Sunday, November 25, 2012

"How I could just kill a man"

"How you know where I'm at when you haven't been where I've been,
understand where I'm coming from.
When you're up on the hill, in your big home
I'm out here, risking my dome.
Just for a bucket, or a fast ducat
just to stay alive, aiyyo I gotta say "fuck it".
Here is something you can't understandHow I could just kill a man" ~Cypress Hill~

I understand, but I honestly wish I didn't.

As an American tragedy plays itself out in cities all across the country, those of us who are charged with addressing the problem-or making others aware of it-continue to sit on our collective asses.

Here in Philly we have already equaled last year's murder count of 297, and there is still over thirty days to go in the year. This summer was particularly brutal for cities like Chicago and Camden, where young bucks picking off each other became a more popular sport than a game of pickup basketball. Chicago is President Obama's hometown, but he never talked about it, and neither did the chattering class whose job it is to make Americans aware of what's going on in the country.

Some would argue that this is a dog bites man type of headline that is hardly worth reporting. Young black males killing each other is such a common occurrence that it doesn't even get a raised eye brow from Joe Citizen reading about it in the local paper. Still, it doesn't make these events any less compelling or newsworthy. We all are paying, in one way or another, for this epidemic of violence. Homicide detectives and trauma surgeons do not work for free; somebody has to pick up the tab

Still, there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. In Washington D.C. they are on pace to have less than a 100 homicides this year. This is a remarkable stat when you consider that in the early nineteen nineties they were racking up almost 500 murders per year. And here in Philly our City Council finally seems to be addressing a problem*fingers crossed* that many grass roots organizations around the city are already aware of. (I guess it's better late than never)

These are all positive signs, but nothing will change until the homes where these young men are coming from start becoming....well, homes. Outside organizations and politricksters can only do so much. The folks who created these future killers and victims need to start talking a serious look in the mirror.

"..cause we're like the outlaw stridin
Suckers are hidein
Jump behind the bush when they see me driving

I think I speak for all law- abiding citizens when I say that we are all ready to come out from behind "the bush."



  1. ditto

    self hatred = genocide in public

    self hatred is real

    this proves it

    ask any hobama nazi

    that racist global warlord bankster
    hobama has slain far more of us than the ybm shooters have


    cc that kkkiller gz

  2. Jose Citizen7:45 PM

    "Young black males killing each other is such a common occurrence that it doesn't even get a raised eye brow from Joe Citizen reading about it in the local paper.

    Why is that?

    Freedom has failed.

  3. Yeah... it is going to take the people who live in and perpetuate the culture first understand that their culture isn't the natural order of things. Or, at least that it doesn't have to be.

    Not me, I'm fleeing as fast as I can. I'm from the hood, but I'm not of the hood, if you know what I'm saying? My mom would kick my ass for yelling outside or raising my voice to an adult, let alone all the other.

  4. House of Fieldnegro8:02 PM

    "Still, there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. In Washington D.C. they are on pace to have less than a 100 homicides this year. This is a remarkable stat when you consider that in the early nineteen nineties they were racking up almost 500 murders per year."

    Not so remarkable when you know what else has changed since the early nineteen nineties. From Wikipedia:

    Even though they compose the city's largest ethnic group, Washington has a steadily declining black population, due to many African Americans' leaving the city for suburbs. At the same time, the city's Caucasian population has steadily increased, in part due to effects of gentrification in many of Washington's traditionally black neighborhoods. This is evident in a 7.3% decrease in the African-American population, and a 17.8% increase in the Caucasian population since 2000.

    In 2012, the black population of Washingon DC is right at 50%. In 1990, blacks were 66% percent of the DC population.

    It's remarkable how making a city less chocolate affects the murder rate.

  5. NSangoma8:52 PM


    The problem is George Zimmerman, where is Reverend Inc?

    We need another million-hoody march.


  6. Anonymous8:57 PM

    "As an American tragedy plays itself out in cities all across the country, those of us who are charged with addressing the problem-or making others aware of it-continue to sit on our collective asses."

    You left out an important adjective that belongs 'before' the word "asses"....continue to sit on our collective 'black' asses. Of course, we have known that for decades haven't we?

    I know, I know. We just haven't had the time to care for our kids. We are too busy finding fault with the white man. As soon as we are finished with that, THEN we will do something FOR our community.

    Field, when are you going to update your Killadelphia count?

  7. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Stupid assnon said.
    It's remarkable how making a city less chocolate affects the murder rate.

    Actually stupid, it's not remarkable at all that police protect white folks FAR more than blacks.

    BTW, the whitening of DC ain't done much of shit in SE DC.

    Dr. Queen's alter ago

  8. "Field, when are you going to update your Killadelphia count?"

    It's at 297 and holding,wingnut. Of course that could change at any minute now. Where are you?

  9. A non said....

    "It's remarkable how making a city less chocolate affects the murder rate."

    You reversed cause & effect A-non, white people moved in as it got safer

  10. House of Fieldnegro11:20 PM

    Dr. Queen's faulty ego sputtered...
    Actually stupid, it's not remarkable at all that police protect white folks FAR more than blacks.

    BTW, the whitening of DC ain't done much of shit in SE DC.

    Protect white folk from who? And is that only thing that keeps black people from committing murder, the presence of a policeman?

    Your comment about SE DC once again shows just how feeble-minded you are. Do you think there might be some connection between that area's murder rate (the highest of any part of DC) and the fact it is 97% black?

    You will never be a doctor.

  11. Anonymous11:28 PM

    "Field, when are you going to update your Killadelphia count?"

    It's at 297 and holding,wingnut. Of course that could change at any minute now. Where are you?

    10:31 PM
    Oh, I get it. LOL. Field, you leftnuts are soooo funny.

    Now you know that #297 won't hold. I bet it's jumped to 299 as we speak. Hell, brother Field, XMAS is coming and you KNOW there will be some MERRY shootouts.

    I bet even you criminal lawyers need protection during this dangerous XMAS time of the year.

  12. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Hector Comacho is dead. Larry Hagman is dead. My heart aches. These were two great men. Their deaths are a great loss to the world. R.I.P.

    Field, why haven't you acknowledged these fine men in your side bar? Hector was Puerto Rican boxer who knocked Sugar Ray Lenard out. I am sure Desert Fox would appreciate some acknowledgement of Hector.

    And ALL of Texas, including the Governor, would appreciate it if you paid respect to Hagman in your sidebar..

  13. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Stupid assnon said.
    It's remarkable how making a city less chocolate affects the murder rate.

    Actually stupid, it's not remarkable at all that police protect white folks FAR more than blacks.

    BTW, the whitening of DC ain't done much of shit in SE DC.

    Dr. Queen's alter ago
    And this is supposed to be an educated woman.

    God help her. White neighborhoods become safer because what element is reduced dearie?

    Gentrification of some parts of DC but hasn't helped the really dark parts of SE DC, do you have a couple of bucks? Know anyone that might be able to sell you a clue?

  14. "You reversed cause & effect A-non, white people moved in as it got safer"

    Logic always escapes a troll. :)

  15. Wesley R6:25 AM

    Tough Love is Needed.

    When you get a chance Field, check out the shows on the The History Channel- The Men that Built America. I hear it's a amazing program. I'm going to check it out next time it comes on. There were too many games on the last time it ran for me to see it:)

  16. Anonymous8:25 AM

    field negro said...

    "You reversed cause & effect A-non, white people moved in as it got safer"

    Logic always escapes a troll. :)

    Wish on a magic Unicorn horn logic? Click your heels three times and wish really, really hard logic? The area that was previously almost 100% Black suddenly and magically became safe and then those big awful Asian and White people took advantage of all the economic opportunities and mingled into a thriving booming black Neighborhood? The Asians and Whites took advantage of the bustling well balanced, well maintained and wonderfully planned neighborhood, they didn't build it and bring economic prosperity and diversity? - nope.

    Hey you should patent whatever it is that made these neighborhoods safe enough for Asians and Whites to start building and developing the neighborhoods more and spread it out to the rest of them that have no Asians or Whites, coincidentally that are still unsafe - and economically depressed.

    Either that or bottle whatever you are drinking and share it with them in DC that allows left to be right.

    The mayor can give up his crack habit if you share some of dat dere magic juice.

  17. History tells us that white folks are the most barbaric of ALL races. Funny how white trolls LOVE to forget their kinship with folks like Hitler.

    'Gentrification of some parts of DC but hasn't helped the really dark parts of SE DC, do you have a couple of bucks? Know anyone that might be able to sell you a clue?'

    You use phrases like "Dark parts of DC", yet I need a clue? You need a brain.....then again, what in the hell would you do if you had one?

  18. Once a problem gets one or more generations deep it becomes self perpetuating, unable to get hold of its own "boot-straps."

    If there is to be any hope there has to be a greater collective effort, public/private, home/public, black/white.

    So lets get moving with solutions...
    Mr. Field, I think its time we had lunch again.

  19. BARBBF10:05 AM

    The killings are NOT just an Americans tragedy. U. S. predatory drones have killed thousands, and the re-elected U. S. president makes jokes about using drones.

    The U. S. government's official statement on those killed by that any male over 18 who is killed by U. S. drones can be considered a terrorist, thereby keeping the number of innocent civilians killed lower.

  20. Dr. Lebensraum10:56 AM

    Ms.Reine said...
    History tells us that white folks are the most barbaric of ALL races. Funny how white trolls LOVE to forget their kinship with folks like Hitler.

    It would really be a toss up as to what was worse, living next to Hitler or living next to you. You'd have to worry about Hitler annexing parts of your yard, but at least he'd cut the grass, keep his music down, and his kids wouldn't rob yor house every time you left town.

    You will never be a doctor.

  21. Whitey's Racket11:26 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    A non said....

    "It's remarkable how making a city less chocolate affects the murder rate."

    You reversed cause & effect A-non, white people moved in as it got safer

    Whitey has come through once again and provided everyone with a very interesting view into Liberal 'Logic'.

    Apparently, there are certain areas that are intrinsically violent and have high murder rates, completely independent of who lives there.

    Black people, because they are poor and oppressed, are forced to live in these areas. Once the intrinsically violent nature of the area has been reduced by some combination of liberal magic (Food Stamps, Head Start, Midnight Basketball, Gubmint jobs, Sesame Street, Teach for America, and Obama Phones), white folks then swoop in and displace the black people, who have to move somewhere else. Even worse, the new place they go to develops that intrinsically high murder rate again! The white folk must be just moving it around! They trick blacks into moving into the formerly safe white suburb, just as they know it's about to turn violent!

    What drives these evil white demons? Racism!

  22. Anonymous1:16 PM

    that cia bamboozler hobama and his banksters are gunning for u all in!!!

    cc the 1%/ndaa/wwiii/austerity axes/civil war ii/hobamacare layoffs/africom etc

    shame on the sheeple!!!!!!!

    Neo-Confucian Wisdom In The Age of...Austerity
    by Raymond Nat Turner

    Confucius say, pimp-slap, kick to curb

    He who come with grand bargain

    Neo-Confucian Wisdom In The Age of...Austerity

    by Raymond Nat Turner

    Confucius say, pimp-slap, kick to curb

    He who blame China for Detroit...

    Confucius say, pimp-slap, kick to curb

    He who call you middle-class, but

    Block six-figure future;

    Confucius say, pimp-slap, kick to curb

    He who come with grand bargain

    Smelling like clean coal;

    Confucius say, pimp-slap, kick to curb

    He who come with talk of entitlement---

    Entitle meant you work

    Ass off, punch-drunk, punching in and

    Out; almost square meeting more

    Than four corners...

    Confucius say, pimp-slap, kick to curb

    He who say let Merrill lynch, let

    Goldman sack, for one day he

    Urinate on you from fiscal cliff---

    And call it trickle down...

  23. Anonymous2:02 PM

    brohammas said,

    "So lets get moving with solutions...
    Mr. Field, I think its time we had lunch again."

    10:02 AM
    I have tried for years to have lunch with Mr Field. Recently invited him to meet meet at the Cherry Hill Mall and he didn't even bother to reply. At other times over the years, I invited him for lunch at one of the vendors on Broad St, to no avail. I even invited him to one of Philly's finest Italian Restaurant out on City Line and he turned me down.

    So, how come you can have lunch with Field and I can't? This is fucking depressing.

  24. Frustrated negro2:40 PM

    Field..I have no idea why you want to even bring this up..

    The youth in urban areas arent just shooting each other up ,because its fun, and they enjoy violence...

    (Much to your resident racists dismay)

    Your not ready to confront Obama on the " War on Drugs" & in particular 60% of Mexican Drug Cartels profit margin in relation to cannabis.

    These turf wars over the black market substances of choice will continue UNTIL America enacts a sensible drug policy.

    Your hero refuses to even say "Prison Industrial Complex....or "Mass Incarceration"

    With rising unemployment ... Former felons that are refused Financial Aid for college readily accept a spot in a multibillion dollar industry no matter the consequences.

    While we the taxpayer continue to subsidize bigger prisons, and the Mexican Drug Cartels profit..

    Coupled with the DEA's ever expanding budget...

    You continue to report on the symptoms without addressing the REAL problem...

  25. Anonymous4:30 PM

    we who have been and are still awake

    have never lied about that racist global warlord bankster hobama

    cc africom

    we told u so

    shame on the sheeple!!!!!!!

    cc that bromanced drunken blind hobama coon jamie foxx

  26. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Anonymous Frustrated negro said...

    Field..I have no idea why you want to even bring this up..

    The youth in urban areas arent just shooting each other up ,because its fun, and they enjoy violence...

    (Much to your resident racists dismay)

    Your not ready to confront Obama on the " War on Drugs" & in particular 60% of Mexican Drug Cartels profit margin in relation to cannabis.

    These turf wars over the black market substances of choice will continue UNTIL America enacts a sensible drug policy.

    Your hero refuses to even say "Prison Industrial Complex....or "Mass Incarceration"

    With rising unemployment ... Former felons that are refused Financial Aid for college readily accept a spot in a multibillion dollar industry no matter the consequences.

    While we the taxpayer continue to subsidize bigger prisons, and the Mexican Drug Cartels profit..

    Coupled with the DEA's ever expanding budget...

    You continue to report on the symptoms without addressing the REAL problem...

    Serious Question for you. Let's go with the idea of legalizing drugs. I have nothing against it other then being able to see cause and effect, I would never be foolish enough to use a mind altering substance that literally kills you.

    What then? Drugs are legal. Now what? There will be people setting up legal corporations, running businesses and profiting from the misery of Drug Addicts as we can assume they won't go away. So now you cut off a revenue stream for Blacks. Now what. What exactly are they going to do? If they were astute businessmen they would open legitimate legal businesses right?

    Why aren't Blacks flocking to California to open Medical Weed dispensaries? Why are they all owned by liberal White guys?

    So now what? Think it out.

    Drugs are legalized tomorrow. Now Blacks won't go to prison for dealing. What are the likely repercussions good or bad?

    Remember legal businesses will then be under Obamas thumb, Obamacare, taxes, licenses, regulations, OSHA, Unions and oh so much more. You think former dealers can handle working day and night to pay governement fees, licenses, regulations to maybe not be profitable if the competition has a better business? Who will teach them about labor law, human resources, regulatory and IRS compliance? Can they learn?

    Now what?

  27. If educated, Black professionals gave back to thier own through mentoring or career choices like teaching, the Black crime problem would be cut 75% at least.

  28. Frustrated Negro3:08 AM

    First of all no one said anything about legalizing all drugs at once. That is foolish and irresponsible. The first thing that needs to happen is to legalize the considerably less harmful substance. Then you begin the process of INTEGRATION back to responsible adult living by those affected. That could include a myriad of things namely re establishing financial aid even for those convicted of a NON Violent drug offense. The other thing that would put some money in everyones pocket along with energy independence is the cultivation of Industrial Hemp.

    The changes should be incremental beginning with the legalization of the least harmful of the substances.

    You cant legalize all illicit drugs over night thats a recipe for dissaster.

    Now what??? is such a utterly foolish approach. Its plainly obvious our current methods are,wasteful and do not address the real problems.
