Monday, December 26, 2011

Don't blame Santa.

Oh Lawd! That gunman in Texas was dressed as Santa.

If stuff like this continues, "St. Nick" is going to have to hire a big- time PR firm.

I shouldn't be feeling like this after such a tragedy, but something about that Connecticut fire story doesn't sit right with me.

The kids and grandparents all died but mommy and her boyfriend made it out?
I sure hope my gut is wrong about what it is trying telling me.

"A fire that broke out in the early morning in an exclusive Stamford, Connecticut neighborhood has claimed the lives of three children and two adults. Stamford mayor Michael Pavia told reporters, "It’s a terrible, terrible day for the city of Stamford. There probably has not been a worse Christmas day in the city of Stamford." Update, 12/26: The victims were the three daughters and parents of homeowner Madonna Badger.

The fire department received calls at around 4:52 a.m. about a fire at 2267 Shippan Avenue, a home purchased last December (for $1.725 million) which was undergoing months of renovations. Two adults escaped, but the fire was so consuming that firefighters were unable to reach other occupants in time. A neighbor said, "We heard this screaming at 5 in the morning. The whole house was ablaze and I mean ablaze." He told the Times, "The flames were coming through the top floor, and I thought, ‘Nobody could possibly survive this.’"
Fire officials said it would be days until fire marshals would be able to get clues for what caused the fire and they didn't know the condition of the two survivors, "We had our hands full from the moment we arrived on the scene." The home's previous owners said they sold the property to Madonna Badger, a fashion branding consultant in NYC, "She was living there with her children. She has three children."

In other news, I guess poor John Hithon won't be seeing that 1.4 million he had planned to spend this past Christmas.

"Certain words mean different things to different people. Depending on where you are from calling someone “boy” can get you in a ton of trouble. That’s what happened to a supervisor at Tyson Chicken.
The New York Times reports:
Last year, the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit ruled that there were no racial overtones when a white manager at a Tyson chicken plant in Gadsden, Ala., called adult black men working there “boy.”
“The usages were conversational” and “nonracial in context,” the majority wrote in a 2-to-1 decision that overturned a jury verdict of about $1.4 million in an employment discrimination case brought by a black Tyson employee, John Hithon.
Civil Rights attorneys decided to file a brief on the matter:
The brief urged the court to reconsider, making the case that “boy” retains its venom. For evidence, the brief drew on personal experiences, history, literary classics like “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Native Son,” and the writings of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“Boy,” the brief said, is either a proxy for or “at the very least a close cousin” of the most charged racial epithet.

On Dec. 16, more than a year after the initial decision, the appeals court reversed course. The new ruling was opaque and grudging, but Mr. Clemon said he welcomed it, particularly since it is very unusual for a federal appeals court panel simply to change its mind. “I don’t recall it ever happening,” said Mr. Clemon, who graduated from law school in 1968." [Story]
Now why would Tyson Chicken, of all people, want to f&^% with black folks? Don't they know which side their bread chicken is buttered on?

Finally, what's all the fuss about a TSA agent taking cupcakes from a woman last week?

"A Massachusetts woman who flew home from Las Vegas this week says an airport security officer confiscated her frosted cupcake because he thought its vanilla-bourbon icing could be a "security risk."

Rebecca Hains told today that a Transportation Security Administration agent at Las Vegas- McCarran International Airport seized her cupcake, saying the frosting sitting atop the red velvet cake was gel-like enough to violate regulations.

The incident took place Wednesday.
Hains, a teacher, said the cupcake was a gift from one of her students. She was traveling with her husband and toddler, and thought her young son might get hungry on the long trip home.

The cupcake was packaged in a glass container with a metal lid, which was why it attracted the attention of the scanner in the first place.
The TSA agent didn't know what to do with the cupcake, so she called over her supervisor, Hains said.

"The TSA supervisor, Robert Epps, was using really bad logic - he said it counted as a gel-like substance because it was conforming to the shape of its container."
"We also had a small pile of hummus sandwiches with creamy fillings, which made it through, but the cupcake with its frosting was apparently a terrorist threat…I just don't know what world he was living in," said Hains, speaking of the TSA officer." [story]

This story has been on every major news show. Why?
The TSA agent was doing his/her job, and I say good for them for taking the damn cupcakes. They probably weren't even any good. That "frosting" could have been a terrorist threat if enough people ate it.

Seriously, who cares? Are they really going to miss the damn cupcakes that much? Better safe than sorry is what I say.

Besides, if that was an Arab woman flying with a box of mammouls, the TSA agent who confiscated them would have been on the news network for dummies all week being praised for being vigilant.


  1. Lickem De Salami11:03 PM

    Seriously, who cares? Are they really going to miss the damn cupcakes that much? Better safe than sorry is what I say.

    Besides, if that was an Arab woman flying with a box of mammouls, the TSA agent who confiscated them would have been on the news network for dummies all week being praised for being vigilant.

    Well for the first point the Arab woman with the plastique hidden under her Burka would get through because of our insane lefty liberals who say no Islam didnt attack us it was little old ladies with cupcakes or it was a "workplace incident"

    Secondly - If this were a black lady with a bucket a greasy chicken and the TSA agent said the congealing fat was a gel your tone would be different for damn sure, I am sure the word "racist" would be used.

    What has this country come to when an old woman can't even have a cupcake and little kids get fondled yet a woman who hides her body under demands made by murderous chauvinists who live under rules directly from the sixth century trump american openness and culture to the point of americans being persecuted. Persecuted for not being ignorant and backwards and following those sixth century laws. Well, I am going to take my dog for a walk and bare my titties and have sex in front of the guy whose name sounds like snot being spit out and tell him that his 6 daughters are no longer virgins and then handcuff him so he goes mad because he cannot kill his own daughters and restore his honor all while dripping pig fat on his head from the delicious BLT I am eating while this is happening and then let him know that if he does perform Jihad the 72 virgins he is promised will be there waiting - but they will be male pigs porking him in the rear while dogs hump his head for eternity.

  2. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, Santa has hired Anon, Inc as his PR firm. I used FN blog as a reference and it went over real well. I think Santa got involved with a sista after Mrs. Santa died.

    Anyway, you may see some damage control advertising by Santa on your blog. I hope you don't mind, but this shit has Santa worried about his reputation. Your pedophile remarks about him didn't help either. Then there's the remark about Santa and his reindeers being in bed together.

    In addition, today there are rumors about Santa being a necrophiliac. This shit is going to be hard to turn around before XMAS next year.

  3. NSangoma1:03 AM

    Santa sez, come git sum fuel:

  4. Anonymous1:19 AM

    There are just too many racial words that describe bm. We have to allow for some of them to get by. "Boy" should be one of them.

    I also think coon ought to be considered no longer a racial insult. This should level the playing field for Whites who cannot use the N-word but Blacks can.

  5. Anonymous3:05 AM

    @anon 12:54 AM

    Mrs Santa died??????? Oh Lawdy,lawdy, lawdy. When did this happen? Links please!

    The Fool

  6. Civil Rights attorneys decided to file a brief on the matter:

    The brief urged the court to reconsider, making the case that “boy” retains its venom. For evidence, the brief drew on personal experiences, history, literary classics like “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Native Son,” and the writings of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
    “Boy,” the brief said, is either a proxy for or “at the very least a close cousin” of the most charged racial epithet.


    The BCF is not letting this matter go, and will be appealing this decsion on behalf of Mr. Hithon. If you would like to learn more about this effort, you can do so here.

  7. The only reason you are defending that TSA officer is because she was black. A white person doing the same would have been rightly called an idiot in your version of the story.

    She probably just wanted to eat that cupcake. Black people don't get their hands on vanilla-bourbon icing very often.

    And we should be keeping any mammouls and the Arabs that come with them off airplanes. If we were serious about public safety, all muslims would be cavity searched every time they leave the house.

  8. Anonymous1:11 PM

    shatila how do u know the worker was black?
    "Vanilla-bourbon icing"?
    I think I speak for most black follks reading this when I say I will take a pass.
    You can have all the "vanilla bourbon icing " to yourself.

  9. Anonymous1:54 PM

    "You can have all the "vanilla bourbon icing " to yourself"

    I say hold the vanilla and make mine a bourbon

  10. Colonel Popcorn3:50 PM

    I think I speak for most black follks reading this when I say I will take a pass.
    You can have all the "vanilla bourbon icing " to yourself.

    sho nuff grape drank and sicken on da way

  11. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Great for the Civil Rights Attorney (and all of us) fighting this case. I live here in Atlanta Georgia and Jim Crow is alive and well. We must continue to fight racism and hate!!

    Boy is definitely a cousin to the N-word when utter by you know who!!


  12. Get your copy of Down Low Baller, signed by Lil' Wayne, exclusively at the Mall of Black America!

  13. Colonel Popcorn could you pease explain what you just said?

  14. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I don't think Colonel Popcorn can explain much of anything.

    Now that football season is over, what positions you see the Iggles needing to draft most?

  15. Anonymous9:29 PM

    "Mrs Santa died??????? Oh Lawdy,lawdy, lawdy. When did this happen? Links please!"

    She died in 2005. She was over 600 yrs old. She was tired and her body just couldn't take the weather anymore. After her death, Santa was never the same. He started dating a sista and invited her to the North Pole to live with him.

  16. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Latest Trailer Park News:

    (AP) — "A babysitter and trusted neighbor has confessed that he bludgeoned a 9-year-old Indiana girl to death with a brick then dismembered her, hiding her head, hands and feet at his home and dumping the rest of her remains nearby, police said Tuesday.
    Allen County sheriff's investigators said in an affidavit that 39-year-old Michael Plumadore admits he killed Aliahna Lemmon on Thursday.
    According to the affidavit, Plumadore told police that after beating Aliahna to death, he stuffed her body into trash bags and hid her in the freezer at his home in a rundown trailer park in Fort Wayne. He said he later chopped up her body and stuffed her remains into freezer bags.

    Police said Plumadore told them he had hidden Aliahna's head, feet and hands at his trailer and discarded her other remains at a nearby business. Police obtained a warrant to search his trailer on Monday and found the body parts.

    The affidavit does not provide details about why Plumadore killed the child."

    Mr. Field, This is the first time I have read about a murder in a trailer park. Most people who live there are quite nice and lawful abiding trustworth people. These are really strange times, indeed.

  17. Anon. The birds need an established linebacker and a solid safety.

    The offense is pretty much set, although they need to give D-Jack a contract.

  18. Colonel Popcorn11:32 PM

    field negro said...
    Colonel Popcorn could you pease explain what you just said?

    Yo what is you trying ta say? dat you dont dig' muh motha fuckin pristine werdz? dey is clear as day ta any brudda is you fake sho 'nuff!

  19. "Yo what is you trying ta say? dat you dont dig' muh motha fuckin pristine werdz? dey is clear as day ta any brudda is you fake sho 'nuff!"


    Just as I suspected. :)

  20. I see my Vikes have blown their chance of the first draft pick for next season.

    We even suck at losing.

  21. PC, the players are playing for the coach. His job was on the line.He seems safe for now.

    Sorry about your star's injury, though. It could be a long off season.

  22. I am white, I have never as an adult been called "boy." I suppose if an 80 year old called me that, it would make sense. Is the insult worth 1.4 million? No.

  23. Bob said: "I am white"

    *LOL* REALLY???!!!! What a joke.

  24. Anonymous3:10 PM

    they better draft a quarter back because running quarter backs end up flattened.
