Sunday, February 17, 2013

Joe Rickey's Negro adventure.

Now comes more news from a "post racial America". (h/t Balloon Juice)

So some old dude from Idaho (no surprise there) allegedly confronts some Negro on the plane, and then after dropping the N- word about him decides to slap him in the face. Of course there was only one problem: the Negro was 19 months old!

Yep, that Joe Rickey Hundley is one tough guy. 

"A man has been accused of racially abusing then physically assaulting a 19-month-old child on a flight to Atlanta last Friday.

Joe Rickey Hundley, 60, allegedly demanded that the mother of the crying toddler 'shut that n****r baby up' before slapping the infant in the face on the Delta flight on February 8.

According to The Smoking Gun, Hundley has been charged with simple assault after the incident with Jessica Bennett, 33, and her son Jonah.

Bennett told authorities that her son 'started to cry due to the altitude change' as the service from Minneapolis to Atlanta prepared for landing.
Ms Bennett and her adopted child shared a seat on their way to a family funeral while Mr Hundley was in the neighboring seat.
Bennett said she was unable to stop the infant crying. A report compiled by FBI Agent Daron Cheney alleges that Hundley turned to the mother and used the racial slur in telling her to shut up the child."

As reported by The Smoking Gun, Hundley then 'turned around and slapped' the toddler in the face 'with an open hand, which caused the juvenile victim to scream even louder.' According to the mother, the slap 'caused a scratch below [the child’s] right eye.'

Hundley was charged with simple assault in federal court in Atlanta this week. If convicted the man faces a maximum of one year in prison."

Sorry Ms. Bennett, someone should have warned you about adopting Negro children in America.

Of course, as is to be expected, our friend from Idaho is denying that things went down how Ms. Bennett and the N****r lovers on the plane allege.

"The 60-year-old, who is the president of an aircraft parts manufacturer based in Idaho, denied slapping the child or using racial language. He claims that he did 'ask the mother to quiet the child.'
Hundley said he was traveling to Atlanta to visit a hospitalized relative, described his emotional state as 'distraught' and that he had one alcoholic drink on the aircraft.

However, Bennett told The Smoking Gun that she believed Hundley was intoxicated. The mother said that he 'reeked of alcohol', was 'stumbling around wasted' and he consumed several double vodkas during the flight.

Bennett says Hundley told her that Jonah was too big to be a 'lap baby.'
Agent Cheney added that Bennett received help from other passengers on the Delta flight. Todd Wooten, who was seated 12 rows ahead, told authorities that he 'heard derogatory language coming from the rear of the aircraft' and went to see what was going on.

'According to Mr. Wooten,' Cheney wrote, 'he saw Joe Rickey Hundley strike' the child." [Source]

I think that I speak for all Negroes in America when I say that it will be quite a relief when this Barack Obama fellow finally leaves office. Because sadly, in  "post-racial" America, even our infants are in danger.



  1. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Sorry Ms. Bennett, someone should have warned you about adopting Negro children in America.

    Stop conflating this incident with all America.

    Are all Blacks thugs criminals, HS dropouts and dumb?

    Firstly I would like to hear more than the mothers say so that this occurred and he said what he did. Everyone uses the race card as extra uummph nowadays and more often than not it turns out to be a lie. Why in the world would an international executive say shut up the n word? He looks spanish and so does she from the picture.

    Secondly If this guy actually hauled off and smacked a strangers baby - he is insane and needs to be committed to a mental institution immediately. But something doesn't ring true with this whole thing - we will see. He of course denies it. No doubt they argued back and forth.

    Lastly get real. Black folk rarely adopt black babies. That is a fact. Whites adopt the majority of Black Babies, remember Haiti? Remember how a black couple couldn't be found who would adopt, yet the same people were making nasty comments about all the whites saving and adopting Haitian babies?

    White don't abuse adopted Negro children as you clearly infer here because of this incident, oftentimes whites are the only ones adopting them at all.

  2. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I have one question, Field. How do you attract these nutty people to your comments section? I mean- it would take a true idiot or someone being deliberately obtuse to interpret what you wrote as being against inter-racial adoption.
    BTW--I'm thinking this Hundley dude might make an excellent choice for the next GOP veep nominee. He'd keep the T-Party on board. He managed a tri-fecta here: he's offended youth, he's offended minorities and he's offended women. Wow.

  3. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Wow...this Joe Ricky dude could be the next GOP veep nominee. Who better to keep the T-Party on board than a guy who can hit (no pun intended) a trifecta like that:
    He offends youth, he offends minorities and he offends women! Wow.
    Oh...and only a moron or someone being deliberately obtuse would mistake what Field wrote as an attack on interracial adoption.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      "Wow...this Joe Ricky dude could be the next GOP veep nominee..."
      OMG this is one of the worst sites I have come across in researching the Joe Ricky Hundley incident.
      Post racial does not mean post racist... Idaho is a red state and full of people who think as if they are in the 1830's territory. There is no excuse for Hundley's behavior--Oh wait--alcohol will probably be his excuse...
      The whole incident is shameful and Hundley should have been arrested at Atlanta.

  4. Madonna8:08 PM

    "Sorry Ms. Bennett, someone should have warned you about adopting Negro children in America."

    You can that again. What the hell was I thinking?

  5. Anonymous8:50 PM

    "I think that I speak for all Negroes in America when I say that it will be quite a relief when this Barack Obama fellow finally leaves office. Because sadly, in "post-racial" America, even our infants are in danger."

    Since 'when' were our infants ever safe in America? When Obama leaves office, it won't change a thing.

    Racism in America against Blacks is embedded in the hearts of Americans. It contaminates the hearts of ALL Americans. No Obamas, affirmative actions, civil rights laws, or hate crime laws can detoxify a dark heart.

    Hundley is an alcoholic of the worst kind. He needs treatment and needs to be in AA before he does greater harm. But first, he needs prison time to think about what alcohol is doing to his life.

    Hundley is a "bad" drunk, quite truculent and volatile under the influence of alcohol.

  6. Anonymous8:53 PM

    "Sorry Ms. Bennett, someone should have warned you about adopting Negro children in America."

    Thanks for the sick ignorant comment based on this one incident, Mr Field. Racists don't need uncle toms to help them discourage Whites from adopting black children....they have YOU, brother.

  7. "I mean- it would take a true idiot or someone being deliberately obtuse to interpret what you wrote as being against inter-racial adoption."

    Welcome to America. You must be new here. The first clue is the person uses the word "race card". When someone used that word 9 times out of ten the next statement is stoopid.

  8. And I hope the cops that hauled this fool downtown were blah. That would have been a looooong ride.

  9. Anonymous9:01 PM

    What a horrible experience for that mom and child!

    He def needs some jail time, he'll be sobering up real quick.

    And maybe even see how it feels to be on the receiving end of a face slap from a much bigger guy than him!

    But real justice would be for the judge to allow the dad to smack him back.

  10. This Joe "Hick" Rickey incident sickens me to my stomach. Negroes ave been here on these devilry laden shores of Amerikkka for over 400 years and still haven't learn that power respects only equal or greater opposing power.

    Joe Hick and other troglodytes will continue to think that they have an inherent right to do as they please until Negroes STAND UP and respond appropriately to things of this nature. I guarantee you that if Negroes had themselves organized to respond swiftly, this Hick would've received what was coming to him prior to exiting the airport's terminal. Hegroes need to get their act together and quit bluffing.

    Even further, if we was organized, this Hicky fella would've thought long and hard about the potential conequences of slapping a black baby. In all likelihood, this incident would've never happened.

  11. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Old mutant ways die hard, but eventually they'll die...

  12. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Even further, if we was organized, this Hicky fella would've thought long and hard about the potential conequences of slapping a black baby. In all likelihood, this incident would've never happened.

    The only thing you are talking about is violence. Go ahead, try it again see if you can organize violence and see what happens to you with the absence of guilt.; This time will not be like the last riots, that is a promise.

  13. Wesley R11:11 PM

    Hundley has earned a spot on Fox News to tell his side of the story. He will get all of the support he needs there.

    He's lucky the mother wasn't a sista. She would still be beating his ass.

  14. Don't believe it based on my real world experience where blacks have pulled the race card at every opportunity. On to the next one, field.
    Keep biting your own noses off to spite your faces. It's working great!

  15. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Black Sage, since 'when' were racist Whites afraid of Negroes? Hell, Hundley called the child the N-word in front of the mother and 'then' slapped the child.
    Does that sound like he is afraid of Negroes?

    Everyone knows Blacks are all mouth and will take no action, EVER! Even Obama, his wife, AND his children have been dumped on by racists remarks and racists' art, from monkeys to nooses. And guess what happened? NOTHING!

    You see, we are powerless people and therefore throw away people. Our only hope is enough black babies are adopted by Whites to the extent that this does not happen. But Blacks can't do shit, and YOU know it. So stop your TNB bluffing. Everybody has heard that song for 400 years. You and the rest of our race ain't going to do shit.

    BTW, I bet Hundley gets away with what he has done with very minor, if nothing, punishment.

  16. Oh yeah, you can't clown Idaho. Mrs. X is from there.

  17. Anonymous1:28 AM

    "The 60-year-old, who is the president of an aircraft parts manufacturer based in Idaho, denied slapping the child or using racial language. He claims that he did 'ask the mother to quiet the child."

    FYI: The man is President of a mfg company in Idaho. He would not jeopardize himself and his company by slapping a baby and using the N-word. This will all come out in court and he will be set free. I am sure a respectable man like Hundley is out on bail as we speak.

    Why do you FN folks and my buddy Field 'assume' the worse when a White person like Mr Hundley from Idaho is involved? That is unfair to Idahoes.

    And how do you know the mother wasn't the one who was intoxicated and had given her child too much booze?

    I bet Field didn't think of that, did you? Do you now see that there could be many angles to this story?

  18. Anon, why do u call people from Idaho "Idahoes"? That cannot be right.

  19. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Anon, why do u call people from Idaho "Idahoes"? That cannot be right.

    5:45 AM
    Aren't I creative? Hundley is a I-da-hoe. And he has proven that Idahoes are some of the worst people on earth who slaps little children around, esp if they are Black.

  20. Anonymous8:02 AM

    "And how do you know the mother wasn't the one who was intoxicated and had given her child too much booze?

    I bet Field didn't think of that, did you? Do you now see that there could be many angles to this story?"

    Brilliant. Just brilliant, anon. Your analysis should totally eff everyone up.

  21. It's interesting that apologists for this child abuser believe that everyone who witnessed this incident all conspired to lie on this "respectable businessman." He's lucky he did get slapped himself for assaulting a toddler.

  22. Steven D10:33 AM

    1. Hundley is no longer the President of that company. He was fired.

    2. The FBI interviewed passengers on the plane after the incident and the US attorney filed charges based ion that agent's affidavit. This was covered in all the news reports about the incident. The Smoking Gun had an image the first page of that affidavit at their website.

    3. The only person claiming Hundley did not hit Jonah Bennett is Hundley.

    Hundley will have his day in court, unless he agrees to a plea bargain to a lesser charge, which I think likely.

  23. Wesley R10:43 AM

    It's in the news that Hundley lost his job. Now you'll see him sitting next to Mr. 9-9-9 on Fox News.

  24. "The man is President of a mfg company in Idaho."

    He was fired so he is a FORMER VP of an aerospace manufacturing company. So sad.

  25. "Don't believe it based on my real world experience where blacks have pulled the race card at every opportunity"

    And based on my experience only racist whites use the word "race card".

  26. This guy is indefensible and, regardless of what he says, there were witnesses to his behavior. You don't slap a baby on a plane without other passengers awareness.

    A baby, for Chrissakes. I'm surprised he didn't slap the mother. What is the world coming to?

  27. Anonymous12:41 PM

    It gets the child ready for life as a black man in America. This may be the first time but it wont be the last.

  28. "A baby, for Chrissakes. I'm surprised he didn't slap the mother. What is the world coming to?"

    He is 60, hopefully when he and others like him die there won't be many others in their footsteps.

    Thanks for the 411 Steven D, methinks Mr. Hundley might have some splaining to do.

  29. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Field, ""A baby, for Chrissakes. I'm surprised he didn't slap the mother. What is the world coming to?"

    He is 60, hopefully when he and others like him die there won't be many others in their footsteps."

    Careful, Field. Careful. You are over 50. That is just around the corner from 60.

  30. Anonymous7:04 PM

    This never happened

  31. @Anon 12:49 said......So stop your TNB bluffing. Everybody has heard that song for 400 years. You and the rest of our race ain't going to do shit.

    Huh, I'm perfectly capable of speaking for myself. I don't need an anonymous, still in the closet punk like you to speak for me. Come outta the closet so that we may converse like men, quit hiding behind your mother's skirt.

  32. I don't understand why they didn't charge him with felony child abuse. Hitting a baby in the face is extremely dangerous. I'm glad the company let him go and I hope he did not get a "golden 'parachute" or any type of severance package because he was FIRED after all!

  33. Field, if there's an honest bone in your Black Ass, you'd admit you've been in the same place...
    Who HASN'T wanted to Bee-Otch slap some annoying Post-Fetus?
    Funny thing is, the Delta N-word Slapper, is probably against Abortion, which has resulted in some 40 million fewer N-words around to get slapped.


  34. And this ignorant cracker WAS fired.

  35. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Latest news reports have quotes from Hundley's attorney...she's hinting very strongly that she'll use a version of the Twinkie defense. Alcohol made him do it. From what I've observed, you can get a lot of people in the corner at a cocktail party and a few drinks inside of them and the filters come down. Some rather ugly attitudes and behaviors emerge. He may end up in rehab, but, assuming conviction in a court of law, I hope he gets criminal penalties as well.
    While a lot of Idahoans are NOT like have to look no further to the Idaho Legislature to see who Idahoans vote into office... And you won't see the governor or other high level electeds stand up and speak out against this.

  36. Bacopa7:59 PM

    Some have asked why Field attracts so many crazy comments. It's obvious, He's not a Lawn Jockey or a House Negro. Some folks just can't tolerate that.

    Gotta point out that Hundley's unjustified outrage was further provoked by the fact that the child's mom was white.


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