Friday, June 22, 2012

Real evil.

They are not Happy in Happy Valley tonight, because one of the most influential citizens of that bucolic area, who just happened to be a sociopathic monster, was found guilty by a jury of his peers of defiling and stealing the innocence of young boys for years.

It took the jury a little over 20 hours to make official what the rest of us suspected all along: that Jerry Sandusky was a predator who preyed on innocent children thanks to a powerful institution and iconic coach who turned a blind eye to it all.

The folks of Happy Valley will go back to cheering on their beloved Nittany Lions, and they will hope that the memory of Jerry Sandusky will go away. It won't. Because, in a way, they were all found guilty tonight.

Another institution was on trial here in Philadelphia this past week, and,like Penn State, the jury found that those who represent that institution was also guilty of despicable acts.

Here in America we like to demonize and paint only certain segments of our population as evil and malevolent, and yet we worship and idolize people and institutions that are just as evil. It's only when the facade comes off that the rest of us get to see what was there all along.



  1. All I can say is thank God Tom Sneddon or Gil Garceti weren't prosecuting either of them.

  2. And Johnny Cochrane or Tom Mesereau defending them.

  3. Anonymous11:31 PM

    What ever happened to separation of church and state? Priests should not be put on trial in Philly! Everyone knows the justice system in that town is crooked as a cork screw.

    Revelation talks about stuff like this where men are having sex with men, and women are having sex with women. It also talks about people who gleefully assassinate the characters of priests.

    The end of the world is near. Prepare yourselves, esp you lawyers cause you are in deep shit.

    Mr. Whitey, down in Hell there are no Whiteys. Everyone is called "Blackey". Don't worry, Field will be there with you but you might not be able to recognize each other because of your blackness. Yep, Hell's fire roasts the hell out of folks.

  4. White Boy11:36 PM

    I hope they hang the disgusting Pig.

    BUT! Maybe the ACLU or NAMBLA will save his perverted ass.

  5. There are plenty of people who like hearing themselves talk. Anon @ 11:31pm sounds like one of those guys.

    Sandusky spending the rest of his life behind bars is but a small consolation to his victims.

  6. Nirrti12:14 AM

    You can expose the worm-infested underbelly of these institutions all you want. But people are still gonna support them since they love the idea of power more than the concept of justice and morality.

    The reaction from organizations to pedophile priests, pimp preachers, and straight-up lying politicians bears this out every time.

  7. Really, conditions in Happy Valley that enabled Sandusky were similar to the ones that exist in the Catholic Church. An insular culture where a pedophile is surrounded by enablers & deniers.

  8. "Here in America we like to demonize and paint only certain segments of our population as evil and malevolent, and yet we worship and idolize people and institutions that are just as evil. It's only when the facade comes off that the rest of us get to see what was there all along."

    Yes indeed Field.........

  9. MartinisMartini12:52 AM

    Sandusky ..... From Penn State to....State Pen!

  10. Anonymous12:59 AM

    I guess they'll be gdting light sentences since they're liliy white

  11. If Sandusky were black y'all think he was innocent.

    Just sayin'

    BTW, love your blog.

  12. Who Dat1:32 AM

    C'onm AB! Nasty homo bastards have just as much "Civil Right" as heteosxuals.

    Tell us. WHAT is the age boys & girls should be sexualized. What age should that person have to be?

    Is a "little sex", or a "lotta sex allowed?

  13. "Sandusky ..... From Penn State to....State Pen!"

    Ok, that was good.

    "Really, conditions in Happy Valley that enabled Sandusky were similar to the ones that exist in the Catholic Church. An insular culture where a pedophile is surrounded by enablers & deniers."


  14. plastic jesus7:54 AM

    field ignorantly writes:

    They are not Happy in Happy Valley tonight, because...was found guilty...of defiling and stealing the innocence of young boys...

    They? Who's "they"?

    Not happy? Says who? He was convicted, as you said, by a jury of his peers, chosen from the local community.

    Were there protests on behalf of Sandusky outside the courthouse? Did supporters of Sandusky declare his innocence? Is anyone protesting the verdict?

    Even Sandusky's attorney acknowledged his client is guilty. Said he'd have a heart attack caused by surprise if the jury were to acquit him. And, as we know, the attorney is alive.

    Your ridiculous opening suggests the people who live in Happy Valley are all Catholic priests, who, as the facts have shown, are too often, too late, discovered to be pedophiles.

    If the Catholic Church were to be investigated and prosecuted with the same determination that was used against Enron, the Church would be liquidated and almost everyone running every diocese, all the way up to and including the College of Cardinals and the Pope would have landed in jail for committing sex crimes or covering them up.

    However, religion, especially Catholicism, has a way of getting people to turn a blind eye to the most egregious and painfully obvious sexual misconduct and madness.

  15. blind blacks leading blind blacks8:07 AM

    field hints at something:

    Here in America we like to demonize and paint only certain segments of our population as evil and malevolent,

    Yeah, killers and violent criminals, who, like pedophile priests, seem to be found in abundance in one part of our society. Yeah, pedophile priests are Catholics, but not all pedophiles are priests. Nor are all priests pedophiles, but the percentages are way out of line compared with the general population.

    So it is with murderers and violent thugs -- and, as we know, they're most often black. Thus, if there's any demonization under way, it's the facts that are doing the demonizing.

    You wrote:
    ... and yet we worship and idolize people and institutions that are just as evil.

    Yep. Blacks worship and idolize their thug heros and killers. If this wasn't made plain enough by the unending support for OJ, then nothing can get through the black skull.

    In fact, there's still widespread denial among blacks that Michael Jackson was a pedophile.

    You concluded:
    It's only when the facade comes off that the rest of us get to see what was there all along.

    Oh sure. Like the facts about OJ or Michael Jackson changed even one black mind.

  16. death race 20128:18 AM

    Have any priests prosecuted for sexual abuse been acquitted? None that I know of.

    Is there widespread denial among even Catholics about the presence of homosexuality in the Church? No.

    They're embarrassed about it, but there's no pretense whipped up about unfair victimization of Catholics. And the Church has been handing over lots of money and lots of real estate to compensate victims, even though a lot of the prosecutions of priests are for crimes that occurred beyond the statute of limitations.

    Meanwhile, blacks love to pretend they're suffering murder en masse at the hands of the police, when, in fact, it almost never happens, while ignoring the daily slaughter of blacks by black thugs.

    I think there's a murder a day in Philadelphia, and we both know the killers are always black, as are almost all the victims.

  17. plastic jesus, I think an assistant coach saw Jerry Sandusky raping a little boy in the shower (on campus) TEN YEARS AGO!

    I rest my case.

    "Yep. Blacks worship and idolize their thug heros and killers. If this wasn't made plain enough by the unending support for OJ, then nothing can get through the black skull."

    You are an idiot! Most black folks, myself included, believe that O.J. was guilty.

    Try a new meme.

  18. "Is there widespread denial among even Catholics about the presence of homosexuality in the Church?"

    Yes, there is.

  19. Anonymous11:51 AM

    You wrote:
    ... and yet we worship and idolize people and institutions that are just as evil.

    Like the CBC

  20. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Just admit that "Americans" are batchit crazy and there's nothing anyone can do about it. It gets worse and worse by the second. Color hasn't a damn thing to do with it. Everyone's equally losing their minds. America the Insane Asylum!!!!

  21. Anonymous3:58 PM

    "Is there widespread denial among even Catholics about the presence of homosexuality in the Church?"

    Yes, there is.

    9:41 AM
    No. There is NOT widespread denial among Catholics about homosexuality. My God, man. Hasn't the many convictions of priests in the Catholic Church proven that?

    Don't listen to Field. He is an atheist who has a lot of anger toward religion . Period. He knows little about the church, esp the Catholic Church, which obviously he hates.

  22. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Moonbat Double Standards:

    What if Walmart, the “largest seller of firearms and ammunition in America,” had knowingly sold 2,500 firearms to straw purchasers with the intent of having those purchasers carry those guns across an international border and sell them to drug cartel members in Mexico?

    And,what if at least two (but possibly three or more) of the guns were used in the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol agent while an untold number of the weapons were used to kill hundreds—literally hundreds—of Mexican citizens?

    Moreover, what if one of the straw purchasers, who bought over 700 guns, was on food stamps and Walmart knew it, yet they sold him guns in exchange for bags of cash anyway?

    What if some of the 2,500 hundred guns were recovered, but more than 1,000 were not, and what if an untold number of those unrecovered guns were believed to be in the hands of criminals in American cities on our Southwest border?

    And lastly, what if explanations given by Walmart board members regarding the authorization of this straw-purchasing, gun-walking program were in conflict with the testimony given by their executive? And what if both they and their executive snubbed their noses at Congressional requests for documentation that would explain who knew what and when?

    What would happen to Walmart if that company did these things?

    We all know what would happen. Both their C.E.O. and ranking board members would be handcuffed and frog-marched out to paddy wagons in broad daylight, then transported to prison cells that would house them for the rest of their lives.

    And Rep. Pelosi wouldn’t even think about saying, “They are treating the C.E.O. of Walmart this way for doing his job.”

  23. Anonymous4:58 PM

    You are an idiot! Most black folks, myself included, believe that O.J. was guilty.

    Try a new meme.

    No one said you were stupid. Of course you knew he was guilty. You are just immoral, many, many Blacks just wanted him to get off. Because he killed a White woman he should never have been with to begin with and they wanted to stick it to the man as Blacks see any form of authority or responsibility as being white, lacking proper representation of same in Blackface (corruption withstanding)

    Diminished capability for Abstract thinking, what if....if this happens what might happen next? If I rob, rape, loot, beat, gang up on these peeps to get what I want is it wrong? Is it evil, is it immoral or most likely no concept of what will happen later just thinking about now. Abstract thinking is directly linked to IQ.

    Get an impulse - act on it no matter how wicked. Abstract Muh-dick/Lack of impulse control thinking. Seen anywhere Blacks may roam, Time immemorial.

  24. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Boy, white racism rears it's ugly head again. In a piece that should be agreed upon by all, institutions that were trusted abused that trust, devolves into rants about blah people. Lots of sad souls out there.


  25. Anonymous9:57 PM

    "Abstract thinking is directly linked to IQ."

    Interesting, that explains how many dull white males I run into can't grasp simple ideas. And explains alot of the silly trolls spreading goofiness here.

  26. Hi fiving PilotX @ 9:54PM.

  27. WhiteGuy1:48 AM

    I don't like ANY large organizations. Be it government or a large institution like Penn State. Corruption always seems to sink in. But I don't believe the people of Happy Valley are that far gone to be against this monsters conviction.
    You say some outrageous things man

  28. Active homosexual priests would have relations with each other & with adult gays. There have always been celibate gay priests just as there have always been celibate straight priests. & don't think Catholics aren't aware why their parishes & schools are being shut down. The Catholic Bishoped highed a PR firm to "improve" their image. But no amount of flacking can restore their moral integrity. Seems only the Nuns have that nowadays.

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  30. Anonymous3:36 PM

    as a Proud Penn Stater myself, I am not in agreement with your post. to say that we are all guilty is not true. We all were not involved. The Students, Alumni and even faculty who found out about this the same way everyone else did ON TV! We were all upset and in an uproar. I can say nothing more then I know my Friends, Fellow Alumni and even facility who I've learned to love and trust, are glad that the victims have been adjudicated in court. Unfortunately Sandusky spending the rest of his life in Jail will not undo the hurt and harm he caused them. What I can say is that this had to do with a Sick Gentleman who took severe advantage of little boys. Not the institution, its faculty and alumni. Integrity is a core value of the institution, and the students and alumni are upset and we all hold true to the issue of "may no act of ours brings shame, Dear old State Dear Old State". I hope this gives you a different perspective on the issue.

    - A Proud Penn Stater

  31. @blind blacks leading blind blacks said...

    Your post is classic demonetization, you site no facts just the so called "conventional wisdom"! Have you heard of the ? Case after case of Black men wrongly convicted. Do you remember Susan Smith Et al?

    I, as many others did not believe the case presented by the OJ prosecution-but I always believe he knew who did.
    'OJ is innocent': Private investigator claims Simpson's SON hacked star's wife and friend to... via @MailOnline

  32. shame on u fn


    wtf has hobama done for his gay drones???

    nobama 2012!!!!!!!
    u know that blackish racist bankster hobama is whiter than mitt

    ask cornel west who broke that down long ago


  33. amen!

    sandusky's wife is a twisted/enabler monster too.

    she should also be locked up for life!


    good thing that jerry sandusky is not a hobama pal... like that js cloned serial female child rapist roman polanski

    he may have gotten hobama to set him free too

  34. I hardly ever refer to another human being as a "monster", but the definition fits Jerry Sandusky perfectly.

    What makes a human being do such awful things?

  35. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!!9:16 PM


    O J IS INNOCENT!!! Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown were killed by the mafia based at the Mezzalluna Restaurant. that place was a snake-pit of drug dealing and mob activity; from murders executed with surgical precision by a hired assassin named Frankie Viserto and an accomplice because Ron and Nicole were about to set up a competeing restaurant with cocaine profits, so the mob took offense and wasted them both! The keystone kops(LAPD) and the rest of White America weren't interested in the truth, THEY WANTED O.J. period!! It's an air-tight frame, and it looks good on him!!!!!

