Friday, March 23, 2012

The hoodie did it.

That pic right there is why it's tough to rip his Oness. (I don't care if it's photoshopped.) Yes, he can be too politically wishy washy at times. But just when I started to wonder about his heart he restored my faith in his humanity by coming out and making a statement about the Trayvon Martin case. I mean if you are going to insert yourself into the Skippy Gates and Sandra Fluke cases, you better have something to say about this one.

 "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon".

Well that's true Mr. President, and as a parent of black children it would be very hard for you to divorce yourself from this case. I bet Michelle was giving you an earful every night: Forget Axelrod and your pollsters, so what if you alienate some white voters. If this causes you to lose the election so be it. You will be able to live with yourself for the rest of your life."  O, always listen to your wife.

Anyway, as is to be expected, some folks are not too pleased:

"Newt Gingrich called Obama's remarks about Trayvon Martin "disgraceful" in an interview with Sean Hannity, according to CBS/National Journal.
“It’s not a question of who that young man looked like. Any young American of any ethnic background should be safe, period. We should all be horrified no matter what the ethnic background," Gingrich said. "Is the President suggesting that if it had been a white who had been shot that would be ok because it didn’t look like him?" [Source]

Actually Newt, if he was white he most likely would not have been shot. The truth of the matter is he was shot because he was black.

 "It would have been a tragedy if he had been Puerto Rican or Cuban or if he had been white or if he had been Asian-American of if he’d been a Native American. At some point we ought to talk about being Americans."

Newt, that would be nice. But......

"Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said Thursday he is willing to go before the NAACP and urge blacks to demand paychecks, not food stamps.
Gingrich told a town hall meeting at a senior center in Plymouth, N.H., that if the NAACP invites him to its annual convention this year, he'd go there and talk about "why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps." [Source]

*mouth open*

Anyway, Newt made his cretinous and moronic statement while giving an interview on FOX NEWS. The same FOX NEWS who hires one Geraldo Rivera. (Is there a "Drop Squad" for Latinos?) Geraldo wants all of us to know that Trayvon Martin was killed because of his hoodie. Yes, the hoodie did it. Not George Zimmerman. Trayvon Martin contributed to his own death by wearing a hoodie. It's the victim's fault.

*shaking head*

Finally, shout out to the LeBrons for stepping up and making a powerful political statement about the Trayvon Martin killing. I rip athletes and celebrities all the time for not involving themselves in social causes, so when they do I have to acknowledge their actions.

I think I am rooting for the Heat to go all the way this season.


  1. U know why Obama seems to always gets this stuff right? He's a real man with a soul; he starts out right, pretty much every time.

  2. The President needed time to formulate a well thought out statement KNOWING Newt and crew would tear it apart.

  3. -------------------
    ""Newt Gingrich called Obama's remarks about Trayvon Martin "disgraceful" in an interview with Sean Hannity""

    If Irony were Iron, there'd be a battleship in that sentence.

  4. obama continues to show why he is the most divisive president ever.

    Newt is right.

    If that teen had been white and Zimmerman was black, Obama would be defending Zimmerman.

  5. Anonymous9:19 PM

    "One news outlet that is not reporting the story is FOX NEWS."

    So FOX NEWS was reporting the story?

  6. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "I bet Michelle was giving you an earful every night: Forget Axelrod and your pollsters, so what if you alienate some white voters. If this causes you to lose the election so be it. You will be able to live with yourself for the rest of your life." O, always listen to your wife."

    Field, by your statement, it sounds like Obama did not do this on his own merit. Anyway, how do you know what Michelle said to O-man or what she has been thinking about this incident? It seems to me IF Michelle cared at all, she would have said something a long time ago. To date, she hasn't said a damn thing. Please provide a link to what she told Obama.

    At least you have admitted that Obama did not speak about this tragedy based on his own conscience. Thanks for your honesty.

  7. Anonymous9:52 PM

    "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon".

    Mr. Field, there have been hundreds if not thousands of black teens killing each other in the streets. Obama never said,

    "If I had a son, he would look like the ones killing each other in the streets."

    Nope. He has said nothing. So why, Mr. Field, do you suppose he chose to say something about this killing? And I doubt his wife or his conscience had anything to do with it.

  8. Swiffness10:25 PM

    I just had to wander back into the Fields for a moment to go WTF @ Eric Sermon being HNOTD. I took his statement as a tongue in cheek joke since he's WIDELY been rumored to be gay for like, decades lol. Sheeeeit, he used to straight-up refuse to deny it in interviews.

  9. "But just when I started to wonder about his heart he restored my faith in his humanity by coming out and making a statement about the Trayvon Martin case.

    Well that's true Mr. President, and as a parent of black children it would be very hard for you to divorce yourself from this case."

    Yet Obama, being the parent of black children, has been able to divorce himself from LaVena Johnson just fine.

  10. NSangoma11:35 PM

    Lawyer: Zimmerman not a racist
    Sonner said Zimmerman and his wife served as mentors to two teenage
    children of an African-American woman. Though funding was cut for the
    program, the couple continued their efforts on their own, taking the
    13-year-old girl and 14-year-old boy on outings to a mall, a science
    center and a basketball game. They also helped in a fund-raiser for an
    African-American church, the lawyer said.


  11. What Obama said about Trayvon brought tears to this old white womens eyes, and newt go f@#k yourself!

  12. Anonymous12:47 AM

    "Lawyer: Zimmerman not a racist"

    What the hell did you expect his lawyer to say..."My client is a racist who can't stand Blacks?" GET REAL.

  13. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Newt hasn't said a word on the matter tll now, what nerve!

    A family destroyed, no arrest,no investigation!

    What is going on here? What are they hiding? What special privileges do they have and why?

    I guess any loon can become a vigilante huh? And attack and shoot anyone because they look 'suspicious'


    The good ol boy system firmly in place!

  14. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Field, "Geraldo wants all of us to know that Trayvon Martin was killed because of his hoodie. Yes, the hoodie did it. Not George Zimmerman. Trayvon Martin contributed to his own death by wearing a hoodie. It's the victim's fault."

    Oh please! that's not what Geraldo was talking about. Boy! Field you can really lie. You have twisted what Geraldo was getting at. A Black or Latino wearing a hoodie WILL look twice as dangerous as one without a hood.

    Black men cause anxiety to people when they are on the same sidewalk. Most people will cross the street to avoid them. And that's WITHOUT a hood. Can you imagine the fear and anxiety when they are wearing a hoodie? Anybody can tell that Geraldo had the best intentions for the safety of Black and Latino children and you know it.

  15. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Newt Gingrich has nothing else to do but look like a moronic imbecile with a college degree. The more he tries to play politics, the worse his character looks, the worse he sounds AND the worse he looks.

    I would say at this point Newt Gingrich's fat ass is done for good. All he can do is unintentionally make Obama and the Dems look better and better.

  16. Anonymous1:15 AM

    The Democratic Party: Con-men elected by the ignorant and the arrogant

    Sure his statement had nothing to do with Sharpton, the CBC and solidfying the Black vote.

    I mean if he really was really feeling in his heart a horrible loss of an American, then he could have also said he felt for the 95 year old grandmother who was raped and killed with her elderly husband hospitalized by the black thug Tyrone Woodfork and four other Blacks who robbed them. After all his grandmother actually DID look like this lady.

    But he won't, it's all about politics and you have been conned.

  17. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Nice to see the wingnut welfare recipients are still 'earning' their checks. Wonder what their plan will be when the Kochs and theocrats figure out the Chinese will Troll blogs for far less coin?


  18. Anonymous 1:00, let me ask you a question. My son and so does my cousin wears a hoodie, both are black, so do you think they should be shot?

  19. I'd bet 10K of Mitt Romney'$ that right now the NRA is searching Florida for a black trial/PR team for Mr. Zimmerman.

  20. Anonymous1:49 AM

    "Anonymous 1:00, let me ask you a question. My son and so does my cousin wears a hoodie, both are black, so do you think they should be shot?"

    With or without a hoodie, no of color should be shot. But "should" and "reality" should always be taken into account. Just because a bm with a hood shouldn't be shot does not mean it won't happen. In fact, wearing a hood increases the possibility of that happening. THAT was the point Geraldo was trying to make, which I agree 100%.

    Hell, just the other day Field said that a he had to wear a suit in order to not look threatening to Whites. He further stated it shouldn't be like that but THAT IS THE WAY IT IS TODAY.

    How much more threatening a black man in a hoodie must look! I love my son and will discourage him from wearing a hoodie because increasing the odds of losing his life is not worth it to me or him.

    I hope you can understand. But if you feel it's safe for your son to wear a hoodie then by all means, encourage him to do so. But not me.

  21. Anonymous2:01 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Anonymous 1:00, let me ask you a question. My son and so does my cousin wears a hoodie, both are black, so do you think they should be shot?

    If they jump on top of me with that hoodie and start beating me and making bleed, yes - twice. If not, no no one with bad fashion sense should be shot. But if a lot of robbers wear stockings on their head, you would be a moron if you got offended because people were afraid you were a robber because you had a stocking on your head. Whats the thrill with a hoody? In sweltering hot Florida of all places? They can hide.

  22. Anonymous2:02 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Anonymous 1:00, let me ask you a question. My son and so does my cousin wears a hoodie, both are black, so do you think they should be shot?

    Aren't they a little old to be playing thug?

  23. "What the hell did you expect his lawyer to say..."My client is a racist who can't stand Blacks?" GET REAL."

    I won't knock the lawyer. After all, his job is to defend his client to the best of his abilities. I only hope he isn't thinking that on his off hours.

    "Aren't they a little old to be playing thug?"

    Wearing a hoodie = being a thug? Don't tell me Geraldo Rivera's been trolling this blog all along :D

  24. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Let's face it. Granny is off base and has no defense for the comment she made to Anon1:00. She just likes to harass anons. She needs to go to church and ask forgiveness from God for being so mean-spirited. Lord have mercy, and take Field with you. The man lies all the time and thinks nothing of it. Lord, have mercy on his soul!

  25. Anonymous 1:49:

    Thank your for your answer, and I appreciate your sincere answer.

    Anonymous 2:01:

    You do not have to worry my son jumping on top of you unless you commit a crime. You don't have to worry about my cousin jumping on you either unless you have to appear before him in court, and then I'm sure it would be more of jumping on you with words than physically.

    Next time, think before you type some flip answer.

    Anonymous 2:02:


  26. only hobama nazis are impressed by hobama's belated tepid bs

    ditto for cute photos vs NDAA!!!!


  27. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Ah come on, Granny. There are no black judges let alone lawyers in Alameda County Courts. GET REAL.

  28. BTW, I wear hoodies too, I'm black, in fact, I have several in different colors, so does my grandchild who is a toddler. Matter of fact, I wore one to the nail shop today, and it and there were quite a few of the clients and a couple of nail shop employees wearing them too. People of all ages, genders, and colors wear hoodies, so that to me is silly to even suggest that only thugs wear hoodies because they are black.

  29. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Anon Inc will give a bonus to the anon who can clarify what the hell Mack Lyons is trying to say. That's a bm who very lost.

  30. NSangoma2:19 AM

    The enemy within:


  31. Anonymous 2:17:

    First, all my cousin live Los Angeles. Btw, I have two cousins that are lawyers in Alameda County. And they are not the only black lawyers in Alameda County. Matter of fact, they even have Black D.A. in Alameda and I know one of them been knowing him since he was a kid.

  32. Anonymous2:21 AM

    "BTW, I wear hoodies too, I'm black, in fact, I have several in different colors, so does my grandchild who is a toddler. Matter of fact, I wore one to the nail shop today, "

    Lord have mercy, Granny lives in Oakland.

  33. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Granny, stop lying. Liar Liar, pants on fire. You don't know any black lawyers in Alameda County because there aren't any. Even if they were, you wouldn't know them. I don't know who lies the most, you or Mitt.

  34. And there was a black woman Judge that was in Alameda County at one time she's probably retired by now though. I used to work with her before she became a judge.

  35. Anonymous 2:24:

    You so silly! There are some black lawyers in Alameda County. Btw, you would be surprise who all I know.

  36. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Just think of it. All of you racists anons can move to Florida and fulfill your racists desires. All you have to do is get a Black person alone and unarmed of course and bust a coupe of caps in his ass and you too will be home free. And don't forget to stock up on hoodies before you go. And don't forget to keep us posted on your progress here at FN.

    Black Momba

  37. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Granny, you know if you are lying it's going to cause the weather to be wet all weekend. I've noticed when you claim to know people in high places it rains for days in the Bay Area.

    If it doesn't rain, it means you are telling the truth. If it rains you are lying and Field must put up a sign about you in his side bar. I know he won't because you and Field got something going where he won't expose you.

    But that might change after I offer him some long bucks. Yep. anybody can be bought off and Field is no different. I believe some one on FN said Field had been bought off by the Dems. That is, they brainwashed him. That's a damn shame because Mitt is clearly the best man for the job of President.

    BTW, I am Black, Granny but poor Field can't tell the difference between Black and White. Poor guy must be experiencing early onset of Alzheimers.

  38. Anonymous 2:56:

    LOL! Smh! I'm praying for you. That's all I can do to help you.

  39. Field, did you see what that Uncle Ruckas, scoundrel Jesse Lee Peterson said about the Trayvon case?

    I swear, I too wish some one would ask him why does Hal Turner's Pal Hannity sit on his charity advisory board. I watched the video where he said that most women are whores. He better be glad that I haven't switched over to a new blog forum and got my blog set up yet.

  40. I could walk through my sister's upper middle class neighborhood in a hoodie, a Star Trek uniform, or in drag with a five day beard & live goldfish in my clear plastic platform heels & no one would do anything. Not even call the cops. If you're white, those people mind their own damned business.

  41. BARBBF8:03 AM

    From the latest public racists statements by Santorum, Geraldo and's obvious that racism is still alive and well (and growing?) in the USA.

  42. This attention paid to the article of clothing rather than the gun reminds me of the Columbine HS shooting.

    Two kids wearing trench-coats entered the school carrying automatic weapons and shot guns and killed 50-odd kids.

    What was the school's response?

    They banned trench-coats...

  43. LOL!! Blacks under attack? Thats what Jesse Jackson thinks.

    Does Jesse forget most interracial crimes are committed by blacks?

    Does Jesse forget the racist black mobs attacking whites over the last 3 years?

  44. BARBBF9:36 AM's official! According Geraldo of FoxNews...persons of color are no longer allowed to wear hoodies. They can now only be legally worn by white men, women and children. OTHERWISE neighborhood watch persons may accidentally shoot a white person...instead of persons of color wearing hoodies.

    FoxNews should get rid of Geraldo. I actually saw part of his report before I had to run and get a barf bag..Some of the other reporters sitting w/him actually were nodding their heads in agreement.

  45. Goldfish HighHeels Really??10:50 AM

    Bob said...
    I could walk through my sister's upper middle class neighborhood in a hoodie, a Star Trek uniform, or in drag with a five day beard & live goldfish in my clear plastic platform heels & no one would do anything. Not even call the cops. If you're white, those people mind their own damned business.

    We believe you, did the goldfish survive your walk?

    Now ask yourself, how many crimes were committed by people like you who were parading down the street dressed as Captain Kirk with your platform high heels? I am guessing not many if any at all. This is why people live and let live.

    But suddenly if a disengenious white liberal in drag started groping everyone, raping and killing old women, beating old men, robbing and demanding money - why then they wouldn't trust you any longer, they would start to become suspicious everytime they saw the flamer walking down the street and ultimately confront you , if they are those who take care of their neighborhoods and safeguard their families - versus those who don't snitch. They would do this not because they are racist and don't like white flamers and you are a victim, rather, they would do it because of what your actions taught them and being intelligent humans the need for unmolested survival would kick in.

  46. Anonymous10:52 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    This attention paid to the article of clothing rather than the gun reminds me of the Columbine HS shooting.

    Two kids wearing trench-coats entered the school carrying automatic weapons and shot guns and killed 50-odd kids.

    What was the school's response?

    They banned trench-coats...

    Kinda ruined your schtick didn't it? What kind of school kids wear trench coats? What the hell are you raising? Pulp fiction characters?

  47. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I am a reader of several blogs. Several of them are set up by Whites who are rational, unbiased citizens. What I've noticed is that whenever those bloggers address issues such as this you don't see the type of vile, racist comments from the lowest element of society as you see here. Is it because they know that decent White people don't tolerate their behavior and they feel that they can get away with it on Black sites? Kind of reminds me of them putting on their white sheets and hoods and terrorizing Black neighborhoods. It was cowardly then and is cowardly now in this forum. I wholeheartedly agree with the commenter here who often says "the more things change"...SMH

  48. Anonymous11:42 AM

    "Justice delayed is justice denied"

  49. Anon@11:16 AM that's a good point. Thing is, they don't even allow different points of views. They will ban u in a Philly minute. I believe in that whole Frst Amendment thing. But u know how it is. They caim to love the Constitution but....

  50. Anonymous12:04 PM

    This is what kids can accomplish when they aren't from the Hoodie wearing culture.

  51. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Desert, you are right. Justice won't be done.

  52. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Trayvon Martin died because he tried to "stand his ground" and defend himself against an armed aggressor.

  53. You know, it makes me sick that Trayvon was murdered. In my guts I feel that's what happened.

    Newt Gingrich damn sure makes me sick.

    But I still have to say I'm against people walking around in hoodies looking like the grim reaper.

    If you think that couldn't just possibly have something to do with this case, then I have to say you don't know much about human psychology. Walking around all hooded and up, or walking around with your pants halfway down your ass does have an effect on how people judge you, right off the bat. And we ALL make those superficial judgements. We have to because it's a matter of safety.

    I'm all for diversity and self-expression, believe me. I'm a 42 year-old man with a pony tail and Metallica shirt. I don't own a tie and I'm just as against them (cloth slave collars). BUT any rational person has to realize the hoodie could very well have contributed to it. And any rational person has to know that sometimes even Richie Cunningham pulled up his collar and tried to act badass like the Fonz.

    That said, if someone is pleading for their life and backing away from you, the threat is over and shooting them at that point is murder. All things considered - what few bits we have - I really think they should have a very public trial so the evidence can be heard. Leaving this case in the dark is a crime is another grave injustice.

    I do not think it's fair to say "he was shot because he was black." I don't think that's established. Plenty of people have died because of their skin color with making any more up. It's too soon to jump to that conclusion, in my opinion.

  54. Correct me if I'm wrong, please, but wasn't Trayvon trespassing on private property at night? Wasn't it a crime riddled area? Wasn't Zimmerman on duty patrolling the neighborhood - like paid by the neighborhood association, or whatever?

    Like I say, I still think Zimmerman's a murderer. That's what my guts tell me, though. The evidence hasn't been heard and it should be.

  55. How is it trespassing if you're in the neighborhood where your father lives? Or is it just do damn easy to believe that a Black man can't possibly live in gated community too?

    This case brings to light so many issues which are at the heart of why true racial harmony in America will ALWAYS be nothing more than a pipe dream!

    God bless women raising young Black men!!!

  56. Useful information ..I am very happy to read this article..thanks for giving us this useful information. Fantastic walk - through. I appreciate this post.

  57. I am cynical about crime stories covered by the national media, whether it's the missing white girl of the week on Fox or Skip Gates and the Cambridge police, or anything in between.

    There is always another agenda, or they wouldn't be national stories. Fox is in it for the money to be made off of the crocodile tears of the Branson, Missouri crowd, and Skip Gates was in it because he needed a little street cred. There is so much bullshit.

    Every so often, there'll be an exception. Trayvon Martin is one of them. What hammered it home for me? President Obama did, when he said, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon."

    Newt Gingrich is a disgusting, worthless sociopathtic waste of space who ought to pay a special tax for consuming oxygen. Geraldo Rivera, I'm not sure. He has been such a mixed bag over the years, but this time he sure as hell stepped in it.

    But you know what? It really doesn't matter very much. Trayvon Martin was someone's good son. He died for the crime of "walking while black." I really don't pay attention to national crime stories, because I'm tired of being manipulated.

    But that kid was someone's good son. Thank you, President Obama, for finding exactly the right words to make me sit up and pay attention this time.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. zimmerman is a racist local thug

    hobama is a racist global thug

    and no black or brown boys are safe


  60. it is truly a gd shame that even racists jeb bush and rick santorum spoke more passionately and truthfully about trayvon than hobama did...


  61. Anonymous4:12 PM

    "We should all be horrified no matter what the ethnic background," Gingrich said..."At some point we ought to talk about being Americans."

    So Mr. Gingrich are you horrified? And how are you demonstrating this horror considering that Trayvon's killer still hasn't been arrested?

    Have you all noticed that the only time white people want to talk about being "Americans" is when they are in the wrong? Otherwise its black people on welfare and black people in jail NOT Americans on welfare and Americans in jail.

  62. Quote Anonymous 10:52

    "Kinda ruined your schtick didn't it? What kind of school kids wear trench coats? What the hell are you raising? Pulp fiction characters?"

    Errrrrrrr, what??

    Are you drunk at 10:52 in the morning???

  63. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    How is it trespassing if you're in the neighborhood where your father lives? Or is it just do damn easy to believe that a Black man can't possibly live in gated community too?

    This case brings to light so many issues which are at the heart of why true racial harmony in America will ALWAYS be nothing more than a pipe dream!

    God bless women raising young Black men!!!

    What about God bless parents raising Black Children? There lies the problem the woman is the momma and the Government is the father.

  64. Anonymous6:07 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    On the tape, Zimmerman said Trayvon had something in his hand. Yes, he did have something in his hand, a bag of Skittles and a can Arizona Ice Tea. Since when did a RED bag of Skittles and PASTEL GREEN or PINK can of Arizona Ice Tea look like a gun? Now, Geraldo wants to blame his death on his hoodie? I don't care if Trayvon was wearing a bone through his nose, that was no reason for Zimmerman to do what he did.

    Naw, his hoodie is not the cause of his death, those dangerous stereotypes are!!!

    Grannie, you don't need to have a gun to cause bodily harm and if someone is causing you great bodily harm then you have a right to defend yourself. If Tayvon did not strike, knock down and jump Zimmerman causing him to have to shoot in self defense then Zimmerman should get the chair. If he was defending himself, then Tayvon shouldnt have physically attacked. Him. All this other stuff is just nonsense.

  65. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Published : Monday, 27 Feb 2012, 4:55 PM EST

    SANFORD, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) - Investigators with the Sanford Police Department are still trying to figure out exactly what happened during an altercation which resulted in a fatal shooting in the Twin Lakes area. The shooting happened just after 7 p.m. Sunday evening on Twin Trees Lane. A man who witnessed part of the altercation contacted authorities.

    "The guy on the bottom, who had a red sweater on, was yelling to me, 'Help! Help!' and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911," said the witness, who asked to be identified only by his first name, John.

    John said he locked his patio door, ran upstairs and heard at least one gun shot.

    "And then, when I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on the top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point."

    Read more:

  66. Anonymous 6:07:

    They claimed that Zimmerman was gushing blood from the back of his head and his nose. Could it be self-inflicted? Why wasn't an ambulance called and medical treatment given to him? Why wasn't he examined? Head injuries are serious. Why did Zimmerman disappear afterwards and go into hiding?

    BTW, I'm not changing what I said about Trayvon was killed because of Stereotypes! I stand by that because it's TRUE!

    True you do not need a weapon to do bodily harm, but evidently Trayvon wasn't thinking of doing anyone any bodily harm because he was the one that was walking along minding his own business trying to get back to watch a game. Zimmerman went out of his way to follow him. He intended to kill him.

  67. Anonymous 6:07:

    Btw, I'm not taking back what I said about he intended to kill him either.

  68. GrannyStandingforTruth8:02 PM

    How does a black hoodie transform into red sweater? Could someone explain that to me? I don't get it, do any of you?

  69. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Granny standing to poop said...

    BTW, I'm not changing what I said about Trayvon was killed because of Stereotypes! I stand and I poop a lot.

    Of course it's true, he lived up to the stereotype and got violent, only this time someone fought back and whacked him.

  70. What kind of self respecting Thug walks around without a Rod, an Iron, a Roscoe?
    I mean even a pair of Num-Chucks upside The-Only-Spick-I've-Ever-Seen-With-A-German-Name's nappy Haid' and it'd be la Raza demonstrating and wearing those rediculous Frito-Bandito Sombreros instead of the New Black Panthers...


  71. BARBBF11:23 AM

    Trayvon Martin had been killed nearly a month before any public comments were made by Obama concerning the killing of Trayvon Martin. It took him only a few hours to call Ms Fluke after Rush called her a cunt. Then there's the Henry Louis Gates affair.

    From the BlackAgendaReports website:

    The Obama administration was silent on the issue of Trayvon Martin until it became inopportune to remain so. The tepid response was in stark contrast to Obama’s comments on the subject of the arrest of his friend Henry Louis Gates. When press secretary Jay Carney was asked if he spoke to the president about the Martin case, he only replied “I talk to him about a lot of things.” A day later he added that the White House would not “wade into a local law enforcement matter.”

