Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Let them use coat hangers, and let us kill the innocent.

No matter how hard the rest of us try to get into the 21st Century, the folks in the republican party keep trying to take us back.

"Mississippi state Rep. Bubba Carpenter (R) said that it’s OK for women to have coat hanger abortions because it’s for a greater good.

A video obtained by Rachel Maddow’s blog captures Carpenter saying he is proud of Mississippi’s attempts to outlaw abortion outright, despite the fact that the Supreme Court has ruled abortions legal in the United States.
And what about women who will perform self-induced abortions because they cannot afford to go out of state to get the procedure? “Hey,” he says, “you have to have moral values”:

It’s going to be challenged, of course, in the Supreme Court and all — but literally, we stopped abortion in the state of Mississippi, legally, without having to– Roe vs. Wade. So we’ve done that. I was proud of it. The governor signed it into law. And of course, there you have the other side. They’re like, ‘Well, the poor pitiful women that can’t afford to go out of state are just going to start doing them at home with a coat hanger. That’s what we’ve learned over and over and over.’

But hey, you have to have moral values. You have to start somewhere, and that’s what we’ve decided to do. This became law and the governor signed it, and I think for one time, we were first in the nation in the state of Mississippi." [Source]

Yes, because nothing says "moral values" like watching some poor woman die from an infection because of a back alley abortion procedure. Bubba, (that's his real name) you are a dope!

Those republicans are no joke. And now we are finding out that it was under the frst GOP governor from that state since reconstruction that an innocent man lost his life thanks to a state sanctioned killing.

"He was the spitting image of the killer, had the same first name and was near the scene of the crime at the fateful hour: Carlos DeLuna paid the ultimate price and was executed in place of someone else in Texas in 1989, a report out Tuesday found.

Even "all the relatives of both Carloses mistook them," and DeLuna was sentenced to death and executed based only on eyewitness accounts despite a range of signs he was not a guilty man, said law professor James Liebman.
Liebman and five of his students at Columbia School of Law spent almost five years poring over details of a case that he says is "emblematic" of legal system failure.

DeLuna, 27, was put to death after "a very incomplete investigation. No question that the investigation is a failure," Liebman said.
The report's authors found "numerous missteps, missed clues and missed opportunities that let authorities prosecute Carlos DeLuna for the crime of murder, despite evidence not only that he did not commit the crime but that another individual, Carlos Hernandez, did," the 780-page investigation found." [Source]

Oh well, what does it matter if we kill an innocent person to make a larger point? That's just life in the republican's America.

Finally, I am glad that our conservative friend, John Derbyshire, found work.

 I suppose that he is feeling a bit more relieved these days. It must have been hard to be a closet racist all of these years. As we get deeper into the summer I am sure tat more of his conservative friends will take their sheets and come out of the closet as well.


  1. but.....but.....Field, perhaps you haven't heard from Republiklan Inc. They say, and I quote "THERE IS NO REPUBLIKLAN WAR ON WOMEN!!!!!!" They're just encouraging that "do it yourself" pioneer ethic abortion wise.

  2. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Bet Bubba lives in a trailer park. Where would we find comedy without Republicans?


  3. only in obama's amerikkka10:09 PM

    most racist black mob attacks.

    U.S. Army soldier brutally beaten in South Tampa


  4. thomas sowell10:09 PM

    pilot x says:

    PilotX said...
    Hmmmmmmmmmm Field, maybe math is different in conservo world but since when is 27%, 13%, 44%, 28% and 19.4% a majority?

    Kentucky Stats:

    In Kentucky, African-Americans are 7.8 percent of the population and are responsible for 27% of homicides...

    The poor pilot has serious trouble with rates and proportions. So let's try to explain the situation to him this way. By using some sports methods.

    Let's say the population of mythical Kentucky is 8% black. Let's say the other 92% is white. Further, let's say the total population of mythical Kentucky is 100.

    Let's say we're picking teams to play Murder Ball. Now, the goal of the Murder Ball game is for the players on each team to go out and murder as many people as they can. They can go to any state.

    Teams must be chosen from the pool of 8 blacks and 92 whites. It happens that each team comprises 8 players.

    We know the 8 blacks in the crowd killed 27% of the murder victims of the previous year. Let's say the total number of victims was 100. So the 8 blacks killed 27 people. Or 3.375 victims each.

    That means the 92 whites killed 73 people. Or 0.79 victims each.

    Would you expect to win a game of Murder Ball with an 8-man, all-white team? Or an 8-man all-black team?

  5. Anonymous10:13 PM

    a bunch of anti death penalty kooks making another false claim?

    these are the same kooks that told us roger coleman was innocent.

  6. Anonymous10:17 PM

    In Rhode Island, African-Americans are 5.7 percent of the population, but are responsible for 67 percent of homicide, 24 percent of rape, 42 percent of robbery, 28 percent of aggravated assault, and 24 percent of burglary.


  7. brownest looking white man10:21 PM

    ABC News Exclusive: Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose, Lacerations After Trayvon Martin Shooting

    A medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon Martin murderer George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that Zimmerman was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an alleged altercation.

    In addition to his physical injuries, Zimmerman complained of stress and "occasional nausea when thinking about the violence." But he was not diagnosed with a concussion. The doctor noted that it was "imperative" that Zimmerman "be seen with [sic] his psychologist for evaluation."

    According to the report, prior to the shooting Zimmerman had been prescribed Adderall and Temazepam, medications that can cause side effects such as agitation and mood swings, but in fewer than 10 percent of patients.

    A neighbor told ABC News that the day after the shooting he saw Zimmerman as he spoke to officers outside his home. He too recalled seeing black eyes and significant swelling -- as well as a bandage over his nose.

  8. thomas sowell10:22 PM

    Let's see. What two issues are totally irrelevant to the future of the country?

    Hmmm. Abortion and gay marriage.

    However, if Obama were to push for legalizing gay marriage -- which, if he wins, he won't -- and it were legalized, we'd see another increase in illegal immigration as marriages of gay convenience suddenly happened in huge numbers.

    Fortunately, our homo-in-chief is now stuck with his failed presidential record, and that might get in the way of re-election. He can be gay all day, but that won't bring down the unemployment rate or repay the trillions his administration has spent on nothing of value.

  9. thomas sowell10:26 PM

    anon said:

    Anonymous said...
    In Rhode Island, African-Americans are 5.7 percent of the population, but are responsible for 67 percent of homicides...

    Wow. A measly 6% of the population commits 67% of the murders. Okay. Let's field a team of black Rhode Islanders for a game of Murder Ball.

  10. one video ain't enough10:27 PM

    Autopsy results show Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles

    WFTV has confirmed that autopsy results show Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles when he died.


  11. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Yes, because nothing says "moral values" like watching some poor woman die from an infection because of a back alley abortion procedure. Bubba, (that's his real name) you are a dope!

    Those republicans are no joke. And now we are finding out that it was under the frst GOP governor from that state since reconstruction that an innocent man lost his life thanks to a state sanctioned killing.

    Do you realize each position you take you sound more and more like paranoid drama queen? Glitter and sparkles and the world is going to end if someone says have morals.

    I guess in your mind you interpreted his saying have morals not as dont fuck or use protection but keep fucking , keep getting pregnant and keep demanding someone else pay for your shitty lifestyle and bad choices. What responsible thinking human being wants to get pregnant and keep having abortions or babies they cant handle or support rather than cut down on the fucking and using protection? Even an idiot knows that if you have babies with no husband or committed partner and you already poor, life is going to be really, really hard giving the child what it needs or the child will grow up wicked from being raised poorly with little attention.

  12. "A medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon Martin...."

    You lost me at hello. :(

    "WFTV has confirmed that autopsy results show Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles when he died."

    Does anyone know where I can buy some bullets for my knuckles?

  13. Anonymous10:33 PM

    one video ain't enough said...
    Autopsy results show Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles

    WFTV has confirmed that autopsy results show Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles when he died.


    Yup and those knuckles gave Zimmerman " a broken nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head, and a minor back injury per his medical report. This entire thing is a joke, it was self thug da-fence.

  14. Anonymous10:38 PM

    field negro said...
    "A medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon Martin...."

    You lost me at hello. :(

    "WFTV has confirmed that autopsy results show Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles when he died."

    Does anyone know where I can buy some bullets for my knuckles?

    Really? Seriously now you are saying its ok to beat the shit out of someone and hurt them badly and not stop until they stop you? Now you are trying to set the standard that it's ok to physically destroy someone but they dont have the right to defend themselves if it might hurt you back bad, even kill you?

    Fuck that, if you attack someone and hurt them at all, they have the right to splatter your brains . You need to be teaching and preaching not to attack anyone, not fighting to have attacks accepted as some demented form of reparations, this is going to end very badly for blacks.

    Oh and if you really want to trade bullets for your knuckles, come on over and attack me, I have a full magazine I would readily give to you if thats what you really want.

  15. "Oh and if you really want to trade bullets for your knuckles, come on over and attack me, I have a full magazine I would readily give to you if thats what you really want."

    You are not worth it wingnut, my suit might get dirty walking in your trailer park. Maybe you can try target practice on another Negro.

  16. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Would you expect to win a game of Murder Ball with an 8-man, all-white team? Or an 8-man all-black team?

    What is this a trick question?...You know whites aren't good at sports

  17. Anonymous11:17 PM

    "Oh well, what does it matter if we kill an innocent person to make a larger point? That's just life in the republican's America."

    funny field has no problems with obama using drones to kill hundreds of innocent people-yet has a problem with the dp.

  18. Truthful Cynic11:30 PM

    Organized Blackness has no problem lynching an innocent man who chose to defend himself over being a victim to make a "larger point" about the epidemic of young black teens being "chased down and shot like dogs" to make a larger (fake) point...and to ca$h in. But mostly about the ca$hing in.

    Except that the young black teens are being shot by .... other black young teens. Sortof upsets the narrative, doesn't it?

  19. Truthful Cynic11:31 PM

    And I am sure that as we grow closer to the election and Teh Won grows more desperate and grasping, and the race-baiting grows more pronounced and overt, the backlash from weary law-abiding whites is going to be very hard to contain.

  20. Anonymous11:32 PM

    "In Rhode Island, African-Americans are 5.7 percent of the population, but are responsible for 67 percent of homicide, 24 percent of rape, 42 percent of robbery, 28 percent of aggravated assault, and 24 percent of burglary."

    Yeah right, like blah people live in Rhode Island.

    "Would you expect to win a game of Murder Ball with an 8-man, all-white team? Or an 8-man all-black team?"

    That of course would depend on where the white team is from. The pansies in R.I. I'd take a pass but them murder'n mo fo's from KY or MS now that's a dream team. They would still need to work on their math skills because whites obviously suffer from a lack of education but shoot'n and hunt'n they got that down pat. And drinking moonshine and screwing their sister/cousin/wives.


  21. Anonymous11:34 PM

    "Except that the young black teens are being shot by .... other black young teens. Sortof upsets the narrative, doesn't it?"

    Zimmerman is a young Black teen? And here I thought he was Latino. Learn something new here all the time.


  22. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Anony at 10:38
    Have you seen this?
    It's Field approved.
    "Fists and Boots".
    Not exactly "unarmed".


    Oh, and "No_Limit_Nigga" is a rallying cry for those wanna be in the NBFSN. Seems like St. Skittles was a full-on thug, not just your garden-variety wannabe.

  23. Anonymous11:38 PM

    PX -
    Where have you been? Try to keep up! Yep, Zimmerman is black, according to the definitions of the NAACP itself. Had a black Peruvian grandfather. He's more genetically black than most of the CBC. Mentored fellow black struggling students. Yada yada.

    The Martin-Zimmerman encounter was just another case of black-on-black violence.

  24. Anonymous11:41 PM

    And these fools wonder why blah people don't want to join their party. No party should send someone named Bubba to the U.S. House of Representatives under any circumstances. I wouldn't want to be around a bunch of "Bubbas" who voted for W twice AND thought Palin would make a good VP. If this country gets any dumber I might have to buy your property down in JA Field.


  25. Anonymous11:44 PM

    You think Derbyshire is on Romney's list of possible VP's? I mean since Bobby Jindal is a bit to dark for the tastes of the avergae GOP voter and all.


  26. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Field, please put in your sidebar the book "Suicide of a Super Power" as a recommended reading. It may be a little difficult to read for some of your FN readers but others will see the wisdom in it.

    PS thank you. Us Blacks and Whites have to stick together.

  27. Anonymous1:11 AM

    field negro said...
    "Oh and if you really want to trade bullets for your knuckles, come on over and attack me, I have a full magazine I would readily give to you if thats what you really want."

    You are not worth it wingnut, my suit might get dirty walking in your trailer park. Maybe you can try target practice on another Negro.

    I would rather live peacefully and even have animated discussions. It doesn't need to come to violence. But not being a fool and knowing how easily Negroes revert to violence I won't be surprised. I will try and walk away, I will. But I won't sit there and get beat to save the life of a thug.

    I don't want to pop your bubble but if you are really well to do you have Armani suits in the closet but dress casually daily. It takes a lot of money to make casual elegant and persona to pull it off. Public servants are the suit wearers these days, especially those with outdated vests.

  28. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Except that the young black teens are being shot by .... other black young teens. Sortof upsets the narrative, doesn't it?"

    Zimmerman is a young Black teen? And here I thought he was Latino. Learn something new here all the time.


    Yup his grandfather was a Negro, so he is closer to being Obama's son if he had one than Trayvon is considering Obama is white.

  29. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Anonymous said...
    And these fools wonder why blah people don't want to join their party. No party should send someone named Bubba to the U.S. House of Representatives under any circumstances. I wouldn't want to be around a bunch of "Bubbas" who voted for W twice AND thought Palin would make a good VP. If this country gets any dumber I might have to buy your property down in JA Field.


    Well I don't think much of this guy, but your hypocrisy is stunning. You do realize that the CBC can barely walk the earth they are so dumb. Have you ever heard the one about Guam tipping over? Have you ever listened to how and what maxine waters, sheila Jackson lee and on and on say and think? YOu want to see dumb..it's amazing. I wonder who votes for these people?

  30. "don't want to pop your bubble but if you are really well to do you have Armani suits in the closet but dress casually daily. It takes a lot of money to make casual elegant and persona to pull it off. Public servants are the suit wearers these days, especially those with outdated vests."

    Not popping my bubble wingnut. I have never worn Armani. I don't like the cut. I am more of a Hickey Freeman, Joseph Abboud and Brooks Brothers man myself. I try to stick to American designers when I buy off the rack.

    Vests? Yes, I have been known to rock a three piece every now and then. If done properly it can be worn. I wouldn't recommend it for a wingnut, though. Stick to your overalls and wrangler jeans.

    I, on the other hand, will save the casual dress for weekends and vacations.

    Now I have seen it all, a wingnut trying to talk style to the kid. :)

  31. thomas sowell7:14 AM

    field says:

    I am more of a Hickey Freeman, Joseph Abboud and Brooks Brothers man myself.

    Three names that are the epitome of whiteness.

    I try to stick to American designers when I buy off the rack.

    You mean you try to stick to suit-makers who define the image of a well-dressed white man.

    However, dropping those names is nothing. The wardrobe item that trips up the novices is shoes.

  32. Who's Gonna Pay Yo Bills?8:40 AM

    You may not like the messenger, but, if you're going to refute the message, please TRY to refute the facts.


    Yes, I know that's a "hard" thing around here.

    And no, AB...dildos don't pay taxes.

  33. fn:



    poster boy for abortion kudos assnon/fat felled fetus moby dickkkless:

    your rabid sex toy obsession does not make u any less of a vulgar kkklown herein u bloated moron

    but they do help your wife endure your limp hanger


  34. Pot, Meet Kettle.....9:40 AM


    AS IF, that sounds any stupider than "Trayvon". LOL

  35. kudos to ck!!!!

    hobama is a bankster and a liar

    ask his cronies at jp morgan


  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. Anonymous10:28 AM

    alicia banks said...



    poster boy for abortion kudos assnon/fat felled fetus moby dickkkless:

    your rabid sex toy obsession does not make u any less of a vulgar kkklown herein u bloated moron

    but they do help your wife endure your limp hanger


    Alicia is it true your gurlfrens name is Soybean? cause she is your meat substitute?

  38. cc this to all fertile pookies

    stress + bad kids + poverty + depression = death!!!



  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Im 17 and i am a part black/white/native american student and got a couple of thoughts...Why is it that race is still an issue i our world? Its not the white peoples fault that they are ignorant. And its not us Dark skinned fews fault that we have to commit crimes we dont agree with just to get money to feed our family. And its not the latin peoples fault that in their countries they cant get a decent life so they come here and "steal our jobs"
    There is only one problem in our world. And that is that the people who are suppose to look out for us and build us a better world have become greedy and decided people are nice but money is nicer. When issues like racism are swept aside by politicians because it is easier to hide one's bigotry than to as questions and try to become educated on what they don't understand about a race...Well i guess that would mean that were pretty fucked up.

    -magical negro

  41. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I, on the other hand, will save the casual dress for weekends and vacations.

    Naturally you wear suits off the rack, have to be able to tell the difference between the father being sued for child support and the lawyer.... :)

    "Now I have seen it all, a wingnut trying to talk style to the kid. :)"

    No wonder why you like Obama. Allright, we get it. You are still catching up and think this is the 1970's. Please don't wear that purple fashion suit, it isn't "elegant" even though it is wun hunnet purcent silk and that red zoot suit has gots to go. You can still wear the fur lined fedora with the feather though, thats always stylish. Oh and while we are at it, it is time to trade in your 1977 white el dorado

  42. Me Tarzan...You,OBaboon10:45 AM

    Hey field....here's another non-Rasmussen poll for you:


    Maybe some of that jungle-fever is fading away:)

  43. more proof that hobama nazis are racist fools

    especially the lustful bimbo baby deddy fantasizers

    they adore hobama like meatless moby dickkless adores dildos



  44. Anonymous11:08 AM

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  45. It Don't Smell Gouda11:44 AM

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  46. Hey, field, check your info on the second item. I'm afraid we're guilty as charged on Bubba and the rest of our Republican lawmakers in Mississippi (and some of our Democratic ones as well), but Carlos Deluna was executed by Texas. Not that I'm saying Mississippi has never executed an innocent man (and thank God a couple of innocent men were recently turned loose down here due to the efforts of the Innocence Project), but not this one. Just for accuracy.

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. Anonymous12:12 PM

    CW, the justice system in MS is fairer than the one in Texas. Do you ever wonder why POCs in Texas never stand up for themselves? They are afraid.

    Texas and Florida lead the nation when comes to injustices to POCs.

  49. cc this to the kkk/needs slaps etc


  50. the justice system in MS is fairer than the one in Texas

    I have to agree with you on that, but that's not saying much, is it?

  51. NSangoma1:03 PM


    field, it seems yuh boi should have ran his punk-ass on home.

    Court records show George Zimmerman had a pair of black eyes, a nose fracture and two cuts to the back of his head after the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
    The medical records were part of evidence released Tuesday that prosecutors have in the second-degree murder case against Zimmerman. He has entered a plea of not guilty and claims self-defense in the Feb. 26 shooting outside a gated community in Sanford, Fla.
    ABC News first reported Zimmerman’s injuries from the medical records. Some of the injuries were previously reported by The Associated Press based on video showing Zimmerman with police officers following the shooting.
    Zimmerman, 28, who faces a potential life sentence if convicted, said he only fired his handgun because Martin attacked him. If Zimmerman prevails on his self-defense claim, a judge could dismiss the case before trial.
    Local station WFTV also reported Tuesday that an autopsy report showed the only injury Martin had — aside from a fatal gunshot wound — was broken skin on his knuckles. The injury noted in the autopsy report could support Zimmerman’s claim that Martin punched him in the nose before slamming his head on the sidewalk.
    Zimmerman is free on $150,000 bail and living in an undisclosed location. He has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder charges that were only filed after the governor appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the slaying in the central Florida city of Sanford.
    The case has become a national racial flashpoint because the Martin family and supporters contend Zimmerman singled Martin out because he was black.
    It has also sparked renewed debate over “stand your ground” laws pushed by the National Rifle Association. While backers say such laws protect innocent lives, detractors contend they can become a virtual license to kill and are prone to misuse by criminals and misinterpretation by judges.



  52. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Over the last six years members from the Make it Safe Coalition (MISC) have arranged
    an assembly of Whistleblowers in Washington,DC each year for an annual conference
    originally known as Washington Whistleblower’s Week. The ACORN 8 and the USDA
    Coalition of Mionrity Employees will co-­‐host this year’sWhistleblower Summit on
    Civil & Human Rights.

    This year’s theme is WoW…Obama—fighting the War on Whistleblowers and Women.
    We are proud to announce that MSNBC Host Dylan Ratigan has agreed to participate
    and that the PACIFICA Radio Network will broadcast the historic event nationally this year.

    The Pillar Human Rights Award for International Person’s of Conscience will be awarded to notable civil and human rights champions.The international press may cover the event as well.


    The Opening Plenary and Panel Discussion will take place in the
    Dirksen Building Senate Judiciary Hearing Room on May 21, 2012 (12:00—4:00 PM).Followed by Welcome Reception and Art Auction at the Mott House on May21, 2012 (5:00—7:00 PM)


    A Press Conference on the Mall at the Martin Luther King Memorial will be held on May 22, 2012 (11:00—2:00 PM). Followed by Historic Whistleblower Book Signing and Film Screening at Busboy’s & Poets (14th and V. Street)on May 22, 2012(4:00—8:00 PM).Notable authors, whistleblowers and advocates include Tom Devine, the Whistleblowers Survival Guide; Michael McCray, ACORN8: Race, Power & Politics, and Eyal Press, Beautiful Souls.


    Civil and Human Rights Roundtable on the War on Women,and the War on Whistleblowers will be held at the Mott House on May 23, 2012 (10:00—2:00 PM). ACORN 8, USDA Coalition of Minority Employees and the MISC are an assortment of various public interest/advocacy groups. For more information call 202.370.6635 or 703.743.0565 or for more information please visit the ACORN8.com website.

  53. Anonymous1:33 PM

    George Zimmerman Confirmed Innocent; Feds Sic FBI on Him

    Unsurprisingly, George Zimmerman’s account of the Passion of Saint Skittles has been confirmed. Even the “mainstream” media has stopped whipping up a lynch mob long enough to confirm it:

    A medical report compiled by the family physician of Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that Zimmerman was diagnosed with a “closed fracture” of his nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an alleged altercation.

    Zimmerman faces a second degree murder charge for the Feb. 26 shooting that left the unarmed 17-year-old high school junior dead. Zimmerman has claimed self defense in what he described as a life and death struggle that Martin initiated by accosting him, punching him in the face, then repeatedly bashing his head into the pavement.

    As for darling little Trayvon,

    WFTV has confirmed that autopsy results show 17-year-old Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles when he died.

    The information could support George Zimmerman’s claim that Martin beat him up before Zimmerman shot and killed him.

    Unless they can reconvene the O.J. jury, this is an open and shut case of self defense.

  54. Anonymous1:58 PM

    No hypocrisy. I can only vote for one Representative. The intelligence level of the CBC has no bearing on my district but in fairness most are sharp people that I agree with most of the time. I really like Barabra Lee, Keith Ellison and Donna Edwards. I'd take 20 of them before I'd take a yokel named Bubba who wants women to coat hanger themselves vice a safer legal medically preferable option. Sorry son but the GOP has stupid on lock.


  55. Hilarious @ FN's insistence that GOP Party has yet to arrive into the 21st Century. Classic comedy, and so true. To me, it seems Republicans are following some outdated blueprint without really looking at the world, as it currently stands.

    While it might appear honorable in their eyes to paint the picture of America's founding fathers ... it wouldn't hurt for GOP party to look and see how much America has changed, as far as it's citizens go.

    So his name really is Bubba, I see.

  56. Anonymous2:46 PM

    we in R.i. have a negro crime problem and that's to bad because they all speak perfect ebonics.they could have become translaters instead of criminals but chose crime because it is fun. field pay for your own abortions.

  57. thomas sowell5:53 PM

    How long will it take for the police to determine the shooters are black?

    Metro Squad seeks suspects who gunned down Raytown jogger

    May 16, 2012
    By Chris Oberholtz, Alice Barr, News Reporter

    Metro Squad seeks suspects who gunned down Raytown jogger.

    A gunman who killed a 60-year-old Raytown man is still on the run and police have new details in their attempts to track the shooter down.

    Police were called to the area near 67th Street and Blue Ridge Boulevard just after 7 a.m. Sunday in response to a shooting.

    Authorities say a man was standing on the sidewalk in front of the Quick Stop

    Stone was standing on the sidewalk just after 7 a.m. Sunday in front of a gas station near 67th Street and Blue Ridge Boulevard.

    Detectives say Stone was just out for a morning jog, on his normal route, when a dark-colored, four-door sedan pulled by, slowed down, fired several shots at him, then pulled off, without ever stopping.

    That car was caught on surveillance video at the gas station, and detectives are planning to release that video for help to track down the shooter.

    Police say they weren't able to get much information from Stone before he was rushed to the hospital where he later died.

    Authorities say there is even more urgency to track down the shooter because of the random nature of this crime.

    "It was just such a random act of violence. There was no confrontation beforehand.

    Police ask anyone with information about this or anyone driving by at the time call theTIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS.

  58. thomas sowell5:58 PM

    Bubba's harmless.

    On the other hand, screwballs like John Conyers, Maxine Waters and Cynthia McKinney are out there doing damage.

  59. Yeah, Brooks Bros. is second best. Better to fly to Hong Kong if you're buying handmade suits though, It'll pay for itself quicker than you think and it's the world's most beautiful city to boot.

  60. Field, this is what they want...

    Anyone who is not like them shall be exterminated.

  61. GrannyStandingforTruth8:47 PM

    I wouldn't put too much trust in ABC news. The DC Madam did and she came up dead. That is after ABC Brian Ross tricked her out of her only copy of the list of who her clients were. ABC is shady! Didn't Ross get promoted afterwards?


    Zimmerman was taking Adderall (amphetamine) and Temazepam(Valium). Adderall is an amphetamine generally used to treat ADHD.

    The combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine is used as part of a treatment program to control symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and have focusing, controlling actions. Amphetamine=speed.

    So, they didn't test Zimmerman for drugs because they knew he was high. Okie dokie! Smh!

  62. Anonymous9:38 PM

    "Yeah, Brooks Bros. is second best. Better to fly to Hong Kong if you're buying handmade suits though, It'll pay for itself quicker than you think and it's the world's most beautiful city to boot."

    I will agree about tailormade suits but not about Hong Kong being the world's most beautiful city. In that region Singpore has it beat but I like the deals in H.K. better.

  63. BARBBF10:27 AM


    Jill Stanek, a registered delivery-ward nurse who was the prime mover behind the legislation after she witnessed aborted babies’ being born alive and left to die, testified twice before Obama in support of the Induced Infant Liability Act bills. She also testified before the U.S. Congress in support of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

    Stanek told me her testimony “did not faze” Obama.

    In the second hearing, Stanek said, “I brought pictures in and presented them to the committee of very premature babies from my neonatal resuscitation book from the American Pediatric Association, trying to show them unwanted babies were being cast aside. Babies the same age were being treated if they were wanted!”

    “And those pictures didn’t faze him [Obama] at all,” she said.

    At the end of the hearing, according to the official records of the Illinois State senate, Obama thanked Stanek for being “very clear and forthright,” but said his concern was that Stanek had suggested “doctors really don’t care about children who are being born with a reasonable prospect of life because they are so locked into their pro-abortion views that they would watch an infant that is viable die.” He told her, “That may be your assessment, and I don’t see any evidence of that. What we are doing here is to create one more burden on a woman and I can’t support that.”

    As a senator, Obama has opposed measures to criminalize those who transport minors across state lines for the purpose of obtaining an abortion.

    At a townhall meeting in Ottawa, Ill., Joanne Resendiz, a teacher and mother of five, asked him: “How are you going to vote on this, keeping in mind that 10, 15 years down the line your daughters, God forbid, could be transported across state lines?”

    Obama said: “The decision generally is one that a woman should make.”

  64. BARBBF10:41 AM

    Since the Roe vs Wade..an estimated 13 - 15 MILLION Black babies have been aborted. 78% of Planned Parenthood clinics are located in minority neighborhood.


    Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood was a racist who was much admired by Hitler and the KKK.
