Thursday, December 13, 2012

Matt Drudge has "N*gger" fever.

I am still all over this D'Vante Dotson story in Baton Rouge. I know that some folks think that it's a non story, but, to me, it's a pretty big deal.

I am still waiting on my friend who is a top flight ADA in Baton Rouge to call me and tell me why the BRPD is so silent about this case. BF, (only initials for now) I am waiting on that call.

"Baton Rouge Police Department talked with witnesses and determined the incident was an accident caused by Dotson who team mates said was drinking alcohol at the time of the accident."


Anyway, let's talk about my man Matt Drudge for a minute. You have to give it Drudge, he sure knows how to grab attention with his headlines. He seems to be part of a growing list of wingnuts who are crying a river about the movie Django Unchained. (Nothing like a slave killing a white man to piss off a wingnut.) The movie itself has gotten all kinds of Golden Globe love 

Drudge wasn't satisfied with just one "N*gger" in his headlines. He had to drop ten of them. Ten! (Why did he bother to leave out that one I? *shaking head*) Of course, Matt being Matt, he made some false claims about what was in the movie as well. "What's going on here? Tarantino uses n*gger hundreds of times..." Ahhh, no he didn't.

Anyway, I agree with what Goldie Taylor told Martin Bashir:

"Bashir asked for Taylor’s reaction to the right’s newfound “war on Jamie Foxx.”
Taylor said that Drudge would never become an arbiter of “what is racially unacceptable in this country.” She savaged his site for peddling material like this to “line their own pockets.”

“In terms of a war on Jamie Foxx, for making a mockery for the world that is Matt Drudge, I mean, how black is that?” Taylor jokingly asked, in reference to Foxx’s controversial SNL monologue.

“How black is that,” TourĂ© agreed.

Taylor insisted that Foxx has regularly made fun of “that far-right fringe” that is frustrated with the fact that the President of the United States is black, implying that Drudge’s anti-Tarantino headline caters to this group. "

I agree with what Chris Haire wrote as well:

"Now, I'm not really sure what Matt Drudge's fedora is trying to accomplish with all of this "n*gger" stuff. But as near as I can tell, the hating hat is apparently upset that white people — like say Matt Drudge and Rush Limbaugh, and, oh, Sean Hannity — can't just use the word "nigger" like they used to.
In today's world, Spike Lee can say it. And Jamie Foxx can say it. And the actors in Quentin Tarantino the anti-slavery, Spaghetti Western-inspired epic "Django Unchained" can use it. But Drudge and the rest of the angry white men of America can't. And, well, that's just not fair.

Or at least that's what Matt Drudge's fedora is saying to me. Perhaps you're hearing something else entirely." [Source]

No Chris, I am hearing the same thing.



  1. Anonymous9:01 PM

    M'att D'udge, M'att D'udge, M'att D'udge, M'att D'udge, M'att D'udge,

  2. Like those motherfuckers don't use the word. If I go to the Moose Lodge down the street for a beer or 3 and a game of darts I'll likely hear "nigger" "sand nigger" "prairie nigger" and "island nigger" used to describe people before I even snooker. Its as much a [art of white man speak as it is gangsa rap.

  3. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Brother Field, Jamie Foxx is an off-the-wall Negro who makes offensive racist jokes. The man makes me cringe inside with his bullshit.

    Let's face it. He is VERY wrong and he fuels the fire of racism which can only hurt us.

    Jamie needs to APOLOGIZE to those Whites who have been offended by him. That includes the GOP and yes, Mr. Matt Drudge.

    Field, you need to consider apologizing because you know damn well you have been racist. I swear....

    There are so many of our folks these days who are so shameless they don't know where the social boundaries of society are. it's embarrassing.

    Brother Field, I keep asking you to do several posts about our shortcomings but you have yet to respond. As Blacks, we should want peace, not more racism.

    Field, you need Jesus and I suggest you go to church this XMAS and start anew. You need to be reborn.

  4. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Anon9:01p, you may not believe this but Matt Drudge is a pretty nice guy. He just has a little flaw in himself when it comes to Blacks. But I am confident he will wake up to his prejudices and be transformed.

  5. Anonymous10:40 PM

    "Baton Rouge Police Department talked with witnesses and determined the incident was an accident caused by Dotson who team mates said was drinking alcohol at the time of the accident."


    Field, has it occurred to you that you might be wrong and the police and Dotson's team mates are right?

    You are having the same reaction about Dotson and you did about Trayvon Martin. And you and Al Sharpton and a 30 million other Negroes were wrong about Trayvon.
    Now you want to do a repeat on Dotson?

    How many times are you going to cry wolf before you get the right and true picture? Brother Field, please get yourself together.

  6. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Field, kill all the white people jokes don't offend me, Jamie Foxx isn't the first to do it. Eddie Murphy as a reggae singer at an American legion dance was hilarious. What offends me is the way your token whitey throws around the n word . He must think he's an honorary black man or something. I don't think the word should be used by anyone, but that's just me. I suppose I'm more offended by whiteys use of the word than your black readers are. It seems like he thinks his black friends won't mind him using the word cause he's hip and cool and totally down with black culture. Katt Williams would kick his ass and if I were black so would I. I can't stand a smile in your face stab you in the back motherfucker. Do any black readers agree with me , or is my view seriously skewed? Seriously.

  7. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Umm f*ck this movie's disrespectful to black women and white people as a whole.This whole movie is just a fantasy movie for white man hating, white woman loving negro males like Jamie Foxx.And Mr. "I have a sick fetish for black women" Tarantino ought to be ashamed of himself.He is literally making the movie of his sick and twisted dreams.I hope there isn't a scene of Jamie having sex with Keri or some random white woman while Tarantino watches.Both Foxx and Tarantino ought to be ashamed of themselves.


  8. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Anon@ 10:33 PM

    I have also heard that Hitler was a pretty nice guy. He also had a little flaw when it came to Blacks, Jews, Armenians and just about anybody else who wasn't "white". But I guess nobody's perfect. Too bad he didn't have enough time to wake up to HIS prejudices. Maybe in his next life.

    Yours truly-
    M. Garvey

  9. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Hey Field-

    You doing comment moderation now? What happened? I just noticed.

    M. garvey

  10. Anonon*gger2:06 AM

    You are right about Drudge and his getting all excited about Jamie Foxx using n*gger so much. Foxx is a n*gger and as such should be free to use the word n*gger as much as he wants. Especially in a movie that celebrates and promotes killing white people. What's more n*gger than that?

  11. M. Garvey, I don't ever want to wake up one day and read about one of my readers killing another one. Let's leave it at that.

    Anon wingnut, I will keep "crying wolf" as long as there are wolves in the forest.;)

  12. Anonymous9:40 AM

    He seems to be part of a growing list of wingnuts who are crying a river about the movie Django Unchained."

    Yeah Spike Lee was outraged; Lee said that if he had used the word "kike" this many times in a flick, it would have been the last film he'd be allowed to make!

    "Of course, Matt being Matt, he made some false claims about what was in the movie as well"

    He did? What exactly did Drudge say? He writes articles? Doesn't he just link to news sites? Mostly linking to what others have said, specifically secular leftists, simply linking to them and allowing them to mock themselves with their own hypocritical words, double/lack of standards and actions?


    "I agree with what Chris Haire wrote as well:

    "Now, I'm not really sure what Matt Drudge's fedora is trying to accomplish with all of this "n*gger" stuff. But as near as I can tell, the hating hat is apparently upset that white people — like say Matt Drudge and Rush Limbaugh, and, oh, Sean Hannity — can't just use the word "nigger" like they used to.
    In today's world, Spike Lee can say it. And Jamie Foxx can say it. And the actors in Quentin Tarantino the anti-slavery, Spaghetti Western-inspired epic "Django Unchained" can use it. But Drudge and the rest of the angry white men of America can't. And, well, that's just not fair.

    Or at least that's what Matt Drudge's fedora is saying to me. Perhaps you're hearing something else entirely." [Source]

    No Chris, I am hearing the same thing. "

    Of course you are, that's how racist bigots think. You really think White people are upset that they can't use the word nigger? Are you that feeble minded?

    You have a bunch of Whites that go around saying the word Nigger, the pet ones. I rarely see the word even on your site, until it is said by your pets like Whitey and you and other black posters - go figure. Who are the racists?

    From where I sit, no one is upset at all, they simply highlight the idiocy of your religion of skin color, racism and hypocrisy.

    The outrage towards Drudge is from hypocrites on the far left, the racist race baiters who don't like that Drudge reports news that highlights your comical hypocrisy.

    After all Drudge must be the racist one for reporting news and and things those secular leftists say and do, you are supposed to hide the truth and protect the leftist/racist religion. MSNBC is getting so bad it's become a parody of itself.

    The truth is it never occurred to you that your hypocrisy and eternal outrage at finding dog whistles and things that aren't there, are being ridiculed and made fun of. That you are being literally laughed at as the assclowns you are by highlighting your fraud and hypocrisy and lack of standards.

    Silly secular leftists.

    If it weren't for the racism of the left, real and imagined there would be very little racism nowadays, in fact we might just start judging people by who they are and what they achieve not the color of their skin as you ever so vigilantly do.

    Or perhaps that's the rub, you don't really want people judged by their character, you want skin color to be everpresent as a racist does.

  13. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Like those motherfuckers don't use the word. If I go to the Moose Lodge down the street for a beer or 3 and a game of darts I'll likely hear "nigger" "sand nigger" "prairie nigger" and "island nigger" used to describe people before I even snooker. Its as much a [art of white man speak as it is gangsa rap.

    Whitey, how the fuck old are you? Who plays darts and goes to a pub?

    Funny - how you and other racists are the ones who constantly sling around the word nigger and then claim it is everyone else who is doing this. Ironic indeed.

    You need some serious help, you sound like a man who has convinced himself his kind are all rotten and hateful but he is so good because he has turned on them, is not like them and is proving it by spreading hate and information he obviously has just made up in his head, to try and make friends by creating enemies of others.

    I bet you were that little piss-ant kid that no one wanted to hang out with and so you went around fabricating gossip from person to person so they would talk to you, until they all wised up and scraped you off their shoe like the little shit you are.

    I don't need to secretly infiltrate anything; I am as White as they come, blonde hair blue eyes, well built, straight, financially secure, self made. All the things people like you hate. I NEVER hear the word nigger, I NEVER see the racism you claim you secretly find. WHY? Because I don't hang out with or frequent places that might attract racist scumbag lowlifes like you. In my circle we don't tolerate stupid and lazy people, not even for a second. Stupid and lazy people are ones like you who not being able to connect with others try and create strife and fester bad feelings and transfer their inadequacies and other failings in life onto someone else. We look at someone who like you as a complete racist not because of skin color or true racism, but because it is your schtick. Being a normally vile person people shun you as boring, uninteresting and nasty, you then needed a hook to fit in anywhere - so you became a racist.

    The groups I hang out with sometimes have all White people, sometimes some Black, sometimes mostly Hispanic, sometimes completely mixed. Sometimes mostly Black, they focus on what we are saying and doing and who we are and could care less about someones gift wrapping. One thing we all share is our revulsion for scum like you and kick your nasty ass to the curb.

    If you think racism is a game that has different rules for different skin colors then you are who you are, someone who doesn't deserve to be spit on and nothing more than human flotsam trying to spread their diseased hatred so their souls don't rot alone.

    I don't despise you because you are white, you had nothing to do with that choice, it's because you are you.

  14. Anonymous10:38 AM


    r u mad at quentin t and jamie foxx too???

    matt was only quoting


    that rabid bloody bankster hobama is a peace prized eternal wars prez

    hobama is a liar

    his war in iraq never ended and he just waged war anew in iraq

    what a gd shame on the sheeple!!!

  15. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Blogger field negro said...

    M. Garvey, I don't ever want to wake up one day and read about one of my readers killing another one. Let's leave it at that.

    Anon wingnut, I will keep "crying wolf" as long as there are wolves in the forest.;)

    Thing with Wolves is they often don't recognize themselves and will turn on each other in a minute.

    When you cry Wolf incessantly, someday you might actually need to be taken seriously but by then it's too late, you have lost all credibility. No one believes the liar the one time he tells the truth and really want's to be taken seriously.

  16. Anonymous11:05 AM

    This is where racism has gone. Now you have a man who wants to be judged by the his character and not defined by his skin color and he is then attacked as being a "cornball brother" one who is not "Black enough" Why? because he "is not down with the cause, has a White fiance and is rumored to be a Republican"

    People like this make those "wolves" who say nothing about it for fear of getting attacked by the real Black racists, assclowns.

    You don't really expect to earn respect with these standards do you?

  17. "No Chris, I am hearing the same thing."

    Said the mouth-breathing bigot.

    So Matt Drudge calls attention to the fact that the greasy shitstain that calls itself Tarantino loves screaming the word nigger over and over again and that means he's a racist.

    You fucking bigots are hilarious. But, hey, at least you're brown colored, right? What else could possibly matter to a piece of shit Klansman like you?

  18. Anonymous11:55 AM

    There is something wrong with Jamie Foxx. He probably ate too much lead as a child. I won't be going to see that movie he is in. I am not interested in seeing more fantasy racism and sick minded racist revenge.

    Jamie Foxx is not one of my favorite actors or comedians. He is an absolute idiot, there is nothing funny about him.

    I predict he will fall from Hollywood's grace faster than he rose...most moronic fools do, esp the black ones.

  19. Chuck is off his meds again. Chuck, just drink a jug of moonshine and you will be fine.

  20. This Ct. Shooting.....*shaking head*

  21. Anonymous1:36 PM


    denzel was mad at quentin t once too...

    not matt d

  22. FoxNews identified the wrong Ryan Lanza - and the Ryan whose face they plastered all over their TV screens and webpage is well pissed.

    Fox had better get lawyer'd-up - pronto, capiche?

  23. D*g Catcher3:31 PM

    Field Negro: "No Chris, I am hearing the same thing."

    The thing that's so funny about these dog-whistle dramas is that the people who react to the whistle always assume it’s intended for somebody else. The whole point of the metaphor is that if you can hear the whistle, you’re the dog.

    Keep barking like a good boy, Field.

  24. Anonymous3:41 PM

    more proof that racist double standards are real
    and that truth telling is a crime


  25. Anonymous3:42 PM

    the shooter in ct is 20...

    young pookies rule the world

    and no public space is safe

  26. Funny how conservvatives who don't see color always bring up race? Example, the guy in the previous story who noticed all the kids who won a contest were blah but if they truly didn't see color he wouldn't have noticed. Irony is lost on conservatives. I do agree with Spike though, if he used a perjoritive to describe another group he'd be done in Hollywood.

  27. Anonymous4:12 PM

    My most heartfelt condolences to all those affected by this tragedy in Connecticut.

    My thoughts are that what the United States as well as this island needs is more mental health services and professionals.

    Too many are falling through the cracks.

    The alienation and hatred festers until it explodes in these tragedies.

  28. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Chuck is off his meds again. Chuck, just drink a jug of moonshine and you will be fine.

    Don't pass the crack pipe, keep that for you and your phil-a-del-fia crack babies.

    Drudge just linked to the guy who you gave a pass for saying nigger, you like the normal crack smokin fool blame the person who gave the news not the guy who made you a fool that you gave a pass to because he likes to screw black wemmens

    Now if you ever want to talk like a man and not use the childish tactics of a racists, give it a try. You might find it liberating to man up to reality.

  29. "Drudge just linked to the guy who you gave a pass for saying nigger, you like the normal crack smokin fool blame the person who gave the news not the guy who made you a fool that you gave a pass to because he likes to screw black wemmens.."

    I guess when your parents are first cousins this is how you express your feelings.

  30. A non asked.... "Whitey, how the fuck old are you?" 53

    "Who plays darts and goes to a pub?"

    I do. For beers n shots.

  31. Anonymous6:56 PM

    "I don't need to secretly infiltrate anything; I am as White as they come, blonde hair blue eyes, well built, straight, financially secure, self made"

    Do you realize how incredibly stupid and insecure you sound? What you've described is more likely what you wish you looked like than the truth.

    In real life, I'm guessing you have that dark, stringy, greasy hair, you're as thin as a rail, about 5'2" tall, and are living off your parents "financial security".

    The biggest proof that you're a lying piece of shit is that if you were what you described, you'd probably be married with kids. And since you didn't mention either, you're obviously just a troll in the body of a hobbit.

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Wow Dr. Queen what a hating bitch you are. More racist than David Duke and Louis Farakhan all rolled up into one little shit ball. How I pity you. "THE WHITE DEVIL"

  32. Dr. Dildo Daggins7:57 PM

    Ms. Queen said...
    "The biggest proof that you're a lying piece of shit is that if you were what you described, you'd probably be married with kids. And since you didn't mention either, you're obviously just a troll in the body of a hobbit."

    Are you married Queen? I thought not. So you are just a troll in the body of a hobbit. A black hobbit. A blobbit.

    And blobbits don't go to medical school.

    You will never be a doctor.

  33. Anonymous8:31 PM

    ^^^^^^^^"The thing that's so funny about these dog-whistle dramas is that the people who react to the whistle always assume it’s intended for somebody else. The whole point of the metaphor is that if you can hear the whistle, you’re the dog."


    Dr. Queen's alter ego
