Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Her blacks are better.

Most of us black folks in A-merry-ca know that we don't fit into a certain narrative that some folks have of their beloved country. We are here but we don't really belong. "If only they could have picked their own damn cotton".. that kind of thing.

To some blacks folks, on the other hand, that kind of talk is bordering on blasphemy.

"If the master’s house caught on fire, the house Negro would fight harder to put the blaze out than the master would. If the master got sick, the house Negro would say, “What’s the matter, boss, we sick?” We sick! He identified himself with his master more than his master identified with himself. And if you came to the house Negro and said, “Let’s run away, let’s escape, let’s separate,” the house Negro would look at you and say, “Man, you crazy. What you mean, separate? Where is there a better house than this? Where can I wear better clothes than this? Where can I eat better food than this?” That was that house Negro. In those days he was called a “house nigger.” And that’s what we call him today, because we’ve still got some house niggers running around here."

Yes Malcolm we do. And the folks in the house just love him. In fact, the folks in the house believe that their Negro is special.

“That’s why our blacks are so much better than their blacks,” Coulter said. “To become a black Republican you don’t just roll into it. You’re not going with the flow. You have fought against probably your family members, probably your neighbors, you have thought everything out and that’s why we have very impressive blacks in our party.” [Source]

I Love the possessive tone there Ms. Coulter. "Our blacks". I am sure that Herman and his friends are proud of the fact that they are your blacks as well.
I just bet that there is no other place that they would want to be than with you.

What poor Herman and his friends will never understand is that folks like Ann Coulter and her friends on the right will never truly see him [or others who look like him] as equals. "Our blacks are so much better than their blacks"? WTF? I guess we should call it a "Freudian slip" because it is so revealing.  

Still, Ann and her friends are rallying around their black guy, Herman Cain, and they see his latest troubles as just another case of those evil liberals piling on. (BTW, I agree with Roland Martin. Can we stop with the high tech lynching talk? Herman is not being lynched. His dumb ass is being exposed for the lying fraud that he is. This is a lynching.) It is not. But it's funny to see Coulter -and folks like her- playing the race card. I guess this is what happens when you mess with one of her Negroes.

Finally, I am disappointed with his O ness and his administration for saying no to the legalization of the collie weed. I certainly hope that they will reconsider their position.

Actually, after seeing that Rick Perry video from New Hampshire, I am starting to think that he might be our guy on the legalization front. From the looks of it my man lit up a big fat one right before he took the stage. 


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Weed is too weak for Perry. Cocaine or meth is more his speed.

  2. I always said I wouldn't believe many white folks have moved beyond race until a man that looks like Cain won a nomination.

    Now I see I need to take that 'ish back as I hadn't counted on a Coon being in the running!

  3. So Miss Ann went and laid claim to her Negros. It's hard out there for a slave mistress.

    *cue backtalk from anons*

  4. Anonymous8:47 PM

    That's almost unbelievable! That anybody should express themselves the way Ms. Coulter did!

  5. Great post Field. I'm looking forward to Michael Steele and the usual cast of characters that will defend this ridiculous remark by Coulter.

    You know if I met a black republican that didn't feel like they needed to bash Black Democrats it would be encouraging. If I heard a black republican hold Ann Coulter, Rush, Glenn or any of the other race baiters accountable for their words I could respect their choice of party.

  6. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Did you know Ann has considered a relationship with a Conservative black man? The woman is fly. It's just that you so-called FN Negroes can't see the forest for the trees. You take words out of context and turn it into shit, which is what you lefties do all of the time.

    Ann Coulter had nothing but the best of intentions when she spoke of the differences between a superior Black Conservative and a do nothing lazy ass lying Liberal progressive black Dem.

    As I said in my comment in the previous thread, Ann is soooo right on this.

  7. Anonymous9:20 PM

    "Finally, I am disappointed with his O ness and his administration for saying no to the legalization of the collie weed. I certainly hope that they will reconsider their position."

    You're disappointed, in OBAMA? so what else is new? Obama has disappointed everyone on everything. When it comes to lying and flip-flopping, he has Mitt beat by a mile.

  8. Anonymous9:28 PM

    "Still, Ann and her friends are rallying around their black guy, Herman Cain, and they see his latest troubles as just another case of those evil liberals piling on."

    That's the way the Republicans do things. Whether Black or White, the GOP stands shoulder to shoulder with their people. Which is more than one can say about Obama and his Democrats. They have turned on him several times....WHY? Because of the color of his skin.

    You see, the GOP doesn't make any distinction of color in its party. You black Dems are nothing but a bunch of jealous Negroes, whose jealousy is out of control. You are sick people..

  9. Wesley R9:32 PM


    If Crispy Creme, The Eddie Munster Lookalike from Wisconsin or one of the KKK lovin' wingnuts would have run for The Republican nomination, The Coulter's, Limpballs, and Klannity's of the world would have kicked Cain to the curb along time ago.

  10. no slappz9:34 PM

    As if Ann Coulter -- smart and funny as she is -- is repsonsible for the horrendous performance of the Obama administration.

    As Steve Jobs said when he had dinner with Obama, Obama spent most of their conversation saying how a lot of important changes could not be made.

    If Obama had been an employee of Apple and he had told Jobs that making the iPod according to Jobs vision was not possible, how many seconds would have passed before Jobs fired Obama?

  11. no slappz9:45 PM

    Legalize pot?


    It's amazing how dumb you can be.

    It's never going to happen because once we start on the slippery slope of drug legalization, the process won't stop until cocaine, heroin, crystal meth and every newer, more powerful, more addictive drug that Pfizer, etc, can create is for sale in every convenience store in the country.

    At that point, the government is the partner of the drug industry. When it comes to selling recreational drugs, the sellers sell them because they want your money and they will gladly addict you to their products to get your money -- all of it.

    With the government as the partner of an industry that wants to addict customers to its product to ensure heavy use, the nation would collapse.

    If you think the drug wars at the Mexican border are bad now, then you won't know what to do when drugs are legal in the US and Mexican smugglers have even more incentive to move drugs over the border.

    Some goofballs think legalization means drug prices would drop. Wrong. It costs about a dime to make a pack of Marlboro cigarettes. In NY City a pack sells for $12.

  12. NSangoma9:53 PM

    Isn't Jimmie Walker one of her Nigruhz?


  13. no slappz9:53 PM

    field writes:

    Yes Malcolm we do. And the folks in the house just love him. In fact, the folks in the house believe that their Negro is special.

    Still quoting Malcolm X, the guy who was shot to death -- assassinated -- by other blacks who disliked his views?

    One of his killers was recently paroled. The guy lives not too far from me in a neighborhood known as Sunset Park.

    Has that nitwit "Brooklyn" heard of Sunset Park? It's not too far from West Midwood. Both can be Googled.

    What did Malcolm accomplish? As near as anyone can tell -- Nothing. But coverage of his murder filled some pages in Life Magazine.

    Obama, on the other hand, will go down in history for being the black Jimmy Carter.

  14. Shabizzo10:00 PM

    Ms.Coon said...
    I always said I wouldn't believe many white folks have moved beyond race until a man that looks like Cain won a nomination.

    Now I see I need to take that 'ish back as I hadn't counted on a Coon being in the running!

    Who you caling a coon?

  15. Dan Mingo10:10 PM

    Desertflower said...
    That's almost unbelievable! That anybody should express themselves the way Ms. Coulter did!

    Huh? She said black republicans were better people than black democrats because they are the kind of people who have stuck to their convictions despite shitloads of abuse.

    How is that offensive? (other than to the chronically offended of course). I'd call that a complement.

    Any negro can spout the democrat line and get a pat on the head and nickel. It takes a man to step up and take his place in the man's party.

  16. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Any negro can spout the democrat line and get a pat on the head and nickel. It takes a man to step up and take his place in the man's party.

    The really ironic part is the White Liberal Rich democrats leading the Negroes know what is right for them, know they absolutely can never possess the skills and or traits needed to survive without their help. Why if it wasn't for the white democrats helping the negroes , it would be just like africa, they woudln't know what to do.

    And this is who you are Field? Sad..really sad. A conservative says Stand with me brother - with the operative word being stand. A liberal says, shhhh...don't worry lay down. I got your back - then you owe me. You wind up oweing them for shit.

  17. Coulter is the classic representation of the arrogant white racist who feels that they are in a postion to determine who is the "good" black and who is not. The sad thing is that not one black conservative will call her out on this nonsense. Instead they'll just be grinning 'cuz Missy patted them on the head.

  18. She did in her defense say "our Jews also save more money" and later "our Irish also drink more than their's do"....it's all in the context FN!

  19. "Why if it wasn't for the white democrats helping the negroes , it would be just like africa, they woudln't know what to do."

    JEEZUZ CHRIST, I really wish these goobers could explain all this "help" we negroes are getting.

    With the double the rate of national unemployment, 5 year year back log of discriminitration cases at the EEOC, racial profiling, blatant discrimination in the justice system, housing redling,,,I could go on.

    The goobers really believe that blacks were better off under Jim Crow.

    At least they didn't complain, right?

  20. Thurston10:48 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Coulter is the classic representation of the arrogant white racist who feels that they are in a postion to determine who is the "good" black and who is not.

    She said that you were not.

  21. A new way to rip off the poor and profit from it.


  22. Clorox 210:50 PM

    Gaz said...
    She did in her defense say "our Jews also save more money" and later "our Irish also drink more than their's do"....it's all in the context FN!

    And our whites are whiter and our brights are brighter.

  23. Thurston10:52 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    A new way to rip off the poor and profit from it.

    Count me in!

    Where do I sign up?

  24. NSangoma10:55 PM

    Ain't not looking too good for yallz boi:

    Cain Accuser Got a Year’s Pay in Severance
    By JIM RUTENBERG, JEFF ZELENY and The National Restaurant Association gave $35,000 to a female staff member after an encounter with Herman Cain, people with knowledge of the payment said.

    Lawyer: Cain accuser seeks freedom to speak
    Sandhya Somashekhar and James V. Grimaldi
    One of the women who accused GOP candidate of sexual harassment in the late 1990s wants to tell her side of the story and has called on the National Restaurant Association to lift confidentiality ban, her attorney says.

  25. Thurston,

    "She said that you were not."

    Right after she choked on my ananconda.

  26. Thurston11:07 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "She said that you were not."

    Right after she choked on my ananconda.

    And then you woke up, with Fox News blaring on the TV and a mess in your pjs.

  27. Let one of those women he titty-tapped turn out to be white and all you'll hear is crickets.

  28. Anonymous11:25 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Why if it wasn't for the white democrats helping the negroes , it would be just like africa, they woudln't know what to do."

    JEEZUZ CHRIST, I really wish these goobers could explain all this "help" we negroes are getting.

    With the double the rate of national unemployment, 5 year year back log of discriminitration cases at the EEOC, racial profiling, blatant discrimination in the justice system, housing redling,,,I could go on.

    The goobers really believe that blacks were better off under Jim Crow.

    At least they didn't complain, right?

    Sigh...Yawn...Pull out the Jim Crow card....wake me up when he says something that actually means something. Oh look he calls racist names and then plays the victim....you so nuff feel entitled dontcha cornelius?

  29. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Uptown Steve? Aint that the dumb coon who swore up and down Obama was doin good and the economy was getting better and unemployment was improving?

    Aint he the same coonfucker who thinks pimples on his ass have intelligence? They must speak to him...dumb coon would be eating shit pies if it weren't for americans .

  30. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Let one of those women he titty-tapped turn out to be white and all you'll hear is crickets.

    When they turn out to be black all I see is dollar signs.

  31. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Most of us black folks in A-merry-ca know that we don't fit into a certain narrative that some folks have of their beloved country. We are here but we don't really belong. "If only they could have picked their own damn cotton".. that kind of thing.

    Now field tell us how you can say this when you CHOSE to come to America for a better life and got it. Hows things in JM? When are you going back if you feel like America is no good for you and you don't belong?

  32. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Whitey's Racket said...
    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Let one of those women he titty-tapped turn out to be white and all you'll hear is crickets.

    Thats not crickets you hear, thats your knees sounding like rice paper from all the years of you bending over to take it up the ass like a good DWL.

  33. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Donald Trump video accuses Jon Stewart of racism and accuses the black race of not standing up for themselves. He is sooo right.


  34. Let me see Ann Coulter saying something stupid and racist and a Jamaican calling for legalizing weed. Breaking news, water is wet.

    But seriously, let's put this in perspective. Coulter and Hannity complained that most Black liberals were saying that Cain was being used so white conservatives can say they're not racist because "we have a Black running" and sure as shit what exactly are they doing? When it looks like a duck and quacks it's a gotdamn duck. If your party needs Coulter and Limbaugh to defend your committment to Black people and defend them it may be time to move on.
    BTW Lyn and Steve, I agree. This is why we don't like Republican Blacks, they always defend shit like this. Where is Colin Powell when you need him?

  35. Funny, now Limbaugh is back tracking on his past racism even denying his part in the "magic negro" song. Gotta love the fac tthat now a Black man is leading the polls in their party Coulter and Limbaugh have to disavow their past racist statements and even pretend to like Black people. Don't get used to it because as soon as they're done using Cain, like Steele, they'll go back to business as usual but it is funny to see Coulter and Limbaugh trip over themselves to play who loves negroes more. Maybe I will stay awake til 2013 afterall. Thanks Herman.

  36. Joanne1:39 AM

    When Ann states that our (conservative) blacks are better and more principled than their (liberal) blacks; an unsettling image surfaces. It's as if she's saying our pets are much better than your pets OR our n---as are better than your n---as!!! Maybe we need to get off both plantations. Our next meeting in the woods should be operated in the spirit of a Denmark Vesey kind of gathering.

    When she's not being outright racist in her statements.
    She's condescending & patronizing.

  37. I bet those Republican "Negroes" are happy little campers right now because they have finally been claimed. Lol

    Lmao@Rick Perry.

  38. Anonymous2:46 AM

    I don't understand you Negroes on FN. Everybody else is proud and embracing Herman Cain as a success in the GOP but you fools keep on thinking like Negroes off the plantation. You are unable to see the value of having a frontrunner in the Republican Party.

    You are such negative jerks. Yet, you embrace Obama who could give a shit about you. Maybe instead of judging and criticizing the GOP, maybe you ought to take a look in the mirror at yourselves, if you dare.

  39. "Now field tell us how you can say this when you CHOSE to come to America for a better life and got it."

    Wrong wingnut. My life was actually better in Jamaica. Sorry to shatter your stereotype.

    But you are right; I did choose to come to A-merry-ca. So I am stuck here with my wonderful A-merry-can wife. For now. ;)

    "I bet those Republican "Negroes" are happy little campers right now because they have finally been claimed. Lol"

    YTes, they are. But they were all so happy to begin with.

    Nsangoma, I think that she did date JJ. Now that puts a whole new meaning to the words "Good Times". :)

    Let me stop.

    "You know if I met a black republican that didn't feel like they needed to bash Black Democrats it would be encouraging. If I heard a black republican hold Ann Coulter, Rush, Glenn or any of the other race baiters accountable for their words I could respect their choice of party."

    I will wait with you.....

  40. Anonymous7:42 AM

    president obama is a piesashyt! he gone be directly responsible for MORE african american and latino mens in jail! dummies wake da phukkup he aint for yall nuckas!

  41. Anonymous8:05 AM

    field negro said...
    "Now field tell us how you can say this when you CHOSE to come to America for a better life and got it."

    Wrong wingnut. My life was actually better in Jamaica. Sorry to shatter your stereotype.

    Well at least you admit that democrats like you hate america and those that love this country are conservatives. So now you just need to convince your wife that she will have a great life with your law practice in JM - take a vacation and I am sure just landing at Kingston Airport driving past the cement factory she will be convinced.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. how is this any dif from the dems claiming hobama???

    and coddling/excusing him????

    or the cbc pretending hobama did not curse them in their faces????

    When the going gets rough, beat up on the Blacks. That’s been a rule of American politics for many generations – so why should Barack Obama be any different? “Obama took his church voice to the Congressional Black Caucus annual awards dinner to very pointedly demand that Blacks stop bugging their president about the economic catastrophe that has befallen them, and his own role in it.” Duly chastised, the Black lawmakers accepted their assignment
    Press what? The Black Caucus, as a body, meekly murmured and mumbled as the administration transferred the equivalent of the U.S. gross domestic product to the banks while Black America disintegrated. Now, with Obama’s numbers falling, he has very publicly commanded them to shut up and perform what he believes is their only legitimate function: to get him re-elected. In the looming contest, he will again resort to Black-baiting whenever it is useful to shore up white support. In that – as with his foreign and domestic policies – Obama is no different than white corporate politicians. His one great distinction, is to have a core constituency that cares more for his security and dignity, than their own.

    http:// aliciabanks.xanga.com/733924271/unlike-hobama-harry-reid-did-not-lie




  45. hobama is the worst house nig in the history of the world...

    so why do millions of broke blacks who own no banks claim hobama??????????

  46. sandman10:58 AM

    Anon with sense said...
    Well at least you admit that democrats like you hate america and those that love this country are conservatives

    And there you go.

    Democrats only want power in order to destroy (aka "change") America.

    Field only lives here because his wife makes him and he can make serious scratch in America.

    He'll denounce capitalism and the white society that pays him so well as irredeemably racist. He'll act the rebel to his rapt audience of clueless negros, all as he builds his bank account and stuffs his pockets.

    Someday he'll go back to his third world paradise where he'll live like a king with all of his American money. Maybe he'll even have himself a couple of slaves, I mean servants.

  47. The Cain controversy is the perfect storm of

    (a) media hypocrisy: given the bar set by Clinton/Edwards/Ted Kennedy/et al., the worst possible case of what Cain is accused of — if you draw every conceivable negative inference against him — doesn’t come close to being a story, yet the lefty media energetically dig into Cain after having buried the exponentially worse Democrat scandals;

    (b) the special bull’s-eye fitted on black conservatives: their example of self-reliance and independent thinking makes them such a threat to the “social justice” narrative that, when it comes to destroying them, anything goes;

    (c) sexual harassment: a social-engineering caprice the arbitrary standards of which can turn routine — not admirable, often unsavory, but entirely unremarkable — human behavior into legal ruin; and

    (d) the litigious nanny state: with human life hyper-regulated and legal fees hyper-expensive, ordinary human behavior becomes grist for extortionate lawsuits that parties settle on the cheap because the cost of fighting is prohibitive — and later, these parties end up sounding like jackasses if asked about the suits, at least in part because, if you say something strong in your defense, you risk violating the standard reciprocal confidentiality provision and thus reopening the whole expensive, embarrassing business.

  48. why would that dreg kkk bitch the vdlr erase a post bashing hc????

    remember when hc said racism was a relic?

    now the race card is suddenly real only after his legally wed whore card has been pulled???




  49. occupy that house nig hobama with a new address in 2012!!!!

    The question for Black America is not what’s going on in the heads of young white people in Zuccotti Park, but how WE will organize in our own defense against Wall Street, which has “done more damage to Black people than anyone else” in the country. Barack Obama, “most of the traditional Black organizations, and the entire Black Misleadership Class” are all bought and paid for by finance capital. “Our job is to wake our people up, so that we don’t sleep through this moment.”

    Obama couldn’t even wait to get into the White House, before announcing – two weeks before he took the oath of office – that he would be putting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and all the other programs of the New Deal and the Great Society “on the table” for dismemberment.
    But we didn’t CRY OUT.
    Instead, we allowed him to do his dance with the Republicans for almost three years, as our communities crumbled around us – or as we were gentrified out of our communities.
    And now, some white kids are pointing the figure at Obama’s masters. They’re saying that Wall Street is the problem, that they control the whole political system, including Obama and his White House. Including Charlie Rangel and his fat cat benefactors. Including most of the traditional Black organizations, and the entire Black Misleadership Class. They’re all bought and paid for by Wall Street




  50. Nicole C.5:45 PM

    Ann was out of pocket and wrong on so many levels. It's not surprising though. So was so engrossed in the conversation that I seriously doubt she even realized what she said. She likened black people to some type of commodity.

    If Cain has any ounce of integrity, and sense of self-worth as a black man, political party aside, he'd check Ann just on GP. If he lets this slide, he definitely deserves honorary House Ni$$er title.

  51. Hi. I don't like to brag, really, but since questioning intelligence is on the menu, let me preface my following comments with the fact I'm a member of Mensa, and in the smarter half of that organization, as well. (Yes, there are some dumbfucks in Mensa, too, as horribly as that speaks of the human condition.)

    Anywho . . . Slappz, YOUR conservo-speech about drug decriminalization was dumb than a motherfucker. (That's what we're talking about, btw, not drug legalization across the board, but drug decriminalization.)

    All the evidence shows that decriminalizing drugs in general and simply regulating various aspects of their usage does NOT bring about the collapse of societies, or even an increase in drug usage. There are repeated studies and real life examples to support that conclusion.

    Basically, people don't really WANT to do things that are bad for their health. We are led to believe by the fearful Right who derive seemingly everything they do from the negative consequences of what will happen if they don't - like, Hell and other bedtime nightmare shit - that everyone merely refrains from drug use because they're illegal. Not so.

    Decriminalizing drugs ISN'T going to make their use increase or (LOL) give Mexican cartels increased incentive to bring drugs across the borders.

    Slappz, have you ever tried to get your hands on some real Swiss chocolate? How 'bout a real Cuban cigar? Well, you can't get them unless you smuggle them into the country. Why not? Because the government is all up in the chocolate and cigar business, that's why.

    Put them all up in the weed business, and they'll be COMPETING with the drug cartels, in a sense. WHY would the average person go buy weed from a drug dealer in the park at the risk of getting arrested when they could simply go to the USDA approved weed shop? Who wants some shit smuggled in a gas tank when they can get Uncle Sam's own hydroponic goodness?

    Colorful rhetoric aside, your position is mathematically inferior and unsupported by corroborative data. Decriminalizing marijuana, and as far as I can tell EVERY drug, really, would lead to the same or DECREASED usage (that can get a little complicated, but it has to do with knowledge vs. ignorance,) would save TONS of money in law enforcement expenditures, and potentially generate tax revenue from so-called vice taxes, to say nothing of saving prison space and resources, and helping us actually get a grip on what a real criminal is. Add to that handgun deaths would drop significantly, because the Uncle Sam Weed Shop has cameras whereas back alleys do not.

    The arguments against the decriminalization of drugs (and no, I don't use them) are ludicrous in real comparison to the arguments for.

    And that, Slappz, is the way it is. Dumb ass.

  52. Anonymous6:40 PM

    quantum0d0 said...
    Hi. I don't like to brag, really, but since questioning intelligence is on the menu, let me preface my following comments with the fact I'm a member of Mensa, and in the smarter half of that organization, as well. (Yes, there are some dumbfucks in Mensa, too, as horribly as that speaks of the human condition.)

    Anywho . . . Slappz, YOUR conservo-speech about drug decriminalization was dumb than a motherfucker. (That's what we're talking about, btw, not drug legalization across the board, but drug decriminalization.)

    Sure a Mensa self described "high end" member who writes grade school english. Do they have AA for Mensa now?

    The glaring issue you fail to connect the obvious dots with is addiction and the toll drugs have on the body as well as the complete inability to function in any lifestyle when you are a druggy.

    Thanks for the laugh on the don't like to brag segment followed by idiotic english.

  53. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Slappz, have you ever tried to get your hands on some real Swiss chocolate? How 'bout a real Cuban cigar?

    When was the last time you saw someone ready to kill or actually kill friends, family, mothers, fathers for a few bucks for a fix of chocolate or to smoke a cuban cigar...Mensa judging by the claim that you are an "upper member" has got to be practicing affirmative action now. This has to be one of the silliest comparisons yet and is indicative of a lack of the ability for critical thinking.

  54. "our blacks" OMG! Coulter apparently thinks she is "Miss Ann."

  55. "When was the last time you saw someone ready to kill or actually kill friends, family, mothers, fathers for a few bucks for a fix of chocolate or to smoke a cuban cigar..."

    When was the last time you saw anyone ready to kill someone for a fix of marijuana?

    Contrast that to heroin, meth or crack cocaine, far stronger substances whose addictive properties drive people to kill for a fix. You don't see that in weed.

  56. Anonymous2:45 PM

    do you people believe your own bull shit?

  57. Anonymous3:36 PM

    So is Coulter one of their comedians?

  58. Ann Coulter never ceases to amaze. She must sit around and think this shit up so she can shock just one more viewer/listener. This time it was me.

    That said, remember she's playing to her weirdly loyal groupies whose thinking defies all logic. It's all about ratings, reaction and MONEY.

    I posted the Jon Stewart take of this as well as Herman and Rick Perry. The Republican race is a giant free-for-all. Too funny, as long as you don't take it seriously.

