Thursday, August 02, 2012

He could have been the next Houdini.

It is a shame that Chavis Carter had to die so young; if he lived he could have been the next Harry Houdini. For my next trick I will  remove every object from my clothes, remove the handcuffs on my wrists while my hand is "double locked" behind my back, find a handgun, and shoot myself in the head. 

"A police investigation has been launched in response to the shooting death of a 21-year-old man. The victim was shot in the head and died from his injuries while handcuffed and sitting in the back of a police patrol car on Saturday night. The victim, Chavis Carter, was riding as a passenger in a pickup truck that happened to be pulled over by police in Jonesboro, Arkansas. According to a report, an officer found marijuana and decided to run Carter’s information. The officer discovered that Carter had a warrant from Mississippi so he was put into the patrol car.

“As protocol, he was handcuffed behind his back, double-locked and searched,” said Jonesboro Police Department Sgt. Lyle Waterworth.

Minutes after putting Carter in the vehicle, officers claim they heard a thump noise. They turned to the vehicle and found that Carter had been shot in the head. Waterworth said that he believes Carter had a gun hidden on himself, which he pulled out and then shot himself with.

“Any given officer has missed something on a search, you know, be it drugs, be it knives, be it razor blades,” he said. “This instance, it happened to be a gun.”

This story reminds me of a joke I heard once: A small town Sheriff in Mississippi finds a Negro with his hands tied behind his back, his throat slit, and a rope tied around his neck. He looks at his deputy, shakes his head, and says: "This is the worst case of suicide I done ever seen".

 "Carter’s mom, Teresa Carter, does not agree with the police. “I think they killed him,” she said. “My son wasn’t suicidal.” She was told that her son suffered a bullet wound in his right temple. Her son is left-handed. “I mean, I just want to know what really happened,” she said. “That’s all I want to know.”

The officers present during Carter’s shooting death have been placed on administrative leave."

Don't worry fellows; you will be back on the street soon. Just try to stay away from those Houdini type Negroes next time. [Source] 


  1. Anonymous8:57 PM

    According to the Huffington Post two witnesses claim the officers were otherwise engaged when what ever happened , happened.

  2. NSangoma9:06 PM


    Damn Teresa Carter has a mouph full of gold teephes.

    What kind of Negroes are these?

    How old was Teresa Carter when she birthed Chavis Carter, she looks younger than he was.

    Who he daddy?

    Where he daddy at?

    Chavis Carter, did not look too, too bright.


  3. Suedgro9:12 PM

    I'm sure it was an accident. Mr. Carter was probably frantically engaged in an attempt to rid himself of an illegaly-obtained firearm when it accidentally discharged, striking him in the head.

    At least he "kept it real" all the way to the end. I'll have some 'Chavis' Regal tonight in his memory.

  4. Suedgro, don't drink too much, you might not wake up in time for your Klan meeting.

  5. Just saw an interesting film about Robert Williams "Negroes With Guns" and there was a q and a session afterwards about gun laws. "No Guns for Negroes" was also screened and was interesting but had a pretty overt political message.
    What happened to Mr. Carter seems more of the same here in these divided states.

  6. Anonymous10:51 PM

    field negro said...
    Suedgro, don't drink too much, you might not wake up in time for your Klan meeting.

    Uh-huh cuz if you doubts my story you must be wacist and part of the klan aint no room for thinkers round these here parts We all knowz if theres police or white men around itz alwayz gonna be dey fault

  7. Rememer the Hutaree? Those militant goobers that field posted about?

    What happened to them?

    Wait until the true stories are told. A cop shooting a man thru the protective barrier? KNOWING his ass is grass if he's wrong, and a national story.

    You think that cop wants to go to jail, in an Arkansas prison?

    I don't think so.

  8. Wesley R10:57 PM

    Holder needs to forget about the yelling and screaming of the right wingnuts and go after the cops involved.

    Some Black Folks need to get their shit together. Gabby Douglas wins her second gold medal and all they can talk about is her hair not being 'done' the way they think it should be. The reason why there's a 14.4 percent unemployment rate rate in the African American Community is because too many are stuck on stupid. Here's another example. An African American does well and they cant give credit they can only put her down on something that doesn't amount to anything. Remember the movie White Men Can't Jump? Woody Harrison's character said Blacks would rather look good than win.

  9. Wesley R, I feel u on that.

    Anon@10:51, sorry, I don't speak trailerparklish.

  10. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Hey Field,
    If there were witnesses that saw the cops otherwise engaged and we remember the handcuffed in the back of the cop car ass cocaine eatin brothers

    do you think a cop would really be dumb enough to handcuff, place someone in the car and then execute him? If they wanted him dead they would simply drive somewhere else wouldnt they? My money is unless they were Negro cops who couldnt control their violent impulses this guy went to pull a gun out he had hidden somewhere to lose it and it went off.

  11. Yes, i do believe a cop in Jonesboro, Arkansas would be that dumb. And who said it was intentional? He could have been f*^%#^g with him, and oops.

  12. So apparently black men are shooting themselves in the head while handcuffed in the backseat of police cars, huh? Shit, why not just saw ourselves in half like all magicians do? Hell, at least we'd be still alive, right?

  13. Barack The Magic Negro12:08 AM

    RiPPa said...
    So apparently black men are shooting themselves in the head while handcuffed in the backseat of police cars, huh? Shit, why not just saw ourselves in half like all magicians do? Hell, at least we'd be still alive, right?

    Yeah but can you make trillions of dollar, jobs and hope disappear?

  14. Hypocrites12:27 AM

    Again. This is not funny. You, field , as you know, denouced the "Huttaree" as a White militant group.

    All but two, I think, were cleared of all charges. (And the two that were charged, were on "illeagal weapons charges")

    BUT. You never posted about that.

  15. skull cap12:48 AM

    Chavis Carter wouldn't be the first stringy black guy to slip his legs through the loop of his arms handcuffed behind him, and bring them in front, where he could get a hand on a gun he had somewhere in his baggy pants.

    Yates appeared on the Jane Velez Mitchell Show Wednesday evening, and said the situation was “bizarre” and “defies logic at first glance."

    He has reviewed the car’s dashboard camera and spoken to witnesses who say the officers were outside the car when Carter was shot.

    Here is what Yates said:

    There’s no indication of any projectiles coming from outside the vehicle.

    We’ve reviewed the dashcam video and as late as today managed to have some witnesses come forward that observed the incident from start to finish.

    And their statements tend to support that whatever transpired in the back of that police car transpired in the back with the officers in a different location.

  16. A dredded Hole1:00 AM

    And their statements tend to support that whatever transpired in the back of that police car transpired in the back with the officers in a different location.

    Its' a plot field a gottdamned conspiracy I tell you. The same guys who invented aids for black down low men and locks all them innocent black men up and makes them get arrested and charged more than anyone else oh and farrakhans spaceship are the ones behind this. The same guys who brainwash brothers into doing all the bad things they do (cause we know it aint their fault) are the ones behind all these conspiracies.

  17. Yakub1:12 AM

    "farrakhans spaceship"

    Isn't it funny that the same day he was condemning Chik-fil-a for it's CEO believing in tradtional marriage, Rahm Emmanuel was embracing Louis Farrakhan's efforts to quell the black rampage of violence Chicago is currently experiencing.

    Chicago officials also had no problem permitting the Nation of Islam to reopen their Salaam Restaurant on the city’s south side earlier this year. It’s ironic because both Farrakhan and the Koran have said things about homosexuals that make the utterances of Chick-fil-A’s CEO, um, pale by comparison.

    On top of that, one would think that claiming all white people were created by an evil scientist 6,000 years ago and will soon be wiped out by a Negro-powered Islamic spaceship (that he has visited) would get Farrakhan at least as much negative press as saying bad things about Jews.

    One would think wrong.

    Black Run Amerry-ca is one crazy place.

  18. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Field, can't you see the death of Chavis happened just as the cops said? Please do not depress me, I just got out of bed and need to stay up to eat.

    Field, have you ever heard the saying that "it is depressing to be a bm in America?" It's true. You can verify this truth by checking yourself and some of your FN cronies like Farley and PilotX. Those two are bi-polar without much hope.

  19. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Mr Field, there is no way this bm could compare to Houdini. Houdini never killed himself while trying to escape.

    You should never try to compare a bm to a great white magician. FYI: there are no black magician or escape artists. Thus far, OJ is the greatest black escape artist known, and he still ended behind bars. Let's face it. Blacks aren't too swift when it comes to escaping. Wouldn't you agree?

  20. Puking3:41 AM

    It's almost funny.

    They CAN'T see it.

  21. "You should never try to compare a bm to a great white magician. FYI: there are no black magician or escape artists."

    You are right. All the great ones are white. They have been getting away with stuff in Washington and boardrooms for years in Merica.

  22. what's that smell?8:13 AM

    Hey! Who left the stiff in the living room? Toss it in the alley.

    Vacant Detroit becomes dumping ground for the dead

    Associated Press

    DETROIT (AP) -- Abandoned and neglected parts of Detroit are quickly becoming dumping grounds for the bodies of murder victims. And authorities acknowledge there's little they can do.

    At least a dozen bodies have turned up in 12 months, many of them purposely hidden or discarded in alleys, fields and vacant houses or garages.

    Seven of the dead are believed to have been slain outside Detroit and then dumped within the city.

    It's a pattern made possible by more than four decades of urban decay and suburban flight.

    Many parts of the city are now a vast urban wilderness that is rarely visited by outsiders and infrequently patrolled by police.

    Officer John Garner says a slaying may go unsolved because of the time it takes for the corpse to be found.

  23. slice of life8:19 AM

    field blabbing about magicians:

    You are right. All the great ones are white. They have been getting away with stuff in Washington and boardrooms for years in Merica.

    Yeah. And how about those magicians in Rwanda. The ones swinging the machetes and cutting off arms, legs and heads.

    Reminds of the white magicians and how they put a pretty woman in a box and saw her into parts.

    But somehow, by some magic, she emerges from the box alive and in one piece.

    On the other hand, when the Tutsis were whacked with the machetes, before dying they said, "nothing up my sleeve," and they weren't kidding.

  24. Nuncy Pelosi8:27 AM

    field negro said...
    "You should never try to compare a bm to a great white magician. FYI: there are no black magician or escape artists."

    You are right. All the great ones are white. They have been getting away with stuff in Washington and boardrooms for years in Merica.

    Thank you, you really are my best Mascot. Pay no attention to the results our policies are having on everyone, we just need more time to do it again and we will make it better for YOU.

  25. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Why is this shocking, Field?

    Whites won't be happy til we're all deceased. I hope his mom finds answers and peace.

  26. " Pay no attention to the results our policies are having on everyone, we just need more time to do it again and we will make it better for YOU."

    Spot on with the analysis of the crazy old white men and their portraying their same ol', same ol' failed policies as a horse of a different color.

  27. Farley9:11 AM

    Does anyone have the name of someone who can give me a good weave? My hair is getting bad it's so thin I look like an ear of corn with handles, set on top of a pile of fleshy white tires. I have to wear a hat all the time or I feel like an embicile or embryo or empty head..well you get the point.

    Thanks, if I use the name you give me - Free lunch for you at Chick-Fil-A (I think they accept EBT cards)

  28. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Sorry Field but your “free speech” stance makes you look like a weak, shucking and jiving house negro. I cannot fathom as to why you let racists infest your blog. Sure , it’s great to know they’re out there but I don’t have to get cancer to know it’s out there. Your posts are excellent. It’s a shame you allow Klansmen to disrespect you on your own blog. Please don’t go all Harold Ford Jr. on us. Thanks.

  29. Sorry, dipshit at 9:11, that you're such a p*ssy that you can't stand behind your own name.

  30. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Farley said...

    "Spot on with the analysis of the crazy old white men and their portraying their same ol', same ol' failed policies as a horse of a different color"

    Farfarly implies democratic policies are good as...

    The "official" unemployment rises to 8.3% with the magicians in the Obama adminisration magically finding 377,000 jobs that don't exist for seasonal adjustment (not the obama season that's for sure)

    and Full Time Jobs decreased by
    197,000 while P/T jobs of 1 hour or more increased 31,000.. Few found a job even if it is 5 hours a week cleaning toilets, but they are working.

    You probably won't understand any of this Farley but basically it means unemployment is near 20% an they are making up job numbers so that people like you do not realize we are in a depression and your EBT card might turn up empty sooner than you think. Oh and the Obama administration had a whopping number of people die and not have babies, normally it's 5k but for this months unemployment number for the first time in history the birth/death adjustment is 52 k . - Another historical economic milestone brought to you by "good policies"

    Yeah, good policies.
    Seasonal And Birth Death Adjustments Add 429,000 Statistical "Jobs"
    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/03/2012 - 08:50 BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
    Happy by the headline establishment survey print of 133,245 which says that the US "added" 163,000 jobs in July from 133,082 last month? Consider this: the number was based on a non seasonally adjusted July number of 132,868. This was a 1.248 million drop from the June print. So how did the smoothing work out to make a real plunge into an "adjusted" rise? Simple: the BLS "added" 377K jobs for seasonal purposes. This was the largest seasonal addition in the past decade for a July NFP print in the past decade, possibly ever, as the first chart below shows. But wait, there's more: the Birth Death adjustment, which adds to the NSA Print to get to the final number, was +52k. How does this compare to July 2011? It is about 1000% higher: the last B/D adjustment was a tiny +5K! In other words, of the 163,000 jobs "added", 429,000 was based on purely statistical fudging. Doesn't matter - the flashing red headline is good enough for the algos.

  31. Emmatropic Emendator9:53 AM

    Farley said...
    Sorry, dipshit at 9:11, that you're such a p*ssy that you can't stand behind your own name.

    Dude, are you insane? Why are you talking to yourself? Oh, one of those multiple personality voices in the head guys - core of the moonbat party.

  32. Anonymous10:06 AM

    unemployment up to 8.3%

    Obama says "it's working and you didnt' build that, I did.

    He sure did

  33. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Sorry Field but your “free speech” stance makes you look like a weak, shucking and jiving house negro. I cannot fathom as to why you let racists infest your blog. Sure , it’s great to know they’re out there but I don’t have to get cancer to know it’s out there. Your posts are excellent. It’s a shame you allow Klansmen to disrespect you on your own blog. Please don’t go all Harold Ford Jr. on us. Thanks.

    This is Farley who starts many posts with "sorry"

  34. Awe. Life is so sad for the anonymous KKKlowns and this is their only game they can play.

    Bless their hearts!

  35. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Farley said...
    Awe. Life is so sad for the anonymous KKKlowns and this is their only game they can play.

    Bless their hearts!

    Not only disconnected foundationless thoughts, quasi literate at best. Clearly you are phonetically sounding out your words and sentences. Look that up if you don't understand what it means.

    Are you in "awe" of us or are you trying to say awwwwwww?

    It is "The" only game not "their" only game.

    Any other qestshuns you want to axe us? You speak ebonics quite well.

    You are a real "embecile" do you know that?

    I think we said 65 IQ yesterday, nope, now downgraded to 60.

    But you won't understand what I have just said anyway, you simply can't and while you might have many things such as gerbils and the crack addict down the street in you, intelligence is not.

  36. Bless your heart anonykkklown. You keep repeating the same stupidity.

    Polly wanna teacrackkker?

  37. "LONDON – After the United States was done delivering the most devastating defeat in the history of Olympic basketball, a 156-73 obliteration of Nigeria, USA coach Mike Krzyzewski sniffed over the suggestion that the Americans had gone too far in an 83-point humiliation of a fledgling African program."

    Team USA has got to represent, but this is embarassing. Not only did they run the score up ridiculously, but they gave up 73 points! That's not basketball, and that's not cool. I felt bad for those Nigerians.

  38. fairly ree-tarded11:06 AM

    farley said:

    My hair is getting bad it's so thin I look like an ear of corn with handles, set on top of a pile of fleshy white tires.


  39. Paul Kersey12:55 PM

    Chick-fil-A is company that is entirely wedded to a business model completely reliant on serving communities with strong social capital and a thriving middle-class. Yes, the religious aspect is important, but it is the concept of community (as Harvard sociologist Robert Putnam begrudgingly told us, communities can only thrive when trust and high social capital are present; i.e., a lack of diversity) that is fundamentally at the heart of the Truett Cathy’s enterprise.

    Cathy, whose family lived in the first public housing unit in America (Techwood Public Housing, built in 1936 in Atlanta), was and continues to be the driving force behind the incredible rise of Chick-Fil-A.

    Interestingly, once Techwood Public Housing integrated (and the whites fled), it became the poster child for “urban blight” and one of the highest crime areas in Atlanta. Of course, it was 99 percent Black – luckily, it was torn down and the Black residents scattered across metro Atlanta to alleviate the problem of centralized criminality, but do you expect an entrepreneur of the caliber of Truett Cathy ever came from 99 percent Black Techwood Public Housing?

  40. That. Is. Just. Disgusting!

  41. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I live in Arkansas. I actually grew up only 45 minutes from Jonesboro, AR. There's a lot of questions that need answered. They found a small bag of weed but didn't find a gun on him? He was patted down twice. TWICE! You mean to tell me this boy was able to get a gun that was so hidden that two police officers didn't find and shot himself in the head while his hands were handcuffed behind his back? There has been no mention of the gun. There has been no mention if gun powder was on his hands. Nothing! You would think if they were telling the truth, we would have results of gun residue on his hands.

  42. ray charles -- I'm busted2:42 PM

    San Bernardino -- the newest Obama-ville. Hmmm. States with high taxes are seeing the most municipal bankruptcies.

    Detroit? Is it possible it might be necessary to bulldoze an entire city to end the misery?

    It might be stroke of luck if a huge tornado were to roar through and vacuum up the whole place.

    Aug 2, 2:46 PM EDT

    San Bernardino files for Chapter 9 bankruptcy

    SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (AP) -- Officials in San Bernardino, Calif., which is facing an expected $45.8 million budget deficit this year, have formally filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection, a move that city leaders approved last month.

    Interim City Manager Andrea Travis-Miller said Wednesday that there would be "no immediate service reductions or changes in service to the community as a result of the filing."

    City officials are working on a plan for the city's operational budget during bankruptcy. Once the plan is complete, reductions may occur, said Travis-Miller, who is aiming to submit a plan for the City Council's consideration within the next three weeks.

    The city of 210,000 people, about 60 miles east of Los Angeles, declared a fiscal emergency July 18. It has become the third California city to declare insolvency this year, joining Stockton and Mammoth Lakes.

    After last month's announcement, San Bernardino's finances experienced increased stress when a dozen employees put in for retirement with hopes of cashing out accrued vacation and sick time.

    The announcement also has spurred vendors to demand cash instead of credit as payment.

    Officials say the housing crisis devastated property and sales tax revenues, and the loss of state redevelopment funds took a toll on the city's budget.

  43. bullet points2:57 PM

    anon 2:20 says:

    There has been no mention if gun powder was on his hands.

    The gun was probably left behind by the last thug who got a ride in the backseat where Chavis found it.

    Not that it matters where he found it.

    As for the traces of burnt gun powder, well, after the process of slipping his legs through the loop of his handcuffed arms, he probably removed his pants and used a pant leg like a glove to hold the gun, thereby leaving no powder residue on his hands, but probably putting a heck of a halo around the entry point in his skull.

    Nothing! You would think if they were telling the truth, we would have results of gun residue on his hands.

    Why would you believe the police have an obligation to issue a final report only hours after an incident? That NEVER happens.

    On the other hand, those of you in the idiot's brigade always reach an uninformed judgment within seconds.

  44. "well, after the process of slipping his legs through the loop of his handcuffed arms, he probably removed his pants and used a pant leg like a glove to hold the gun,"


    "On the other hand, those of you in the idiot's brigade always reach an uninformed judgment within seconds."

    Totally igorant and ninformed suppositions only count, then, huh?

  45. head shot3:06 PM

    I'm thinking Chavis wanted to hold the gun with his pant leg because he had plans of shooting the cops and didn't want powder residue on his hands.

    But, because he was another one of those black fools who is unskilled when it comes to handling guns, he, in his nervous excitement at having found a weapon in the back seat, unintentionally pulled the trigger at the wrong moment.

    I'll bet the gun was an automatic, and with his hands cuffed together he tried to pull back the slide to chamber a round, and in all the excitement and his raging hopes for escape, he clumsily, accidently pulled the trigger, resulting in a fatal lobotomy.

  46. igor amos and dum two3:11 PM

    The following fails to measure up the the high standards of ebonics...

    Totally igorant and ninformed...

    Yep. That's you all right

  47. The "u" on the keyboard didn't catch. Fuck you, nitpicking idiot.

  48. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Farley said...

    Totally igorant and ninformed suppositions only count, then, huh?

    Farly AKA corncob head, I suppose someone could answer that if they knew what an "igorant" was. What is an "igorant"? Is that a hunchback ant? Or a potted plant?

    How bout "ninformed"? That sounds like a bra they used to sell...oh thats it. "Ninformed" is your man boobs bra. Are you getting smarter as you post more?

    So now we know you believe that embicile is spelled imbicile, you are in awe of the anons, have a corn husker hair doo with a rotund pale tirelike body flabby body shape all kept tightly laced on top with a "ninformed" man boob bra.

    What a mess.

  49. who deeny3:21 PM

    Like the explanations of a magician's tricks, the explanation for the Chavis shooting will end up showing how a series of clever movements can lead to surprising results.

    The shooting is real example of the old Whodunit mystery story set-up involving the locked room.

    A suspect in a locked police car, in which a camera is running and capturing the activity inside.

    Cops are outside the car and no one outside the vehicle shoots into it.

    Reminds me of the scene in the Godfather when Michael Corleone gets his hands on the gun that had been planted in the bathroom at the restaurant and then comes out and kills the police captain the the other mob guy.

  50. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Farley said...
    The "u" on the keyboard didn't catch. Fuck you, nitpicking idiot.

    Ummmmm, Farley you do know there is no "U" in ignorant right?

    What a mess you can't make this stuff up. Or were you going to spell it iUgorant?

    This has got to be a little kid, even morons are smarter than this.

  51. Blah, blah, blah. No wonder you anonypoops like your friend Mr. Turd so much. He's just like you. Ignorant and uninformed. That's all you have, that's all you can play.

  52. haunted police car3:40 PM

    farley fast & farley furious:

    Do you think there was another cop hiding in the trunk of the police car? You know, one of the those practical joker kind of cops.

    Talking to poor scared Chavis through the back seat, pretending he was a ghost or something? Then maybe Chavis became overwrought at the possibility that he was conversating with an actual ghost, and, well, you know how nervous and shaky negroes are around ghosts.

    Maybe the cop/ghost in the trunk told Chavis there was gun under the front seat and all had to do to get it. So Chavis slips his arms around his legs, from back to front, then reaches under the seat for the gun.

    But Chavis gets into some kind of wild state worrying about how the ghost is right next to him in the car and he starts screaming for the ghost to stop talking and stop telling him to lead a good life and how he's going to suffer the wrath of god and hellfire and damnation and all the stuff his mama said would happen if he kept up being the way he was, and here it was happening to him just like she said.

    It got so bad that after the ghost told Chavis he had to end it all, Chavis misunderstood and thought the ghost meant he should kill himself, so he fired one into his own head instead doing what the ghost wanted, which was swearing to the ghost he'd go straight and quit the monkey business.

  53. haunted police car3:41 PM

    farley fast & farley furious:

    Do you think there was another cop hiding in the trunk of the police car? You know, one of the those practical joker kind of cops.

    Talking to poor scared Chavis through the back seat, pretending he was a ghost or something? Then maybe Chavis became overwrought at the possibility that he was conversating with an actual ghost, and, well, you know how nervous and shaky negroes are around ghosts.

    Maybe the cop/ghost in the trunk told Chavis there was gun under the front seat and all had to do to get it. So Chavis slips his arms around his legs, from back to front, then reaches under the seat for the gun.

    But Chavis gets into some kind of wild state worrying about how the ghost is right next to him in the car and he starts screaming for the ghost to stop talking and stop telling him to lead a good life and how he's going to suffer the wrath of god and hellfire and damnation and all the stuff his mama said would happen if he kept up being the way he was, and here it was happening to him just like she said.

    It got so bad that after the ghost told Chavis he had to end it all, Chavis misunderstood and thought the ghost meant he should kill himself, so he fired one into his own head instead doing what the ghost wanted, which was swearing to the ghost he'd go straight and quit the monkey business.

  54. Ok, I'll play the anonypoop game.

    You must think that what you said was so intelligent that it had to be repeated. Think again.

    Hopefully there is a ghost with a gun waiting for you in your vehicle.

    Oh yeah. Say hello to your friend Mr. Turd. I hear he's back from his disasterous outing with the Brits. Maybe he would do better visiting his homeland, Mexico.

  55. U Rascal U3:52 PM

    Farley said...
    Blah, blah, blah. No wonder you anonypoops like your friend Mr. Turd so much. He's just like you. Ignorant and uninformed. That's all you have, that's all you can play.

    HeUy waiUt a minuteU maUn booUbs. Is this the total of what you have to say? NothUing?

    All U canU playU is being "igorant and ninformed games? When did they come out?

  56. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Farley said...
    Ok, I'll play the anonypoop game.

    You must think that what you said was so intelligent that it had to be repeated. Think again.

    Hopefully there is a ghost with a gun waiting for you in your vehicle.

    Oh yeah. Say hello to your friend Mr. Turd. I hear he's back from his disasterous outing with the Brits. Maybe he would do better visiting his homeland, Mexico.

    Farley, your ebonics leaves us in "awe"

    "disasterous" as opposed to disastrous.

    I honestly think you are one of the dumbest posters ever.

    Go lay down your little head and have some more of the food that we bought for you. Do you need to ride a scooter around the supermarket because of the bulk all that free food has given you?

  57. Mr. Turd to the olympian champions in 2002:

    "(Mr. Turd) ROMNEY: You Olympians, however, know you didn’t get here solely on your own power. For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them. We’ve already cheered the Olympians, let’s also cheer the parents, coaches, and communities."

  58. More nitpicking. How on earth do you anonypoops have the ability to nitpick, nitpick, nitpick, when you're constantly receiving dirty Sanchezes from your friend Mr. Turd?

  59. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Farley said...
    More nitpicking. How on earth do you anonypoops have the ability to nitpick, nitpick, nitpick, when you're constantly receiving dirty Sanchezes from your friend Mr. Turd

    Like I said, the mind of a child.
    You are either about 14 or have an IQ of no more than 60.

    I bet you told all the adults in your life that you don't need no stinking standards and you weren't stupid, they were just picking the nits out of your hair.

  60. Hey, haven't they caught that Kony rascal yet?

  61. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Farley said...
    Mr. Turd to the olympian champions in 2002:

    "(Mr. Turd) ROMNEY: You Olympians, however, know you didn’t get here solely on your own power. For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them. We’ve already cheered the Olympians, let’s also cheer the parents, coaches, and communities."

    Farley, you are clearly over your head. You can barely speak english and certainly are illiterate. So how do you expect to understand the concepts behind what you are qouting.

    Communities create success, government does not. Did you notice that no where in Mitt's speech did he say as Obama did that big government was the answer? He was telling people who created something what they did, not telling people who created something that they did not do it and that useless hockey pucks like you must have so he is going to take more so you can continue to be illiterate and useless.


    What a RACIST!

  63. Dear anonypuss:

    Show me a community that does not have a government that built the infrastructures about which Mr. Turd was talking.

    Ignorant, uninformed and anonymous.

    It all goes hand in hand. Or, in the case of people like you, penis in hand.

  64. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Farley said...
    Dear anonypuss:

    Show me a community that does not have a government that built the infrastructures about which Mr. Turd was talking.

    Ignorant, uninformed and anonymous.

    It all goes hand in hand. Or, in the case of people like you, penis in hand.

    Oh Farley, that was so witty, penis in hand. You are thinking about anons johnsons again. What a little boy.

    Anyway, you are thinking like the welfare child that you are. Government does not create wealth nor does it build anything. At best it might commission something and then private individuals, contractors, engineers etc plan, execute and build things with funds, ideas, techniques taken from private individuals.

    This country did not even have a federal government before 1789, how did so much get built then? There weren't even public schools until the 19th century and now look at you the product of public schooling.

    Hardworking people build and create this society, intelligent men and women create the inventions that fueled change and improvement.

    Leeches like you want the government to take from these people to prop you up for just existing. That is why Obama is your father and not to the rest of us. You are the dirty little illiterate step child who demands they be taken care of because you are entitled to it.

    You like government because it will find you in your rat hole doing nothing, contributing nothing, demanding everything and say poor, poor, Farley, it's not his fault he is an idiot, go ahead stay home we will take from everyone else so you can stay fat and lazy.

    Thats who you are.

  65. Actually, anonyfullofshit, look up the word society. There cannot be a society without people working together, getting things accomplished together and helping each other. No one does it all on their own.

    You talk about individual leeches. Yes, there are plenty. Mainly large corporations who leech off of the working person, taking huge amounts of corporate welfare while describing themselves to ignorant, polluted fools like you as being kind and gentle benefactors of society. Meanwhile, they put people in poverty and destroy what's left of the planet.

    BTW, there were no such large corporate "benefactors" when this nation was formed, and some of the founding fathers warned against such entities taking over the government, which we see happening in front of our very eyes, because the dull, blind and mindless beings such as your anonyself who loves the broomhandle they shove up your well-pronounced rear-end.

    In the end: GFY. It's no doubt the only way you will get any, besides what your corporate masters give you.

  66. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Farley said...
    Actually, anonyfullofshit, look up the word society. There cannot be a society without people working together, getting things accomplished together and helping each other. No one does it all on their own.

    Well seeing as how we already established that, you repeating it still leaves you out of the mix. You aren't contributing you aren't working you provide nothing, you accomplish nothing, you help no one. You take. So you are a leech on society. Now if you told me you gave scooter rides to working peoples children or flexed your man boobs to keep the kids laughing, while the working people are shopping in order to entertain the kids and actually earn money that you spend on your food then maybe..

    "You talk about individual leeches. Yes, there are plenty. Mainly large corporations who leech off of the working person, taking huge amounts of corporate welfare while describing themselves to ignorant, polluted fools like you as being kind and gentle benefactors of society. Meanwhile, they put people in poverty and destroy what's left of the planet."

    Holy liberal idiotic talking points. You don't have a clue what you are saying, that's clear. This concept is way over your head, yet you repeat it. Look into GE and GM and see what liberal corporate welfare really is my fat fudge licking pal.

    "BTW, there were no such large corporate "benefactors" when this nation was formed, and some of the founding fathers warned against such entities taking over the government, which we see happening in front of our very eyes, because the dull, blind and mindless beings such as your anonyself who loves the broomhandle they shove up your well-pronounced rear-end. "

    No, actually they warned us of people like you, they said there would be politicians who looked to buy the vote of the leeches by giving them more. My not having more of the money that I have produced and earned taken from me to give to you isn't welfare for me you dumbass. It was never and will never be yours, you did nothing to earn it. Now if you want charity, there is a different way to go about getting help, other than being arrogant and demanding as if the world owes you because you are useless, fat and lazy.

    In the end: GFY. It's no doubt the only way you will get any, besides what your corporate masters give you.

    Are you still a virgin? You seem to place a high priority on sex and getting some as if others are just like you. You do realize that most women prefer a successful man that isn't a moonbat, blames the world for everything he is not and has not done, barely literate fat guy with man boobs, balding, pasty self hating white liberal right?

    Work on those items and you may get some, should use your EBT card before they completely ban them at gay bathhouses or do you think this is your right as well?

  67. Where do some of these people come from? I swear Merica is in trouble.

    "Yeah. And how about those magicians in Rwanda. The ones swinging the machetes and cutting off arms, legs and heads."

    I would say that they learned it from some of our founding fathers, but we used guns and ropes. ;)

  68. Blowhard From Botswana6:48 PM

    I notice your hero, who professes to fly for an airline, never complied to this request from the last thread:

    Put Up, Or Shut Up said...
    "PilotX said...
    "McCain lost to Barack because he picked Ms. Moose because he saw Rawmoney's tax returns and now in 2012 he may win again because of the same"

    Yeah, PilotX, I'd like to see you provide a link to back up this naked assertion you keep repeating, ad nauseam, myself.

    5:21 PM

  69. Whenever blacks gain demographic superiority over whites it is only a matter of time until a genocide or large scale killing of whites occurs (Haiti, Zimbabwe, South Africa). Again, I know of no exceptions. These are uncomfortable facts, especially to Christians, I know, I’m one. In point of fact black society leads only to savagery and bloodshed, I know of no exceptions.

  70. "I know, I’m one. In point of fact black society leads only to savagery and bloodshed, I know of no exceptions."

    Well Ernie Els must be worried.

    ".. leads only to savagery and bloodshed, I know of no exceptions."

    Not white societies, the savagery comes BEFORE they take over.

  71. Anonymous9:31 AM

    If the African treated European children the way Europeans treat ours, their wouldn't be an African living in any of the Americas, anywhere. All we do in this country is cry and complain, die and sigh and these people continue to belittle, denigrate, lock and load against our babies. We need to collectively LEAVE THIS COUNTRY. Where are we going to go? I DO NOT KNOW. Our work is FINISHED HERE.
