Friday, December 02, 2011

Lazy Negro children, Herman goes home, and a birther holds a debate.

Newt is blowing his dog whistles already. I guess you can't take any chances with the base. It's always good to appeal to their prejudices and fears while you are on top.

"On Thursday, Newt Gingrich reaffirmed previous comments that child labor laws are “truly stupid.” At a campaign event in Iowa, Gingrich explained that poor children need to learn how to earn money, rather than get it illegally.
“They have no habit of ‘I do this and you give me cash’-unless it’s illegal,” Gingrich said, according to multiple reports of the event.

A few weeks ago, Gingrich proposed a program in which janitors’ unions in schools would be thrown out and replaced with poor children. This, Gingrich said, would allow these children to learn how to work — something he says they do not learn in their communities. “Really poor children, in really poor neighborhoods have no habits of working and have nobody around them who works so they have no habit of showing up on Monday,” Gingrich said Thursday." [Source]

Yes, those poor kids don't know how to work, as opposed to those rich ones who  bust their asses all day.


I have a news flash for Newt: people in those "poor neighborhoods" work twice as hard as some of his neighbors and his fat ass. They just get paid minimum wage as opposed to the 1.7 million he gets for lecturing the folks at Fannie and Freddie about "history".    

Herman Cain is heading home to see his wife; apparently he hasn't spoken to her since Ginger surfaced.

I really feel sorry for that poor woman; Herman says that she didn't know that he was paying a lot of Ginger's bills. (But it wasn't an affair, because Herman is just a nice guy like that.)

Anyway, Herman says that he has a big announcement coming tomorrow.

We can't wait.   

Finally,Donald the Birther -working with some wingnut news outlet- is hosting his own debate on December 27, 2011, in Iowa. That should be a barrel of laughs. Donald really seems to have a grip on the republican party. All the major players have been to kiss his ring, and you get the feeling that they don't want Donald to fire them from his own political reality show. Let's call this one The republican Apprentice Candidates.

Good for Jon Huntsman. He told the clown from Birtherland to take a hike. Let's see who among the remaining republican candidates for president will do the same.   


  1. yes we have no bananas6:26 PM

    Is that a flesh-eating banana in your pocket?

    Mozambique: Hoax Messages Damage Banana Sellers

    1 December 2011

    Maputo — Sales of bananas in Maputo have plummeted following the circulation of malicious e-mails and mobile phone text messages claiming that South African bananas are infected with a lethal bacteria.

    The bananas sold in Maputo are grown in Mozambique, not South Africa indeed, Mozambique exports bananas to South Africa.

    But this has made no difference to panic-stricken consumers who are avoiding the fruit altogether.

    The Ministry of Health has assured consumers that the messages are a hoax and that nobody has appeared at any Mozambican health unit suffering from illness caused by infected bananas.

    The Ministries of Health, Agriculture and Trade issued a joint statement on Wednesday stating "there is no record of the entry of any infected bananas into the country", and guaranteeing that staff on the borders are careful to avoid the entry into the country of any infected produce.

    This has not done the banana sellers in Maputo any good at all.

    One of the suppliers of bananas to the Maputo market, Horacio Simbine, told the independent television channel STV, that he has been unable to move bananas out of his warehouse because of the rumour.

    Yet none of his bananas come from South Africa.

    Simbine said they are all produced by the company Bananalandia, in Boane district, about 30 kilometres west of Maputo.

    Mozambique has not imported bananas from South Africa for the past ten years, he said.

    The authorities in the South African province of Kwazulu-Natal, where the lethal bananas are supposed to come from, have also stressed that there is no reason for alarm.

    South African banana producers have publicly expressed their indignation at the malicious hoax.

    The hoaxers claimed that the bacterium involved causes necrotizing fasciitis, an extremely rare infection of the deeper layers of skin and subcutaneous tissues, often referred to as a "flesh eating disease".

    It cannot be caused by eating fruit.

  2. Anonymous6:36 PM

    field said...
    ...that he was paying a lot of Ginger's bills. (But it wasn't an affair, because Herman is just a nice guy like that.)
    LOL! I can just see Gloria Cain waiting by the door, arms folded across her chest and foot tapping!
    Hermans' got a lot of 'splainin to do!

  3. Anonymous6:41 PM

    It's amazing that most Negroes hate dogs, yet you hear so many whistles that only dogs can.

  4. LMAO!!!

    Let the Newtster keep yapping and pretty soon he'll be advocating a return to legalized slavery.

    "It'll teach those negroes an appreciation for work."

  5. Emma West, the star of the 'racists on a tram' video is back in a psychiatric hospital. She had been in the hospital since early September and had only been released two days before the incident.

    I would venture to suggest she was released a tad too soon. It's actually bordering on sad.

  6. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, I am providing a snippet of how married women in the US feel about Ginger White and the rest of those HC attackers:

    "Actual female supporters have posted words of encouragement for the couple and harsh attacks against Cain's accusers. Here are some words from Barbara Dayan of Nipomo, Calif.:

    Dear Mrs. Cain Don't pay attention to these pathetic husbandless women who are jealous of women like you in happy long-term marriages. These vindictive women can't find a husband or keep one. They are like stalkers who try to latch on to any man who shows a bit of kindness or attention to them. When these unstable women come out of the woodwork to make accusations about Herman just say, "Honey, get a life, I believe my husband." We want you to be our First Lady Mrs. Cain!
    The initiative's press release follows:

    "Women For Cain" is an online national fellowship of women dedicated to helping elect Herman Cain as the next President of the United States.
    Mr. Cain has been a strong advocate for women throughout his lifetime, defending and promoting the issues of quality health care, family, education, equality in the workplace and many other concerns so important to American women.
    Gloria Cain is the National Chairperson for "Women for Cain" and is the very special woman who Mr. Cain devoted his life to many years ago. Mr. Cain and Gloria celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary earlier this year. The couple has two children and three grandchildren and a legacy of family, friends, and community and church involvement.

    "Women For Cain" was formed to inspire a national women's alliance in support of Herman Cain 2012 and Friends of Herman Cain. Please join our conversation to learn of volunteer opportunities and to be informed of issues and events surrounding the Herman Cain campaign.

    Thank you for your support. We welcome your thoughts and encouragement for Mr. Cain. We also welcome your involvement in our effort to renew America with the common-sense solutions and principled leadership that Mr. Cain provides. Join us as we work to bring true opportunity and prosperity to all Americans."

    I hope this will convince you and your FN Negroes that Herman ain't through yet! I am so happy about Herman deserves to be freed as a brother as well as having the opportunity to become the next President.

    Sorry to ruin you leftist jiggin Negroes' weekend.

  7. As if this goober is going to vote for Cain.

    You clowns just love any negro who endorses your ideology regardless of how dirty he is.

    If Cain was a Democrat, you'd be yapping that he was representative of "black male family irresponsibility."

  8. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Field, "I really feel sorry for that poor woman; Herman says that she didn't know that he was paying a lot of Ginger's bills. (But it wasn't an affair, because Herman is just a nice guy like that.)"

    Field, Herman is a nice guy who helps people in need. I am sure that once Cain explains, everything will be alright. As a matter of fact, I am almost certain of it.:)

  9. Anonymous7:27 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    As if this goober is going to vote for Cain.

    You clowns just love any negro who endorses your ideology regardless of how dirty he is.

    If'n Ima goober yer a derty nigger

  10. Anonymous7:39 PM

    OMG! somebody called UTS the N-word. That takes a lot of gall. Steve, stop calling those Stormfront boys goobers. It upsets them.

    Field, do something! It's Friday Night and no Negro should be called the N-word on Friday Night.

  11. Pedro7:45 PM

    Blacks tend to be lazy.Blacks should work hard like us mexicians.

  12. Shane Malvia7:45 PM

    You Carribean negroes take it for granted people know how to work. Many American negroes have zero work ethic. Where are they going to learn how to work, from their never-employed, EBT card waving momma? From their daddy who they've never met? From neighborhood role models, like the local grocer?

    No. Unlike Asian and Hispanic immigrants, indigenous Black people lack the entrepreneurial drive, sense of community, credit score, or trustworthiness to open, staff, and maintain an urban grocery store.

    So you should be applauding Newt. Unlike you, at least he cares about teaching poor children how to work.

  13. My wife says that if mrs. hurmincaine didn't know what was up it was only because she didn't want to know what was up, that men with geographic bachelorhood are as obvious as the women who tolerate it.

    I say that humping around is an all too common human frailty, barely relevant here and only because he and his ilk posture as public moral arbiters.

    His aggressive trolling for trim among the prols though, clearly illuminates his lack of character.

  14. uptownsteve said...
    You clowns just love any negro who endorses your ideology regardless of how dirty he is.

    Alvin Greene anyone?????

  15. "If'n Ima goober yer a derty nigger"

    That doesn't logically follow.

    Same way the reason why you're a miserable meth addled trailer park dwelling loser has nothing to do with the preponderance of blacks you encounter being more successful and accomplished than you could ever hope to be.

    Which is the main reason you hang around here 24/7 whining and screeching like a fool.

  16. The Purple Cow said...
    I would venture to suggest she was released a tad too soon. It's actually bordering on sad.

    Emma West will someday be her country's Rosa Parks.

    Future generations of British children will be taught the story of how this poor English women was arrested for speaking the truth about her own country.

    Maybe it could equal the inumerable hours that have been spent – for decades – inculcating students about the horrors and depredations that Rosa Parks went through to integrate public transportation, so that today only Black people could ride.

    How free is a country that jails people and takes away their children for speaking facts that are undeniably true?

    This outrage over "hate speech" is a fraud and is only applied against the native population that has been targeted for elimination.

    How many Muslims have been arrested for calling for the death of Englishmen while protesting in London?

    England and all of the West is ruled by anarcho-tyranny that must be smashed.

  17. "It's amazing that most Negroes hate dogs...."

    Wrong! We love dogs. We just don't love them more than our own children like some people.

    "Field, do something! It's Friday Night and no Negro should be
    clled the N-word on Friday Night."

    Why? They call us the "N-Word" every other night. Not to our face of course, but in the company of like minded people.;)

  18. Mark of Cain8:08 PM

    "Emma West will someday be her country's Rosa Parks."

    Yes indeed. Only the true will not set her free.

    When will people wake up? It may be to late to over come.

  19. "Emma West will someday be her country's Rosa Parks."

    Well may god save the queen!

  20. Meanwhile, in America, this is allowed to produced 15 children, all paid for by the state.

    As Angel says, "somebody has got to pay"

  21. Blunt8:29 PM

    "Well may god save the queen!"

    The queen wil be fine. As will the Obama's:

    Our kids are going to be fine. And I always tell Malia and Sasha, look, you guys, I don’t worry about you — I mean, I worry the way parents worry — but they’re on a path that is going to be successful, even if the country as a whole is not successful.

    There’s no need to worry about shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations when the creative destruction of free market capitalism has been replaced with a class-based society encased in amber. Notwithstanding Obama’s phony rhetoric, every time the government grows a notch bigger, there is less chance of anyone being allowed to come up from the bottom — or fall down from the top. In the era of Too Big to Fail, if you don’t have a seat at Big Government’s table, crumbs off the floor are your immutable destiny.

  22. Field,

    "They call us the "N-Word" every other night. Not to our face of course, but in the company of like minded people.;)"

    For real.

  23. NSangoma8:33 PM

    Donald Trump predicted on his Twitter feed that President Barack Obama would start a war in order to win the 2012 election.

    After calling Iran's threats to Israel "unacceptable" Tuesday afternoon, Trump tweeted, "In order to get elected, @BarackObama will start a war with Iran."

  24. Pierre Goobaire9:12 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "They call us the "N-Word" every other night. Not to our face of course, but in the company of like minded people.;)"

    For real.

    No uptown, not Field, just you.

  25. Pierre Goober

    Get off Field's bozack.

  26. Anonymous10:07 PM

    field negro said...
    "Emma West will someday be her country's Rosa Parks."

    Well may god save the queen!

    Damn even Field is pickin on UTS tonight..ohhh not that Queen?

  27. Anonymous10:10 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "They call us the "N-Word" every other night. Not to our face of course, but in the company of like minded people.;)"

    For real.

    Stop cryin ya little bitch, you go and call everyone you think is white a goober, over and over again. So who the fuck are you some special negroid that gets to play but not play? Don't lash out if you don't want to get smacked in that big ugly forehead.

  28. NSangoma10:19 PM

    I'm rich bitch!!

    I'd conjecture that Herman Cain could not have pulled one of those fine red-bones from Spelman when he graduated from Morehouse; so he settled instead for little miss mousey from Morris-Brown.

    Now that he's rich bish, he can get some of the wimmins that he always truly desired.

  29. Anonymous1:15 AM

    "It's amazing that most Negroes hate dogs...."

    Field replied, "Wrong! We love dogs. We just don't love them more than our own children like some people."

    Field, you are wrong. For some of us who don't have children, a dog is our child who loves us. It's a scientific fact that dogs are good for the human heart in ways no human can provide.

    In fact, a lot of humans are just plain mean-spirited and UNABLE to love.

    Face it. you don't particularly like dogs and you see their lives as worth less than yours.

    Yet, you claim to be a racism chaser of Whites who see the lives of Blacks worth less.

    Now how do you reconcile such illogic?

  30. Anonymous1:36 AM

    "Church members voted 9-6 in favor of Thompson's proposed ban, Mr Harville said. It was taken after the service, which about 35 to 40 people attended. Mr Harville said many people left or declined to vote." [Story]

    Field, "Folks, we are talking about the Gulnare Free Will Baptist Church in Pike County, Kentucky! And, 15 people voted. FIFTEEN!"

    This story is relevant because of how the majority in that church responded...with indifference. THAT is the way most handle racism...with indifference and avoidance, which helps to perpetuate more racism.

    The silent ones are the indifferent ones, who by their very silence are complicit with the offenders. Until Whites express their outrage, i.e. they go after the perpetrators, racism will continue to rule the day.

    Of course, ALL Americans know that will never happen. Being superior to Blacks is part of white identity, which means they can never feel what we feel, let alone identify with it.

    However, I noticed that you, Mr. Field are indifferent also. You ended your post by calling this incident "a yawner". It is not.

  31. StillaPanther21:58 AM

    Brother Field...responding to story about the lady with 15's seems that some ladies can be seen in a positive light as evidenced by the women with tv shows and sponsors and others can't. Historically these situations didn't exist prior to my race merging into the post civil era (not a misnomer). Governmental Jerry-rigging has allowed these children to be abused. I am not taking the women out of the equation....maybe it's time to charge someone with child abuse when you knowingly continue to do acts that create this sad story. Hope she has a family that maybe they can take some of her created mess will have a better outcome. Mr. Gingrich responses show that we could elect someone with these twisted thoughts.

  32. And what about that union janitor's kids, Newt?

  33. "Of course, ALL Americans know that will never happen. Being superior to Blacks is part of white identity, which means they can never feel what we feel, let alone identify with it.

    However, I noticed that you, Mr. Field are indifferent also. You ended your post by calling this incident "a yawner". It is not."

    I liked your comments, but you mischaracterized my position. You see, this is just par for the course in A-merry-ca, thus, in the larger scheme of things, it is no big deal.

    "Yet, you claim to be a racism chaser of Whites who see the lives of Blacks worth less.

    Now how do you reconcile such illogic?"

    There is nothing "illogical" about my position, because that is not my position.

    By merely stating a fact that some (not all) whites value the lives of their pets over that of a black child is not indicative of my position on the matter.

    Bu thanks for playing.

  34. Anonymous9:27 AM

    By merely stating a fact that some (not all) whites value the lives of their pets over that of a black child is not indicative of my position on the matter.

    Bu thanks for playing.

    I am not the original person who commented but Field this sounds crazy. You have proof that makes it a "fact" that some white people value pets over a "black" child? When and where were these scientific studies conducted? It is easy to "imagine" some pet owners loving pets more than anyone but I don't see how what you are inferring makes any sense.
    If you use the same logic there are "some" black people who don't value white life at all with the high percentage of violence and murders committed. Should you be chasing that racism?

    I have pets and love them, I hope I never have to be put into a position of choosing (this is ridiculous but I'll keep the imagined scenario going) between my pets life and a black child, but if I were, no doubt it woudl be the child over the pet. Now the question I have for you is why am I being placed in a position where I have to choose between the life of my pet and your child? Where are you?

  35. Anon @ 9:27 AM, sorry if you thought the last part of my previous post was directed at you. It was not. (It's hard to keep up with all the Anons.)

    Have I ever been in a lab setting where a scenario was created that a white person had to choose between their pet and a black child? No. Does my life experiences tell me that some (NOT ALL, SOME) white folks value the life of their pets over that of a black child? Yes.

    Maybe to state that it is a "fact" is a bit much, butI do think that the weight of evidence is in my favor on this one.

    9:43 AM

  36. NSangoma9:47 AM

    Anonymous' please go harass this Negroe:

  37. Anonymous9:58 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon @ 9:27 AM, sorry if you thought the last part of my previous post was directed at you. It was not. (It's hard to keep up with all the Anons.)

    Have I ever been in a lab setting where a scenario was created that a white person had to choose between their pet and a black child? No. Does my life experiences tell me that some (NOT ALL, SOME) white folks value the life of their pets over that of a black child? Yes.

    Maybe to state that it is a "fact" is a bit much, butI do think that the weight of evidence is in my favor on this one.

    Field, I guess as the thought and not the persons name matters, just call me anon to differentiate the thought and avoid inane distractions from the real discussion.

    What is your premise? What is making you say that some white people value pets over black children and that the weight of evidence brings you to this conclusions? What evidence? When has this scenario played out? You didn't answer a very important part of the question in your "scenario" why assuming they are insane enough to value pets over people in your envisioned scenario, why are they being placed in a position to do so creating an imaginary situation where you place the responsibility for a black child with a white stranger and than add in they would choose a pet over a black child.

  38. Anonymous 7:07 p.m.:

    Don't you think it's a tad odd that Mrs. Cain, who purportedly heads this site, has not one statement greeting the her fellow Cain-anites?

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Field, "I really feel sorry for that poor woman; Herman says that she didn't know that he was paying a lot of Ginger's bills. (But it wasn't an affair, because Herman is just a nice guy like that.)"

    Field, Herman is a nice guy who helps people in need. I am sure that once Cain explains, everything will be alright. As a matter of fact, I am almost certain of it.:)<<

    Really? Who goes around upgrading hotel reservations for no apparent reason?

  41. Anonymous11:16 AM

    "Have I ever been in a lab setting where a scenario was created that a white person had to choose between their pet and a black child? No. Does my life experiences tell me that some (NOT ALL, SOME) white folks value the life of their pets over that of a black child? Yes."

    Field, why are you messing with anons, after all they have done for you here? Your above comment is an indication that you are prejudiced against anons. In FACT, you are a racist against anons!

    Now I know the word FACT might be a little much but I know from my life experience on this blog, you state off-the-chart stuff at anons and still sleep well at night. That ain's right, Mr. Field. Where is your sense of shame and moral duty to anons?

    One more thing. Anons are human beings and your statement: "(It's hard to keep up with all the Anons.)" is just another one of your "code words" for "all anons look alike."

    I'm going to the ACLU and NAACP about your outrageously racist statement....There must be something in the water you Jamaicans drink, because this is blatant racism against Black and White Anons!

  42. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Sharon from WI: "Don't you think it's a tad odd that Mrs. Cain, who purportedly heads this site, has not one statement greeting the her fellow Cain-anites?"

    10:12 AM
    Not at all. If you have been following Mrs. Cain, you will notice that she doesn't say much. But she has the backing of good honest wives across America who speak for her! Anymore questions?

  43. "What is your premise? What is making you say that some white people value pets over black children and that the weight of evidence brings you to this conclusions? What evidence? When has this scenario played out?"

    Sorry Anon@ 9:58AM, I didn't mean to ignore you, I just got back from the gym. I actually like you; you seem like a logical and reasonable person.

    That is a fair question, and, just for you, I will try and answer it.

    I live in a city where a one year old black child is shot to death and it barely makes the evening news. And, if we are lucky, it may get a few lines in page five of my daily paper.

    Yet a story of animal cruelty leads the news, and there is an entire opinion page in my local paper dedicated to the horrific killing and apparent torture of stray cats.

    I see Michael Vick vilified and imprisoned for dog fighting and (allegedly) torturing pit bulls, and not a peep about a countless number of NFL players and other pro athletes who don't pay their child support or take care of their children. This, to me, is far more egregious.

    Let me give you a hypothetical situation, and I hope you think about it and give me an honest answer: If pets all across suburban America started coming up missing, and poor infant black babies in urban America were to start dying in large numbers because of...let's just say for argument sake; some kind of fluky genetic defect; which story do you think would be more likely to lead the evening news?

  44. Anon@11:16AM, you are killing me. How could you say these evil things about your friendly FN?

    I am trying so hard to work with your president to foster a better relationship between the Anons, and the other members on this site.

  45. Kingnut12:17 PM

    "I see Michael Vick vilified and imprisoned for dog fighting and (allegedly) torturing pit bulls, and not a peep about a countless number of NFL players and other pro athletes who don't pay their child support or take care of their children. This, to me, is far more egregious."

    I think your characterization of white people's priorities is a bit slanderous, but I can see your point.

    One major difference in the sympathy game is that dogs cannot speak for or defend themselves, while people are sovereign entitites. You cannot tell people how to raise their children until there is evidence of abuse, which by then tragically is often too late.

    In any event, I don't think black people would ever put up with white people coming and taking their kids away. Most black people don't even want white folk adopting parentless black children.

    And I know this is not a year where Philly residents want to talk about football, but you brought it up. Do you remember the furor that erupted over the "What if Michael Vick were White?" ESPN the Magazine story?. They took a screen-shot from Madden NFL 2012 and changed Vick's race to white and wondered if he'd be treated differently based on his skin color. It was an interesting thought exercise.

    I think it would also be interesting to try the same exercise with the Denver Broncos Tim Tebow and make him a Black guy in the game.

    "What if Tim Tebow were Black?"

    How do you think his success this year would be handled by the media if that were the case?

    Would he be endlessly mocked for his throwing mechanics and his religion? Or would that then have a whiff of racism about it?

    I think if young Mr. Tebow were Black, he'd be pushed incessantly by the same people who tear him down now.

    What do you think?

  46. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Let me give you a hypothetical situation, and I hope you think about it and give me an honest answer: If pets all across suburban America started coming up missing, and poor infant black babies in urban America were to start dying in large numbers because of...let's just say for argument sake; some kind of fluky genetic defect; which story do you think would be more likely to lead the evening news?

    Field, I'll do that let me not give you the thoughts off the top of my head and mull it over a bit.

  47. B. Real12:28 PM

    "Let me give you a hypothetical situation, and I hope you think about it and give me an honest answer: If pets all across suburban America started coming up missing, and poor infant black babies in urban America were to start dying in large numbers because of...let's just say for argument sake; some kind of fluky genetic defect; which story do you think would be more likely to lead the evening news?"


    This country's resources would be mobilized overnight to do something about the dying children.

    Come on.

  48. Anon @12:17PM, to answer your Tebow question, yes, there might be some interesting reverse racism dynamic at work there. But then again, his situation could be complicated by the religion card that he tends to play. Personally, I don't mind it, because I hear players thanking the gal above all the time. But I do believe that it turns off a lot of folks in the media.

    "And I know this is not a year where Philly residents want to talk about football, but you brought it up. Do you remember the furor that erupted over the "What if Michael Vick were White?" ESPN the Magazine story?. They took a screen-shot from Madden NFL 2012 and changed Vick's race to white and wondered if he'd be treated differently based on his skin color. It was an interesting thought exercise."

    It was, and I do believe that white [and black people] would have reacted differently if the races were reversed. No doubt about it.

    Anon@12:24PM, I will wait for your answer. I think it will be an honest one, because I take you at your word that you are seriously thinking about it.

  49. "Seriously?

    This country's resources would be mobilized overnight to do something about the dying children.

    Come on."

    I am sure that we would if we realized that poor infants were dying in record numbers across urban America. But how long would it take us to notice? Or, better yet, to care?

  50. Mrs. Cain doesn't say much << You hit the nail right on the head. She is about as involved in that website as I am.

  51. NSangoma2:02 PM

    The common Negroe, er uh, common man, Herman Cain, just punked out.

    Brought in wife, family, GAWD, and self as part of the decision making process.

    PLAN B: a suspension of this charade not an end to this madness; this Negroe is insane!!

    Bottom line, the donations have dried up.

  52. Well the fat lady has sung her song for the Herman Cain campaign (plan B or no) and has left the building.

  53. Re value of black children's lives.

    Back in the Fall of '92 I was doing a politics and media class in college. For my term project, I used my family's 3 vcr/tv setups to track the ranking and airtime of political themes on local 3 local news channels in the California Bay Area: CH 2, fox affil from Oakland, Ch 7 ABC affil from San Francisco, and CH 4 NBC affil Southbay.

    It wasn't part of my research, but I'll never forget the night that 2 & 4 led with 3-4 minutes on 3 separate fatal bystander shootings in Oakland and Richmond, and 7 led with a vigilante slingshotting front picture windows of houses with smokey chimneys in Marin. When it got around to the bystander shootings, 7 spent less than a minute on them altogether in no depth at all.

    Understand that SF is white/Asian, the Southbay is latin/Asian/white and the East Bay is black/Asian/latin. Marin, of course, is white; very white.

    I know of no better illustration of the value that white America places on the lives of black children.

  54. Sharon from WI said...
    Well the fat lady has sung her song for the Herman Cain campaign (plan B or no) and has left the building.

    I thought "Plan B" was an abortion pill?

  55. Anon @10:12 AM said....
    "Not at all. If you have been following Mrs. Cain, you will notice that she doesn't say much."

    Or see much.

  56. Slavecatcher Inc.5:10 PM

    Congratulations to the Democrat Party for bringing down a rogue Negro who got off the plantation.

    Let Herman Cain be a lesson to any black people who want think for themselves!

    Heresy will not be tolerated!

    Now get your asses back to work for the President.

  57. Congratulations to the Democrat Party for bringing down a rogue Negro who got off the plantation.

    Let Herman Cain be a lesson to any black people who want think for themselves!

    Heresy will not be tolerated!<<

    Ah, Cain brought himself down. The Democrats didn't manufacture these allegations against him, Cain himself did that.

  58. "Congratulations to the Democrat Party for bringing down a rogue Negro who got off the plantation.

    Let Herman Cain be a lesson to any black people who want think for themselves!

    Heresy will not be tolerated!

    Now get your asses back to work for the President."

    When I blogged about this, I wondered how soon the GOPers would blame the "lamestream media" for Cain's implosion instead of Mr. Pizza himself.

    I guess it's the "lamestream media's' fault too for Mr. Weiner and his weiner? And John Edwards?


    Oh,'s the "lamestream media's" fault only when a Gooper implodes from his/her own stupidity.

    Got it.

  59. Shaw Kenawe said...
    And John Edwards?


    Wasn't it the"lamestream media" who sat on the John Edwards story durng the 2008 campaign? Therefore allowing Obama to get the nod over Ms. Clinton.

  60. Mr. 9-9-9- was a scandal waiting to happen. In the age of a 24/7 news cycle you just can't be the ladies man that you used to and get away with it. Sorry Herman. :(

    Shaw, they (the wingnuts) only call for personal responsibility when it involves a dumbocrat.

  61. Slavecatcher Inc.6:19 PM

    "I guess it's the "lamestream media's' fault too for Mr. Weiner and his weiner? And John Edwards?"

    The difference is the lamestream media intially tried to cover for Weiner and Edwards (as they did Clinton), by ignoring the story and/or slamming the accusers.

    It took the National Enquirer to break the Edwards story, despite years of rumors.

    Newsweek knew all about the Lewinski story, but refused to publish it. It took Drudge to run with it for the story to see the light of day.

    If Cain had been a liberal democrat, the major media would have shown little interest in breaking this story, and these woman would have been treated by the media like Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Elizabeth Gracen, etc. were treated.

  62. This is a sad day, y'all...

    It's the day that Cooning died.

    There's no way anyone can top what Herman Cain did over the last few months in America! Oh, and he got white folks to give him money and he ran? Yeah, I'm sorry Black Republicans, but because of Herman Cain, white folks ain'y gon' trust n'aan one of y'all to be anything in the name of their party.

    There will be no more Negroes running for president with an "R" by their name ever!!!

  63. Damn, looks like I lost my bet that Herman would stay in the race. No where will the GOP find their go to negro when newt says racist shit? Oh well, they'll be paying negroes to show up at their convention because everyone on the debate stage from here on out will be white as usual. I'll show up in Tampa with a red t-shirt for about $25,000. I'll even get on stage for $50,000.

  64. Field,

    This day will go down in history as The Day That Cooning Died. Herman Cain took money from white folks and ran. There ain't no way any other Black Republican will be allowed to run for anything in the name of everything good and holy as ordained by Saint Ronald Reagan.

    The jig is up!

  65. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Sharon From WI-"Mrs. Cain doesn't say much << You hit the nail right on the head. She is about as involved in that website as I am."

    dear Sharon, you ARE involved, otherwise you wouldn't be commenting. I am so glad the HC debacle raise your ire because I have missed you for about a year! does this mean you will become a regular now?

    I want to get to know you better because I'm thinking about moving to WI. I was going to move to PR, but Desertflower's behavior indicated that she is a user of men and not serious about settling down. That woman needs to find Jesus.

    I have a feeling that WI women are serious about relationships, esp during the winter. Is this true? Of course, I realize you are Black and Jewish so no telling how you might relate. But I am willing to date you to find out. I think WI is a better deal than trying to sail all the way to PR, only to be used and sent home with a cup cake.

  66. Anonymous9:53 PM

    It is a sad day, for Mr.Cain. I think he actually believed it and he was flying high! It's going to be a hard drop for the man! But he really needs a reality check...

  67. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I think WI is a better deal than trying to sail all the way to PR, only to be used and sent home with a cup cake.
    Oh yeah baby but what a cupcake!!! You ain't never gonna get a cupcake like that!
    Or be so happy to have been "used" either ;))))

  68. @Desertflower:

    LOLOLOL ◠‿◠ !!

  69. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I think WI is a better deal than trying to sail all the way to PR, only to be used and sent home with a cup cake.
    Oh yeah baby but what a cupcake!!! You ain't never gonna get a cupcake like that!
    Or be so happy to have been "used" either ;))))
    Lord have mercy. You need to get to church fast!

  70. I live in a suburban area about 25 miles north of Baltimore. Our "leaders" have this fantasy about the county being "rural" so they don't do sidewalks in a lot of areas. If they do install a sidewalk,it's not long enough. Many of the roads don't have any kind of shoulder either. There are vitually no bike lanes. I see more and more people literally taking their lives in their hands walking or biking to work. Our public transportation is minor at best. Gingrich lives on another plane. He's been a rich *&^%$$# for too long. He doesn't "see" the people I see trying to get to their minimum wage jobs. If they DO have a car, it's old and basic. I'm betting he runs around in big auto with tinted windows blowing emissions all over wherever he is.

  71. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Lord have mercy. You need to get to church fast!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ got church, what I do ne'er mind....;)

  72. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Larraine said...

    I live in a suburban area about 25 miles north of Baltimore. Our "leaders" have this fantasy about the county being "rural" so they don't do sidewalks in a lot of areas. If they do install a sidewalk,it's not long enough. Many of the roads don't have any kind of shoulder either. There are vitually no bike lanes. I see more and more people literally taking their lives in their hands walking or biking to work. Our public transportation is minor at best.
    Sounds exactly like here in PR!!! LOL
