Saturday, January 12, 2013

I would love to reach out but they make it so hard.

I am trying to take people on the right seriously in this country, I really am. I would love nothing more than to have a serious debate on the issues, but unfortunately I am doing my daily read of Mediaite and I scanned not one but three articles that gave me a reason to rethink my position.

"The co-hosts on Fox News’ The Five this week took on the dangerous trend of…elementary school math. Eric Bolling warned parents that they need to be vigilant of the way Scholastic Books, “the world’s leading publisher of children’s books,” is pushing the “liberal agenda” through algebra lessons. The evidence? A primary school worksheet entitled, “Distribute The Wealth.”

The worksheet was meant to teach the distributive property of multiplication and Bolling cautioned that it actually teaches kids in grades three through six to “distribute the wealth with a lovely rich girl with a big bag of money.” He told parents they need to read kid’s textbooks and “find out what is taught.” If a “bias” is present, he added, “explain it to your kids and tell teachers you’re on it.” 

Okaay, so now we have a liberal agenda infiltrating our math classes.

"Michelle Dresbold, handwriting expert and author of “Sex, Lies And Handwriting,” appeared on Fox & Friends to tell the co-hosts that Secretary of Treasury appointee Jack Lew‘s signature means that he is “compulsive” and that he “doesn’t want to give any information” at all about his personal life.
Although Law’s signature has been the subject of many a recent news piece, Dresbold took her analysis to another level, claiming that a “bunch of circles” that are “repetitive” mean that Lew “can’t stop.” His hand, she said, “keeps repeating and repeating.” What this means, according to Dresbold, is that “when he thinks about something, he thinks about it over and over again and can never let go.”

The Secretary of Treasury, based on his handwriting, has a compulsive personality.

"Appearing on CNN this morning, “Gun Appreciation Day” chairman Larry Ward said that if blacks had been armed, there never would have been slavery in America.

Ward’s group planned the appreciation day for the weekend of President Obama‘s second inauguration, and some critics have attacked the celebration for its proximity to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

“I think Martin Luther King, Jr. would agree with me if he were alive today that if African Americans had been given the right to keep and bear arms from day one of the country’s founding, perhaps slavery might not have been a chapter in our history,” Ward told CNN host Carol Costello."

There are no comments necessary for that one.

Finally, you gang- bangers are going to have to start thinking before you act.

"BURLINGTON, N.C. - Police in North Carolina say a deaf man was stabbed several times after his sign language was mistaken for gang signs by another man.

Burlington Police Sgt. Mark Yancey said 45-year-old Terrance Ervin Daniels was using sign language with another deaf man. He said a third person saw them, thought they were flashing gang signs and stabbed Daniels with a kitchen knife. A neighbour saw the victim and called emergency personnel.

Daniels is in stable condition at UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill after Wednesday's incident.

Police arrested 22-year Robert Jarell Neal and charged him with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury and felony assault on a handicapped person. He's being held in the Alamance County jail. It's not known if Neal has an attorney."

Mr. Neal, you might want to sign up (no pun intended) for some free sign language classes while you are in the slammer.


  1. I lived in Burlington when I was a newly married grad student at UNC-Chapel Hill. And I just don't have words for what it was like living there in the mid to late 90's, lol!!!

    So now the gun lobby is jumping on the slavery bandwagon? What's next, the holocaust?

  2. Anonymous9:51 PM

    No one ever said that Negroes were smart, Wayne (expect for you and pillow biter Purple).

  3. supah brutha10:24 PM

    Whaddup wit dat Miss America pageant? I seen no sistas, lessen they be light skinned and don't even look like a proper negro.

  4. Anonymous11:08 PM

    "He told parents they need to read kid’s textbooks and “find out what is taught.” If a “bias” is present, he added, “explain it to your kids and tell teachers you’re on it.” "

    Field, I don't see the problem in this statement. Maybe I am from the old school of caution, but Parents "should" check what is being taught to their children.

    People running the education department can be politically biased too. In fact, there are many teachers who too political with their teaching materials instead of being good unbiased teachers. You know this is true in a lot of public schools.

  5. It's just another all-too-increasingly-common manifestation of projection by the paranoid 'merkin right. They're so obsessed with propagandizing gun-culture & their hating vengeful God with his ass-kicking Randian son Rambo-Jesus to everyone's children through textbooks, that a "Suzi wants to split evenly" word problem could only be a conspiracy. It's the price we still pay for Johnson's blanket amnesty in 1865.

  6. Anonymous11:23 PM

    "Although Law’s signature has been the subject of many a recent news piece, Dresbold took her analysis to another level, claiming that a “bunch of circles” that are “repetitive” mean that Lew “can’t stop.” His hand, she said, “keeps repeating and repeating.” What this means, according to Dresbold, is that “when he thinks about something, he thinks about it over and over again and can never let go.” "

    Field, as a handwriting expert myself, what Dresbold said was absolutely correct. Obama's signature is like that and so is most of his cabinet.

    I bet YOUR signature along with some of your ID FN Negroes write with curly loopy letters. Please submit your signature so it can analyze it.

    Regardless, Obama's selection of Lew fits him. He has always gone for shadowy people whose integrity is questionable.

  7. Anonymous11:39 PM

    "Burlington Police Sgt. Mark Yancey said 45-year-old Terrance Ervin Daniels was using sign language with another deaf man. He said a third person saw them, thought they were flashing gang signs and stabbed Daniels with a kitchen knife. A neighbour saw the victim and called emergency personnel."

    Brother Field, please give our gang bangers a break. They can't know 'everything'. Just think of ALL the signs they have to know. Sooner or later they are going to run across one they don't know and cannot afford to take any chances.

    I am very glad the deaf man is in stable condition and will live. But my advice to ALL deaf Negroes down South down in the hood to be careful where they use their sign language. Sometimes it would be better to use their sign languages with each other 'behind' closed doors. Being so open with it could endanger their lives, esp down in the Carolinas. Some Negroes down there are the dumbest in America, except for Negro Okies.

  8. Anonymous12:32 AM

    What does Dingle Barry our Marionette Mulatto in Chief think of all the murders in inner cities being committed by Blacks and on Blacks? Or all the robberies and home invasions they are committing against Whites? Think he will put a task force together? HA.

  9. Wesley R12:33 AM

    Sad story about the brothers in North Carolina getting killed after using sign language. I'm tired of the excuses and silence that we get from African American 'Leaders'on Black on black crime.

    The people on The Five and Fox and Friends are nuts.

    Read Option!
    Michael Vick has given the NFL a new breed of quarterbacks. He might be on his way out, but there will be more coming next year. The game is changing.

  10. Dead Eye1:21 AM

    "if African Americans had been given the right to keep and bear arms from day one of the country’s founding, perhaps slavery might not have been a chapter in our history"

    Wouldn't have worked, black people are terrible shots.

  11. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Just like the pied piper led rats through the streets, dance like Marionettes swaying to a Symphony of Destruction.

  12. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Dear Mr Field, I am surprised that you have not acknowledged the great NFL Teams we have on the West Coast. You seem biased toward Philly which is basically a non-started team.

    Surely you must have heard of the 49ers? The Seahawks?

    Surely you must know that at least ONE of them, if not both, is headed for the Superbowl, maybe even both?

  13. "Surely you must have heard of the 49ers? The Seahawks?"

    No. Do the play in the National Football League or the CFL?

  14. "I bet YOUR signature along with some of your ID FN Negroes write with curly loopy letters. Please submit your signature so it can analyze it."

    If you go the court Prothonotary on Chestnut Street here in Philly you will find thousands of them.

    Feel free.

  15. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    It's just another all-too-increasingly-common manifestation of projection by the paranoid 'merkin right. They're so obsessed with propagandizing gun-culture & their hating vengeful God with his ass-kicking Randian son Rambo-Jesus to everyone's children through textbooks, that a "Suzi wants to split evenly" word problem could only be a conspiracy. It's the price we still pay for Johnson's blanket amnesty in 1865.

    You are right. I talked to God this morning, he doesn't like you very much. He said even Deities slip up once in awhile and create things that are abhorrent to nature. He plans on straightening you out soon.

  16. G Lincoln11:27 AM

    Abhorrent to nature?

    On Friday, there was a takeover robbery at a clothing store in L.A. That led to hostage taking, during which one of the female hostages was sexually assaulted. Which of you black racists wants to claim that it probably was not done by "people of color"? I'll claim that it was not done by whites or Asians. Let's hear from you bigmouth blacks who whine about being unfairly stereotyped as amoral and violent lowlifes.

  17. "G Lincoln", I would like to take a guess. Tell me, did they violent thugs execute 20 children?

  18. Anonymous12:14 PM

    anon said, "You are right. I talked to God this morning, he doesn't like you very much. He said even Deities slip up once in awhile and create things that are abhorrent to nature. He plans on straightening you out soon."

    8:50 AM
    Anon, this quote is 'perfect' for you:

    “You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.”
    ― Anne Lamott

  19. Anonymous12:29 PM

    If you go the court Prothonotary on Chestnut Street here in Philly you will find thousands of them.

    Feel free.

    8:39 AM
    Am I to assume that you, Reine and Purple Cow refuse to submit your signatures on FN? I am surprised that you don't trust your OWN blog and your OWN peeps.

    What kind of brothers and sisters are you Negroes? You must be the Samuel Jackson in Django.

    BTW, does Philly have any Negroes who stand up for what's right, stand up for the truth, or stand up for justice, YET? They didn't when I was there years ago, and I haven't heard of any lately in that 'city of White and Jewish brotherly love.'

  20. Anonymous12:39 PM

    field negro said...

    "G Lincoln", I would like to take a guess. Tell me, did they violent thugs execute 20 children?

    Are you trying to say normal everyday Black deviancy is equivalent to someone who is insane and autistic.

    I can see why you think that.

    Maybe we need bigger jails.

  21. Tacitus1:30 PM

    "Okaay, so now we have a liberal agenda infiltrating our math classes."

    The idea is to advance a narrative by handicapping critical thinking skills.

    Liberals have few principles. Instead, they have a narrative. Their narrative is a lot like Abrahamic religion, in that they have to check the manual for an opinion, and there's no way to boil that down to a set of principles because the orthodoxy doesn't conform to principles. The only way to properly train a liberal is with years of institutional and mass media indoctrination; they learn it by rote.

    It's very easy to talk like a leftist, it's very hard to actually be a leftist. Talking like a leftist means that you get to take the other guy's stuff. Acting like a leftist means that you have to give up your stuff too. Maintaining this dissonance through deception is the key to selling leftism.

    An enormous amount of effort, on the part of many educators over many decades, has been put into teaching everyone that discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping are bad, except of course when it is not (e.g. Tea Baggers, Rednecks, conservatives, the "Rich"). That effort has succeeded. By "discrimination" I mean being able to distinguish the differences between different individuals and categories of people, by "prejudice" I mean learning to make good decisions based on past experience and by "stereotyping" I mean recognizing patterns and probabilities.

    It's not surprising that well-educated people are bad at all these skills when they've been culturally bred out of us for at least six decades. Instead, they learn how to practice the proper kinds of intolerance while simutaneously defining it as tolerance.

  22. As your anon pointed out the other day this is nothing new. The right just recycles its propaganda and paranoia. "Race baiters", nothing new there. "Commies", been one of their favs for decades. Ah, right winged paranoia never gets old and the sane among us just have to watch with disinterested amusement. The funniest line to me is when folks try to excuse the behavior of their friends "he's an intelligent guy but he believes crazy right winged stuff". Nah, the more I'm around white males the more I'm convinced the majority are just north of retardation but because of the myth of racial superiority they tend to try to live life as a normal person. It gets sad after a while. Hell, Romney's slow ass thought he could be president. It's cute for a while but then it just gets sad.

  23. "Are you trying to say normal everyday Black deviancy is equivalent to someone who is insane and autistic."

    Is that what they called white "deviancy" these days? Autistic? Now that's interesting.

    Those black thugs in the hood are autistic as well.

  24. "BTW, does Philly have any Negroes who stand up for what's right, stand up for the truth, or stand up for justice, YET? They didn't when I was there years ago.."

    Well now that you are gone they have one more than they did before.;)

  25. Happy 100th to the ladies of Delta Sigma Theta!

  26. Anonymous2:21 PM

    PilotX said...

    As your anon pointed out the other day this is nothing new. The right just recycles its propaganda and paranoia. "Race baiters", nothing new there. "Commies", been one of their favs for decades. Ah, right winged paranoia never gets old and the sane among us just have to watch with disinterested amusement. The funniest line to me is when folks try to excuse the behavior of their friends "he's an intelligent guy but he believes crazy right winged stuff". Nah, the more I'm around white males the more I'm convinced the majority are just north of retardation but because of the myth of racial superiority they tend to try to live life as a normal person. It gets sad after a while. Hell, Romney's slow ass thought he could be president. It's cute for a while but then it just gets sad.

    Now how can real world results be a myth?

    There is no getting around certain large and troubling implications of black-white differences. The implications seem most troubling when you turn from the average differences and focus instead on the differences at the extreme -- when you contrast the two overlapping bell-shaped distribution curves and look at the proportions in each group scoring above and below certain levels. If you tell yourself that the top professional and managerial jobs in this country require an IQ of at least 115 or thereabouts, then you also have to tell yourself that only about 2.5 percent of blacks appear able to compete for those jobs. The comparable figure for whites would be about 16 percent. Total black population with IQs over 115: 800,000. Comparable figure for whites: about 30 million. If blacks had the same IQ distribution as whites, the black total would be over 5 million.

    The data are even more depressing on the downside. An IQ in the 70-75 range, which many psychologists would label "borderline retarded," implies a life that is guaranteed to be short of opportunities. Very few students in that range will absorb much of what elementary schools teach, and virtually none will graduate from high school; few will succeed in finding and keeping good jobs. None will be admitted into the armed forces (required by law to screen out the lowest ten percent of the distribution). The bad news is that a substantial minority -- apparently more than one in five -- of American blacks have IQs below 75. Around one in twenty whites are below 75.

    In other words, the black-white IQ gap is in large measure a reflection of differences in reasoning and problem-solving ability. And his shows in every enclave, community, city, nation, country with a percentage population of Blacks exceeding 13%. Where the ability for non blacks to compensate begins to be eroded.

  27. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Field, "Well now that you are gone they have one more than they did before.;)"

    2:07 PM
    Did you read what you wrote? It doesn't make any sense.

    Anyway, it's good to see you 'trying' to defend the indefensible. It shows a commitment to the impossible.

  28. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Mr Field, I will ask you one more time: Are you prepared to watch two West Coast teams play in the Superbowl?


  29. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...

    I lived in Burlington when I was a newly married grad student at UNC-Chapel Hill. And I just don't have words for what it was like living there in the mid to late 90's, lol!!!

    So now the gun lobby is jumping on the slavery bandwagon? What's next, the holocaust?

    Hey - what are you doing in New York?

    I know they shoulda never put that picture in the paper that shit be racist.

  30. "Mr Field, I will ask you one more time: Are you prepared to watch two West Coast teams play in the Superbowl?

    That is, THE SEAHAWKS VS THE 49ERS?"

    I am watching the game now.

    East Coast Birds 20, West Coast Birds 0.

    You might want to rethink your prediction.

  31. Anonymous3:08 PM

    "Are you trying to say normal everyday Black deviancy is equivalent to someone who is insane and autistic. "

    Field...I've been trying to to tell you that blank people, especially the male of the species possess a gene that promotes autistic behavior...and now it is being confirmed by one of your autistic groupies.
    Blanks have trouble distinguishing jokes from lies...generally exhibit awkwardness in social situations, are clumsy and have problems with verbal exchanges. If you truly want to dialogue with them you must understand that. For example,I believe that is why facebook and ipads are so popular in their lives.They are more comfortable interacting with machines...systematic vs empathetic.
    Blank men love their guns more than their women.
    It's gotta be hard being white.

  32. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Field, "Well now that you are gone they have one more than they did before.;)"

    2:07 PM
    Did you read what you wrote? It doesn't make any sense.

    Anyway, it's good to see you 'trying' to defend the indefensible. It shows a commitment to the impossible.

    Mathamagicals hard when you are all twisted up and stuff

  33. PilotWrecks5:14 PM

    PilotX said...
    The funniest line to me is when folks try to excuse the behavior of their friends "he's an intelligent guy but he believes crazy right winged stuff".

    What's even funnier is when a guy nobody believes is intelligent spouts crazy left winged stuff.

  34. BathHouse Barry5:37 PM

    Barack Obama has a record four straight years of trillion dollar deficits.
    Barack Obama is the worst jobs president since the Great Depression.
    Barack Obama is the only president to preside over the downgrade of the US economy.
    Barack Obama blew a trillion dollars on a failed ‘stimulus’ plan.
    Barack Obama owns one-third of the national debt.
    Barack Obama added $5.8 trillion to the national debt.
    Barack Obama is the food stamp president.
    Barack Obama added more people to disability than any president.
    Barack Obama’s failed policies caused average income to fall $5,000 per household.
    Barack Obama watched as the Middle East fell under the control of radical Islam.
    Barack Obama’s foreign policy includes a resurgence of Al-Qaeda.
    Barack Obama lost Afghanistan.
    Barack Obama is the worst president in a generation.

    Where the White Men at?

  35. "Where the White Men at?"


  36. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    "Where the White Men at?"


    U wish pillow biter

    surprised it still hurt after all those gerbils
