Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The S word.

Oh my! Now that Obama has once again become the leader of the free world it seems that some of his fellow citizens just do not want to be ruled by him.

"In the wake of last week's presidential election, thousands of Americans have signed petitions seeking permission for their states to peacefully secede from the United States. The petitions were filed on We the People, a government website.

States with citizens filing include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. Oddly, folks from Georgia have filed twice. Even stranger, several of the petitions come from states that went for President Barack Obama.

The petitions are short and to the point. For example, a petition from the Volunteer State reads: "Peacefully grant the State of Tennessee to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government." Of all the petitions, Texas has the most signatures so far, with more than 23,000.
Of course, this is mostly a symbolic gesture. The odds of the American government granting any state permission to go its own way are on par with winning the lottery while getting hit by a meteor while seeing Bigfoot while finding gluten-free pizza that tastes like the real thing.

An article from WKRC quotes a University of Louisville political science professor who explained that these petitions aren't uncommon. Similar petitions were filed following the 2004 and 2008 elections. Still, should the petitions garner 25,000 signatures in a month, they will require an official response from the Obama administration." [Source]

Well it's refreshing to know that this is not a first. But still, the fact that the great state of Texas already has over 25,000 petitions might force the White House to respond... wait....

"A petition for Texas to secede from the union, submitted to the White House, reached the number of signatures needed to draw comment from the Obama administration today.

The petition appeared on a section of the White House website called "We the People" that invites users with a U.S. zip code to submit or sign petitions about policy changes they would like to see. A petition must reach 25,000 signatures within 30 days for the administration to comment on it.

The petition to "Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government," was submitted on Friday of last week. Just three days later, it zoomed past the 25,000 mark at 3:22 p.m. today and kept going." [Source]

O let me help you with that response:

Goodbye Texas, and take the stinking Cowboys with you.

Relax field, the Governor himself says that this is not happening.

"Texas Gov. Rick Perry won’t be joining the roughly 77,000 people who have signed a petition calling on the White House to allow his state to secede from the Union.

Perry has famously joked in the past about his state breaking away from the United States of America, but his spokesperson said he doesn’t approve of the Internet campaign that has swelled to include secession petitions for more than 35 states.

“Gov. Perry believes in the greatness of our Union and nothing should be done to change it,” Perry spokesperson Catherine Frazier
told The Dallas Morning News. “But he also shares the frustrations many Americans have with our federal government" [Source]

Not yet.

Finally, this is getting ridiculous, you employers have got to stop taking out your hatred for Obama on your employees. You lost! Get over it! The next time you will just have to spend more money. Just don't let Karl Rove come along and steal take millions from you again.


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    poorly written articles consistently on this site. your slang and name-calling makes you seem ignorant.
    and then, there's your racism against whites, hispanics, jews and asians.

  2. Wesley R7:57 PM

    Don't let the door hit you were the good lord split you. See Ya!

  3. State secession was ruled unconstitutional in blood 150 years ago. But if anyone wants to secede from America individually there is, I understand, a process for this which US embassies will accommodate. Have at it; good riddance to bad garbage.

  4. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Field, I tried to tell you leftist tommin Obama Negroes that this would happen if you voted for Obama. You didn't listen and now America once known for its patience, has now had it. The time has come.

    Mark my words, One or two things are going to happen:

    Either a few states will secede-- Texas and Georgia being among them-- OR- Obama gets impeached! Maybe both?

    I hope you FN folks are satisfied.

  5. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Oh my! Now that Obama has once again become the leader of the free world it seems that some of his fellow citizens just do not want to be ruled by him.

    Ruled by Him? Ruled By Him?
    Excuse me once again - Ruled by Him?

    This is why Liberals are destroying the U.S. He is not a King, He is not a Emperor - He does not rule anyone - he serves the people and his job is and should be limited too:

    Making sure that all U.S. laws are carried out and that the federal government is run effectively.'

    You like lollipop licking? Need votes? Too bad the Law is DOMA, don't like it change it, until then enforce it.

    Need votes from illegals - so you rape the treasury and open the borders then have the balls to demand others pay more for this?
    We don't care if you needed votes, enforce the laws or lead a movement to get them changed.

    ENforce the nations laws and protect it's borders -HA Joke number one under a liberal president especially Obama. Laws - He don't like laws - He will create his own.

    The president CAN NOT introduce new legislation, that is the duty of Congress or the other equal branches of government. Obama rules nothing. He leads 1/3 of the government as elected by U.S citizens. He is not charged with changing this country or doing any other foolhardy ridiculous notion he may have in his head other than following the damn constitution to the letter, not ignoring it and breaking every law he does not like.

    Oh and about Employers - usual liberal spin. Now the employers hate their employees - you have that way wrong. It is Obama who hates America, hates American prosperity, hates people having jobs and others running and liberal fools who thought the magic mixture of continuing the last four years of class warfare tax and spend and more cronyism would result in anything but a continued worsening of the economy with more borrowing and eventual crash.

  6. Anonymous9:56 PM

    This is a perfect time to get rid of the dead weight that Red States are. They should let us Blue State people sign those petitions! I'd love to jettison Texas and Alabama and South Carolina! Good riddance!


  7. sharon in ct10:23 PM

    If it were only up to me, I would call their bluff.

  8. did u cc igor panarin?


    he predicted hobama's civil war in 2010

    hobama = wwiii & civil war ii

    shame on the sheeple!!!



  9. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Finally, this is getting ridiculous, you employers have got to stop taking out your hatred for Obama on your employees. You lost! Get over it!

    Do you mean like Obama and liberals got over Bush winning in 2000? Obama's famous words - it's all Bush's fault - 4 years later and still the main go to phrase. I inherited this. Yes he did from himself. Lets see who he blames now. He did start off with class warfare again counting on idiot to think that raising taxes won't decrease tax income and or impact jobs by minimum of 200k all for a measly projected 800B over ten years that will never be achieved and even if it were it's already been spent and wasted by wiberals.

  10. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Glorious Galtian employers TELL their employees how to vote. Employees are not wingnut welfare recipients and declined to obey.

    And the employers feel Entitled to deference?


  11. NSangoma1:10 AM


    field booty, sir, they seriously hate this Negroe:
    Holly Solomon, 28, was arrested after running over husband
    Daniel Solomon following a wild chase that left him pinned
    underneath the vehicle.

    Daniel Solomon, 36, was in critical condition at a local
    hospital, but is expected to survive, Gilbert police spokesman
    Sergeant Jesse Sanger said.

    Police said Daniel Solomon told them his wife became angry
    over his "lack of voter participation" in last Tuesday's
    presidential election and believed her family would face
    hardship as a result of Obama winning another term.


  12. The America of my early childhood, the Fifties, is long gone. Old Americas are transformed by & absorbed into new Americas. My grandparents were born into an America of horse & buggys & old Civil War vets.

  13. "Mark my words, One or two things are going to happen:

    Either a few states will secede-- Texas and Georgia being among them-"

    Goodbye!We hardly knew ya.

    "poorly written articles consistently on this site. your slang and name-calling makes you seem ignorant."

    How is that for irony? :)

  14. "Either a few states will secede-- Texas and Georgia being among them-- "

    Aaaahh man, that would be fan-fucking-tastic, every red state that secedes provides an electoral college with a built-in Democratic majority.

  15. abo gato7:13 AM

    Well, here is what I would like Obama to do in response to these petitions....tell the states involved he will review their requests, but let them know that if they do secede then the US will be closing the military bases in all those states. After all, if they are no longer part of the union, they will not need to have those bases. Once people and states start realizing how much money and how many jobs will be lost by this, maybe some heads will explode.

  16. Is there any way those of us who don't live in places like Texas and Alabama can give those guys a helping hand with their secession plans? Considering how much federal money flows into those red states, it would be a relief for us blue state tax-payers to have them gone.

  17. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I hope you FN folks are satisfied.


    Now take your hillbilly, cracka' ass, and GTFO!!!

    And don't forget to take your skin head, po' uneducated, dumb ass, uncle Bubbas wit' cha!

    Dr. Reine's Alter Ego

  18. Anonymous9:18 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Either a few states will secede-- Texas and Georgia being among them-- "

    Aaaahh man, that would be fan-fucking-tastic, every red state that secedes provides an electoral college with a built-in Democratic majority.

    What a dumbass. What do you think those wanting to secede is about? Of course there would be bankrupt democratic entire states. They could call it the Caliweareonefuckednation Union.

    If there were states that were completely managed by constitutional basics. How long do you suppose it would be before every creative, able bodied capable adult moved there and left the whacky moonbats to bankrupt themselves and feed themselves and support themselves?

    Immigration? Screw that, we learned once already. Look at the U.K totally fucked forever.

  19. Anonymous9:35 AM



    many secession petitions are online...and have no residency checks

    best wishes



  20. Regarding this 'People voted for Obama only because they are takers who want free stuff' meme, the republicans are keen to spread. - How do they account for the fact that Jewish and Asian voters voted by a large majority for Obama? Given that both groups earn significantly above the average income.


    Anonymous 9:18, if you would kindly translate your post into something that bears a passing resemblance to recognizable English, I would be more than happy to respond.

  21. Anonymous10:13 AM

    If the White House's website page called We The People didn't require zip code proximity, it would be SO satisfying for us to start our own petition requesting the federal government to give Texas its wish, and then consider the other (actually) red states. Oregon's presence on that list is just another example of how delusional the far right activists have grown. Alternatively, perhaps we can send post cards to the White House urging the staff to draw up a plan for Texas' exit from the USA. According to US Grant's autobiography, we stole Texas from Mexico. It may be time to give it back.
    And Anon 9:18-You may need to get out more. I live in a solidly blue area (went for Obama about 70%. Whites are a majority minority in my county. Guess what? It is a well run place, has many of the best public schools in the United States and all around me I see people of all colors and nationalities carrying the load to make this community work. So take your dog-whistle someplace where unthinking people might believe it. Come to think of it, I am completely baffled as to why you would spend so much time hanging out on Field's blog. Doesn't sound like something a "creative, able bodied capable adult" would have the time to do.

  22. Anonymous10:55 AM

    stupid negroes texas does not need any thing from blue states becaus they have oil,food minerals and people who work.they don't need the military because they have the texas national guard.then they would expell all the non workers,negroes that can't play football,mexicans and junkies for then blue states to take care of.you need texas more than texas needs you.

  23. Anonymous11:12 AM

    the karmic plot thickens!!!!!

    the soon to be impeached hobama may also be

    the blackmailer in chief

    every cia dog has his day....
    and even hobama's clone nixon finally met his last evil straw with watergate

    that teflon king/fuhrer/prez hobama may finally have jumped his own cia shark


  24. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Company That Donated Millions To Obama’s Re-Election Campaign Announces Layoffs Due To Obamacare…

    Stryker Corporation has announced that it will close its facility in Orchard Park, New York, eliminating 96 jobs next month. It will also counter the medical device tax in Obamacare by eliminating 5% of their global workforce, an estimated 1,170 positions.

    Jon Stryker is heir to the Stryker Corporation, one of the largest medical device and equipment manufacturers in the world. Stryker’s grandfather was the surgeon who invented the mobile hospital bed. The company now sells $8.3 billion worth of hospital beds, artificial joints, medical cameras, and medical software every year.

    Stryker, a member of the Forbes 400 list, was one of the top five donors to the Obama campaign. Having donated $2 million to the Priorities USA Action super PAC, Stryker also gave $66,000 in contributions to Obama and the Democrat Party.

    Prior to the 2012 election, Stryker contributed millions to help Democrat candidates in his home state of Michigan. He also gave nearly $250 million to groups supporting gay rights, transgenderism, and the conservation of apes. In January, his Arcus Foundation donated $23 million to Kalamazoo College for an endowment to fund a center for social justice leadership.

  25. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    I hope you FN folks are satisfied.


    Now take your hillbilly, cracka' ass, and GTFO!!!

    And don't forget to take your skin head, po' uneducated, dumb ass, uncle Bubbas wit' cha!

    Dr. Reine's Alter Ego

    What is the correct term for black ghetto trashy hoochie mama like this?

  26. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Anonymous abo gato said...

    Well, here is what I would like Obama to do in response to these petitions....tell the states involved he will review their requests, but let them know that if they do secede then the US will be closing the military bases in all those states. After all, if they are no longer part of the union, they will not need to have those bases. Once people and states start realizing how much money and how many jobs will be lost by this, maybe some heads will explode.

    You can tell a lot of people have no clue how the United States is structured.

    The States have the military base, the States fund the federal government to pay for the military. The States provide the people. The States could keep the money, cutout the federal middleman and keep the military - for those who wish to live under a constitutional republic. I daresay most military people will relocate.

    I also think you will find the states that do standalone wouldn't be sending any federal income tax to washington - they would keep their money and not have some of it redistributed and some returned.

    I also think you better look around those blue states and see how many of those who pay no income tax at all would contribute to the new groups and plan how that works out for them. In example. California BIG state, lots of welfare, lots of federal redistribution dollars going to keep them providing free everything to anyone who wants to walk in from another country. Texas won't be paying for that anymore.

  27. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Seems to me there should be an internal vote among those states before they present their "petitions" to the federal government. Then IF the MAJORITY of citizens of those states (pretty f***ing unlikely) want to secede, they can get an official answer. Otherwise go away, nutcases, and don't bother us. You can scare up 25,000 citizens to vote for Snooki for President, fer chrissakes.

    Jon Stewart did a good job reminding those "If Obama wins, we're firing people" execs what dickheads they are, keeping employees on a perennial part-time string to avoid covering health care and unemployment comp. Not an accident that the CEO of New York's Applebee's was on Fox but not any real network news show. Pappa John's is another low-rent, screw-the-employees company.

  28. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Anonymous abo gato said...

    Well, here is what I would like Obama to do in response to these petitions....tell the states involved he will review their requests, but let them know that if they do secede then the US will be closing the military bases in all those states. After all, if they are no longer part of the union, they will not need to have those bases. Once people and states start realizing how much money and how many jobs will be lost by this, maybe some heads will explode.

    Sheesh - Obama can't do anything. He is not a king or an emperor although he is trying very hard to be a dick-tater. He heads an administration that is 1/3 of the powers of the Republic of the United States. A role that requires a leader, not someone who demonizes half the country and plays Santa Claus to the world and other half. With half of the fees levied on 53% of the country (taxes)

  29. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Congratulations to the Democrats and Young People! You now own it and you can't blame Bush.
    The next terrorist attack you own it.
    Can't get a job after graduation, you own it.
    Sky rocketing energy prices due to Obama's EPA shutting down the energy producing states, you own it.
    A nuclear Iran, you own it.
    Bowing to the Soviet Union, you own it.
    Another severe recession, you own it.
    A volatile border with Mexico, you own it.
    Trouble getting good health care, you own it.
    Higher health insurance costs and health care costs, you own it.
    No budget, you own it.
    Our allies mistrust, you own it.
    Another trillion of debt, you own it.
    More Benghazi situations, you own it.
    No one willing to join the military, you own it.
    Trouble getting a loan to buy a home, you own it.
    More dependency on food stamps, you
    own it.
    Trouble finding good employment, you own it.
    Several part time jobs instead of a good job, you own it.
    A World Government, you own it.
    The UN governing the United States instead of ourselves, you own it.
    A Senate that will not bring any legislation to the table even if it is "Dead on Arrival", you own it.
    China controlling our world trade trampling all over us, you own it.
    Loss of our freedoms as we have known it in the past, you own it.
    A dictatorship instead of a democracy that follows the Constitution, you own it.
    Less take home pay and higher living costs, you own it.
    Driving a car that looks like a toy, you own it.
    More government corruption and lies, you own it.
    More toleration of extreme and fanatical Jihadists, you own it.
    Terrorist attacks called work place incidents, you own it.
    Your revenge instead of love of country, you own it.
    President George Bush is out of it now, and there is not another good man for you to vilify and lie about. In a way I am relieved that another good man will not be blamed when it was
    impossible to clean up this mess you voted for. Have a good day.

  30. Anonymous12:39 PM

    " How long do you suppose it would be before every creative, able bodied capable adult moved there and left the whacky moonbats to bankrupt themselves and feed themselves and support themselves?"

    A damn long time. You see, the reason for the blue states' wealth is EXACTLY because of the "left the whacky moonbats".

    Only a stupid person would not get that.

  31. "Bowing to the Soviet Union, you own it."

    The Soviet Union????

    Fuck me sideways these wingnuts don't know what century they are in.

  32. Money. The god that failed Their tiny cracker heads are exploding.
    Anyway, there is a lot of serious meanness happening. Progressive talk radio got pulled down in Portland, for instance. There will be a lot more of this kind of retaliation.
    But so what? We won!!!
    nanner nanner nanner.
    (Blows raspberry)

  33. Anonymous2:31 PM


    the saga worsens!!!!

    and these are the same amoral morons who will now run our personal medicine and health care/records etc

    we are doomed!!!!!!!



  34. Timothy3:23 PM

    If the dumb asses complaining about the outcome of the election want to leave...then get the fuck out! And try using your real names...fucking assholes!!

  35. parvenu4:19 PM

    Technically America needs to smarten up concerning the expanding number of signatures to secede on Whitehouse.gov. If I wanted to take the time for such nonsense, I as an individual could create a database and a program that would load thousands of signatures (complete with zip codes) requesting succession from the Union by a given state onto the Whitehouse website. If the computers over at the Pentagon can be hacked, just how hard do you think it would be to hack the Whitehouse.gov website, so as to load it up with thousands of phony signatures over any issue?

    Incidently the list on Whitehouse.gov was originally setup to allow anybody with a computer to post a grievance that they had on any issue. The posted issue would be given open visibility on the website and IF IT managed to garner over 25000 signatures within a month of its posting, someone from the Whitehouse would be required to answer/respond (via the website)to the original posted issue. There is no requirement that the President will address or even acknowledge the posting of the issue. It just states that the appropraite personnel from the Whitehouse will respond.

    For this and the other "hacking" possibility mentioned above folks need to calm down on this big "succession" issue. America is NOT going to re-fight the Civil War just because an African American highly capable President was re-elected to serve a second term by the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

  36. Anonymous4:37 PM

    "Mark my words, One or two things are going to happen:

    Either a few states will secede-- Texas and Georgia being among them-- OR- Obama gets impeached! Maybe both?

    I hope you FN folks are satisfied."

    I noticed that Field, Val, Reine(phony), and PC remained silent about the second part of my comment, which was "Obama gets impeached!"

    What is the matter? Are you stultified on this fothcoming matter? I predict there will be an effort to impeach him. I know, I know. You can't handle the thought...it's too scary for folks like you. You leftist FN folks are weak and frail, just like the Eagles and their sorry quarterback. But has the Eagles ever had a decent quarterback?

    Let answer that for you....NO. No good quarterback would want to live in that lousy town. But I hear there is an influx of Jamaicans into Philly. It seems they are choosing Philly because it is the lesser of two evils.

    How's your new house, Field? Been robbed yet?

  37. Gotta' LOVE the way the Prez defended Valerie Jarrett!!

    He couldn't do it in his first term, but racist white america (RWA) America is about to get a taste of what it means to kiss the President's BLACK ass, LOL!!!

  38. Anonymous5:28 PM

    how will hobama blame gwb for:

    gitmo 2/his own new secret cia prison in benghazi
    patreus gate


  39. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Hi Field, Love you posts. Please let everyone know there is a petition up declaring that everyone signing these secession petitions be deported. So I created the required White House Account and signed the deportation petition.


  40. Anonymous5:51 PM

    For all the folks here saying Obama is not a ruler, I have one question: If the President of the united States is not considered a ruler, then why is he referred to as THE RULER OF THE FREE WORLD?

  41. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Anonymous said...

    " How long do you suppose it would be before every creative, able bodied capable adult moved there and left the whacky moonbats to bankrupt themselves and feed themselves and support themselves?"

    A damn long time. You see, the reason for the blue states' wealth is EXACTLY because of the "left the whacky moonbats".

    Only a stupid person would not get that.

    Ummm....which Blue states wealth might you be talking about?

    Go ahead, tell that stupid person which Blue state is wealthy and not so far in debt they are just fighting off bankruptcy.

  42. Baa-Baa-Ra6:02 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    "Bowing to the Soviet Union, you own it."

    The Soviet Union????

    Fuck me sideways these wingnuts don't know what century they are in.

    No thank you. I don't like pansy boys and the aids rate is real high for people who look like you.

    You could always just go fuck yourself instead.

  43. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Anon at 5:51 its leader of the free world dumbass not ruler .

  44. Anonymous5:04 AM

    This is an announcement for states seeking to secede from the United States: Please go. However before you do:

    1. Pay any and all back taxes owed to the United States Treasury within 72 hours of seceding.
    2. Any monies received from the US federal government for roads, bridges, railroads, hiways, and any money originating from the Department of Transportation is now forfeited and monies issued under the auspices of that department must be repaid within 72 hours.
    3. Any monies issued as matching funds for health care programs ie. food stamps, Women Infant and Children (WIC) Medicare, Medicaid, Dental Assistance for Children under 18 years of age, HIV drug assistance programs, and any form of health care assistance funds given by the federal government states is hereby forfeited and the federal government is not taking on any new assistance programs for seceding states. Due to the benevolent nature of the federal government we have allowed seceding states to keep the monies that have recently been issued.
    4. The federal government is no longer providing disaster assistance to the seceding states and the seceding states no longer have access to FEMA assistance and /or funds.
    5. The federal government will no longer provide protection for seceding state governments and any seceding state citizens who have duties and obligations to the federal military are ordered to live in a federal UNITED state. Effective immediately. Further, closures of all military installations in the seceding states begin effective immediately. All assets will be retained by the federal government and placed in a UNITED state.

  45. Anonymous5:05 AM

    6. No citizen living in a seceding state will have access to any UNITED state. Road, rail, airplane or car. All airspace now belongs to the federal UNITED STATES. Permission to access roads, rails or airspace must be applied for six (6) months in advance and a complete itinerary of all travel must be documented.
    7. Any citizen now living in a seceding state must provide travel papers and documents for any planned travel to a UNITED state. However, the federal government is currently NOT accepting travel papers or documents from seceding state citizens. Note that travel documents must be federal in nature with a UNITED seal originating from the federal UNITED STATES.
    8. No citizen from a seceding state has the right, authority, or ability to immigrate to a federal UNITED state at will. Citizenship of another state must be applied for and approved under the new Department of Control of States that Seceded. Any person currently living in a seceding state and desiring to live, and seek, asylum in a federal UNITED state will be considered a foreigner and classified as a refugee. Documents and forms for refugees seeking asylum are not admissible online and must be mailed through the USPS. All forms are available at: www.kissmyassandwaitawhile.com
    9. All pipelines, electric lines, water ways and and other natural resources, and access to those resources, are now the property of the FEDERAL UNITED STATES. Our military is in control of these as of now. The federal UNITED states realizes that people need these resources to live and is willing to allow seceding states to contract for those resources at 100 times the former price when the state was included in the UNITED STATES. However, any necessary repairs that access natural and man made resources must be made by seceding states. The UNITED States will NOT provide any repairs and intends to close off the resources if such repairs are not made in a timely manner.
    10. The federal UNITED states deems it an act of war if any of the above are violated in any way and intends to dispense its military might to protect such as necessary.

    * a complete list of new laws for seceding states is available at: www.solongsuckers.com

    Further, the citizens of the UNITED States recognize the irony behind your hasty and ill informed decision to secede. Therefore, we strongly suggest rather than secede it may be better for all racists to leave the entire country and seek asylum in neighboring countries...with the exception of Mexico given the outcome of the last election...and maybe Canada as part of the agreement with the UNITED States not to emigrate mentally ill persons... It's doubtful that Cuba will accept you or any of the Caribbean Islands given the majority of the people are of a darker color.
    Hope this helps! Have a nice day

  46. BARBBF9:41 AM

    ANOTHER POV ON HOW OBAMA WON THE ELECTION....Of course this is not possible, as there's never been any election fraud in the USA!!!!


    Obama Likely Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud

    By Rachel Alexander

    There were many factors that hurt Mitt Romney and favored Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. The Democrats portrayed Romney in the worst light possible; as a wealthy, out of touch millionaire who wanted to return women to the 1800's. The left wing media predictably did everything it could to perpetuate that false caricature. Obama's race was an advantage; voters of all persuasions, particularly minorities, still cannot get over the allure of the first black president. The 47% of Americans on welfare were predisposed to vote for the food stamp president over Romney, wanting the free goodies to keep on giving, despite the long-term unsustainability.

    In spite of those odds, polls indicated that Romney was going to win the election. The economy is close to Great Depression era conditions, and unemployment is almost as high as when Obama entered office. Economic conditions became so dire after Obama took office it prompted the rise of an entire new movement, the Tea Party. Presidents rarely win reelection when the economy is in the tank.

    So how did Romney lose a race that numerous reputable polls and pundits predicted would be an easy win, based on historical patterns? The most realistic explanation is voter fraud in a few swing states. According to the Columbus Dispatch, one out of every five registered voters in Ohio is ineligible to vote. In at least two counties in Ohio, the number of registered voters exceeded the number of eligible adults who are of voting age. In northwestern Ohio's Wood County, there are 109 registered voters for every 100 people eligible to vote. An additional 31 of Ohio's 88 counties have voter registration rates over 90%, which most voting experts regard as suspicious. Obama miraculously won 100% of the vote in 21 districts in Cleveland, and received over 99% of the vote where GOP inspectors were illegally removed.

  47. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I personally wish every European on the planet would secede to Europe, the Caucasus Mountains and the Caves from whence they came immediately. Take every bit of your Caucasian Racial Insanity Syndrome sickness with you, plus your cannibal cop.

  48. BARBBF5:43 PM



    Extra-judicial assassination - accompanied by the wanton killing of whatever civilians happen to be near the target, often including children - is a staple of the Obama presidency. That lawless tactic is one of the US president's favorite instruments for projecting force and killing whomever he decides should have their lives ended: all in total secrecy and with no due process or oversight. There is now a virtually complete convergence between US and Israeli aggression, making US criticism of Israel impossible not only for all the usual domestic political reasons, but also out of pure self-interest: for Obama to condemn Israel's rouge behavior would be to condemn himself.

  49. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Eventually, you will have a backlash directed at you that isn't about a form of protest,'secession', or done politically.

    You've managed to finagle a sense of guilt out of white whores, male and female; but, don't believe for a moment those are the only kinds of whites in the country.

    Niggers always believe themselves to be invincible, until it's shown to them just how many people with hidden, or constrained, hatred of them are still out there. You only talk to whites who kiss your black asses.

    I think that you're the most repulsive, disgusting semi-humans on the face of the planet. I know that I'm not at all unique in this.

    Enjoy your peak. You won't have a plateau after this, only a plunge.

  50. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Ohh where do I start. The entire basis for this blog is racial baiting and guilt. It's disgusting. You pretend that Democrats are friends of African Americans, when in reality they just pander for your vote. They don't want to help black folks, they want to keep the status quo so they can get votes. I'm assuming you believe Obama is a real "field negro", and his only interest is altruism. How far from the truth you are. Since you based this site off of a Malcolm X quote, I shall leave you with one. "Smiling foxes are far more dangerous than wolves."
