Thursday, September 20, 2012

Is this the "Macaca moment" Obamaholics were hoping for?

I have some news for you Obamaholics: this election is going to be close. Why? Because the country is split pretty evenly between the two political gangs, and in spite of all the latest polls in key swing states, Mitt's people are going to ride or die with him no matter what. This election will be all about getting out the base.

I see republicans doing whatever it takes to win: Coordinating with wingnut bloggers to create a false narrative. Coordinating with wingnut state legislatures to make sure that it's harder for the other gang's voters to get to the polls. And literally changing the message of their candidate from day to day to fit the particular group he is speaking to. Democrats, if you are only relying on "hope and change", you are going to be in for a long day on November 6th.

Still, there is Mitt Romney, and if you are a dumbocratic supporter, you have to be thinking that as long as Mitt is at the top of the wingnut ticket you will always have a chance.

Mitt's political problem started a few years ago with an incident in Virginia.

"As the 2006 midterm campaign began, Virginia Republican Sen. George Allen seemed well on his way to a big re-election victory—the prelude to his all-but-certain campaign for president in 2008. Allen’s strong appeal to the religious right promised to provide him a huge advantage in Iowa, where more than half the Republican electorate is self-identified evangelicals.
Then, on Aug. 11, while campaigning in Breaks, Allen spied S.R. Sidarth, who was video recording Allen on behalf of his Democratic opponent, Jim Webb. Turning to Sidarth, Allen said:

“This fellow here over here with the yellow shirt, Macaca, or whatever his name is. He's with my opponent. Let's give a welcome to Macaca, here. Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia.”

"....With Romney’s enormous financial advantage, the thinking went, Romney could win in Iowa, capture his neighboring state of New Hampshire a week later, and effectively cinch the nomination in its opening weeks.

To do that, however, Romney would have to accelerate his efforts to move to the political right. His essentially centrist moderate tenure as governor—pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control, pro-environmentalism—was always going to be a problem with the increasingly conservative base of the Republican Party. Had Allen won his race and entered the presidential contest, Romney might well have chosen the path that McCain took: skip Iowa and concentrate his efforts in New Hampshire, where evangelicals represent a far smaller element of the GOP. But with Iowa now a target of opportunity for Romney, his move rightward became more like a lunge.

That has haunted him for six years.

It’s not just that the tactic failed as Huckabee leveraged his strong support among evangelicals to win the Iowa caucuses, and McCain reminded New Hampshire folks why they’d fallen in love with him in 2000.

It’s that Romney had to so completely redefine himself that it stamped him as a candidate who cannot tell us who he is and what he stands for. Despairing conservative pundits keep urging him to “tell America who you really are,” and it brings to mind Robert Kennedy in 1965 entreating New York mayoral candidate Abe Beame to “tell the voters why you want to be mayor!”—to which Beame replied: “Great—what do I say then?”

For me, Romney always seems in perpetual fear of saying the wrong thing, finding himself trapped between the governor he was, and the candidate he has been and still is. If my memory is correct, there has never been a moment when Romney has said to his party’s base, “I have a different view than you do about" about, well, anything, as Bill Clinton did on welfare and free trade, as George W. Bush did on the federal government’s role in education." [Source]

Of course, no matter what republicans do, it will all be for nothing if Mitt just had his very own "Macaca moment".


  1. Anonymous8:08 PM

    National Disgrace’: Dems To Adjourn Senate With No Budget Plan For 3rd Year

    Field, can you explain why Democrats will not follow the law and pass a budget? You know one of those things you need to understand assets/liabilities and what you have to spend or not.

    Is this what we get when Democrats are in the majority? Incompetence? Negligence? Not even an attempt to do what they are required to do by the people of the United States who elected them?

    Throw all the bums out, Jail them for breaking the law and destroying our country.

  2. Anonymous8:10 PM

    This is what any sane president or US leader would/will say to the rioting rampaging muslims.

  3. Anonymous8:12 PM

    The election will also be close because of voter suppression and the tried and true methods of election fraud that have been successful in the past twelve years will be conducted in precincts throughout the nation. Rovian Republicans may have learned that their selected candidate is not acceptable to most Americans but they will not allow a fair election that would give President Obama an undeniable mandate for action.

    When some fellow citizens do not believe in democracy, it is hard to progress toward democracy.

  4. Then again maybe Etch a sketch is just as goofy as Allen. We all assumed he was the smart one in the clown car but now he's starting to look akward and silly.

  5. SickupandFed8:43 PM

    WTF does a rethug passed budget have to do with what you wrote? Oh I get it, cons point a finger at the Senate because they will not be party to the flea bagging house.

    The choice is clear, remove the obstructions so Democrats can be REAL democrats again.

    It may not be his Macaca moment but, it's over for him. They know it, that's why T-Paw quit on him. Over the next two weeks we'll see more cowards run for cover

  6. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Romney now wants to be known as the "Grandfather of Obama Care"......this candidate is laughably out of touch with nuance.

    There is still some 50days left and it looks like I'm going to have to go out and replenish the popcorn supply.

    Cheers, gaz.

  7. Anonymous9:09 PM

    SickupandFed said...

    WTF does a rethug passed budget have to do with what you wrote? Oh I get it, cons point a finger at the Senate because they will not be party to the flea bagging house.

    The choice is clear, remove the obstructions so Democrats can be REAL democrats again.

    This says it all. Budgets/spending and the economy aren't important at all. You think it all comes from some magical tree.

    What exactly is anyone "blocking" Obama from doing? His budget was to spend another couple of trillion and every single democrat voted against it. Why?

    So tell me loudmouth, exactly what does Obama want done that is being blocked by anyone and how will that help? Tell us..go on....give it a try.

    It's more like the Macaca presidency, the worst president this country has ever seen. Made Carter look like a competent one and that is saying a LOT.

  8. Macaca9:24 PM

    Well, the 47% thing is almost as fake as the "macaca" thing invented by the Washington Post. Better roll with it, it's all you've got.

    Certainly don't want to talk about the anemic economy, 8% unemployment for 43 straight months, $6 trillion in new debt, the failure of the democrat Senate to pass a budget for three straight years, Government Motors still losing money, Solyndra, Fast and Furious, dead ambassadors, or the disatrous collapse of Obama's foreign policy initiatives.

    Nope. Macaca, macaca, macaca, macaca, macaca, macaca, macaca, macaca, macaca, macaca, macaca, macaca!

  9. Nobama II9:26 PM

    If Obama has done this poorly cleaning up the mess he inherited from Bush, how much better do you think he will do trying to clean up the bigger mess he would inherit form himself?

  10. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Whats a budget got to do with anything?

    No need to say anything furhter. Democrat to a A T.

    Not a thing, oh by the way? We are broke your fucked. See ya.

  11. Anonymous9:32 PM

    I think we have seen the heart of Mitt Romney.

    I also think he's dead in the water.

    There's no saving him after his disgusting lumping of so many people as lazy, shiftless and irresponsible among other things!

    So what he's saying is that half of the people he wants to lead are "irresponsible losers"!

    How offensively he characterize good, decent people by suggesting that they do not take responsibility for their lives! From one who has never had to work overtime to make ends meet!

    What kind of morals does he have?

    Of course he may have made millions by contributing to that outsourcing that has left so many unemployed.
    Yep, his kind sure do take responsibility for their lives, but not so much for their actions do they?

    But he would be rich even if he hadn't, courtesy of daddy, yet he callously calls people that have not been so lucky, "moochers"

  12. Yabucoa Mike9:42 PM

    Desertflower said...
    There's no saving him after his disgusting lumping of so many people as lazy, shiftless and irresponsible among other things!

    Um, that's not what he said, that's what the demoMedia wants you to think he said.

    But in reality, how many of the 47% identify themselves as the 47%? How many want to be identified with the freeloader class?

    It's actually brilliant. Those with any self respect will now vote for Romney. Obama now becomes openly identified as the the Loser's candidate.

  13. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Desertflower said...
    "But he would be rich even if he hadn't, courtesy of daddy, yet he callously calls people that have not been so lucky, "moochers"

    Actually, Mitt donated the entire inhertinace he received from his father to charity. 100%.

  14. I see the trolls have their Fox talking points down. Barack is lightyears better than the last rethugliCON that occupied the WH. Let's see, under the last rethug we had the worst attack on america since Pearl Harbor and the worst economic meltdown since the great depression. Sure, why not put another rethug back in the WH? What could possibly go wrong?

  15. Anon@9:42pm, read what you wrote again. Very slowly this time. Do you think that you made any sense? That's a serious question.

  16. Anonymous10:01 PM

    PilotX said...

    I see the trolls have their Fox talking points down. Barack is lightyears better than the last rethugliCON that occupied the WH. Let's see, under the last rethug we had the worst attack on america since Pearl Harbor and the worst economic meltdown since the great depression. Sure, why not put another rethug back in the WH? What could possibly go wrong?

    You really don't have a clue. No, I am not asking anymore, I know. You are plain stupid. Do you know how/who what led to 9/11?

    Do you know how quickly the economy recovered under Bush following 9/11?

    Do you know what caused the huge economic crash at the end of bush's term?

    Do you know who is doing more of exactly what caused the crash right now?

    Do you have any idea where your head begins and your ass ends?

    Here let me help you with your next three posts, you seem like an idiot that can't rememember he does nothing but repeat himslef.

    Trolls, fox talking points.

    Trolls, fox talking points.

    Trolls, fox talking points.

    Trolls, fox talking points.

    Is yours an example of a good mind?

  17. I'm so glad your trolls are such geniuses that are national security and economic experts. I wish they were smart enough to make a name so we can track their posts to see how accurate they really are. Ah, one can only hope but its much easier to post anonymously. What punks.

  18. Presidential campaign history says two things that speak to Romney & Ryan's current position. First, that the fates of presidential tickets who can't carry their home states (Think McGovern & Shriver) are extremely unkind, and second that a challenger has never come from a -3 deficit this late in the campaign to win. It's down to the debates and externalities; not much of an opening; it would take the political equivalent of a hole-in-one for Romney to be making the second speech on 11/6.

  19. Yabucoa Mike10:39 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon@9:42pm, read what you wrote again. Very slowly this time. Do you think that you made any sense? That's a serious question.

    Try reading more slowly this time.

    How many of the freeloader class actually see themselves as freeloaders? They think that's somebody else Mitt is talking about, not them.

    And even if they are currently not paying taxes, many of them aspire to be part of the productive class. Those with self-respect will want to disassociate themselves from the freeloaders. They will side with Romney.

    Obama will be left with people who like being freeloaders, people who use freeloaders to assert moral superiority over other people, and people who are too dumb to realize that they are freeloaders. I think that adds up to to about 40% of the populace.

    Mitt wins in a landslide. Briliant.

  20. Doodle10:45 PM

    Whitey's Bullshit said...
    second that a challenger has never come from a -3 deficit this late in the campaign to win.

    Are you that dumb that you believe the shit you write, or are you just a loyal lib propagandist? Rassmussen has Romney ahead and Gallup has them tied. There are lots of lib propaganda polls out there using bogus voter populaitons in order to try to convince people the race is over, but that doesn't mean shit.

    In fact, the momentum since last week has gone back to Romney, and will only grow over the next 50 days.

    In less than a month, it will be looking like it's over - for Obama.

  21. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Actually, Reagan was farther down at this point and won going away.

    Obama = Carter

  22. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    I'm so glad your trolls are such geniuses that are national security and economic experts. I wish they were smart enough to make a name so we can track their posts to see how accurate they really are. Ah, one can only hope but its much easier to post anonymously. What punks.

    Hmmm, track their posts for accuracy? How about tracking your own mind and learning, you havent got one thing right yet.

    Stop making excuses, if you don't have a clue and just go on what Sharpton tells. you admit it. We know it already.

    Resist you much, about that much you will be mocked.

  23. Funny, the Barack supporters I know are middle class professionals who are resentful of the comments RobbedMe made. Yeah yeah we all know the inbred, home schooled welfare rethuglicans who are actually losers but think they'll win the lottery agree with Mittens but they're too stupid to know he was talking about them. Now as far as the evangelicals who think Mormonism is a cult might be harder to convert because 2/3 of all rethugs are religious nuts who don't trust the guy in magic underwear. If anything this election will be interesting.
    Ha! The guy who is trying to not come across as out of touch insults half the country because they weren't born to millionaire parents. Yeah, that's a good look.

  24. Backfield Judge10:55 PM

    Whistle on PilotX for excessive use of the term "rethuglican".

    That will cost you five affirmations from Field and loss of down.

  25. "Hmmm, track their posts for accuracy? How about tracking your own mind and learning, you havent got one thing right yet. "

    The story of a troll's life, right here.

    "And even if they are currently not paying taxes, many of them aspire to be part of the productive class. Those with self-respect will want to disassociate themselves from the freeloaders. They will side with Romney.

    Obama will be left with people who like being freeloaders, people who use freeloaders to assert moral superiority over other people, and people who are too dumb to realize that they are freeloaders. I think that adds up to to about 40% of the populace."

    And this is what conservatives on the lower end of the economic totem pole tell themselves every day, to avoid the bitter realization that they've hitched their wagon to a preening horse who'd sooner break free and join his own kind on the genteel greens rather than pull a bunch of lesser beings who can't even afford a decent $500-per-plate dinner.

    Romney and the money behind his campaign could care less about a bunch of trolls (or, if my suspiscions are correct, the solitary troll) who bust ass day in and day out browbeating Field Negro commentators with pre-approved GOP talking points and slavish devotion to a party that only sees them as useful idiots.

    Yes, keep up the freeloader/leech/welfare/dependent narrative while Mitt Romney continues to stumble through his campaign like a dry drunk. It'll give you folk something to nurse on when he loses on November 5.

  26. Anonymous11:07 PM

    You can't change washington from the inside. You need to be outside.

    Yes you do, and change it we will. Say goodbye Hussein and Enjoy the 35 million dollar home one of your billionaire supporters is rushing to have made for you in time for you electoral loss.

  27. "Rassmussen has Romney ahead and Gallup has them tied. There are lots of lib propaganda polls out there using bogus voter populaitons in order to try to convince people the race is over, but that doesn't mean shit."

    You're right. The ballot box is where....*flashes back to Gore/Bush 00'. Hanging chads, uncounted ballots, Supreme Court decisions*...the bullshit stops. But let's see what the polls say anyways:

    Rasmussen Report for 9/20 - Obama/Romney 47/45:
    Rasmussen Report Daily Swing State Tracking - Obama/Romney 46/45:
    Gallup Poll - Obama/Romney 47/47, margin of error 3%:

    "Yeah yeah we all know the inbred, home schooled welfare rethuglicans who are actually losers but think they'll win the lottery agree with Mittens but they're too stupid to know he was talking about them"

    Yes, but at least they're not lazy welfare-sucking drains on society (code talk for "niggers").

    I always wondered what America's reaction would be if "Honey Boo-Boo" was "Honey Tee-Tee."

  28. Yabucoa Mike11:18 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "And this is what conservatives on the lower end of the economic totem pole tell themselves every day, to avoid the bitter realization that they've hitched their wagon to a preening horse who'd sooner break free and join his own kind on the genteel greens rather than pull a bunch of lesser beings who can't even afford a decent $500-per-plate dinner"

    I'm pretty sure I am a good bit higher up on that totem pole than you are Mack, and you are the one planning to vote for the guy drinking champaign out gold bottles with Jay Z as our embassies burn.

    Enjoy your toasts now, homies. It will be the Republicans drinking champaign on November 6th.

  29. "Yes you do, and change it we will. Say goodbye Hussein and Enjoy the 35 million dollar home one of your billionaire supporters is rushing to have made for you in time for you electoral loss."

    Field, the quality of "you" trolls is appaling. I thought you had this taken care of during the last Anon, Inc. update. I can't blame them, though - I heard the president of Anon, Inc. laid off dozens of trolls and used the savings to buy a new V8 Vantage roadster for the mistress and another vacation home for himself in the south of France. The man has to keep himself comfortable and the mistress happy somehow...

  30. Mack Lyons said...
    "Yes, but at least they're not lazy welfare-sucking drains on society (code talk for "niggers")."

    Poor wounded Mack, forever thinking everyone is calling him a nigger sideways.

    You're not a nigger, Mack, you are a preening little loser who thinks he is clever because he can regurgitate agitprop he reads on the Huffington Post.

    You need to grow up, move out of mom's crib, and start seeing what life as a man is like.

    Until then you should just STFU and stop showing the world what a fool you are.

  31. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Yes, keep up the freeloader/leech/welfare/dependent narrative while Mitt Romney continues to stumble through his campaign like a dry drunk. It'll give you folk something to nurse on when he loses on November 5.

    Is this like Negro speak? How do you "nurse on" a feeling? WTF are you trying to say? Sounds like you also have been listening to adults speak and got a little confused trying to use the big words on your own the first time.

    If you are not part of the 47% of leeches, then why are you so offended? How many people not paying income tax in this country do you think it will take before your gravy train runs out? Did you ever stop to think that when this country does go broke, all bets are off. No more affirmative action, no more welfare. Only the best of the best and the highest producers will be asked to partake in societies redevelopment.

    Where are all these poor, poor conservatives? Every poor, poor dude I have seen is a huge Obama supporter. They like you believe government needs to take care of them and coincidentally they are poor while they are sitting n the couch playing video games just waiting for this to happen, but they will vote for Obama cause he will pay their lights and bills from his stash no doubt.

  32. Mack's absent father11:28 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    I heard the president of Anon, Inc. laid off dozens of trolls and used the savings to buy a new V8 Vantage roadster for the mistress and another vacation home for himself in the south of France. The man has to keep himself comfortable and the mistress happy somehow... how your mom got rid of the cat so she buy you a panini maker?

    Jesus, you are pathetic.

  33. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Mack Lyons said...

    "Yes you do, and change it we will. Say goodbye Hussein and Enjoy the 35 million dollar home one of your billionaire supporters is rushing to have made for you in time for you electoral loss."

    Field, the quality of "you" trolls is appaling.

    The Black mind at work, he catches "you" but doesn't know how to spell appalling


    "The quality of your trolls needs an upgrade, needs an upgrade, needs an upgrade"....more proof that some minds don't think they repeat what they hear and keep using the same lines until they hear something new that catches in the little nooks and crannies of their infinitesimal brains.

    Tea Party - Rich white privileged folks.

    Romney supporters - poor white conservatives. HA-HA make up your mind. I never ran across a trailer park person who didn't hang out with bell curvers and who didn't support Obama.

  34. I'd be real interested to know what the troll that claims to be in a higher economic class than Mack does for a living.
    Also, yeah Rawmoney did donate his inheritance to charity but this was after his dad paid his way through boarding school, BYU and law school. Even after he made more millions at Bain so yeah he did donate one million dollars, which was a noble thing to do, but it was like you and me donatining 100 bucks. He's such a great guy.

  35. Talk about hearing hit dogs holler. Whack a troll on the nose with a newspaper and you can hear him bitch for hours on end.

    "I'd be real interested to know what the troll that claims to be in a higher economic class than Mack does for a living."

    It's less of what he does for a living and more about where he believes himself to be on a socioeconomic level vis-a-vis the minority population. For all we know, our anon friend could be pulling down 38 hours a week at the nearest Walmart for $8/hr.

    The sad part is Mitt Romney would never willingly interact with our anon friend and his likes - they're beneath him.

  36. Yabucoa Mike11:40 PM

    PilotX said...
    but it was like you and me donatining 100 bucks

    Speak for yourself. I'll bet you never donated 100 bucks to any charity.

    Obama got rich off an 'autobiography' he didn't really write. He gave absolutely nothing to charity until right before he ran for president.

    Romney is real.

  37. Speaking of bitching, Anon @ 11:33PM is definitely working hard to earn his keep.

    I heard the Anon, Inc. president's thinking about a new yacht as a nice Christmas present....oh, you seriously thought you assholes were gonna get bonuses this Christmas? Negroid, please.

    At least you'll get a nice plain card wishing you Happy Holidays. The cost of purchasing the cards will be docked from your pay.

  38. Anonymous11:47 PM

    PilotX said...

    I'd be real interested to know what the troll that claims to be in a higher economic class than Mack does for a living.
    Also, yeah Rawmoney did donate his inheritance to charity but this was after his dad paid his way through boarding school, BYU and law school. Even after he made more millions at Bain so yeah he did donate one million dollars, which was a noble thing to do, but it was like you and me donatining 100 bucks. He's such a great guy.

    You are always interested in this it seems. Why? Can't you debate facts without class warfare? Do you really think someone having success financially and making some wise decisions in planning, investing, business development makes you any less than they because you have a job? Don't be so hard on yourself.

    This isn't the hood and we aren't NiQuisha and just so damned impressed with a brother who has a job. Get over yourself, good for you for having a job.

    As for Romney being successful. Ask yourself, why do you literally hate a man who conceived of and created a company that helped launch so many more and made him enormously successful from his brain and efforts? Why? Is it jealousy? Do you think you can do what he did but he only got the chance because he was privileged?

    Hate and envy makes you less of a man, it also makes you someone who has pretty much maxed out at his level of achievement because you are too narrow minded to ever use logic over emotion and learn something from those who you envy.

  39. If donating money to a billion dollar business, er I mean the Mormon Church, is considered "charity" then no I have not donated lately. Unlike Mitt I believe there are ways other than money to help our fellow citizens. Kinda like when Barack worked as a community organizer for little to no money while spurning high profile law firms while Rawmoney ran straight to a venture capital firm and actually had money coming out of his ears. Maybe we should call you bizarro world Mike.

  40. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Blogger Mack Lyons said...

    Talk about hearing hit dogs holler. Whack a troll on the nose with a newspaper and you can hear him bitch for hours on end.

    There you go again, same old tired lines. You don't have much mental capacity clearly.

    Sad, but it's ok, we didn't expect anything more from you. Now go on and make some more disconnected illogical troll or anon blurbs and you'll feel all better.

  41. Anonerator11:50 PM

    I think Mack is about to cry. Lay off guys.

  42. Damn Mack, these trolls are off the hook. This one actually it is debating "facts". Poor ignorant trailer trash. Projection is big in this one, all the hate thrown at the current occupant of the WH but it accuses ME of hating someone. Why the hell would I hate a man I've never met? Jealous? Ha! Yeah, I really want to be an out of touch and akward 60 something white dude who believes god is a man who lives on planet Kobol and has to wear magic underwear. Nah, I'm good.

  43. Anonymous11:55 PM

    PilotX said...

    If donating money to a billion dollar business, er I mean the Mormon Church, is considered "charity" then no I have not donated lately. Unlike Mitt I believe there are ways other than money to help our fellow citizens

    Really? Like what? How do you help your fellow citizens while leaving your credit cards and wallets at home? Barack was a community agitator, he kept many a black person down by telling them they couldnt do it, but he would help them get stuff from the man. Then he turned his back on them once the checks started coming in.

  44. Yabucoa Mike11:57 PM

    PilotX said...
    Unlike Mitt I believe there are ways other than money to help our fellow citizens. Kinda like when Barack worked as a community organizer for little to no money while spurning high profile law firms

    I knew it.

    You are just like your hero. "Other ways" means other people's money.

    It's the best kind of 'charity'. You get to feel good about giving, and it cost's you nothing. Better yet, it costs people you hate.

    Obama went into the community shakedown business because he was too lazy to go work for a high profile law firm. He was an affirmative action lawyer who never would have risen to the top of an operation where you had to have the goods. But politics is another story...

  45. Mack's mom11:59 PM

    PilotX said...
    Damn Mack, these trolls are off the hook. This one actually it is debating "facts".

    You are out of your league, Twosqueegy Airman.

  46. Anonymous12:07 AM

    PilotX said...

    Damn Mack, these trolls are off the hook. This one actually it is debating "facts". Poor ignorant trailer trash. Projection is big in this one, all the hate thrown at the current occupant of the WH but it accuses ME of hating someone. Why the hell would I hate a man I've never met?

    Keep asking your self that jubbah.
    Why do you hate a man you have never met so much so that you despise that he made a lot of money an throw it around as if it is a bad thing. You must really feel like he should have given some of that money to you or your family otherwise you wouldn't say the things you do.

    "Jealous? Ha! Yeah, I really want to be an out of touch and akward 60 something white dude who believes god is a man who lives on planet Kobol and has to wear magic underwear. Nah, I'm good."

    Well you could just be a disconnected bell curve ringer "black dude". Could you use another line please, this underwear shit is so old, it only would work on someone Mormon or who really was a religi-phobic idiot like yourself, when you keep using it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, I feel like I am watching someone with the mind of a ten year old struggling to have a conversation. It is not insulting to anyone not Mormon so is useless mindless gibberish.

    Don't you guys have any shame just repeating the same key phrases someone taught you last week? Ever hear of changing it up or originality to show you maybe have a brain that works?

    Trailer trash. You are a funny thing.

    I enjoy your simple mind somehow making this illogical connection that those who are opposed to Obama are poor trailer trash, still not able to make the connection that trailer trash would most definitely hang out with someone like you who is an avid Obama supporter. They didn't get to be trailer trash by being extremely intelligent, hard working, creative and learning from men who are successful like Mitt Romney, no they became trailer trash listening to democrats and living in the hood.

  47. Well no Mike. I volunteer to fly kids every second Saturday of the month, I travel to less fortunate nations and take books and other supplies and I speak to students about aviation careers. I don't use a penny of anyone else's money but often at considerable expense. I know as a conservative your mind isn't developed enough to imagine ways to assist our fellow citizens but don't worry if you need to feel superior to me its ok. So what do you do to help others Mike or are you an Ayn Rand devotee like Paul Ryan? Oh that's right she not cool anymore because she's an atheist.

  48. Anonymous12:13 AM

    "...His essentially centrist moderate tenure as governor—pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control, pro-environmentalism—was always going to be a problem with the increasingly conservative base of the Republican Party."

    You forgot to include that he was also pro-Black! But Obama is NOT!

    It's funny how you manage to leave out important facts that FN Negroes should know.

  49. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Mr Field said, "I have some news for you Obamaholics: this election is going to be close."

    Is this race going to be close? You betcha, and Romney and the GOP is determined to win. And they will.

    You see, brother Field, our peeps don't have the stamina, endurance or the determination to see ANYTHING to the end. I mean, look at the CBC...aren't they weak and pathetic? I mean, they are totally useless.

    Brother Field, I am willing to bet my portfolio against yours that Romney will win. Are you up for that?

  50. Anonymous12:21 AM

    PilotX said...

    Well no Mike. I volunteer to fly kids every second Saturday of the month, I travel to less fortunate nations and take books and other supplies and I speak to students about aviation careers. I don't use a penny of anyone else's money but often at considerable expense. I know as a conservative your mind isn't developed enough to imagine ways to assist our fellow citizens but don't worry if you need to feel superior to me its ok. So what do you do to help others Mike or are you an Ayn Rand devotee like Paul Ryan? Oh that's right she not cool anymore because she's an atheist.

    How Christian of you, you do things Christians always do, things that are expected of you if you are a Christian. Very Nice. Just so you know, you spending your money is very kind, but you said without money. Do try to connect the dots a little harder will ya.

    WTF does Ayn Rand and Paul Ryan have to do with anything, you start off lucid and then go into negro-babble sheez...half a brain is about right.

  51. Anonymous12:23 AM

    I live in the East Bay Area where there are a lot of homeless folks begging and hanging out on the corners trying to sell Streetwise. Guess what color they are?

    Brother Field, they are part of that 47% Romney has been talking about.

  52. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I live in the East Bay Area where there are a lot of homeless folks begging and hanging out on the corners trying to sell Streetwise. Guess what color they are?

    Brother Field, they are part of that 47% Romney has been talking about.

    With the plethora of free federal and state programs all you need to do is walk into a welfare office and you will get emergency cash and vouchers for rent/food/power, only the crazy are homeless and they want to be homeless.

  53. Field, I don't know if this one will be close. To me this has all the markings of 2004. The conservative base isn't enthused about Mittens but they hate Barack. The Christian base isn't thrilled about the Mormon thing. The juju has to be on the Dems' side because we put up with four years of W so the yang is about to kick in.

  54. In Denver the beggars are white, in Minneapolis the beggars are white, in Vancouver the beggars are white, in Chicago a lot of beggars are white, in Sacramento..........

  55. Obama has failed, badly. I know it's hard to accept, but it's true. Black America never should have invested so much hope in one man. It was a terrible mistake.

  56. Anonymous12:53 AM

    PilotX said...

    Field, I don't know if this one will be close. To me this has all the markings of 2004. The conservative base isn't enthused about Mittens but they hate Barack. The Christian base isn't thrilled about the Mormon thing. The juju has to be on the Dems' side because we put up with four years of W so the yang is about to kick in.

    I agree - all the ju-ju's are on the Dems side - Romney has 0 % Ju-Ju support.

  57. Anonymous1:04 AM

    PilotX said...

    Field, I don't know if this one will be close. To me this has all the markings of 2004. The conservative base isn't enthused about Mittens but they hate Barack. The Christian base isn't thrilled about the Mormon thing. The juju has to be on the Dems' side because we put up with four years of W so the yang is about to kick in.

    Are you high or is this normal?
    Mormons are Christians, they don't proscribe to the anti christian government agenda violating the constitution that Obama does.

    In 2004 Democrats lost. It was a close race due to democratic voter fraud, that won't happen so much this time - conservatives are fired up realizing that any more time with the incompetent Celebrity in office will destroy us and will be poll watching, Black Pamper tenderizing and voting in numbers like you have never seen.

    Obama has been the president for the last four years, BUSH was four years ago and he was president for 8 years so you put up with more than 4 years even if you skipped Obama's disastrous term encompassing 2008 to date.

    Obama when he is ousted will have set the democratic party back decades. America will be doubly wary the next time they see a Democrat running for office and completely vet him/her to make sure he isn't a fraud, affirmative action accomplish nothing liar, Marxist, redistributionist communist lad from a broken home whose mother did S+M porn with his Marxist father, abandoned by both to be raised by his Marxist grandparents, resulting in a really damaged individual with a warped psyche.

  58. Grabbir Boubi1:20 AM

    Obama Administration; Lies, Deceit and Incompetence are thy names.

    "The FBI still hasn't made it to the crime scene in Benghazi." More on this later, but the fact that the administration is treating our sacked consulate as a "crime" scene is telling. This was a terrorist attack. An act of war. (Andy McCarthy, call your office). We've dispatched criminal investigators to look into it, but they still haven't even made it to ground zero yet? Nine days after the fact? Why?

    Witnesses tell CBS News that there was never an anti-American protest outside of the consulate. Instead, they say it came under planned attack." As I wrote this morning, the administration is at last beginning to acknowledge the latter fact, but the former element is crucial, too. If there really were no protests outside the consulate before the ambush began -- as multiple news outlets are now reporting -- even the premise of the administration's fictional account is false.

    "What's that the public won't get a detailed account of what happened until after the presidential election." This conclusion strongly reinforces several of my theories about the White House's foot-dragging and misdirection on the Benghazi raid. We have a murdered ambassador and sensitive intelligence missing, and the administration is in pure political CYA mode.

    The administration is engaged 24-hours-a-day in an investigation right now." Would that be the same FBI investigation that hasn't made it to the "crime scene" yet?

  59. Wow, I'm shocked more flip flopping from the Mittster. In 2007 he said only an outsider can change Washington and recently said he is an outsider, even though he's been running for office but can't seem to win. Suddenly Barack says change can only come from the outside and now let the flip flops begin. Good god, has that man had an opinion he kept for more than 3 hours?

  60. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Wow, I'm shocked more flip flopping from the Mittster. In 2007 he said only an outsider can change Washington and recently said he is an outsider, even though he's been running for office but can't seem to win. Suddenly Barack says change can only come from the outside and now let the flip flops begin. Good god, has that man had an opinion he kept for more than 3 hours?

    Actually I thought Mitt was being nice. Obama said he CANT change it from the inside, so he is going to put him on the outside so he can try again.

    Hey on the brightside, Obama's billionare friend is really trying to get money to pay for his new Hawiian Palace so he has a place to live after the election and gets evicted from the white house. It's really nice, take a look. Mrs Robinson loves it.

  61. Anonymous1:42 AM

    If the MSM media asked serious questions like univision did, Obama would have been impeached already.

    I guess he's being real careful and avoiding any media questions by going on letterman, pimp with a gimp and other entertainment type shows. It's not like his job is serious or anything.

  62. Anonymous2:35 AM

    PilotX said, "Field, I don't know if this one will be close. To me this has all the markings of 2004. The conservative base isn't enthused about Mittens but they hate Barack. The Christian base isn't thrilled about the Mormon thing. The juju has to be on the Dems' side because we put up with four years of W so the yang is about to kick in."

    Your thinking is really twisted. Totally a fantasy. The Christian base has a problem with OBAMA and his enthusiastic support of gay-marriage.

    Furthermore, you need to stop thinking that Obama can win another four years because Bush did...there is no comparison between the two when it comes to a second term.

    For one thing, Bush was White and from day one Obama has had trouble because he is Black. If there is a way to vote Romney in, you better believe it will happen simply because Obama has been a lousy President not only for Whites but ESPECIALLY FOR BLACKS.

    The race looks close now, but that's going to change after the debates. However, you are too biased to even consider Romney beating the socks off of Obama. It can happen, and it WILL happen. Obama is going to have to explain a lot of things for all those promises he failed miserably to deliver.

  63. Anonymous2:49 AM

    PilotX dreams, "Wow, I'm shocked more flip flopping from the Mittster. In 2007 he said only an outsider can change Washington and recently said he is an outsider, even though he's been running for office but can't seem to win. Suddenly Barack says change can only come from the outside and now let the flip flops begin. Good god, has that man had an opinion he kept for more than 3 hours?"

    1:24 AM
    Obama has flipped flopped just as much, if not more. In 2008, he made promises for CHANGE. As soon as he got in office, he proceeded doing business just like Bush did.

    Regarding jobs, Blacks fared much better under Bush than under Obama. In fact, Blacks have the highest rate of unemployment among ALL's almost twice the national average!

    Regarding religion/gay marriage: Obama has shot himself in the foot, not only with Christians(both Black and White), but Muslims as well. For those who can't/ won't vote GOP, they will simply stay home rather than go against their faith, bible or Koran.

  64. Anonymous5:14 AM

    The 12-Step Guide for the Recovering Obama Voter
    Craig S. Karpel

  65. Oh my, these trolls have really hitched their wagons to Mitt. What will they do if he loses? Flee the country? I hope not. I, for one, enjoy having them around. I think they replaced the funnies that I used to read in the newspaper when I was a kid. :)

  66. Did someone above refer to Rasmussen as a legitimate poll? That was a joke, right?

  67. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Field, 'some' trolls, but not all, are going to vote for Mitt. The reason is obvious: Mitt has MORE to offer than Obama. In fact, Mitt is far more honest than Obama.

    I noticed that you haven't said anything about the upcoming debates. That could mean only one thing: You and your FN reg ID posters are scared s*&^less because you know Romney is capable of trouncing Obama.

    And when he does, Romney will win by one of the biggest landslides in American history.

  68. pilot X-crement9:09 AM

    pilot X wrote:

    Well no Mike. I volunteer to fly kids every second Saturday of the month, I travel to less fortunate nations and take books and other supplies and I speak to students about aviation careers.

    You mean you're in the cabin serving sandwiches while someone else is at the controls in the cockpit.

    Less fortunate nations? Hmmm. That can be summed up as Africa. So you think you fly to Africa every other Saturday to hand out books to kids who can't read? Or, if they can read a little, the language isn't English.

    Or maybe you hitch a ride on a flight to Haiti. Yeah, like Africa, another place where kids can't speak or read English and would most likely use books to fuel a fire to cook the corpse of some rodent they killed.

    I don't use a penny of anyone else's money but often at considerable expense.

    Ah, the delusion goes airborne. As if you could pay the cost of fueling up any commercial aircraft traveling back and forth to a "less fortunate nation."

    I think this is more about taking a bus ride to the black part of some US city. Chicago? Maybe you're the captain of a city bus?

  69. Brutha Can You Spare A Dime10:37 AM

    PilotX said...

    In Denver the beggars are white, in Minneapolis the beggars are white, in Vancouver the beggars are white, in Chicago a lot of beggars are white, in Sacramento..........

    That's because all the criminal jobs were already taken and filled by affirmative action candidates.

  70. Anonymous10:57 AM

    PilotX said...

    If donating money to a billion dollar business, er I mean the Mormon Church, is considered "charity" then no I have not donated lately. Unlike Mitt I believe there are ways other than money to help our fellow citizens. Kinda like when Barack worked as a community organizer for little to no money while spurning high profile law firms while Rawmoney ran straight to a venture capital firm and actually had money coming out of his ears. Maybe we should call you bizarro world Mike.

    Yeah Barack really did right by the people....

  71. Mitt I will Flipper to be president Romney lived in an basement apartment with his robotic wife, Ann. They eat tuna fish sandwiches for dinner. Mitt was a moderately nice guy until the NeoCon made a challenging offer, which he accepted. He was so involved in the scheme that he can walk into a Chinese factory with blantant abuses and tell himself he was bringing joy to the world. See Dick, they are truly happy"

    His wife has four cars and know all about being a stay at home Mom. She truly understands the challenges of a 9-5 mom. Her best friends are the three women her husband hired. Her closest friend is a woman the flipper loan a million to.

    Seriously, this election will still be close as long the "Red States" hate Hussein. Anyway remember Florida in 2004? Yes, I know had Gore won his own state, Tenn. life might have been different.

    The apathy of electorate will truly determine the basic direction this country will head. Either we are empathetic to the vast majority of the Americans trying their best each and everyday or we hand it over to a Flip with a grandiose goal of Bomb Bomb bomb Iran.

    How many more people must be kill for these NeoCon to understand that US is just one tiny country and you cannot CONTROL everything...We must send a message: greed is BAD!

  72. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Actually, Mitt donated the entire inhertinace he received from his father to charity. 100%.
    Anyone that can donate and give to charity millions of dollars obviously proves that they have a considerable fortune somewhere and that they want for nothing.

    Nothing wrong with that,just saying. He never had to stress how to meet the mortgage, as so many WORKERS do.

    Also at least a third of his so called "entitled" 47% have PAID for their SS, AND still pay taxes on any goods they buy!

    I'm reading that even his own people are beginning to distance themselves.

  73. Yeah Field, that is the latest talking point. "Support for Obama is eroding, Romney is leading in the Rasmussen poll which was the most accurate......" You hear it dozens of times on the weekend shows and I read it here. If nothing else your trolls are up on the approved gop propaganda.

  74. Ok, seriously you need to upgrade the quality of trolls. These fools make the idiots at stormfront look like theorhetical physicists.

  75. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Pile It High X said...

    " If nothing else your trolls are up on the approved gop propaganda."

    Funny over 60% of the country trusts the MSM and has lost all faith.

    YET only 15% of Democrats think that recent economic news is bad news

    and 58% of Democrats have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media.

    Who is subject to propaganda again? Who eats chews and swalloows unthinking MSM propaganda?

  76. Anonymous12:23 PM

    theorhetical physicists = blah sciuntist

  77. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Maybe Obama will just take out another half a million people from the workforce to show how unemployment is falling.

    NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The number of people filing for their first week of unemployment benefits rose to the highest level since July, the government said Thursday, in another sign of a weakness in the jobs market.

    The Labor Department said 382,000 people filed first-time jobless claims in the week ended Sept. 8. That was sharply higher than the forecast of 369,000 people from economists surveyed by, and above the previous week's reading of 367,000.

  78. Resentment shuld not be a basis for world view1:54 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Anonymous said...
    Actually, Mitt donated the entire inhertinace he received from his father to charity. 100%.
    Anyone that can donate and give to charity millions of dollars obviously proves that they have a considerable fortune somewhere and that they want for nothing

    Damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't.

    Anyone who would hate a guy because he is successful, honest, and clean-living has some issues.

  79. Anonymous2:17 PM

    chicago,that's where the communist teacher's union is on strike because the murder rate is higher than the graduation rate.nit wit home schooled children do way better than the commie teachers union students.mitt gives more money to charity then you well ever make.every time i gas up i thank a democrat,when i see what is happening in the raghead world i thank a democrat,when our ambasador is murdered i thank a democrat. when i see an aids epidemic among negroes and you say and do nothing about it. what does that say about you?

  80. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Anonymous Resentment shuld not be a basis for world view said...
    Anyone who would hate a guy because he is successful, honest, and clean-living has some issues.
    Mr. Romney was talking about the working poor,children, elderly, veterans and disabled as the 47%!

    "there are 47% who will vote for the president no matter what.Al right. There are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to healthcare, food, to housing, to you name it.That that's an entitlement...and they will vote for this president no matter what...These are people who pay no income tax...My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives"

    He doesn't care for them nor want to reach them!

    Perhaps who would defend such a statement are the ones with the issues.

  81. Wow, conservatives hate teachers, cops and firefighters but love rich venture capitalists. I guess you have to aspire to something other than smoking meth in a trailer. Dream on.

  82. Anonymous3:14 PM

    theorhetical physicists = blah sciuntist

    Will SOMEONE PUL-EEZZE pass this blog spell checking MF a damn cookie?

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

  83. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Anonymous said...

    theorhetical physicists = blah sciuntist

    Will SOMEONE PUL-EEZZE pass this blog spell checking MF a damn cookie?

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

    Queenee Queefah needs some summers eve damn dat shit stank

  84. I'm sure Mittens is a great guy who gives to charity, was a good venture capitalist and was a good bishop for Mormo but none of that qualifies him to be president. Maybe he can go back to Bain, if he ever really quit in the first place. Nice to see he pays a lower tax rate that I do.

  85. Wow, conservatives hate teachers, cops and firefighters but love rich venture capitalists. I guess you have to aspire to something other than smoking meth in a trailer. Dream on.

    It's more or less what they're being told to hate by their "betters." As much as conservatives claim to think for themselves, they do an awful lot of lockstep marching and propaganda regurgitation.

    *ducks for yet another round of troll insanity*

  86. Anonymous4:30 PM

    PilotX said...

    I'm sure Mittens is a great guy who gives to charity, was a good venture capitalist and was a good bishop for Mormo but none of that qualifies him to be president. Maybe he can go back to Bain, if he ever really quit in the first place. Nice to see he pays a lower tax rate that I do.

    Brawndos got what plants crave it's got electrolytes.

    Big Four accounting firm: fed + state taxes + charity=38.5% of Romney's income last 20 yrs

    With 30% of income donated to charities

  87. 30 percent "donated" to a billion dollar corporation that buys political ads to influence elections. Oh my bad, I meant the church of Kobol. If you want to call that a charity be my guest.

  88. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Blogger Mack Lyons said...

    Wow, conservatives hate teachers, cops and firefighters but love rich venture capitalists. I guess you have to aspire to something other than smoking meth in a trailer. Dream on.

    It's more or less what they're being told to hate by their "betters." As much as conservatives claim to think for themselves, they do an awful lot of lockstep marching and propaganda regurgitation.

    *ducks for yet another round of troll insanity*

    Brawndos got what plants crave its got electrolytes.

    Conservatives think for themselves, they don't have group guilt and pressure to stay black or else. So you are clearly confused.

    Cops/Fireman are conservatives - For now. Teachers having become affirmative action watering holes have become increasingly democratic, in example horrible teachers in Chicago making more than the people who send their children to not be able to read in Chicago's schools making a fortune.

    You clearly just make up shit you would like to fit as you go along.

    If anyone cared about firefighters and policeman they wouldn't allow the tests that are extremely easy to be watered down even more because blacks and Latinos cant pass them, hire incompetents based upon race and have politicians redistribute money to corrupt cronies so fireman/police jobs have to be eliminated due to lack of funds.

    Check any democratic run city, on it's way to bankruptcy or already bankrupt, first jobs to go are public ones after the politicians have lost/wasted all the money and driven out the non 47%.

  89. And that's only the one year he showed us. No telling how little he paid and how much he hides in Switzerland and the Caymans. Such a patriot.

  90. Anonymous4:41 PM

    PilotX said...

    30 percent "donated" to a billion dollar corporation that buys political ads to influence elections. Oh my bad, I meant the church of Kobol. If you want to call that a charity be my guest.

    When you actually know what you are talking about come back and try again. I think you are confused with Unions and buying political ads to influence elections and get their guys in so they keep raping the public.

  91. Anonymous4:43 PM

    PilotX said...

    And that's only the one year he showed us. No telling how little he paid and how much he hides in Switzerland and the Caymans. Such a patriot.

    Please catch up, he released data from 20 years. Any other pissing and moaning you want to do? He made money, he is smart and talented he paid a lot in taxes and gave away a lot to charity. Now you are going to complain because he didn't give it to the united negro college fund or something else really stupid?

    God you REEK of envy.

  92. Why do conservatives value investments more than work? Notice they defend paying lower rates on capital gains than employment income. They sit by the pool and don't work, remember Romney bragging about not having a job, while the average schmoe works his or her ass off and for our effort we get to pay higher rates. Wow. Conservatives don't give a shit about workers and those that do are accused of being envious. Goof balls.

  93. I've paid a little over twice the percentage of my gross income in payroll/income taxes as Rawmoney has over the last 20 years, but then my only personal deductions (like most Americans) are my IRA contributions which are deferred, now waived, and my mortgage.

  94. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    I've paid a little over twice the percentage of my gross income in payroll/income taxes as Rawmoney has over the last 20 years, but then my only personal deductions (like most Americans) are my IRA contributions which are deferred, now waived, and my mortgag

    Bullshit - no way you have a 40% tax bracket, it doesn't exist.

  95. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Romney Paid 20.2% Effective Tax Rate Over Last 20 Years… Nearly Same As 20.5% Obama Paid In 2011…

  96. Anonymous6:15 PM

    PilotX said...

    Why do conservatives value investments more than work? Notice they defend paying lower rates on capital gains than employment income. They sit by the pool and don't work, remember Romney bragging about not having a job, while the average schmoe works his or her ass off and for our effort we get to pay higher rates. Wow. Conservatives don't give a shit about workers and those that do are accused of being envious. Goof balls.

    You are confusing yourself, I thought conservatives were all poor trailer trash dwellers on welfare, now they are rich lazy people who don't earn anything?

    Please do us both a favor and take a course in finances. Capital Gains IS very different than something like you make, payroll income.

    If you take your money and save some of it wisely then you could choose to risk it and invest, you have already paid taxes on this money, but even so after investing and having fund managers lend money to say UA airlines to make their payroll which happens frequently. If UA is able to pay you back you want a return on your risk don't you? Or are you willing to risk losing it all for nothing?

    OK then. Or you could raise the tax and watch people not invest as it becomes less profitable for the huge risk and see what happens then.

  97. Anonymous6:19 PM

    my IRA contributions which are deferred, now waived, and my mortgag

    Your IRA is investment equity only you have someone else handle the funds and invest and given you a marginal tax free return when you retire. If you learned how to invest on your own, you could take your money now, invest it and risk building your own portfolio.

    Now, you don't want your IRA to be taxed at the same rate as your payroll tax do you? Of course not, then think things through. If you raise capital gains tax, then your IRA would be subjected to it as well and frankly no one would invest in your IRA making the fund nonviable and you not having any retirement funds unless you learned how to manage it yourself.

  98. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Who is the welfare party again?

    The House voted Thursday to block the Obama administration’s decision to let states waive the current work requirement for welfare recipients.

    Members approved the Republican resolution of disapproval in a 250-164 vote, after a bitter debate in which Republicans charged President Obama with trying to change the law without consulting Congress, and Democrats said Republicans were raising the issue to help GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney after his widely criticized remarks about people on welfare. Nineteen Democrats voted for the resolution.

  99. The most interesting man in the world held a fundraiser for Barack. "I don't always vote for president but when I do I vote Obama".

  100. Anonymous6:25 PM

    PilotX said...

    The most interesting man in the world held a fundraiser for Barack. "I don't always vote for president but when I do I vote Obama".

    Good to see he's got the fictional character vote, is there going to be a zombie fundraiser for all the dead people who vote for him as well?

  101. Anonymous6:30 PM

    PilotX said...

    30 percent "donated" to a billion dollar corporation that buys political ads to influence elections. Oh my bad, I meant the church of Kobol. If you want to call that a charity be my guest.

    Again you are clearly uninformed. The party that takes from the people is the democratic party, they are literally in Hock to the SEIU bank who mandates you pay dues so they can fund Obama's election so they can get people in power to mandate you pay more dues and they get rich off of you, all for doing nothing for you that today's labor laws wouldn't cover, in fact less.

    NC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz hailed the transition to Amalgamated Bank, and noted the longstanding political and financial ties between the two organizations.

    The committee, she said, had a “fiduciary responsibility to those who invest in our party.”

    The Democratic National Committee (DNC) owes at least $8 million to a bank owned by one of the largest unions in the country, according to the committee’s most recent financial report.

    The DNC initiated an $8 million loan with the Amalgamated Bank of New York on Aug. 10, the report shows, accounting for the majority of the committee’s overall debt of $11 million.

    Amalgamated Bank, often described as “America’s Labor Bank,” is a national entity, the majority of which is owned by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), a politically active union with deep ties to the Democratic Party. The SEIU is also involved with the Democracy Alliance, a shadowy group of wealthy left-wing donors founded by billionaire investor George Soros.

  102. Doodle said...

    Rassmussen has Romney ahead and Gallup has them tied.

    Todays RCP poll of polls, which includes the republican skewed Scott Rassmussan (an operative, not a bystander) tracking (that actually has Obama +1 today) and the Gallup tie in fact has Obama +3.5 overall which seems to be the also be about the "likely voter" model mean (compared to Obama +6 "registered voter" model mean). I trust (and quote) the much more reliable and consistent non-partisan RCP POP even more than Nate Silver's trustworthy and meticulously modeled 538 tracking that has it at a similar Obama +3.4.

    Quoting an outlier poll as fact was what the man meant when he talked about "lies, damned lies, & statistics."

  103. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Whiteys Conspiracy said...

    A bunch of poll stuff quoted from

    DataLounge get your fix of gay gossip, news and pointless bitchery.

  104. Yeah, you kinda have to question a poll that is such an outlier.

  105. OH NO HE DI' ENT!

    = =

    Herman Cain jabbed Mitt Romney while talking to the Gainesville Sun saying that he would have been doing better if he was the Republican presidential nominee, claiming he'd probably have a "substantial lead" on President Obama at this point.

    Said Cain: "The reason is quite simple: I have some depth to my ideas."
    = =

    With supporters like that.......

  106. Corey Booker7:38 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...


    That was good Whitey, I can almost visualize you air snapping your fingers.

  107. Yeah Whitey, looks like the rats are running from the ship.
