Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday, Sam's wish, and TJ's dilemma.

I think I survived Black Friday. Believe me, with Mrs. Field's sister in town playing shopping Robin to her Batman, it wasn't easy.

Nothing says American capitalism and declension like a bunch of people spending Thanksgiving night in line (instead of with their families and loved ones) to get a big screen television at half price.

Sorry, all the tips in the world won't get me to participate in this form of madness. No matter how good the deal seems to be, I am going to take a wild guess and say that you will probably be able to get the same deal sometime next week.

One person who probably won't be taking part in the Black Friday festivities is my man Sam Koivisto. Sam is probably saving his money because he is going to need it. Why? Because Sam just quit his job as a police officer in Jacksonville, Florida.

"Former Jacksonville police officer Sam Koivisto, 57, quit his position after he told fellow officers that he would volunteer to kill President Obama if given the opportunity, reports the Florida-Times Union.
Koivisto who admitted to being upset that Obama was re-elected, said that he wouldn’t mind doing something about it:
“If an order was given to kill Obama or something, then I wouldn’t mind being the guy.”
Upon further questioning by an integrity unit, the 26 year veteran also said that if a nuclear explosion killed everyone in the northeast United States who voted for Obama, he wouldn’t care. Speaking about Hurricane Sandy, he said he wouldn’t mind if it had “killed them all” because of the region’s liberal leaning demographic.
“The statement I made in the office was something of the nature — I think Ms. Field at some point said, ‘You know, the poor people up north just got hit by one storm and now they’re hit by another,’” Koivisto said. “And I made the statement, ‘Well, you know, the whole Northeast just generally has voted Democratic, voted heavily Obama, got him elected. And so I said something to the point, ‘Well, if a nuclear bomb exploded and killed them all, it wouldn’t hurt my feelings any.’ That’s what I said. Didn’t make any statement about hurting anybody or anything of that nature.” [Source]
Sam has a right to speak his mind, but I sure hope that the Secret Service has a special file with his name on it.

Finally, according to my man Richard Prince, Mrs. Field's favorite television talk show host has decided to break his "N- word pledge".

"CNN anchor-turned-BET host T.J. Holmes said Wednesday he had broken a pledge he made in an essay for the Grio in July: to stop using the N-Word.
"As soon as I walk out of this room, I'm probably going to drop it 20 times before I get downstairs" [video] Holmes, 35, said on "The Breakfast Club" on New York's WWPR-FM, which calls itself Power 105.1. "I went through a thing about giving up the N-Word," but "I had to bring it back." Holmes agreed with one of the show's hosts, known as "Charlamagne Tha God," that "there's just certain folks you run into and there ain't no other word you can come up with . . . We all know it's a vile, it's a disgusting word and I don't think it necessarily should have a place."

He added, "We have normalized and sanitized the word in such a way. There's young white kids, they don't know anything about civil rights or struggle. All they know is they hear their favorite rapper using it all the time, so it must be all right."

In his Grio essay, Holmes had written, "Still, even if a younger generation of non-blacks doesn't fully understand the history of the n-word, everyone understands a general rule: we (blacks) can say it, and you (everybody else) can't. Beyond that, I really can't give you a good reason why I use it. I like saying it? It's the most accurate way of describing certain people? It's how I want to express my deep affection for my male friends? None of those reasons really fly. [Source] 

Poor T.J.; he is just another Negro caught up in this N-word dilemma that won't go away.

*Pic from Politc365



  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Dear Mr Field, TJ might have a problem NOT using the N-word, but must you blog about it?

    I thought you were a classy lawyer above such crap as this. I thought you were a Jamaican with a character beyond reproach.

    Am I wrong? Please say it ain't so, brother Field.

  2. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Field, the great fighter Hector Camacho is brain dead. R.I.P.

  3. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Mr. Field, please update your Killadelphia meter. Today is Black Friday. Surely the count is over 300 in Philly? I used to live in Philly and I know black folks don't play when it comes to shopping at Wal Mart.

    BTW, what ever happened to Silo?

  4. Well, "Protect & Serve" indeed.

  5. Mr. Reine9:20 PM

    "there's just certain folks you run into and there ain't no other word you can come up with . . ."

    Aint that the truth!

  6. Ned Grio9:36 PM

    It's really heartening to see that there are still selfless people out there like Sam Koivisto who are willing to give so much back to the community through volunteering their time like that. God bless his heart.

    And he couldn't have gotten any of those Black Friday discounts anyway; he is obviously white.

    The hurricane Sandy victims are doing fine. It would have been much worse had not President Obama placed his magic shield of protection over the entire region. The problems arose because it only protects black people. In any event, by the time the President drops in for his next photo-op, all the bodies will probably have been found and the tax increase bills delivered.

    Merry Christmas, Crackers! HO HO HO!

  7. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Declension - dats what my girlfriend says if it get too tight she start declension

    Does Mrs Field really call you cookie boo-boo? Not sayin it's true but an unclensed source tol me it was so.

  8. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Gotta love those Disingenuous White Liberals. We all know they think they are heroes because they are better than Blacks yet still stoop down to lend a hand to Blacks who would otherwise die without them, but who knew that they considered Black Folk like turkeys.

    After seeing Sharpton and the like I do see why they are confused - He is awfully foul.

    In a letter, the animal rights group argues the annual White House ceremony ‘makes light of the mass slaughter of some 46 million gentle, intelligent birds.’ It also says the annual event ‘portrays the United States president as being in some sort of business partnership with the turkey-killing industry.’

    ‘You understand so well that African-Americans, women, and members of the LGBT community have been poorly served throughout history, and now I am asking you to consider other living beings who are ridiculed, belittled, and treated as if their sentience, feelings, and very natures count for nothing,’ wrote PETA President Ingrid Newkirk in the letter.

    The letter also objects to the idea that the birds could be pardoned, arguing ‘they are not guilty of anything other than being born into a world of prejudice.’”

  9. "Declension - dats what my girlfriend says if it get too tight she start declension."

    I bet you have a lot of girlfriends. Are you from a large family? Lots to choose from, I am sure.

    Anon@12:11AM, WTF?

    "And he couldn't have gotten any of those Black Friday discounts anyway; he is obviously white."

    Wrong again, wingnut. Most (if not all) of the discounts went to white folks. Also, see Sandy relief.

    "Field, the great fighter Hector Camacho is brain dead. R.I.P."

    Sorry to hear that.:(

  10. Ned Grio12:27 PM

    field negro said...
    "And he couldn't have gotten any of those Black Friday discounts anyway; he is obviously white."

    Wrong again, wingnut. Most (if not all) of the discounts went to white folks

    Um, why do you think they call it Black Friday? Because it's the day black people get discounts other people don't get. Didn't you see all those stories about people in line for their discounts getting stabbed, shot and whatnot all over the place?

    Come on, man.

  11. Well.....

  12. Anonymous12:58 PM

    "Field, the great fighter Hector Camacho is brain dead. R.I.P."

    Sorry to hear that.:(

    Shit...When did he turn into a Democrat?

    Seriously GodSpeed Camacho - sorry you got involved with that drug stuff.

    Maybe we can get some Liberal in the U.S to use this episode to lobby for legalized drugs and banned guns. I mean this would mean the problems caused by drugs and law abiding citizens able to defend themselves would go away right Field?

  13. Anonymous1:02 PM

    field negro said...


    Pretty wild. Wait until the rest of Obamanomics kicks in, if this is what people will do for cell phones just envision what they will do for affordable energy and food. When gas goes to 8 dollars a gallon and it cost 300 dollars to cool or heat your house with electricity - woo-hoo we won't be able to borrow enough to re-charge those free programs.

  14. "Maybe we can get some Liberal in the U.S to use this episode to lobby for legalized drugs and banned guns. I mean this would mean the problems caused by drugs and law abiding citizens able to defend themselves would go away right Field?"

    It would be a start.

  15. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    "Maybe we can get some Liberal in the U.S to use this episode to lobby for legalized drugs and banned guns. I mean this would mean the problems caused by drugs and law abiding citizens able to defend themselves would go away right Field?"

    It would be a start.

    Sure would. Viva liberalism. Any state we can take a look at to see how decades of liberal policies are working out? We wouldn't want to go off with some pie in the sky scheme like banning soda or something silly without some empirical evidence, science of plotting and seeing cause and effect of tried and tested policies right ?

    Lets see who has really, really, really strict gun laws where you are not allowed to have a gun or have to jump through hoops (be part of the elite) to get one?

    Which city?
    How are they doing?
    Who has the largest drug problem?
    Which city?
    Who has the highest dropout illiteracy rates, foodstamp and welfare recipients, unwed teen mothers which cities?
    Who has the highest paid teachers, unsecured pension liabilities and lowest academic student results? Which cities?

    What is the murder rate ?
    What is the communicable disease instance? 1 in 3? 2 in 3?
    What is the poverty rate?
    Who runs these cities and how?
    How long have they been implementing policies and which ones worked for improved economics, reduced crime, reduced poverty, real equal opportunity (not just silly words coupled with the highest Black unemployment rate in history)
    Which cities are on the verge of bankruptcy due to which policies and what will happen to the citizens if there is no one in the fed to borrow more to provide for them to keep spending on "those wonderful programs"? That are effective?

    What can we learn from all of these things?

    Can a liberal learn from reality? Or is socialism and marxism just sure to work this TIME when we create perfect humans and really, really wish hard enough?

    How long can you fool yourself ?

  16. In Gaza, even with a cease-fire, life is desperate: the average family spends 1/3 of it's income on water. For the poor, it's more like 2/3. Most families of this formerly net food exporting territory now rely on international relief for all or most of their food. Already the most densely populated place on Earth and desperately short of housing, Gaza lost 60,000 homes destroyed in 2008-9, another 100,000 were seriously damaged, and building materials are embargoed by the blockade. The only existing economy is in smuggled goods through the Rafa tunnels. 85% of Gaza's farmland is a restricted access free-fire zone. Half its orchards and olive groves were uprooted in 2008-9. Gaza fishermen are limited to about 1/5 of their territorial waters. The only dairy in Gaza was demolished in 2008-9. 90% of the children of Gaza exhibit classic PTSD. More Palestinian civilians died from Israeli fire in a single day of the recent Gaza war than Israeli civilians have died form Palestinian fire from Gaza since Hamas took it over in 2007.

  17. Your comments are always real to me -- barbara

  18. Evian Rothschild7:03 PM

    Jewey's Conspiracy said...
    In Gaza, even with a cease-fire, life is desperate: the average family spends 1/3 of it's income on water. For the poor, it's more like 2/3

    Smells like...opportunity.

    Some jew should jump right on that.

    With the right marketing, you get them spendng 75% or more of their income on water. Throwing rocks is thirsty work.

  19. Your anon at 2:07 must really love how conservative Mississippi is doing. Maybe we can export these successful policies everywhere. Perhaps a nationwide personhood amendment or putting Jezus and Reagan on the dollar bill or maybe outlawing unions. Ah, conservatives have such brilliant ideas. Just look how well the 85mph law is doing in Texas. Genius.
