Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Surviving Sandy and political rhetoric.

I survived Sandy. (I think. I am still watching for those falling trees) Girlfriend was no joke; she slapped folks around as far South as Jamaica  (pics with this post) and as far North as Connecticut. Most of us were all lucky, this time.

Thankfully I will still be around to speak my mind and piss off folks who have issues with the truth

To all of you sending your best wishes to us folks on the East Coast, that is field Negro behavior on your part. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts. Mitt, please tell your supporters to keep their canned goods; we lots of food, we need FEMA and the federal government to work with local governments to fix roads and bridges, and to get the mass transit systems running again. Don't think we forgot what you said about FEMA, Mitt. I know you tried to ignore questions about it today, but your words won't go away.

"Mitt Romney refused to answer reporters' questions about how he would handle the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), after a Tuesday "storm relief" event in Ohio for Hurricane Sandy.
From the Romney pool report:
TV pool asked Romney at least five times whether he would eliminate FEMA as president/what he would do with FEMA. He ignored the qs but they are audible on cam. The music stopped at points and the qs would have been audible to him.

A follow-up report noted the specific questions Romney ignored, as he was collecting hurricane supplies following his event:
"Gov are you going to eliminate FEMA?" a print pooler shouted, receiving no response.

Wires reporters asked more questions about FEMA that were ignored.
Romney kept coming over near pool to pick up more water. He ignored these questions:

"Gov are you going to see some storm damage?"
"Gov has [New Jersey Gov.] Chris Christie invited you to come survey storm damage?"

"Gov you've been asked 14 times, why are you refusing to answer the question?"
He is refusing to answer the question because he is hoping that, like everything else with his charmed -etch a sketch- campaign, we will forget everything he has said to get to this point. The thing about American poli-tricks is that his supporters -and the Obama haters- are going to vote for him no matter what he says or does, and the members of the press will all fall in line for fear of tipping the balance in the elections and ruining the this is a close election narrative that they have worked so hard to craft.

Chris Christie is not helping that narrative by praising Obama for the job he has done with helping the East Coast governors so far. Obama is even appearing with Christie tomorrow to tour areas of Jersey that was slapped around by Sandy. If you are Mitt this cannot be good. You are probably thinking that you should have picked the guy to be your VP, and not the little work out fiend Eddie Munster look alike from Wisconsin.

Mitt will now tell his volunteers not to send any canned goods to Jersey.



  1. Obama must have sent Fatback Christie a truckload of Krispy Kreme donuts over the weekend.

  2. If Obama had held a pointless canned-food-drive/campaign rally the day after a mass tragedy, tbagistan would have exploded in indignation, fauxnews would be on 24/7 can-gate coverage, and rump limbo would be screaming about his disrespect for everyday Americans.

  3. Lt. Commander Johnson6:25 PM

    C'mon, field....Romney can't go everywhere! To answer that question, would have led the MSM to say he "fovored" a state or area.

    Glad to see you & yours made out well. I've been thru Katrina, and Camille.

    I was only 9 years old, when Camille hit, and I still remember her. SHE was a BITCH...Sandy was a little girl, lucky for you Yankees. And I live 190 miles from the Gulf Coast!

  4. Lt. Commander Johnson6:31 PM


    You need to "lighten up", Whitey.

  5. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    If Obama had held a pointless canned-food-drive/campaign rally the day after a mass tragedy, tbagistan would have exploded in indignation, fauxnews would be on 24/7 can-gate coverage, and rump limbo would be screaming about his disrespect for everyday Americans. The stop was billed as a “storm relief” event, and attendees were asked to bring non-perishable foods and other items for those affected by the storm. Long white tables to one side of the cavernous James S. Trent Arena were piled high with flashlights, batteries, diapers, toothbrushes, mini-deodorants, fleece blankets, cereal, toilet paper and canned goods.

    If Romney supporters were as obviously uninformed and uniformly evil as Leftists like you there wouldn't be a U.S.A. You really are an evil dolt.

    Obviously Field took this silliness from the vile MSNBC Bashir. Instead of coming together - leftists complain about what others are doing for them.

    Sure Field- better to seize on the crisis and talk about building more roads in the future then act immediately and meet the needs people have now just for day to day living. That's so liberal in lack of common sense it must be copyrighted with a disclaimer for moonbat use only.

    The Fed isn't doing anything other than releasing Loans to state. State handles everything as they should - this despite your lack of understanding is what Romney meant and he is right. We don't need wasteful corrupt jobs corps for the unemployable to grow and more. We are broke.

    Oh by the way the Romney drive that you so idiotically called a canned foodstuff drive was as follows:

    Two large TV screens at the front of the venue bore the logo of the American Red Cross and the message: “Sandy: Support the Relief Effort. Text ’REDCROSS’ to 90999 to make a $10 donation.”

    The stop was billed as a “storm relief” event, and attendees were asked to bring non-perishable foods and other items for those affected by the storm. Long white tables to one side of the cavernous James S. Trent Arena were piled high with flashlights, batteries, diapers, toothbrushes, mini-deodorants, fleece blankets, cereal, toilet paper and canned goods.

    Moonbats say let's push more spending and plan to fix roads in the next few years. To a conservative - let's get people what they need to live now. You know silly things like food, diapers, toothpaste, flashlights batteries - you know because power will be out for awhile, although back on a lot faster than any STATE road crew can drum up local private contractors to fix any damaged roads.

    Then you wonder why with this type of thinking liberal cities are hellholes.

    You do know Obama doesn't have a bridge and road crew right?


  6. come on all you smart people...you all know that it would cost more to deliver those can goods. It not an President Obama versus Mitt Romney... The spiel now is to give those cans to American Red Cross.Now that a good thing. No electric to open cans. The Army can give the latest field (no pun)rations, that only require a squeeze. The water buffaloes (tanks) will also provide needed washing/potable water. Poor Mr. Mitt, never being near a real Army unit, truly thought these can goods would be transited to Philly and NJ. Like my sons used to say.."send cash, Dad".

  7. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Sandy Sinks Mittens!


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. A non said....

    "The Fed isn't doing anything other than releasing Loans to state."

    Isn't that Just like a tklanner, telling the small army of federal flood-damage remediation specialists helping to get the subways, commuter-rail, tu
    nnels, bridges, airports and electrical grids back up, the Coast Guard, Naval and Military helicopter crews, and federal law enforcement agents doing search & rescue, & the federal coordinators bringing in convoys of aid from across the country that they aren't helping -just to try to make an anti-govt. debating point.

  10. Anonymous9:52 PM

    has anyone wondered about the timeliness of Sandy a week before the election? this storm was the work of Almighty GOD to showcase Obama's Presidential skills to ensure his re-election.

    GOD works in so many ways.

  11. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Field, I am so glad you are ok. What about the city of Brotherly Love, is it still standing?

    I never knew how much you meant to me until Sandy told me. Now I realize how much you mean to me. I don't know what I would do without you, considering I am a depressed Negro. I mean, where else could I go for treatment? FN has been the best place for getting to the root of my depression as a black man. I have been getting better year after year. You are to be commended for setting up this blog. Your generosity is beyond reproach.

    Hell, even the white folks on FN are beginning to feel better about themselves. I know the stormfronters down South are...I mean, they must because they keep coming back.

    Same thing goes for the Puerto Ricans.

    Everybody is feeling better about themselves!

    Even Purple Cow in the UK seems to be handling his bi-polar mental illness better.

    Field, FN is a place of healing for all of us! God bless you.

  12. One thing for sure Chris Christie does not want Romney to win this one. He obviously likes his chances against Cuomo in 2016.

  13. It would be a good thing if Mitt did tell his volunteers not to send canned goods (absent having a friendly LOCAL church or charity to send them to directly); the Red Cross says that sorting in-kind donations actually impedes their work.

    Please give money, give blood, and/or volunteer. http://www.redcross.org/support (or just Text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10).

    Eve, live from Bed-Stuy (which stayed dry)

  14. Depressed Negro, I am glad I can help. Now if your boy Mitt wins it might take more than just reading a blog to cure your illness. :)

  15. Anonymous1:21 PM

    bongo wanted to be a hurricane hero,instead he is a fool and benghazi will not go away.mitt is a good man while your boy bongo is a cold fish of a rat.he left those men to die so he would not have to explaine why he was selling guns to raghead terrorists.he committed treason which is nothing unuaual for you commies.BONGO WILL LOSE THE ELECTION BIG TIME!i hope he leaves in in an orange jump suit like the rosenbergs.when are you going to stop lying or do you even know the truth about any thing?

  16. Anonymous1:35 PM

    "Whitey - whats your theory behind there being so many asian owned liquor stores in black neighborhoods? Why are there so many and why are they in Black neighborhoods and why don't blacks own them?

    The reason all the liquer stores are in black neighborhoods is because that's where white people allow to proliferate. That's not going to be allowed to happen in white neighborhoods. And pretty much all liquor stores are immigrant owned ya know. Used to be Jews and Chinese, then Koreans, now Arabs and South Asians too. That stuff's liquid gold just like all the illegal kinds of crack. Flys off the shelves. Shit... people are literally death-addicted to it."

    Whitey, you are so right. Thanks for posting this truth about America. And, I suppose it will never end as long as the powers that be allow it? BTW, that includes Obama. He has said NOTHING about it. Hell, he hasn't said anything about what's happening to Blacks....Go figure. That is fucking depressing.

    Anyway, thanks for standing up for suffering Blacks. You remind me of the Civil Rights Movement. During those times it was good to see some white faces marching with a Blacks.

    Whites standing with Blacks trying to do the right thing, is a sign of "HOPE" for America and humanity because Whites like yourself are part of the race in power. We need more Brothers like yourself that transcend racial barriers because there are too many racists in the GOP running our country.

  17. Anonymous1:55 PM

    "Depressed Negro, I am glad I can help. Now if your boy Mitt wins it might take more than just reading a blog to cure your illness. :)"

    5:56 AM
    I actually thought Mitt was going to win the WH. However, after this act of God called "Sandy", it makes it almost impossible for Mitt to win. You might say, "God screwed Mitt AND the GOP." Which is ironic because I am sure they are faithful devotees.

    I don't know how to interpret this or how God thinks but from my lowly depressed human point of view, God is saying to the GOP, "I support Obama, the one you racists want to be a one term President....You must 'Repent', and change your ways."

    It's over for Mitt.

  18. The Purple Cow said...

    One thing for sure Chris Christie does not want Romney to win this one. He obviously likes his chances against Cuomo in 2016.

    3:43 AM

    More likely he read the writing on the wall and knows that he's going to need Obama to play ball with him long after 11/6/13.

  19. Anonymous3:59 PM

    kudos to dr boyce watkins

    he has slain all of hobama's male and female hos

    As we approach the 2012 presidential election, I quietly ask myself: Regardless of who is elected, is black unemployment going to dip below 10% over the next four years? Is the prison industrial complex going to get any smaller? Are black teens going to continue to die from guns being made available on every corner in our communities?

    Then, I realize that when we fight to keep “our guy” in office, we’re kind of like prostitutes trying to keep their pimp out of jail. The hookers know that the pimp isn’t going to make their lives any better, but his incarceration might possibly make it worse.


  20. BARBBF4:21 PM


    "Mitt Romney refused to answer reporters' questions about how he would handle the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), after a Tuesday "storm relief" event in Ohio for Hurricane Sandy."

    by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

    “Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton appeared like ghoulish despots at a Roman Coliseum, reveling in their Libyan gladiators’ butchery.”

    Last week the whole world saw, and every decent soul recoiled, at the true face of NATO’s answer to the Arab Spring. An elderly, helpless prisoner struggled to maintain his dignity in a screaming swirl of savages, one of whom thrusts a knife [4] up his rectum. These are Europe and America’s jihadis in the flesh. In a few minutes of joyously recorded bestiality, the rabid pack undid every carefully packaged image of NATO’s “humanitarian” project in North Africa – a horror and revelation indelibly imprinted on the global consciousness by the brutes’ own cell phones.

    Nearly eight months of incessant bombing by the air forces of nations that account for 70 percent of the world’s weapons spending, all culminating in the gang-bang slaughter of Moammar Gaddafi, his son Mutassim and his military chief of staff, outside Sirte. The NATO-armed bands then displayed the battered corpses for days in Misurata – the city that had earlier made good on its vow to “purge Black skin” through the massacre and dispersal of 30,000 darker residents of nearby Tawurgha – before disposing of the bodies in an unknown location.


    Barack Obama's allies in Libya have systematically killed black Africans in towns and villages near Tripoli and there is not a word of outrage here in the U.S. – not from Obama supporters, detractors or even the Congressional Black Caucus.

    The rebels committing the slaughter also have the backing of NATO, without which they would not have ousted the government of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, who remains in hiding amid reports that he is preparing a counter-insurgency campaign against the loosely controlled rebels.


    The indiscriminate slaughter of black Libyans, some of whom supported Gadhafi, constitutes revenge killings which rebel leaders of the National Transitional Council, or NTC, said are not supposed to be happening. Observers say that a majority of the blacks who have been rounded up by the rebels are migrant workers from the sub-Saharan countries. The number of those being attacked remains unclear. The nation has a population of about 6.5 million, and there are estimates that some 1.5 million workers from sub-Saharan Africa are living in Libya. Nevertheless, what observers report as systematic rape, torture, executions by being shot in the back of the head, lynchings, beheadings and horrific internment is happening to black Libyans principally in the towns of Misurata, neighboring Tawergha and in other small towns in the sub-Sahara populated mostly by black Libyans and people from the other black African countries. In Tawergha, for example, sources say that many of the homes once occupied by black Libyans have been vacated, with many having been ransacked or torched. In referring to the plight of the black Libyans, NTC head Mahmoud Jibril said that "nobody has the right to interfere in this matter except the people of Misurata." But that's a problem, because it is the people of Misurata who are responsible for the ethnic cleansing.

  21. Negroponte5:17 PM

    FEMA should be abolished. It has once again been shown to be useless. Just like Obama.

  22. Carol Iannone-Auster5:33 PM

    Remember Marion Hedges, the white woman who in October 2011 was struck in the head by a shopping cart thrown from three stories above her in a Harlem shopping mall? I wanted to find out how she was doing. The most recent story I found, at DNAinfo.com, was from last March (which links to a NY Post article). She seemed to have recovered quite a bit. But the story also tells what happened to Achilles Baskin. He is the boy who tried to wrestle the shopping cart away from the two who threw it from the elevated walkway, hitting Hedges. He also ran to tell authorities what happened. He had trouble in his neighborhood afterwards, and look how clueless liberal Mayor Bloomberg responds to it:

    Baskin, who raced to tell authorities who had tossed shopping cart, has been harassed and labeled a snitch in his neighborhood and has since had to move, family friends told DNAinfo.

    At a press conference Monday, Mayor Michael Bloomberg lauded Baskin’s courageous actions.

    “I think the community will rally around this kid and understand,” Bloomberg said. “He did what was right. He did what I hope you or I would have the courage to do. And he certainly did. He deserves our admiration.”

    A family friend told DNAinfo that Achilles Baskin’s mother, Shareen Baskin, has received death threats since her son identified the shopping cart-pushers to police. “Since her son helped the lady they’ve had to deal with threats to her life,” the friend said.

    The family moved Achilles Baskin away from his home for his safety, but a friend said a promise from police to relocate Shareen Baskin and other family members after the incident went unfulfilled. “They have put her life in jeopardy,” the friend said. “Sure, he’s a hero, but who’s going to protect them now?”

    Moral of the story: it’s not just that many individual blacks are savagely violent and extremely dangerous to whites; it’s that the black community as a whole supports those violent and dangerous black individuals.

    Further moral of the story: beyond the duty of decent behavior owed to black individuals, white Americans owe NOTHING to black America as a community. Black America is an unregenerately hostile and destructive force in the midst of American society.

  23. Calling Romney a liar may be redundant, but that's what the CEOs of Chrysler & GM did about his "moving Jeep to China" whopper yesterday while "Mitt's" campaign staff was passing out canned food to participants at a "canned food drive" (wink, wink) for them to then hand to "Mitt" behind a table so that it could then be packed into a rental truck while they try to find someone who wants it.

    I havn't seen anything that phony since Ann Coulter in a dress.

  24. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Calling Romney a liar may be redundant, but that's what the CEOs of Chrysler & GM did about his "moving Jeep to China" whopper yesterday while "Mitt's" campaign staff was passing out canned food to participants at a "canned food drive" (wink, wink) for them to then hand to "Mitt" behind a table so that it could then be packed into a rental truck while they try to find someone who wants it.

    I havn't seen anything that phony since Ann Coulter in a dress.

    Oh you poor braindead Leftist.

    You really don't have the ability to reason and use logic do you? Let's see how the recovery turns out in the almost wholly controlled democratic areas. People are already complaining no one is moving and the unions don't seem inclined to do so.

    As for Fiat. No matter how many times you are proven to be a dumbass you continue to get your news from unrealistic leftist ideologues and unerringly push it with venom as being right "this time" you never do learn, that's why you are a leftist, one who never learns from failure.

    "Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne discussed, in limited detail, some of the Italian company's plans for future production of its vehicles, including the Chrysler and Jeep brands, during an earnings conference call yesterday. There has been much recent speculation on the possibility that some of the once American-owned Chrysler Jeep vehicles will be outsourced and produced overseas.

    It was confirmed that at least some Jeeps will be manufactured outside the US in the near future. The plan is to produce a new, smaller Jeep in Italy that will be sold in Europe and also exported to America. The question now is, how many more American-made Chrysler products are at risk of being outsourced? Marchionne's answers to analysts' questions give insight into the mindset of Fiat's management regarding where the company's loyalties lie.

    Marchionne announced that he wants full "unification" of Fiat and Chrysler by 2015 and made clear that Italian manufacturing facilities are going to have priority as European problems continue to plague Fiat's operations. Italian plants are operating at only 45% capacity, according to the call.


  25. Death to Government Motors7:37 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Calling Romney a liar may be redundant, but that's what the CEOs of Chrysler & GM did

    The CEOs of Chrysler & GM work for the government and they toe the company line. Obama's cronies are bought and paid for and wil say whatever he tells them to say.

    The Liar in Chief will soon be removed from the White House. It will be a new kind of honesty we see when Romney takes office in January, and those corporate rats will have their cheese taken away.

  26. Glad you folks are okay, Field. Keep telling it!
