Monday, February 27, 2012

Obama the "snob"?

I don't even think my father attended my high school graduation. I think he was off the island attending business somewhere. In my family, going to college was just something we knew that we had to do, a high school diploma was just a means to an end.

I wish more families were like my own when it comes to this issue. Unless you are fortunate enough to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth, getting a college education is the most proven path to success in this country.

Sadly, you can't tell that to conservative politicians when they are out trolling for the anti intellectual -right- wingnut vote.

Unfortunately, republican politicians do not believe that a college education is a good thing. And they hint that the president of the United States is an uppity Negro for even suggesting that young people in this country should aspire to get a college degree.

 “President Obama once said he wants everybody in America to go to college,” Santorum sniped. “What a snob!”

A "snob" for going to college? If that's the case I sure wish that there were more "snobs" in this country.

“Not all folks are gifted in the same way. Some people have incredible gifts with their hands!” Santorum added. “There are good decent men and women who go out and work hard every day and put their skills to test that aren’t taught by some liberal college professor trying to indoctrinate them. Oh, I understand why he wants you to go to college. He wants to remake you in his image. I want to create jobs so people can remake their children into their image, not his.”

Yes Rick, and do you know why those "decent man and women" go out and work every day? So that they can send their children to college!
I wonder if Rick and his wife are going to give back their law degrees?

But Ray Charles, may his soul rest in peace, could have seen what Ricky is trying to do. He is trying to paint Obama as uppity and out of touch. To some folks being uppity and out of touch is alright if your name is Mitt Romney. (Some of his best friends are NASCAR team owners? WTF?) But being uppity and out of touch is not cool if you are....well, you of them.

President Obama, as is to be expected, is pushing back. 

"President Obama on Monday defended his stance that higher education is critical to preparing Americans to compete in the global workforce, offering a tacit rebuke to Republican rival Rick Santorum who called Obama a “snob” for wanting everyone to go to college.....  

'...When I speak about higher education we’re not just talking about a four-year degree,” Obama said. “We’re talking about somebody going to a community college and getting trained for that manufacturing job that now is requiring somebody walking through the door, handling a million-dollar piece of" equipment. And they can’t go in there unless they’ve got some basic training beyond what they received in high school.”'

O, I am disappointed in you. Why are you lowering the bar? Stick to your guns. When you speak about higher education you should be speaking about a four year degree. A-merry-cans need their leaders to inspire them to do greater things; not tell them that it's cool to be dumb and that the uppity Nigger President trying to get them to educate themselves is out of line because he know, one of them.

Finally, if you are a woman in A-merry-ca and you want to have sex for the pleasure it brings you, I  strongly suggest that you do not move to Kansas.

"Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback (R) has a simple solution for women who work for religious institutions that refuse to cover birth control: Find a new job.
During a call-in show on C-SPAN Monday morning, a woman named Doris from Osawatomie, Kansas told Brownback that she was worried that he wanted to turn back the clock on women’s rights.

“No, goodness,” Brownback replied. “That’s not true.”

“I am concerned that — along with lots of other red states — Gov. Brownback feels that we should be the reddest state in the country,” Doris explained. “Women’s rights are being trampled. He was talking about what President Obama is requiring insurance companies to do, to cover birth control. You know you are taking away the individual woman’s right to decide if they need birth control.”

“Ninety-eight percent of women have used birth control in their lives,” she added. “Now, we can pay for vasectomies, we can pay for Viagra, but we cannot pay for birth control for women? I think it’s a shame.”

Brownback immediately disagreed.

“What the president basically said is if you are church that does not believe in this — and the Catholic Church has problems with, the official Catholic Church, amongst other institutions, have problems with paying for contraceptives,” the Kansas governor explained. “You have a number of religious groups who saying, ‘We don’t want to pay for so-called abortifacients, these have morning after pill-type effects. And this is against our religious beliefs.’ And the president was saying, ‘You got to pay for it.’ And they were saying, ‘This is against our view life is sacred.’”

“That’s not denying women’s rights,” he insisted. “If a woman then wants birth control, go work somewhere else.” [Source]

Oh my! Women of A-merry-ca, this means war.




  1. The man-boy with the permanent sneer calls a humble family man like Obama a snob? I feel like I'm being sucked into an irony vortex.

  2. Anonymous11:17 PM

    It would be a total contradiction if those religious institutions paid for vastectomies and not for tubal ligation etc there is somethng wrong about the reporting on these issues

  3. NSangoma11:23 PM

    Pennsylvania State University (BA)
    University of Pittsburgh (MBA)
    Dickinson School of Law (JD)

    The snob is Rick Santorum

  4. Anonymous11:39 PM

    That’s not denying women’s rights,” he insisted. “If a woman then wants birth control, go work somewhere else.” [Source]

    Oh my! Women of A-merry-ca, this means war.

    Where when and how in the world did the insane liberal agenda turn into this? You demand that Employers not only provide something but provide it free of charge otherwise it's "war" This is insane We demand FREE birth control. Well, go find someone that you provide enough value that they hire you and pay for your free birth control.

    What do you think is going to happen to Black communities when Christians after being attacked and having demands thrust upon them so much don't cave in to the liberal terrorists but shut down the catholic charity hospitals and help centers because you demand they change their beliefs? The abnormal does not become normal because of some crazies war on it. After this bout of liberalism followed by an agenda of depravity, demands and insanity - liberals will not be in power in this country for a hundred years, mark my words.

  5. Anonymous11:40 PM

    NSangoma said...
    Pennsylvania State University (BA)
    University of Pittsburgh (MBA)
    Dickinson School of Law (JD)

    The snob is Rick Santorum

    SO what are you gonna do with the 51 % of Black kids who don't/can't/won't finish high school and can barely read? I guess those trade schools going away isn't such a good idea.

  6. Kieran11:41 PM

    Too many people are going to college now, racking up huge debts that will burden them for years. As it is, only 43% of blacks who go to college ever graduate.

    Higher education is the key to good career - IF you know what you are doing. Just going to college for the sake of it is a mistake.

  7. Here in California, our community college are slicing a lot of classes and some departments. The reason they gave for some of them is that these classes were not well attended and had high drop out rates. So they are chopping some of the computer science and business information classes, that computer science and engineering students need to help with their 4 year degrees.

    One of our local California State university graduated some four hundred odd engineers of all types last year. Compared with literally thousands if students in fields like English, Sociology, and teaching. This in a state where we have laid of tens of thousands of teachers. Some of those degrees how ever much polish they give to the recipients are almost worthless in the job market. Mine was in French with a minor in poli sci; for example.

  8. "Where when and how in the world did the insane liberal agenda turn into this? You demand that Employers not only provide something but provide it free of charge otherwise it's "war" This is insane We demand FREE birth control. Well, go find someone that you provide enough value that they hire you and pay for your free birth control"

    Why is viagra covered? Or, why can men cut themselves to prevent themselves from having children?

    I will wait for your answer....

  9. Besides which if you let a lot of *illegals* in; they can do the gardening and dishwashing. And Mr. Santorum really plans on keeping/chucking *them* out, so he probably things that we might need a homegrown pool of same.

  10. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Keep beleeverating that being wite and stoopid is the free pass it once the Chinese and Europeans and Russians and Scandinavians and Indians and.... all go to college.

    Brownback has showed why the Middle 'Merican keeps getting sold Brooklyn Bridges.
    Not to worry wimmens, the 'Merican Taliban will be more than gleeful to order your personal matter what your own religion might be.

    Wonder what value Viagra provides? Seems that fat geezers needing 'up pills' might be rather focused on 'other than business'.


  11. Kingnut12:00 AM

    "Oh my! Women of A-merry-ca, this means war."

    Well, that was the whole point, Field. Obama needs to devise wedge issues to distract from his abysmal record on the things that matter, like the economy.

    His whole strategy depends on the fact that his core voter hears of this issue and believes that the Catholic Church/Republicans want to ban contraception, rather than that they are simply arguing against religious institutions being forced to pay for contraception.

    I listened to your radio interview today and you were clearly operating on a higher level than Rev. Peterson (although that really isn't saying much). I find it hard to believe that you actually believe these lowest common denominator memes manufactured by the Obama campaign, and must conclude that you think it is in the best interest of your side to promote these misconceptions.

    That is pretty condescending and dishonest, but you did say you were liberal.

  12. Kingnut12:19 AM

    field negro said...
    Why is viagra covered? Or, why can men cut themselves to prevent themselves from having children?

    Viagra makes something that doesn't work function; contraception prevents something that works from functioning.

    Nobody is arguing against contraception being covered by insurance, if that's what the insurance company and the entity paying for it wants to do.

    But making Catholics pay for it? How about making Hindus provide free hamburgers for their employees? Or Jewish organizations serve pulled pork at employee functions?

    Maybe if you work at a synagogue you just eat the chicken for lunch and buy your own bacon at home.

    Contraception isn't healthcare in the sense that it treat a pathological condition. It is not essential.

    This whole thing is just about picking a fight with the Catholic Church.

    And vasectomies are tricky procedures and are not something I'd try at home, Field.

  13. Anonymous12:25 AM

    field negro said...
    "Where when and how in the world did the insane liberal agenda turn into this? You demand that Employers not only provide something but provide it free of charge otherwise it's "war" This is insane We demand FREE birth control. Well, go find someone that you provide enough value that they hire you and pay for your free birth control"

    Why is viagra covered? Or, why can men cut themselves to prevent themselves from having children?

    I will wait for your answer....

    I don't know, nor do I care. But if you want Viagra and if getting it is so important to you that you want an employer to cover it and pay for it completely free for you, then find one. You do not however have the right to demand they do it. What's next? We have to pay for free wedding receptions for homosexuals? Enough of this insanity. I demand to work for a Muslim organization and I demand they provide free wine without cost to me as it has been medically proven a glass a day is healthy for your heart.

    Insanity. Once you break down all the walls, all the laws, all the rules for special interests. You may not like it next time your group is not in power. Did you ever think of that?

    Destroy Christianity, make it stop providing all the help it does. What does that leave you with? Worshipping the state and the benevolance of the next politician. Oh liberals are so simplistic and shortsighted.

  14. Kieran12:34 AM

    Lady-Cracker said...
    "Some of those degrees how ever much polish they give to the recipients are almost worthless in the job market. Mine was in French with a minor in poli sci; for example."

    Well, that sounds pretty worthless. Hope you didn't finance it with student loans.

    The reason California is cutting colege offerings is that they are $50 billion in debt, and cannot bring themselves to touch the huge salaries and benefits of public employees or stop paying for free healthcare and college tuition for illegal aliens.

    Hope you enjoy Mexifornia. After all, you paid for it.

  15. The reason California is cutting colege offerings is that they are $50 billion in debt, and cannot bring themselves to touch the huge salaries and benefits of public employees or stop paying for free healthcare and college tuition for illegal aliens.

    Do you guys sleep better wrapping yourselves in these lies? California is in debt because of Prop 13.

    If the Republicans War on Women isn't working out for them why don't they change the conversation to all the substantive legislation they've passed since taking over in 2010? Why won't they pivot to their jobs bills? Or how they intend to fix our crumbling infrastructure?

    Oh I remember...

  16. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Field, "Why is viagra covered? Or, why can men cut themselves to prevent themselves from having children?"

    This is completely different and has nothing to do with contraceptives or birth control for a woman. Field, once again you are mixing apples and oranges.

    The plain truth is that it is morally wrong for a woman to use birth control. Period.

  17. Sheese. You have to go college, even if it's a two year certification program at a community college learning a trade or specialized skills. If you just a want a decent paying job, you're probably better off seeing what the inexpensive local community college offers.

  18. What about Calista Gingrich's morals?
    Republicans won't be taken seriously until they stop making specious moral arguments. In the homes republicans need to influence, contraception is not top of mind.

    And since we are talking about Republicans...everyone is aware of how deeply media-savvy they are. No one is fooled by the strawmen they continue to offer instead of solid plans to keep us on the road to recovery. People, left and right, are starting to put together that job numbers are being skewed by Republican governors laying off public sector workers.

    Republicans have not a leg to stand on and by attacking a woman's right of dominion over her own being this Party may be pushed over the precipice by an extremely dangerous faction of their party.

  19. "The plain truth is that it is morally wrong for a woman to use birth control. Period."

    How about a man?

  20. Quote Brooklyn

    "Republicans have not a leg to stand on and by attacking a woman's right of dominion over her own being this Party may be pushed over the precipice by an extremely dangerous faction of their party."


    The Republican party has been hijacked by a group of extremist religious fundamentalists whose social views vary hardly a jot from the Taliban.

    Both groups are homophobic

    Both groups are anti birth-control

    Both groups are creationists

    Both groups are opposed to abortion

    Both groups believe women must cover their bodies in public.

    Both groups censor which books are held in libraries.

    Both groups are anti-Science

    The list of similarities goes on and on.

  21. america is a nation of morons

    hobama nazis and rick s prove this daily


    hobama is a bankster who has deliberately destroyed all public ed
    elementary school is mandatory in advance of college

    hobama's nclb 2.0/charter school crony scams/laying off veteran teachers who are becoming nannies/maids anew to survive

    ask the teachers in chi who sued hobama and won!!!

    all banksters are snobs!!!

    THIS is what proves that hobama is a snob indeed

    cc this to his snob fans michelle and melissa p asap!!!

  22. rick s is a sexist fool

    all sexist fools prefer women perpetually barefoot and pregnant


    hobama is also fashioning poverty and illiteracy by design

    and nothing ensures poverty like babies

    ask any single mom anywhere

  23. Anonymous9:49 AM

    PC, "How about a man?"

    Again, you trying to mix apples and oranges. They just don't go together because they are different. Get it?

    Did you read my entire comment? Why must I repeat myself?

  24. pookies rule the world

    and so do bullies

    and that is a toxic and fatal mix


    kosher kkk:

    why so mum???????

  25. "Again, you trying to mix apples and oranges. They just don't go together because they are different. Get it?

    Did you read my entire comment? Why must I repeat myself?"

    You didn't explain yourself very well. You still haven't for the record.

    You are going to have to explain why it's immoral for a woman to use contraception but not a man.

  26. Kingnut10:15 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    "Republicans have not a leg to stand on and by attacking a woman's right of dominion over her own being"

    Pure, unadulterated idiocy.

    Forcing someone else to pay for her birth control against their religious beliefs would in fact mean that it is she who is asserting 'dominion over someone else's being'.

    You do not have a right to force other people to pay you in Lybrel when to them that is a sin. Take the money they pay you for your work, and go buy Lybrel.

    This is akin to forcing an Islamic group to pay you for work you have done for them with pork chops and whiskey.

    This government bureaucracy-created right to employer provided contraception directly impinges on the Constitutional right of free expression of religion and is therefore illegitimate.

    End of story for anyone with a 5th grade or higher comprehension level.

  27. why would anyone ever become a horridly abused soldier today????

    hobama has dogged soldiers more than any prez in history

    even gwb

    now hobama is axing health benefits for active duty soldiers!!!...shame!!!!!!

  28. Anonymous10:31 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Brooklyn

    "Republicans have not a leg to stand on and by attacking a woman's right of dominion over her own being this Party may be pushed over the precipice by an extremely dangerous faction of their party."


    Forcing someone to do what you want against their will and our law is an action of YOUR choosing, not theirs. I want you to buy me lunch for free from now on, if you push back how dare you declare war on my health and happiness.

    The Republican party has been hijacked by a group of extremist religious fundamentalists whose social views vary hardly a jot from the Taliban.

    Both groups are homophobic

    Both groups are anti birth-control

    Both groups are creationists

    Both groups are opposed to abortion

    Both groups believe women must cover their bodies in public.

    Both groups censor which books are held in libraries.

    Both groups are anti-Science

    The list of similarities goes on and on.

    I disagree with each silly point, but OK lets run with your really silly premise. Now that you as a clear liberal have made this strong connection in your mind, this means you will now start defending Republicans right?
    Precisely as you do whenever you have opportunity to condemn the murderous Muslimsl, correct? I mean you wouldnt want to be inconsistent and exhibit symptoms of mental disease.

    The thing Liberals aren't sharp enough to understand is that they confuse religion with politics (all in the name of gimme more free stuff that someone else works for)

    Conservatives aren't all for abortion or birth control (although meeting a crazy liberal like Purple Cow or one who believes in the tooth fairy is a tempting argument for it) Conservatives in fact are divided on these issues. The people who are against these issues are religious not political. The people against these issues are the CHURCH who has HISTORICALLY supported leftists. The Roman Catholic church obviously is the one being discussed here and they have always been leftist voters.

    How ironic that todays Barack Obama radical socialist/lefist/Marxist has lost that group due to it's extreme unconstitutional ant-religion-pay for my stuff agenda.

  29. Anonymous10:49 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Anonymous10:54 AM

    alicia cante u see the blog administrator wants u to go u r a nobody a nothing a waste of space u aint no genius neither! dummy cante u see that for every comment this anon gets under ur skin ur almost 50 year old dum self make a comment and then this anons r deleted making u look even more unhinged an crazy thin u really is ya fool!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I see the lunatics have taken over the asylum again.


    ”Now that you as a clear liberal have made this strong connection in your mind, this means you will now start defending Republicans right? 
Precisely as you do whenever you have opportunity to condemn the murderous Muslimsl, correct? I mean you wouldnt want to be inconsistent and exhibit symptoms of mental disease.”

    I often condemn murderous Muslims, just as I would condemn murderous anybody else. The difference is that I don’t believe all Muslims are murderous, only a very few. Judging all Muslims by the values of their extremists is the equivalent of judging all white people by the actions of the Ku Klux Klan, Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Jeffrey Dharmer etc.

    ”The thing Liberals aren't sharp enough to understand is that they confuse religion with politics (all in the name of gimme more free stuff that someone else works for)”

    No I think you’ll find that it’s the Tea partiers and the evangelicals who have hijacked the Republican party in the name of Jesus and are now busy trying to turn their version of Amerikkka into a Theocracy.

    ”Conservatives aren't all for abortion or birth control (although meeting a crazy liberal like Purple Cow or one who believes in the tooth fairy is a tempting argument for it)”

    I did not say ALL conservatives are opposed to abortion.

    ”The people who are against these issues are religious not political.”

    They are both, that’s my entire point.

    ”The people against these issues are the CHURCH who has HISTORICALLY supported leftists.”

    Really? Do you have any evidence anywhere that evangelicals are leftists? I would be amazed to see it.

    ”The Roman Catholic church obviously is the one being discussed here….”

    No it isn’t.

    ”How ironic that todays Barack Obama radical socialist/lefist/Marxist has lost that group due to it's extreme unconstitutional ant-religion-pay for my stuff agenda.

    Obama is a conservative.

  33. Thomas "George" Jefferson12:53 PM

    I honestly don't think the Repubicans even WANT to win the Presidency.

    They just want the House & Senate, so they can watch the Democrats implode the next four years.

    Neither party REALLY gives a crap about the American People.

  34. Anonymous12:56 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    I see the lunatics have taken over the asylum again.

    Why, what an excellent point of view.

  35. Anonymous1:15 PM

    ”Now that you as a clear liberal have made this strong connection in your mind, this means you will now start defending Republicans right? 
Precisely as you do whenever you have opportunity to condemn the murderous Muslimsl, correct? I mean you wouldnt want to be inconsistent and exhibit symptoms of mental disease.”

    I often condemn murderous Muslims, just as I would condemn murderous anybody else.

    Yet you say nothing but attack those who are outraged when the opportunity presents itself.

    The difference is that I don’t believe all Muslims are murderous, only a very few. Judging all Muslims by the values of their extremists is the equivalent of judging all white people by the actions of the Ku Klux Klan, Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Jeffrey Dharmer etc.

    Horribly disconnected way of thinking. Race VS a barbaric religion that enslaves women and preaches violence are not even close to being comparable.

    ”The thing Liberals aren't sharp enough to understand is that they confuse religion with politics (all in the name of gimme more free stuff that someone else works for)”

    No I think you’ll find that it’s the Tea partiers and the evangelicals who have hijacked the Republican party in the name of Jesus and are now busy trying to turn their version of Amerikkka into a Theocracy.

    Nonsense. Tea Partiers are simply for reduced spending and accountability. Race baiters like you equated Race with responsible spending thus negatively impacting in your mind Blacks. Thus your ridiculous liberal paintbrush adding words such as "amerikkka"

    ”Conservatives aren't all for abortion or birth control (although meeting a crazy liberal like Purple Cow or one who believes in the tooth fairy is a tempting argument for it)”

    I did not say ALL conservatives are opposed to abortion.

    OK then I stand corrected. You don't make blanket statements about republicans, abortions and mandated free birth control.

    ”The people who are against these issues are religious not political.”

    They are both, that’s my entire point.

    No, they aren't. You however have instituted the state and support of certain groups as your point of worship and god.

    ”The people against these issues are the CHURCH who has HISTORICALLY supported leftists.”

    Really? Do you have any evidence anywhere that evangelicals are leftists? I would be amazed to see it.

    Well you need to get your knowledge on Christianity updated. Evangelicals are just a small segment of Christianity. The Roman Catholic Church are not Evangelicals. The Catholic church has always been a huge supporter of new deal type policies.

    ”The Roman Catholic church obviously is the one being discussed here….”

    No it isn’t.

    Certainly it is. Obama mandated catholics pay for FREE stuff they don't want to. YOu and your type equate violation of their beliefs to be forced to ACTUALLY pay for yours as "a war on women"

    Obama is a conservative. Ridiculous script flipping. If he is a conservative then why do you support him? I guess it is because he is Black. Obama is about as conservative as Liberace was a straight black man.

    12:29 PM

  36. Mario Loyola1:28 PM

    So the president refuses to apologize for forcing Catholics to violate their religious beliefs or pay a tax penalty. But he immediately apologizes because a few of our soldiers inadvertently violated Muslims religious beliefs by trying to dispose of already-desecrated Korans.

    Well, despite his apology, hoardes of semi-barbarian Afghans went on a rampage, burned Obama in dog-head effigy, and killed several of our soldiers.

    And if you think that’s bad, just imagine what they would do if Obama adopted a rule forcing Muslims to violate their religious beliefs or pay a tax penalty.

  37. Field, I'm sure you also read about the Arizona bill passed that will require all students to pay $2,000 because one wingnut found out too many students got scholarships and grants.
    The thing that Santorum is not saying is many students get into a place of higher learning and find out the b.s. their parents were telling them was b.s. If you're a racist and tell your kids all blah people sell drugs and such and get on campus and find good middle-class kids who live in the burbs and not in the projects it may make you realize other crap they were feeding you is also wrong. I mean if Rick was your dad and you thought sex was just for marriage and procreation and got on campus at Howard/Penn State/ ect. and were surrounded by goodlooking willing young ladies how fast would you abandon your teachings? That's what these redneck are really afraid of, their kids getting smart and abandoning the old way of life. Kinda like the movie "The Village".

  38. "Obama is a conservative."

    I agree with you Cow but he is what we used to have here in Illinois, a sane moderate conservative. Hopefully there are still some of them around.

  39. "why so mum?????"

    Because Ms. Alicia it doesn't fit her narrative.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. px:


    it is that incessant silent adoration of hobama that is truly murdering the globe...

  42. Crash2:15 PM

    PilotX said....
    If you're a racist and tell your kids all blah people sell drugs and such and get on campus and find good middle-class kids who live in the burbs and not in the projects it may make you realize other crap they were feeding you is also wrong.

    What if you're a liberal and you tell your kids all black people are saintly and then when they get on an urban campus and get raped and assaulted it may make them realize the other crap you were feeding them is also wrong.

    Nah, liberals never let reality affect their beliefs.

  43. daughters stated that they just automatically assumed that they would enter college. An attitude likened to their middle school experience. They would be entering high school as a matter of course. There are quite a few families of that mindset in our communities as well. There are technical programs at community colleges that prepare students for 'high tech jobs' that are currently outsourced to other countries. We should support all venues to educate or train folks to be contributors and reasonably self-sufficient. I use the word 'reasonably' for none of us are totally self-sufficient and live interdependently on a domestic and global scale.

    I'm somewhat puzzled that you allowed the anons to take up so much space on your comment section. We know they are out there and their verbiage has become more vitriolic and sick.
    I'll assume that this is the point you're making and for some of us who read your blog on a consistent basis--it's foreboding.

    Your comment on how men would feel about forced vasectomies and comparing that to the practice of forcing women to forego birth control measures--not to mention their other recommendations was right on.

  44. Quote anonymous

    "If he is a conservative then why do you support him?"

    I don't, I never have.

  45. Everyone should not go to college. Just like everyone should not go to medical school. I don't think Obama is a snob for saying what he said, but it does seem out of touch in some ways. There are a lot of people that have no interest in higher education, and I don't know that there's anything wrong with that.

  46. Victoria3:15 PM

    Carolyn said....
    "Your comment on how men would feel about forced vasectomies and comparing that to the practice of forcing women to forego birth control measures--not to mention their other recommendations was right on."

    Right on what? How does that even make sense?

  47. Give'em All Degrees3:16 PM

    Hell, if everyone has a college degree, who's gonna flip our burgers

    That's all I need....some crack 'ho charging me $500 for a BJ.

  48. i teach many adults who are the first persons in their families to ever attend college/graduate from high school...

    college is not for everyone indeed.


    anyone who chooses to go to college should never be shackled with debt forever to afford it

    that is the reality of hobama and his banksters

    many brilliant first gens will now never attend colllege

    and even many rich kids will never live as well post college as their parents did...

    harvard grads once never moved home as they do now regularly

    my grandmother was a retired professor
    & both of my parents are retired educators...
    i will never live as well as they all did
    and never retire as well as they did

    that is tragic and true for all in this new world order

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. myblackfriendsaid

    Everyone should not go to college. Just like everyone should not go to medical school. I don't think Obama is a snob for saying what he said, but it does seem out of touch in some ways. There are a lot of people that have no interest in higher education, and I don't know that there's anything wrong with that.

    Obama didn't say everyone should go to college. Look at his State of the Union from 2009 or last night Daily Show. He spoke about trade schools and community colleges since you really can't get ahead without some advanced education. I wonder how much of the right's outrage could be quelled by a few simple google searches.

  51. A Google search and common sense wouldn't help the extreme right.

    BTW great comments Broklyn!

  52. The point isn't everyone going to college it's the idea that everyone should have the opportunity to go to college. You'd think he was saying he would have the Navy Seals bust down your door and force your kids to go to an 8am Literature course. Geez, so literal.

  53. "I wonder how much of the right's outrage could be quelled by a few simple google searches."

    Um Lyn, are you forgetting who you're dealing with? Facts to conservatives are like garlic to vampires.

  54. Anonymous8:13 PM

    PC, "You didn't explain yourself very well. You still haven't for the record.

    You are going to have to explain why it's immoral for a woman to use contraception but not a man."

    10:09 AM
    What does a man have to do with this? The discussion is about the woman and whether she is going to be moral or immoral when it comes to contraception. Why should a man have to explain himself when using contraceptions is about the woman?

    Did you hear anything about the man from the panel? NO. that's because it was irrelevant.

  55. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Gov. Brownback's call for women to go somewhere else, Wisconsin State Rep. Gothman's AS Bill 202 repeal in equal pay for work, and Medical Rape law, etc. It does mean war. So let's start with something like this- a general strike for women's work (except emergency services) between the hours of 1-2 pm daily for one week every month.
    Call it "Our Time of the Month". To be repeated as necessary in subsequent months.

  56. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Yes, sir, this means war. I am an American woman, mother of an American woman and grandmother of a woman in progress, and they are threatening me and mine.
