have a business sell malt liqour and rent apartements to blacks becoming self sufficient and well off while the same blacks stay poor?"

    Because those Koreans who come here are screened carefully by US immigration, are well educated and and able to get business loans.

    It's not real complicated.

  127. "The medical community certainly recognizes that Sickle Cell Anemia is endemic in black people, cystic fibrosis is most common in white people, and Tay-Sachs disease is almost exclusive to Jews."

    This is idiotic.

    The reason why these diseases are common within these communities is because of intermarrying and interbreeding.

    Are you suggesting that under no circumstances could a white get sickle cell anemia or a black get cystic-fibrosis?

  128. "Sickle cell anemia is NOT endemic in Black people, people of African decent are just more likely to carry Sickle cell TRAIT!"

    That's what endemic means.

    en·dem·ic   [en-dem-ik]
    1. natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place;

    1 out of 500 is not a "characteristic of a specific people" you fuckin imbecile.

  129. Anonymous1:35 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous 10:50

    "But if there's no such thing as race...then why are black people more likely to carry the sickle cell trait?"

    That's easy.

    It's because of Malaria. People who have the Sickle cell trait (including but not exclusively, African Americans) have their roots in areas where the Malarial mosquito is prevalent. Having a sickle cell trait gives you a greater chance of surviving malaria.

    So if you live in a Malarial region there is a genetic advantage to having the sickle-cell trait.

    Don't confuse the lack of skills/intelligence/common sense Africans possess towards combating Malaria and the resultant high number of cases in Africa for the dominant origin of the disease. Due to IQ levels just about every disease known to man is peaked in the African continent.

    Malaria is surprisingly so a disease that has been very high in tropical climates such as Asia, The Americas and Africa. You know, climates that mosquitos flourish in. In Africa they presumably think you need to rape a virgin to cure aids or something similar thus the number of cases of malaria that could be stopped with a simple net and fumigation of mosquitos doesn't take place. In fact many of the nets supplied by "other countries" to help Africans combat malaria were used as hair nets and such whilst the children got eaten by mosquitos.

    Anyway, Asians, Latinos don't have the gene for Sickle cell anemia, yes some but not as prevelant as the Black race does.

    Science doesn't change to fit wishful thinking or warped views. Race is a reality, geneticists can tell someone's race immediately using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis. Just ask Professor Gates. So if you don't like the traits associated with your race that genetic code locks in and that provides genetic disposition for specific skills abilities and overall capabilities, pray to god or work like hell to overcome genetics. But pretending they don't exist won't work.

  130. "Anyway, Asians, Latinos don't have the gene for Sickle cell anemia"

    Problem with this is that there are black, white and brown "latinos".

    And a whole lot of mixed raced Latinos.

  131. Anonymous1:52 PM

    "Because those Koreans who come here are screened carefully by US immigration, are well educated and and able to get business loans."

    LOLOLOLOL Black Excuses 101.

  132. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Yeah, we tried to ship em'DDT, but that might kill eagles.

  133. no slappz1:55 PM

    purple cow asks:

    So No Slapzzz, if I was a plumber would you want me to list my favorite faucets?

    First, bonehead. You should have used the subjunctive to pose your hypothetical question.

    If I WERE a plumber...

    Hence, your "writing" is what you do on blogs for fun.

    Second, Yes, if you were a plumber, I'd want to know which faucets you rated highly.

    Serious writers regularly comment on the writers they like best, the writers who left lasting marks on them.

  134. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Easy. Do What my family does.

    Quit the mixing.

  135. Anonymous1:57 PM

    "This is idiotic."

    Expand your vocabulary.
    Challenge yourself.

    "The reason why these diseases are common within these communities is because of intermarrying and interbreeding."

    LOL Wow. Funny.
    Please provide a scientific/medical source for this claim.
    If you are unable to do so, please be honest enough to that you're just making it up.

    "Are you suggesting that under no circumstances could a white get sickle cell anemia or a black get cystic-fibrosis?"

    Of course not.

  136. "Please provide a scientific/medical source for this claim.
    If you are unable to do so, please be honest enough to that you're just making it up."

    If a black man with the sickle cell trait had a child with a white woman, are you saying the child under no circumstances would get the sickle cell trait?

    And what if the mixed race child produced a baby with a white person?

    That child would be immune from sickle cell?

    Take your head out of your ass.

  137. no slappz2:02 PM

    purple cow hypothesizes:

    I'm sure if you asked a Masai tribesman to develop a test of intelligence, white folks in Europe or America would do rather badly, but that (as with IQ tests) wouldn't mean a thing.

    Really? Why would you think whites would perform poorly on an IQ test created by an African tribesman?

    On what basis would a Masai create an IQ test?

    In what language would he create his test? Do the Masai have a written language?

  138. Anonymous2:05 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Sickle cell anemia is NOT endemic in Black people, people of African decent are just more likely to carry Sickle cell TRAIT!"

    That's what endemic means.

    en·dem·ic   [en-dem-ik]
    1. natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place;

    1 out of 500 is not a "characteristic of a specific people" you fuckin imbecile.

    I guess someone thinking 1 in 500 (it is actually 1/14 do a better google search next time) is a "weally high number cause I gets tired countin that far"... as opposed to 1 in 1,000 for latinos and even higher for caucasians, Whatever , as long as it fuels your anti scientific denial rocket. Do you still think voodoo can cure certain diseases? Or maybe science will go away if you cry dat shit be racist.

  139. Anonymous2:07 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Yeah, we tried to ship em'DDT, but that might kill eagles.

    1:52 PM

    Now, I'm sure the Koreans & the Somalians both go thru the same immigration line, especially with that Dyke, Napootliano in charge.

    They all eat dogs, amirite?

  140. "LOLOLOLOL Black Excuses 101."

    Sorry Goober but it's a fact.

    The Korean Deli owner on the corner of 10th and P where I used to live in DC was a trained chemical engineer in his native land but could not translate his credentials to the American market.

    It's common with Asian immigration into the US.

    They only let a small number in and most of those are educated.

  141. (it is actually 1/14 do a better google search next time)

    Better than this?

    "The prevalence of the disease in the United States is approximately 1 in 5,000, mostly affecting Americans of Sub-Saharan African descent, according to the National Institutes of Health.[4] In the United States, about 1 out of 500 African-American children born will have sickle-cell anaemia"

  142. Anonymous2:10 PM

    "1 out of 500 is not a "characteristic of a specific people" you fuckin imbecile."

    More name-calling from the little man! LOL Par for the course.

    I'm not debating the rate of development of sickle cell among blacks, I'm only stating that it is genetically uncharacteristic among non-blacks and genetically characteristic among blacks, as stated by the medical community.

    Now hurry up and call me poopy-head...

  143. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "This is idiotic."

    Expand your vocabulary.
    Challenge yourself.

    "The reason why these diseases are common within these communities is because of intermarrying and interbreeding."

    LOL Wow. Funny.
    Please provide a scientific/medical source for this claim.
    If you are unable to do so, please be honest enough to that you're just making it up.

    "Are you suggesting that under no circumstances could a white get sickle cell anemia or a black get cystic-fibrosis?"

    Of course not.

    This is comical, so Steve, it is a scientific fact Black people have more instances of the Sickle Cell trait. So using your logic, this is only so because they intermarry and "interbreed" and Intermarry"

    Did he really just say this? You couldn't make these things up in a discussion about genetics and intelligence, you just could not.

  144. Anonymous2:12 PM

    "If a black man with the sickle cell trait had a child with a white woman, are you saying the child under no circumstances would get the sickle cell trait?"

    Of course not.
    Frankly, I'm perplexed by the absurdity of the question.

  145. Anonymous2:14 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    (it is actually 1/14 do a better google search next time)

    Better than this?

    "The prevalence of the disease in the United States is approximately 1 in 5,000, mostly affecting Americans of Sub-Saharan African descent, according to the National Institutes of Health.[4] In the United States, about 1 out of 500 African-American children born will have sickle-cell anaemia"

    Sure, why didn't you use the one from the Chicago College of Medicine, you know the medical one instead of the "Wikipedia" one? The one from the medical site that actually practices medicine with geneticists involved thinks it is 1/14 for blacks and 1/600 for cauc. Either way, you are splitting hairs over what still remains fact, Blacks are more genetically disposed to have the Sickle Cell trait than any other race. That is a fact. Now, what is your point?

  146. Anonymous2:16 PM

    "Sorry Goober but it's a fact."

    Remember, calling something "a fact" does not make it factual.

    Here's an example:
    "The laws of physics were derived by black people, it's a fact".

    Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

  147. Anonymous2:18 PM

    "Did he really just say this?"

    He did!


  148. "Because everyone’s work proves that their people are the smartest.

    What? Where did that nonsense come from?

    I.Q. tests measure mental function. Moreover, there are loads of tests that measure, or attempt to measure, every aspect of the human mind.

    Aptitude tests, creativity tests, divergent thinking tests, etc.

    But the real test is life itself. What do people do?

    Do we have a measure for that? Yes. It's often seen as career success.

    Who are the people who break new ground in all the different paths of human endeavor?

    Who has always led the way in science? In math? In economics?

    Who has always trailed?

    Virtually all patents are obtained by whites and asians. Virtually all scientific advances are made by whites and asians.

    There's never been a ground-breaking black mathematician.

    No intellectual advance has come from anywhere in Africa.

    Muslims have contributed almost nothing to the intellectual advance of mankind.

    Whites and asians account for all the intellectual advances -- ever. Blacks have had their greatest successes in sports and entertainment.

    If Einstein, Edison and a long list of other scientists/engineers had taken IQ tests, would they have gotten average scores? Above-average scores? Whadayathink?

  149. "Frankly, I'm perplexed by the absurdity of the question."

    The question only seems absurd because:

    a. You're not real bright

    b. You can't answer it.

  150. "This is comical, so Steve, it is a scientific fact Black people have more instances of the Sickle Cell trait"

    Because of an historical exposure to an outside host.

    White people CAN GET SICKLE CELL, right?

    If whites were totally immune to it, then you'd have a point goober.

  151. no slappz2:25 PM

    up clown steve writes:

    The Korean Deli owner on the corner of 10th and P where I used to live in DC was a trained chemical engineer in his native land but could not translate his credentials to the American market.

    What nonsense.

    There's a reason foreign students study science and engineering in the US.

    Here's the reason -- the foreign schools often stink. Just like some American colleges are unacredited -- so too are some foreign schools.

    Moreover, there's no penalty for lying and overstating one's credentials. Happens every day.

    Meanwhile, English fluency makes a difference. Taking orders for deli sandwiches isn't good enough.

    Anyway, stevie, you shouldn't concern yourself with technical stuff. It's beyond you.

  152. Anonymous2:25 PM

    "If whites were totally immune to it, then you'd have a point goober."

    No one has suggested that whites are totally immune to it.

  153. "Who are the people who break new ground in all the different paths of human endeavor?"

    Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, a black man who was born a SLAVE, performed the first successful open heart surgery operation.

    Damn Slappy, are you really this silly?

    The first known physician was a black man.


  154. Deer Stalker2:27 PM

    NOW. I have been a deer hunter all my life, and have been involved with MANAGING deer populalations on Texas Ranches up to 15,000 acres.

    Even on a ranch that large, you must keep the Boys & Girls & "kidlets" separated to keep the herd healthy.

    I could go on for hours, as to how you accomplish this, but the ultimate goal is, you want a visitor to shoot a 10k Buck.

  155. Anonymous2:28 PM

    "b. You can't answer it."

    I answered it.

    In case you missed it, here it is again:

    "If a black man with the sickle cell trait had a child with a white woman, are you saying the child under no circumstances would get the sickle cell trait?"

    Of course not.

    Frankly, I'm perplexed by the absurdity of the question.

  156. "No one has suggested that whites are totally immune to it."

    Case closed.

    You have no point.

  157. "Anyway, stevie, you shouldn't concern yourself with technical stuff. It's beyond you."

    So you're a scientist, eh Slappy?

  158. Anonymous2:31 PM

    "Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, a black man who was born a SLAVE, performed the first successful open heart surgery operation."

    Wow, are you still repeating this crock? You forgot to add "it's a fact"!

  159. no slappz2:33 PM

    up clown stevie says:

    Because those Koreans who come here are screened carefully by US immigration, are well educated and and able to get business loans.

    In other words, you're admitting that some people entering the US are NOT screened carefully.

    Hmmm. Where might they be from?

    What motivates these poorly screened people to come here?

    By your estimation, these poorly screened people are poor and uneducated. Yet they endure a lot to get here. Hmmm. There must be a motivation.

  160. Anonymous2:34 PM

    "Case closed.
    You have no point."

    My point is unchanged, that different diseases can affect different races disproportionately, and that this is recognized by the medical community.

  161. "My point is unchanged, that different diseases can affect different races disproportionately, and that this is recognized by the medical community."

    Your point is still bull$hit.

    Certain diseases may be more prevalent in certain communties because of exposure to outside hosts and interbreeding but, for instance, sickle anemia is going AFFECT a white person the same way it would a black person if they have the trait.

  162. no slappz2:42 PM

    up clown stevie dreams on:

    Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, a black man who was born a SLAVE, performed the first successful open heart surgery operation.

    Only in black fictional history.

    The first known physician was a black man.


    I see. Witch doctor, maybe. But doctoring has never been a black strongpoint. We know that blacks are weak in medicine by considering the African continent. It is a stewpot of disease.

    A sign of mental weakness is the black tendency to cling to absurd myths long after they've been debunked.

    Nothing much has been invented in Africa. Even the wheel was imported.

    Blacks have added nothing to the sum of all human knowledge.

  163. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

    The Pioneer of Open Heart Surgery

  164. Anonymous2:45 PM

    "Your point is still bull$hit."

    If that is your belief, then I encourage you to write to the physician/author of this column

    and explain to him that he doesn't know what he's talking about.

    Make sure to tell him that you've never heard of the term "genetically predisposed", I'm sure he'll be impressed.

  165. no slappz2:48 PM

    bob says:

    Science, real science, does not acknowledge the existence of racial groups as we categorize them.

    Actually, does see race.

    But more important is science itself.

    Who are the scientists?

    Who are the people who make the breakthroughs?

    Who are the people who build upon the breakthroughs?

    Who are the intellecual builders?

    They are the people who get the patents. The people who win Nobel Prizes (other than the Peace Prize, which is a booby prize)?

    They are the people who win achievement awards in their fields.

    Blacks hold lots of athletic records and dominate in many sports. But they don't win awards for intellect.

  166. Dr. Charles Drew

    Developed the technique for long term preservation of blood plasma.

    Saved MILLIONS of lives.

  167. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Steve, if you're interested, there are literally hundreds of black invention myths that have been exposed as lies.

    Happy reading!

  168. "Make sure to tell him that you've never heard of the term "genetically predisposed", I'm sure he'll be impressed."

    How the heck could 1 out of 500 present a "genetic predisposition"?

    Is ya ignint?

  169. Anonymous,

    Spare me your neo-nazi links, okay?


  170. Anonymous2:52 PM

  171. Anonymous2:54 PM

    "How the heck could 1 out of 500 present a "genetic predisposition"?"

    Ask the doctor that question when you write to him, and then when you don't like his answer, call him "idiot" and "ignorant".

  172. Anonymous2:55 PM

    "Spare me your neo-nazi links, okay?"

    How about you spare me your black mythology links?



  173. no slappz3:00 PM

    up clonw stevie:

    Your favorite doctor was not performing open heart surgery.

    More accurately, he did what emergency room doctors always do -- stop the bleeding.

    The pioneers of open-heart surgery were Dr Michael DeBakey and Dr Denton Cooley.

    You know, even though Isaac Newton is credited with creating calculus, he learned all he could from the mathematicians that came before him.

    But Newton gets the credit. The others get only a footnote for an assist.

    That's how it goes. But blacks never seem to grasp the obvious.

    George Washington Carver. He's it. His name is sufficient to cover the entire history of original black scientists.

  174. Anon-Goober

    I'll just laugh at him as I laugh at you.


    "Nothing much has been invented in Africa. Even the wheel was imported."


    The goobers in South Carolina and Georgia would have starved in the early 18th Century had the West African slaves not shown them how to plant and harvest rice in the swamp lowlands of that region.

    Then rice went on to become the number one American cash crop on the world market for a half century establishing the foundation of American wealth.

    A little gratitude is in order, doncha think?

  175. Anonymous3:12 PM

    "The goobers in South Carolina and Georgia would have starved in the early 18th Century had the West African slaves not shown them how to plant"

    Steve, do you also believe in Santa Claus and The Tooth Fairy?

  176. no slappz3:13 PM

    up town stevie:

    Dr Charles Drew looks a lot whiter than Obama. I'd call him a BINO.

    Meanwhile, if seatbelts and airbags were standard equipment in cars in 1950, he would have survived the car crash that killed him.

    That aside, Drew's work was completed during WWII.

    In other words, black contributions to medicine are few and far between.

    Considering there are a lot more blacks in Africa than whites in the US, a person like you would drop the subject of why so little has been achieved by so many.

    It's a lot easier to ignore the reality. Of course, your stock answer boils down to claiming whites made it impossible for blacks to learn, something whites managed through trickery and deceit and done for some bizarre and inexplicable reason.

  177. Quote No Slapzzz

    "First, bonehead. You should have used the subjunctive to pose your hypothetical question.

    If I WERE a plumber..."

    No, no, no, no a thousand times no.

    You are confusing English with Latin. A common mistake.

    "Hence, your "writing" is what you do on blogs for fun."

    Nope, my writing is what I do for a living. I'm a long-copy writer for websites, Email splashes, commercial blogs and every now and again magazines both print and digital. I've just finished writing the webcopy for a Scottish smokehouse, before that I project managed, and wrote all the copy for, a new website for a local hairdressing salon. I'm just about to start writing a white paper for one of the World's biggest scientific publishers.

    After that I'm hoping to be commissioned to write an article on a UK football club that appears to have fallen into the hands of Chinese Triad gang called 'The Big Circle Boys.' They like the outline but their lawyers are a bit jumpy.

    Also I have the basis of a career retrospective of Joel 'the Big Bird' Garner, which I have just pitched to a cricket monthly. I should hear back next week.

    "Second, Yes, if you were a plumber, I'd want to know which faucets you rated highly."


    "Serious writers regularly comment on the writers they like best, the writers who left lasting marks on them."

    Well if you insist.

    My favorite copy over the years has been for Heineken, but Guinness also have some clever writers. Volkswagon ads are also consistently very clever.

  178. Same Ole Song3:22 PM

    Every now & then, you need to hit them with this:

    They deny it, they claim it was a site made by racists.....BUT. They can't refute the footnotes & references. Never have, and never will be able to.

  179. Anonymous3:30 PM

    no slappz said...
    up clown stevie says:

    Because those Koreans who come here are screened carefully by US immigration, are well educated and and able to get business loans.

    In other words, you're admitting that some people entering the US are NOT screened carefully.

    Hmmm. Where might they be from?

    What motivates these poorly screened people to come here?

    Well things that you want in the U.S Socialism - makes them go hungry, socialism - makes them poor and hungry - socialism - has the leaders rich, fat and wealthy while they are poor and hungry.

    Lastly from the continent of Africa it is lack of intelligence. Doesn't allow them to build or harvest the resources in country, so they must flee to the lands and nations that whites have created so that they like you can flourish living in advanced civilizations as opposed to inbreeding and getting some form of Anemia and going hungry.

    By your estimation, these poorly screened people are poor and uneducated. Yet they endure a lot to get here. Hmmm. There must be a motivation. If you were Somalian, living under total black rule, starving, being killed by disease and leaders who with a black mind think Islamisism and raping preadolescents is a way to cure aids you would want to leave as well. FUnny when those africans get here, they call african americans like you "ig'nant. Wonder why.

  180. Quote No Slappzzzzzzzz

    "Really? Why would you think whites would perform poorly on an IQ test created by an African tribesman?"

    Because he would base his intelligence test on what he knows and what he experiences, the challenges he faces in every day life. All of which would be totally alien to Europeans or Americans.

    "On what basis would a Masai create an IQ test?"

    They wouldn't, they have no need of such a thing.

    "In what language would he create his test?"

    Any language he likes. What difference does it make? This is a thought experiment.

    "Do the Masai have a written language?"

    What? They don't have Google where you live?

    maa telugu thalliki mallepoodanda,
    maa kannathalliki mangalarathulu,
    kadupulo bangaru kanuchoopulo karuna,
    chirunavvulo sirilu dorlinchu mathalli.
    galagalaa godaari kadilipothuntenu
    birabiraakrishnamma paruguliduthuntenu
    bangaaru pantalae panduthayee
    muripaala muthyalu doraulutai.
    amaravathinagara apuroopa shilpaalu
    thyagayya gonthulo thaaraadu naadhaalu
    thikkayya kalamulo thiyyamdanalu
    nithyamai nikhilamai nilachi vundedaaka
    rudramma bhujashakthi mallamma pathibhakthi
    thimmarasu dheeyukthi,krishnarayala keerthi
    maa chevulu ringumani maarumrogedaaka
    nee paatalae paaduthaam, nee aatalae aadutham
    jai telugu thalli, jai telugu thalli......

  181. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "The goobers in South Carolina and Georgia would have starved in the early 18th Century had the West African slaves not shown them how to plant"

    Steve, do you also believe in Santa Claus and The Tooth Fairy?

    Of course Steve believes in fairies, he do , he do believe.

  182. "FUnny when those africans get here, they call african americans like you "ig'nant. Wonder why."

    I just tell them to hurry up and get me to the airport and don't take any sidetrips because I'm very familiar with the area.

  183. "Every now & then, you need to hit them with this:

    They deny it, they claim it was a site made by racists.....BUT. They can't refute the footnotes & references. Never have, and never will be able to."


    A website devoted to discrediting black scientists and inventors.

    That's a toothless goober move from the word go.

    Something like racists who hang around black websites 24/7 posting as "anonymous" and claiming to be the master race.


    Total freakin' losers.

  184. Hey Queen!

    Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

  185. The only losers are blacks who lie and push myths about black inventers.

  186. UTS, that's a point I keep coming back to.

    How empty and meaningless must your life be, if you are No Slapzzz.

    He/she/it spends all day every day hurling abuse and hatred at Afro-American and Afro-Caribbean people.

    How empty, shallow and meaningless does his life have to be, that he has nothing better to do?

  187. Ditto loser-extordinaire kinky-neocon and all the anonymous numpties.

  188. Anonymous3:45 PM

    12 former black democrat officials indicted for voter fraud

    QUITMAN, GA (WALB) - 12 former Brooks County officials were indicted for voter fraud. The suspects are accused of illegally helping people vote by absentee ballot.

    State officials launched an investigation after an unusually high number of absentee ballots were cast in the July 2010 primary election. "As a result of their grand jury findings 12 individuals were indicted in that particular matter and we will be trying that case in a court of judicial law instead of a court of public opinion so that will be pending this next year," said District Attorney Joe Mulholland.

    The defendants include some workers in the voter registrar's office and some school board members. They are Angela Bryant, April Proctor, Brenda Monds, Debra Denard, Lula Smart, Kechia Harrison, Robert Denard, Sandra Cody, Elizabeth Thomas, Linda Troutman, Latashia Head, and Nancy Denard.


  189. Purple Cow,

    "UTS, that's a point I keep coming back to.

    How empty and meaningless must your life be, if you are No Slapzzz."

    Slappy is a clown.

    I bet his boss is black and Slappy gets psycological orgasms ranting about "black inferiority" over the web.

    I've seen his type so many times.

  190. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Because he would base his intelligence test on what he knows and what he experiences, the challenges he faces in every day life. All of which would be totally alien to Europeans or Americans.

    Right, I think we could Rustle up a few people who think it is a God given right to steal cattle on any continent. I don't think we will find will find number or quality of any sort of Architects, Mathameticians or Neurosurgeons amongst any tribes in Africa.

    Although I bet these folks in Europe, Asia and the US could read something and quickly figure out how to wrangle cattle , however the tribes as with Queenie will never become Doctors. That is what an Intelligence quotient denotes, capability of applying rationale and reasoning to previously unfaced problems. Not knowing how to rap with words never heard before that would be unfamiliar and pointless.

    I trained my dog to pee outside and not in the house in two days. It too was not familiar with the concept, but having a decent IQ for dogs, readily learned the concept, this despite only being conversant in heretofore doggie language.

    I love the lyrics you posted.

    Says a lot about the intelligence level of the tribe, we have a new generation over and over and over and over again. Not really a deep thoughtful moving ballad.

  191. Anonymous3:49 PM

    "He/she/it spends all day every day hurling abuse and hatred at Afro-American and Afro-Caribbean people."

    If this ain't the pot calling the kettle black.

    You spend all day everyday hurling abuse and hatred of people of faith everyday.

    You can dish, but you can't take it.


  192. Anonymous3:50 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    UTS, that's a point I keep coming back to.

    How empty and meaningless must your life be, if you are No Slapzzz.

    He/she/it spends all day every day hurling abuse and hatred at Afro-American and Afro-Caribbean people.

    How empty, shallow and meaningless does his life have to be, that he has nothing better to do?

    How small of an intellect must you have when during the midst of an intellectual discussion the best and only thing you can offer is this drivel?

    OK you gave up with the fallacies, myths and totally didn't even try to give science a wink and a nod we know why. Stick with the name calling, it suits the skills you have quite well. Infantile.

  193. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "He/she/it spends all day every day hurling abuse and hatred at Afro-American and Afro-Caribbean people."

    If this ain't the pot calling the kettle black.

    You spend all day everyday hurling abuse and hatred of people of faith everyday.

    You can dish, but you can't take it.


    Affirmative action intelligence, not much there when you don't give him 20 or so IQ points advantage.

  194. Anonymous3:53 PM

    "Something like racists who hang around black websites 24/7 posting as "anonymous" and claiming to be the master race."

    And arguing with these folks takes priority over spending time with your wife and family, right Steve?



  195. I'm not arguing with you Goober.

    I'm LAUGHING at you.

    And my wife is too.

    BTW, I just got back last night from Philly and NJ from a great 3 day holiday with and friends.

    While you were here the whole time ranting and drooling.

  196. uptownsteve said...
    I'm not arguing with you Goober.

    I'm LAUGHING at you.

    And my wife is too.

    Why are you LAUGHING at your wife?

  197. no slappz4:08 PM

    purple cow says:

    Because he would base his intelligence test on what he knows and what he experiences, the challenges he faces in every day life. All of which would be totally alien to Europeans or Americans.

    That's a competency test -- not an IQ test.

    The problem with giving IQ tests to primitive people is their lack of practice with abstract issues.

    The same limitation makes it impossible for those limited simple people to create IQ tests.

    Meanwhile, as we know, the Masai are hapless waifs who wander, nomads.

    They are savages, which we know because they practice female genital mutilation and because very few can read or write.

    Despite having a language, they've created virtually no written records.

    Moreover, if an American or European were to read a couple of sociological and anthropological studies of these people, then that person would score well on any type of test a tribe member might create.

    They are simple, uneducated people who've been studied by others.

    Maybe it's news to you, but the people who know the most about Africa and Africans are the people who've actually studied Africa and Africans.

    Inasmuch as Africans did not keep records until whites arrived in Africa and began the process, it should not surprise even you to know that Africans know very little about themselves and their continent.

    They're too busy trying to stay alive.

    Africans never explored. Never went anywhere by ship -- unless taken by force.

    The total absence of modernity among most of the One Billion people of Africa ought to let you know they're not too bright.

    It takes some serious effort for an entire continent to remain 1,000 years behind the leading nations of the world.

  198. Me Tarzan!4:10 PM

    " The Purple Cow said...
    Do the Masai have a written language?"

    What? They don't have Google where you live?

    maa telugu thalliki mallepoodanda,
    maa kannathalliki mangalarathulu,
    kadupulo bangaru kanuchoopulo karuna,
    chirunavvulo sirilu dorlinchu mathalli.
    galagalaa godaari kadilipothuntenu
    birabiraakrishnamma paruguliduthuntenu
    bangaaru pantalae panduthayee
    muripaala muthyalu doraulutai.
    amaravathinagara apuroopa shilpaalu
    thyagayya gonthulo thaaraadu naadhaalu
    thikkayya kalamulo thiyyamdanalu
    nithyamai nikhilamai nilachi vundedaaka
    rudramma bhujashakthi mallamma pathibhakthi
    thimmarasu dheeyukthi,krishnarayala keerthi
    maa chevulu ringumani maarumrogedaaka
    nee paatalae paaduthaam, nee aatalae aadutham
    jai telugu thalli, jai telugu thalli......

    3:31 PM"

    Which, roughly translated into English, Means "screw goat", or "eat child".

    Or, maybe the other way around. I'm a bit rusty on my Masai.

  199. "Africans never explored. Never went anywhere by ship --"

    Didn't need to.

    They had self-sufficient, communal societies.

    Didn't feel the need to venture up other people's land and steal, pilfer and slaughter.

    Susan Sonntag said it best.

    "the white race is the cancer of human history. It is the white race and it alone - its ideologies and inventions - which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself."
