Saturday, May 26, 2012

Say it loud: I'm black and blue and I'm proud

How would you like to be one of those Melungeons today? For generations you did everything to claim you were not black (despite a skin tone that said otherwise) and now you find out that you actually came from those Negroes after all, due to a little "Jungle Fever" type freakiness that went on back in the day.

You even tried to say that you wee Portuguese for crying out loud! (BTW, the Portuguese can't escape their black roots, either) I suspect that there are clans all over America with similar stories, but they dare not tell it for fear of losing their white card. The poor Melungeons, unlike the rest of you, have been exposed. And, from the looks of things, they are not too pleased about it.

 “There were a whole lot of people upset by this study,” lead researcher Roberta Estes said. “They just knew they were Portuguese or Native American.”

Yes, this black thing is not a good look if after living a certain Deliverance type existence all of your life your whiteness is all you have to hold on to. I suspect that many Americans read this story and were digging up the old family albums. "Is this Grandpa Joe? Dad,why did you tell me that he got that tan from spending a lot of time at the beach when he never left Nashville?" America, it might be time to have that conversation, or at least Google

Anyway, as bad as these Melungeons are feeling today, they can't feel as bad as the blue people from Kentucky. (No Smurf jokes, please!) How do they explain their background? The Melungeons hid behind the Portuguese and Native American card. What can the blue people claim? I mean, they are blue.

Although it seems that there might be a legitimate explanation for the blue people: They were unfortunate victims of a medical disorder. (Not to mention a little inbreeding) A disorder which left their skins blue. The Melungeons cannot claim such a medical background. There are no genetic disorders to fall back on. Physically they are just fine. Now mentally, on the other hand.....




  1. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Smurf jokes? Not in the mood, I feel a little blue.

    If a Negro marries into this family will they be bruised?

  2. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Would you like you like Light or Dark meat? Sorry all we have is Dark meat it's urban beach week.

    Guy chewin off another bruthas face shot and killed by Miami police. I guess he had the munchies.

  3. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Field, things must be pretty depressing for the Melungeons. I mean, it is depressing being Black in America, let alone in Tennessee. They don't like Blacks in them dar hills.

    All these years, they thought they did not have a 'drop' of Negro blood in them and low! they do. It makes you wonder WHY they allowed that study in the first place. If I had been there I would have told them, "Don't do it".

    Now they are more depressed than I am.

    depressed Negro

  4. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, I hesitate to ask but given the recent news regarding my people, I plan to attend "Blogging While Brown" Conference June 1-2 in Philly.

    While there, do you think it would be possible for us to sit down and have lunch together before or after the conference? I would like to get the "lay of the land".

    A Soul Melungeon

  5. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I can't believe the butler at the Vatican stole and sold documents right from under the Pope.

    That is a great sin. That evil fool is going straight to hell.

  6. Anonymous11:18 PM

    While there, do you think it would be possible for us to sit down and have lunch together before or after the conference? I would like to get the "lay of the land".

    A Soul Melungeon

    Field, I would be careful if I were you. After all your announcements about gay pride and your coming out, this sounds like an offer you may not want to stand up and expose yourself on. Battyman

  7. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Funny...this is not news to any genetic biologists...those eveel evolutionary Scientists.
    Seems people will have sex with other matter what the virgins of wingnuttia proclaim.
    One might note the Jefferson history...or the documented New Orleans history...or the Pennsyltucky history...;)


  8. Gotta love people running away from blackness.

    Don't worry, Depressed Negro. I'm sure if you told them that all that yankee doodle science didn't mean squat, I'm sure those nice folks will soon forget all about that awful business. I mean come on, descending from black/white jungle fever? Preposterous!

  9. Would you like you like Light or Dark meat? Sorry all we have is Dark meat it's urban beach week.

    Guy chewin off another bruthas face shot and killed by Miami police. I guess he had the munchies.

    The zombie apocalypse is upon us...and the brothas are getting eaten first. O_O

  10. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Mack Lyons said...

    "The zombie apocalypse is upon us...and the brothas are getting eaten first. O_O"

    we know - we are counting on that :)
    Can't run fast when your pants are on the ground.

  11. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Mack Lyons, "Don't worry, Depressed Negro. I'm sure if you told them that all that yankee doodle science didn't mean squat, I'm sure those nice folks will soon forget all about that awful business. I mean come on, descending from black/white jungle fever? Preposterous!"

    I am not sure what you are saying, but it makes sense, Brother! Whoever made the study is probably not qualified and been drinking that TN moonshine. He needs to be investigated himself and discredited by the GOP as some sympathetic Dem liberal leftist like Whitey who has lost his white integrity.

    On the Black side, we should get the black professor Gates at Harvard involved. I bet he would find a completely different historical scenario for the Melungeons showing NO African blood whatsoever.

    I mean, these Melungeons and Whites in TN need to get this thing cleared up in their favor. This thing could get out of hand; and spawn other questions about Whites themselves living in the area. I mean, it could have implications of black blood in the entire white race!

    Then what? That area of Tennessee would end up full of dysfunctional and very depressed white people. They just wouldn't feel very good about themselves. Psychiatrists would be quite busy. I mean, it would be "Depression City".

    Think of all the politicians, teachers at all white schools, doctors, the Grand Wizard, the entire KKK, etc...EVERYBODY! This would be people who once thought they were pure as the driven snow are now victims of their own "one drop" rule! Lord have mercy that is very depressing.

    It's very depressing to be Black in America. But if it turns out everyone is Black by the "one drop" rule, then what?

    Do you think Whites would change the "one drop" rule? I say "NO" because it would completely destroy the 'integrity' of the one drop rule which has been cherished since the days of slavery. And it would be changed? Whoa! That's too depressing to think about.

    This Melungeon matter could go to the "heart" of racism. It could destroy racism! Lord have mercy, that would cause mental depressions like never before. A lot of white folks (and HNs) would be jumping off bridges so much that it would look like the bridges were creating snowflakes. For some Whites, it would be too much to take to know that their blood lines run through Detroit.

    Hell, I am Black and I don't want to be related to anybody in Detroit. That's right... I will never admit it....That is just too damn depressing.

    Now I might consider to be related to someone in Oakland, like Granny who lives in, excuse me...I mean somewhere in the Bay Area, but I ain't admitting to shit regarding Detroit- or Cleveland for that matter. KID lives in Cleveland...need I say more?

    depressed Negro

  12. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Where is everybody? I know it's late but I can't sleep. Some of you Negroes, Black or White, WTFU!

    depressed Negro

  13. Depressed (fake) Negro had jokes last night. I give him credit, some of them were pretty good.:)

    Yes, I will be at BWB, but I am not sure about the lunch date. Anon. there will be plenty of folks in Philly who will be glad to give you the " lay of the land".

  14. truthbetold8:41 AM

    This is not shocking at all. We all come from Africa. What shames me are the blatant lies they told themselves...I wonder how they'll learn to move forward now...

  15. Anonymous9:24 AM

    funny field doesn't mention elizabeth warrens' fake claims of being cherokee. or the fact warren received minority preferences.

    guess field is scared he will get kicked off the democrat plantation.

  16. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Anonymous said...
    funny field doesn't mention elizabeth warrens' fake claims of being cherokee. or the fact warren received minority preferences.

    guess field is scared he will get kicked off the democrat plantation.

    I thought saying you were Indian was a requirement dimmycrat, Obama said he was part Cherokee and submitted his authors profile stating he was born in Kenya, he didn't change this until 2007.

    Don't know what to take as the truth anymore but I do know they are liars.

  17. Anonymous11:06 AM

    "Yes, I will be at BWB, but I am not sure about the lunch date. Anon. there will be plenty of folks in Philly who will be glad to give you the " lay of the land"."

    First you call me a fake and then you brush me off about having lunch. My therapist and T-group all say you should not have said those cruel things to me. This hurts my pride and is very depressing.

    Will Mack or PilotX be there? Probably not. they both have a fear of people, esp. white ones. PTSD is a mother.

    Maybe I can have lunch with Desert or Granny provided they dress up.

  18. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Judging from the comments and this post, there are a lot of white folks with Indian blood in them. With all that loving going on it makes me wonder why the Indians today are on reservations? With all that sexual loving going on with Whites why were they practically killed off? Some people have strange ways of showing their love.

    American history is pretty strange, and pretty depressing. I bet Warren hires Prof. Gates to prove she has at least a drop of Indian blood in her.

    But again, with all that white loving-I still wonder 'where did all the Indians go?' Does Whitey have Indian blood in him? He lives in Cali, so it's no telling what those folks out there have in them. I hear they jump bears and owls out there.

    depressed Negro

  19. Anonymous11:45 AM

    But again, with all that white loving-I still wonder 'where did all the Indians go?' Does Whitey have Indian blood in him? He lives in Cali, so it's no telling what those folks out there have in them.................................................................

    No telling what these folks have in them, well for starters;

    Hamsters, light-bulbs, plastic fists, beads,soft-drink and other bottles, jars, light bulbs, candles, fruits like bananas and apples; vegetables like cucumbers, onions, potatoes, carrots and turnips; dildos, vibrators, tumblers, a polythene waste trap from the U-bend of a sink, salami, sponge rubber balls, a steer’s horn, baseballs, tennis balls, hard-boiled eggs, sand-filled bicycle inner tubing, an aluminum tube (used by a prisoner to store money and other valuables), broomsticks, broom handles, various types of brushes, ax handles, whip handles, soldering irons, a wood-handled carborundum sharpening stone, glass tubes, frozen pig’s tail, and kitchen items such as spatula, ice pick, and mortar pestle.

    Did we miss anything Whitey?

  20. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Cherokee people, Cherokee pride, there is no place, FOR WARREN TO HIDE!

  21. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Half-breed, that's all I ever heard
    Half-breed, how I learned to hate the word
    Half-breed, he's no good they warned
    Both sides were against me since the day I was born in Kenya.

  22. africa is the beginning of every human

    black is the beginning of everything

    that is why they hate us

    that is why all racists are the original mfs

  23. africom is real

    that racist blackish bankster warlord hobama is THE original mf

    may god bless us all

    nobama 2012!!!!!!!

  24. Does Whitey have Indian blood in him?

    According to my genealogy I am 1/64th Ojibwea from a 6th great grandmother married in in 1818.

  25. My Memorial

    Today I remember the "throw away kids." Those who were never raised, but dragged up instead. Neglected by their families, forsaken by their communities, and rejected by their society they absorb blow after blow. Unschooled, undisciplined, unwanted, unloved, Darwinian survival guides their lives from cradle to early grave. Barefoot, they are told to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

    We forget them to our peril, these throw aways, because inevitably they find each other and us, and eventually all of their pain boils up and engulfs us.

  26. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    My Memorial

    Today I remember the "throw away kids." Those who were never raised, but dragged up instead. Neglected by their families, forsaken by their communities, and rejected by their society they absorb blow after blow. Unschooled, undisciplined, unwanted, unloved, Darwinian survival guides their lives from cradle to early grave. Barefoot, they are told to pull themselves up by their bootstraps

    Parents have children, parents make up communities, communities make up society. Parents throw responsibilities for raising children they have onto the community thus society - thing is, they are the community and society.

    Parenting begins and ends at home, dont' have children if you cannot raise them. For then it is noone else responsibility nor fault if they suffer. Unless you give me veto power over your having children and subsequent life choices for those you have, don't think to make me responsible for raising and supporting yours.

  27. Anonymous6:24 PM

    AB, "africa is the beginning of every human

    black is the beginning of everything

    that is why they hate us

    that is why all racists are the original mfs"

    Whoa! that means that Africans are the primordial beginnings of humanity and haven't evolved one bit.

    AB, why would you say such a thing about Blacks? SHAME!

  28. Anonymous6:28 PM

    AB, why would you say such a thing about Blacks? SHAME!

    Humanity branched off - various species of humanity evolved differently.

  29. Anonymous6:34 PM

    "Humanity branched off - various species of humanity evolved differently."

    Really? how did the Blacks evolve into Whites? And what disease made them racist?

    Field, should do a post on the evolution of Whites and Blacks and 'how' they evolved differently. It's a dangerous world out there.

  30. Anonymous6:41 PM

    RE: FLORIDA--Lord have mercy, Florida is stopping minorities from voting. That state has truly lost its racist mind.

    RE THE VATICAN: I am shocked at the corruption that has hit the Vatican. This can only be the work of Satan himself! He has infiltrated the Vatican! Lord have mercy. The Butler and the Vatican bankster have been Satan's loyal servants.

    This too depressing for words. May God help us all. Part of this sin has come from FN and the lack of respect for God. It has given Satan even more power. Some of you Negroes need to get yourselves together before it's too late.

    depressed Negro

  31. GrannyStandingforTruth7:35 PM

    I'm so sick of hearing that BS about black mother's being irresponsible and making bad choices. They used the same BS theory about middleclass white women back in the 50's,60's and 70's when they chose to get into the workforce.

    The bottom line is that they want to control women's rights and choices. No one is safe from the powers that be who want to control every single human being on this earth all females, people of color, and males of color. They are obsessed with controlling others!

  32. GrannyStandingforTruth7:46 PM

    Back then, they came up with all sorts of theories about white women and called them pathological.

    You can always tell when they want to exercise control over people because we start hearing all of these different psychologial BS theories to brainwash the masses.

  33. Anonymous8:24 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Back then, they came up with all sorts of theories about white women and called them pathological.

    You can always tell when they want to exercise control over people because we start hearing all of these different psychologial BS theories to brainwash the masses.

    Who are they? Why do they want to control women? Do they want to control all women or just friends of your inner circle?

    If they do control women, what do they get out of some stranger not having a child?

    By "controlling them" and making them not have kids that someone else must help raise and pay for, isn't that empowering them instead of shackling them?

  34. GrannyStandingforTruth8:25 PM

    Yep, white women because they wanted independence and their own paychecks were labeled bad mothers and pathological, and charged with child neglect. Thanks to the white dominant heteropatriarchy.

    Black women and other poor women on the other hand had to work in order to feed their families. White women were working for independence. Same old song, different day.

    Control is American's heritage thanks to the white dominant heteropatriarchy.

    *sigh* I'm beginning to think that they are worser than a bunch of messy, gossiping females. Because the White dominant heteopatriarchy keeps mess and B.S. going all the time. They're always starting mess when they want to control others.

  35. Anonymous8:27 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I'm so sick of hearing that BS about black mother's being irresponsible and making bad choices. They used the same BS theory about middleclass white women back in the 50's,60's and 70's when they chose to get into the workforce.

    They did? Oh my, how did that work out? Latchkey kids? Isn't that what Whitey was talking about? Connect the dots.

    Is it better to raise a children with parents in the home or is it better for a kid to not know who his daddy is, mommy isn't home cause she out - working and he is all alone? Or were better well balanced children raised when mommy couldnt have a baby without a daddy she was married to, daddy had to support the family and mommy had to raise those chillun.

    Which world do you think was better?

    The bottom line is that they want to control women's rights and choices. No one is safe from the powers that be who want to control every single human being on this earth all females, people of color, and males of color. They are obsessed with controlling others!

  36. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Which world do you think was better?

    The bottom line is that they want to control women's rights and choices. No one is safe from the powers that be who want to control every single human being on this earth all females, people of color, and males of color. They are obsessed with controlling others!

    Granny you avoided every question, but I do understand.

    Who is it that wants to control women? Or every single human being? Who thinks they know better than people who love independance, freedom and the constitution? Who wants to control how they live, what they think, what they say, what they eat, what their kids do, what they can learn? Who exactly is that? Again, if there is another group of peopel people who obviously don't know pregnant poor unwed abandoned mothers with kids to feed having no skills and no means to raise and support these kids on their own, if some strangers suggest they don't have kids that will ruin their life or lock them in poverty until they can handle it and don't raise a huge number of thugs - how is that controlling women? Sounds as if you are mixing two groups up, one that is telling women not to put on the shackles and think about the choices, another that tells them go ahead do it - and puts them in shackles.

  37. Anonymous3:45 AM

    The blue people have a condition known as Argyria. When a person eats too much silver, they turn blue. It also genetic and can pass to the kids.

  38. Anonymous2:42 PM

    It's so hard to believe that all of us were brought forth to this planet via the fornication between a man and woman. We reach the age of adulthood and go straight to insanity.

    Alicia Banks I'd like to force feed you 2 gallons of Bicardi Rum non-stop. Put your hobama rambling butt fast asleep all the while singing "Nitey-night, peace at last." You are beyond ANNOYING!!!
