Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cadillac man.

There is this joke in some racist circles: "Give a N****r a Cadillac and a white woman and he is set for life." If Flipper was a N****r he would be definitely set for life. He has a white woman and a Cadillac; he told us so.

 "I like the fact that most of the cars I see are Detroit-made automobiles," Romney said during an economic policy address at Ford Field in Detroit on Friday. "I drive a Mustang and a Chevy pickup truck. Ann drives a couple of Cadillacs actually. I used to have a Dodge pickup truck, so I used to have all three covered."

Wow! Flipper's wife drives two Cadillacs! Man talk about set for life. Now if he could just get another wife. (That was not meant to be a Mormon joke.)

Anyway, as it turns out, the people who are responsible for Cadillacs didn't always like us Negroes too much. Who knew? Maybe that's why some of
you Negroes like to drive them. I wonder how many republicans are aware of this little tidbit? If they did the sales of Cadillacs would fly through the roof.

"Nicolas Dreystadt singlehandedly saved Cadillac from its own ignorance. He was a German immigrant who came to the U.S. with his parents when he was a small boy. He worked as a mechanic apprentice for Mercedes-Benz before becoming the national head of Cadillac’s services department. He was responsible for the department that serviced Cadillac cars throughout the U.S. and was considered middle-management.

As he travelled across the country to monitor Cadillac’s service departments, Dreystadt noticed something strange. He noticed great numbers of Blacks bringing their cars in to be serviced. “But how could this be,” he thought, knowing that Cadillac had a strict “no sale to Blacks” policy. Then it dawned on him that these Blacks had paid Whites to buy the cars for them – they actually paid a fee for the transaction.

“But, the wealthy Negro,” business critic Peter F. Drucker recalled, “wanted a Cadillac so badly that he paid a substantial premium to a White man to front for him in buying one. Dreystadt had investigated this unexpected phenomenon and found that a Cadillac was the only success symbol the affluent Black could buy; he had no access to good housing, to luxury resorts, or to any other of the outward signs of worldly success (Cadillacs cost more than $ 5,000 back then–over $ 60,000 in today’s money).”

Now why would Negroes want to drive an automobile from a company that had a no sale to Negroes, policy? And why would you Negroes spend so much money to show off your status? I swear some things just never change. *shaking head*  

"A Romney aide told reporters after the event that two Cadillacs driven by the candidate's wife are SRXs.

The luxury crossover retails new from from $35,485 to $54,525, according to the manufacturer's website -- mid-priced cars by industry standards."

I like nice cars as much as the next guy, but I have never liked Cadillacs. Something about them says Pimps and Elvis to me. Just a little too ostentatious for the kid. And besides, I never found their body style that appealing. 

"See, I'm a Detroit guy, so, you know, I only have domestics. I have a couple of Cadillacs, at two different houses. You know, small crossovers,"

Mitt, would it kill your wife to drive a couple of nice Buicks?


  1. Maybe Mitt is trying to cater to the black vote.

  2. Hey, I drive a Caddy! Actually it was my mom's but I felt I should keep it running because she did dig it. I won't buy GM because they gave money to a rightwing organization that distributes distorted info to the public i.e. The Heritage Foundation. I'm starting to dig Ford and they make some of em right outside of Chicago so I know the money is going to the right place.

  3. Oops, typing while tired not Heritage, Heartland but what's the diff?

  4. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Such a wonderful Invisible Hand of the Fwee Market...where racist Goobers reduced their profits to make stoopids happy.
    It is but a simple marker for success...for some it is the Cadillac or Buick. For others, it is inheriting Daddums job. Or multiple wives (concurrent or not).
    Elvis was a truck driving white hillbilly...he would see living in a Doctor's house and driving a Doctor's car as 'making it'.
    Willard seems to have never had to live like the majority of Americans...and most certainly sounds like the rich boy he and bush are. The weenies just beleeverated the cowboy fable.


  5. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Dr.Queen, class of 2017!! said...

    You plan on having class in 5 years? Are you going to elecution and charm school? Do you think 5 years will be enuff or do you need 30?

  6. I like Caddys too! In fact, they're my favorite car.

    Speaking of cars, it's either the Camaro or Mustsng, whose lead designer is a Black woman!

  7. Now Field with all due respect, I have a VERY difficult time imagining your own wife driving a d@mn Buick.

  8. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Field, nice Post about the history of the Cadillac and how Blacks saved the Cadillac Division. Without question, many Negroes in those times and today are elated the Caddy is still around so they can feel they are worth somethin.

    BTW, while you are hitting on Flipper and the Republicans, did you know that Obama and the Dems have shut down all Minority Business Development Offices as part of his cut-backs?

    I really am disliking Obama. He keeps dumping on us. Of course, you can't really talk about this. It's too bad FN won't own up to the truth about Obama. There is no way I'd vote for him again.

    But keep on talking about the Repubs while Obama is sticking it to us. You are a loyal Democrat no matter what they are doing to us. You keep calling me White. Maybe you and PC should call Obama White, also?

  9. Anonymous10:18 PM


  10. My dad had an ocean blue 2door '64 coupe deville that ate road like popcorn. My brother and I found his porn collection behind the spare in the trunk when I was 12.

  11. Slow Rider11:23 PM

    What's this crap?

    I drive a Caddy Sedan, and love it...(excepet for the scheduled maintaince).

    Gimme a break, fn.

  12. Sum Pilot11:29 PM

    "PilotX said...
    Oops, typing while tired not Heritage, Heartland but what's the diff?

    9:22 PM"


  13. Anonymous11:33 PM

    "There is this joke in some racist circles: "Give a N****r a Cadillac and a white woman and he is set for life.""

    No Field, there is no such joke. I understand the Cadillac part, but what's with the white woman part?

    I don't find your joke funny. As a matter of fact, it is offensive to me and to our black women. Quite frankly, I am getting tired of this shit. And you and PC have the nerve to call me White? Oh wait....I forgot who PC was married to...never mind.

  14. Anonymous11:36 PM

    I am sooo glad the Caddy is making a comeback. Now we see nothing but Caddys, Benz's, BMW's in the black community.

    Who said black unemployment was high? lol

  15. Wesley R11:38 PM

    Cadillacs were once the Black Preachers cars of choice but now they aren't good enough for them. They need higher priced cars while the church members struggle to make ends meet. Listen to Michael Baisden's show sometime.

  16. John Birch11:39 PM

    Here's where we're all headed, boys & girls....with bethanks to the Purple Cow, and his Marxist/Socialist way of life.

  17. Wow, a sista designed the stang? Now I'm more likely to buy one. I just wish it had a little better gas mileage but it's ok for a muscle car.

  18. We So Smart11:53 PM

    You smart bouy ought to try your comments luck over here:

    They'll sink your dugout. Don't worry....I don't expect to see anything worthhwile, except for a joke.

  19. What You Got?12:54 AM

    You won't do it, will you? Because they'll rip you to pieces, no matter the subject.

    Tou're warm & comfortable in the arms of fn.

    Give a try, especially you, the Queen who never was, and AB.

  20. Kingnut1:09 AM

    PilotX said...
    Hey, I drive a Caddy! Actually it was my mom's but I felt I should keep it running because she did dig it. I won't buy GM because they gave money to a rightwing organization that distributes distorted info to the public i.e. The Heritage Foundation. I'm starting to dig Ford and they make some of em right outside of Chicago so I know the money is going to the right plac

    Coming at it from a completely different angle, I won't buy another GM because they took a bailout that they will never pay back completely, but I will buy a Ford because they stood on their own.

    One of us has their political calculation wrong.

  21. This is just the type of blog I was looking for! Someone who is not ashamed to examine things from a race perspective but keep it real too! Romney is not in touch with the average American- white or black. Nuff said. I just started a blog!! which often examines any and everything from a racial perspective. Check it out

  22. I Hope You're Gay. Tameka1:56 AM

    Hey, Temeka....

    wait till you meet Alicia (The Hobama Gorilla Banks!)


  23. "wait till you meet Alicia (The Hobama Gorilla Banks!)"

    in the mean time:

  24. Anonymous2:14 AM

    PilotX said...
    Wow, a sista designed the stang? Now I'm more likely to buy one. I just wish it had a little better gas mileage but it's ok for a muscle car.

    No black woman ever designed a car.

  25. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Dr.Queen, class of 2017!! said...
    I'm certain that if birth data is stratified based on income and eduction, similar trends exist among BOTH Blacks and whites.

    I'm also guessing that SES aside, Asian families in the US probably have disportionately higher births rates among married folks than single folks. And since I don't believe they're all waiting for marriage before having sex, the abortion rate among Asians is probably higher than in any other racial group.

    Either that, or the women keep aspirin around.

    u never know what ure talking about wannabe dawktaw who wonte neva be no queen

  26. Prof. Challenger3:15 AM

    You won't try your luck at this blog, will you Pilot? Neither will Queenie, AB, Stevie, Purple Cow, or .....why is that?. They're no "scientists". They're just smarter than you. And White, unfortunately for you. WHATEVER subject you wish to debate.

  27. Didn't Romney gripe about the government bailout of GM?

  28. Prof. Challenger a quick perusal of the blog shows that your boy is an anti-vaccine nutjob. Which would tend to suggest that his own stratospheric view of his intelligence belies the truth.

  29. Prof. Challenger5:38 AM

    Which, my purple co herdind friend, means you are too scared to confront him, or his readers.

    I PROMISE. They would just LOVE your Marxist "Che" tendencies.

    Give it a try. You don't have to stay.

    You my friend, would last as long as a purple dude bleeding in a shark tank.

    They won't call you names...they'll just make you look like a fool.

    Screw the vaccine you know some has mercury in it?

  30. Prof. Challenger6:03 AM

    Uh're a POS, Purple Cow.

    You, who claims to "debate" so well, is scared to your bovine ribs to debate people who can shear you like the sheep you are. fini

  31. The whole website is one giant Straw Man. He makes entirely false claims of what secularists believe and then demolishes those, rather than bothering to listen to what they are actually saying. It's rather like my saying "all conservatives believe that the moon is made of blue cheese" then producing proof that it isn't. Any moron can do that - your man is a pompous buffoon, with grandiose overblown views of his own intellectual prowess.

    The site is also littered with factual errors. For instance in the piece about the CERN experiments , he firstly demonstrates a complete miss-understanding of scientific method, before completely miss-understanding the relevance of the possible faulty connector. (In fact if the connector does prove to be faulty that would make the neutrinos faster, rather than slower as he seems to think.) There are other possible sources of error in the experiment, but the connector isn't the issue that would bring the speed below light speed.

    So in summary, it's the perfect website for the modern conservative American. It has an overblown sense of its own importance and intellectual capabilities, and busies itself debates points that its opponents haven't actually made.

    It's like a blog version of Rush Limbaugh.

  32. Prof. Challenger6:29 AM

    It's time for the cows to start moving, and dropping patties, isn't it Purple?

  33. Prof. Challenger6:38 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    The whole website is one giant Straw Man. He makes entirely false claims of what secularists believe and then demolishes those, rather than bothering to listen to what they are actually saying. It's rather like my saying "all conservatives believe that the moon is made of blue cheese" then producing proof that it isn't. Any moron can do that - your man is a pompous buffoon, with grandiose overblown views of his own intellectual prowess.

    The site is also littered with factual errors. For instance in the piece about the CERN experiments , he firstly demonstrates a complete miss-understanding of scientific method, before completely miss-understanding the relevance of the possible faulty connector. (In fact if the connector does prove to be faulty that would make the neutrinos faster, rather than slower as he seems to think.) There are other possible sources of error in the experiment, but the connector isn't the issue that would bring the speed below light speed.

    So in summary, it's the perfect website for the modern conservative American. It has an overblown sense of its own importance and intellectual capabilities, and busies itself debates points that its opponents haven't actually made.

    It's like a blog version of Rush Limbaugh.

    6:29 AM

    In other can't "debaete" people who don't agree with you.

    Just as I thought. Typical Mraxist / "prgressivse"

  34. Prof. Challenger6:54 AM

    Purple Chicken Shit.

  35. "In other can't "debaete" people who don't agree with you.

    Just as I thought. Typical Mraxist / "prgressivse""

    I debate with you, don't I?

  36. I knew I was going to step on some toes. I bet a lot of u so called FN drive Caddies. :)

    What's this, wingnuts making open challenges on other blogs,now? *shaking head*

    PC, you will have to tell me all about it. That's one blog I am quite sure I will never visit.

    Tameka, good luck with your blog, I will definitely check it out.

  37. Can NO one please respond with proof of Black female car designers? With these racist, they ALWAYS come up with excuses for a Black woman's success.

    You say there is one, it says there isn't. You prove it, then it says she were selected because of her race. You say she designed a popular car, it says a white man on HER team contributed most of the ideas to the design of the car.

    So as they say, you CAN'T win with LOSERS, so why keep trying?

  38. NBA dunk contest at the all star game. I guess white boys can jump, lol!!!

  39. Dr. Cadillac10:56 AM

    Ms.Queen, class of 1982!! said...
    So as they say, you CAN'T win with LOSERS, so why keep trying?

    One might say that very thing regarding your quixotic quest to become a licensed physician.

    You will never be a doctor.

  40. Anonymous11:07 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Wow, a sista designed the stang? Now I'm more likely to buy one. I just wish it had a little better gas mileage but it's ok for a muscle car."

    Did anyone notice that Mr "Facts" PilotX did not bother to ask for factual proof? Of course, when it comes to favoring Blacks, he takes anybody's word, no matter how incredulous it is!.....Racist!

  41. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Pretty sure Carol Shelby is not a "sista".

  42. Anonymous11:24 AM

    "Pretty sure Carol Shelby is not a "sista"."

    I KNOW Carol is not a sista. But it's too late to expose the truth. PilotX has already bought a "stang" based on some FN Negro's comments that it was designed by a "Sista".

    I don't know who is dumber, the lying commenter or PilotX. LOL

  43. Anonymous11:28 AM

    This is waht we are getting from spreading the wealth around:|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE


  44. Anonymous11:41 AM

    "This is waht we are getting from spreading the wealth around:|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE


    Yep. Just another day in the black community. But you won't hear a peep from PC, PilotX or Granny about murderous shit like this. It's a bitch being Black and that is the undeniable truth.

  45. You want us to comment on every single murder that happens everywhere in the world?

    How about the man who lived about 30 miles from here who was jailed earlier for 35 years earlier this week? A white man who had raped and murdered his nine month pregnant cousin.

    Haven't seen you comment on that one.

  46. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Such wonderful Invisible Goobers driving a Doctor's car as a simple marker for success..'making it'. It is. Willard seems to have never had a Cadillac or Buick. Hand of the Fwee Market....for some it is the multiple truck driving wives (concurrent or not).
    For others, it is where racist majority of Americans rich boy white hillbilly see living in a cowboy fable but inheriting reduced profits to make Elvis happy. Daddums stoopids job. Or...he would beleeverated the weenies to live like the bush are...and most certainly sounds like it.


  47. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I personally like Jettas, made by Volkswagen. They are durable, cheap and get me to the same place that a Cadillac does. And, maintenance is much much less.

    However, my peeps would feel less of a person in a Volkswagen vs a Cad or Benz. Sorry to say, it's all an illusion.

    I am impressed with Field's opinion of a Cad. I bet he drives a Volkswagen like me. I can feel it.

  48. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I still don't get the last part of Field's joke about the white woman?

    Will someone explain that to me? I am not sure but it sounds awfully racist.

    Which begs the question: "How can a Racism Chaser be a racist?" I mean, it just doesn't make sense. And I like Field. Like Obama, he is a nice guy. I can't say the same about Purple Cow...sorry.

  49. Anal Colmes1:17 PM

    In order to make sure gays and lesbians are adequately represented on the judicial bench, the state of California is requiring all judges and justices to reveal their sexual orientation (along with their race/ethnicity, gender identification). The announcement was made in an internal memo sent to all California judges and justices.

    The idea that "Justice is Blind" has been destroyed by the left.

    All California public schools are already required to promote homosexuality and other alternative sexual lifestyles to children without parental permission or even knowledge.

    Once again we see that homosexual tolerance proceeds immediately to forced approval of homosexuality.

  50. It seems everything about Obama is a lie:

    The Los Angeles street artist behind the iconic Obama “HOPE” poster pleaded guilty Friday to lying about the photograph he used to create the image.

    He appeared Friday in Manhattan Federal Court to plead guilty to misdemeanor criminal contempt. He faces up to six months in jail when he is sentenced July 16. Prosecutors said in court they would be seeking jail time.

    As he pleaded guilty, Fairey said he lied for more than eight months when he contended in a lawsuit that he did not use one of the AP’s photos as the basis for the Obama poster.

    Fairey explained he destroyed documents and created others to perpetuate the lie.

  51. Anonymous1:48 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    You want us to comment on every single murder that happens everywhere in the world?

    How about the man who lived about 30 miles from here who was jailed earlier for 35 years earlier this week? A white man who had raped and murdered his nine month pregnant cousin.

    Haven't seen you comment on that one.

    If he lives 30 miles from you in a country that is foreign to this blog wouldn't it be your place to comment on it if you wish? Oh and by the way, you always have to add the liberal embellisment dont you, it was his "cousin's girlfriend" not his cousin. In either case one of your farm friends in your backyard.

    Speaking of rural farm life in the UK - This one is scary and I am sure you have something to do with it. What are the names of your lambs again? After all your nonsense about birth control the least you could have done was use protection while you were violating buttercup, deep, deep in the woods on your UK farm.

    "Garba Aminu, a commercial motorcycle rider, averred: “This is an abomination in our land. To see a sheep give birth to a half human being is a mystery and that shows how terrible some people are. It is unimaginable that some people will be having intercourse with animals.”

    See Purple; even your brethren think you are sick and despicable. Now you should consider getting some help and leaving buttercup alone or perhaps even giving back your government granted home - might be something in the water around there.

  52. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Trying again to bait the useless cow. Couple of misspelled words left in to see if he does his usual liberal avoid and deflect dance. He will, he only knows so much after all.

  53. "If he lives 30 miles from you in a country that is foreign to this blog wouldn't it be your place to comment on it if you wish?"

    well golly gosh, you might just be right.

    That leads me to the entire point of my post. Why are you criticizing me for not commenting on U.S. murders, when you don;t expect to have to comment on any UK murders?

  54. "Couple of misspelled words left in to see if he does his usual liberal avoid and deflect dance."

    you're such a liar.

    Lying comes as natural as breathing to cunts like you, doesn't it?

  55. Reuters reported:

    "An Afghan security source said the American officers killed on Saturday had been found dead with gunshot wounds deep inside the heavily fortified Interior Ministry.

    There is CCTV there and special locks. The killer would have had to have the highest security (clearance) to get to the room where they were killed," the source told Reuters.

    I guess those craven apologies from President Obama and Afghan NATO commander John Allen really smoothed the waters, didn't they? It is being said that these murders were committed by a Taliban agent. But whether the killer was Taliban or not, what difference does it make?:

    Abdul Sattar Khawasi--not a member of al-Qaeda but a member in good standing of the Afghan government for which our troops are inexplicably fighting and dying--put it this way: "Americans are invaders, and jihad against the Americans is an obligation."

    So, yes, the Taliban are much worse than the pro-government Afghans whom we have been defending. But both sides are Muslims, both sides are our enemies.

    What can one say, other than that this was completely predictable? We committed our country and our military forces to helping a people who are commanded by their savage god to kill us. And guess what? They kill us.

    Bush was wrong. The Iraqis and afghanis are not "just like us". They are not "decent people who wanted to live in dignity and peace" who given the opportunity would "choose freedom".

    Bush and all his supporters believed this garbage. And they continued believing it, after democratic elections in one Muslim country after another produced victories for Islamist groups, showing that when Muslims are given freedom to choose their governments, they choose jihadists. Because Muslims don't believe in freedom; they believe in Islam, the Islamic law, and jihad.

    We know Bush's vision of the Muslim world was a false one. So what is Obama's excuse?

    A powerful country that pursues such a patently mistaken policy, a policy that has been proved grossly wrong over and over, and refuses to learn any lessons, is a crazy country.

    But "craziness" does not describe it accurately. We are not merely out of touch with reality, like some raving maniac in the street. We have been rendered out of touch with reality by a specific belief system, a belief system that is as sacred to us as Islam is to Muslims. That belief system is liberalism, which tells us that all people are basically like us and want our kind of freedom. Our liberalism prohibits us from seeing the reality that Muslims are fundamentally different from us, that they want fundamentally different things from us, and that they are eternally at war with us. And we continue to sacrifice our military men, our freedom, and ultimately our country itself to this false ideology.

  56. Kipling3:01 PM

    When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
    And the women come out to cut up what remains,
    Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
    An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.
    Go, go, go like a soldier,
    Go, go, go like a soldier,
    Go, go, go like a soldier,
    So-oldier of the Queen!

  57. Word to racists assnons:

    In a text file enter the following, then save as a .pl file to run in Perl:

    $var = 0

    if($var ne 1){


    Then continue to do what you need to with that broken broom handle, ROTFLMBAO!!!!

  58. ^^^^^ D@mn, I crack myself up while increasing my educational and financial bottom line, LOL!!!!

  59. Dr. Dick Perl3:12 PM

    Ms.Queen, class of 1982??? said...
    Then continue to do what you need to with that broken broom handle, ROTFLMBAO!!!!

    Rolling on the floor, hysterically laughing at the image of a splintered piece of wood used to anally rape someone....

    Is that the image of someone about to be admitted to medical school, or someone about to be committed to an instituion housing the criminally insane?

    You could never write even a few lines of code on your own.

    And you will never be a doctor.

  60. Anonymous3:15 PM

    LA said...
    "We know Bush's vision of the Muslim world was a false one. So what is Obama's excuse?"

    US Casualties in Afghanistan from 2001-2008 = 785

    US Casualties in Afghanistan from 2009 to present = 1,274

    Amazing how Obama gets a pass on this. What happened to the antiwar protestors after he got elected?

  61. "Amazing how Obama gets a pass on this"

    So you are saying its Obama's fault that the USA invaded Afghanistan?

  62. Anonymous3:23 PM

    No, it is the Taliban's fault the US invaded Afghanistan.

    Obama has manged this war for three years now, and has fared much worse than even Bush.

  63. Anonymous3:25 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Couple of misspelled words left in to see if he does his usual liberal avoid and deflect dance."

    you're such a liar.

    Lying comes as natural as breathing to cunts like you, doesn't it?

    HAHAHA he is furious his tactic was thwarted. I so expected you to do it anyway. Kudos to you for learning some impulse control. Good job, I am proud of you. I know it goes against your genetics and every pore of your being cried out for it's usual release, but you overcame.

    If you keep this up you may be able to leave the farm someday and join civilization - only you CANNOT bring your half human half sheep offspring (unless you stay in West Midlands or the like.

  64. C:\Perl>ifyou'retalkingtoa

  65. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Dr.Queen, class of 2017!! said...
    Word to racists assnons:

    In a text file enter the following, then save as a .pl file to run in Perl:

    $var = 0

    if($var ne 1){

    No one can - your bottom line has increased so much there isn't anyone with lips big enough in the world. Although I bet your lips are pretty close. Too bad you can't drive a convertible, we wouldn't want your lips to flap you to death in the wind.

  66. Anonymous3:38 PM

    $var = 0

    if($var ne 1){

    You don't have a clue what you are doing do you. Try this.

    print "KissMyBigFatAss\n";
    print qq=DidyousayIWillNeverBeADoctor"?"\n=;

  67. Aa'idah3:39 PM

    It's ok to burn a woman in Afghanistan, but not a book.

  68. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I think Black History Month has become a joke in schools, or is handled in the completely wrong way. For the last month we've had "moments in black history" on the morning announcements, and Friday my school held a black history month assembly. This consisted of a lot of gospel singing, a presentation on what the world would be like without black people, a student dressed as a slave being freed by a preacher, and a performance by the school step team. The entire thing was just strange and uncomfortable and nobody actually got anything out of it. It was a poor attempt at explaining black history, but it seemed as if the students presenting knew less about black history than anyone else. The whole thing proved to just be a bad idea.

    The worst part was the "world without black people" presentation. Basically, they told this whole story of a little boy asking his mom what the world would be like without black people. And she decides, through her apparent magical parent powers, to show him what it would be like. For about five minutes it was basically, "And the boy said, mom, why isn't there a table? And his mom said, because you know who invented the table? Black people. And then the boy tried to brush his hair, but didn't have a comb. You know why? Black people invented it." And then their day through magical no black people land ended with them like, sitting in their living room on the floor with no electricity, no basic objects necessary for survival, and wrinkled clothes. And then the boy suddenly appreciates why black people exist. The end. It was painful to listen to. I was alternating between being amused and horrified.

  69. Well, well, well, a racist with computer skills! That explains how/why you're on the internet all day.

    I'm CERTAIN you're not anywhere close to being as smart as the ones DH (with his top security clearence) comes across. You know those guys and gals with the slanted eyes that most European racists like yourself are intimated by but because you all aren't that bright, you can't seem to keep them from hacking to US computer systems.

    Look like it's on and popping now boy!

  70. Dr. Yew Phat Ho3:59 PM

    Ms.Queen, class of 1982?? said...
    I'm CERTAIN you're not anywhere close to being as smart as the ones DH (with his top security clearence) comes across. You know those guys and gals with the slanted eyes that most European racists like yourself are intimated by but because you all aren't that bright, you can't seem to keep them from hacking to US computer systems.

    Intimated? Are you really that fucking dumb? You must be. Your racism itself is evidence enough of your ignorance and lack of mental ability.

    You will never be a doctor.

  71. On second thought, racist computer boy is probably some teenage acne scarred face, recovering meth addict/college dropout, whose parents feel sorry for him and let him stay at home. That is until the day they're looking down the barrel of a shotgun, Menendez brother style.

    I'm telling you Field, you're gonna wish you banned this crazy mofo one day when some law enforcement agency needs to check his computer and realizes that the boy spent an exorbitant amount of time on your site.

    Just sayin'.

    BTW asshole, there's more than ONE way to write scripts, now print that!!!

  72. Don't get mad at me because the Chinese are kickin' your ass, LOL!!!

  73. Dr. Max Cumlaude4:35 PM

    Ms.Queen, class of 1982?? said...
    On second thought, racist computer boy is probably some teenage acne scarred face, recovering meth addict/college dropout, whose parents feel sorry for him and let him stay at home.

    Project much, Ms. Thirty Years of College yet still unemployed Queen?

    Rascist rants on the internet will do nothing to change the facts regarding your inadequecies. Well, nothing but provide entertainment to those enjoying your ghetto-retard act.

    You will never be a doctor.

  74. BINGO!!! YATZEE!!!! POKENO!!!

    I DO believe that a VERY accurate physical description of the resident racist/homophobe is complete!

    Now get proactive, boy!

  75. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Well aint you special!

    You complain about Black women having multiple babies out of wedlock and being on welfare.

    Now you're complaining about the fact that I've earned a degree in every decade of my adult life?

    Are you stupid, or just slow?

    ALL of us FN folks here know that there's NO appeasing a racist jerk-off like you.

    So go head' acne boy, we successful, happy, educated, well-off FN's know with EVERY breath we take we're "winning" and you're killing yourself with catecholamines!

    And when you're done with that broom handle, stick it in your left carotid!

    Dr. Queen

  76. "HAHAHA he is furious his tactic was thwarted. I so expected you to do it anyway. Kudos to you for learning some impulse control."

    My point was that you lied about deliberately leaving spelling mistakes in your post. The mistakes are there because you are stupid, not because you are trying to catch me out.

  77. Anonymous6:12 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "HAHAHA he is furious his tactic was thwarted. I so expected you to do it anyway. Kudos to you for learning some impulse control."

    My point was that you lied about deliberately leaving spelling mistakes in your post. The mistakes are there because you are stupid, not because you are trying to catch me out.

    Ahhhh, I see this is liberal logic. I misspell the word but know that it is misspelled and say so, thinking even with the announcement you still won't be able to resist. Now even though I said the word was misspelled, obviously knowing how to spell it, you say I left it because I was stupid and did not know how to spell it and it has nothing at all to do with your infantile escape clause that you use often when you get your ass handed to you?

    Liberals are pretty harmless - as long as you keep them away from sharp objects. I guess thats why they try and pass so many laws against technology, cause they know they would hurt themselves, so obviously everyone else must be just as much a moron as they are.

    Anyway still, good job at resisting your impulses; that is what civilized adults do.

  78. I wouldn't know, I'm not a Liberal.

  79. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Dr Queen, "^^^^^ D@mn, I crack myself up while increasing my educational and financial bottom line, LOL!!!!"

    You need help because you are hallucinating about non-reality.

    Furthermore, 'increasing' your education is 'decreasing' your character. Maybe you should be enrolled in a "Finess" school for a few years coupled with "how to attract humans instead of dogs."

    You see you are one of those losers with degrees but can't get ahead in the world. Here in the Bay Area there are a few of them. They are called homeless people.

  80. Anonymous7:16 PM


  81. Anonymous7:19 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    I wouldn't know, I'm not a Liberal.

    No. You are. We have been down this path before. You speak and believe in everything liberals do. You might think you prefer Marxist anarchy where you get to kill those who do not serve you, but you are a liberal. Anyway in the U.S todays Progressive/Liberals are Marxist/Socialist's all one and the same insanity and you seem to have your prism set on viewing US events so you are a liberal. As crazy a liberal as they come.

  82. Dr. Copacetic7:27 PM

    Ms. Queen said...
    "So go head' acne boy, we successful, happy, educated, well-off FN's know with EVERY breath we take we're "winning" and you're killing yourself with catecholamines!"

    Whatcha mean "we" Jemima? Please do not tarnish the image successful, happy, educated, well-off black people by association with your loser self.

    You will never be a doctor.

  83. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Racist goobers = all blacks espouse liberal views = you can kiss my anti-abortion/pro affirmative action ass!!

    Dr. Queen

  84. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Racist goobers = all blacks espouse liberal views = you can kiss my anti-abortion/pro affirmative action ass!!

    Dr. Queen

    Racist Goobers = All Blacks? You are insane. You might be a Black racist goober but not all blacks are racist like you.

  85. And what.'s wrong with being a liberal?

    Trying to watch the All Star Game. Mrs. watching the Oscars. Did Sacha Baron Cohen really "glitter bomb" Ryan Seacrest?

  86. LOL, Ryan got what he deserved!!!!

  87. Anonymous11:49 PM

    im a white guy and i just bought a 1994 caddy devile so why is the car thought of as a colerd mans car?????????
