Saturday, November 05, 2011

White hats, Smokin Joe, and a few other things.

Oh ohhh, this is not good news for "white hat" nation:

"A former defensive coordinator who was integral for decades to Penn State's success in football was accused Saturday of sexually abusing eight boys, and the school's athletic director and an administrator were charged with perjury and failing to report what they knew about the allegations in a case that prosecutors said uncovered a years-long trail of a predator and those who protected him.

Former coach Jerry Sandusky, 67, of State College, was arrested Saturday and released on $100,000 bail after being arraigned on 40 criminal counts, the state attorney general's office said. Athletic director Tim Curley, 57, and Penn State vice president for finance and business Gary Schultz, 62, both of Boalsburg, were expected to turn themselves in Monday in Harrisburg. Schultz's position includes oversight of the university's police department.

Longtime head coach Joe Paterno, who has more victories than any coach in the history of Division I football, was not charged, authorities said, and the grand jury report did not appear to implicate him in wrongdoing. It said that when Paterno first learned of one report of abuse, he immediately reported it to Curley, but Sandusky was no longer coaching at the time and it's not clear whether Paterno followed up with Curley." [Story]

Oh well, I guess you just never know about folks. It seems that one of the last clean programs in A-merry-ca wasn't so clean after all.  

Staying with the sports theme, I just found out that my man Joe Frazier has liver cancer and is very ill. Philly's real Rocky is cool people, and he deserved so much more from the city he loves so much. Seriously, where the f&^% is his statue?!

I just hope that "Smokin Joe" can hang in there for a few more rounds.

A couple of other things:

Andy Rooney is dead at 92.

I bet most of you reading this have never heard of Jahessye Shockley.

And, once again, the folks over at the Innocence Project have helped people who were wrongfully convicted go free.  

"Chicago, November 3, 2011) After DNA testing linked a rapist to the 1991 rape and murder of a 14-year-old southwest suburban girl, a Cook County Circuit Court judge today set aside the convictions of three men who were convicted of the crime by confessions now known to be false. Robert Taylor, James Harden and Jonathan Barr, all of whom were teenagers when arrested, are represented by the University of Chicago’s Exoneration Project, the Center on Wrongful Convictions of Youth with private attorney Jennifer Blagg and the Innocence Project.

In court today, the State’s Attorney’s Office noted that it would be filing papers soon to vacate the convictions of Robert Lee Veal and Shainne Sharp who were also wrongfully convicted of the crime.

“This is one of the most tragic miscarriages of justice that we’ve seen in this state and perhaps the nation. Even before they were convicted, the state had DNA evidence proving that the confessions were false, yet it chose to go forward with the prosecutions in spite of this evidence and over the objections of a juvenile court judge,” said Tara Thompson of the UChicago Law School Exoneration Project. “This destroyed the lives of these young men while the real perpetrator was allowed to go free, destroying even more lives during a 20-year crime spree.”

On November 19, 1991, Cateresa Matthews, a 14-year-old student at Rosa Parks Middle School in Dixmoor, IL, went missing. Her body was discovered 19 days later on a footpath in a residential neighborhood near Interstate 57 in Dixmoor. She had been raped and shot in the mouth. Nearly a year after the murder, the Illinois State Police interrogated Veal, a 15-year-old student from the same school. After 5 hours in police custody, Veal signed a written statement implicating himself, Taylor (15), Barr (15), Harden (17) and Sharp (17). After 4 hours in custody, Taylor also signed a written confession. Two days later, after 21 hours in custody, Sharp did the same.

In June 1994, before any of the teenagers were tried, the Illinois State Police crime lab identified a lone male DNA profile from sperm recovered from the victim’s body. Even though all 5 defendants were excluded as the source of the semen, the prosecution pushed forward rather than seeking the source of the semen recovered from this young victim. Based on doubts about the truthfulness of the confessions, a juvenile court judge refused to charge Barr and Taylor in adult criminal court, a decision later reversed by an appellate court. Veal and Sharp pled guilty to first-degree murder and received a 20-year sentence (they were eligible for release just 7 years from the date of their pleas) in exchange for agreeing to testify against Harden, Barr and Taylor. Over the next 2 years, all 3 were convicted, and each was sentenced to at least 80 years in prison. All subsequent appeals were denied, including a post-conviction request for DNA testing." [Source] 

Just another reason not to have the death penalty in this country.




  1. Liver cancer? Hate to tell you this Field, but chances are Mr. Frazier will soon be out for the count.

  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I hope smokin Joe will manage to get a liver transplant. He is a good man.

  3. Thanks for posting about little Jahessye, Mr. Field. That's a sad story. And it's even more sad, yet par for the course, that the MSM hasn't covered her disappearance at all.

    Yep, Joe Frazier really deserved more. And not just from Philadelphia but from the sports world in general.

    I've seen a few docs featuring him and Smokin' Joe seems like a real down to earth brother. So it's hard to believe that back in the day many called him an "Uncle Tom".

    And Muhammad Ali said some terrible things about hims too.

    I hope he pulls through.

  4. Anonymous8:44 PM

    "Just another reason not to have the death penalty in this country."

    Not only that, we need an authentic and fair Justice System. It's a great legal system but it is NO justice system. Lawyers have a field day making money off of this inhumane crooked system. How I wish for an honest system with honest'll never happen in capitalistic America.

  5. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Dr Queen, "Liver cancer? Hate to tell you this Field, but chances are Mr. Frazier will soon be out for the count."

    Why don't you STFU? You have to be the most negative pessimistic nut on the planet. You love dumping on the suffering of others you apathetic piece of shit.

    Remind me to rejoice when it's your turn to be out for the count....ASSHOLE.

  6. Joe Frazier, in his innocence and naivety, represented the resentments and bigotry of white America during his first battle with Ali.

    He didn't help himself by continuing to call Ali "Clay".

    However, he was a good, down to earth brother, father and family man.

    Frazier was a great boxer and didn't deserve to be deemed as an Uncle Tom.

    I'm praying for him.

  7. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Just another reason not to have the death penalty in this country."

    Not only that, we need an authentic and fair Justice System. It's a great legal system but it is NO justice system. Lawyers have a field day making money off of this inhumane crooked system. How I wish for an honest system with honest'll never happen in capitalistic America.

    so which system do you suggest? Is there one you like in existance today? No doubt lawyers have become bottom feeders though with the irresponsibility and PC we have been practicing over the last 50 years or so. Your Honor no one told my client that hot coffee was served hot so she is owed money, what the judge would have said fifty years ago is get the fuck out of here with that and if she is that stupid lock her away from society.

  8. Anonymous9:31 PM

    He didn't help himself by continuing to call Ali "Clay".

    Even though that was his name until Allah and the god of draft dodging changed it what a good NOI boy.

  9. Speaking of PC,

    You then believe that Oliver North and Allen West should both be in Leavenworth then, right?

  10. Sorry goober,

    Ali adopted his Islamic name in 1964.

    Wasn't drafted until 1967.

  11. Maybe I'm a just a little too young to remember but from what I do recall, at the peak of their respective careers Frazier and Ali were really at each other.

    Did they ever make peace?

  12. Hey chicken shit, no name assnon, go f@ck yourself! And I'll lend you my olympus microscope for help finding your micropenis beforehand.


  13. Queen,

    Ali apologized to Joe Frazier but Frazier remained bitter for obvious reasons.

    Ali got 50 million for the licensing rights to his name and likeness and Frazier was broke.

    It's a shame because the Ali legend would not be what it is without his epic battles with Smokin Joe.

  14. Thanks for the info Steve!

  15. Anonymous10:24 PM

    I am praying for Joe Frazier...

    that Penn State Coach is just a sicko...


  16. Damn shame about Smokin Joe. Hope if he needs anything Laila Ali steps up. I saw in a documentary that Joe helped Ali during his money troubles.

    The so-called justice system in this country leaves alot to be desired. The same thing happened in the Central Park Jogger case. To my mind whatever settlement those poor kids got still doesn't erase the scars the ordeal left. The Daily News should have been held financially responsible as well--"Wilding" indeed.

  17. Anonymous10:52 PM

    anon, "so which system do you suggest? Is there one you like in existance today?"

    I said it in my previous comment. A Justice System that is Justice for all. That is what most people want.

  18. Anonymous10:55 PM

    In the end, Ali got the better of Smokin Joe in the media and in the ring. But make no mistake about it, Smokin Joe put a hurting on Ali like no one else did. If I remember right, Joe broke Ali's jaw!

  19. @UptownSteve

    But didn't Ali accept money from Joe while he was suspended from boxing and then call him names in the media prior to their fight which is why Joe called him "Clay"?

  20. Wesley R11:09 PM

    Smokin' Joe never got the respect he deserved because of the politics of his day. Hopefully one day he will known as one of the best boxers ever. That should be his place in history.

  21. Norton broke Ali's jaw, but Ali said after the "Thrilla in Manilla" that it was the closest he ever came to death.

    Frazier got up in Ali's ass for sure!

    He never put Joe on the canvas.

  22. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Again, our Justice System is NOT a Justice System. It is a legal system where if you have the money, fame and the 'right color', you can get the 'right' lawyers and a biased judge to legally let you get away with murder. OJ is the exception, of course. He got away in criminal court for murder, but they nailed his ass in civil court and sent him to prison over bullshit that people don't go to prison for! Our Justice System is NO Justice System.

    Hell, even the Supreme Court is crooked. But Field can't or won't blog about the crooked Justice System because that's his livelihood.

    But his self-righteous crooked ass won't hesitate to talk about the GOP and Herman Cain. There ought to be a law against doing that. Field and his FN Negro followers need to be living next door to OJ for all of the Liberal Leftist bs they spout out daily against honest Brotha Herman Cain.

    Well, if they don't get you on earth, St Peter will get you, and that's a lot worse for the following liars:

    Prideful Field, Angry Brooklyn, Envious Mack Lyons, Greedy PilotX, Jealous UTS, Slothful Dr Bullshit Queen, Crazy Kid, Untruthful Granny, OuterSpace Hathor, Lustful Desertflower...these are just a few names of you so-called Field Negro sinners that St Peter will be addressing.

    One other who will be shiting bricks at his death when he finds out that God is real: "No_Slappy" St Peter will leave your punishment to Moses who will probably throw your simple ass off of Mt Sinai.

  23. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Andy Rooney, R.I.P.

    NEW YORK -- "Andy Rooney so dreaded the day he had to end his signature "60 Minutes" commentaries about life's large and small absurdities that he kept going until he was 92 years old.

    Even then, he said he wasn't retiring. Writers never retire. But his life after the end of "A Few Minutes With Andy Rooney" was short: He died Friday night, according to CBS(CBS_), only a month after delivering his 1,097th and final televised commentary.

    Rooney had gone to the hospital for an undisclosed surgery, but major complications developed and he never recovered.

    "Andy always said he wanted to work until the day he died, and he managed to do it, save the last few weeks in the hospital," said his "60 Minutes" colleague, correspondent Steve Kroft.

    Rooney talked on "60 Minutes" about what was in the news, and his opinions occasionally got him in trouble. But he was just as likely to discuss the old clothes in his closet, why air travel had become unpleasant and why banks needed to have important-sounding names.

    Rooney won one of his four Emmy Awards for a piece on whether there was a real Mrs. Smith who made Mrs. Smith's Pies. As it turned out, there was no Mrs. Smith.

    "I obviously have a knack for getting on paper what a lot of people have thought and didn't realize they thought," Rooney once said. "And they say, 'Hey, yeah!' And they like that."

  24. Val,

    Ali did accept money from Frazier when he was suspended and dogged Frazier in unforgiveable ways.

    However, when Frazier refused to call Ali by his legally adopted name and attacking him for avoiding the draft he opened himself up to charges of being a pawn to white racist interests.

    Two seperate and unrelated issues.

  25. It never ceases to amaze me.

    All a negro has to do is be a Republican buckdancing Tom and he immediately becomes a saint to these racist goobers.

    Imagine if Barack Obama had never held elective office, displayed the total ignorance in public policy and world affairs that Cain has and had a sexual harrassment charge levelled against him.

    They'd be screaming that his candidacy was a joke.

  26. Anonymous12:01 AM

    UTS whined, "It never ceases to amaze me.

    All a negro has to do is be a Republican buckdancing Tom and he immediately becomes a saint to these racist goobers.

    Imagine if Barack Obama had never held elective office, displayed the total ignorance in public policy and world affairs that Cain has and had a sexual harrassment charge levelled against him.

    They'd be screaming that his candidacy was a joke."

    11:44 PM
    Well, Obama has shown without a doubt his ignorance of the economy and inability to get a bill through that benefits the people.

    People didn't scream about Obama's candidacy. Instead, they are screaming about his Presidency as being the worst in American history!

    Pray Cain becomes President to make up for the dunce Obama is. You see, Republicans KNOW how to get things done. Plus they do what they say they will do. Dems don't know how to get anything done. Obama is a classic Dem example.

  27. Joe Adethe2:59 AM

    Joe Frazier was many times the man as Ali. I am praying for him.

  28. Layla3:05 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Liver cancer? Hate to tell you this Field, but chances are Mr. Frazier will soon be out for the count.

    Thank you for your learned opinion Dr. Queen, MD.

    All those years of medical school, residency, and practicing medicine have given you deep insight into Mr. Frazier's condition. We are grateful that you are so generous as to enlighten us as to his condtion.

    Many thanks for sharing your deep wisdom.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Layla said...
    Thank you for your learned opinion Dr. Queen, MD. Many thanks for sharing your deep wisdom.

    Let's talk about what really makes me such an "expert".

    Perhaps it was my numerous years of bench lab experience conducting cancer research at the #1 cancer research organization in the world. Maybe it was the publications I have in journals related to cancer research from my tenure at that #1 research institute and other top notch institutions. Then again, it could be my many years as a hospice volunteer and caregiver for a person terminally ill with cancer. Finally, it may be the TWO thesis' I defended related to understanding carcinogenesis.

    There really isn't one thing that leads me to believe that chances are good Mr. Frazier will soon depart this earth. However having seen a miracle or two myself in my lifetime, I know for certain that ultimately GOD will decide Mr. Frazier's fate.

  31. Layla said...
    Thank you for your learned opinion Dr. Queen, MD.

    BTW, get the future moniker right, b*tch.

    That's Dr. Queen, MD, MS, MS.


  32. "Maybe I'm a just a little too young to remember but from what I do recall, at the peak of their respective careers Frazier and Ali were really at each other.

    Did they ever make peace?"

    Sort of, but UTS is right; Joe is still bitter to this day. He can't get over the fact that Ali called him an Uncle Tom, and made it seem like he was the personification of white America when in his mind it was the other way around.

    Joe was working as a farmer at 15 years old from South Carolina who came to the city and made good with his boxing skills. He was all North Philly, and never really left the hood. Ali, on the other hand, got all the glory and the shine.

    As far as pure boxing, there is no doubt that Ali was the better boxer, but Joe was all heart and had mad skills of his own.

  33. "Thanks for posting about little Jahessye, Mr. Field. That's a sad story. And it's even more sad, yet par for the course, that the MSM hasn't covered her disappearance at all."

    Val, it's one of the reasons we blog.

  34. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Let's not forget the impact of color of skin here. Ali was a lot lighter too...

  35. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Dr Queefa Said....

    Perhaps it was my numerous years of bench lab experience conducting cancer research at the #1 cancer research organization in the world. Maybe it was the publications I have in journals related to cancer research from my tenure at that #1 research institute and other top notch institutions. Then again, it could be my many years as a hospice volunteer and caregiver for a person terminally ill with cancer. Finally, it may be the TWO thesis' I defended related to understanding carcinogenesis.

    So you defended a few papers you had to write for a class assignment using textbook qoutes and you worked as a lab technician and were a published author on cancer research.

    Could you please explain how a lab assistant could create, author and have published a paper on cancer research?

    Smells like a hell of a lot of bullshit to me. Yes, we know you weren't a janitor you were a sanitorial engineer

    Then you volunteered many years for "a person" with terminal cancer - don't people with terminal cancer in hospice die and not live in hospice for many, many years? Was this a family member who like you are a lifelong government grant student was a person who was dying of terminal cancer for many years?

    Either post links to your "papers" or give us titles and excerpts or some snippet or stop the lying and bragging. You can barely speak the language what did the paper say "you got a small penis motherfucker"?

    Yeah we believe you, just like you say you are a Queen and just like you say you are a Doctor...sure you are and sure you did.

  36. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Layla said...
    Thank you for your learned opinion Dr. Queen, MD.

    BTW, get the future moniker right, b*tch.

    That's Dr. Queen, MD, MS, MS.


    I understand the your use of MS (Massive Sasquatch) that you are indeed, however you are not a Doctor, you are not a Queen So why insist on these two false titles? Are you delusional or is this just part of your mantra of demanding things you have not earned?

    You should add HR and GS to the MS portion of your fake title for some authenticity. H.R-Hoodrat GS-Ghetto Slug and the previously mentioned MS- Massive Sasquatch.

  37. field negro said...
    Sort of, but UTS is right; Joe is still bitter to this day. He can't get over the fact that Ali called him an Uncle Tom, and made it seem like he was the personification of white America when in his mind it was the other way around.

    Ali called Frazier a "Tom" when he was the one always running his mouth, dancing around and being loud? Yep, sounds a little hypocritical to me.

    As for the lightskinned stuff, I've never heard anyone say they thought that was a factor in why Ali was accepted over Frazier, but it wouldn't suprise me either.

  38. Anonymous8:43 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    It never ceases to amaze me.

    All a negro has to do is be a Republican buckdancing Tom and he immediately becomes a saint to these racist goobers.

    Imagine if Barack Obama had never held elective office, displayed the total ignorance in public policy and world affairs that Cain has and had a sexual harrassment charge levelled against him.

    They'd be screaming that his candidacy was a joke.

    Sure that somewhere in the shallow recesses of your mind this made sense, not so much when someone else reads it. You can imagine you have a high IQ and aren't a racist either, but neither one would be the basis for a real world parallel.

  39. these prosecutors need some skin in the game there has got to be punishments for such egregious wrongful convictions not just remuneration for the wrongfully accused

  40. Anon-Goober

    "You see, Republicans KNOW how to get things done."

    Two questions.

    Name one job creation proposal tabled by the Republicans since they took over the Congress.

    What is specifically is the job creation plan proposed by any of the GOP Potus candidates?

  41. Dr. Queen,

    "Ali called Frazier a "Tom" when he was the one always running his mouth, dancing around and being loud? Yep, sounds a little hypocritical to me."


    Ali was a revoluttionary.

    There was nobody like him before or since.

    I was a toddler in 1964 when Ali first one the championship but can you imagine the guts and audacity it took for a 22 year old black man to cast off his slave name, adopt Islam, tell white people he was black and proud, and was the greatest?

    It shocking. Earthshaking. Transcendental.

    He immediately became an inspiration for black America and was an iconic figure in the entire counter culture revolution of the 1960s.

    Frazier for all his ring prowess could not match Ali's cultural significance.

    And he then became, unfortunately, Ali's pawn.

  42. I wonder if Slappy has any comments on Coach Jerry Sandusky's arrest for diddling little boys.

    You can best believe if Sandusky was black Slappy would yelling from the rootops and claiming it was representative of a black genetic failing.

  43. uptownsteve said...
    I wonder if Slappy has any comments on Coach Jerry Sandusky's arrest for diddling little boys.

    Not if he's a Jew.

  44. So let me get this straight . . .

    If you don't rape anybody you get sent to Rape Academy, but if you do rape people they let you run the place?

    We live in a covertly rapacious society, Field. If that's not so, tell me why there are suddenly so many gay rapists in prison compared to the outside world? Evidently there are a lot of people running around just itching to dominate some male booty.

    It all comes down to the willful misinterpretation of Darwin. Easy Coach, he did not say, "if you poke it you own it."

  45. Anonymous11:36 AM

    for every criminal that gets out on dna i can show you 10 criminals let out of prison who went no to kill more people.there is a reason our prisons are full of negroes that is because negroes are criminals and racists. i was sorry to hear about joe i had a friend who died of liver cancer and there was no trasplant for him. you know jay make you said you were better off in jay make which means you are connected to the top commies over there.i have a good idea jay make why don't you take your mudshark wife and go back.we have enough home grown negroes fucking up america with out emporting them.

  46. Anonymous11:57 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    "You see, Republicans KNOW how to get things done."

    Two questions.

    Name one job creation proposal tabled by the Republicans since they took over the Congress.

    What is specifically is the job creation plan proposed by any of the GOP Potus candidates?

    Sure Cooney Coons,

    there are 15 job bills stuck in the democratic senate, bills that would actually create jobs. Not bills that borrow money to pay cronies and buy votes temporarily for states and government/union employees who are going bankrupt.

    Is that all you have?

    Why did Obama do nothing but campaign for the last four months lying that conservatives were holding up his spending bill when it was democrats in the senate who wouldnt bring it to a vote because they knew it was bullshit?

    AS for the GOP candidates job creation, get a clue. They have written it down = easy to find on the web. Has Obama? Other than lying?

    They are holding up a bill that I haven't written or provided to congress and will do so after my vacation..Barack Obama.

    Why to date is there still no budget from the democratic governmental majority of the oval office and senate and congress when the democrats were in the majority for two years? This is required by law, are they afraid we will find out we are now 15 trillion in debt and they still want to waste money? Yet they want to borrow and spend more not using money that was never spent from the last stimulus to keep the democratic buy me votes slushfund.

    Now I have two questions for you, why are you a racist and you cannot exist without racial name calling and hate? Are you that weak that you have nothing else? Also, what makes you think borrowing money we don't have to support corruption is good for the country especially when the first two stimulus failed miserably?

  47. "for every criminal that gets out on dna i can show you 10 criminals let out of prison who went no to kill more people"

    Then go ahead and do it you freakin racist liar.

    Take all the time you need.

  48. "there are 15 job bills stuck in the democratic senate, bills that would actually create jobs."

    Name ONE.

  49. Anonymous12:05 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    Hey the mudshark is back. How you been sambo? Still chuckin that spear and eatin peeps? When you take a shit can you tell where the shit ends and that ass begins?

  50. Anonymous12:10 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "there are 15 job bills stuck in the democratic senate, bills that would actually create jobs."

    Name ONE.

    Learn how to read, cause you were lazy and entitled growing up I am not doing your work for you, the link was provided right in the post. Now answer the other questions if you have the intelligence (not) or just do what you know how - call people racist because you don't have the brains to figure things out or understand things more complicated than just saying goober, goober, goober and have to hide your incompetence and inability to think with fake accusations.

  51. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

    These righties are totally full of shit and never get tired of proving it.

    That link did not answer my question.

    I'll ask YOU once again to name one Republican JOBS BILL that has been tabled in Congress since they took it over.

    You CAN'T because there isn't one.

  52. BTW Dr. Queen,

    "The Thrilla in Manilla" is on HBO On Demand this month.

    It outlines the Ali/Frazier saga in great detail.

    Outstanding documentary.

  53. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Shout out to the adult survivors of childhood sexual assaults by 'men in white hats'.

    Yah bless you and keep you! Yah shine His face on you and give you peace!

    You are not alone. Stay strong; don't blame yourself, and don't revert to bad choices you relied upon in the past to ease the pain. Somebody cares. It was NOT your fault. The damned perverts and their supporters will be cast into the lake of fire if they do not repent.

    Unfortunately,in some form or fashion, this scenario is being played out all across our country; to wit: member(s) of the ruling class likes sex with little boys and girls - lack of knowledge or attitude of indifference by the community at large - cover-up in place! Absolutely disgusting and sickening.....

    Jemimah cares....

  54. Colbert King's piece in the WasPost yesterday was ON POINT.

  55. Anonymous2:48 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    These righties are totally full of shit and never get tired of proving it.

    That link did not answer my question.

    I'll ask YOU once again to name one Republican JOBS BILL that has been tabled in Congress since they took it over.

    You CAN'T because there isn't one.

    It is like talking to a baboon, don't bother - his strongest talent is spitting.

    You can't clap with one hand, so don't expect him to think with half of an intellect.

  56. upbuttsteve3:01 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "there are 15 job bills stuck in the democratic senate, bills that would actually create jobs."

    Name ONE.

    What a fucking moron.

    It must be an act. But for whom?

  57. You still haven't answered goober.

    You don't fool anyone.

  58. UTS, I will wait with you; just one example would be nice.......

  59. Now we got sodomites up in this piece?

    Field I don't know about you, but I would hate to meet ANY of your least not without a couple gold dots on me.

  60. Anonymous7:37 PM

    UTS, "I'll ask YOU once again to name one Republican JOBS BILL that has been tabled in Congress since they took it over."

    Republican JOBS BILLS don't get tabled, they are put through. Anymore questions? Never mind. Life is too short to be screwing around with you poor ignorant Lib Dems. You just don't get it.

  61. field negro said...
    UTS, I will wait with you; just one example would be nice.......

    Yesterday, the Republican-controlled United States House of Representatives passed yet another bipartisan jobs bill by a whopping margin of 405-16, with only the most socialist Democrats refusing to vote for it. Barack Obama -- who by next year's election will have been campaigning for 19 straight months since he announced he would run for reelection on April 4th -- is still robotically crying "Pass my jobs bill."

    This makes 16 jobs bills passed by the Republican House so far that have been shelved by Harry Reid:

    •"The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act" (H.R.872)
    •"The Energy Tax Prevention Act" (H.S.910)
    •"The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act" (H.R.2018 )
    •"Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act" (H.R.1315)
    •"Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act" (H.R.2587)
    •"Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation" (H.R.2401)
    •"Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act" (H.R.2681)
    •"EPA Regulatory Relief Act" (H.S.2250)
    •"Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act" (H.R.2273)
    •"Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act" (H.S.1230)
    •"Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act" (H.R.1229)
    •"Reversing President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act (H.R.1231)
    •"The Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011" (H.R.2021)
    •"North American-Made Energy Security Act" (H.R.1938 )
    •"Disapproval of FCC's Net Neutrality Regulations" (H.J.Res.37)
    •"3% Withholding Tax Repeal" (H.R.674)

    Instead of blaming Republicans, Obama needs to harass his Democrat-controlled Senate to pass at least some of the 16 jobs bills -- including yesterday's 3% withholding tax repeal on job creators -- which the House Republicans have sent over to the Senate and which are being blocked for partisan reasons by the Democrats.

  62. OMIGOD

    Just more deregulations for big corporations.

    Not ONE jobs bill.

