Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Borked" forever, and more on guns.

Robert Bork is dead.

On the Civil Rights Act:

"a principle of "unsurpassed ugliness” --

On the banning of discrimination in employment and public accommodations.

" they would “compel association where it is not desired,” and he had “serious constitutional problems” with the measure.

My momma always told me that I should never speak ill of the dead. So.....

Anyway, did you hear the one about the 11 year old in Utah who brought a gun to school because he was afraid of a "Newtown- style attack"?

 "SALT LAKE CITY (Reuters) - An 11-year-old Utah boy who said he brought a gun to school to protect himself from a Newtown-style attack, then brandished the pistol at three classmates during recess, has been detained on assault and weapons charges, a school spokesman said on Tuesday.

The boy, a Utah sixth-grader, took the unloaded .22-caliber handgun to his school south of Salt Lake City in his backpack on Monday, a spokesman for the Granite School District said.

Some ammunition was also found in the backpack, but it did not appear to go with the gun, said the spokesman, Ben Horsley.

No one was injured in the incident, which occurred as jittery parents, teachers and students around the country faced their first day back at school since 20 children and six adult staffers at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, were shot to death by a lone gunman last Friday.
The 11-year-old student at Utah's West Kearns Elementary, who was not publicly identified, has insisted he brought the gun to school to "protect himself and his friends from a Connecticut-style incident," Horsley said." [Source]

You have got to love these responsible gun owning parents out there. No doubt the little guy in Utah has been listening to conservative radio in his daddy's car while on his way to school.  

Finally, can we all agree that if we are going to argue over guns it will not lead to gun play? I mean this is ridiculous.

"An eastern Missouri man is charged with armed criminal action and unlawful possession of a weapon after shooting at a fellow barber shop patron during a discussion about last week's mass shooting in Newtown, Conn." [Source]

That story pretty much sums up what we are dealing with in this gun crazed society of ours. Mr. Biden, you are in an unenviable position.


  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    HE'S DEAD, FIELD. Say what you wanna say, as long as it's the truth! And since you won't...

    He's an ugly, pelican-necked idiot. Good riddance! Intelligent people didn't want to be around him, but due to anti-discrimination laws, we couldn't banish him from our presence.

  2. NSangoma7:16 PM


    field, you Negroe:

    “They say you shouldn’t say anything about the dead unless it’s good. He’s dead. Good.”

    — Moms Mabley


  3. NSangoma7:20 PM


    Robert Bork, said that there was nothing wrong with poll taxes.

    Thomas Sowell, said that there was nothing wrong with Robert Bork.


  4. Jose Citizen7:33 PM

    Robert Bork's career is emblematic of the decline of our government and our civilzation. The greatest legal scholar of his age, barred from the supreme court in an unprecedented and reprehensible act of petty politics by congressional democrats. Today we get instead mediocre affirmative action candidates like the Wise Latina Sotomayor or the toady bull dyke Kagan, nominated solely because they aren't white males.

    Maybe the world is not going to end Saturday, but this country doesn't have long.

    The only thing to do is to get ready for the day the EBT cards stop working.

    1. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Your first sentence said it all.

  5. Anonymous8:49 PM

    The only thing to do is to get ready for the day the EBT cards stop working.

    What's EBT? Especially for Blacks Transfer?

    Why do Blacks follow Whites everywhere? After they are left functioning places, they destroy it and follow Whites to the next one.

  6. Anonymous9:50 PM

    NSangoma said...


    Robert Bork, said that there was nothing wrong with poll taxes.

    Thomas Sowell, said that there was nothing wrong with Robert Bork.

    Leave those poor pollacks alone. Gottdamn racist they be taxed enough
    You find your foo stamps from last month yet they under your work boots homie

  7. Wesley R10:38 PM

    I'll take a Wise Latina over a crazy wingnut or boot licking sellout anyday.

  8. Back to Wentzville11:15 PM

    "An eastern Missouri man is charged with armed criminal action and unlawful possession of a weapon after shooting at a fellow barber shop patron during a discussion about last week's mass shooting in Newtown, Conn."

    Dude was black:

  9. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Dear Mr Field and FN readers, isn't it obvious that Americans need God in their lives to overcome this gun problem?

    Isn't it clear that people in our country haven't a clue to keep adults, and now little kids from shooting each other to death? There is NO human in our country that can cure our disease of violence.

    No psychologist, no psychiatrist, and certainly no therapist with a lesser degree can solve this problem. Only God can do that.

    Brother Field, it's time that you come clean and admit this truth and go on your knees and ask God for forgiveness for the mess we Americans have made.

    We have truly fucked this up. We humans are such asses. That is, leftists are such asses. If you had been on your toes, and had a pair of brass ones, this shit would have never happened.

  10. Anonymous12:29 AM

    "An eastern Missouri man is charged with armed criminal action and unlawful possession of a weapon after shooting at a fellow barber shop patron during a discussion about last week's mass shooting in Newtown, Conn." [Source]

    That story pretty much sums up what we are dealing with in this gun crazed society of ours. Mr. Biden, you are in an unenviable position.

    Funny - you proved the point. This guy was a convicted murderer and out on parole, had several restraining orders against him, other felonies....yet he still had his wifes gun and went "ballistic" when he thought some Negro in a BarberShop told him he wanted to murder the murderer.

    So, what laws will Mr Biden (LOL) try and compose that this fellow hasn't already broken? How will any new laws stop those who don't obey old laws?

    Maybe if they make one of them gun-free zones and have everyone post signs saying, This is a gun free zone No ONE is armed. That might help. Why don't you try that in your neighborhood first field and let us know if daisies start growing with all the love and harmony you spread in Philly? I am sure those law abiding criminals will see the sign and say this house is gun free and protected by the magic unicorn juice, we can't use our illegal guns here and move on.

    1. You are missing the truth of the mass shooters-they are NOT CRIMINALS until after the shooting (except maybe the ones that kill themselves who die before being charged with a crime).

  11. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Just so jealous and filled with envy ain't cha'?

    It's YOUR fault you could live a lifetime and NEVER amount to $hit. So don't hate an academic scholar who has earned degrees in EVERY decade of her life. Hate your stupid a$$ parents for producing such a pansy a$$ career-less jerk of a Beelzebub, LOL!!!

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

    here she is hard at work, currently practicing her internship with a DR curing a migraine. Notice the way she artfully angles herself and smiles as the Dr works on the patient.

  12. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Jose my a$$ said:
    Today we get instead mediocre affirmative action candidates like the Wise Latina Sotomayor

    At least they don't kill innocent children en masse.

    The solution to the gun issue is to keep them out of the hands of white folks who earn under 400k/ year.

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

  13. Anonymous9:15 AM

    So much for Indians being the panacea of greatness:

  14. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Jose my a$$ said:
    Today we get instead mediocre affirmative action candidates like the Wise Latina Sotomayor

    At least they don't kill innocent children en masse.

    The solution to the gun issue is to keep them out of the hands of white folks who earn under 400k/ year.

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

    Just when you thought they ran out of really stupid juice someone finds a new supply and the big flappy lipped hoochie mama dribbles hers all over everyone else.

    How can someone who has 4 dugrees know so little about so much, so often?

  15. Anonymous10:55 AM


    real parenting is a relic


    bloody global karma + media propoganda + evil
    = murderous hobama agenda


    hunger games = a multimedia phenom re: hunting children

    its author = newtown ct resident
    mere coincidence?

    shame on the blind duped doomed sheeple!!!

  16. Shadow72211:33 AM

    We protect our mayors with men with guns; we protect our governors with men with guns; we protect the House and the Senate and the President, with men with guns; we protect our courts, our banks, our jewelry stores, our sports arenas, and our pawn shops, all with men with guns.

    However, our most precious possessions, our children, we protect with a piece of paper and a sign (the Gun Free Zone law).

    Now, in response to the slaughter of 20 innocents, we propose to punish those (gun owners) who are innocent, and protect our most cherished possession, our children, with a another piece of paper (a new gun law).

    1. This psycho's mother was hardly innocent and had she lived, I'd like to think she could have faced the death penalty.

  17. Anonymous12:28 PM

    What we need are armed teachers in our classrooms? Seriously?
    Where was "God"?... IF "god" exists, I'm certain it's caucasian-white, male, and most certainly right-wing repugnican - and you know I'm right. Again, where was this so-called "god"? I was taught that "god" protects children and fools. So, wassup?

  18. Dr. Glock1:49 PM

    Ms. Queen's core self said...
    "At least they don't kill innocent children en masse.

    The solution to the gun issue is to keep them out of the hands of white folks who earn under 400k/ year."

    Robert Bork killed innocent children? I must have missed that particular fabricated smear.

    And yes, since we have so many gun crimes being committed by well-off white folks, we should focus gun control on them.

    Any "scientist" would be able to locate the statistics that would tell her just which demographic would benefit most from being disarmed.

    You are no scientist.

    You will never be a doctor.

  19. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Jose my a$$ said:
    Today we get instead mediocre affirmative action candidates like the Wise Latina Sotomayor

    At least they don't kill innocent children en masse.

    The solution to the gun issue is to keep them out of the hands of white folks who earn under 400k/ year.

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

    OK. I understand you have been saying to everyone how extremely intelligent and successful you are because of your work ethic and intelligence combined. Can you answer a question for those of us who have a smaller amount of degrees?

    Keeping on the subject of gun control and rifle bans.

    According to FBI statistics you are twice as likely to get killed by "hands, fists, feet than an assault rifle or rifle of any kind in 2010 745 deaths by Hand/fists/feet vs 358 by rifles. We won't delve into 1,704 by knife/blades, with that said..would you ban hands/fist/feet with priority over rifles? Ban them for all races or just start with Negroes who make up the extreme lions share of these deaths? (well that's the case for all death's, violent crimes etc) Do we start to look at the mental health of those who would rape/kill/make victims drink bleach/burn/mutilate others as well?

    So, tell us oh loudly self proclaimed learned one, what do we do? Put your degrees where your mouth is, I am sure they will fit.

  20. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Is that half wit racist Kim still posting? She's even dumber than Waynie.

  21. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Wayne the cowardly nig is censoring again.

  22. Anonymous5:41 PM

    You will ALWAYS be a looney tunes redneck cracka’ because of your upbringing.

    You will ALWAYS vote Repub even though they don’t give a shit about a po’ ass cracka like you.

    You will ALWAYS be less educated than I am.

    You will ALWAYS make less money than I do.

    You will ALWAYS have less in investments/savings than I do.

    And you will ALWAYS have NO FUTURE due to the amount of time you spend stalking me.

    F*cker, LOL!!!!

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

  23. Putting a police officer at every school isn't a bad idea but it would cost money so conservatives would be against it. It would also be a public sector unionized job so no way in hell would they go for it.

  24. Boehner is politically dead with his ridiculous projections that the president won't stand up to the Dems.

    We ALL Know it is he, who is afraid of a shellacking by the .005%, LOL!!!
