Friday, June 15, 2012

15 Minutes for Neil.

My friends and I used to joke about why a black man could never become president. The comedian, Cedric The Entertainer, had a nice routine about it as well. It takes a certain amount of *patience and a special temperament to become the leader of the free world. Some of you Negroes just aren't cut out for this kind of thing.

Anyway, some dude decided to test O's patients today. Fortunately for some of you O is only half black, so he didn't act the fool when this [so called] journalist heckled him. Imagine that, a journalist heckling the president. (Neil Munro must be looking for a job at FOX NEWS.) I am quite sure that we have never seen that one before. But we have seen a lot of firsts with this particular president.

"And the answer to your question is sir, and the next time I prefer you let me finish my statements before you ask that question, is this is the right thing to do for the American people...I didn't ask for an argument. I'm answering your question," he said, speaking over the man's protests. "It is the right thing to do for the American people."

Poor Obama, he is trying so hard to bite his tongue. We all know what he really wanted to tell the contemptible little twerp. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the Obama bedroom: "Can you believe that little mother f&^%$r! I wanted to step down there and slap the s&^% out of him!"

Winguts, of course, find nothing wrong with a reporter heckling the person they should be reporting about.

"Tucker Carlson, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the Daily Caller, defended Munro in an interview with the The Huffington Post's Michael Calderone shortly after the incident.

"This is what reporters are supposed to do," Carlson said by phone. "They're supposed to get their questions answered."

"It's hard to know what's wrong with asking the president a question," he continued." [Source] 

Still, this is a very easy problem to fix: Just pull the wingnut's WH press card and tell him to take a hike.

His winguts friends, I am sure, will then add that to the list of things that they hate about Obama.


  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    "I am quite sure that we have never seen that one before."

    reagan sam donladson

    reagan diane sawyer

    funny what you will find by searching.

    "What about American workers who are unemployed while you import foreigners?"

    is a question dear leader should be man enough to answer. instead, obama ran for the exit-like a coward.

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    btw, joe was right. illegal immigrants are covered under obamacare.

    the Congressional Research Service (CRS) says this about H.R. 3200, the Obamacare bill approved just before the recess by the House Energy and Commerce Committee chaired by Rep. Henry Waxman, D-CA:

    "Under H.R. 3200, a 'Health Insurance Exchange' would begin operation in 2013 and would offer private plans alongside a public option...H.R. 3200 does not contain any restrictions on noncitzens-whether legally or illegally present, or in the United States temporarily or permanently-participating in the Exchange."

    CRS also notes that the bill has no provision for requiring those seeking coverage or services to provided proof of citizenship.

  3. I say make the idiot who gave the daily klanner a press pass scrub toilets until he/she quits. Then act shocked about it.

  4. Patricia10:12 PM

    "patience" field, not "patients".......the latter are what doctors take care of.

    other than that little typo - another spot on blog.
    After President Obama finishes his second term, we'll have to see if the next president (assuming that Corey Booker doesn't win) gets any more respect. I'm afraid that since the rethugs have been allowed by the majority of the media to get away with their rudeness and disrespect, that the bar will have been lowered so far, that nothing will be considered out of line.

  5. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I say make the idiot who gave the daily klanner a press pass scrub toilets until he/she quits. Then act shocked about it.

    Only the flaccid weenie uses the limp race card to explain away the illegal actions and decree of King Obama by attacking a reporter who is there simply to get information that is relayed to the American people. Amazing how King Obama can issue a decree and then demand that no one asks any questions or that he be absolved from answering to the American people for breaking the law. The very same American people that elected him and pay his salary to represent us and carry out the wishes of the republic not just the extreme minority left moonbats.

    Does this mean more business for you Whitey?

    I do know as anyone with half a brain can see the commie in charge could care less about Americans, especially Black Americans. Now Approx 1 more Million Illegals will be competing for scarce jobs with Primarily Black people. No worry to me, I have a construction company and learn to go with the flow, I replaced all my black workers with Mexicans. If you can't beat em, join em. Hope you idiot moonbats are happy when you see in a few short years your current scam will be upended so much you won't know what to do.

    You won't be able to leverage white guilt on Latinos, they will tell you to stuff it and not feel one bit sorry, imagine trying to play the race card down the road and latinos telling you to go fukc yourself.

    Racism for daring to ask a question. Liberals are pathetic weak, worthless children. Joe Wilson was right and so was this reporter. Where are your balls? No Where are your BRAINS?

  6. What is the point of having a Congress if the President just implements policy in opposition to law?

  7. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Field, sure you saw it - it's "patience" No way I am calling him DR Obama and he might be an operator but he doesnt have any patients.

  8. Thanks spell check fam, I did catch that error. (see asterisk)

    I honestly did not know that the Daily Caller was a legitimate news organization.

  9. Anonymous11:27 PM

    field negro said...
    Thanks spell check fam, I did catch that error. (see asterisk)

    I honestly did not know that the Daily Caller was a legitimate news organization.

    Well for a non news organization he seemed to be the only one there that realized how monumental it is for a president to circumvent congress, issue an emperor/king like decree in direct violation of US law, refuse to enforce laws and impact American Citizens.

    Lets put this into perspective. We have a president who committed a serious violation of US law strictly and clearly because he needs votes. What else won't this bobblehead do? What does he have in mind that he promised Russia he would do if he wins re-election when he doesn't need to worry about what Americans who he was hired to represent think? He cares little for those votes he has no chance of getting and those he has in the bag (black votes) so when he really doesn't need to worry, what will he do then?

    Obama himself said he could not do this a few years ago as there are three EQUAL branches of government set up specifically to avoid renegade powermongers acting as he is doing for special interests. Yet now he does it, obviously knowing it is against the constitution, the law and the majority of Americans wishes.

    Yet the only comments those on NBC and far leftists can make are attack the only person at the speech who asked a legitimate question? Knowing full well Obama would not answer any questions and run like he always does and did? He told the reporter to respect him and wait until he was finished, then he ran - so who was full of it?

    So to leftists the elimination of rule of law is not an issue? The president breaking laws and instead of enforcing them doing end runs is not an issue? But the guy who had the nerve to ask a simple question getting right to the heart of the matter " what about Americans Mr Obama?

    I have yet to hear one NBC reporter or leftist anywhere touch on the implications and what the next set of laws ignored will be and if we can all start ignoring laws now that we are no longer a nation of laws, no..they all cry waacism - and they want respect?

    Are you really sure that the next laws he breaks or KingLike Decrees he makes you will like? Are you sure?

    Might as well put out a policy on the white house press corps webpage
    " Effective Immediately, reporters are for decorative purposes only and can only be highly paid stenographers. Dear Leader will not answer any questions unless previously approved, specifically when he is breaking the laws or addressing something of importance. If this policy is violated reporters will be demeaned, ridiculed and called racist, because we can.

    Were there any Media Matters Reporters at the White House today?

  10. NSangoma11:30 PM


    Hyperbole; hyperbole like a MotherFcuker:

    Georgia NAACP Continues It's Support of Violent Attacks on Teenage Black Girls- Attempts to Intimidate Law Enforcement in Creflo Dollar Case


  11. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I say make the idiot who gave the daily klanner a press pass scrub toilets until he/she quits. Then act shocked about it

    Sounds like a rough patch in your life being relived here. Must have been hell getting that blue stuff off your fingertips. Now all you need to worry about are the fires of hell.

  12. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Neil Munro, Jeff Guckert/Gannon...what is the difference?
    If you ask a politician a question...then try to interject your answer, before the pol has finished, you are not a journalist. Odd that this person has not learned Journalism 101.

    Must be some reason that this is OK. Some reason.
    I mean, other than Tucker Carlson being less and less relevant to the public discourse.


  13. Anonymous12:21 AM

    You think Cal-e-Fornia was impacted by open borders and sanctuary welfare for all illegal practices? Now with more layoffs it will be good to have more illegal aliens able to get the jobs. Good study in liberalism and the things some wish the entire country to practice. Lets see, raise taxes, support everyone for free, open borders, drive businesses out, engage every depravity known to man, engage in complete destruction of truth and only allow PC gobbly gook. Plant unicorn horns and wait for them to grow.

    Yeah, hows that working out for you Cal-e-fornians? What happens when the rest of the US can't help bail you out? I mean we already have another democratic stronghold with the same policies you want deployed in place for 40 years crashing that needs other states funds (Detroit) and more coming.

    What makes you think liberal policies work again? Where have they ever worked?

    "The Los Angeles County court system began handing out layoff notices Friday as plunging budgets set in motion major reductions.

    Officials said the cutbacks in the court system will affect 431 employees and 56 courtrooms in a county that's home to nearly 10 million people.

    The layoffs and pay cuts are Los Angeles' answer to the statewide budget crisis that has lawmakers in Sacramento debating how to reduce a $16 billion deficit. Other counties are making cuts but their numbers are dwarfed by Los Angeles County with its 4,700 employees and its need to absorb $100 million in funding cuts. Edmon said 70 million in cuts were made earlier and the new cutbacks will amount to $30 million in savings"

  14. Anonymous12:27 AM

    "Still, this is a very easy problem to fix: Just pull the wingnut's WH press card and tell him to take a hike."

    "His winguts friends, I am sure, will then add that to the list of things that they hate about Obama."

    And you of course being the fair man you are see that when the Conservatives take over they can do the exact same thing you want done here? Supress freedom of the press and alleviate responsibility of anyone you like for answering questions. You should look further down the road, politicians at least used to be this smart, they never broke the rules because they knew tomorrow they would not be in power and victim of the same crap they pull today. Obama and cronies don't seem to ever be that bright. Just hypocrites.

  15. Anonymous12:59 AM

    I think they have the right Black man for the job...for real. How many of ya'll wanted to jump through the tv and pimp slap somebody? Really though! This crap has to cease. I was pissed at Obama for his...well...evolving, but now, I have to give him a pass. Come voting day, I'm going to give free rides in my minivan to anyone who wants to vote. I'm taking the day off from my regularly scheduled life to help the brother out. Bank it!!

  16. Jorge Zimmertmact.1:02 AM

    This is bullsh*t. No one here will adress tis stuff, Field. in particulay. It can't be white" Imagination". But, it happenes every day. I'm locked & loaded.

    Show it to us.

  17. Anonymous1:02 AM

    That reporter should be fired or at least get his ass kicked. What an asshole! But racists ARE assholes. I do hope they pull his WH pass and crossshred it to bits.

  18. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Field, I don't think Jorden killed his girlfriend. There's something wrong about this story. Bm don't go around killing love ones.

    I am surprised that a lawyer like you would know this.

  19. Hey Field,
    I read your blog nearly daily but I haven't read the comments in quite some time. I am more than shocked to see that your “fans” or “followers” have declined into anonymous wing nuts. What has the world come to???

  20. Naked Emperor1:37 AM

    Warrants Impeachment:

    Obama 2011:

    "With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through Executive Order, that's just not the case... we have three branches of government. Congress passes the law and the Executive Branch is to enforce and implement those laws... There are enough laws on the books that are very clear on how we have to enforce our immigration system -- that, for me, through Executive Order, to simply ignore those Congressional mandates -- would not conform with my appropriate role as President."

    Obama's dismissal of our nation's laws is an outrage. Congress must take action to stop his imperial and near dictatorial actions. And Democrats, too, should oppose his acts. After all, the next Republican President could have quite a set of precedents to follow.

  21. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Field, it's Friday night. Where the hell are you? It's past 2AM and I am very depressed and can't sleep. I need to talk to someone!

    dpressed Negro

  22. The Daily Caller doesn't have "reporters." It lists "opinion" pieces separately, but even a cursory look at the so-called news stories reveal every last bit of it is opinion.

  23. Joy, thanks for reading. Yes, there are a coupe of websites linking here which have opened the troll door.:)

    Hopefully, this too will pass. I am guessing if they get rid of O in November they will calm dwn a litte bit and leave us black folks alone. :)

  24. Anonymous10:25 AM

    N Jemima Sangoma Said....

    "Our president has been shown nothing but disrespect, commencing with the dinner on inauguration night, 2009.01.20, that planned the scuttling his presidency:

    Joe Wilson yelling you lie, during the state-of-the-union:"

    He was right, Obama did lie to you. He knows you are a dumbass and will let him get away with anything. Who's racist for allowing this?

    the governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, shaking her finger in the presidents face:

    Maybe it's the first time we had a childish incompetent president who actually sues the same people he is supposed to be protecting for enforcing laws that he is illegally not enforcing and then acting like a little bitch and whining if anyone says anything. Whos the racist and one with lack of respect?

    Munro admits that traditionally, there are no questions at the end of a Rose Garden presidential statement:"

    Yes, it is also tradition for the president to protect the citizens of the country and enforce laws as he is required to, not act like an emperor to get votes, break the laws and then announce this at the rose garden. You can tell the difference can't you?

    "Again, MotherFuck you Anonymous"

    Blow me once and then again, you weak minded gerbil. Don't talk about mothers you might be one someday - man.

  25. Munro was seriously disrespectful to President Obama that it's not even funny. Of course, disrespecting POTUS isn't an isolated event, by no means, but interrupting while giving a speech? And then someone had the nerves to actually defended Munro's actions?

    Barack Obama probably will never admit, but I'm sure he will be a much happier soul once he's out of office.

  26. NSangoma12:21 PM


    For thinking Negroes Only:

    Black Girls Code

    That's why Bryant started Black Girls Code, a volunteer organization in San Francisco that's dedicated to teaching young girls of color about computer programming and technology. She hopes they will be better prepared to experience that yearning and success instead of loneliness and isolation. By giving them an early intro into the world of computing, she hopes they'll see it as a potential career path.


    Black Girls Code participants Nailah Reynolds, 7, left, and Kai Morton, 12.


  27. hobama's nwo is in full effect

    war is peace
    racism is cool
    real journalism is heckling

    what a gd shame!!!

    kudos to the few real journalists who ask that lying amoral mf hobama any real questions anytime!!!

    hobama has deported and orphaned over a million latinos

    and he has still done nothing for blacks/poor people/inmates etc

    all black hobama nazis should now KNOW that the blackish hobama is more racist than any prez ever

    but they are still blinded by half of his skin...


    nobama 2012!!!!!!!

  28. smack that woman12:56 PM

    Was Doctor Timothy Jorden loose in the Bronx last night? On, no. He was already dead. Must have been a different black guy.

    Elderly Bronx woman found bludgeoned to death on floor of apartment


    June 16, 2012

    An elderly Bronx woman was found bludgeoned to death on the floor of her apartment this morning, fresh groceries strewn across the floor around her unconscious body and the front door unlocked, cops said.

    Evelyn Shapiro, 88, was discovered by a relative and pronounced dead on the scene by first responders who arrived at the apartment at 9:55 a.m. Saturday morning, police said.

    The grizzly murder unfolded at the Pelham Parkway housing project on Williamsbridge Road in the Bronx.

    No arrests have been made, and the investigation is ongoing, cops said.

  29. Dear uber-racist homophobe anon who shadows me here:

    Thank you for the attention. You make a girl blush. Are you aware of the plethora of published and validated research showing that it's pretty much only the guilty-conscious closet cases who tend to act out their homophobia by gaybashing? Nuffsaid sister?

    The entire "go after the jobs" strategy from the '80s was supposed to dry up the pool of illegal labor; the "self deportation" plan of the day. In fact, it's done no such thing.

    Legalizing another portion of the workforce competing with other portions of the workforce, that's a positive development for working people. In fact, direct experience has taught me that illegal labor creates an underground economy in casual labor that dries up the spot market for legal labor for the physically demanding jobs that used to keep the working class afloat. There are just too many advantages to illegal labor for casual employers for legal labor to compete. Now, if we're smart, we need to legalize the other 7/8 of the illegal labor already here and make it a level playing field in the low-end job market again.

  30. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Dear uber-racist homophobe anon who shadows me here:

    Thank you for the attention. You make a girl blush. Are you aware of the plethora of published and validated research showing that it's pretty much only the guilty-conscious closet cases who tend to act out their homophobia by gaybashing? Nuffsaid sister?

    Nah, thats a fallacy that was made up by the inferior sissyboys to offset the self loathing they understand and feel. You know the old, it's not you - it's the world meme. Why don't you add a few more 'ism's and "acism's" to your comments, you obviously aren't bright enough to figure out those old liberal name calling games don't work with secure people who think and your jig is up.Once those names are whipped out we see you for the mental weakling you are. I have no Psychosis and don't share your loss of reality, no hang ups, no secret desires to be you. I simply have noticed men who take it in the rear and like to cigar chomp are freaks with many, many issues typically seeded by Uncle Mike or another of Mommy's boyfriends molesting them at one point or another, subsequently spending the rest of thier life confused and feeling inferior to the point the become radicals no matter how nonsensical. Anything to be different and prove it is the world and not you.

    The entire "go after the jobs" strategy from the '80s was supposed to dry up the pool of illegal labor; the "self deportation" plan of the day. In fact, it's done no such thing.

    Stay on point fairy, we aren't talking about the 80's or how California is Mexico now and Blacks even in Compton have been and continue to be displaced by illegals. If you add in 800k - 2 million more illegals to the workforce for legal jobs - specifically now they will have "Work permits" who do you think that impacts? Can you take that "cigar" out of your mouth and think?

    "Legalizing another portion of the workforce competing with other portions of the workforce, that's a positive development for working people. In fact, direct experience has taught me that illegal labor creates an underground economy in casual labor that dries up the spot market for legal labor for the physically demanding jobs that used to keep the working class afloat. "

    Right, so you want illegal labor to dry up the legal labor that used to keep the working class afloat. Thats a Californian for you. Do you even understand the impact of what you are saying? Where do the minority HS drop outs get jobs then if Illegals are taking them? The price of labor drops even more significantly and jobs are scarce because now all the illegals who are suddenly legal are directly competing for the "dried up legal" jobs that your policies have made pay nothing.

    To be continued....

  31. Anonymous3:35 PM


    "There are just too many advantages to illegal labor for casual employers for legal labor to compete.

    Yet again your stupidy is amazing or are you for destroying the US and making California part of Mexico? It is because ILLEGALS are getting the jobs due to moonbat states policies of not enforcing laws and protecting Americans that this situation exists. Enforce the laws, voila less people diluting the workforce, doing jobs for peanuts, more jobs and better wages for Americans who are here. Employers have to pay decent wages and employ Americans because they won't have someone who spit all over this country doing it for nothing off the books, while collecting benefits from Americans who work and living better than those who follow the laws and rules. California has the highest unemployment rate in the country 14.3 percent of Hispanics and 20.3 percent of blacks were unemployed. Now that is the Obama version where those running out of benefits are judged uninterested, but it is much, much higher. Teens aged 16-19 who always helped poor and minority households in the past are unemployed at a rate of 34.2%.
    So you want more people to compete for what few jobs there are, even if they are here illegally, ultimately drying up resources and driving down wages so the poor become poorer and this levels the playing field? For Whom? Your illegals shouldn't even be on the court let alone in the game.

    "Now, if we're smart, we need to legalize the other 7/8 of the illegal labor already here and make it a level playing field in the low-end job market again.

    You truly are out of your depth, you don't have a clue. Level the playing field by legalizing all the illegals and this to you makes the playing field level? For whom? Who invited these illegals to crash through the border and steal jobs and resources? Whom? THey are welcome to get in the line with all other immigrants like our ancestors and compete fairly and openly and honestly for the resources that are NOT endless as Californians are finding out. You can't support a large chunk of other countries citizens whilst our own existing citizens are out of work and struggling. That wouldn't make sense unless you are a disengenious white liberal who does not understand cause and effect. This outlook results from someone else always solving the problems that you cause, doesnt it.

    Now stand up, be a man and wipe your ass and get the brown stains off your upper lip, girly man poverty pimp. They are giving you a shitty outlook. Liberalism has failed across the world, EU is soon to collapse because of people who think like you.

  32. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Who made the foreign European immigrants legal after they gangbanged and slaughtered the original inhabitants on these shores? Are they legal? Did the remaining Native Americans do it?

  33. Anonymous10:03 PM

    A few nips from the flask while O kept you waiting Neil?

    Drunk while Irish seems to affect your timing btw.......

  34. BARBBF9:53 AM

    Obama rent a womb supporter and fundraiser:

    - Sarah Jessica Parker experienced pregnancy when she and Matthew Broderick welcomed son James Wilkie in 2002. The couple turned to surrogacy two-and-a-half years ago, and ended up celebrating the birth of twin daughters, Marion and Tabitha.

  35. BARBBF10:01 AM

    Respect for the President who is complicit in the murders of more Africans than any US President in recent history? I THINK NOT!

  36. Anonymous2:37 PM

    every time i read this b.s. from wane it proves the bell curve.every time i read where a nog has attacked or killed a white person i know that nogs have created whites who will always hate nogs.lazycheck,violentcheck,criminalscheck,racistcheck.
