Friday, May 11, 2012

Hoodies for sale, and is there justice for women and children in Florida?

A-merry-cans are such a loving bunch, and they are also very creative.

"A shooting range target of a person in a hoodie with cross hairs on the chest, a bag of Skittles tucked in a pocket and a hand holding a can resembling iced tea was pulled from an online sales site, a Florida TV news station reports, but not before raising concerns of its connection with teen shooting victim Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder charges. He initially told investigators he shot Martin in self-defense.

WKMG Local 6's story said in an email exchange with reporter Mike DeForest that the unidentified seller wrote, "My main motivation was to make money off the controversy." The seller did not disclose how many paper targets were made, but said in an email, "The response is overwhelming. I sold out in 2 days."

Some of those targets were sold to two Florida gun dealers, according to the seller.

According to an advertisement for the targets posted on a popular firearms auction website, the sellers stated they "support Zimmerman and believe he is innocent and that he shot a thug," [Source]

I hope that these Neanderthals don't think that they are actually helping their boy's case.

"This is the highest level of disgust and the lowest level of civility," Zimmerman's attorney Mark O'Mara said in the news piece. "It's this type of hatred—that's what this is, it's hate-mongering—that's going to make it more difficult to try this case."

The attorney is also concerned the targets will further inflame the community."

Yes my sheet loving friends, you might want to wait until after the trial to show your ignorance.

I really have to wonder what is going on down there in Florida. A woman is about to get 20 years for standing her ground against an abusive husband, and if you are the parent of a black child...well

"FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: M. Henry, 704-***-****

Orlando, Florida May 4, 2012. The salient facts of M.H-R’s case are outlined in the attached Petition for Writ of Certiorari, filed in the Supreme Court of the United States on April 26, 2012. The Supreme Court is this child’s last hope to find the Justice that has eluded her for 2 ½ years. This announcement is intended to bring public scrutiny to her unlawful arrest, prosecution and violations of her First, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendment rights as guaranteed to every American. Every person who values the principles of democracy and protections of the American Constitution is urged to support our petition that Florida Statute § 843.02 is unconstitutional. M.H-R was charged with "obstruction" for not providing her name when she was stopped by police for intelligence gathering.

The State’s actions were not based on Constitutional privilege, legal precedent or statutory authority. Rather, these actions were clearly biased and intended to intimidate, harass, and deny her due process under the law. The government of Florida used its considerable power and vast resources to divest M.H-R of her civil rights and to deny her what every American is entitled to as a matter of law—freedom from unreasonable searches, seizure, and to be treated fairly and impartially in the administration of justice. There is no legal or moral justification for the State’s actions.

The adverse consequences of bullying a child are well established. Whether a child is bullied by other children or at the hands of the government, the consequences are devastating. She has been grievously injured as a result of her arrest, prosecution and conviction. She endured significant punishment, fear, and intimidation for asserting her rights. When she was arrested on Halloween 2009, she had committed no crime under any Florida law. The ramifications of the State’s interaction with this child should be equally troubling and repulsive to all Americans.

This child and her family yearns for the wisdom, peace and understanding to know what was legal, just or proper about the State’s actions and its consequences. The consequences of Florida’s actions include:
• A significant amount of money wasted in seeking Justice that never came
• An illegal arrest which caused physical and psychological injuries to a child
• An illegal sentence that was harsh and improper for a 13 year old child
• Harassment from the Department of Juvenile Justice occurred at her small Christian private school, wherein she was removed from class during final exams for questioning
• Unprecedented legal proceedings against her, causing excessive absences from school resulting in the child falling behind in her studies
• Denied the opportunity to leave the state of Florida and when her grandfather died on her birthday she was not able to attend his funeral
Arrested, transported in shackles, handcuffs and detained for more than 21 days without an adjudicatory hearing
• Appearance in Court proceedings in an orange jail jumpsuit
• A criminal conviction despite no legal, statutory or Constitutional authority"

Thank you Marie, I hope you don't mind me posting your Writ.

Please keep me informed.


  1. Anonymous8:46 PM

    "I really have to wonder what is going on down there in Florida. A woman is about to get 20 years for standing her ground against an abusive husband"


    She left the house, she was out of danger. Stand your ground does not give you the right to go back into danger it requires you to call the police. If he had grabbed her and was beating her bloody smashing her head against concrete then she would have been justified. Rather she shot at him as he had his arms around the children. Sure she shot into the wall near the ceiling, did she? Or did she just miss.
    In any case, in Florida, discharging a firearm AT a person is legally considered "deadly force". It doesn't matter if you mean to hit them or not. Meaning, you cannot fire a warning shot. Warning shots are illegal. You can fire if your life is in danger and you have determined that the man holding to of your children is now going to end your life.

    Drawing a gun without shooting is also considered aggravated assault you can only do so when your life is in jeapordy or in the case of a forcible felony.

    Plus if a jury decides you were NOT justified in defending yourself and they find you guilty of aggravated assault, then the minimum mandatory sentence jumps from 3 years (without discharging a firearm) to 20 years minimum mandatory sentence if you did discharge a firearm in the commission of the aggravated assault.

    Field, I thought lawyers looked for facts and followed law instead of emotion and skin shades?

  2. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Did anyone happen to pick up one of these targets they haven't used and maybe willing to sell it? I had one but it's got shot to shit.
    Just about everyone at the lawyers shooting range went "ballistic" when I put it out on the target range. They kept screaming law and and order...justice. Follow the law. Not sure what got into them.

  3. parvenu9:17 PM

    All of the awesome criminal reports coming out of Florida have one common thread. In every instance there is one person of color involved, and Florida courts always decide against them in terms of providing simple justice.

    One of these persons is the 13 year old girl in your cover story.

    The second person was a young mother who fired her gun ONCE into the ceiling of her home with the intention of scaring away her physically abusive boyfriend. At the time that she fired the gun into the ceiling she had a court ordered restraining order against him. He violated this order and threatened to beat her but he fled when she fired the gun into the air. When she called the police after the boyfriend fled she was arrested. In court she claimed self-defense under Florida's "stand your ground" law. The Judge denied her claim and sentenced her to 20 years in jail for discharging her gun even though no one was hurt. Evidently under the "stand your ground law" if a claim of self-defense is denied and a weapon is discharge during the event, the law states that the defendent must receive a manditory sentence of 20 years in prison. If the prosecutor did not oppose the woman's claim, she would have been freed. (This is the same prosecutor who has been appointed to the Zimmerman case.) The woman sentenced to 20 years in jail is African American.

    The last person is Trayvon Martin whose murder by Zimmerman has been extensively covered in the media. Trayvon Martin was also an African American in Florida.

    I personally cannot understand why any black person would continue to stay in the state of Florida. The laws of Florida are definitely enforced and adjudicated on a color basis.

  4. Anonymous9:59 PM

    "I personally cannot understand why any black person would continue to stay in the state of Florida. The laws of Florida are definitely enforced and adjudicated on a color basis."

    I don't know why either. Same goes for Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, and MS.

  5. NSangoma10:01 PM

    In some jurisdictions, persons detained under the doctrine of Terry must identify themselves to police upon request. In Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada, 542 U.S. 177, the Court held that a Nevada statute requiring such identification did not violate the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures, or, in the circumstances of that case, the Fifth Amendment’s privilege against self incrimination.

    A recent Supreme Court decision upheld a Nevada Law which makes the denying of providing Identification to be a criminal offense. Seen as a benefit to Law Enforcement and Anti Terrorism agencies, this Law makes it mandatory to identify yourself to a Police Officer upon request.



  6. Anonymous11:02 PM

    "I really have to wonder what is going on down there in Florida. A woman is about to get 20 years for standing her ground against an abusive husband, and if you are the parent of a black child...well"

    Field, I wonder how many times must Blacks experience such humiliation, degradation, and double standards? There is no justice for Blacks in Florida and I'm not sure if there is any justice anywhere in the US for Blacks.

    If there is no justice for Blacks there is no justice for anyone...only favoritism for Whites and unfairness for Blacks.

    Clearly Florida is the lowest of the states when it comes to racism and justice for all. But don't even think about anything changing down there. NOT while Obama is President. But I will bet my last dollar that Romney would do something about FL!

  7. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Field, "Thank you Marie, I hope you don't mind me posting your Writ."

    Field I am most pleased that you are finally giving Maria her just recognition. Hopefully, she will come back.

    Field, keep up the good work in mending fences. I am proud of you. You are becoming a black Aldous Huxley! Without the Pot, of course.

  8. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Doesn't the little girl have the right to remain silent?

  9. Anonymous12:01 AM

    "The second person was a young mother who fired her gun ONCE into the ceiling of her home with the intention of scaring away her physically abusive boyfriend. At the time that she fired the gun into the ceiling she had a court ordered restraining order against him. He violated this order and threatened to beat her but he fled when she fired the gun into the air. When she called the police after the boyfriend fled she was arrested. In court she claimed self-defense under Florida's "stand your ground" law. The Judge denied her claim and sentenced her to 20 years in jail for discharging her gun even though no one was hurt. Evidently under the "stand your ground law" if a claim of self-defense is denied and a weapon is discharge during the event, the law states that the defendent must receive a manditory sentence of 20 years in prison. If the prosecutor did not oppose the woman's claim, she would have been freed. (This is the same prosecutor who has been appointed to the Zimmerman case.) The woman sentenced to 20 years in jail is African American.

    The last person is Trayvon Martin whose murder by Zimmerman has been extensively covered in the media. Trayvon Martin was also an African American in Florida."

    I personally cannot understand why any black person would continue to stay in the state of Florida. The laws of Florida are definitely enforced and adjudicated on a color basis.

    Actually I feel very sorry for Marissa, the Husband has a different story claiming that she shot right at him while he was holding the kids in anger and the bullet did hit the wall first, but I despise men who beat women and if there is evidence of this I don't understand why they convicted her so readily.

    Honestly this proves something a few people have been saying, when you are willing to have the laws broken and distorted to get the white guy for defending himself in the name of justice. (even though he was not white and did have his head cracked open), then you have to expect the same corrupt Attorney General will turn on you and she has. Only difference is now you are alone because people remember the first injustice.

    Remember when you throw morals and the law aside for mob rules games, everyone is in danger and you arent' safe.

    There is a concealed carry group that shall remain nameless in florida comprised of several lawyers who has had great success defending people who were prosecuted illegally for arrests under self defense related issues. They decided to abstain due to the obvious weak and outright disgusting law breaking committed by Angela Corey in order to arrest Zimmerman. Justice is served I guess in the land of the corrupt.
    Who is next? Maybe someday we can get back to the rule of law instead of the rule of racial emotion.

  10. Anonymous2:28 AM

    For Negroes, Florida is a lawless state for justice and for voting for Presidents.

  11. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Hoodie targets that look like Trayvon Martin? How mean-spirited and heartless can you get against Blacks?

    Well, I suppose if you were a 13 year old black kid who tried to use Florida law for her benefit or a black woman who tried to use the "Stand your ground" law against her abusive husband IN HER HOUSE!

    The facts and incidents with the Floridian state government indicate that there are NO laws that protect Blacks. Florida never gave up the Jim Crow days.

    The CBC is disgustingly useless and has failed to help. Where is the NAACP? Where is Eric Holder? Why hasn't the Obama Administration addressed these injustices?

    There must be more to this than what is presented in this post. Field, I hope you have not slanted these stories. It would be a very wrong thing to do to your readers.

  12. Anon@8:46pm, if you are a supporter of Mr. Zimmerman, please read what u wrote again very slowly and get back to be.

    BTW, I understand mandatory minimum sentences giving Judges very little discretion, but from what I can tell from the facts of this case, the so called " stand your ground law" didn't work for her.

  13. The news reports I read said the jury deliberated for 12 minutes before reaching a guilty verdict in Marissa's case. Twelve minutes! That's not a deliberation; that's a walk to the jury room and back.

  14. Anonymous10:08 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon@8:46pm, if you are a supporter of Mr. Zimmerman, please read what u wrote again very slowly and get back to be.

    Well, I will have to make assumptions as you left it wide open.

    Had Trayvon not doubled back and physically attacked Zimmerman and the shooting still occurred Zimmerman would be guilty of murder. The key part of legality being Trayvons actions.

    Evidence and eyewitnesses, not ear witnesses, physical wounds, 911 calls location, Trayvons path provide evidence of Self Defense on the part of Zimmerman.

    It is not illegal to mirror someones path or follow them. It is illegal for someone to strike someone and cause them bodily harm.

    It is not illegal to shoot someone straddling you and smashing your head onto the concrete it is self defense.

    The affadavit filed by Corey was a disgrace, it listed the already proven false media tripe with no evidence whatsoever and criminally left out blood, wounds, path's, timing, eyewitnesses, grass stains etc. It used social justice terms, it used a completely fabricated third party telephone call as the sole evidence for the affadavit. Something that even incompetent investigators who wished to investigate could have uncovered in minutes from their desk.

    Trayvons girlfriend was not his girlfriend, she was on the phone with him for 5-6 minutes. The whole story made up by crump was a lie and proven by "the girlfriends" own tweets. She was not so shaken she was in the hospital and couldn't testify, she was with another boy and just knew Trayvon from school.

    Crumps fabrication of the sole witness for the prosecution exposed here, followed by a plotting of Trayvons path.

    Angela Corey claims the media was mislead in Marissa's case and her story is not true. You decide, surely Angela would only issue an affadavit only based on facts to the letter of the law right?

  15. Anonymous10:26 AM

    From the piece on the 13 yo, it appears that some 'adult' really, really wants to win. The wording is that of a person attempting to sway an audience with a false 'understanding' and 'knowerating' of Law and precedent.

    Ever hear of 'judge shopping'?

    As far as the silhouette for a shooting must remember the very scary Negro who will take away yer a sales tactic.


  16. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I must say I think it is about time all Americans stand up and stand our ground against this tyrannicle government and take back tis country before it falls even deeper into the shi$%er. These articles do not show much progress but a lack of it even in the 21st century. Well empires do rot from the inside out, can't wait for that to be televised.

  17. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I now pronounce you man and man, you may Neil and Bob. Let loose the swallows.

  18. Anonymous4:55 PM

    A truck driver amused himself by running over lawyers as they walked down the side of the road. Every time he saw a lawyer walking along the road, he would swerve to hit him. There would be a loud "thud", and then he would swerve back on the road.
    As the truck driver drove along one day, he saw a priest hitch hiking, he pulled over and asked the priest, "Where are you going, Father?"

    The priest said he was on his way to his church up the road.

    "I'll give you a lift."

    The priest climbed into the passenger seat and the truck driver continued down the road. Suddenly, the truck driver saw a lawyer walking down the road and instinctively swerved to hit him. At the last minute, he remembered he had a priest in the truck and swerved back onto the road. Even though he knew he missed the lawyer, he still heard a loud "thud." Unsure of where the noise came from, he glanced in his mirrors. When he didn't see anything, he turned to the priest and said, "I'm sorry, Father. I almost hit a lawyer."

    The priest replied, "That's OK, I got him with the door."

  19. Anonymous5:53 PM

    White supremacy is a beast.

  20. 12 minutes!!?? That can't be right.

  21. Anonymous8:07 PM

    "It is not illegal to mirror someones path or follow them"

    now your anons are stalkers. This is getting scary Field.


  22. Anonymous8:18 PM

    This just shows A. how sick this country is and B. blah people are still not seen as human. Notice the lack of face in the hoodie. They refer to us as "thugs" ect but never as women or men. Interesting.


  23. "now your anons are stalkers. This is getting scary Field."

    "Getting"? :)

  24. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, Anon bashing on FN needs to be outlawed. NOT ONE Anon said anything to be scared of in this comment section.

    This is absurd! There is an anon who is who is bashing anons as stalkers. That anon is calling him/herself a stalker and is scared of self. What a moron!

    Seriously, this bashing of anons is uncalled for.

  25. Anonymous10:46 PM

    After the publicity about the big fundraising at George Clooney's home, I am getting a little nervous. I had no idea how popular Obama is in Hollywood. Could it be he could possible give Romney a great run for the WH?

    Field, what the hell is going on in America? Nothing makes sense anymore from DC to CA to Florida! I am so confused. Please explain the confusion to everyone.

  26. FN, please read this:

    Tell me what you think, please.


  27. JMJ, just checked out the link to your blog and the Trayvon Martin story. I would recommend that others do the same.

  28. Anonymous2:29 PM

    "Dear Mr. Field, Anon bashing on FN needs to be outlawed. NOT ONE Anon said anything to be scared of in this comment section."

    I guess calling somoene's job in a weak attempt to get them fired is okay.


    Dr. Queen's alter ego

  29. BARBBF4:45 PM

    If Romney is called "FLIPPER" by you...what should you call Obama?

    The U-turn president: Barack Obama’s top ten flip-flops

    By Nile Gardiner

    1. Keeping Guantanamo open

    Undoubtedly Obama’s biggest flip-flop, his decision to keep the Guantanamo detention facility in operation.

    As a presidential candidate in 2008, Obama had condemned President Bush for supposedly “running prisons which lock people away without telling them why they’re there or what they’re charged with”, and signed an executive order shutting the facility down immediately upon taking office. Two years later Guantanamo still holds 172 detainees, and plays a vital role in the long war against Islamist terrorism.

    2. Bringing back military tribunals for terror suspects

    As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama was a firm opponent of the Bush administration’s military tribunals. But, as The New York Times reported last week, “President Obama on Monday reversed his two-year-old order halting new military charges against detainees at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, permitting military trials to resume with revamped procedures.

    3. Continuing renditions of terror suspects

    In a 2007 Foreign Affairs article, Senator Obama gave a strong indication that he would end the Bush administration practice of rendition of terror suspects.

    But, as The New York Times reported in August 2009, the Obama administration’s Interrogation and Transfer Task Force announced that it would retain renditions, but with what The Times referred to as “more oversight”.

    4. Ordering military action in Libya without seeking Congressional authorisation

    President Obama has shown a striking lack of consistency with regard to the question of Congressional authorisation and the use of force. In a 2007 interview with The Boston Globe, then Senator Obama declared:

    “The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation."

    However, as president in March 2011, Barack Obama authorised military action against the Libyan regime without consulting Congress, a decision which drew heavy fire on Capitol Hill.

    5. Dropping Third Site missile defences in order to appease the Russians

    In his Prague speech in April 2009, President Obama pledged to move forward with the Bush-era plans for Third Site missile defences in Poland and the Czech Republic.

    Just six months later however, the Obama administration surrendered to Russian demands, and dramatically dropped plans for Third Site.

    6. Letting Sudan off the hook for the Darfur genocide..

    It continues. Should we call Obama "Mr. U-Turn"???????

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