Friday, December 21, 2012

The NRA's blame game.

I saw the NRA's clown show press conference today, and, as is to be expected, they doubled down on their insane position on the proliferation of guns in America. Wayne LaPierre actually called for armed guards at every school in America. (Where is the money going to come from for this brilliant idea? And an armed guard at Sandy Hook would have simply meant that 27 people would have been killed at the school and not 26. And Ms. Lanza was a woman of some means, but I am sure that she couldn't afford an armed guard at her bedroom door, 24/7. Bye bye Ms. Lanza. )

"the next Adam Lanza," the man responsible for last week's mayhem, is planning an attack on another school.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," LaPierre said.

Or not having a gun at all. Dope!

It got worse. LaPierre went on to blame video games (one of them over a decade old), the president, and Big Foot for the Newtown, Connecticut killings. But he refused to accept any blame or offer any meaningful solutions to the daily incidents of killings and carnage taking place in America.

His speech was so idiotic and insensitive, that it left former republican party chairman, Michael Steele, speechless. Not to mention current republican governor, Chris Christie, flat out saying what the NRA proposes is a bad idea.

So the madness continues. And the NRA and their lemmings refuse to back down. They have drawn a line in the sand- right outside of the police crime tape- and they refuse to move.

While I was writing this post I heard about yet another mass killing which took place today in Pistolvania. Some animal shot three people to death on a Western Pistolvania road and injured state troopers who were pursuing him.

On a day when the nation was observing a moment of silence at the exact time of the massacre in Newtown, the shooter in Pistolvania decided to carry out his despicable act at almost the very same time.   

"The shooting took place with much of the United States still highly sensitive to gun violence one week after a gunman killed 20 school children and six adults at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.

Pennsylvania state trooper Adam Reed said the shooting was believed to take place between 9 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.

At 9:30, Newtown held a moment of silence on Friday in remembrance of the children and teachers killed exactly one week ago in Connecticut."

Now that we know that the Mayan Calendar was wrong and that most of us will be here tomorrow, can we at least start trying to make sure that more of us will get a chance to ride this thing called life out to its natural conclusion?    


  1. Anonymous8:06 PM

    "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," LaPierre said.

    Or not having a gun at all. Dope!

    Still waiting to hear which law you think will stop criminals from breaking the ones they already do.

    If he is a dope, why do you not notice any inner city with strict gun controls and the results?

    Or places like with gun bans like the U.K and the results.

    I'll wait.......

    P.S Sorry comrade moonbat. The second amendment will not be abolished. Read a little history about the revolutionary war.

    P.S.S how is that gun ban in Jamaica working out? Maybe it isn't the tools, maybe it's the people.

  2. Rufis8:20 PM

    Can you say "tone deaf"?

  3. not for nothing. But you might consider rephrasing that last sentence. The calendar is not wrong. It showed the end of on age (5,125 years long) and the beginning of another.

    That non-Maya decided to misinterpret said calendar and hype up the fear for profit factor comes as no surprise. But we should be alert to how we portray indigenous peoples and their legacies in our own narratives.

    Aaaaand I got nothin on the NRA. Other than what they had to say was predictable and unsurprising.

  4. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Jealous assnon:
    "HA-HA, My sides hurt from laughing so much. "

    No, your sides hurt because you're a fat motherf**ker frantically looking for your next cheeseburger.

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

    I rest my case.

    Chimpanzees, parrots, and dolphins typically have IQs between 35 and 49. In a human, these numbers would suggest moderate retardation.

    Now which do you think fits you better? Your claim that you are he smartest woman ever born with an I.Q higher than Marilyn Vos Savant at 228 or a borderline retarded delusional illiterate ghetto hoochie mama?

    Shall we call you Dr Fishwoman henceforth? To indicate your brain power and offensive odor? At least you will have an honorary title, what with keeping in the spirit of affirmative action and all.

  5. Still a few hours to go, the Mayans may still be right. At least here in bubba time zone.

  6. sharon in ct8:59 PM

    LaPierre says whatever his corporate overlords, the gun manufacturers, want him to say. Fear sells more of the product, so his job as #1 lobbyist is to generate fear, in the form of the "next" mass murder, or the home invader waiting outside in the bushes. The NRA has become as irrelevant as the tobacco lobby was 10 years ago.

  7. Did anyone think the NRA would demonstrate anything that even slightly resembled remorse?

  8. Anonymous9:22 PM

    "Obama also promised to address the culture in America, “that too often glorifies guns and violence,” as well as school safety and mental health care."

    So does anyone know which member of the CBC is sponsoring the bill to ban rap? I bet it is Sheila Jackson lee; the congresswoman who wants to install retractable steel walls in schools.

  9. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Field, "Now that we know that the Mayan Calendar was wrong and that most of us will be here tomorrow, can we at least start trying to make sure that more of us will get a chance to ride this thing called life out to its natural conclusion?"

    My God, Field! don't you know anything about the Mayan calender? It NEVER predicted the end of the world, only the end of a long calendar cycle.... That's all.

    Of course, dumb-ass Westerners start reading shit into the Mayan calendar that is NOT there. Such idiots.


  10. "My God, Field! don't you know anything about the Mayan calender? It NEVER predicted the end of the world, only the end of a long calendar cycle.... That's all"

    Whew. OK, that's good to know.At least I will be here tomorrow.

  11. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Jealous assnon:
    "HA-HA, My sides hurt from laughing so much. "

    No, your sides hurt because you're a fat motherf**ker frantically looking for your next cheeseburger.

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

    I rest my case.

    Chimpanzees, parrots, and dolphins typically have IQs between 35 and 49. In a human, these numbers would suggest moderate retardation.

    Now which do you think fits you better? Your claim that you are he smartest woman ever born with an I.Q higher than Marilyn Vos Savant at 228 or a borderline retarded delusional illiterate ghetto hoochie mama?

    Shall we call you Dr Fishwoman henceforth? To indicate your brain power and offensive odor? At least you will have an honorary title, what with keeping in the spirit of affirmative action and all.

    8:31 PM
    LOL...Anon, please have mercy on Dr Queen, aka dr reine, aka dr nuwang, aka dr queen's alter ego.

    And please remember that her IQ is in the stratosphere.

    FYI for all the jealous anons...Dr Reine is on her way to getting a medical degree and from there a Nobel Prize! The brilliance of that woman, (and AB) is beyond anyone on earth. Furthermore, she got this distinction against all the unbelievable odds of jealous Whites! Lord have go sistah. With all the Whites in America against you, you "single-handedly" defeated them all! You are sooo awesome. I can't wait to see you as a doctor and become your patient.

  12. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Field, "Whew. OK, that's good to know.At least I will be here tomorrow."

    My dear Field, you are so confused. Just because the Mayan Calendar doesn't predict the end of the world, doesn't mean God won't strike your ass dead tonight. Brother Field, this is America. Anything can level your ass, so don't ever let your black ass get too comfortable.

  13. Dr. White-Cooper12:20 AM

    Prepare your children and schools for our nation's security system to turn against us. The increased national security will undoubtedly get placed in black communities. We need to stay tuned and prepare our communities for what's ahead.

  14. NSangoma7:01 AM


    No matter how many Tim Scott Negroes they put up/out front, these racist republicans do not intend to let this Black man, POTUS Obama, govern as president:

    A political opposition that is still bitter about President Obama’s victory remains unwilling to compromise on social policy, economics or foreign affairs, severely constraining his power.


    Conservative Negroes, that is what the original intent of the founding fathers means.


  15. Anonymous8:32 AM

    A political opposition that is still bitter about President Obama’s victory remains unwilling to compromise on social policy, economics or foreign affairs, severely constraining his power.

    The Times is hilarious. They never did mention what Obamas agenda is bringing us:

    Amazingly, the U.S. national debt is now up to 16.3 trillion dollars. When Barack Obama first took office the national debt was just 10.6 trillion dollars.

    During the first four years of the Obama administration, the U.S. government accumulated about as much debt as it did from the time that George Washington took office to the time that George W. Bush took office.

    Barack Obama has been president for less than four years, and during that time the number of Americans “not in the labor force” has increased by nearly 8.5 million. Something seems really “off” about that number, because during the entire decade of the 1980s the number of Americans “not in the labor force” only rose by about 2.5 million.

    In December 2008, 31.6 million Americans were on food stamps. Today, a new all-time record of 47.7 million Americans are on food stamps. That number has increased by more than 50 percent over the past four years, and yet the mainstream media still has the gall to insist that “things are getting better”.

    For the first time ever, more than a million public school students in the United States are homeless. That number has risen by 57 percent since the 2006-2007 school year.

    The percentage of working age Americans with a job has been under 59 percent for 39 months in a row.

    The number of jobs at new small businesses continues to decline. According to economist Tim Kane, the following is how the decline in the number of startup jobs per 1000 Americans breaks down by presidential administration…
    Bush Sr.: 11.3
    Clinton: 11.2
    Bush Jr.: 10.8
    Obama: 7.8

    The United States has fallen in the global economic competitiveness rankings compiled by the World Economic Forum for four years in a row.

    Right now, more than 100 million Americans are enrolled in at least one welfare program run by the federal government. And that does not even count Social Security or Medicare. Overall, there are almost 80 different “means-tested welfare programs” that the federal government is currently running.

  16. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Dr. Queen's Ass-sniffing stalking jealous 'ho said:
    "You are sooo awesome"

    Yes I am, I'm glad you finally acknowledge it, lol!

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

  17. Anonymous9:15 AM

    "I saw the NRA's clown show press conference today, and, as is to be expected, they doubled down on their insane position on the proliferation of guns in America. Wayne LaPierre actually called for armed guards at every school in America. (Where is the money going to come from for this brilliant idea? And an armed guard at Sandy Hook would have simply meant that 27 people would have been killed at the school and not 26. And Ms. Lanza was a woman of some means, but I am sure that she couldn't afford an armed guard at her bedroom door, 24/7. Bye bye Ms. Lanza. )

    Oh you silly defeatist leftists.
    Sadly Mrs Lanza made her bed along with liberal policies, she knew she had a crazy son, yet exposed him to tools he should not have been exposed to, then when she realized how far gone he was, she had little recourse to have him committed due to the ACLU and discrimination lawsuits from years gone bye.

    A good man with a gun would have shot the bad man with a gun and stopped him from killing innocents or served another purpose. Every killer chooses a gun free zone, in numerous cases where there has been a gun they kill themselves as originally intended as soon as they see another person with a gun or stop shooting innocents and engage the one who is shooting at them or kill themselves . He would not have just stood there and said ok shoot me and add me to the body count.

    Not sure why you think protecting children with armed good guys is insane.
    Your favorite Democrat and the guy Obama had to call on to save him did not.

    President Bill Clinton had the same Idea in April 2000 and he Implemented it too, only Barack Obama cut the funding for it. Imagine that, had Obama not cut the funding......

    Even more interesting now that we know you have called a Democratic president crazy is that it turns out that Columbine High School did have an armed sheriff’s deputy on the scene the day of its tragic shooting spree. That deputy exchanged fire with one of the killers twice, drawing their attention away from killing unarmed teenagers. The deputy and his backup also helped organize the evacuation of students from the school. Though the deputy’s presence obviously did not stop the attack from happening, it likely did save many lives.

    Democrats responded to Wayne LaPierre wanting to protect our children the way we do banks and public buildings by calling for him to be shot - Gotta love democratic hypocrisy they really love their violence.

    Oh and by the way, the assault weapon ban you are all working on to reinstate and saying it will fix the problem was effective from 1993-2004, Columbine (where Bill Clinton came up with the idea for armed school protection) happened in April 20 1999. So that didn't work out very well did it?

    So again, what laws do you think you can pass on paper that the criminals and the insane will read and say, oh they are serious let me follow the law now? I see how well gun bans work in every single liberally run city today.

    Ban Assault weapons that will do nothing? OK. Of course we won't talk about the 8-9,000 black's killed each year - they don't count to white liberal democrats. We won't talk about the
    number of youth deaths in just Chicago in 2012 that outnumber our total military casualties in Iraq, they don't count to White liberals.

    But the thing is they do count, they know how bad their policies have made things. They don't want you to know, so they deflect the blame and tell you more of the same will be better, shut off debate don't look at reality.

  18. Anonymous11:21 AM

    LOL...Anon, please have mercy on Dr Queen, aka dr reine, aka dr nuwang, aka dr queen's alter ego.

    And please remember that her IQ is in the stratosphere.

    FYI for all the jealous anons...Dr Reine is on her way to getting a medical degree and from there a Nobel Prize! The brilliance of that woman, (and AB) is beyond anyone on earth. Furthermore, she got this distinction against all the unbelievable odds of jealous Whites! Lord have go sistah. With all the Whites in America against you, you "single-handedly" defeated them all! You are sooo awesome. I can't wait to see you as a doctor and become your patient.

    Y'all keep laughing. You will see today is going to be a catatonic event and the world is gone end with a apopoliptic proporshuns type of disaster.

    I know this because I am a genius and have the highest IQ anybody ever had, ever you hear me.. y'all just jealous cause a short fat ugly black woman is smarter than you be and drives a fine ass German automobile and everybody in my family has multiple degrees, sebunty seven all together and we share them so we are all geniuses.

    My sister gone marry a guy with five degrees, when this happens I will truly be the smartest woman in the history of the world and make the ginnys book of world revelations. Why those Eye-talians be keeping world revelations anyway?

  19. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Nobody is a better president than Obama, seriously having nobody would be a better president.

  20. Tacitus12:28 PM

    "No matter how many Tim Scott Negroes they put up/out front, these racist republicans do not intend to let this Black man, POTUS Obama, govern as president:"

    Substitute "black man" for "racist, incompetent, communist, anti-American, narcissistic, petty, hateful, fraudulent, and divisive loser", and you can see that the Republican's opposition to this, the worst President in American history, has nothing to do with race.

    This man's presidency is an abomination.

    I support all efforts to oppose every action by Obama that seeks to destroy America. All efforts.

  21. Field Lapierre12:50 PM

    You are right Wayne, guns should be reserved for law abiding, emotionally stable citizens.

    We should enact gun control that prevents anyone on psychiatric medication as well as all black people access to guns. Exceptions will be made for black Republicans.

  22. Citizen West12:59 PM

    "Or not having a gun at all. Dope!"

    When Blomberg's bodyguards and the secret service protecting Obama turns in their guns, maybe I'll consider turning in mine.

    An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.

  23. Field,
    It would be interesting if you met someone on the street with a gun and you weren't packing.

    1. I imagine it would be "interesting" in the most negative of ways, if most law abiding people were faced with this scenario.

      Of course, the problem for gun carrying nuts is that you can't carry a concealed weapon in some cities, like DC.

      So what would be more "interesting" to me is to see you openly carrying your gun in da' 'hood, lol!

  24. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Dr. Queen's Ass-sniffing stalking jealous 'ho said:
    "You are sooo awesome"

    Yes I am, I'm glad you finally acknowledge it, lol!

    Dr. Queen's alter ego

    Have you ever been mistaken for a seal or a manatee sitting in cottage cheese wearing a weave and fake nails in any public places?

  25. A Klansman attacks a civil rights organization. Par for the course. What else would a one expect a filthy Klansman to do?

    What other portions of the Bill of Rights do you vermin wish to eliminate?

  26. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Have you ever been mistaken for a seal or a manatee sitting in cottage cheese wearing a weave and fake nails in any public places?

    2:13 PM
    ROFLMAO! This is a perfect description of, you have a very funny blog.

  27. Of course the economy is still a mess, Bush and conservative economics drive it in a ditch. It'll take years to recover.

  28. Anonymous12:17 PM

    PilotX said...
    Of course the economy is still a mess, Bush and conservative economics drive it in a ditch. It'll take years to recover.

    Forever, apparently. An excuse for the ages.

  29. This is an absurd statement:
    "But he refused to accept any blame or offer any meaningful solutions to the daily incidents of killings and carnage taking place in America."

    Let me change a couple words to expose the failed logic...

    The gay community refused to accept any blame or offer any meaningful solutions to Penn State.

    I place NO blame at the feet of the gay community for Penn state, but then I also don't put blame at the feet of the NRA.

  30. Nope, not forever. Geez, the economy will recover just like it always does under a Democratic president. Be patient and move away from the ledge. It takes a while to recover from Republican economic policies. Chillax.

  31. Anonymous12:36 PM

    PilotX said...
    Geez, the economy will recover just like it always does under a Democratic president.

    It didn't under Obama. His entire first term was a waste of time, as the economy is exactly where it was four years ago.

    And to refresh your memory, Clinton inherited a boom, and handed off a bust. And the Carter years were the worst four years for the economy outside of the Great Depression.
