Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Food and pardons.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and in order to give thanks, Americans are going to eat like the Mayan folks were right about the world ending. (I am quite sure that most of you will be here on December, 22nd.)

Anyway, some random thoughts about food.

I was raised as a Seventh Day Adventist, and, as a result, I never ate shrimp. Now sadly, after getting this picture from a twitter mate, I am afraid that I might have to revert to my SDA ways. (Yuk!)

Honestly, you folks are doing some things with food out there that will cause a brotha to reconsider this meat eating thing. (Shout out to all my vegan friends.) Turducken?* Seriously? Although, I must confess, if the pilgrims had stumbled on some wild goats- and not turkeys- I would be one Thanksgiving celebrating fool. That curry goat and roti is no joke. (Sorry vegans, it was fun while it lasted.)

Then there is this Twinkie turkey combination, thing. America let the Twinkie go! It's over! Stop trying to delay the inevitable by incorporating the Twinkie into an important American holiday. It's never going to happen. Unless we are talking about chicken and waffles meat and sweet does not go together.

Finally, staying with the food theme; I see that his Oness pardoned a couple of turkeys at the White House on Wednesday. Good for Cobbler. Now if O could only be as generous with his pardons for humans as he is with turkeys we would be on to something.

"People don't usually think of the president as a part of the justice system. Typically that world includes judges, prosecutors and defense lawyers — not the chief executive. But George Lardner, a former investigative reporter who's now writing a book on the history of presidential pardons, says the Constitution actually makes the president a key part of this web.

In the past, "there was no such thing as probation or parole," Lardner says. "If you wanted to get out of prison before your time was up, you had to get a pardon."

Many people did. But that was long ago. Recent presidents have barely used their clemency power. And Obama is more frugal than any of them, says P.S. Ruckman Jr., a political scientist at Rock Valley College who studies pardons.
"He's granted 22 pardons and one commutation of sentence," Ruckman says.
He says no president since John Adams has shown so little leniency.

White House spokesman Matt Lehrich responded to an inquiry with this statement: "President Obama takes his constitutional power to grant clemency very seriously, and each recommendation received from the Department of Justice is carefully reviewed and evaluated on the merits." [Source]

Stop it! O, cut the nonsense and start setting some brothas convicted during this silly war on drugs, free. They would appreciate it much more than Cobbler.



  1. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Shrimp bathe for a lot longer than roaches........hence their fine flavour FN.......sorry about the deprivation you suffered as a child w/o 'em shrimps.......:-)

  2. NSangoma9:13 PM



    turkey > duck > chicken


    swan > goose > turkey > duck



  3. Anonymous9:24 PM

    "Stop it! O, cut the nonsense and start setting some brothas convicted during this silly war on drugs, free. They would appreciate it much more than Cobbler."

    Mr. Field, Obama will rarely if ever pardon Blacks for the same reason PilotX said Obama could not and will not acknowledge our existence:

    It's because White folks would not approve. And also, he has already made it clear that he isn't fond of us. We could "rot" in prison as far as he is concerned.

    Since so many folks like PilotX and others voted for Obama there is no need to complain's too late. Blacks are going to get what they got during his first term...NOTHING.

    BTW, have you seen the movie "Lincoln"? There was superb acting...the best of the best.

  4. Anonymous9:26 PM

    It's disgusting that our peeps can't keep it simple with a just a turkey with the trimmings. They have to three birds in one. That is pure greed, a sin.

  5. Pluck that Turkey9:27 PM

    What? That turkey that Obama pardoned was white. WTF? No pardons for whites, even turkeys. Obama should use his power to pardon every black person in prison right now, and show those crackers what's what these days.

    Happy Blacksgiving, MF's.

  6. "What? That turkey that Obama pardoned was white. WTF? No pardons for whites, even turkeys"

    Now see, and I prefer the white meat on my turkey.

    "BTW, have you seen the movie "Lincoln"?"

    Sorry, I am not a fan.:(

  7. Anonymous10:08 PM

    he could start by giving american indian movement leader leonard peltier a pardon!

  8. Anonymous10:20 PM

    "BTW, have you seen the movie "Lincoln"?"

    Sorry, I am not a fan.:(

    9:33 PM
    May I ask why you are not a fan of Lincoln? He freed the slaves and got the 13th Amendment passed, which was what the movie was about.

  9. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Field that photo of a turkey is ugly. It has ruined my desire for turkey on Thanksgiving. I'm going to Burger King and have nice clean burger and fries and call it a day.

  10. May I ask why you are not a fan of Lincoln? He freed the slaves and got the 13th Amendment passed, which was what the movie was about.

    Lincoln ended slavery, and ruined the good thing black people had going. I found this movie from back in slavery days and man, it really wasn't that bad:

    You had to load bales of cotton and other shit onto steamboats, but it was kind of fun and you had time to sing and chill while you did it. Nowadays, without the slavemasters keeping them in line, negroes be robbing and killing one another and causing general mayhem and destruction.

    Life was a lot better back then. I know, I live in Detroit.

    Lincoln fucked that all up by giving freedom to the slaves. That's why field hates Lincoln. That, plus the fact he had a lot of problems with a Lincoln Mark V he used to drive.

  11. Anonymous11:26 PM

    don't worry Field, shrimp and cockroaches are not in the same family. shrimp are as close to cockroaches as humans are to tigers, if anything we are closer to tigers than shrimp to cockroaches

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to you & Mrs. Field.

  13. Seems like our Republican brothers and sisters are now starting to come out as racists, now that they realize they are never going to win an election again.

    On the Conservative Misfit Politics blog, there is a superficially ironic piece written by a "Miss Ruth" called "Y'all I'm Racist"

    Here are a couple of the respondents in the comments section...

    Miss Ruth says:
    November 21, 2012 at 1:33 pm
    You know the first step to being cured is admitting you have a problem. The problem with that is I’m having too much fun being a racist.

    meredithancret says:
    November 21, 2012 at 1:44 pm
    Eh, cures are overrated.
    Besides, our views are the right ones, so…

    Miss Ruth says:
    November 21, 2012 at 1:49 pm
    How’s that chant go? “We’re white. We’re right. Get used to it.”? Something like that.

    They seem almost drunk with the relief and excitement of it all.

    This is a site that has banned me about a dozen times for calling them out on their idiocy. So criticizing Republicans gets you banned, but stuff like you see above is A.O.K. apparently.

    Every time I get banned I come back with a new identity - I'm currently Die Paarse Koen (The Purple Cows in Dutch), I expect I'll be banned again tomorrow.

  14. Quote Anonymous

    "May I ask why you are not a fan of Lincoln?"

    You need to be told??

    "I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything.”

    Abraham Lincoln

    Fourth Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1858

    Source: (The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume III, pp. 145-146.)

  15. Thank you PC, I can always count on you. You are kind of like my Luther.

    Everyone should have one.:)

    "don't worry Field, shrimp and cockroaches are not in the same family. shrimp are as close to cockroaches as humans are to tigers, if anything we are closer to tigers than shrimp to cockroaches"

    Whew. *wiping brow*

    Thanks Bob. Same to you and yours.

  16. Anonymous8:51 AM

    shrimp taste better than cockroaches and believe me if you are hungry enough you will eat any thing.the only thing i can agree with on this racist site is that the war on drugs is really a war on the constitution.dea should be disbanded and the agents should be put on the border to stop mexicans from coming here and stealing negro welfare.

  17. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Have a Blessed and special day Field and family and everyone here!

  18. TY Desertflower. You do the same.

  19. NSangoma10:59 AM


    Fourth Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1858

    Pandering to get elected; FCUK!!, they all do that:

    Senator, if one of your daughters asked you—and maybe they already have—“Daddy, did god really create the world in 6 days?,” what would you say?

    A: What I’ve said to them is that I believe that God created the universe and that the six days in the Bible may not be six days as we understand it … it may not be 24-hour days, and that’s what I believe. I know there’s always a debate between those who read the Bible literally and those who don’t, and I think it’s a legitimate debate within the Christian community of which I’m a part. My belief is that the story that the Bible tells about God creating this magnificent Earth on which we live—that is essentially true, that is fundamentally true. Now, whether it happened exactly as we might understand it reading the text of the Bible: That, I don’t presume to know.


  20. Our Choice11:43 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Seems like our Republican brothers and sisters are now starting to come out as racists.

    I hope so, it's their only chance to get back in power. Obama's War on White People has done for white racism what it's done for gun sales. Continuous racist attacks on white interests through economic policies and the direct action of the Justice Department have pushed White America to the wall. There is no more ground to give.

    More and more white people are realizing that they are the only ones buying into "equality", post-racialism, and common interest. It has always been about breaking White America, and now the mask is coming off.

    Anti-racism is code for anti-White.

    Obama was handed a historic opportunity to heal the divisions in this country. Instead, he deepened them to further his base needs. That moment is gone forever. When the pushback comes, and BRA crumbles, think of Barack.

  21. "Stop it! O, cut the nonsense and start setting some brothas convicted during this silly war on drugs, free."

    Yeah. Let black criminals out of jail because they're brown colored...said the piece of shit bigot.

  22. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Quote Anonymous

    "May I ask why you are not a fan of Lincoln?"

    You need to be told??

    "I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything.”

    Abraham Lincoln

    Fourth Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1858

    Source: (The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume III, pp. 145-146.)

    7:39 AM
    Thank you PC for that tidbit of information that gives a peek into the mind and heart of Lincoln. I am sure it is accurate, seeing how American history has been and always will be true.

    That's the thing about American history: one can always find data to support your own prejudices. You and Field are very good at finding everything wrong with great white Presidents and absolutely wrong with a black President who wants to be compared to Lincoln.

    Purple Cow, please the information you have discovered about Lincoln to Obama. It will confirm that the way Lincoln thought of us is the same as his. We are inferior and should be treated as inferior.

    IMO, Obama has taken that 'superior/inferior' attitude to a new level. He doesn't even acknowledge our existence. That's the greatest insult a President can give to any group of people...that they are not worth his time.

    Of course, Obama is Black and so you and Field are willing to 'overlook' his racial prejudice toward us but unwilling to do so for Lincoln--even though he went against his prejudices and fought to not only free the slaves, but to get the 13th Amendment passed so that slavery will never happen again in anybody!

    PC, you and Field are blinded by your own racist views. You remind me of those actors in the movie who played white racist Southerners. The only difference between you two and them is that you are Black. But you are just as extreme. You are a disgrace to the black race.

  23. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    Seems like our Republican brothers and sisters are now starting to come out as racists, now that they realize they are never going to win an election again.

    Every time I get banned I come back with a new identity - I'm currently Die Paarse Koen (The Purple Cows in Dutch), I expect I'll be banned again tomorrow.

    You seem to be a seriously unhinged individual. Why aren't you hanging out with your White Wife and Mulatto kids instead of looking for more reason to hate White people?

    What they posted on the site fits you perfectly and you hilariously highlighted that by posting your ridiculous silly cases of racism tweets and such, whilst totally ignoring all the vile and vulgar racism tweets and such coming from Blacks or that Blacks monolithically voted for the Black president because of their racism.

    Then you hilariously claim you were banned a dozen times when there are only two idiots posting the silliness you usually do, like harping on some typo or auto correct nonsense and then posing as your own sock-puppet to say one of your identities fully agrees with the other. Your new name Die Paarse Koen "said of the only other poster of your kind saying "Tee Dot was bob-on when he said that Republicans need the support of racists to have any hope of winning elections"

    You are T Dot and the newly created Die Paarse Koen.

    How utterly pathetic a thing are you? Do you not have a country that you must live for American racial politics and need to spend all your time sock-puppeting yourself in a ridiculous fashion on blogs?

    How does your white wife and children feel with about having a racist husband who hates white people so much he goes to other countries to involve himself in their politics? Her family must despise you.

  24. Affirmative Action Jackson12:43 PM

    "there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality."

    Man, that Abraham Lincoln sure was smart. How long before we figure that out?

  25. Man these racists never take a day off.

    Hey guys, it is thanksgiving, shouldn't you be eating a turkey with your cousins (aka wives) and enjoying the day? :)

  26. "You seem to be a seriously unhinged individual. Why aren't you hanging out with your White Wife and Mulatto kids instead of looking for more reason to hate White people?"

    I AM hanging out with my wife and kids. I'm sitting on the sofa with my laptop watching 'Junior Apprentice' with them.


    "What they posted on the site fits you perfectly and you hilariously highlighted that by posting your ridiculous silly cases of racism tweets and such, whilst totally ignoring all the vile and vulgar racism tweets and such coming from Blacks or that Blacks monolithically voted for the Black president because of their racism."

    Have you ever voted for a black man?

    Thought not.

    But for the record, African Americans have voted more than 90% for every Democratic Presidential candidate since WW2. So African Americans older than 22 will have voted for white people - you have never voted for a black man.


    "Then you hilariously claim you were banned a dozen times when there are only two idiots posting the silliness you usually do, like harping on some typo or auto correct nonsense and then posing as your own sock-puppet to say one of your identities fully agrees with the other. Your new name Die Paarse Koen "said of the only other poster of your kind saying "Tee Dot was bob-on when he said that Republicans need the support of racists to have any hope of winning elections"

    No I've been banned from that website with the following identities

    The Purple Cow
    the purple cow
    the puuurple cow
    La vache violet
    La vache pourpre
    la Vache Mauve
    La mucca viola
    Die lila Kuh
    Het Paarse Koe
    De Paarse Koe
    Het Pa'arse Koe
    Die pers koei

    That makes 14 times according to my arithmetic. Did you see how I got the Purple Cow in French three times?? I was particularly proud of that.

    "You are T Dot and the newly created Die Paarse Koen."

    No I'm not Tee Dot, and we are not the only leftists on there, there's Walt as well. If I wanted to create an alter ego, I would use a more imaginative name than Tee Dot and Walt - as befits my genius.


    "How utterly pathetic a thing are you? Do you not have a country that you must live for American racial politics and need to spend all your time sock-puppeting yourself in a ridiculous fashion on blogs?"

    I spend about 45 minutes a day on other people's blogs, what can I say? I enjoy making cunts like you angry. It's a hobby, like train spotting or collecting stamps, or that thing you do with counterfeit nazi regalia.


    "How does your white wife and children feel with about having a racist husband who hates white people so much he goes to other countries to involve himself in their politics? Her family must despise you."

    My white wife would rather I spent less time blogging and more time washing the car or mowing the lawn, but other than that she's pretty much relaxed. Ditto the kids.

    I get on pretty well with her family actually, one of them works for the Vikings, and when they come to Wembley Stadium next year he is getting me and the boys pitch-side all-areas passes. So you will be able to see us on your TV.

    Put a note in your diary now.

  27. Anonymous9:31 PM

    "You seem to be a seriously unhinged individual. Why aren't you hanging out with your White Wife and Mulatto kids instead of looking for more reason to hate White people?"

    PC, "I AM hanging out with my wife and kids. I'm sitting on the sofa with my laptop watching 'Junior Apprentice' with them."

    No you aren't hanging out with them. YOur body is there but your mind is not with them. Let's face it. You made a big mistake marrying a white woman. It has only exacerbated your white hatred.

    For the life of me, I don't know what Mr. Field sees in you. Maybe it's a Jamaican thing? Or, he has broken selector for picking out good people. Field must be desperate for friends.
