Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Those dangerous super soakers and wingnut propagandist.

I know that folks think that I go out and look for stuff to use in order to pick on my wingnut friends, but I really don't. Sometimes this stuff just comes to me. All I have to do is pick up the paper and read.

"In the politically-charged and likely protest-filled streets of Tampa, Fla., during the Republican National Convention in August, water guns will be strictly prohibited. Concealed handguns, on the other hand, will be perfectly legal.
Florida Gov. Rick Scott said this week that banning handguns from downtown Tampa during the convention, as the city's Mayor Bob Buckhorn requested, "would surely violate the Second Amendment."

"It is unclear how disarming law-abiding citizens would better protect them from the dangers and threats posed by those who would flout the law," Scott said in a letter to Buckhorn Tuesday, emphasizing the words "law-abiding." "It is at just such times that the constitutional right of self defense is most precious and must be protected from government overreach."

Buckhorn said today that he was "disappointed" by Scott's decision, but that the city will "plan and train accordingly."

Tampa officials are expecting thousands of protesters to descend on the Florida metropolis for the GOP convention. While no handguns will be allowed inside the convention, which is being protected by the Secret Service, concealed carry license-holders will be able to carry their weapons in the streets surrounding the convention.

They will not, however, be able to have "super soaker" water guns, sticks, poles, portable shields or glass bottles.

Buckhorn said last month that the state law, which prohibits the city from temporarily banning handguns, makes the city "look silly" because officials can prohibit water guns but not real ones.." [Source]

I guess that to my wingnuts friends, a little water can be a dangerous thing.

Finally, you can thank a wingnut blogger named Matt Drudge for the non- stories you will be hearing about O over the next few months leading up to the 2012 elections. (Dude looks like he should be registered as a sex offender. Don't sue me Matt. You will lose.) In case you were wondering, Mr. Drudge is a hack for the Romney campaign and he feeds FOX NEWS and the rest of the GOP their talking points every day. The sad thing is that Mr. Drudge has a knack for making a mountain out of a molehill. And, in some cases, creating the illusion of a mountain where there really is none.

This latest story is a perfect example:

"Above is a screen-shot of earlier today, *see insert* linking to a story about President Obama’s past. Pretty exciting stuff: “Obama Admits Fabricating Girlfriend in Memoir.”

Those who jumped on that link reached a Politico story with this headline: “Obama: ‘New York girlfriend’ was composite.” That piece was a work of aggregation, based on the new Vanity Fair book excerpt of David Maraniss’s “Barack Obama: The Story.”

The excerpt plumbs Obama’s romance with Genevieve Cook, a woman he’d met at a party in 1983. Maraniss goes deep into the relationship, with some able assistance from Cook’s journal entries. One of them reads:

Today, for the first time, Barack sat on the edge of the bed — dressed — blue jeans and luscious ladies on his chest [a comfy T-shirt depicting buxom women], the end of the front section of the Sunday Times in his hand, looking out the window, and the quality of light reflected from his eyes, windows of the soul, heart, and mind, was so clear, so unmasked, his eyes narrower than he usually holds them looking out the window, usually too aware of me.

Though Obama references this relationship in his memoir “Dreams From My Father,” he doesn’t name Cook. Maraniss addresses this omission in the Vanity Fair excerpt:
Decades later, during an interview in the Oval Office, Obama acknowledged that, while Genevieve was his New York girlfriend, the description in his memoir was a “compression” of girlfriends, including one who followed Genevieve when he lived in Chicago.
Politico hopped on the matter, with media reporter Dylan Byers writing, in part: “But Obama has now told biographer David Maraniss that the ‘New York girlfriend’ was actually a composite character, based off of multiple girlfriends he had both in New York City and in Chicago.”

Keep reading.

"Okay, but way back Obama told the whole world that characters in that book were composites. From the introduction to “Dreams From My Father”: “For the sake of compression, some of the characters that appear are composites of people I’ve known, and some events appear out of precise chronology. With the exception of my family and a handful of public figures, the names of most characters have been changed for the sake of privacy.”

In other words, there’s nothing at all surprising about this composite thing.
Byers defends the value of his post: “The news that the ‘New York girlfriend’ is a composite character is new. Though Obama acknowledges the use of composite characters in his introduction, he does not specify which characters he is referring to. It thus seemed like a relevant item.” An update and correction to the post clarify that it initially overplayed the story by leaving out a critical detail:
UPDATE: In the reissue of “Dreams from My Father,” Obama writes in the introduction that “some of the characters that appear are composites of people I’ve known.”
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this blog post stated that Obama had acknowledged using composite characters in the reissue. In fact, Obama acknowledged the use of composite characters in the first edition of the book...
Obama’s shortcut of constructing composites was a lame and lazy way to put together a memoir. But if you signal to the reader that it’s the route you’re taking, it’s no lie. If recent history is any guide, however, we’ll be hearing the echo from this Politico-to-Drudge handoff for years to come." [Source]

You forgot one Mr. Wemple: "Politico-to- Drudge"-to Fox News.

Now that's more like it.



  1. Persinally Field, I LOVE the idea that Prez. Obama specifically wanted to marry a strong Black woman!!

  2. Anonymous8:46 PM

    "I know that folks think that I go out and look for stuff to use"

    You do...but that's not the point.

    It's the fact that you selectively and deliberately ignore certain violence, black hypocrisy, etc... because they don't fit your racist agenda.

    The Occupy movement has already demonstrated a habit of using human waste (aka shit) as a weapon. Apparently it has never occurred to you that the Occupiers might use super-soakers to spray urine (or god-knows-what) on convention attendees (which you would probably find amusing).

    Your inability to even consider that Rick Scott (who is infinitely smarter than you) might have a legitimate reason for this ban is indicative of your blind hatred for those with whom you disagree.

    BTW, are you aware that Cordell Lamar Jude, the black male who murdered unarmed hispanic male Daniel Adkins at a Taco Bell in Phoenix, STILL has not been arrested?

    Why no outrage??

  3. "Finally, you can thank a wingnut blogger named Matt Drudge for the non- stories you will be hearing about"

    Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.[1]

    Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.

  4. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Reply to Liberal Tormentor from the previous thread:

    My Lord LT! Where in the hell did you find that statement by Maxine Waters? Is that recent? Because if it is, Maxine and the CBC is full of it!

    I am Black and I am sick and tired of the President stepping on us. Never before since the Jim Crow days have I seen my people so discriminated against in America. Just look at our job situation. It's devastating. And Maxine Waters claims we love the President so much that we are willing to starve to death for him? GET REAL.

    The truth is the CBC has joined Obama in being against us. However, the CBC has never been much of a support for the black community anyway. They aren't the only ones....

    Field keeps covering up for the President by keeping silence while we suffer. I swear. Some of our people are so devoted to the Dems that they are legally blind with wide open eyes.

    I am a very depressed Negro, isolated and with the hard ugly truth.

  5. Anonymous8:51 PM

    BTW, are you aware that Cordell Lamar Jude, the black male who murdered unarmed hispanic male Daniel Adkins at a Taco Bell in Phoenix, STILL has not been arrested?

    Why no outrage??

    Key: Lamar Jude isn't white.

  6. Negro Fact Checker8:55 PM

    "Black folks vote for Black folks right? Who cares if John Kerry got 90% of the Black vote in 2004? That must mean he's a secret Black!"

    Kerry got 88% of the black vote.

  7. Anonymous8:55 PM



  8. Negro Spell Check8:58 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Persinally Field, I LOVE the idea that Prez. Obama specifically wanted to marry a strong Black woman!!

    Persinally? You mean personally?

  9. Anonymous8:59 PM

    "Black folks vote for Black folks right?"

    If both candidates are white, blacks vote for the one who promises more freebies.

  10. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Dear Sistah Doc Reine, why did you misspell "persinally"?

    Do you know how that makes us Negroes look, esp when someone like you claim to have 5 degrees? This is sooo depressing.

    I have got to go get a grape pop and chips to feel better. Field, what do you think?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. P.E.C.K.E.R.W.O.O.D.


    Dr. Queen's alter ego.

  13. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Field, I noticed Liberator Tormentor does NOT have FN listed as a blog he visits frequently.

    Now that doesn't quite jibe with his behavior. Field please explain to me why this is so because I am confused by his words and actions.

    By his actions, I would think he would be praising you, ON HIS BLOG.

  14. Anonymous9:29 PM

    "Do you know how that makes us Negroes look, esp when someone like you claim to have 5 degrees? "

    Yeah, I look like I don't give a damn about spell checking on an Internet blog. My VERY blessed life is unchanged and it's also unchanged that you can STILL kiss my Black ass!!!

    BTW, did it EVER occur to you that I PURPOSELY leave spelling errors which are easily corrected on my iPad or by deleting/ repeating my comments??

    But I could care less about what a P.E.C.K.E.R.W.O.O.D like you thinks about my spelling errors. Besides, I get a kick out of yoking your chain when you respond.


    Dr. Queen's alter ego

    No get back to correcting my errors, bee-oytch!!!

  15. Wingnutts slinging made up pumped up bullshit about Obama? Do tell! That's water off his shoulders and only drives true independents into his camp.

    Meanwhile black infants die in Mississippi at more than twice the rate of white infants. One in 3 of those black males nationally who survive infanthood is destined for felony imprisonment and lifetime disenfranchisement. Young black people are 15 times more likely than their white peers to die a violent death. Employed black people are 5 times more likely to lose their jobs than employed white people. I could go on and on. The measures are real -across the board in America black life is harder, more fraught, and more tenuous than white life, and that difference is so pervasive as to rightly be called structural.

    I wonder if there's anything in our past, some incident or institution, some history, that might explain this structure?

  16. Obama's girlfriend from Dreams wasn't a "composite"; she was a fiction.

    Baracks taste in 'friends' didn't extend to females.

    In any event, Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams from My Father":

  17. Anonymous9:36 PM

    "Wingnutts slinging made up pumped up bullshit about Obama?"

    LOLOL Right...

    "I'm going to cut the deficit in half."
    "I will not allow lobbyists in my administration"
    "My plan will not add a single dime to the deficit."
    "Under my plan, unemployment will never go above 8%."

    Sounds familiar??


  18. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Persinally Field, I LOVE the idea that Prez. Obama specifically wanted to marry a strong Black woman!!

    She can't spell, she sounds things out phonetically like most borderline retards.

    Naw, Naw I tells ya it pers-in-ally gottdamn it

    Don't worry Queenie you aint meltin - it's just diarrhea

  19. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Black unemployment under Bush: 9%.


    Black unemployment under Obama: 16%.

  20. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Nice try Field. Is Republican what you call people who actually tell the truth nowadays? I understand. Drudge has been around for ages, when the MSM lies, hides things you can usually get the true news on the Drudge report.

    WHo the hell writes an autobiography and then "compresses" experiences to tell a tale presenting it as if it were one woman. Sure, this isn't fiction. So take all the good things from various points in your life and put them together, you must be a super-hero...or A Liar.

  21. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Wingnutts slinging made up pumped up bullshit about Obama? Do tell! That's water off his shoulders and only drives true independents into his camp.

    Meanwhile black infants die in Mississippi at more than twice the rate of white infants. One in 3 of those black males nationally who survive infanthood is destined for felony imprisonment and lifetime disenfranchisement. Young black people are 15 times more likely than their white peers to die a violent death. Employed black people are 5 times more likely to lose their jobs than employed white people. I could go on and on. The measures are real -across the board in America black life is harder, more fraught, and more tenuous than white life, and that difference is so pervasive as to rightly be called structural.

    I wonder if there's anything in our past, some incident or institution, some history, that might explain this structure?

    yes, there is. Let's look at other Black Countries and cultures around the world. What do they have in common with Black cultures in the U.S? Let's give that logic a whirl and see what you come up with. Tell you what, I will make it easy on you in case your capacity is limited. Start with Haiti. How is Haiti doing following the earthquake in 2010 and billions of dollars in aid, food, medical equipment, construction supplies etc, etc, After 2 years and free supplies they should have new cities started. How's it going? Take a shot at that Whitehead.

  22. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Obama Advisor: "Mr President, we MUST do something to boost employment in the black community!! Black unemployment is at HISTORIC levels!!!"

    Obama: "Don't worry about it, I've got the black vote locked up! Blacks LOVE me!!"

  23. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Doc Reine said, "P.E.C.K.E.R.W.O.O.D.


    Dr. Queen's alter ego."

    9:13 PM
    Tell me, Doc. What does P.E.C.K.E.R.W.O.O.D. stand for? I mean, you have a period after each letter so I am sure a well educated person like you would know, right?

  24. Anonymous9:57 PM

    "Meanwhile black infants die in Mississippi at more than twice the rate of white infants."

    Irrespective of race and worldwide, babies born to uneducated, unmarried mothers have a higher infant mortality rate.

    Coincidentally, black mothers are significantly more likely to be uneducated and unmarried.

    This is not a mystery.

  25. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Sistah Doc Reine, "BTW, did it EVER occur to you that I PURPOSELY leave spelling errors which are easily corrected on my iPad or by deleting/ repeating my comments??"

    No doc, it never occurred to me that you might PURPOSELY leave spelling errors. I mean, why would an honest well-educated sophisticated woman like you do such a thing? most Doctors don't think like you. They take a much higher road.

  26. "No doc, it never occurred to me that you might PURPOSELY leave spelling errors. I mean, why would an honest well-educated sophisticated woman like you do such a thing? most Doctors don't think like you. They take a much higher road."

    Correcting errors on a blog is "taking a higher road"? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

    Those of us with high stakes careers, families, and interests OUTSIDE of the Internet, have better things to do with our time than spell check comments on a blog.

    That said, I DO spell check MY POSTS on MY blog, but that's an entirely different situation. Ya' dig?

  27. Anonymous10:18 PM

    "Tell me, Doc. What does P.E.C.K.E.R.W.O.O.D. stand for? I mean, you have a period after each letter so I am sure a well educated person like you would know, right?"

    Ask you Mammy, P.E.C.K.E.R.W.O.O.D!

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

  28. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Doc Reine, "Correcting errors on a blog is "taking a higher road"? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

    Doc, you misread my comment, re: taking a higher road. If you go back and read it again, I am sure you will get the 'context' of what I said. Let me help you: I was talking about the "honesty" of well-educated professionals.

    "Honesty" IS taking a higher road by NOT PURPOSELY misspelling words.

    HONESTY is a higher way of life which well-educated sophisticated scientists live. Do you understand now? Think about it.

  29. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Dr Reine, "Ask you Mammy, P.E.C.K.E.R.W.O.O.D"

    I knew you didn't know...dummy.

  30. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "No doc, it never occurred to me that you might PURPOSELY leave spelling errors. I mean, why would an honest well-educated sophisticated woman like you do such a thing? most Doctors don't think like you. They take a much higher road."

    Correcting errors on a blog is "taking a higher road"? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

    Those of us with high stakes careers, families, and interests OUTSIDE of the Internet, have better things to do with our time than spell check comments on a blog.

    That said, I DO spell check MY POSTS on MY blog, but that's an entirely different situation. Ya' dig?

    UH-HUH yeah sure we believe you, you cun't spell on porpoise. Yeah thats it and now you say you have an IPAD that you can use to spellcheck but don't use it, meanwhile a little while ago you were claiming you didn't have spell check. Either way the point is YOU can't spell. Not that you were too lazy to know your weakness and use a spellcheck.

    It isn't about time Negress. It is about brainpower. If you had even one of the five degrees you claim you would be able to spell pers-i-nally correctly. It is a second grade spelling word after all. How many grades does "fife du-greeze equls?

    You will never be a Doctor. Why? You claimed you already applied and were accepted, you now claim they are recruiting you. You sound like a little kid only we all know you are an old lady...times up. You can only push what god gave you so much and you obviously haven't been given very much.

    Now say something that is deep, sophisticated, mature, thoughtful, profound. Something representative of a woman who supposedly has fife duh "peckerwood"

    Yeah she meant to misspell the word...ha-ha!!

  31. "Honesty" IS taking a higher road by NOT PURPOSELY misspelling words. "

    You know, reading IS fundamental. YOU need to reread my original comment, I said that I purposely do not CORRECT misspelled words, NOT THAT I PURPOSELY MISSPELL WORDS!!! I don't HAVE to correct a damn thing on this blog and it's ludicrous for YOU to believe otherwise!!!

    So please feel free to join Assnon in enrolling in a college level English class because your reading comprehension skills are pitiful!!

  32. Anonymous10:57 PM

    "HONESTY is a higher way of life which well-educated sophisticated scientists live. Do you understand now? Think about it."

    In all HONESTY, you should be ashamed of yourself for not having your facts straight, yet being comfortable enough to step to me WRONG in a crowd of P.E.C.K.E.R.W.O.O.D.S.

    This is the epitome of n'ggerish behavior, not to mention the disloyalty of it all. So look in the mirror the next time you question why "yo' peoples " can't get their $hit together!!

    Dr. Queen 's alter ego

  33. Anonymous11:03 PM

    And when is someone gonna help stalking assnon save face by explaining what the f@@k CLASS OF 2017 means???

    Urrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh, lol!!!!

    BTW, I get "recruited" by big Pharma companies all the time too even though I'm quite happily ensconced in my current work place.

    It's called having skills that are in demand Boo, don't hate me 'cause you ain't me!!


    Dr. Queen's alter ego

  34. I see the Dr. Queen haters are out again tonight. :)

    Honestly DQ, maybe you could start a dating blog for them.

    "BTW, are you aware that Cordell Lamar Jude, the black male who murdered unarmed hispanic male Daniel Adkins at a Taco Bell in Phoenix, STILL has not been arrested?

    Why no outrage??"

    You seemed to be outraged, maybe you can spread it around.

  35. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "HONESTY is a higher way of life which well-educated sophisticated scientists live. Do you understand now? Think about it."

    In all HONESTY, you should be ashamed of yourself for not having your facts straight, yet being comfortable enough to step to me WRONG in a crowd of P.E.C.K.E.R.W.O.O.D.S.

    This is the epitome of n'ggerish behavior, not to mention the disloyalty of it all. So look in the mirror the next time you question why "yo' peoples " can't get their $hit together!!

    Dr. Queen 's alter ego

    When in doubt pull the Negress card out. You aint loyal you Black you supposed to be protecting me and siding with me even if I am a classless piece of shit.

    Of course, you couldn't make it any other way without someone giving you a pass (fife duh-greeze) or fixin that problem for you.

    Does your kid know his baby daddy?

  36. Anonymous11:19 PM

    "Honestly DQ, maybe you could start a dating blog for them."

    I don't think anyone would be interested in small P.E.C.K.E.R................W.O.O.D.S, LOL!!!

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

  37. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Dr Queen, "In all HONESTY, you should be ashamed of yourself for not having your facts straight, yet being comfortable enough to step to me WRONG in a crowd of P.E.C.K.E.R.W.O.O.D.S."

    My dear Sista, I did not mean to step wrongly to you in a crowd of P.E.C.K.E.R.W.O.O.D.S. I was just trying to find out from you what those letters stood for. I did ask my mother but she didn't know. Do you think Field might know?

    Dear Mr. Field, what do the letters P.E.C.K.E.R.W.O.O.D.S.stand for?

    I really messed up with Dr. Queen by stepping WRONG to her in a 'crowd' of Peckerwoods. Brotha Field, I honestly had no idea that you had a crowd of Peckerwoods on your blog!

    I now understand why you have been moderating your ass off! Please have mercy and tell me what those letters stand for.

  38. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Anonymous said...
    And when is someone gonna help stalking assnon save face by explaining what the f@@k CLASS OF 2017 means???

    Urrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh, lol!!!!

    We know what it means but you don't. That is why you never will be a DR. Why not just say I got his shit timed to get the next grant and be done with it? Even if you had the brains which you obviously do not, what are you going to do if you ever could make it to become a Doctor have someone wheel your ancient ass around ? You got one foot in the grave ya dumb heffer.

  39. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, what do the letters P.E.C.K.E.R.W.O.O.D.S.stand for?

    Its something crack hoes call poor rural whites. Similar to a white guy calling her spearchucking mudshark nigger. Just as racist.

  40. So Field, let's make a bet on how long it's gonna take the wingnuts to break out the "abused" white woman who got played by Prez Obama back in the day like they did with coon Cain.

    I'll say by the beginning of the summer, what you got??

    Now that I think about, they'll probably break out with a white dude. You KNOW how the wingnuts like to play " footsies" in the men's bathroom, so they'll go with a familiar storyline, lol!!

  41. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    So Field, let's make a bet on how long it's gonna take the wingnuts to break out the "abused" white woman who got played by Prez Obama back in the day like they did with coon Cain.

    I'll say by the beginning of the summer, what you got??

    Now that I think about, they'll probably break out with a white dude. You KNOW how the wingnuts like to play " footsies" in the men's bathroom, so they'll go with a familiar storyline, lol!!

    Go mope on the floor persinally beyaaaatch.

  42. That went downhill really fast.

    Dear President of Anon Inc., please send me a new group ASAP. :(

  43. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Reine, "So Field, let's make a bet on how long it's gonna take the wingnuts to break out the "abused" white woman who got played by Prez Obama back in the day like they did with coon Cain."

    Oh ye of little faith.

  44. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Field, "That went downhill really fast."

    ROFL! That was funny.

    "Dear President of Anon Inc., please send me a new group ASAP. :("

    Already? This WAS a new group and it is one of our finest group. They are among the highest paid peckerwoods in the country.

    We also have a new group of well-paid jigging coons begging to be on FN... Would you prefer them? Or how about a 50/50 mix of both to give some balance of color to FN?

    BTW Anon Inc is in the process of recruiting an outstanding Hispanic group that keeps growing day-by-day from Mexico. I have no idea how they are getting here but hey, never look a gift horse in the mouth.:)

    What can I say? Anon Inc is growing at a fast pace in order to serve customers such as yourself in need of Anons with high IQs and can debate with the best.

    As always at your service,
    President Anon Inc

  45. As a lawyer, Barack Obama knew better than to portray his girlfriends in detail. Using composites was the smart thing to do. We take things away from our shorter relationships - lessons, insights. It was those that Obama wanted to highlight. =

  46. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Field, I know why you have avoided talking about Cornel West and for good reason. Cornel speaks the truth about the failure of Obama as a President.

    Some day I hope you and your little band of FN followers will acknowledge Cornel as a wise insightful Black man who has never deserted his race like Obama has:

  47. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Where the hell is everybody? Is this blog stuck on 42? What is Field trying to do to the nighttime insomnia crowd? Just what the hell does he expect us to do? Go back to adult movies?

  48. "That went downhill really fast. "

    Start grabbing IP numbers and connect the dots. Our anon friends all have to come from somewhere...

  49. fn:

    u r a hack for

    let matt do the same for mitt!

    So hobama got his oj on once too

    No shock there!

    What I love about the new book is how it exposes that hobama has always been a racist white male and a detached cia agent at heart


  50. The book exposes the true classic hobama ….we see that has nothing to do with being a hoax prez…see?

    He was always an icy racist narcissist and racially twisted eurocentric etc!

    Maybe he always loved his hero ronny raygun too???

    So now we no michelle is a beard and a mask…see???

    Genevieve and Barack talked about race quite often, as part of his inner need to find a sense of belonging. She sympathized and encouraged his search for identity. If she felt like an outsider, he was a double outsider, racial and cross-cultural. He looked black, but was he? He confessed to her that at times “he felt like an imposter. Because he was so white. There was hardly a black bone in his body.” At some point that summer she realized that, “in his own quest to resolve his ambivalence about black and white, it became very, very clear to me that he needed to go black.”

    It’s not a question of my wanting to probe ancient pools of emotional trauma … but more a sense of you [Barack] biding your time and drawing others’ cards out of their hands for careful inspection—without giving too much of your own away—played with a good poker face. And as you say, it’s not a question of intent on your part—or deliberate withholding—you feel accessible, and you are, in disarming ways. But I feel that you carefully filter everything in your mind and heart—legitimate, admirable, really—a strength, a necessity in terms of some kind of integrity. But there’s something also there of smoothed veneer, of guardedness … but I’m still left with this feeling of … a bit of a wall—the veil.

  51. T. Rex10:06 AM

    For all my favorite "global warming / climate change" bozo friends.....(YOU know who you are)...

    What a bunch of morons.

  52. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "That went downhill really fast. "

    Start grabbing IP numbers and connect the dots. Our anon friends all have to come from somewhere...

    Channeling Van Jones and the Democrat excuse for life again aye...Your ideas and thoughts fail not because they just plain suck, but because someone is plotting against you and has brainwashed you into making choices that are bad for you.

  53. Man, these people have got NOTHING!

  54. so now we know michelle is a beard and a mask

    and we know why she got so irked by hobama's salsa

  55. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Mack, "Start grabbing IP numbers and connect the dots. Our anon friends all have to come from somewhere..."

    Why do you want Field to "profile" anons? Don't you know that is discrimination-against anons?

    Field, can't an anon have a little fun around here, like MACK LYONS? I know some of us have yet to reach our full potential like Mack, but won't you give us a chance..All we are asking for is a 'level playing field.'

  56. Anonymous7:19 PM

    A better person that many of you will ever be in this lifetime.

  57. Anonymous10:49 PM

    The super soaker watergun was actually invented by a black person. This isverifiable in mainstream media. I believeI read it in the New York Times a couple of years back. Perhaps the source has contributed to the decision to ban it.

  58. BARBBF6:41 PM

    I suspected there would be a Obama-woman-romance thing dug up. WHY? Because Larry Sinclair is back in the news this month. The suit filed against him by the polygraph guy..who he accused of getting paid by Obama's staff to screw his polygraph was thrown out.

    "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first be practice to deceive"?

    Or is Larry Sinclair a kook or is Obama a liar?
