Monday, November 19, 2012

Straight Outta Cuba, and a nutty candidate.

Now that we know Marco Rubio vibes to NWA and Pac, will he still be as popular with his friends in the GOP? Marc, when republicans said that they had to do more minority outreach after their last beating by Obama, I doubt this is what they had in mind. But still, it's nice to know that you are human, and, more importantly, that you are honest. You could have lied and said that you listened to Duran Duran back in the day.

Speaking of  the GOP, the finger pointing at  Mitt continues. This time it's Newt's turn to take shots at the Etch A Sketch man.

"Newt Gingrich had harsh words Sunday for GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney's suggestion that he lost the election because President Barack Obama offered "gifts" to African-Americans, Hispanics, and young voters.

"I just think it's nuts," Gingrich said on ABC. "I mean, first of all, it's insulting."

"The job of a political leader in part is to understand the people. If we can't offer a better future that is believable to more people, we're not going to win," said Gingrich, who launched blistering attacks on Romney last spring while seeking the presidential nomination himself.

Revelation of Romney's comments drew criticism from others within his own party, such as Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal - who said a winning strategy does not involve "insulting (voters) and saying their votes were bought" -- and Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who said, "Rhetoric like this keeps digging a hole for the Republican Party." [Source]

I love how all of a sudden Mitt is the most hated person in GOP-land. What happened to all the love? It's amazing how losing causes folks to run away from you isn't it Mitt? All the money in the world can't buy you friends these days.

Still, I think all your fellow republicans throwing darts at you are full of it. They agree with everything you said. They are just mad at you because you lost to the Kenyan Socialist.

Take it away Kevin Drum:

"..Far from a gaffe, Romney’s remarks reflected both a long-standing belief among conservatives that the nation faces a “tipping point” in which growing dependency will create an insurmountable electoral majority for big government — and Democratic candidates. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, Romney’s running mate, has delivered similar arguments for years. “We risk hitting [a] tipping point in our society where we have more takers than makers,” he said recently. “President Obama’s policies are feverishly putting more people into the column of being takers than makers ... being more dependent.”

The conservative Heritage Foundation, in the latest edition of its “Index of Dependence on Government” likewise concluded earlier this year: “Perhaps the greatest danger is that the swelling ranks of Americans who enjoy government services and benefits for which they pay few or no taxes will lead to a spreading sense of entitlement that is simply incompatible with self-government.”

Conservatives believe that liberals are intent on creating a welfare state that saps initiative, leads to moral decay, makes voters more dependent on government, and helps cement the Democratic Party's hold on power. They've been saying this forever. But when Mitt Romney says it in slightly blunter terms than we're used to, they practically barrel over each other running for the exits.
Poor Mitt. Conservatives never liked him in the first place, so he tried hard to say all the things they wanted him to say. But once he lost, he was an instant pariah. He was saying the stuff they wanted him to say during a campaign, not realizing that the rules had changed. Once the campaign was over, that exact same stuff was a rather too blunt admission of what conservatives believe. He was betraying the cause, not helping it. The price he'll pay is a banishment from the conservative movement even more thorough than George Bush's.

Conservatives are not kind to their losers. [Source]

But will they be kind to candidates who listen to NWA?



  1. It's like I said back in mid-October: After 11/6 they're all gonna have to erase that one week they loved Romney from the public memory.

  2. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I've noticed that you are using abbreviations, monograms, and acronyms lately....WITHOUT explaining what they stand for. Is that the mark of a professional writer?

    What the hell does N.W.A. mean? I swear. You and that honky marrying PC need to learn how to write clearly for ALL readers.

  3. Anonymous9:50 PM

    If you are from Puerto Rico or Mexico, you are very suspect of Cubans because they are very prejudiced people against other people of color.

    Of course, he fits right in with the Republicans.

  4. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Field, please update your Killadelphia Murder Count. It's higher now. Why are you holding back on "300"?

    One thing for sure, Obama's re-election isn't going to stop the black on black killings. But let's not talk about that.

    Or talk about the high unemployment among our peeps which is twice the national average.

    Let's talk about Mitt Romney. Field, you are doing a fabulous job keeping up with Romney. Keep up the good work, brother.

  5. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Guess What?! OJ is innocent. They now know who the real murder is and it ain't OJ.

    I knew OJ was innocent all along but you Negroes, esp Field, claimed OJ murdered Nicole. What kind of brother would do that? A jiggin uncle tom, that's who.

    Field, you and a bunch of folks owe OJ a big apology for ruining his life. OJ is a good man who never hurt anyone.

  6. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Guess What?! OJ is innocent. They now know who the real murder is and it ain't OJ.

    I knew OJ was innocent all along but you Negroes, esp Field, claimed OJ murdered Nicole. What kind of brother would do that? A jiggin uncle tom, that's who.

    Field, you and a bunch of folks owe OJ a big apology for ruining his life. OJ is a good man who never hurt anyone.

  7. "Guess What?! OJ is innocent. They now know who the real murder is and it ain't OJ."

    And it sure ain't this guy.

  8. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Remember that Eazy E met with President Bush at a luncheon in early 1991.

  9. SickupandFed7:13 AM

    Good God, where to start? I'll start where you did, I don't care who the rethugs put out there, as long as they are accepting anonymous money, I will never support any of them. That is not the only thing that stops me but that is as far as I'm willing to go to help them figure it out.

    More takers? How about these corporations pay people a decent wage? How about they pay people enough so that they do pay taxes? How about that!

  10. Anonymous9:26 AM

    "Guess What?! OJ is innocent. They now know who the real murder is and it ain't OJ."

    And it sure ain't this guy.

    Aw come on, Field. Why can't you acknowledge that you have misjudged OJ?

    You are displaying extreme prejudice towards OJ. The man needs a break today....You are a white man in black skin. smh

  11. Conservative pundit George Will commented on Romney's loss on Election Day:

    It's been well said that you have a political problem when the voters don't like you, but you've got a real problem when the voters think you don't like them.

    That's the first sensible analysis I've heard coming from a conservative since Nov. 6.

  12. Conservative pundit George Will commented on Romney's loss on Election Day:

    It's been well said that you have a political problem when the voters don't like you, but you've got a real problem when the voters think you don't like them.

    That's the first sensible analysis I've heard coming from a conservative since Nov. 6.

  13. Anonymous10:20 AM

    @Purple Cow:

    Doesn't it suck being a frontin idiot? Who is a liar Mr Talks a lotta shit but doesn't know very much?

    You like Rachel's college boy look dontcha.

    Maddow Covers for Hamas.

  14. Anonymous10:22 AM

    when hobama clones such lies about his own musical choices...why is that cool with his drones???

    shame on the unfair sheeple!!!

    see more:

  15. Anonymous12:13 PM

    These old crazy, hateful "white" men are the small crazy "white" boys we all encountered on the school grounds when we were growing up. I've come to the conclusion that there's something severely wrong with the Albinos. They're allllllll mentally ill. Forced Africans over here and hate them with a passion, after making a cazillion cast-away babies with them. That surpasses mentally ill. Must have had something to do with living/existing in those caves long ago.

  16. Now wait a min, I thought it was the GOP message to us darkies that the free ride was over. "My job is not to make blah peoples' lives easier" or "I will go to the NAACP and tell them to demand jobs not handouts". And now they've seen the light? Well I guess partially because they talk about outreach to Latinos but ignore blah people. Hypocrisy must be a requirement to be a Republicon.

  17. Anonymous1:53 PM

    PILOTx, "And now they've seen the light? Well I guess partially because they talk about outreach to Latinos but ignore blah people. Hypocrisy must be a requirement to be a Republicon."

    It's the same for Democrats as well. Obama not only ignores blah people but takes the blah vote for granted. Hell, Obama won't even acknowledge our existence.

    But, like the GOP, the Dems are reaching out to Latinos. This is amazing! Is there anybody out there who wants us? Nobody. Obama sees us as undesirable like the Repubs do.

    It's funny that FN folks like PILOTx and Field NEVER speak to the reality that "it's depressing to be Black in America."

  18. Ironomous3:28 PM

    "I've come to the conclusion that there's something severely wrong with the Albinos"

    Yes, unlike you, they are racist.

  19. Turbulence Ahead3:33 PM

    Dr. PilotX said...
    Now wait a min, I thought it was the GOP message to us darkies that the free ride was over.

    No, you darkies gots four mo' years of a free ride.

    That is, unless the whole system crashes before then. The the ride is going to get a little rough.

    And the storm clouds are gathering on the horizon.
