Monday, June 25, 2012

The white folks are coming and the illegals better leave.

Let me start this post by saying that I love D.C., it's one of my favorite cities in the world.
Even though gentrification is making what was once "chocolate city" more like butter pecan, I still love the place.
Of course, I didn’t grow up there, so my sensibilities are different. To me it's just a nice place to visit, do business, and hang out with friends who have made their homes in the area.
For the folks who grew up there, the writing of Natalie Hopkinson hits home, and it’s something that I hear in a lot of other cities where gentrification (or reverse white flight) is pricing working class minority groups out of their old neighborhoods.
So why isn’t this a good thing? Property values will go up, and conventional wisdom says that the overall quality of life in the city will improve. But some things can't be measured in dollars and cents.
"My own initiation in the ways of Chocolate City came nearly 20 years ago when, after growing up black in nearly all-white environments, I arrived in Washington as a freshman at historically black Howard University. The Washington I encountered then was a strange, alternate universe: I saw black schools taught by black teachers and run by black principals reporting to black superintendents. Black restaurants. Black hospitals run by black doctors and staff members. Black suburbs. Black judges ordering black police officers to deliver black suspects to black jail wardens. And of course a black-owned music industry, go-go.
In Washington, we were not “minorities,” with the whiff of inferiority that label carries; we were “normal.” For the first time in my life, I felt at home."
You shouldn't feel inferior. When that "whiff" tries to take hold of you just hold your nose. And remember, home is where the heart is.
Finally, the supremes made a ruling today which , in essence, told the clowns in Arizona that they can't make laws which supersede federal statutes. They shot down three key provisions of SB1070 ,but unfortunately said it was cool for the po po to profile with their "papers please" clause.   
The white house was not exactly doing cart wheels but they managed to do a half of a victory lap. (Still waiting on Flipper to take an actual position on immigration, and the gutless media to call him out for not doing it.)  I guess that with this court you take whatever victory you can get.    
The supremes still have some more hits to come this week, and I suspect that those of us on the left will not be liking the tunes.
Folks, if you don't think it's important to put the right person in the White House, just remember that the president of these divided states is the person who ultimately selects the members of the supremes.  
*Pic from the New York Times.  


  1. Anonymous1:13 AM

    The supremes still have some more hits to come this week, and I suspect that those of us on the left will not be liking the tunes."

    Thats because progressive/marxist communists have overtaken the former democratic party and all you guys like is looney tunes, it's homier for you homey.

    The world says wabbit season you say dats wacist... duck season.

  2. Anonymous2:06 AM

    "Folks, if you don't think it's important to put the right person in the White House, just remember that the president of these divided states is the person who ultimately selects the members of the supremes."

    Yeah, and Mitt will be doing the selecting. But don't worry, he's not your typical Republican.

  3. DC turning into Pecan City is a shock as I know how she feels. Going to school in all white areas makes you have a love for being around your own folk. Not that you feel lesser than but probably more like a reconnect. But, money moves things and moves poor people out of town just check San Francisco. Change is coming but it's a cycle as soon as the crime bothers the newbies and they find that their kids are too street they'll move back out to the burbs for a bigger house.

    The Supremes pretty much granted the police the right to check the database. I'm sure they were doing it anyway but now it's legal. It's a token give by the Supremes but it is legalized racial profiling. I doubt if they'll check white folks even though they could be illegal from Canada.

  4. DyAnna Ross6:50 AM

    "The Supremes pretty much granted the police the right to check the database. I'm sure they were doing it anyway but now it's legal. It's a token give by the Supremes but it is legalized racial profiling. I doubt if they'll check white folks even though they could be illegal from Canada."

    Oh they will check, but do you think it's an issue that there could be millions of Illegal Canadians who crossed the borders all the way to Mexico to sneak into Arizona in order to suck up Arizonas resources? For this to work you would have to find a good reason for Canadians to need to sneak into the country illegally and want to be fried like Canadian Bacon in Arizona (you know Canadians can enter the U.S with a drivers license right?) Probably because they don't move in and take over and go back to the society that They created.

    Illegal isn't a race, it's a crime based upon a set of actions. For example; If all of a sudden Blacks were to become violent and start flash mobbing and shooting and killing each other in various cities across the country, raping and killing elderly women, assaulting Whites, Asians and Hispanics,robbing stores in large groups, become by far the highest percentage of law-breakers in the country in contrast to a small population, then it would be wise for police to observe just a bit more dilegently when around Blacks. Don't you think this is common sense? In example, if you are law enforcement it would be a waste of time and effort staring down that elderly business owner Chinese man delivering food, all the while missing the kids who shoot and kill him for free food wouldn't it? Even though using your logic he might be planning for all you know to rob the Black group or gaggle with his hidden pistol and was just using the delivery of the Chinese food as a ruse to lure in those unsuspecting Black men.

  5. bad bad leroy brown7:42 AM

    Just another day in black America, where babies cry as bullets fly:

    Rate of Killings Rises 38 Percent in Chicago in 2012

    Published: June 25, 2012

    CHICAGO — Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s first reading material each morning, at 5:30, is not a budget update, a legislative proposal or a packet of headlines.

    It is an e-mail from the Chicago Police Department listing the crimes that were committed during the night that just ended. By 7 a.m., he is calling Garry F. McCarthy, the police superintendent.

    That is unlikely to be their final conversation of the day, or even of the morning.

    Mr. Emanuel listed safer streets among his top three priorities when he became mayor a year ago, but Chicago, the nation’s third-largest city, is now testing that promise. Homicides are up by 38 percent from a year ago, and shootings have increased as well, even as killings have held steady or dropped in New York, Los Angeles and some other cities.

    As of June 17, 240 people had been killed here this year, mostly in shootings, 66 more deaths than occurred in the same period in 2011.

    “That’s somebody’s husband, somebody’s son, and they’re dying right on our block,” said Maya Hodari, who lives on a South Side street where two shootings have already taken place this year, one of them fatal and another as a toddler looked on. “It hurts.”

    The violence has left its largest scars in some of Chicago’s most impoverished, struggling neighborhoods on the South and West Sides, places with views of the city’s gleaming downtown skyline that feel worlds apart.

    A majority of the killings have been tied to Chicago’s increasingly complicated gang warfare, police statistics suggest, and to the gritty neighborhoods where gangs have long thrived.

  6. runnin ma mouff7:52 AM

    What a shock. The black woman at the center of this little drama is ust another moron.

    field links to the NY Times:

    The car’s owner, a white woman, dawdled away in her garden nearby. With a blithe wave, the woman suggested a detour. Donna refused.

    She intended to wait her out, but then the words just tumbled out: “If you didn’t want to follow the rules, you shouldn’t have moved your white” — and here she used an expletive — “into D.C.!”

  7. keepin it real estate7:58 AM

    The substance of the NY Times article boiled down to acknowledging that blacks don't like it when whites buy the properties they once occupied and then improve them.

    Seems the improvements are a huge insult to black sensibilities. And the insult goes deeper because the whites are there in the houses enjoying life in them, while blacks can only look at them as they boil and seethe with rage.

  8. that elitist racist bankster hobama has gentrified ALL of america
    every major city in america has become whiter under that blackish foreclosing fraud hobama

    that flipper hobama has deported orphaned and duped over a million latinos

    hobama has flipped from the latino deporter in chief to the latino vote hustler in chief

    hobama chose 2 supremes who were NOT black females
    but who are 2 cloned/corporatist/dl clones of himself
    whom he can control to secure his hitlerish hobamacare/pharma corp casino

    tragic that u see all that flipper hobama has done as good and worthy of 4 more flipping yrs!

    wtfu asap


  9. that elitist racist bankster hobama has gentrified ALL of america
    every major city in america has become whiter under that blackish foreclosing fraud hobama

    that flipper hobama has deported orphaned and duped over a million latinos

    hobama has flipped from the latino deporter in chief to the latino vote hustler in chief

    hobama chose 2 supremes who were NOT black females
    but who are 2 cloned/corporatist/dl clones of himself
    whom he can control to secure his hitlerish hobamacare/pharma corp casino

    tragic that u see all that flipper hobama has done as good and worthy of 4 more flipping yrs!

    wtfu asap


  10. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Field, I wish I could have experienced the DC of the 90's that you did. I moved to DC in 2000, and it was the home of self-hating black people. For a majority black city (at that time), the blacks did the step-and-fetch-it routine better than blacks in the south.

    Furthermore, DC has a very serious light-skin/dark-skin mentality in full effect aomg blacks. It's pathetic. Blacks in DC are losing ground (and home ownership) rapdily, and they have no one but themselves to blame.

    In 20 years, DC will be better than Manhattan and only the most successful/wealthy Blacks will have a place there (and those Blacks will be married/partnered/dating whites).

  11. memo to hobama

    no hope
    no change
    no seletion cash


  12. Anonymous12:27 PM

    "Mr. Emanuel listed safer streets among his top three priorities when he became mayor a year ago, but Chicago, the nation’s third-largest city, is now testing that promise. Homicides are up by 38 percent from a year ago, and shootings have increased as well, even as killings have held steady or dropped in New York, Los Angeles and some other cities."

    But, But, But the liberals promised if we had even more sever gun control that there would be fewer guns on the street and less killings? Maybe they didn't think this through despite overwhelming evidence in every city in the U.S? Maybe they don't understand that it isn't the law abiding citizens who undergo extreme background checks to carry a weapon that kill others?

    Quick somebody tell Obama and Holder that banning more guns, might just mean more murders. Besides, it's unconstitutional - nah, never mind we know where THAT would get us.

  13. Farley12:48 PM

    Hmmm... Anonymouse, seems like all the bigots and fascists have made the GOP their home. Which is why it's important that the Prez needs to be re-elected.

  14. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Farley said...
    Hmmm... Anonymouse, seems like all the bigots and fascists have made the GOP their home. Which is why it's important that the Prez needs to be re-elected.

    Farley - look up Bigot and Fascists, you might find a picture of you and Obama with a Democratic Crest along with the definition.

  15. Sophia1:30 PM

    Field - right on the mark. For quite a few years, I've voted for the presidency based on whom I would want making appointments to the Supreme Court. Since they are lifetime, these appointments far outlast any individual President's term of office and establish the parameters of the law.

  16. Anonymous1:55 PM

    From the NYT article

    "Of course, Chocolate Cities aren’t perfect. I do not accept responsibility for Mr. Thomas, who represented me on the City Council and went to jail for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from youth programs. He does not represent black people any more than the disgraced Illinois governor Rod R. Blagojevich represents white people."

    No, but they both do represent something common that 90% of Blacks belong to...the Democratic Party. Corruption doesn't work, even if you are getting some.

  17. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Zimmerman passed the lie detector test. Eyewitnesses, character witnesses, police reports, medical reports also all verify his testimony that not one thing was ever found questionable.

    The witch hunt is over, he did act in self defense against a choom tokin, purple drank drinkin, fight club referee, jr burglar, punch the bus driver, get suspended and go get some more lean in the rain while casin houses thug.

    Oh and did I mention Zimmerman isn't a white guy and isn't racist. Anything left?

  18. "The witch hunt is over, he did act in self defense against a choom tokin, purple drank drinkin, fight club referee, jr burglar, punch the bus driver, get suspended and go get some more lean in the rain while casin houses thug.

    Oh and did I mention Zimmerman isn't a white guy and isn't racist. Anything left?"

    Yes, he shot an unarmed teenager to death.

    Why don't we just wait until the trial my moonshine drinking friend?

  19. Pedro Needs A Bath3:20 PM

    Lawd have mercy, those are some straggly-looking folks in that picture you posted, field!

    Would I suspect them of being illegal immigrants, running around the Tex-Mex border?

    NO WAY! I mean, that would be PROFILING!

    What a joke.

  20. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Yes, he shot an unarmed teenager to death.

    Why don't we just wait until the trial my moonshine drinking friend?

    Field, he wasn't unarmed, he had two of them, otherwise how could he have punched zimmerman and grabbed his head to slam it into the ground repeatedly - My moonbeam seeking moonbat friend :)

    On the trial part, fair enough you are right but it never should have gotten this far with all the evidence. And it wouldnt have were it not for the Race hustling poverty pimps who need a cause and a dolla. What these folks did divided us more for no reason, pitting races against each other instead of looking specifically at Trayvon and Zimmerman and what actually happened (facts, evidence and the rule of law)

    Now a question for a lawyer in line with this post...if a man with no arms and no license to carry a gun gets caught with a pistol in his pants, could you get him off from a gun charge by claiming he was unarmed?

  21. Anonymous3:43 PM

    "The witch hunt is over, he did act in self defense against a choom tokin, purple drank drinkin, fight club referee, jr burglar, punch the bus driver, get suspended and go get some more lean in the rain while casin houses thug.

    Oh and did I mention Zimmerman isn't a white guy and isn't racist. Anything left?"

    What's still left is you and your sick racist mind. It must be too much to bear to live in hatred and fear. But then again when hatred and fear is the norm in your life and you are completely unconscious of it, killing Blacks is a good thing to someone like you.

  22. What a coincidence....4:16 PM

    Those nasty white folks are just ruining D.C.!

  23. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "The witch hunt is over, he did act in self defense against a choom tokin, purple drank drinkin, fight club referee, jr burglar, punch the bus driver, get suspended and go get some more lean in the rain while casin houses thug.

    Oh and did I mention Zimmerman isn't a white guy and isn't racist. Anything left?"

    What's still left is you and your sick racist mind. It must be too much to bear to live in hatred and fear. But then again when hatred and fear is the norm in your life and you are completely unconscious of it, killing Blacks is a good thing to someone like you.

    Well, lets see. I say the evidence and you say skin color. I say the media lied and you say skin color. I say truth and you say skin color. I say it was self defense and you say hatred, fear, killing blacks is good.

    Who is the sick fukcing puppy having a tantrum because what he wants to be right was wrong? Who hates people because of skin color? Sounds like it's you genius. Any sane person who thinks would simply want the rule of law and if that means the evidence points to someone you want to protect from what HE DID BECAUSE of his skin color, than maybe you better get some help for that racist, diseased, hatred filled mind of yours that appears to be being eaten away by either your hatred or syphilis.

    There is no fear here. I am not the one running away from facts and crying like a little freak that the only reason someone tells the truth is because they don't like the way I look. Dumbass.

  24. Anonymous4:48 PM

    What a coincidence.... said...
    Those nasty white folks are just ruining D.C.!

    Look at a day in the life.

    Do you think random violence with child victims might lower property values? Or should you save all the energy for when you notice someone white moving into the neighborhood?

    "The shooting occurred shortly after noon near the heart of the Villages of Parklands, a neatly manicured public housing area.

    The children, ages 6 to 12, had been attending the Villages of Parklands community summer camp. Most of the group lived in the Orchard Park neighborhood. The counselor, in his 40s, was an area pastor who worked for the Villages of Parklands, neighbors said.

    The group was returning from a federally funded meals program. It was the first day of the three-month DC Free Summer Meals Program available to poor children around the city.

  25. gerry mander5:09 PM

    Charles Barron is loony enough that even Al Sharpton is wondering about him. The black plague aims for Congress...

    Quinn aides in feverish campaign to keep Barron out of Congress


    June 26, 2012

    Top aides to Council Speaker Christine Quinn are campaigning feverishly to block firebrand Brooklyn Councilman Charles Barron from being elected today to Congress.

    Quinn staffer Steve Feder posted a “keep this guy [Barron] OUT OF CONGRESS” on his Facebook page, The Post has learned.

    “If you live in the zip codes below, VOTE TODAY! . . .

    A man who praised Qaddafi after his death, a man who is anti-semitic and anti-Israel, a man who gave an award to the ruthless dictator Robert Mugabe is running for Congress, and he has a chance to win a Democratic primary. His name is Charles Barron,” Feder said.

    Barron faces off against Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries to replace Brooklyn Rep. Ed Towns, who is retiring.

    Feder addresses his appeal to voters who reside in 23 Brooklyn zip codes that make up the eighth congressional district.

    “If you live in the zip codes below, take five minutes to keep guy OUT OFCONGRESS,” Feder said.

    A rep for Barron could not be immediately reached for comment.

  26. Anonymous5:44 PM

    MR.F.NEGRO what do you like most about a chocolate city the rape,robbery,or murders, it can't be the schools because they are failures?

  27. Why do dem white folks want to move around all those robberies and killings? Hmmmm.

  28. Maybe you Negroes can start moving to the burbs. I am sure the rent will be cheaper these day.

    And they have really nice supermarkets with fresh produce and stuff.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Anonymous6:39 PM

    You leftist Democratic plantation negroes make me laugh. Y'all are the same ones cryin about corporations outsourcing jobs to india in one breath, then turnin around n supporting the outsourcing of jobs to illegal latin americans in the next.
    You negroes are doomed and don't even realize it. Livin on the Democratic plantation has made you deaf, dumb, and blind. Now Latinos on the other hand got real power. They takin over gettin support for the silent invasion while you fools sit idley by. Latinos are not being played a fool as they got both the repubs and dems goin after their vote. Romney and Obama are fightin hard spendin millions on spanish language ads, while you negroes just sit on the Democratic leftist plantation. Romney doesn't care for your vote...and neither does Obama. He knows you'll vote for him no matter what. So much so that he kicked the black working class in the cojones by legalizing a million anchor babies to compete with you negroes for jobs. But anyway does anybody really care about blacks anymore? Corporate america has got everything in "en espanol" Blacks are no longer America's favored minority so say goodbye to the many perks u been gettin. You thought u would remain there forever sitting on the leftist plantation... too bad u guys better start learning spanish because Jose and Maria who just crossed the border are going to have anchor babies who will be bilingual by the time they are 7 years old. White and Latino employers aint choosin u over them. Latino's are runnin **** now and may they have mercy on ur negro souls once they come to power. You thought the white man was bad.....

    -A Black Libertarian

  31. Another white guy12:48 AM

    These people you call "Mexican" are actually mestizos or full native Americans (North, South, Central - what's the difference?). They may make the U.S. take a left turn in this century. We'll see.

    I think the right is terrified by Latinos. Have you seen these Salvadorian women? They're hot and ready to make babies.

    Viva Castro! Viva Chavez! Viva Morales!

  32. Cassie8:10 PM

    Your last paragraph is spot on. Even those people who are bitterly "disappointed" in President Obama should remember how disastrous a Romneybot 2.0 presidency would be. Can you imagine a Romneybot White House plus a Republican House? Dang!! My brain hurts just thinking about that combination.
