Thursday, November 03, 2011

"Spare the rod..."

Some of you Negroes watching that video of a Texas judge (Where else?) putting a Kunta slave master style beat down on his daughter, are probably thinking, what's the big deal?

A-merry-cans are losing their minds. How can a parent beat his child like that? It's an outrage! He should be arrested! Sheeeet. Some of you Negroes were watching that video and probably saying: I wish my [insert adult figure here] had whopped me like that. If they had I would have been acting up every damn day.

But I swear, some of you Negroes can be so violent. Yes, what some of you went through is actually called child abuse. This might have been abuse as well, because the judge's daughter was disabled at the time. So save your e-mails, I am not condoning what this judeg did to his then 16 year old daughter.

Still, many of you Negroes are now highly respected professionals in your communities with families of your own, so apparently that paddle belts to your behinds worked. Even the poor young lady in this video turned out alright. Hell, she played Carnegie Hall for crying out loud!

Oh well, too late to prosecute daddy now. -That whole statute of limitations thing. Girlfriend waited too long to release the tape. I am guessing that that she knew what she was doing. She wanted to send daddy a message, but she didn't want him locked up.

I am so glad that republicans have their priorities right in Washington. Instead of working on getting folks back to work, they are busy voting to reaffirm that "In God We Trust" motto we cherish so much here in A-merry-ca.

Sorry,I have to go with O on this one:

"In a speech touting his $447 billion American Jobs Act in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, Obama jabbed, "I trust in God, but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work."

He then called out House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) by name.
"If Congress tells you they don't have time, they have time to do it," remarked the President.
"What have you guys been debating, John? You've been debating a commemorative coin for baseball. You have legislation reaffirming that "In God We Trust" is our motto. That's not putting people back to work," he added.
Democrats say the GOP is unwilling to pass President Obama's jobs bill because it would provide him with a political victory — and, potentially, an improved economic climate that would aid his re-election bid.
Republicans claim that they won't pass Obama's bill because it's the wrong solution to the nation's problems. They also said the vote didn't eat up much time and that they have brought up several jobs creation bills that the Democrat-controlled Senate has stalled.
The House voted 396-9 on Tuesday to reaffirm the national motto and urged its display in public schools and government buildings after Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) introduced it.

Forbes argued that the resolution was necessary to remind Obama and other public officials who have occasionally forgotten the motto put in place in the 1950s.
"Unfortunately, there are a number of public officials who forget what the national motto is, whether intentionally or unintentionally," jabbed Forbes, pointing out that about a year ago the president was in Indonesia and mistakenly said America's motto was "E pluribus unum," meaning "out of many, one."
When asked if the president invoking God in the jobs legislation battle was "a bit much,” Obama spokesman Carney said the president meant "we have it within our capacity to do the things to help the American people."
He added, "I believe the phrase from the Bible is, 'The lord helps those who help themselves.’" [Source]

Carney is way too kind. No it's not "a bit much", because republicans in Washington are f&^%$#g insane! Voting to reafirm "In God We Trust"?
And yet everyone of those clowns voted against a jobs bill today. I bet God doesn't trust them. And, honestly, I wouldn't blame her if she didn't.   
Finally, like many of you fellows, I always felt that there was a little man down there with a life of its own trying to get out. Now I think I know why:
"Doctors at a Canadian hospital found a shocking image staring right back at them as they were scanning the testicles of a 45-year-old paraplegic man. The image of one of the testicles, shown above, looks like a man's face grimaced in agony.
"It was very ghoulish, like a man screaming in pain," Dr. Naji Touma of Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario told The Toronto Star. "His mouth was open and it looked like one eye was gouged out."
The image, taken in 2009, was sent to the medical journal "Urology," and was recently published with the headline, "The face of testicular pain: A surprising ultrasound finding." [Story] 

The poor guy is a "paraplegic". I guess that man down there is screaming out louder than ever.



  1. no slappz8:32 PM

    Wow. A white father put a few scary, somewhat painful belt whacks on his daughter's legs and butt.

    Seven Years Ago.

    Yeah, it's child abuse and the fair response would have been to allow a much bigger and stronger person than himself to give him the same enthusiastic beating he was giving to his daughter.

    The guy's a bully. There's no other word for someone who beats a smaller, defenseless person.

    Meanwhile, as we know, it is standard black parenting procedure to beat their kids.

    The judge/child beater is likely to lose his job because of the video. He no longer has the moral authority to judge others. Furthermore, he's already gone into hiding.

    What's the outcome of blacks beating their children?

    A murder rate that's SEVEN Times higher than the white rate

  2. no slappz8:39 PM

    Jobs? Obama says he wants jobs.

    Okay. Thousands and thousands of jobs will be created as soon as Obama gives oil drillers the greenlight to drill in all the places in the US where we know there's oil.

    And we get those jobs without a dime of taxpayers' money.

    But no. Obama the nitwit demands that taxpyers get whacked for $457 billion to pay people to do who-knows-what.

    Keeping the pressure on oil companies to drill LESS in America and IMPORT more from other nations helps to keep oil prices high.

    HIgh oil prices put pressure on the auto companies, the airlines, the trucking companies and every other business in which energy is a critical expense.

    Obama is driving up the cost of everything. A madman.

  3. Field, you're wrong on too many levels for that last joke, LOL!!

  4. Wesley R9:08 PM

    I wish some of the 'experts' (with no kids) worked with kids. They would change their tune about parents giving kids an attitude adjustment.

    Wingnuts only care about one job. F--- everyone else, you are on you own.

  5. "Oh well, too late to prosecute daddy now. -That whole statute of limitations thing. Girlfriend waited too long to release the tape. I am guessing that that she knew what she was doing. She wanted to send daddy a message, but she didn't want him locked up."

    He's facing re-election, and this video's going to do quite a bit of damage to his campaign. Perhaps he'll manage to ride it out, but now you have millions of people who are side-eying the hell out of this guy.

    Apparently the young woman managed to grow up well adjusted, but his wife left him and the father-daughter relation remained quite rocky. The whole reason this tape managed to get out on YouTube was due to a spat between them, where the father literally dared her to upload the vid, if I recall.

    As for Obama trying to get Congress' act together and start working for a change, fat chance. The GOP's plan is to make Obama's first term his only term by stalling legislation economic recovery until Election Day 2012. If a GOP candidate manages to win, you'll see the jobs suddenly start falling out of the sky on January 20, 2013.

    Hey Chapstick, I noticed all the other usual anon trolls suddenly took a hiatus. Might be just coincidence, but I wouldn't be surprised to find you were the one behind the recent spate of anon trolling.

  6. no slappz9:11 PM

    The trial of Michael Jackson's killer doc has gone to the jury phase.

    So a black doctor killed a black entertainment icon.

    Any thoughts on this craziness?

    Should the black killer doc get acquitted, like OJ?

    Or does he deserve some serious jail time for loading up MJ with drugs until he died?

    I doubt the killer doc wanted MJ to die. After all, with MJ's death, the doctor has no more patients to bill.

    But, he is a black guy, and that may be all it takes to convince the jury he should be acquitted.

    I think the OJ jurors are up for another period of jury duty.

  7. no slappz9:16 PM

    mack lyons,

    The ethics board will remove the judge. Following the release of this video, he can no longer function as a moral authority.

    It's over for him. Running again is out of the question. But the statute of limitations has saved him from being prosecuted.

  8. no slappz9:17 PM

    Any parent who hits a kid is a dangerous bully.

    It's that simple.

  9. Maybe if your mammy had spanked your ass Slappy, you wouldn't have grown up to be such an Internet bully masquerading as an assnon troll.

  10. My whole neighborhood growing up was WWII/ Korea vet old-school dads. All of us knew not to piss them off or we'd pay for it.

  11. Anonymous9:59 PM

    "Apparently the young woman managed to grow up well adjusted, but his wife left him and the father-daughter relation remained quite rocky. The whole reason this tape managed to get out on YouTube was due to a spat between them, where the father literally dared her to upload the vid, if I recall."

    Well, she seems to have managed to grow up *functional*, at least so far, but I don't know how well-adjusted she is. Daddy daring her to put the vid on YouTube during a quarrel sounds to me like the old tyrant is still abusing her severely emotionally, & she's still engaged in the pursuit of a healthy relationship with him. (& yes, I do have personal experience of that same situation.)

    When it comes to matters of faith, the GOP is nothing but empty words & posturing; when it comes to applying the moral principles that are supposed to be what gives Christianity its value in human affairs, there are a lot of pagans & atheists *acting* much more in accordance with the principles than the GOP hypocrites are.

  12. Working Man10:15 PM

    Obama jabbed, "I trust in God, but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work."

    Then God must want us to vote his ass out of office next year.

    Praise the Lord.

  13. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Maybe if your mammy had spanked your ass Slappy, you wouldn't have grown up to be such an Internet bully masquerading as an assnon troll.

    maybe if yo ass wuznt so big you woulda felt daddy smackin it and woulda knowd before you looked back it wuz his ballz and not his hand aint dat right precious but you aint nothing but a lifelong gub'ment grant taker

    You will never be a doctor and you is a shit operator

  14. Anonymous10:24 PM

    While the stupidity of democratic sheeple doesn't surprise me anymore the thought they have that everyone else must be stupid does.

    So tell me how would son of stimulus help provide shovel ready jobs when Obama himself said there aren't any such thing as the precise actions were repeated twice before with billions borrowed yet nothing has happened yet, in fact sheeple they have billons that haven't even been spent yet.

    So, the bill the conservatives want to pass is for reality and will actually create jobs but the democrats don't like it because it takes 40 billion of unspent crony money and applies it, the democrats wants this cheez on standby and want to spend another 60 billion and raise taxes. Come on sheeple, if this were you running your house which one would you trust more and makes more sense? Your kid who already took all the money and wasted it wants more instead of using the change he has in his pocket only he wants you to take it from mommy now.

    Why is Obama doing nothing but campaigning? When did he resign as president of the U.S about 4 months ago? Doesnt' he have a job to do besides blaming the world for his incompetence?

  15. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    My whole neighborhood growing up was WWII/ Korea vet old-school dads. All of us knew not to piss them off or we'd pay for it.

    Yet they gave you a trophy even though you lost and now look you are a DWL who is "special"

  16. Obama's jobs bill is just a Stimulus II, another spending spree that is the last thing the economy needs.

    The first trillion we gave him was supposed to go to "shovel ready" projects to fix roads and bridges. Instead, he used it to pay off public sector unions by hiring more government bureacrats and giving out ridiculous raises. He threw billions more down the rathole of crony green energy boondoggles. And he has aggressively encouraged more people to avail themselves of government handouts (food stamp expenditures have doubled under Obama). Now he wants another half trillion to do what he was supposed to do with the first trillion? Fuck you, Prez.

    He policies have been a disaster for the American economy. His jobs bill is more of the same, and it will never pass. It was never intended by Obama to pass, merely to give him a campaign theme of how the Republicans hate jobs.


  17. OJ Thimpson10:42 PM

    no slappz said...
    The trial of Michael Jackson's killer doc has gone to the jury phase.

    So a black doctor killed a black entertainment icon.

    Any thoughts on this craziness?

    My thoughts are it sucks for doc that his patient was a famous black guy.

    If the celebrity in question had been white, the opprobrium of the press would have been brought to bear on the dead, drug addict (not to mention pedophile) celebrity, and the attempt to convict the black doctor as a race-based lynching.

    You know that's how it would have gone down. Whether or not it would have saved him form his gross incompetence would be left to the vagaries of an American jury selected, as usual, for its stupidity.

  18. no slappz said...

    Any parent who hits a kid is a dangerous bully.

    It's that simple.

    9:17 PM



  19. Barack Obama11:51 PM

    Friday is the day the New Unemployment figures are released. They may show a movement in a downward direction..............................According to Gallup, their surveys have shown a significant change.....................Unemployment, as measured by Gallup without seasonal adjustment, is at 8.4% at the end of October, down from 8.7% in September and 9.2% in August....................... Unemployment was at 8.3% in mid-October -- its lowest level since Gallup began continuous monitoring in January 2010.................... Gallup's unemployment measure is also now much lower compared with a year ago -- it stood at 9.4% at the end of October 2010.........................Will be very interesting to see what the new numbers are.

  20. "Still, many of you Negroes are now highly respected professionals in your communities with families of your own, so apparently that paddle belts to your behinds worked."

    I don't know Field, I've said this before. My mother used to beat us with sturdy pieces of plywood sticks she had made specifically for the occasion. (Field, you do have an idea on how some Caribbean mothers roll, right?) She once got so hot and vex that she even beat me with a machete. I often joke about it by saying how that was the first and only time I ever kept still for a beating. Now that I'm an adult, my mother is the only person I know who can make my temper boil from 0 to 180 in 10 seconds.

    Still I'm glad I'm not a parent who disciplines with beatings. Although I thought I was breaking the cycle, I'm probably more of a verbal abuser, which isn't any better. I'm working on it...

    That's why any abuse given to a child can manifest itself in different ways when one reaches adulthood. Children shouldn't require physical nor verbal abuse in order to be disciplined. If such is the case, then something else is the problem. Times should be changing.

  21. btw, this also applies to the white parents from all over who ALSO abuse their children.

  22. Anonymous12:00 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    I don't know Field, I've said this before. My mother used to beat us with sturdy pieces of plywood sticks she had made specifically for the occasion. (Field, you do have an idea on how some Caribbean mothers roll, right?) She once got so hot and vex that she even beat me with a machete. I often joke about it by saying how that was the first and only time I ever kept still for a beating. Now that I'm an adult, my mother is the only person I know who can make my temper boil from 0 to 180 in 10 seconds.

    You sure it wasn't an ugly stick?

    BTW, water boils at 212.

  23. No-slappz sounds too defensive. We all know he's the harbinger of white inferiority and he suffers with displaced anger. I'm not surprised beating of children would also be a common practice in his household.

    Anyway, I promise myself not to get caught up with the Euro-trash of the blog tonight.


  24. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Take a looke at Obama's red eyes shown on the main page of Huffington Post. So much for the Liberals treating Blacks fairly. Obama looks like the devil....EVIL. Of course, you liberal Negroes on FN always look the other way when it comes to white liberals.

  25. Anonymous12:16 AM

    "Still, many of you Negroes are now highly respected professionals in your communities with families of your own, so apparently that paddle belts to your behinds worked. Even the poor young lady in this video turned out alright. Hell, she played Carnegie Hall for crying out loud!"

    To equate physical abuse of a child as the key to success later in life is probably the most insane kind of reasoning ever. Whipping and beating a vulnerable child's body is dysfunctional parenting and tells a lot about the skills of those dumb ass parents. I was whipped almost everyday for five years by an ignorant mean-ass Grandmother who could barely read but believed in "spare the rod ruin the child".

    To this day I hate her and when she died I felt nothing for her except "good riddance". In case you don't know it, the prisons are full of criminals who were beaten and abused as children.

    Field, it's a good thing you don't have children because you are one insensitive ignorant twisted thinking fool.

  26. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Mack Lyons, "Hey Chapstick, I noticed all the other usual anon trolls suddenly took a hiatus. Might be just coincidence, but I wouldn't be surprised to find you were the one behind the recent spate of anon trolling."

    As usual, you have got it all wrong. Your little mind is so far off base you don't know which end is up. Why don't you take a leave of absence from FN? That way we can have more accurate information and less inaccurate bullshit.

  27. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Mack Lyons, "Hey Chapstick, I noticed all the other usual anon trolls suddenly took a hiatus. Might be just coincidence, but I wouldn't be surprised to find you were the one behind the recent spate of anon trolling."

    Chapstick? Mackalina are you putting on your makeup again?
    Are you wearing a short skirt tonight or the long dress?

  28. Anonymous12:34 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    No-slappz sounds too defensive. We all know he's the harbinger of white inferiority and he suffers with displaced anger. I'm not surprised beating of children would also be a common practice in his household.

    Anyway, I promise myself not to get caught up with the Euro-trash of the blog tonight.


    White inferiority - by pointing out the truth about Blacks historically and worldwide, what a twisted brain or should we say lack of one.

  29. Anonymous12:38 AM

    LAA, "Still I'm glad I'm not a parent who disciplines with beatings. Although I thought I was breaking the cycle, I'm probably more of a verbal abuser, which isn't any better. I'm working on it...

    That's why any abuse given to a child can manifest itself in different ways when one reaches adulthood. Children shouldn't require physical nor verbal abuse in order to be disciplined. If such is the case, then something else is the problem. Times should be changing."

    My dear LAA, I agree with you totally. Your decision to not pass on the generational abuse to your children is to be admired. God bless you. I have done the same with mine.

    Children are vulnerable sensitive little human beings. They have their own little self-dignity and pride, which they cannot defend. It is an ugly ignoble thing for an adult to disrespect and cross those boundaries of a child by physically or sexually abusing the child. The jails, prisons and streets are full of adults who have been physically and sexually abused.

    Field is myopic in this matter when he claims that we turned out ok. How the hell does he know how anyone turns out? Outer Net worth and inner Self-worth are not the same.

  30. GOP voting to put god back in classrooms and public spaces? Shocking huh? Hypocrites every one of them. If they really believed what they preached bring up a federal ban on abortion and see what happens. Just a way to trick the simple religious minded base of the GOP happy.

  31. And now we find out the video of the 16-year-old girl being hit by her father via a video camera she had hidden in her bedroom was posted this week after her father cut her support and took away her Mercedes. BTW, she's now 23.

    I guess he was just tired of being blackmailed by her and called her bluff. Weird.

  32. "As usual, you have got it all wrong. Your little mind is so far off base you don't know which end is up. Why don't you take a leave of absence from FN? That way we can have more accurate information and less inaccurate bullshit."

    I never knew the anons to be accurate, in either information or rhetoric. You don't need me to leave in order to surprise me.

    "Chapstick? Mackalina are you putting on your makeup again? Are you wearing a short skirt tonight or the long dress?"

    I didn't know you and Slapstick (no_slappz) were an item. Maybe you could help him earn his P.E. license.

  33. Anonymous4:53 AM

    --**placeholder for more anon backtalk**--

  34. Thinking about what WaveLength said......

    I hear you about those Windies parents La~Audio. I was lucky; mine never had to spank me, I was such a good child.....:)

    "Take a looke at Obama's red eyes shown on the main page of Huffington Post. So much for the Liberals treating Blacks fairly. Obama looks like the devil....EVIL. Of course, you liberal Negroes on FN always look the other way when it comes to white liberals."

    Wingnut, may I suggest some form of therapy? You have a bad case of O derangement syndrome.

    "Field, it's a good thing you don't have children because you are one insensitive ignorant twisted thinking fool."

    Why is Mrs. Field posting here?

  35. Mack Lyons said...
    I didn't know you and Slapstick (no_slappz) were an item. Maybe you could help him earn his P.E. license.

    Yeah Mack I think you were right about who the assnon/Slappy REALLY is. And I can't say that Granny didn't try to tell me.

    Only an a$$hole who couldn't pass a standardized test, would so insanely jealous of a black woman who can, LOL!!!

  36. Did anyone notice that God hasn't been available for comment in at least 2,000 years?

  37. LAA

    "No-slappz sounds too defensive. We all know he's the harbinger of white inferiority and he suffers with displaced anger."

    Thank you.

    He's a pathetic little clown and a loser.

    Why do you think he spends all of his days taunting blacks over the internet?

    He hates and fears us because deep down inside he KNOWS we are better than him.

  38. selfawaresteve10:18 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    He hates and fears us because deep down inside he KNOWS we are better than him.
    Project much, uptown?

    Sounds like every post you've ever made about white people, or "goobers" as you like to call them.

  39. Dr. Engineer10:31 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Yeah Mack I think you were right about who the assnon/Slappy REALLY is. And I can't say that Granny didn't try to tell me.

    Only an a$$hole who couldn't pass a standardized test, would so insanely jealous of a black woman who can, LOL!!!

    Paranoid, fat and stupid are no way to go through life, Queen.

    The PE exam is a very hard test because it covers all disciplines, and most engineers who take it need to do so soon after graduation. The vast majority do not, because is only useful for those engineers who plan to work independently in a consultant functon.

    I am certain someone of your demonstrated lack of intellectual capacity could never earn an engineering degree. You have spent 28 years on much easier curricula with very limited success. You don't even have a job. For you to try to mock anyone who has graduated as an engineer shows how pitifully clueless you are.

    No one is jealous of your desperate, confused existence.

    You will never be adoctor.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. stuntin stymie/oj coon:

    u lie even worse than hobama


    that blacksish dl
    hobama would pass on the bald elder wm he prefers to do you before robin givens ever would...

    is that why you are so obsessed with robin????

    a lying dumb beta male bitch nig like u is and always will be unfit to shine the shoes of her white alpha male lovers including brad pitt


  43. "Sounds like every post you've ever made about white people, or "goobers" as you like to call them."

    Nah, I call ignorant white racists goobers.

    But you already knew that.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Happy Friday everyone!

    I'm off to have lunch with a Black engineer who had NO problem passing the PE exam, LOL!

    Dumba$$, ROTFLMBAO!

  46. Dr. Queen:


    have a regal repast with your royal peer!


  47. colorist colorized coon uts:

    beware u color struck nig

    that bleached skin u crave may make u EVEN MORE batty boy

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Dr. Buffalo Nuggets12:51 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    I'm off to have lunch with a Black engineer who had NO problem passing the PE exam, LOL!

    Dumba$$, ROTFLMBAO!

    Translation: "Iz goin to Popeyes with the school janitor"

    Why don't you pick up a job application while you are there? I can't hurt to try again.

    You could never be an engineer.

    And you will never be a doctor.

  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. tyrese's new book is the perfect christmas gift for mrs. herman cain

  54. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. Anonymous2:23 PM

    quantum0do0, "Did anyone notice that God hasn't been available for comment in at least 2,000 years?"

    God is always available every moment if you are listening, which obviously you are not.

  56. feralanarchy2:47 PM

    What did eddie griffin say in his dysfunctional family standup? "my mama beat my a** right out of jail" i wish my whuppins were as fast and to the point as this lil white girls were. she got to sit in 1 place and knew they were coming and to what area of the body! oh to have been so lucky...i think the only part of my body that didnt feel the wrath of my parents, grandparents and several aunts was the bottoms of my feet!

  57. Massa hobama and his fav dc house nigs have sold us all out by the dozens YET AGAIN

    the cursed cbc has chucked and betrayed us all for hobama 2012


    Can one imagine Obama or any other presidential aspirant repeatedly hectoring any other ethnic group on moral issues? Singling out Jews for excessive materialism? The Irish for excessive drinking? Of course not; that would be unfair and politically suicidal. But there are large regions of the white body politic in which it is not only acceptable, but damn near required, that politicians demonstrate their impatience with the alleged moral shortcomings of Black people. Barack Obama trolls for votes in those foul waters, at the cost of Black people's dignity.”

    By June of 2008, it was clear to Obama and his handlers that there was no insult that African Americans would not gladly endure – even cheer – for the chance to see one of their own in the Oval Office. For the first time in history, Blacks had made not a single demand in a presidential election; their bamboozlement was complete. A no-risk, public humiliation of Black folks was in order, for the benefit of white voters who might still be wondering if Obama was really the kind of Negro who could be trusted with the keys to the White House. What better day to denigrate Black men, than Father’s Day?

    Press what? The Black Caucus, as a body, meekly murmured and mumbled as the administration transferred the equivalent of the U.S. gross domestic product to the banks while Black America disintegrated. Now, with Obama’s numbers falling, he has very publicly commanded them to shut up and perform what he believes is their only legitimate function: to get him re-elected. In the looming contest, he will again resort to Black-baiting whenever it is useful to shore up white support. In that – as with his foreign and domestic policies – Obama is no different than white corporate politicians. His one great distinction, is to have a core constituency that cares more for his security and dignity, than their own.

  58. Massa hobama and his fav dc house nigs have sold us all out by the dozens YET AGAIN

    the cursed cbc has chucked and betrayed us all for hobama 2012


    Can one imagine Obama or any other presidential aspirant repeatedly hectoring any other ethnic group on moral issues? Singling out Jews for excessive materialism? The Irish for excessive drinking? Of course not; that would be unfair and politically suicidal. But there are large regions of the white body politic in which it is not only acceptable, but damn near required, that politicians demonstrate their impatience with the alleged moral shortcomings of Black people. Barack Obama trolls for votes in those foul waters, at the cost of Black people's dignity.”

    By June of 2008, it was clear to Obama and his handlers that there was no insult that African Americans would not gladly endure – even cheer – for the chance to see one of their own in the Oval Office. For the first time in history, Blacks had made not a single demand in a presidential election; their bamboozlement was complete. A no-risk, public humiliation of Black folks was in order, for the benefit of white voters who might still be wondering if Obama was really the kind of Negro who could be trusted with the keys to the White House. What better day to denigrate Black men, than Father’s Day?

    Press what? The Black Caucus, as a body, meekly murmured and mumbled as the administration transferred the equivalent of the U.S. gross domestic product to the banks while Black America disintegrated. Now, with Obama’s numbers falling, he has very publicly commanded them to shut up and perform what he believes is their only legitimate function: to get him re-elected. In the looming contest, he will again resort to Black-baiting whenever it is useful to shore up white support. In that – as with his foreign and domestic policies – Obama is no different than white corporate politicians. His one great distinction, is to have a core constituency that cares more for his security and dignity, than their own.

  59. "quantum0do0, "Did anyone notice that God hasn't been available for comment in at least 2,000 years?"

    God is always available every moment if you are listening, which obviously you are not."

    Well not in the old school way, you know talking through burning bushes and such. Seems a bit more hands off nowadays. Strange.

  60. maria5:44 PM

    It's time to ban Alicia Banks.

    Long past time, actually.

  61. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Meds free Friday for Alicia, apparently.

    Cut that bitch off.

  62. Anonymous6:30 PM

    PilotX, "Well not in the old school way, you know talking through burning bushes and such. Seems a bit more hands off nowadays. Strange."

    FYI: The burning bush is a metaphor, not an actual burning bush. But you have to get out of your logical and reasonable mind ego to get it. You see, God is beyond the mind, much like Love, Life and Truth. The burning bush symbol holds true today.

  63. FYI: The burning bush is a metaphor, not an actual burning bush. But you have to get out of your logical and reasonable mind ego to get it. You see, God is beyond the mind, much like Love, Life and Truth. The burning bush symbol holds true today.

    Fair point but then why are we so literal in our interpretation of other aspects of the Bible? Especially vis-a-vis sexuality, women's rights, etc.

    Actually came here to share a couple links. ABL is putting it down today!

    I love that she provides so many sources and supporting info.

  64. "FYI: The burning bush is a metaphor, not an actual burning bush. But you have to get out of your logical and reasonable mind ego to get it. You see, God is beyond the mind, much like Love, Life and Truth. The burning bush symbol holds true today."

    Just like the Jesus story is a metaphor. I got it. The whole bible god concept must be a metaphor too. Got it, kinda figured that.

  65. Anonymous7:45 PM

    PilotX, "Just like the Jesus story is a metaphor. I got it. The whole bible god concept must be a metaphor too. Got it, kinda figured that."

    Yes. It is a book about you, i.e. your inner world, both psychologically and spiritually. The characters are about aspects of you and your personality.

    Judging from your comment, however, your closed mind hasn't 'got it', or 'figured' much of anything. You have an incredulous attitude toward the Bible, while remaining like an alien to yourself, others, Jesus, Moses or any of the characters depicted in the Bible. You are too self-centered, ego driven and spiritually unfit to get much of anything, esp when it comes to the Bible.

  66. Anonymous8:05 PM

    PilotX, "Just like the Jesus story is a metaphor. I got it. The whole bible god concept must be a metaphor too. Got it, kinda figured that."

    If God is a concept, then so are you.

  67. "Judging from your comment, however, your closed mind hasn't 'got it', or 'figured' much of anything. You have an incredulous attitude toward the Bible, while remaining like an alien to yourself, others, Jesus, Moses or any of the characters depicted in the Bible. You are too self-centered, ego driven and spiritually unfit to get much of anything, esp when it comes to the Bible."

    No but IMHO there are better books that tell the same story. Just because I think Star Wars is a better movie doesn't mean I don't like Start Trek. I can tell by your attitude you may believe the bible is the only book I can find spirituality. It may turn out my mind is more open than yours. Maybe.

  68. "If God is a concept, then so are you."

    No, I said "the bible god", so is that the only one I get to choose from?

  69. Anonymous5:28 PM

    spare the rod and spoil the child.j-mayk government can not creat jobs by pissing up money. the government can not creat jobs by spending money we don't have for things we don't want jobs ,cut government and taxes in half then get out of the way.
