Wednesday, October 03, 2012

The politics of hatred.

I am getting ready for this debate tonight, -twiter here I come- so I am going to get my post out of the way now.  

Anyway, my wingnut friends have been deep in into their Obama derangement syndrome of late.

First there was that "bombshell" tape that FOX News, and Matt Drudge Dud was to deliver that would change the shape of the elections and be Mitt's answer to the 47% hidden tape.

Well, we saw it, and unfortunately for FOX and their friends, we have seen it all before. Next.

One person who was quite intrigued with the tape was our friend Ann Coulter. Ann thinks that O was trying to garner black cred by going all Malcolm X. (BTW, I happen to like how Malcolm X gave his speeches.)

"Ann Coulter: Obama is such a fraud. He grew up in Beverly Hills 90210 existence but is just desperate to have this angry black person persona. It's rather like reading about, you know, Hitler's musings on his Germanic identity. You know, he graduated from this fancy, fancy school in Hawaii, voted recently the greenest school in America. And yet when he wants to, he just turns it on and suddenly we got Malcolm X speaking to us.

Mark Levin: Well, actually, he and his wife, I mean they really have had better than the quote, unquote middle class lives, haven't they? I mean they've gone to great Ivy League schools, as you point out. They live great lives, people have helped take care of them. Now they live like a king and queen.

Coulter: Yes, and still angry. It's all an act. It's like his 70% of Twitter followers being fake. The whole thing is just smoke and mirrors. And at least for people of our generation, I mean this is a large part of why we have more child molesters than racists in America. It just isn't part of our existence. During our entire lifetimes, the only affect of being black is that you get benefits, doors open for you. You are more likely to get a position in the Harvard Law School. Anyone who grew up watching the Brady Bunch -- racism and discrimination, at least discrimination against black people, there is some discrimination against white people -- simply isn't a part of our conceptional apparatus. Which is why it is so strange, of all people, this half-black man born in Hawaii in 1961 walking around like he's Martin Luther King." [Source]

Ann, it's you and your friend Mark who seem "angry". But I guess white anger is cool. It's that black anger we have to watch out for. 

Speaking of white anger, how about this guy?

"A Facebook photo of a handgun posted on Friday by Brad Staats, the Republican nominee for Tennessee's 5th Congressional District, has stirred controversy over its accompanying caption, which concludes with the words "welcome to Tennessee Mr. Obama."

"Many people in Tennessee keep asking me about my opinion on Second Amendment rights. Apparently Tennesseans are part of that crazy crowd that Obama says ‘cling to (their) religion and guns,'" Staats wrote, referencing remarks made by then-candidate Obama at a California fundraiser in 2008. "Well, then I must be part of that crazy crowd. Here is something that I usually have with me. Welcome to Tennessee Mr. Obama."

The photo of a Colt 911 semi-automatic pistol raised concerns among some who thought Staats might be threatening the President[Source]

Oh my! Where does all this anger and hate for the beige one come from?
They have even put out a warning to "white women" (from Mitt's camp no less) about voting for his Oness. 

Gene Lyons, bless his soul, tried to understand it, and he wrote a wonderful essay about the phenomenon that is Obama hate. He rightfully concludes that by focusing on their hatred for Obama, they lose focus of what really matters and their party's brand will become tainted.

"The temptation for Southern Republicans would be to double down on the crazy, because “conservatism,” so-called, can never fail, only be failed. Also because religious melodrama is really what an awful lot of them are really about. That, and Koch Brothers money. They’re not actually conservatives at all, in the classical sense, but sentimental fanatics seeking to purge the nation of sin; adepts of “limited government” with their noses buried in women’s panty drawers; apostles of a lost Utopia located in a non-existent past, most often in 60s sitcoms like “The Andy Griffith Show.”

In that sense, fear and loathing of President Obama strikes me as a lot wider than deep; a fad, not an existential dread. They survived the Voting Rights Act; they’ll get over this. However, adapting to the new political reality may take some time.

Too bad, because the nation needs a principled conservative party to check the follies of the anti-gravity left."

Today, it hasn’t got one.[Source]

Obama better hope that Mitt doesn't jump across the stage tonight. A man can only hold in his hatred for so long.

Mitt, please chill; it's the man's wedding anniversary for crying out loud.

*Pic from



  1. These people at Drudge and Friends think cities don't matter and to the elk that follow them blindly they think cities don't exist. I've trolled all day with the twitter search of "suburbs" and the glowing ignorance about the "suburbs" vs "city" is staggering when you have to remind these people this is where the folks are "willingly" flocking to. News about the Gentrification Point Breeze isn't going to ever make it to Fox News or Glenn Beck but however the streets know and the world might need to know to understand Americans can't throw away the cities like they did in the last century. These Romney Zombies want to go back to 1984 or something where gas was cheap and the blacks went to school on "that side" of town.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. With experts like Hannity al coulter and little tucker carlson as their new spokespeople on all things black, how can the grand old klan go wrong?

  4. Exactly Whitey, Coulter and Rush know all about race. Ha! The only racism is against whites, Annie should just put on her hood and get it over with.
    And Field I'm with you on all the "bombshells" the right supposedly keeps finding on Barack. You would think they'd give it a rest because now it's turning pathetic and making them look like the boy who cried wolf. The right always tries to create false equivalencies and sometimes things are isolated events. You don't have to put out a video with the prez doing something everytime Romney is caught on tape. One its childish and two it ruins whatever credibility the poster had.

  5. OT Completely:

    Field, update on your former girl:

  6. Anonymous9:29 PM

    OMG, just what I feared: Romney is kicking Obama's ass in the debate. He's got the momentum and the President looks weak.

    FN Negroes, "It's over".

  7. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Anon 9:29pm, I am afraid you are right.

    Mr. Field, I am very sorry. Obama wants to screw retirees on Medicare. That is unconscionable!

  8. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Jim Lehrer is a lousy moderator...very weak.

  9. There are 2 truthful ways to bring the budget in balance, raise taxes and/or reduce expenditures, but there's a third option: you assume that your tax cut program will magically bring enough growth to cover the shortfall. That's what we've done under every republiklan president since 1980, and its what rawmoney proposes to do if elected. Sounds nice until you remember how it repeatedly blew out the national debt.

  10. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    There are 2 truthful ways to bring the budget in balance, raise taxes and/or reduce expenditures, but there's a third option: you assume that your tax cut program will magically bring enough growth to cover the shortfall. That's what we've done under every republiklan president since 1980, and its what rawmoney proposes to do if elected. Sounds nice until you remember how it repeatedly blew out the national debt.

    You sound like an idiot, just like Obama; listen closely look at california. If you raise taxes, revenue decreases. You have to make the economy grow and it aint gonna grow with leeches like you just wanting to suck more life out of it. What killed the economy was democratic policies from 2007 onwards. Bush fought 17 times to get the housing crisis under control.

    Obama was funny tonight saying it was banks giving loans to people who couldnt afford it. I am surprised Mitt didnt say, you are right because people like you sued and claimed racism.

  11. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    OMG, just what I feared: Romney is kicking Obama's ass in the debate. He's got the momentum and the President looks weak.

    FN Negroes, "It's over".

    He alwyas was weak just good at using the cover the MSM media provides. Now he is facing an adult and cant cry and stomp his feet and or not do interviews.

  12. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Aw com on, Whitey. You must admit that Romney has convinced America that his plan is best. Obama hasn't convinced me of anything and he is reminding me of his attribute: WEAK.

    You and all the rest of FN posters just can't handle the truth about Obama. He's a loser. Even Field must admit this truth.

  13. So far the debates a push, but I think that rawmoney's facial gestures might become the media narrative if he keeps it up.

  14. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Have you noticed that Mr. Field is no where to be found? Shame does that to people like him. I tried to convince him not to put his eggs in the Obama basket, but NOOOOO, he wouldn't listen to me.

  15. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Whitey, you are reaching for straws. Romney is making far more sense than Obama and you know it.

    Yep. Tomorrow is the day that the polls show Romney AHEAD!

  16. If the electorate was composed of redstate men, rawmoney would be running away with it like you believe he is a non, but it's not, and to women, especially working class women, he's coming across as an asshole who drank a case too many redbulls.

  17. Can't wait to see the SNL caricature of Mitten's facial expressions, LOL!!!

  18. Anonymous10:32 PM

    We need leadership in the WH. I am sorry to say that Obama just doesn't show that.

    I think it is very difficult to see Obama as a leader. He belongs somewhere else.

  19. Imma' need to talk to Prez Obama's debate prep people. I should have heard that 47% line at least 20 times tonight!

  20. Jim Lehrer lost, rawmoney won men lost women, and obama won independents by not loosing his cool.

  21. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    If the electorate was composed of redstate men, rawmoney would be running away with it like you believe he is a non, but it's not, and to women, especially working class women, he's coming across as an asshole who drank a case too many redbulls.

    What do you know about women? not a thing other than what mommy has told I am sure. You talk a lot of nonsense but back nothing up. Just like Obama just because you keep repeating bullshit doens't make it real.

  22. Anonymous10:54 PM

    MSNBC is a bunch of freaks they are literally livid with Matthews practically spitting when he speaks.

    Sharpton is angry saying sumtin about "when Romney step up to dat lek-turn

    tongight wasnt an MSNBC night waht was Obama doing out there keeping his head down

    its the debate format yeah thats why obama lost

    they didnt bring up anything about abortions, unions HAHA Obama might be dumb but he isn't stupid. He would have lost immediately using abortions and unions as his only friends pay the corrupt and kill the babies.

    I hate to see liberals when Obama loses the election, I think MSNBC will have a stroke.

  23. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Jim Lehrer lost, rawmoney won men lost women, and obama won independents by not loosing his cool.

    You finger pointer you lehrer must have led obama when he was lost about a dozen times. Give it up.

  24. Dennis Miller10:57 PM

    Obama better hope that a kicked ass is covered under Obamacare

  25. The President was listless? WOW!! Prez Obama can;t win for loosing.

    If he had pulled out those great oratorical skills we ALL know he has, he would be accused of being too "preechy". He's calm cool and collected and he's listless?

    Gotta LOVE the double standard that consistently exits in the lives of Black folks!

    And Mitten's did a GREAT job........ of being the fake ass wanna be presidential candidate he is! He was almost whining in his attempt to sound "human" and connect with the 47%.

  26. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Obama lost very badly. Romney will be our next President. Count on it.

  27. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Dr.Reine said...

    The President was listless? WOW!! Prez Obama can;t win for loosing.

    If he had pulled out those great oratorical skills we ALL know he has, he would be accused of being too "preechy". He's calm cool and collected and he's listless?

    Gotta LOVE the double standard that consistently exits in the lives of Black folks!

    Dont blame anyone but his pal Mr Tinkles who gets the thrill up his leg. He said it.

    Imagine being Black and still being judged for what you do without a set aside - Welcome to real life.

  28. Mitt looked like he was on coke tonight. O looked like he was smoking the collie weed. :)

    They are going nuts over at MSNBC. Relax pundits, no one likes an angry black man.

  29. Wesley R11:27 PM

    Romney looked good because The President didn't go after his flipflops. The Tax Cut and Health Care are 2 examples. Tomorrow when the fact checks come in the voters will see how much Romney was lying.
    Speaking of hate. The look in Romney's eyes when the President was speaking were full of hate.

  30. I thought Mitt did well. In a Mel Gibson over the top kind of way.

  31. Off topic, but I had to share this with you Field. You would want to know about a certain special someone...

  32. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Obama was exposed tonight. He had no reporter to cover for him, no fan club to make his case for him. Just point against point and he doesn't ahve a clue.

    Obama: Tax credits for shipping jobs overseas

    Romney: I have been in business 25 years and have never heard of such a thing

    Obama: Silence

    Point: His entire schtick is bullshit talking points. He has no idea how the economy works

  33. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Mitt looked like he was on coke tonight. O looked like he was smoking the collie weed. :)

    They are going nuts over at MSNBC. Relax pundits, no one likes an angry black man.

    Field no sarcasm intended. Have you seen Sharpton? He looks like he is wasting away. I don't think that man is well. Note for the sake of full disclosure I think he is a criminal idiot with the IQ of a headless eel, but watching him blather and slaughter the english language and all semblance of coherent thought I couldn't help but notice even with a jacket on and a couple of shirts he look emaciated. Like a bobblehead.

  34. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Anonymous Wesley R said...

    Romney looked good because The President didn't go after his flipflops. The Tax Cut and Health Care are 2 examples. Tomorrow when the fact checks come in the voters will see how much Romney was lying.
    Speaking of hate. The look in Romney's eyes when the President was speaking were full of hate.

    Romney was already fact checked on stage, it was Obama who had his talking points checked and put to the test for the first time. No there is no tax credit for sending jobs overseas, no you can't say you promised to cut the deficit but inherited something bad but will do so if re-elected even if you plan on adding another 6 trillion to the debt - by continuing the same policies.

    There was no hate in Romneys eyes, he was smiling the whole time, maybe you need to adjust your TV set so it doesn't show your reflection.

  35. Anonymous12:04 AM

    field negro said...

    I thought Mitt did well. In a Mel Gibson over the top kind of way.

    Sure and next week Ryan takes Biden to the thunder dome. Ryan is going to ask Tina if he can play "we don't need another hero its a perfect song for the situation with thunder dome being big government.







  36. Field said...

    "Relax pundits, no one likes an angry black man."

    BINGO ! First rule of presidential debate club is do no harm. Obama would gain nothing and lose much if he brought it to rowmoney who has little to lose and everything to gain by goading him into it. It was a push, as the weekend polls will confirm.

  37. I'm shocked all the conservative trolls think Mittens won and will now win the election.

  38. Ann Coulter should talk about a Beverly Hills existence? She grew up in New Canaan CT, one of the wealthiest towns America. You think being African-American helps with Ivy League? How about graduating from a public high school so elite, so filled with rich kids, it might as well be private. & just the words "New Canaan" tell Ivy League schools they're getting someone who is a good bet for becoming a fat cat alumnus. You think all white folks are admitted to Ivy League schools based on grades & SAT scores. If my last name was Kean, I would've applied to Princeton, average grades & all. You mean Kean of the Livingston & Kean lineage. Well, ah, yup. Welcome to Princeton, Mister Kean. Or, welcome to Yale, Mister Bush. Welcome to Harvard, Mister Gore

  39. Anonymous said...

    You talk a lot of nonsense but back nothing up.

    Irony again.

  40. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Field said...

    "Relax pundits, no one likes an angry black man."

    BINGO ! First rule of presidential debate club is do no harm. Obama would gain nothing and lose much if he brought it to rowmoney who has little to lose and everything to gain by goading him into it. It was a push, as the weekend polls will confirm.

    Boy you are a hell of a cheerleader. Cross your legs and keep wishing. Now you are trying to say Obama held back on purpose? On what did he hold back? which one of his completely failed policies was he holding back on?

  41. Anonymous12:24 AM

    PilotX said...

    I'm shocked all the conservative trolls think Mittens won and will now win the election.

    Go over to your idols MSNBC they think Romney won as well.

    Why are you shocked? Without a telemprompter and actually having to answer real questions not fielded by sycophantic media, Obama has to speak to his performance. Of course he did a belly flop.

    P.S Romney was always going to win. You thought differently because of the skewed polls and Media Lapdogs.

  42. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Anonymous said...

    You talk a lot of nonsense but back nothing up.

    Irony again.

    I can prove what I say, you can't, you just spit out gradeschool names as if you are in the schoolyard with your fellow 3rd graders.

  43. Well, there is always the possibility that Barack let Romney give details that can later be used to box him into a corner.
    Not to dampen the enthusiasm for Mittens but this was only the first debate and he really needs to watch himself during the foreign policy debate because he's surrounded himself with Bush neocons like John Bolton so he may expose the crazy. Too early for a touchdown dance.

  44. Anonymous12:57 AM

    I'm shocked all the conservative trolls think Mittens won and will now win the election.

    12:10 AM
    Yep, it's true. But I have always thought Romney would win the election. You see, this is America....need I say more Mr PilotX?

    You are soooo removed from reality. And you are a blind racist too. Anybody could see right from the beginning that the debate wasn't going to go well for Obama.

    Furthermore, Mitt is smarter than Obama. Everyone got a REAL good look at that in the debates tonight. Obama is a turkey and a loser. He's done. Hence, PilotX I suggest you STFU.

    And where is that Still A Panther 2, Granny, Desertflower, Mack Lyons, Purple Cow(dummy) and all the rest of that racist crew?

    Where is Field, hiding under a rock? You leftist Dem folks are pathetic. Obama and the Dumbocrats had a great lead in the polls and in less than one hour and half, you dummies threw it all away. Typical Democratic behavior...always shooting themselves in the foot. LOL

  45. If the polls move towards Romney will conservatives then believe them or will they still be skewed? I mean some of these polls have been around and trusted for years but suddenly in 2012 Gallup is in the tank. Conservatives really want their own universe where being blah is an advantage and only polls conducted by the unskew man are to be trusted.

  46. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Tonight was so depressing. It's tough being Black in America....can't seem to stay ahead. Can't win shit.

    I'm moving.

    depressed Negro

  47. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Well, there is always the possibility that Barack let Romney give details that can later be used to box him into a corner.
    Not to dampen the enthusiasm for Mittens but this was only the first debate and he really needs to watch himself during the foreign policy debate because he's surrounded himself with Bush neocons like John Bolton so he may expose the crazy. Too early for a touchdown dance.

    Oh, I see it was all a plan. He planned to lose the debate on the biggest issue the economy because it was all a plan to discuss during the foreign policy portion.

    Foreign policy you think Benghazi gate, the failed apology Arab spring tour, keystone pipeline, Iran failure, Korea failure, China currency manipulation and anything else might come up? Should be interesting.

  48. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Tonight was so depressing. It's tough being Black in America....can't seem to stay ahead. Can't win shit.

    I'm moving.

    depressed Negro

    Canada is doing great, the prime minister is just like Romney and the economy has boomed. Or you could just wait a couple of months.

  49. Anonymous1:08 AM

    "PilotX said...

    If the polls move towards Romney will conservatives then believe them or will they still be skewed? I mean some of these polls have been around and trusted for years but suddenly in 2012 Gallup is in the tank."

    They will still analyze the numbers and if Romney is winning with a Dem +9 than it's good but still a fake poll. Reality is something to be celebrated you don't celebrate someone lying to you, that creates nutjobs like Chris Matthews.

    Gallup is in the tank; they were showing real poll results and Romney was ahead and Axelrod threatened them, they told him to piss of, so he had holder reactivate a lawsuit from 2009 from some idiot whistleblower...magically voila Dems +9.

    "Conservatives really want their own universe where being blah is an advantage and only polls conducted by the unskew man are to be trusted."

    Huh? Wanting real information as opposed to lying cheerleading? Yeah thats what I want. I want the truth even if it hurts my feelings, how else will I know what to strive harder for.

  50. Anonymous1:18 AM

    PilotX said...

    I'm shocked all the conservative trolls think Mittens won and will now win the election.

    It's electrifying. There is a current in the air, I guess you could say Mitt was all charged up. He didn't take no static from Obama. Mitt was plugged in. Mitt was wired. Mitt showed him the power.

    Biden After Debate: “I Hope You Saw What I Saw”…

    Obama Mega-Donor Bill Maher After Debate: “I Can’t Believe I’m Saying This, But Obama Looks Like He Does Need A Teleprompter”…

    MSNBC’s Ed Schultz: “I Was Absolutely Stunned” At How Badly Obama Lost The Debate…

    CNN Poll: 67% Say Romney Won Debate, Only 25% For Obama…

  51. Was that "the rope-a-dope"tonight? I will now say the I see in america where the truth is no longer held up as the measure of a man or leader. I see one guy saying anything just to win and President Obama having to serve many masters. He also can't say some of the things that are quite obvious about this country, divided with one group wanting to move in one direction, and the other wanting to "take my country back". Tonight I fully understand now why the non-Black schools never wanted to compete prior to intergration.....that had every thing to lose....why would a president debate another for his job....he has everything to lose. One last note. About Reverand Sharpton lookig frail....take a picture of youself tonight and come back 20 years later. If you want to always look fit and robust....plan to die young. I want to thank Reverand Sharpton to be able to present. When he was in his prime.....well for the us (sss) that were there..he was ready... too bad America was not. All negative remarks will be answered in 20 years from now when some of the things I referenced might be seen.

  52. Anonymous2:43 AM

    For those liking Obamas socialistic policies, take heed. We have another case of it being tried and failing horribly, as it always has.

  53. Hi field! Ann and her friends are always whining about affirmative action (it's the basis of all her ramblings on black people) but we all know white women have and always been the primary beneficiaries (the fact that unpleasant white women like her are given so much attention screams privilege).

    I've noticed black guys tend to emulate black pastors and civil rights leaders when they speak publicly,I think it's just a habit they picked up. I didn't see a radical black Muslim debating Romney tonight, but remember Clint Eastwood did show us that conservatives see a completely different Obama than we do.

  54. For those liking Obamas socialistic policies, take heed. We have another case of it being tried and failing horribly, as it always has. "

    France has had a Socialist President for a couple of months, before that they had a conservative government for many years. Are you attempting to blame all of France's economic ills on the last few weeks?

  55. These debates rarely affect the outcome of a Presidential election - in fact not since 1960 have they had any real at all.

    All Obama had to do was come through without any major cock-ups and he did that, and as Field Negro says, white America is scared by the sight an angry black man.

  56. Romney did well and sounded moderate but he still has to kowtow to the tea party who will reject his play towards bipartisanship. Time will tell if this will work for him.

  57. Anonymous3:12 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    These debates rarely affect the outcome of a Presidential election - in fact not since 1960 have they had any real at all.

    All Obama had to do was come through without any major cock-ups and he did that, and as Field Negro says, white America is scared by the sight an angry black man.

    What a weak thing you are. First you say, awww shucks debates don't matter who cares if he lost. Then you blame Obama losing the debate on White America and Angry Black men? What does White American have to do with the way Obama performed in the debate? He finally had some real points to discuss without an interfering MSM nanny to spin and or not taking questions.

    You are ahead of yourself with your excuses, when he loses then you can blame racism and not his performance. He hasn't lost yet.

    Pathetic excuse for a man.

  58. Anonymous3:14 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    For those liking Obamas socialistic policies, take heed. We have another case of it being tried and failing horribly, as it always has. "

    France has had a Socialist President for a couple of months, before that they had a conservative government for many years. Are you attempting to blame all of France's economic ills on the last few weeks?

    Oh so France has been conservative have they...hmmmmm so then what do you attribute their horribly failing economy, lack of jobs, lack of money, insolvency and so on? Its been three months by the way.

  59. "What a weak thing you are. First you say, awww shucks debates don't matter who cares if he lost. Then you blame Obama losing the debate on White America and Angry Black men? What does White American have to do with the way Obama performed in the debate? He finally had some real points to discuss without an interfering MSM nanny to spin and or not taking questions. "

    As usual you have failed to understand what I am saying.

    Let me explain again in words with very few syllables so you might understand.

    1. These debates haven't mattered since 1960.

    2. Therefor as the man leading the race Obama only had to avoid any serious mistakes.

    3. In particular he had to avoid appearing to be angry, because the sight of an angry black man scares the shit out of white people.

    4. He didn't make any serious errors, and he didn't get angry.

    5. Job done for Obama.

    Let me know which parts of this explanation are too difficult for you.

  60. "Oh so France has been conservative have they...hmmmmm so then what do you attribute their horribly failing economy, lack of jobs, lack of money, insolvency and so on?"

    Conservative fiscal policies, as practiced by the Sarkozy administration and the E.C.B..

    "Its been three months by the way."

    Thank you, exactly my point.

  61. PC, you are right. flipper will move up in the polls a bit, but, at the end of the day, it will all come down to the ground game on Nov 6th.

    I think even Obama was surprised at how easily Flipper can lie. (BTW, companies do get tax breaks for sending jobs oversees)

    He should have known better. Didn't he watch the republican debates?

  62. And yes, I saw the sad news about Lark. This is a sad day in America. :(

  63. Anonymous8:14 AM

    At our house Obama won the debate hands down. We tried to watch the way normal citizens watch, those who judge not the parade of facts and figures but faces, eyes, physical clues to character. MIttens looked so frantic as to be close to tears, high on some chemical forbidden to Mormons, maybe, but desperate to get in all his hastily gathered arguments.

    Obama was, as usual, the patient adult in the room, unwilling to call Romney a fat liar but opposing him with countervailing facts. He oozed self-assurance.

    Only one of those men was presidential.

    The American people got the message, even if the pundits didn't.


  64. Timothy8:42 AM

    REPUB/TEABAGGERS are jumping for JOY over the debate last nite. Problem with that is Mitt is a classic FLIP/FLOPPER. Says one thing to one group and something totally different to another group.

    Mitt gave the Presdient the ammo for the next debate to SLAM him on just about every point Mitt made tonite.

    Mitt told the Teabaggers what they wanted to hear...and from the comments I'm hearing this morning that got it. Still doesn't change anything.

    The President will get his 2nd term.

  65. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Field, is that ALL you have to say about how badly Obama performed last night?

    I mean, YOU were the one who couldn't wait for Obama to beat up on Romney. Instead, it turned out to be the opposite: Romney kicked the shit out of Obama...It was a major upset.

    Once again, Obama disappoints like he always has. It was clear to me that Obama was afraid and psyched out by Romney.

    Let's face it. Romney is smarter than Obama but you just can't handle what's real and true.

    You FN Leftist Dumbocrats live in fantasy. Obama is a fearful weakling when challenged by an aggressive Republican. His time and history in the WH documents that.

    Last night Obama was scared. I could see it in his face and hear it in his voice. Everyone could. But some of you FN Negroes just can't admit it even though you were looking right at it. Mark my words: This election was won by Romney last night.

    But stick with PC's deluded rationale that the debates won't matter...if it makes you feel better. FYI: The debates DO MATTER! PC sits on his purple ass in the UK and fabricates a lot of ignorant NON-SENSE.

    I swear. Negroes like you, PC and a few other FN folks are like puppies in a litter shivering together. Hell, even Whitey can't justify the humiliation delivered on Obama last night by Romney. It was nothing be a good old fashioned ass whipping.

    It's over. Romney will be the next President. We can't afford to have a weak spineless President for another four years.

    Besides, anyone who can't get angry because they are afraid of Whites is a puppet and shouldn't be President.

  66. Anonymous8:51 AM

    The American people got the message, even if the pundits didn't.


    8:14 AM
    Really? The American people got the message? Really?

    Good luck with that. Boy! that litter of puppies is growing.

  67. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Timothy, "Mitt told the Teabaggers what they wanted to hear...and from the comments I'm hearing this morning that got it. Still doesn't change anything."

    You forgot to mention that Romney told the Dumbocrats what they didn't want to hear. And it DOES change things and Obama WON'T be our next President.

    Romney said what I wanted to hear. And Obama didn't even mention Romney's 47% comment. That's the mark of a stultified loser.

    However, Americans understand that you dumbocrats must play down last night's disaster.

  68. Maggie9:18 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Oh so France has been conservative have they...hmmmmm so then what do you attribute their horribly failing economy, lack of jobs, lack of money, insolvency and so on?"

    Conservative fiscal policies, as practiced by the Sarkozy administration and the E.C.B..

    Oh right, despite numerous examples throughout history of socialism/marxism/communism NEVER working and always ending in failure misery and death. You just know that someday if someone does it right it will work.

  69. Anonymous9:28 AM

    5. Job done for Obama.

    Let me know which parts of this explanation are too difficult for you.

    Lame/Pathetic/Weak eternal excuses.

    The soft racism of lowered expectations. No one is afraid of angry Black men, that is a fallacy you want to believe. In fact Obama got elected from being angry and passionate.

    When someone normally rationale acts angry and irrational - ignore what they have said it is unusual.

    When someone always acts angry and irrational at the slightest opportunity - Ignore them, they do not have the intellect to control their impulses and invariably clutter thought with pure emotions.

  70. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    These debates rarely affect the outcome of a Presidential election - in fact not since 1960 have they had any real at all.

    You just know that Anniversary or not, after last nights debate Michelle wanted to go home with Mitt.

  71. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Sweet, the Lying MSM is coming into a new age. One of accountability and irrelevance.

    Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman is suing NBC over the network’s botched editing of his 911 tape,

  72. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Chris Matthews sums it up about Obama last night:

  73. Anonymous11:14 AM

    "When someone always acts angry and irrational at the slightest opportunity - Ignore them, they do not have the intellect to control their impulses and invariably clutter thought with pure emotions."

    Well, there are a lot of angry Blacks out there. In fact, many are killing each other. But thanks for the tip: we will ignore all angry Blacks because, according to your rational mind, they just don't have the intellect.

    Thank you for your insight.

  74. What do you mean the polls will move Field? Do you mean the unskewed poll or the regular polls? We can't trust any unskewed polls, you know that.

  75. Anonymous12:26 PM

    PilotX said...

    What do you mean the polls will move Field? Do you mean the unskewed poll or the regular polls? We can't trust any unskewed polls, you know that.

    He mean immigration to the US will increase from Poland. You don't have anything against regular poles do you? They are good hard working people.

  76. My wife making me watch old debates was instructive, if not to just dampen my enthusiasm for this one. The 84 debate is especially informative. By most accounts Mondale won the first debate but that's how it usually goes. The challenger gets to point out everything wrong and promise the moon. Field has promised us a close election and he may be on to something. Then again cmon who couldn't predict this course? Romney being down and then making a comeback is good media? Why wouldn't they overplay this? If I owned a media outlet I'd do the same thing.

  77. I'm from Chicago I'd better not have anything against Poles.

  78. Stomping A Mudhole In Obama's Butt1:41 PM

    I didn't see the debate, had no desire to.

    But, apparently, eveyone except the folks with "Obama phones" thought Romney crushed Obama.

    I thought Chris Matthews was gonna pee his pant. Maybe that will be the tingle he feels down his leg come November.

    I WILL watch the debate on Foreign Policy. Obama will get creamed then, as well.

  79. Frustrated Negro2:33 PM

    Sure celebrate your weak,lame victory..

    It still doesnt negate the fact that Romney is one of the crappiest corporate choices EVER....

    Corporate Robo-Romney won last night WHOO HOO!!

    Its no wonder the third party candidates were pushed out of the debates...

    Romney debating Jill Stein or Ron Paul wouldve proven Romney to be the truely empty suit he really is...

    Kudos for trouncing the most republican democrat president in history...

    Have a cookie...

  80. Romeny is in trouble in the foreign policy debate. One, he has no foreign policy experience, well maybe the mission to France to spread the word of mormo. He has surrounded himself with Bush neocons, and we all know how that movie ended. His weaknesses will be front and center and his bomb Iran bit won't go over well with warweary independents. Now that might be a debate to watch.

  81. Ryan doesn't have any foreign policy experience either so Romney would have to lean on his advisors even more heavily. He didn't factor in foreign events because up until a few weeks ago this election was all about the economy but we learned firsthand that the president has a lot on his plate not just trying to run the economy like a business. If he makes the argument that the world is a dangerous place we would agree and not want two rookies learning on the job with insane shoot first advisors like John Bolton running the show.

  82. Anonymous3:39 PM

    PilotX, "Romeny is in trouble in the foreign policy debate. One, he has no foreign policy experience, well maybe the mission to France to spread the word of mormo. He has surrounded himself with Bush neocons, and we all know how that movie ended. His weaknesses will be front and center and his bomb Iran bit won't go over well with warweary independents. Now that might be a debate to" watch.

    3:09 PM

    You fool. You just don't get it, do you? In America, it's about jobs, jobs, and more jobs. That's what counts to Americans. For the life of me WHY can't you get this through you thick skull?

    For all you Obama FN Negroes, including Field, Obama lost the election last night when he could have won if he had the courage to stand up to Mitt. He folded in the same way with the GOP. He is a weak man.

    There was a litany of obvious things Obama could have hit Mitt with: Social Security, 47% of Americans are welfare people, Bain, Mitt's taxes, etc.

    The bottom line was Mitt came with a plan and ready to fight, Obama had no plan and kept his head down during the entire debate.

    Who wants a President who can't look Mitt in the eye and stand up to him?

    Again, Obama lost a lot of votes among the American people last night. The only ones who 'probably' will vote for him, NO MATTER WHAT, are FN folks like PilotX, Dr Reine, Field and Granny for no reason other than Obama is Black.

    **George Will is right. It's because Obama is Black that people will give him a matter how bad he is as President or in the debates. This is sickening.

  83. Anonymous3:51 PM

    please note: the blogger of this blog is no where to be found. he must be talking with Obama.

  84. Henry Pissinger3:56 PM

    Yeah. Like Obama was a "Foreign Policy Expert" when he was elected, huh?

    I had no idea you could get so savvy on foreign policy, "organizing communities" in Chicago.

    The only think Obama knows to this day about foreign policy is "hey, let's send in some drones"

  85. Which is why Barack chose Biden who had extensive foreign policy experience. Sooooooooo since he didn't have much foreign policy experience he chose someone who did but Romney chooses a guy with none either. Common sense right?

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. 10/4/12

    Polltracker poll of polls has it Obama + 3.6

    RCP poll of polls has it at Obama +3.1

    Trendwise, Obama has dropped about 1-1.5% in the last week. Most pollsters have read that as his convention bounce leveling off, which it may or may not yet have. If he continues down at that rate, he should drop no more than about another point by Monday when I get back from a short trip; if it's more than that, it's probably attributable to either the debate or the media narrative. I'll check back in then and republish this post.

    Oh yeah, you despondent Obamaphiles might want to look up how sitting presidents 1st debate performances, regardless of party, have been scored by the media and punditry for the last 30-40 years or so; you'll find that the challenger always "wins" and then sitting president "recovers."


  88. Anonymous4:53 PM

    dear fn:

    mitt slew hobama

    mitt is a politico

    that bankster hobama is a celebutante
    who really needs that teleprompter!!!

    both experts shone last night

    i hope u r ok?...



  89. Anonymous4:56 PM

    why are all the sore loser hobama nazis suddenly pretending that they have a problem with lies????

    hobama has lied daily since 2006!!!

    ask his peer banksters and warmongers!



  90. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Hey AB.


  91. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Which is why Barack chose Biden who had extensive foreign policy experience. Sooooooooo since he didn't have much foreign policy experience he chose someone who did but Romney chooses a guy with none either. Common sense right?

    Did you even feel any trepidation when you wrote a post that contained both Common sense and Joe Biden in it?

    Well common sense is that the US is the weakest its ever been due to simple economics. So, you don't hire an interior decorator when you still need to rebuild the house that has just had a major fire.

    What does a real president do? He hires and surrounds himself with a competent cabinet. Not a bunch of radical sycophants who are truthers, communists, clown posse canidates extreme like Obama did. Romney will select Generals and State Department heads and a cabinet that is strong and competent. Not based upon how far left and Marxist they are and how little experience they have.

    Last point; you have to know you are in deep shit if you actually wind up using Biden as a positive in any shape or form. I guess we will get to see Biden's worldliness next week.

  92. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...


    Polltracker poll of polls has it Obama + 3.6

    RCP poll of polls has it at Obama +3.1

    Trendwise, Obama has dropped about 1-1.5% in the last week. Most pollsters have read that as his convention bounce leveling off, which it may or may not yet have. If he continues down at that rate, he should drop no more than about another point by Monday when I get back from a short trip; if it's more than that, it's probably attributable to either the debate or the media narrative. I'll check back in then and republish this post.

    Oh yeah, you despondent Obamaphiles might want to look up how sitting presidents 1st debate performances, regardless of party, have been scored by the media and punditry for the last 30-40 years or so; you'll find that the challenger always "wins" and then sitting president "recovers."

    Yep they recovered, but perhaps the difference is they just lost the debate.

    In this debate it wasn't at all about Obamas debate performance that's where you missed it, it is solely and completely about his performance as president and all of his failed policies. You can't defend what is indefensible. That is why he got whupped in what some estimate to be the worst trouncing in a debate in 25 years, because he is one of the worst presidents we have had in just as many years.

    Have a nice trip, see you next fall.

  93. bath house barry is done now he and the sasquatch can go to hawaii and try to send the sasquatch back to washington.he so stupid, law professor what a joke,all bongo knows is saul the commie shit.
