Sunday, May 13, 2012

Will the church say amen to Obama?

Happy Mother's Day everybody. I actually long for the day when some of you mothers didn't have to raise your little rugrats by your lonesome unless you made a conscious decision to do it.

Anyway, until that day, shout out to all the single mothers out there holding it down on the home front.

I can hear some of you Negro pastors all across A-merry-ca giving your Mother's Day sermons with a little bit of politics. "Field, how would you know? To hear the pastor you have to actually go to church." A little bird  told me. You were telling your flock that you were not pleased with Obama's stance on Gays. (And the men in the choir didn't say amen.) "My brothers and sister, that was not Adam and Steve in the Garden of Eden. That was Adam and Eve." "Amen, pastor Jones!" "The good book of Genesis talks about  those Angels arriving at Sodom and Gomorrah.." "Amen, pastor Jones!" "I cannot tell you all to vote for a man who whose words go contrary to the teachings of the good book." "Amen, Jones pastor!" 

So what's a good Negro Christian to do? If Flipper and his people are smart they would start spending some of that serious money they have on black preachers like W did when he was destroying America. Nothing gets a preacher's ear like some paper with those deceased presidents on it. Start your own "Faith- Based Initiative there Flipper ,and it might reap you some dividends.

Now I suspect, that at the end of the day, these Negroes will still give the black guy at least 85% of their vote, but 5% could be the difference in places like Pennsylvania and Ohio.

I call a dear old friend and the wife of one my mentors to wish her Happy Mother's Day. I know that she is deeply religious and that she went to church today. She said her preacher didn't preach about O, but that she herself was greatly disappointed with him for openly coming out for Gays having the right to marry. I ask her if she will still vote for him come November, and not surprisingly she says that she will. "I just can't vote for that other guy. You know, he is a republican."

Mr. Rove, you might want to hurry with that money.





  1. Hey field, my last two pastors are pro gay rights. My old pastor in New York went so far as to say he was pro civil unions in a sermon. So, not all Black ministers aren't bigots. And its gonna take alot more than gay marriage to get negros to vote for Megatron Romney en masse.

  2. Anonymous7:53 PM

    lac is right. negros ain't leaving the plantation anytime soon. democrats just gonna have to give out more free stuff to you negros.

    do negros eat rice? maybe democrats can take a cue from fidel and give out free rice cookers.

  3. Anonymous8:20 PM

    frm the previous thread:

    anonymous asked, "Mr Field--Are Latinos invited to the Blogging While Brown event? Latinos are considered Brown but Blacks are considered Black. I am confused. Is the event in Philly for Blacks or for Hispanics?"

    Field replied, "It is for EVERYBODY: Black, white, yellow, brown.... whatever.

    What is your point?"

    2:40 PM
    The 'question' was my point, nothing more. And you answered it. Thank you.

    Now that I know 'others' are welcome, I will spread the word in my community. I sincerely hope you mean it is for EVERYBODY. If NOT, please say so. I am not looking to 'crash' anybody's blogging conference if I am not welcome.

  4. "Now that I know 'others' are welcome, I will spread the word in my community. I sincerely hope you mean it is for EVERYBODY. If NOT, please say so. I am not looking to 'crash' anybody's blogging conference if I am not welcome."

    Trust me, you will be fine. If you have any problems I promise you that I will personally confront the culprit.

    Sup LaCoincidental? How are things out in LA? Were you at Clooney's spot for the fund raiser? :)

  5. Eddie Long8:33 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    Hey field, my last two pastors are pro gay rights. My old pastor in New York went so far as to say he was pro civil unions in a sermon. So, not all Black ministers aren't bigots. And its gonna take alot more than gay marriage to get negros to vote for Megatron Romney en masse.

    Kneel my son LAC, Kneel, being Gay is OK, show your reverence to your Pastor and your the glasses on. No, No, it's ok, if you don't do it you are a bigot.

  6. GoldFinger8:36 PM

    Sup LaCoincidental? How are things out in LA? Were you at Clooney's spot for the fund raiser? :)

    Naw Field not just any Negro is allowed in, you have to be a hollyweird Elite and approved to mingle with the 0.2 percenters. Or rather, just have 40,000 a plate. Damn Obama got him some rich friends.

  7. Anonymous8:53 PM

    This is a classic case of another human crucifying Christ. In this case, it a sitting President.

    Christian members need to pray for the strength to put God, Divine Law and the Bible- FIRST instead of a politician who happens to be Black.

    This President has ONCE AGAIN, slapped Blacks in the face. How many times must he do this before we get the message that he doesn't care about us?

    Conflating Obama with who we are is blinding because he has not identified with us. It is WE who are making this illusion of Obama in our minds, while in reality he is nothing of the sort.

    We have the highest unemployment in the 'history' of America under Obama; he has ignored us completely as a race; he has profoundly insulted us by telling us to shut-up and march. And now, he has gone against our religious Christian values and calls it "evolution".....What more does he have to do to us before we are able to face the "truth"?

    Exodus 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before me."

    Matthew 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

    Romans 8:7 "For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot."

    1 Corinthians 10:20 "No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons."

    Luke 6:46

    “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?"

    We cannot 'afford' to make such an unconscionable decision to vote for Obama. He is anti-God, anti-Black, and anti-religion. Romney has not done any of the things to Blacks that Obama has done. If your blackness won't allow you to vote for Romney, then DON'T vote at all.

  8. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Obama has turned all gay all the time. Next up

    "Obama To Appear On “The View” To Talk Up Gay Marriage Support, Will Then Head To LGBT Campaign Fundraiser Hosted By Gay Singer Ricky Martin…

    Isn't there something that needs to be done besides fundraise all the time? Oh yeah like running a country? Nah...It's all someone else's fault. It's screwed anyway, just point that finger.


  9. whitey's Conspiracy9:58 PM

    Most of my black friends are regularly churched and probably voted for Prop 8 in 2008 like 70% of black folks here did while also voting for Obama. I've yet to be convinced that anythings changed on that score.

  10. Anonymous10:11 PM

    whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Most of my black friends are regularly churched and probably voted for Prop 8 in 2008 like 70% of black folks here did while also voting for Obama. I've yet to be convinced that anythings changed on that score.

    Sweetie, those things that go bump in the night aren't your friends. It's a bear booty call.


  11. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Remember. Never be a good samaritan to Blacks. If you see one needing help call the police and keep going or take out your pistol and be ready.

    Why do they love preying on old weak helpless people?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Get over it. The choir director is gay, the organist is gay (they reside in adjacent apts), the "bachelor" who shows up at the pot luck with the best ribs & peach cobbler is gay, the pastor's brother who spared the Rev embarrassment by moving to Atlanta twenty years ago to live with his "friend" is gay. Oh yeah, the old unmarried lady the entire congregation calls "mother" because she's devoted her life to Sunday School & everyone else's children, & who gets the seat of honor at all the birthday parties, & has been watched over for years by a "sister." guess what?

  14. anon@8:53pm have u gotten your check yet?

  15. more proof that blacks hate gays more than they hate joblessness/homelessness/eternal wars/adoring hobama/ndaa/dna arrests/PIC funding etc!!!

    what a gd shame!!!!!!!

  16. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Field.. anon at 8:53 is right Obama caters to every other group except black people. Black are sold the illusion of inclusion while being completely ignored. I was on board for a few years , but failed HAMP programs, allowing banksters bonuses after getting bailed out , NDAA , Libya, Drone attacks, and just a whole host of things caused me to rethink that loyalty. Black people need to do the same...

  17. how many pastors bashing gays are
    cheating on their wives with holy whores?

  18. how much MORE has hobama done that was never protested by homohating suicidal apolitical racist illiterate holy evil amoral hobama nazis???


  19. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Alicia... I hear you, but the problem is black communities blind faith support towards Obama. The issue really ISNT a issue with regards to IF it should be allowed, but honestly this issue isnt going to affect unemployment numbers. Obama bends over backwards to accomodate these other groups, but the minute someone from the black community says ANYTHING about a black issue they are immediately told to
    "Shut Up " Stop Whining"
    as if there are no black americans ..Just Americans..
    We are told we have no seperate issues , because racism is supposedly over with.
    If the LGBT community didnt get what they wanted ... They snatch the votes away or at least threaten to...

  20. kudos to the the prez and newsweek!

    they outed and praised obama


  21. when blacks learn to copy just how gays slay politicos rather than gaybash

    black issues will be equally respected and won!

    gays have been calling hobama out since day 1

    while blacks have been asking him for tees/autographs...fawning over michelle/malia/sasha...hanging his blackish big eared burnt lipped framed photos beside their white jesus/jfk/mlk wall art etc...


    only loud voters get heard!!!,r:2,s:0,i:79

  22. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Yes the LGBT community Threatens en mass to withdraw support ... Even though theres really no where else for them to go . They at least push the issue and threaten... The black community JUMPS all over Tavis Smiley , and Professor West, for speaking out. Whatever their reasons.. the issue still needs to be addressed, but the black elitists will not allow that to happen. Disention is punished at all costs.. Im officially done with Obama.

  23. anon:


    only warriors win any wars

    must read!


    this book exposes the empty suited hoax hobama more than any other

  24. Anonymous12:06 PM

    homosexual marriage is just another attack on the traditional family which started with no fauld divorce,all of this bull shit comes from a bunch commie traitors.look how well it has worked on the negro family which liberals have destoyed and left you begging for hand outs.

  25. stupid dl assnon:

    do het divorce rates/bastard broods vex u too???

  26. ditsracted dimwitted hobamabot:

    do turbo breeding unwed teens like bristol palin and her fertile serial baby deddy vex u too???

    single het moms and the endless poverty they breed
    should vex u much more than we employed educated coupled childless homos do u bigoted fool!!!!

  27. as long as politicos keep holy homohating sheeple focused on sterile unwed gay couples

    they can fleece foolish wed and unwed hets and their children even more


  28. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Field.. anon at 8:53 is right Obama caters to every other group except black people. Black are sold the illusion of inclusion while being completely ignored. I was on board for a few years , but failed HAMP programs, allowing banksters bonuses after getting bailed out , NDAA , Libya, Drone attacks, and just a whole host of things caused me to rethink that loyalty. Black people need to do the same...

    9:51 AM
    Anon, thanks for validating my comment. Of course, Field replied with, "anon@8:53pm have u gotten your check yet?"

    I really don't know what Field is trying to tell me, but it sure looks like he is a loyal supporter of Obama, no matter what. Like so many Blacks, he continues to deny and ignore the truth about Obama. Field can't see Obama for he really is because he is busy creating in his mind who he wants Obama to be. NOT!

    I hope EVERY Black will do some basic honest reflection about Obama. Do you want higher unemployment in the black community? Do you want a President who has ignored the black community completely during his Presidency? Do you want a President who has told Blacks to shut up and march?

    To continue to support a President like Obama says 'a lot more' about Blacks than it does about him! What is IT in us that we continue to support someone whose behavior towards us has been demeaning?

    No other President has said to Blacks, "Shut up" as though we pesky irritants to him. Ever wonder what he thinks about the Bible, God, Christians AND the black community? Look at his Presidency and you will know.

    IMO, for Blacks, it's been one insult after another. Yet, many of us are still waving the Obama flag, praising Obama as though 'he' is God. This is madness!

  29. "do het divorce rates/bastard broods vex u too???"

    Nope, and neither do the effects on white families. Selective outrage/hyporisy is a standard of conservatism.

  30. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Today, Gays, next, people will be asking to marry their dogs. 3 hundred million folks have all become president of the united states. I'm voting for the President. Republicans know nothing but money and shock and awe. I'll make up MY OWN MIND about this voting ish. Everybody is all talk, talk, talk. Can't even watch TV anymove. All the time politics, naked women, sex, noise. If zzi had money, I'd leave America and never look back.

  31. Anonymous7:33 PM

    "Today, Gays, next, people will be asking to marry their dogs."

    Now that the marriage gate is open to anyone without regard to 'one' man and 'one' woman, why not make polygamy legal?

    Don't forget the right of Muslims to marry more than one woman. If we can have same sex marriage why can't we have polygamy? It makes good sense to let people do what they want, considering Obama has 'evolved' beyond God's Law. By same sex proclamation, God is dead.

  32. Perplexed1:32 AM

    I don't think God is going to appreciate being told by any of us on judgment day that we co-signed on a practice/lifestyle that He expressly forbids in scripture - to say nothing of the "marriage" aspect of this - simply because we were overpowered by the charisma of an elected official. Since when does an elected official's OPINION override God's word? Will one offer an excuse similar to that which Eve offered to God in the garden of Eden? Something to think hard about, folks.
