Thursday, July 19, 2012

That tax thing again, and a salute to Senator McCain.

I would like to start this post like I have a few others over the past few days: by asking Mitt Romney to release his tax returns. I know it's an uncomfortable subject for Mr. Romney and his supporters, but I.....wait, let me just let the Washington Post's editorial page tell us why he should release them.

"FOR MOST AMERICANS, income tax returns are a private matter, and federal law protects that privacy. For those who would be president, a different standard applies. The modern presidency demands so much of one individual — decisions of immense complexity, consequence and difficulty — that the candidates’ characters must be thoroughly examined.

The exploratory process is often unpleasant for candidates, especially when it is stimulated or exploited by their opponents. But it is essential for voters. The probing and investigating is a chance to examine all the ups and downs of a career, the critical moments and life experiences that might foretell how a president will make decisions.  

This is why, as we said months ago, Mitt Romney’s tax returns are important. He has described himself as a successful capitalist who took risks and created wealth, a laudable credential. Voters would benefit by seeing and evaluating the details of that story, including through his tax records.

So far, Mr. Romney has made public one year of his federal return, for 2010, and promises to release the 2011 return when it is ready. He has declined to disclose any earlier years. This is an error that he should quickly reverse. He does not need to go as far as his father, who made public 12 years of tax returns when he was running for president in 1968, but more than two years would be informative..."

Thank you!

Anyway, I wanted to do a post tonight congratulating and praising senator John McCain of Arizona. Mr. McCain is a man that I don't often agree with, but he did a brave and courageous thing by standing up to some of the wingnuts in his own party and he should be commended for it.

The republican party is becoming so unhinged at its core that we soon won't recognize the "party of Lincoln" anymore. To think that they would accuse a trusted and long time aide to our Secretary of State of being infiltrator and a spy for the Muslim Brotherhood is preposterous and shocking. (BTW, she is married to a Jew)  

So back to Mr. McCain. Yesterday he took to the floor of the Senate and gave one of those "profiles in courage" speeches that we get from politricksters every now and then.

"In a floor speech Wednesday, McCain defended Abedin, calling her “an intelligent, upstanding, hard-working and loyal servant of our country and our government, who has devoted countless days of her life to advancing the ideals of the nation she loves and looking after its most precious interests. That she has done so while maintaining her characteristic decency, warmth and good humor is a testament to her ability to bear even the most arduous duties with poise and confidence.

“Put simply, Huma represents what is best about America: the daughter of immigrants, who has risen to the highest levels of our government on the basis of her substantial personal merit and her abiding commitment to the American ideals that she embodies so fully,” McCain said. “I am proud to know Huma and to call her my friend.”

I salute you sir. And shame on Michele Bachmann and the purveyors of hate and prejudice for even dignifying these unfounded charges against a hard working American because of their own bigotry and ignorance.



  1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Field were you this concerned when John Kerry ran for president and only released two years of his federal income tax returns? Probably not.

    There is no benefit for Romney to release more than what is usually released by a candidate.

    If the logic applied by the NYT for the release of more Romney income tax returns, you and the NYT should have been demanding that this "transparent" president release his college grades and the other info he refuses to disclose.

    If you think Romney is hiding something, so is the president

  2. Ta Nishi Coates at the Atlantic had a good question for George Zimmerman: If Treyvon attacked you as you describe, what are you apologizing for? Why aren't you demanding an apology from his parents? Why do you even care what the parents of someone who you say tried to kill you think? If he was so intent on killing you that even after months of reflection on their consequences you still wouldn't change any of your actions, what exactly are you sorry for?

  3. Did everyone hear what Myth Rmoney's wife said about them releasing more tax returns?

    “We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life.”

    I've been saying it for years, we're all "you people" in Scrooge McDuck Ameriklan -even if most of us white folks still think we own the house.

  4. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Global Highlights
    •The average combined global land and ocean surface temperature for June 2012 was 0.63°C (1.13°F) above the 20th century average of 15.5°C (59.9°F). This is the fourth warmest June since records began in 1880.

    •The Northern Hemisphere land and ocean average surface temperature for June 2012 was the all-time warmest June on record, at 1.30°C (2.34°F) above average.

    •The globally-averaged land surface temperature for June 2012 was also the all-time warmest June on record, at 1.07°C (1.93°F) above average.

    •ENSO-neutral conditions continued in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean during June 2012 as sea surface temperature anomalies continued to rise. The June worldwide ocean surface temperatures ranked as the 10th warmest June on record.

    •The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for January–June 2012 was the 11th warmest on record, at 0.52°C (0.94°F) above the 20th century average.

    Looks like your trolls are wrong again. As usual.


  5. Anonymous8:35 PM

    From the Boston Globe

    Campaign 2012 , Mitt Romney , Politics
    John Kerry’s office blasts Mitt Romney over inaccurate claims about tax returns

    By Callum Borchers, Globe Correspondent

    Senator John Kerry has been working on his Mitt Romney impersonation since being cast as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee in mock debates with President Obama, but lately it has been Romney likening himself to Kerry, as he seeks to justify releasing only two years of tax returns.

    Romney and his surrogates have repeatedly claimed that Kerry, the Democratic nominee in 2004, made public just two years of tax returns, despite the fact that Kerry released five years of tax documents and consistently released earlier returns during his Senate races.

    Are your trolls ever right about anything? You need new trolls.


  6. bill gates9:25 PM

    Yahoo to Pay Mayer $100 Million Over Five Years

    New Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer will receive up to $100 million in compensation, stock, bonus and retention awards over the next five years.

    Any outrage from blacks and Occupy Wall Street on this one?

    If there is, I'm sure they'll e-mail their feelings via Yahoo.

  7. sickmund froyed9:39 PM

    Stupid comment of the day:

    Ta Nishi Coates at the Atlantic had a good question for George Zimmerman: If Treyvon attacked you as you describe, what are you apologizing for?

    Ah. So it's assumed that any person who legally kills another is untouched by any emotion or feelings of remorse.

    I guess that explains the black experience. He dead, and dat's dat. Ain't nuttin'.

    Why aren't you demanding an apology from his parents?

    Now there's a non-sequitur.

    This is more of the insanity of black logic.

    Why do you even care what the parents of someone who you say tried to kill you think?

    Ah, an Obama moment. So the preceding is how blacks see the aftermath of a killing. Well, we know OJ was exactly remoseful or saddened by his actions.

    On the other hand, Zimmerman appears to be relatively normal.

    If he was so intent on killing you that even after months of reflection on their consequences you still wouldn't change any of your actions, what exactly are you sorry for?

    This is a serious question?

    The fact that a black is asking it with such rhetorical vehemence gives us further confirmation that blacks feel no conflicts or remorse for killing.

  8. hide the dough9:45 PM

    Kerry, the Democratic nominee in 2004, made public just two years of tax returns

    He revealed NOTHING, because as Mr Heinz, his own income is meaningless relative to his wife's.

    Kerry's wife is many times richer than Mitt Romney, and she NEVER showed a single year of her returns when her doofus husband ran for president with John Edwards, the most despicable man in politics.

  9. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Field, where did these idiots come from? Zimmerman is guilty of murder and Romney is a dishonest man.

  10. "The modern presidency demands so much of one individual — decisions of immense complexity, consequence and difficulty — that the candidates’ characters must be thoroughly examined."

    This is the internet, so we can't know for sure, but you can't be posting that with a straight face.

    Romney's tax returns are essential public knowledge, but the mainstream media did their best to bury Obama's 20 year long intimate association with a radical racist anti-american preacher, his decade long collaboration with an unrepentent terrorist who plotted to kill American military personnel at a dance, and his letting convicted racketeer Tony Rezko pay for part of his Chicago mansion.

    We don't know how he paid for school, how he got into Columbia and Harvard when by all accounts he was a poor student, or even if he really wrote his autobiography.

    It took 4 years for him to produce a birth certificate, and even then it was not a photocopy, but a computer generated document.

    Obama's character has received the least examination of anyone ever to aspire to the Presidency.

  11. Whittaker Chambers10:43 PM

    McCain is an idiot.

    Huma Abedin is Hilary Clinton's most "intimate" advisor. Her brother is in the Muslim Brotherhood. Her Mother is in the Muslim Sisterhood. Her father was a radical islamist.

    Anyone with those associations should NOT be entrusted with high level diplomatic information. It is common fucking sense.

  12. Al Whore10:50 PM

    The Twosqueegee Airman said...
    "Looks like your trolls are wrong again. As usual."

    Weather is not climate, dumbass.

    Leave the science discussions to those able to understand it.

    Now go outside and shake a bone at the sun.

  13. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Field, "And shame on Michele Bachmann and the purveyors of hate and prejudice for even dignifying these unfounded charges against a hard working American because of their own bigotry and ignorance."

    Field, you depress me. All you do is beat up on Republicans. For What? Are you a sadist?

    Try being a good samaritan and let go and stop trying to tear down innocent people like Michele Bachmann. She has her problems but she means well. This beautiful-eyed woman is looking out for America's welfare.

  14. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Anon, "Field, where did these idiots come from? Zimmerman is guilty of murder and Romney is a dishonest man."

    No one knows whether Zimmerman is guilty and Romney is no more dishonest than Obama. Obama is full of broken promises.

    Hell, Obama won't even show up to talk to Blacks. At least Romney has acknowledged our existence. You might want to examine the idiot-side of yourself and stop judging others.

    Zimmerman hasn't been found guilty by the courts, yet. You sound like a troll, brother. Maybe you should quit trying to play judge and jury?

  15. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Ta Nishi Coates at the Atlantic had a good question for George Zimmerman: If Treyvon attacked you as you describe, what are you apologizing for? Why aren't you demanding an apology from his parents? Why do you even care what the parents of someone who you say tried to kill you think? If he was so intent on killing you that even after months of reflection on their consequences you still wouldn't change any of your actions, what exactly are you sorry for?

    It's called civilized behaviour by a man who has a God instead of a government as his God.

    He couldn't exactly come right out and say he was sorry that Black America raises so many kids in split homes that they don't know what to do with them, that when they get suspended for the third time they send them off to daddys girlfriend camp to do lean and smoke blunts unsupervised. Or that he was sorry young Blacks are so violent and criminal that the majority of crimes are committed by them, yet if you look at them sideways they want to kill you. He couldn't exactly say he was sorry Trayvon was a thug and he had to kill him for his inability to communicate other than with violence.

    So he just said he is sorry you had to bury a son.

  16. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Did everyone hear what Myth Rmoney's wife said about them releasing more tax returns?

    “We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life.”

    I've been saying it for years, we're all "you people" in Scrooge McDuck Ameriklan -even if most of us white folks still think we own the house.

    What an identity crisis you have. Go spin on the floor in your wheelchair. You do know she was talking to the media about the media right? Truth is, she wouldnt even fart in your general direction. You contribute nothing to society but take plenty out and then seek to badmouth all those who support you.

  17. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Once again Field proving that the people he has the most in common with are Islamics, they share a joint hatred for Americans. Logic and facts be damned.

  18. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Field, why must you and some of your FN cronies continue to beat up on Romney? He doesn't deserve it.

    There could be only ONE reason why some of you folks are doing are racists!

    I know you can't relate to this but try to imagine how would you feel if someone discriminated against you and some of your friends.

    Then you would know how Romney feels. Field, it hurts.

  19. Travis Bickle11:54 PM

    The George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin story is a tale told by our fascist liberal rulers that basically stipulates a white person can no longer defend themselves from an attack by a Black person.

  20. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Dear Mr Field, Ann Romney has declared that people like you, Whitey, Desert and the rest of your FN cronies have gotten all the information they are going to get regarding family taxes.

    I could be a little off in my interpretation, but it sounds like Ann is saying, "kiss my ass!".... although I don't think Mormons would say such crude things. But Christians and Jews would in a New York minute!

    hmmmm...maybe there is a difference in the quality of religions? Field, where did the quality of your previous religion rank? From your attitude about religion it must be really 'down there'....near the bottom.

  21. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Did everyone hear what Myth Rmoney's wife said about them releasing more tax returns?

    “We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life.”

    I've been saying it for years, we're all "you people" in Scrooge McDuck Ameriklan -even if most of us white folks still think we own the house.

    As Moonbats are exposed they continue to prove they are blithering blathering idiots, no wonder why this country is in the shit shape it is in with all these libtards gumming up the works and poverty pimps making a living.

    ABC even being an Obamabot outlet says Ann Romney said no such thing, but all the sheeple moonbats keep following right off the cliff.

    Oh and Whitey, as far as I am concerned you don't own shit. I paid for it and I am coming for it real soon. Maybe I will wait for your city to go bankrupt and then come claim the house that I paid for.

  22. President Obama's reelection campaign accuses Mitt Romney of distorting the president's words, by showing a side by side comparison of the Obama's words and Romney's quotation of those words:

    "Mitt Romney is launching a false attack," the ad's text states. But the weird thing is: The Obama campaign is purposefully trying to make it sound like Romney is misquoting the president, when the official White House transcript backs up Romney's quotation.

    In the ad, Romney says that Obama revealed his thoughts on business when he said this, "If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

    And, in fact, according to official White House transcript that's precisely what Obama said on July 13, 2012 in Roanoke, Virginia.

    Nevertheless, the Obama campaign, in the ad, says it's not true. "The only problem?," the ad text reads. "That's not what he said." It then turns to Obama, from the same Roanoke campaign speech, who said, "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life."

    Which is true. Obama did say that. But he also said the line that Romney says he said-- "If you’ve got a business --you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

    And, in fact, later in the ad the Obama campaign actually plays the clip that Romney quotes of Obama, at about :40 second spot.

    "Mitt Romney will say anything," the ad concludes. It turns out, he'll even say Obama's words when quoting him.

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  24. Anonymous4:14 AM

    "and she NEVER showed a single year of her returns"

    uh because she wasn't running for president. Are you moving the goalposts now? First you claim Kerry showed only two years of tax returns and when you were proven wrong you switch up. What gives?

    "Weather is not climate, dumbass.

    Leave the science discussions to those able to understand it."

    Which is why I provided the June CLIMATE report from the National CLIMATE Data Center. Did you see any weather reports?
    Field........your trolls are dumber than I thought.


  25. Anonymous4:21 AM

    "Weather is not climate, dumbass.

    Leave the science discussions to those able to understand it."

    You were saying? Looks like I'm not the one with a lack of understanding now does it? Now run along and play with the rest of the special ed kids. Conservatives are really stupid. No wonder you won't stick with one screen name.

    June 2012 Selected Climate
    Anomalies and Events Map
    Global Highlights
    •The average combined global land and ocean surface temperature for June 2012 was 0.63°C (1.13°F) above the 20th century average of 15.5°C (59.9°F). This is the fourth warmest June since records began in 1880.

    •The Northern Hemisphere land and ocean average surface temperature for June 2012 was the all-time warmest June on record, at 1.30°C (2.34°F) above average.

    •The globally-averaged land surface temperature for June 2012 was also the all-time warmest June on record, at 1.07°C (1.93°F) above average.

    •ENSO-neutral conditions continued in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean during June 2012 as sea surface temperature anomalies continued to rise. The June worldwide ocean surface temperatures ranked as the 10th warmest June on record.

    •The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for January–June 2012 was the 11th warmest on record, at 0.52°C (0.94°F) above the 20th century average.


  26. Anonymous4:25 AM

    "Now I know you have mental capacity problems. If the current heat wave in the US is due to global warming - why is the rest of the GLOBE cooler?"

    This was from a conservative anon. No proof for this statement, actually disproven by the NCDC but that's how conservatives roll, make up stuff and pull it out of their backsides. No wonder they're so easily manipulated.


  27. Can someone please tell me whn the ketchup lady decided to run of president? I don remember her ever being on the ticket.

    Did someone above write that Zimmerman is normal?
    No wonder my trolls are getting worse. Trying to sleep with your first cousin is NOT normal.

  28. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Now I know you have mental capacity problems. If the current heat wave in the US is due to global warming - why is the rest of the GLOBE cooler?"

    This was from a conservative anon. No proof for this statement, actually disproven by the NCDC but that's how conservatives roll, make up stuff and pull it out of their backsides. No wonder they're so easily manipulated.


    I guess you are right. Global warming is proven, it was the hottest summer 1936.
    What a nimrod.

  29. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Henny Penny/The Sky is Falling said....

    "This was from a conservative anon. No proof for this statement, actually disproven by the NCDC but that's how conservatives roll, make up stuff and pull it out of their backsides. No wonder they're so easily manipulated.


    Coming from the guy who believes best guesses are science even if those guesses were proven false and that the ones who made the guesses made up numbers and facts to fit their guesses.

    You are just a nitwit...I guess.

    Do you still belong to that doomsday cult? Have you had your beliefs shaken each time they say the world is going to end and it doesn't? What year is next?

    As someone else said, put the bone back in your nose and stop shaking it at the weather god.

    Can I call you Henny Penny...oh noes the sky is falling..the world is going to Melt...oh noes....

  30. Tweeting this Colorado tragedy before I go on the plantation.

  31. Anonymous9:52 AM

    field negro said...
    Can someone please tell me whn the ketchup lady decided to run of president? I don remember her ever being on the ticket.

    Did someone above write that Zimmerman is normal?
    No wonder my trolls are getting worse. Trying to sleep with your first cousin is NOT normal.

    Believing DOJ/FBI propaganda about an 8 year old, when every other witness and person in his life that has been completely dissected says other things is a sign that someones lights are burning bright but no one is home. A judge in a murder case ruled uncorroborated hearsay on the part of someone claiming they were "finger tapped" from 6 until they were NINETEEN was inserted into the case by DOJ appointed FBI, than a judge rules this is relevant to a 2nd degree murder case? Field, I thought you were a lawyer, you should have smelled this a mile away.

    by the way, your brother called, he wanted to talk about the time you touched his winkie when you were 8 and the judge in your divorce case is going to use this as evidence that you aren't a good husband.

    With the department of justice/FBI and Angela digging for dirt on the intructions of Eric Holder, with so many people and this being all they could come up - create. I think Zimmerman might just be an alter boy.

  32. Speaker Of The Hypocrites10:10 AM

    Looks like that hag Pelosi is backing-down:

    She must have something to hide!

  33. allahu akbar10:49 AM

    A few words about Huma and her family:

    FP: You were the first to break the news on Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner’s wife, being linked to her mother Saleha Abedin, who, as you have exposed, has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    First, let me ask you: how credible are your sources?

    Shoebat: Al-Liwa Al-Arabi (translated here) leaked an extensive list, which was partially published by Al-Jazeera and several other major Arab newspapers. The detailed list included Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin.

    Another piece of the puzzle and what was common knowledge in the Arab world is that Huma Abedin has a brother named Hassan Abedin who sits in on the board of the Oxford Centre For Islamic Studies (OCIS) where Huma’s brother is a fellow and partners with a number of Muslim Brotherhood members on the Board, including Al-Qaeda associate, Omar Naseef and the notorious Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Youssef Qaradawi; both have been listed as OCIS Trustees. Naseef continues to serve as Board Chairman.

    This becomes an issue since Huma sits in the U.S. State Department with eyes and ears to classified government secrets.

    Was Huma unaware of all this as she accompanied Hillary Clinton to the Dar El-Hekma women’s college in Jedda-Saudi Arabia?

    Huma’s mother is the co-founder and a Vice Dean at the college and an active missionary on issues regarding Muslim women and is considered by the Egyptian security services as a dangerous member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

  34. Nanook10:49 AM

    Pile-it-X does not know the difference between weather and climate.

    A one month climate report is "weather".

    It is really annoying when someone is such a dumbass and doesn't know it.

  35. capitalist tool11:05 AM

    ex-piles, field, et al:

    John Kerry is married to Theresa Heinz, one of the richest women in the world.

    Hence, by running for president, she too, was, as his spouse, the major part of the income and tax picture of a potential president.

    Wouldn't it have been somewhat embarrassing if he'd been married to someone engaged in illegal tax evasion? Not that Democrats wanted to know.

    Because she is many times wealthier than Mitt Romney, undoubtedly her tax attorneys employed tax-avoidance strategies and tactics even more complex than those used by Romney. I'd bet her all-in tax rate was less than Romney's. His was about 15%.

    I'll bet she paid a lower rate, very likely because she probably has a large portfolio of tax-free municipal bonds. But, of course, her wealth is derived from Heinz stock, which traded around $37 a share in July 2004 and is now $55. The dividend yield today is 3.7%, making it attractive as an income stock.

    As for outsourcing jobs, well, Heinz does plenty of that. It operates plants in other countries. Why not operate all those plants here and export the products? Nope. That's not what Heinz does. Nor does GM, Ford, or Caterpillar, among thousands of US companies.

  36. e = one-half mc squared11:18 AM

    ex-piles said something about relying on temperature records going back to the 1880s.

    Only a moron would believe there are meaningful records of temperatures covering every square mile of the planet at that time.

    In fact, given the complexity of the entire Earth, even today's global data is far from perfect.

    IN any case, humans around the world are going to depend on coal, natural gas, oil and nuclear to supply at least 90% of our power for a long time.

    It will take the work of several Einsteins to improve the conversion of solar energy enough to make it competitive with oil, gas, coal and nuclear.

    And no one predicts any of the Einsteins will be black.

  37. Anonymous12:34 PM

    "A one month climate report is "weather".

    It is really annoying when someone is such a dumbass and doesn't know it."

    Really? A monthly CLIMATE report compiled by a climatologist is weather? OK, I'll play along please inform us dembasses what exactly constitutes climate? I'll wait.

    "ex-piles said something about relying on temperature records going back to the 1880s.

    Only a moron would believe there are meaningful records of temperatures covering every square mile of the planet at that time."

    Uh, since when has the entire planet EVER had every square mile covered with temp records. That's part of a climatologists job to uncover past climate information or is that weather I get confused. Actually there are useful records dating back millions of years.


  38. Anonymous12:40 PM

    "And no one predicts any of the Einsteins will be black."

    Not too many blah people named Einstein. First correct statement one of your trolls has ever made.

    "I guess you are right. Global warming is proven, it was the hottest summer 1936.
    What a nimrod."

    So by wingnut logic since there were hotter summers our current warming trend should be ignored. Genius I tell ya. Oh yeah, I can see that used by a conservative "that was only 13 days in a row over 100, back in the 30's there were 15 days in a row over 100 so don't issue any heat warnings you moron!!!!!!!!!!"
    No wonder conservatives don't go into the sciences, they struggle with basic logic. SMDH
    Your trolls are certainly entertaining if not just plain dumb and they don't even know it.


  39. Shaniqua "Whoopi" Goldberg1:00 PM

    I'se a genius!

  40. Anonymous1:02 PM

    FN, "Did someone above write that Zimmerman is normal?
    No wonder my trolls are getting worse. Trying to sleep with your first cousin is NOT normal."

    Careful. Did you know many slaves unintentionally married members of their own family? This happened when slave masters sold a member of slave families to other plantations. This evil practice set up the possibility of marrying a people of the same blood line.

    It was routine business to do so by the Whites. You see, during those days, Blacks weren't considered human.

    Fortunately, today we live in post-racial America, although I hear that Blacks seem to have some problems in FL, GA, MS, LA, TX, OK, Kansas, PA, MD, NY, MN, the Mid-west, the Rockies, NV, AZ, CA, WA, OR, and PR, VI, and a few other surrounding islands. Thank God Blacks are treated equally everywhere else!

    I still feel depressed though. And I don't know why "it's depressing to be Black in America". Jesse Lee Peterson and Rev Manning tell me I'm depressed because Negroes don't know how to show their gratitude to Whites for bringing them to America. I guess slavery was a blessing in disguise? It really wasn't that bad--and by extension, Whites aren't that bad. I mean, I guess we could have had white masters who were a lot worse?.... Wow. I'm starting to feel better already. I'm beginning to think that my depression can be irradicated just by changing my thinking about racial matters...what a discovery!

    Well, it's not a new discovery. According to Chris Rock, Whites discovered it centuries ago on the 4th July.

  41. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Dear Mr PilotX, did you know that the difference between climate and weather is simply time? Weather is short term, like daily, and climate is the accumulation of short term weather over an extended period of time?

    I write this because you have yet to prove you know the difference.

    PS. this blog wouldn't have any entertainment if it wasn't for us Black and White trolls from Anon, Inc. It is obvious Negroes like you have no idea how to have fun. Why do you think Field hired us? He wanted to add some entertainment to his dry ass blog full of intellectual deadbeats.

    Did you know that people from all around the world read FN because of us? We neutralize complainers and so-called 'thinkers' like you because we think faster and write faster than tiny minds like yours can handle, slowpoke. HA!

  42. When I was at Disneyland, I saw white families, I saw black families, and I saw single white women with mulatto children. As it turns out, this wasn't simple happenstance, because based on the statistics reported by the CDC, a white woman has better than a 2 in 3 chance of marrying the white father of her children. A black woman has slightly worse than a 1 in 3 chance of marrying the black father of her children. But a white woman has barely a 1 in 10 chance of marrying the black father of her children.

    Why is that?

  43. Hoosier Daddy1:22 PM

    "Careful. Did you know many slaves unintentionally married members of their own family? This happened when slave masters sold a member of slave families to other plantations. This evil practice set up the possibility of marrying a people of the same blood line."

    What about today, when most blacks in the hood have no real idea who their daddy is? I bet half sisters are having babies with half brothers all the time.

  44. Anonymous1:26 PM

    When I was at Disneyland, I saw white families, I saw black families, and I saw single white women with mulatto children. As it turns out, this wasn't simple happenstance, because based on the statistics reported by the CDC, a white woman has better than a 2 in 3 chance of marrying the white father of her children. A black woman has slightly worse than a 1 in 3 chance of marrying the black father of her children. But a white woman has barely a 1 in 10 chance of marrying the black father of her children.

    Why is that?

    1:20 PM
    The answer is simple: RACISM. Some black and white couples can't handle the racial pressure in this post-racial country.

  45. Anonymous2:46 PM

    "Dear Mr PilotX, did you know that the difference between climate and weather is simply time? Weather is short term, like daily, and climate is the accumulation of short term weather over an extended period of time?"

    You mean like a month? Thanks for playing.


  46. Anonymous2:50 PM

    But also keep in mind climate also involves stastical records such as average daily highs/lows. We can make inferences from departures from norms. Maybe you can teach your fellow trolls what you just learned. Who am I kidding, this is the same crowd that thinks creationism is science and thought Palin was a good VP choice. Nevamind.


  47. Anonymous2:51 PM

    "What about today, when most blacks in the hood have no real idea who their daddy is? I bet half sisters are having babies with half brothers all the time."

    No mention of the trailer parks full of uncle/daddies. Selective obeservation.


  48. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    When I was at Disneyland, I saw white families, I saw black families, and I saw single white women with mulatto children. As it turns out, this wasn't simple happenstance, because based on the statistics reported by the CDC, a white woman has better than a 2 in 3 chance of marrying the white father of her children. A black woman has slightly worse than a 1 in 3 chance of marrying the black father of her children. But a white woman has barely a 1 in 10 chance of marrying the black father of her children.

    Why is that?

    1:20 PM
    The answer is simple: RACISM. Some black and white couples can't handle the racial pressure in this post-racial country.

    Wrong - It's genetics. Just like in the bush in Africa they don't marry. They are genetically designed to pop out as many chillun as possible and move on quickly (higher numbers mean that when they raise themselves at least some will survive) Here in the USA they also don't marry so the god (todays democrats) of EBT and charity (entitlements is a lie the real word is charity) can steal from another tribe at spearpoint and bestow weekly sprinklings of trinkets to buy food so they do not have to hunt. Or more trinkets for energy so they do not have to gather wood or make the other tribes plant trees to make up for all the wood they use (see Haiti no other tribes/no wood) Or more get the idea. Trinkets=Whose your daddy+muh dickism.

  49. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "What about today, when most blacks in the hood have no real idea who their daddy is? I bet half sisters are having babies with half brothers all the time."

    No mention of the trailer parks full of uncle/daddies. Selective obeservation.


    Well prolly homey becuz, one is something you made up and pass along with fella blakcs so you dont feel so bad, another is a census proven fact.

    Maybe dat global warmin shit took all de blakc daddies and mix em up so dey dont know who dey chile is no more?

    Anyway - YOU are not the father, you need to get it up first.

  50. Super Smart Guy3:14 PM

    Idyut X said...
    But also keep in mind climate also involves stastical records such as average daily highs/lows. We can make inferences from departures from norms. Maybe you can teach your fellow trolls what you just learned. Who am I kidding, this is the same crowd that thinks creationism is science and thought Palin was a good VP choice. Nevamind.

    You are right X. I've been tracking average daily highs since I got my home climate monitoring station for Christmas. I've got almost 7 months of data now, and it has gotten hotter every month! Projecting out my findings, it will be 170 degrees outside by the end of the year!

    And it's all Bush's fault.

    Be careful up there in the clouds, my friend.

  51. Anonymous3:21 PM

    "Be careful up there in the clouds, my friend."



  52. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Still waiting on your take on the Colorado shooting. Don't forget the one in Alabama in which a psycho shot at people as they fled a bar after he shot into a window. C'mon Field, you get paid to blog not wasting time doing that lawyer stuff.
    I'm in Alaska bored and hoping the Palin types don't mistake me for a moose. Actually quite a few blah people here, I guess my friend was right afterall. I didn't believe her. I think I might buy a guitar from the music store and kill some time strumm'n.


  53. one flew over the cuckoo's nest3:46 PM

    A crazy guy shoots up a packed movie theater.

    Guess that means we have Stop & Test the sanity of everyone.

    Anyone who looks a little odd has to be questioned. What choice have we got?

  54. MightyJoeWong3:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    But also keep in mind climate also involves stastical records such as average daily highs/lows. We can make inferences from departures from norms. Maybe you can teach your fellow trolls what you just learned. Who am I kidding, this is the same crowd that thinks creationism is science and thought Palin was a good VP choice. Nevamind.


    Nope, I believe in Darwin just like you do. He was right about you and as you say making inferences from departures of the norm can prove very educational.

    In example when you use the norm as non Negro and then measure categories that depart from the norm such as Crime, Aids, Criminal Activity, IQ, Education level, Education Abilities oh my gosh and every other thing under the sun. You are right again, we have facts and can see the difference and trend. Darwin had you pegged.

    Darwin disparaged blacks and observed that the break in evolutionary history between apes and humans fell "between the negro or Australian and the gorilla," indicating that he considered blacks the humans that were the most ape-like. [Darwin, Descent (1871), vol. I, p. 201

    So tell us again how you became an atheist and how you are a proud follower of Darwinism? God says we were all created equal and should love one another, the religion you follow says we were not and genetics and evolution/capabilities define you. So why would you choose...????

    Ahhh, "nevah" mind this is the same guy who supports Obama even though he has been an utter failure and has put more Blacks out of work than then raising the mimimum wage does.

  55. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Still waiting on your take on the Colorado shooting. Don't forget the one in Alabama in which a psycho shot at people as they fled a bar after he shot into a window. C'mon Field, you get paid to blog not wasting time doing that lawyer stuff.
    I'm in Alaska bored and hoping the Palin types don't mistake me for a moose. Actually quite a few blah people here, I guess my friend was right afterall.

    Those are Caribou dumbass.

  56. Marlin Perkins4:07 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    Those are Caribou dumbass.

    3:56 PM"

    The only animals PilotX knows anything about go "oink" or "cluck".

  57. Anonymous5:16 PM

    And shame on Michele Bachmann and the purveyors of hate and prejudice for even dignifying these unfounded charges against a hard working American because of their own bigotry and ignorance.

    It's the shared hatred of the rest of us that unites Islamists and the Left

  58. Anonymous9:42 PM

    "God says we were all created equal and should love one another"

    Never knew god talked. Do you hear voices regularly? You might want to see someone about that.


  59. Anonymous9:45 PM

    "In North America, the moose range includes almost all of Canada (excluding the arctic), most of Alaska"

    Field, no more dumb trolls please.

