Monday, August 06, 2012

Just another boy next door.

A day after the shooting at that Sikh Temple, America is learning more about Wade Michael Page. Most of us are not surprised to learn who he is or what he represented. When the DOJ spoke about the dangers of "lone wolf" -right wing-  white supremacist taking such actions, their warning was met with derision and scorn from the right. And, as is always the case, they (the right) tried to play down the seriousness of the threat. In fact, they claimed that it was those evil Black Panthers we should fear, not right wing hate groups. (Why anyone would fear Malik Shabazz and the boys is beyond me. The only person who should fear Mr. Shabazz is the FOX NEWS makeup person who puts on the wrong shade of foundation before he goes on the air.)    

Speaking of the DOJ, they were warned to look out for attacks on Sikhs as far back as April. (Memo to Michele Bachmann: Sikhs are not Muslims.) Because, thankfully, there are some folks in America who understand the seriousness of the threats from these hate groups. Unfortunately, you can't monitor every psycho in America; this is a big country with a lot of deranged people. Wade Michael Page was one of them. He was a gun toting Neo- Nazi with marginal musical skills, and he was demoted and kicked out of the military. He was a man who hated his miserable life so much; he did the unthinkable probably knowing that he would lose it.

Anyway, he was a coward. Shooting a peaceful group of people while they worship puts him in the same category with the animals that killed those four little girls in Birmingham back in the day, and the one who killed those little Amish girls right here in Pistolvania a few years ago.

Sadly, there are more like him out there. Many whose hatred for others is just as strong, and a few who will actually act on that hatred when the opportunity presents itself.

The good news is that he seemed to act alone. The bad news is that he had a lot of cheerleaders along the way.   






  1. He's not the first, and, unfortunately, far from the last unstable bigot animated by the nonstop wingnutt drivel peddled by the GOP-FauxNews-HateRadio Axis of Evil to take innocents with him on his way out of his miserable existence.

  2. We don't need to be afraid of Barack's NBPP army YET. Wait until late October early November when they'll be dispatched to disenfranchise white voters. Aw damn, did I just give away the plan? Eric will be knocking on my door soon. Go to for details.

  3. Anonymous10:18 PM

    This kind of hatred and racism is very scary. We are all crazy but some are crazier than others.

    Bigotry clouds and torments the mind with hatred and imagined grandiosity.

    Field, it also sounds like this guy was an alcoholic. The prisons are full of them.

  4. Anonymous10:25 PM

    It seems as though if the American people are not in an active bloody war then they must turn their violence against their perceived enemies!

  5. Anonymous10:57 PM

    The good news is that he seemed to act alone.

    Yes, just ignore the two original eyewitness who said there were 4 men in black who were the shooters. I can see jumping from 4 to but 4 to 1......False Flag. False Flag. Same thing with Aurora, six witnesses saw another guy help the shooter. Down to one...false flag, false flag.

    Time will tell with whats next.

  6. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Far right? No my freind he is as left as you can go and his hate proves it. In fact he was part of occupy street endorsed by Obama who was also recently endorsed by the American Nazi Party.

    Lets not forget that Nazis were democratic socialists and hold the very same views that todays communist/socialist/progressive democrats do.

    Nice take on CNN's article though, good work.

  7. "Lets not forget that Nazis were democratic socialists and hold the very same views that todays communist/socialist/progressive democrats do."

    Huh? The Democrats want to kill all the Jews and take over the world? Joe Lieberman and Anthony Weiner better run next time they're invited to a dem convention.

    Field, your trolls..........

  8. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Mr Pilot X, are you by any chance White? You sound White and maybe a member of a hate group.

    Are you from Chicago and live in Humboldt Park? Yep. That's what I thought. You are a skinhead from Chicago; you are 'beyond' a right winger like Mrs. Farley. Are you two married?

  9. Anonymous11:56 PM

    In fact, they claimed that it was those evil Black Panthers we should fear, not right wing hate groups. (Why anyone would fear Malik Shabazz and the boys is beyond me. The only person who should fear Mr. Shabazz is the FOX NEWS makeup person who puts on the wrong shade of foundation before he goes on the air.)

    You be right e'ry time I hear a Black Pampers talk it be a comedy. If they be the best militant kneegrows out there that race war is gonna be even more lopsided and fast then we think

  10. Anonymous11:58 PM

    If you were a wingnut welfare recipient...would you want the Fed to be asking who sends you money?
    And who knows just how far the wingnut tentacles reach. As many bloggers have shown, the right-wing has a great deal of projection.

    We grieve for our fellow citizens who were murdered while practicing their legal Right of Religious Freedom. We mourn their loss.


  11. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Mr Skinhead@11:56p, why do you feel so inferior as a wm that you must hate others? Have Whites abused you? Someone like your alcoholic father? I know who you are.

  12. Wesley R12:05 AM

    Someone in congress (or the press) needs to call Bachmann and all of the other nuts who signed the letter fearing Muslims ( all colored folks look alike to wingnuts). Also everyone who supported it.

    A couple of years ago the DOJ warned against crazy rightwing groups until the wingnuts started their yelling and screaming. The DOJ backed off which now we see they never should have.

    NBC's coverage of the Olympics suck. Yesterday we had the fastest group of sprinters ever, lined up in the Mens 100 Meter Dash and NBC didn't show it live. The race happened at 3:50pm, they didn't show it until 10:00pm. They could have shown the replay at 10p and still got huge ratings but they dropped the ball. I hope ABC/ESPN gets the next Olympics.

  13. Anonymous12:33 AM

    I hope CBS SPORTS gets the next Olympics. They do the best coverage of sports..

  14. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Mr Skinhead@11:56p, why do you feel so inferior as a wm that you must hate others? Have Whites abused you? Someone like your alcoholic father? I know who you are.

    You should - I be watchin you - but I tell you again I aint your daddy so get that idea out your head

  15. Anyone get a look at the latest spawn of the axis of gop weasels? He looks like the kind of semi-functional moron who made all the wrong choices, shit all over every chance he ever had and insn't even men enough to own it.

  16. Anonymous1:46 AM

    You nailed him Whitey. Perfect description. I liked the "semi-functional moron who made all the wrong choices..". That guy looks like he lived in the same trailer park as some of these hating trolls.

  17. Painting Wade Page as a "lone wolf" white crazy guy, establishing his "otherness," is how we push such people off to the fringe & refuse to acknowledge that they too are as American as apple pie. Go to the comments section of your local newspaper under certain news stories & Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus are commonly denigrated. Just give a hater a fake name & forum & it all comes vomiting out. We had a guy in Jersey firebombing synagogues last year. Probably the only reason he did it at night when the buildings were empty was he didn't want to be caught. He was caught anyway. There is an all too casual language of violence in our culture & politics. We can't afford to think of Page as an aberration. In his mind & heart he was not.

  18. Bob, you are right. The trolls posting comments in my local paper are sometime worse than the ones here. Now that 's saying something.

    But hey, they are everywhere. ( See what Anon @1:46 am said)

    PilotX, I have actually heard that refrain from right wingers before, that Nazis were somehow left leaning progressives. It's laughable and absurd, and I think they even have to know it.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. WesleyR, anybody but NBC. I bet the Home Shopping Network woulld have done a better job.

  21. Anonymous8:27 AM

    field negro said...
    WesleyR, anybody but NBC. I bet the Home Shopping Network woulld have done a better job.

    BET - We can ditch the Eternal flame and replace it with a mass Crip dance with everyone saggin and wearin hoodies.

  22. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Anyone get a look at the latest spawn of the axis of gop weasels? He looks like the kind of semi-functional moron who made all the wrong choices, shit all over every chance he ever had and insn't even men enough to own it.

    Semi Functional Moron - who made all the wrong choices and shit over every chance he ever had and isn't "men' enough to own it.....

    Now where have we heard this before??????????

    Where are we seeing it?????????


    So if you are semi functional, illiterate, horrible language skills, violent, murderous, can't get an ID, have bad credit, felonies, no job skills, no math skills and accept no responsibility for the choices you made in life - which large group does this fit?

  23. PlannedObamaHood9:17 AM

    Let me see you adopt one of them ugly Black Babies

    "The abortion industry has always had a racial component — since the days of Margaret Sanger and her eugenics past — and more evidence of the inherent racism within abortion has come to light.
    Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union, is alerting people to a video that shows abortion practitioner Ashutosh Ron Virmani referring to the black children that he kills as “ugly black babies.”
    “Let me see one of you adopt one of those ugly black babies,” she says.
    “Excuse me? It’s all too obvious that he has a particular disgust for black babies and therefore has no problems killing them,” Gardner responds. “The black community should be outraged because Ashutosh Virmani is a brazen racist and his statement supports what we already know of the billion dollar abortion industry–black babies are targeted because they are seen as poor, worthless and maybe even ‘ugly.’”

  24. sikh and ye shall find9:32 AM

    mighty whitey wrote:

    Anyone get a look at the latest spawn of the....weasels?

    He looks like the kind of semi-functional moron who made all the wrong choices, shit all over every chance he ever had and insn't even men enough to own it.

    I see. Sources have already said that the FBI was aware of this clown for at least the last decade due to his white supremacist activities but lacked evidence to arrest him or even open a comprehensive investigation of him.

    What would you clowns like to do?

    Arrest people who belong to racist groups whose members are known to talk about violence, or perform something in public that's described as music that includes a lot of lyrics about violence and hate?

    If the police were to arrest people based on the profile provided by whitey, the number of blacks in jail would probably multiply by 10.

    In the police state whitey seems to want, Louis Farrakhan and many of the other criminals in the Black Muslims would have been locked up long ago.

    After all the shootings in the rap hip-hop world, would any of those clowns be on the street if we were to subject ourselves to whitey's rules?

  25. adolf marx9:40 AM

    field writes:

    PilotX, I have actually heard that refrain from right wingers before, that Nazis were somehow left leaning progressives. It's laughable and absurd...

    Your point is not clear. Are you saying Nazis and Communists are polar opposites?

    I have a feeling you don't know the difference between the two. Or even if there is a difference.

    Perhaps you should compare and contrast National Socialism with Communism and see?

    Here's a hint: the list of comparables will be long, and the list or contrasts will be short.

  26. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Whiteys Conspiracy Said..

    "Semi Functional Moron - who made all the wrong choices and shit over every chance he ever had and isn't "men' enough to own it.....
    By Elizabeth Hur"

    Whitey, which kind of "men" would creating little violent hoodlum thugs as young as 7 years old who invade the homes of others, attack and rob them?

    Do you take responsibilty for having created this? Are you ready to "man up" You should, you must and you will.

    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — An Eyewitness News exclusive — a violent home invasion has Philadelphia police hunting for some preteen suspects.

    Authorities say they beat a 51-year-old woman with some unusual items, including a plunger.

    Police say it happened around 3:30 p.m. on Monday in the 1200 block of Luzerne Street.

    MUST SEE PHOTOS: Best Celebrity DUI Mugshots & Eagles’ Cheerleaders Calendar Shoot In The Bahamas

    Authorities say a family friend found the victim in the backyard, on her knees, crying and begging for her life to be spared.

    When police arrived, they found her room ransacked, cabinets emptied and the victim, an Asian female with mental disabilities, beaten and robbed.

    “They hit her in the face with a rock, they used rope and also sticks and a potted plant,” Lt. John O’Hanlon explained.

    Police say the three suspects, described by the victim as black juveniles, ran away with the victim’s purse. Police were eventually able to identify the suspects as 7, 10 and 12-year-old boys.

    “It’s amazing that these kids so young can be so violent,” Lt. O’Hanlon added.

  27. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I don't know where in Philly is Juniata but Philadelphia is a very violent city full of violent kids under 12 years of age. It seems the younger they are, the more dangerous they are. Philly is a concrete jungle with no justice or guidance for kids. One would think black professionals along with their white friends would be so alarmed that they would be active in the black community. But NO ONE is. This is a shame..

    How can Philly be a City of Brotherly Love and how can it be a world-class city when it leads the country in violence that begins at such a young age?

    I once thought Philly was a great place to raise kids....NO MORE!

  28. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Democratic Nazis in action. Germany had nothing on todays Democrats.

    "For instance, if you register with the Obama For America website using an Ohio address, you are likely to receive an email directing you to go to a website asking you for “Your Thoughts on Portman.” The website reads, “Very soon, Mitt Romney could announce Ohio Sen. Rob Portman as his choice for VP. It’s on Ohioans like us to make sure Americans get the facts. Share what you think people need to know about Rob Portman.” There’s a form field for you to fill out with any story you might have to tell that could be damaging to the Ohio Senator."

  29. Anonymous12:26 PM

    The Nazis had a lock on the media and hollywood in Germany, just like todays Democrats:

    Obama To Hollywood Backers: “You Are The Tiebreakers. You And The American People”…

    I like how he distinguishes between his Hollywood elitist pals and the American people.

    Via Washington Free Beacon:

    President Obama spoke at a campaign fundraiser in Westport, Connecticut Monday. Guests included movie executive Harvey Weinstein, actress Anne Hathaway, and celebrated dialogist Aaron Sorkin. According to the president’s remarks at the event:

    “So on a whole host of issues, you’ve got very stark differences. And the good news is that you guys are the tie-breaker. You and the American people. And when you walk into that ballot box — or don’t walk into the ballot box. That’s the second time I’ve said this today. (Laughter.) When you walk into the voting booth — it’s illegal, I’m sure, to walk into a ballot box. (Laughter.) When you cast your ballot, you will have the opportunity to determine the course of this country’s direction not just tomorrow, or next year, or five years from now, but probably for decades to come.”

  30. "The Nazis had a lock on the media and hollywood in Germany, just like todays Democrats:"

    Hollywood is in Germany? Wow, now that is a reach. Wonder if there were as many Jews in German Hollywood as there are in ours.

  31. Ahh, the insane teakkkrackkkers using every excuse in their playbook to try and paint their fellow crakkker as a leftist.



  32. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Farley, you have a very racist mind. No peace or racial harmony will come from you....not that you want peace or goodness.

  33. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Farley, you have a very racist mind. No peace or racial harmony will come from you....not that you want peace or goodness.

    Farley doesn't have a mind he has a fat congealed blob of corn beef. He thinks if like all moonbats he repeats a lie often enough it must be real.

    The murderer was crazy, physco, out of touch with reality. He had more in common with moonbats than Farley will admit to.

    Say whatever you want Farley, we know who the hateful petulant violent childlike adults are.

    Now one question for you though, you say you are White. Either you are lying or a sick individual, what kind of White person who is supposedly against racism goes around disparaging what he is by calling others of the same skin color racist names like cracka?

    You are on little slimey sick fuck, thats who. Sick in the head. To sick to recognize that even though you may have been kicked to the curb by Whites you have known for being a creepy sleazeball Blacks hate you even more for thinking you can slum with them and are better than they are.

    So what are you? White? Black? Sitting on the fence pretending to be White when you think it helps you, pretending to be Black when you think it helps you? Or just a total train wreck of a human being who fits in no where <---that wasn't a fat joke although we both know with your lard ass you overlap that seat easily on the big scooter at the supermarket.

  34. rock paper scissors2:04 PM

    Out of the high-chair and ready for the electric chair.

    What the hell is wrong with YOU PEOPLE?

    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — An Eyewitness News exclusive — a violent home invasion has Philadelphia police hunting for some preteen suspects.

    Authorities say they beat a 51-year-old woman with some unusual items, including a plunger.

    Police say it happened around 3:30 p.m. on Monday in the 1200 block of Luzerne Street.

    Authorities say a family friend found the victim in the backyard, on her knees, crying and begging for her life to be spared.

    When police arrived, they found her room ransacked, cabinets emptied and the victim, an Asian female with mental disabilities, beaten and robbed.

    “They hit her in the face with a rock, they used rope and also sticks and a potted plant,” Lt. John O’Hanlon explained.

    Police say the three suspects, described by the victim as black juveniles, ran away with the victim’s purse.

    Police were eventually able to identify the suspects as 7, 10 and 12-year-old boys.

    “It’s amazing that these kids so young can be so violent,” Lt. O’Hanlon added.

    We talked to the victim’s family friend who asked that we don’t identify her. “They just followed her. She just got back from doing laundry. When she got home, they beat her and threw stuff into the house.”

    The victim was rushed to Temple University Hospital to be treated for cuts and bruises to her face and knees.

    The family friend added, “They kept asking for money and they took her purse with some important paper in there.”

    Neighbor Edward Pastoriza said, “It doesn’t surprise me. A lot of these kids, they hang around with older kids and they learn how to do things like this.”

    It turns out, the 10-year-old suspect was a neighbor of the victim. He was arrested almost immediately.

    The victim’s family friend explained, “The parents came to apologize and after they saw what happened, they said to call the police.”

    Lt. O’Hanlon added, “The mother knew something was wrong when she saw the police and she basically came outside and said, ‘Here he is.’”

    As of late Monday, police say they believe they have identified the remaining two suspects as 7 and 12-year-old boys.

    Police expect to arrest them shortly and charge the 10 and 12-year-olds with Home Invasion Robbery and related offenses.

    By law, we are told, the 7-year-old is too young to be charged with a crime.

  35. Anonymous2:08 PM

    PilotX said...
    "The Nazis had a lock on the media and hollywood in Germany, just like todays Democrats:"

    Hollywood is in Germany? Wow, now that is a reach. Wonder if there were as many Jews in German Hollywood as there are in ours.

    Testimony to why Affirmative action is necessary for people like this. Look up history, you will find (if you can bulldoze through the large words and find a simpler explanation somewhere) that Nazi Germany produced many, many hollywood like propaganda films and spread disinformation and lies eerily similar to todays democratic party. Notice your racism and anti-semitism has not gone unnoticed.

    There are talented people in Hollywood, why must you marginalize them and claim they are mostly Jews?

  36. Poor little teacrakkers. Tskkk. Tskkk.

    You make Ann "my parents were half giraffe/half teacrakkker" Coulter proud.

  37. I hear ya Farley, the truth really hurts some folks. I actually feel sorry for them.

  38. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Farley said...
    Poor little teacrakkers. Tskkk. Tskkk.

    For some reason I get this picture of a really nasty looking Bob Beckel type whenever I see your name white boy. Zits, dirty underwear, thick glasses, so fat it drips lard when you sweat. No wonder why you hate your betters.

    But don't worry, everyone dislikes you. What self respecting black person wants a dumb ass fat lazy fugly White blob to speak for them?
    Have you always been this bitter or was it after momma died and no one cared about you anymore?

  39. Anonymous2:55 PM

    field negro said...
    I hear ya Farley, the truth really hurts some folks. I actually feel sorry for them.

    Careful, mention "feel" around Farley and you might find a grubby fat paw in your shorts.

  40. Well, Field, their shallowness is very, very deep. That much you can say for them.

  41. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Farley said...
    Well, Field, their shallowness is very, very deep. That much you can say for them.

    HA the irony of the projecting Liberal. You haven't seen "shallow" since about age 9, in any semblance or possible usage of the word.

  42. "Ahh, the insane teakkkrackkkers using every excuse in their playbook to try and paint their fellow crakkker as a leftist."

    Yep, I'll bet they're watching Glenn Beck as we speak trying to figure out how this a-hole was tied to the Democrats.

  43. Anonymous3:45 PM

    The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)

    Under Woodrow Wilson, the first American president to embrace the new cult of pragmatism and power that had overtaken “enlightened” thinkers on both sides of the Atlantic (and the first American president to openly disdain the U.S. Constitution), the progressives unleashed a crackdown on freedom that makes the supposed fascism of the McCarthy era and the Bush years seem like a teach-in at Smith College. Wilson established the American Protective League, a group of domestic fascisti charged with crushing dissent, beating “slackers,” and intimidating average Americans. Wilson’s Committee for Public Information was the first modern propaganda ministry. Indeed, according to the late sociologist and intellectual historian Robert Nisbet, the “West’s first real experience with totalitarianism — political absolutism extended into every possible area of culture and society, education, religion, industry, the arts, local community and family included, with a kind of terror always waiting in the wings — came with the American war state under Wilson.”

    Were Hitler's economic policies in the 1930s, however, significantly different from those of Roosevelt, his counterpart in the United States? On the contrary, there was a striking similarity between FDR's New Deal and the methods that Hitler used to get Germany out of the Depression. Both FDR and Hitler instituted massive government spending campaigns, including public-works programs, to bring full employment to their countries. In the United States, for example, there was the Hoover Dam. In Germany, there was the national autobahn system.

    The Nazis also imposed an extensive system of governmental control over German businesses. Was Roosevelt's approach any different? Consider FDR's pride and joy, his National Recovery Act, which was characterized by the infamous Blue Eagle. With the NRA, the U.S. government required entire industries to combine into government-protected cartels, and directed them to fix wages and prices in their respective industries. If a businessman refused to go along, he faced prosecution and punishment, not to mention protest demonstrations from Blue Eagle supporters. (The Supreme Court ultimately declared the NRA unconstitutional.)

    Conformity will be the only virtue and any man who refuses to conform will have to pay the penalty."
    -Woodrow Wilson

  44. Wonder where that info came from ^.

    Citation please.

  45. "Anonymous said...
    Farley said...
    Well, Field, their shallowness is very, very deep. That much you can say for them.

    HA the irony of the projecting Liberal. You haven't seen "shallow" since about age 9, in any semblance or possible usage of the word.

    3:31 PM"

    Ha! The irony of anyone thinking your little diatribe actually means anything.

  46. Mr Field;

    The lie that the Nazi Party was somehow leftist is the kind of intellectual tripe pushed by pseudo-thinkers like Jonah Goldberg that has been rejected by virtually every true scholars in the field. I append one of countless links that eviscerate "Liberal Fascism." These are the kind of poorly-researched, selectively biased dunder-headed polermics that only appeal to undereducated Fox Nation types who think college flunkees like Rush Limbaugh, Neil Boortz, and Sean Hannity are intellectuals. It isn't worth the effort to debate them as they don't know enough to make a minimally informed argument (e.g., have they read Richard Evans' trilogy? Do they even know who he is?). They aren't worthy of thoughtful consieration.

  47. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Mr Field;

    The lie that the Nazi Party was somehow leftist is the kind of intellectual tripe pushed by pseudo-thinkers like Jonah Goldberg that has been rejected by virtually every true scholars in the field"

    "every scholars in the field"

    then followed with a bunch of name calling. Typical quasi literate liberal fraud.

    Because they are so embarrassing to the Left of today, there are always attempts to deny that the American Progressives of a century ago were Leftists. Attempts are made to treat them as somehow outside the normal flow of history -- as a strange aberration that somehow exists all by itself. This is absurd on two grounds: 1). Far from being a marginal group the Progressives were in the mainstream of American intellectual life at the time -- with only the courts and the conservative wings of the political parties standing against them. 2). Although the militarism, imperialism, racism and stress on discipline may seem abhorrent to the American Left of today, such ideas were perfectly at home even within the thought of Marx and Engels. And if Marx and Engels are not Leftists, who would be?

    "Progressive policies embodied an underlying philosophy repugnant to Jeffersonianism. As Ekirch describes this philosophy, "Society in the future would have to be based more and more on an explicit subordination of the individual to a collectivist, or nationalized, political and social order. This change, generally explained as one of progress and reform, was of course also highly important in building up nationalistic sentiment. At the same time, the rising authority and prestige of the state served to weaken the vestiges of internationalism and cosmopolitanism and to intensify the growing imperialistic rivalries." In their statist cause the progressives, who were now appropriating the name "liberal," enlisted Social Darwinism, economic determinism, and relativism.

    Read history, read what Liberal Fascism is and how todays statism is the embodiment of liberals, with con men elected by the mindless.

  48. Money quote from my link:

    "Liberal Fascism is like a number of other recent attempts at historical revisionism by popular right-wing pundits -- including, notably, Michelle Malkin's attempt to justify the Japanese-American internment in her book In Defense of Internment, and Ann Coulter's attempt to rehabilitate McCarthy's reputation in her book Treason -- in that it employs the same historical methodology used by Holocaust deniers and other right-wing revanchists: namely, it selects a narrow band of often unrepresentative facts, distorts their meaning, and simultaneously elides and ignores whole mountains of contravening evidence and broader context. These are simply theses in search of support, not anything like serious history."

  49. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Ha! The irony of anyone thinking your little diatribe actually means anything.

    "Awe"wwwwww You "embecile". we know don't we and with your not having any self confidence or sense of worth, you can never understand that the truth and not the lies you live are all that matter - chubby cheeks.

  50. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Jobu said...
    Money quote from my link:

    "Liberal Fascism is like a number of other recent attempts at historical revisionism by popular right-wing pundits -- including, notably, Michelle Malkin's attempt to justify the Japanese-American internment in her book In Defense of Internment,

    You need some serious learnin, outside of liberal academia which is obviously lying to you and left you ill informed.

    On Feb. 19, 1942, then-Gov. Carr was fuming. He yelled at his staff even though they were not the object of his scorn, but since he did not have direct access to the White House and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, they'd have to do. Clutching Executive Order 9066 in his hand, he paced and shouted, "What kind of a man would put this out?"

    The president's order allowed for the de facto declaration of martial law on the West Coast with one not-so-veiled purpose: to remove anyone of Japanese descent. It was soon after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, which killed thousands of Americans. The Japanese were called "yellow devils" on the front page of papers like The Denver Post. People clamored for them to be locked up, sent to work camps, or - in the words of one Colorado farmer - "just killed." No one distinguished between non-citizen and citizen. No one talked about constitutional rights. No one except for Ralph Carr.

    "Now, that's wrong," Carr told his staff. "Some of these Japanese are citizens of the United States. They're American citizens." And yet, nearly 120,000 people of Japanese descent, many of them American citizens, would spend the war years in internment camps, including Camp Amache, located near Granada in southeast Colorado. Barbed wire lined their boundaries and military police guarded their exits.

    Carr would share his message with Colorado. He said we must protect the Constitution's principles for "every man or we shall not have it to protect any man." Further, he said, if we imprison American citizens without evidence or trial, what's to say six months from now, we wouldn't follow them into that same prison without evidence or trial? The Constitution, he said, starts with, " 'We the people of the United States.' It doesn't say, 'We the people, who are descendants of the English or the Scandinavians or the French.'"

    Governor Carr was a Republican.

  51. And, thanks for correcting my typos! I readily admit I tossed off my email without bothering to proof it. As I stated, those who say the Nazis were liberals aren't worthy of thoughtful debate.

  52. parvenu4:38 PM

    Field, it is simple. There are two primary reasons that wholesale massacres by gun violence in America is on the rise.
    (1) All the states closed their INSANE ASYLUMS 2 - 3 decades ago.

    (2) The NRA is writing legislation on all levels of government in America; while enabling the flooding of the entire nation with military grade firearms.

    It is mid-way through the year 2012,and they are still clearing anti-personnel mines buried during the vietnam war in South East Asia. How long do you think it will take to get all of the millions of military grade guns off the streets of America?

  53. "Governor Carr was a Republican."

    Sure he was, many Republicans were progressive/liberal. Arthur Fletcher was Republican. History has numerous good ideas from the GOP until they lost their collective minds sometime in the 90's and because a non-serious regressive party.

  54. "(2) The NRA is writing legislation on all levels of government in America; while enabling the flooding of the entire nation with military grade firearms."

    Yep, and no politician has the cojones to stand up to them.

  55. As an assistant labor secretary in the late 1960s, Fletcher devised a plan that required federal construction workers in Philadelphia to set goals for hiring minorities and to make a "good-faith effort" to meet the goals or face sanctions. The plan became a model for affirmative action programs.

    "I'm proud to say I set the stage for today's workplace and workforce diversity efforts," he told Fortune magazine in 2000. "Affirmative action changed the American workplace for the better, forever."

    Fletcher became executive director of the United Negro College Fund in 1972. While with that organization, he coined the phrase, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste."

    In recent years, Fletcher made speeches across the country on equal rights and the benefits of affirmative action, and wrote articles for Ebony and other publications. He served as chairman of the National Black Chamber of Commerce.

    Fletcher first got involved in Republican Party politics as vice chairman of the Kansas Republican Party in the mid-1950s. He considered himself a member of the party of Abraham Lincoln, and he believed it was vital for blacks to be active and influential in the two major parties.

  56. He never hesitated to speak his mind about fellow Republicans. Although he was an adviser to President Ronald Reagan, he called Reagan "the worst president for civil rights in this century." And while chairman of the Civil Rights Commission, he blasted President George H.W. Bush for labeling civil rights legislation as a quota bill.

    From the Wapost

  57. "Jobu said...
    And, thanks for correcting my typos!"

    Typo-nazis. You're correct, they're not worthy of any type of consideration as long as they continue spouting things like this: "Governor Carr was a Republican.", expecting people of thought to believe that republican/democratic relationships of the pre-civil rights era are the same as today.

  58. "expecting people of thought to believe that republican/democratic relationships of the pre-civil rights era are the same as today."

    Good point. They're trying to use the Beck/Barton trick of taking a small segment of history and twisting it to make it relevant today.

  59. Today, Romney came out accusing Obama of "gutting welfare reform" for agreeing to a modification HE HIMSELF asked for while Governor of MA. The reasons Jonah Goldberg and Michelle Malkin and Glenn Beck can sell "history" books are (1) the Fox Nation is woefully uniformed (i.e., studies have shown they are less well-informed than citizens who watch NO TV news); and (2) they are intellectually lazy (i.e., they believe the unscholarly right-wing garbage they are dished up on Fox without taking the time to find out the truth.) Case in point: have you ever tried to argue whether or not "trickle down" economics represents sound economic policy with a right-winger? If so, how did they react to all the historical evidence that it is complete nonsense? Did they cite any facts? Did they ignore the facts YOU cited? Q.E.D.

  60. Did someone say Jonah Goldberg and thinker in the same sentence? You might want to reconsider that line.

  61. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Field, why do you allow people like PilotX and Farley comment on FN? It is obvious they are not mentally fit.

    Come on, man. You're smarter than that. Upgrade your blog by not allowing them to post.

  62. "they are intellectually lazy (i.e., they believe the unscholarly right-wing garbage they are dished up on Fox without taking the time to find out the truth.)"

    Millions of morons can't be wrong.
    Arumentum ad populum.

  63. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Farley said...
    "Jobu said...
    And, thanks for correcting my typos!"


    Yeah, Yeah Farley we know and all your teachers were edumacation Nazis because you thought you were an embecile.

    A little tip for you pig fat. When you spell a word embecile, it could be a typo. But then when you come back and arrogantly blast people and tell them you know the word is spelled "imbicile" - then it's not a typo, you are an imbecile who does not know what words mean and are sounding them out using the lowlife intellect you clearly have.

    Awwwww or as you would say it "AWE" poor chubby cheeks also has a flaccid mind to go along with his wittle winky.

  64. Anonymous9:23 PM

    PilotX said...
    "expecting people of thought to believe that republican/democratic relationships of the pre-civil rights era are the same as today."

    Good point. They're trying to use the Beck/Barton trick of taking a small segment of history and twisting it to make it relevant today.

    Of course they are not the same, today you have a number of affirmative action idiots who think we landed on mars in 1969, that if we send more people to the Island of Guam it will tip over, that Sharia law should be passed in the U.S and so much more. These people represent you because YOU are the democratic members who segregate by race and they obviously are voted in ONLY because of their race; they are you.
