Monday, February 25, 2013

Sending some love for my sisters.

This is a tough time to be a sister in America. It doesn't matter if you are young or old; American just hasn't been too kind to you lately. (Sorry Onion, I know that it is satire, but you don't get to call a 9 year old a "cunt".) And it's not only Mr. Charlie. It's your own sons killing each other in record numbers, and your men, who should be standing by your side, abandoning you and leaving you to hold it down on your own.

Even the most powerful sister in America can't get any love these days.

I saw Michelle Obama handing out the best picture award at the Oscars last night, and Mrs. O was beautiful and classy as always. I mean what's not to like about that, right? Well, not so fast.

"Michelle Obama’s surprise appearance at Sunday night’s Academy Awards has set off many on the right, criticizing her for supposedly crashing or forcing herself on the event.

The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin wrote a scathing review of the first lady’s appearance, complaining about nearly every word she said, and claiming she must have felt “entitled” to “intrude” on the big Hollywood night. In her eyes, an appearance like last night’s “makes both the president and the first lady seem small and grasping. In this case, it was just downright weird.”

Rush Limbaugh attacked the first lady on his Monday radio show too, calling her appearance “unneeded” and “out of place” and insisting that Hollywood had to “throw her a crumb” because Lincoln lost (President Obama’s “semi-autobiography” according to Rush-logic.) He compared the giant screen to the Apple 1984 ad, saying Michelle looked like the “dear leader” of our “totalitarian state.”

The National Review put together their round-up of the various responses “mocking” the first lady. The Drudge Report called her a party crasher in his banner headline. The Breitbart team complained she hijacked the Oscars." [Source]

Now, to be fair, this issue with the First Lady is more a GOP problem than it is an overall American one. Mrs. O's favorables are high, and most Americans seem to appreciate the fact that we actually have a First Lady that we can be proud of. (When the next First Lady comes along that can do "The Dougie" holla at your boy.)

But while watching the Oscars it dawned on me that no matter how much society at large tries to typecast and stereotype my sisters, and no matter how much emotional pain and struggle some of them have to go through on a daily basis, there is nothing that can compare to their inner and outer beauty. From Halle, to Zoe,to Robin, to Jennifer; I love them all, not to mention everything that they represent: Beauty, courage, grace, and talent.

I know that a lot of you brothers like to complain about how hard you have it in America and what a grind it is just to get by on a daily basis, but just think, it could be worse; you could be doing it alone.


  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    We love you Field

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Boo hoo. You are truly pathetic, Filled Negro.

  3. SickupandFed10:13 PM

    Guess what Field? I will be so glad when Barack leaves office. His presence is a good and a bad thing.

    It's a bad thing because some folk are holding back on the beat down that cracker america has been pleading for since 2008. And whether they know it or not, his presence continues to keep the reckoning away from that cracker that has felt free enough to attack our women and children.

    There will be a reckoning, just not soon enough for some of us.

  4. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Thank you Field.

    Valerie Joyner

  5. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Awww, Field, what a lovely tribute to women! and so true, where would you'se be without us huh?!!! :p

    About the Onion, what were they thinking? What a horrible thing to call a woman, much less a child!!! Shame on them!

  6. Anonymous10:46 PM

    That was a hella dress Lebron wore last night. Gotta love that new indian hair wig wit tha bangs.

  7. Appreciate your sentiments and I have to second anonymous' statement.
    We do love you for this Field!

  8. This posting is very thoughtful about the conditions of our Black sisters, mothers, daughters and wives. I would like to include especially the Black women that don't walk the Red Carpets of America. These are the women that suffers in so many ways- physically and psychologically. The women that watch as her oppsprings-usally males- go out into a world that place no value to them if they cant be cash cows in the major schemes that prevade here. The majority of them(BMs) dont fill stadiums and fieldhouses up. Being a father that have watched my sons go out on a daily basis of living- my wife and I did not/do not rest until we rest our eye on them again. This is the pschy part of the females angst. Having few or bad mates is the physical lack they bear. The night of the Oscars offered some solace to know that the Black female is still number one is two Black males heart. I did include you- Field Negro in thatnumber. That you for this Red Carpet shout out for the Sistas. StillaPanther2


    Enough said.

    And Field, America hasn't been too kind to us sisters, ever.

  10. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Field, "I know that a lot of you brothers like to complain about how hard you have it in America and what a grind it is just to get by on a daily basis, but just think, it could be worse; you could be doing it alone."

    You ain't nothing but a mama's boy.

  11. Anonymous2:47 AM

    "Now, to be fair, this issue with the First Lady is more a GOP problem than it is an overall American one. Mrs. O's favorables are high, and most Americans seem to appreciate the fact that we actually have a First Lady that we can be proud of. (When the next First Lady comes along that can do "The Dougie" holla at your boy.)"

    Don't worry, there won't be any FLOTUS doing the Dougie. Former and future First Ladies don't, and won't do that. Brother Field, that's a black thing. I bet non-black citizens don't understand it.

  12. Anonymous3:01 AM

    "The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin wrote a scathing review of the first lady’s appearance, complaining about nearly every word she said, and claiming she must have felt “entitled” to “intrude” on the big Hollywood night. In her eyes, an appearance like last night’s “makes both the president and the first lady seem small and grasping. In this case, it was just downright weird.”

    Field, as much as I hate to, I agree with Jennifer, Rush and others. Michelle should not have been handing out any wards, let alone showcased. I am Black and I must say, "That WAS WEIRD and out of place.... Totally outrageous.

    Also, Field: Couldn't you have found a better photo for your post? I mean the main feature of that photo are thunder thighs. If you really wanted to showcase the sistahs in this post you could have done a lot better.

  13. Anonymous3:15 AM

    "I’m sure the left will holler that once again conservatives are being grouchy and have it in for the Obamas. Seriously, if they really had their president’s interests at heart, they’d steer away from encouraging these celebrity appearances. It makes both the president and the first lady seem small and grasping. In this case, it was just downright weird."--Jennifer Rubin

    I reluctantly must agree with Jennifer. I just wish the WH would not do such things that interfere with the things we enjoy. For pete's sake, have a heart.

    Of course, my peeps on FN are such Obama worshippers they think anything anywhere the Obamas show up is just fine, no matter how inappropriate.

  14. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Dear Mr Field, can you tell me what is wrong with her breast in the photo you have displayed? Couldn't you have shown a better photo of the Sistah? It's a terrible picture. It makes a mockery of your praise for our Sistahs, which I am sure you did not intend for that to be. Or was it? Well, some folks coming on FN today is going to have a 'field' day with this.

  15. WOW!
    OK, first. "...and most Americans seem to appreciate the fact that we actually have a First Lady that we can be proud of." The Bush ladies weren't so bad. I mean they never said they weren't proud of their country for most of their lives like Michelle, but they were OK.
    Second. Halle represents what again exactly? Please.
    Third. if " the sisters" were so beautiful inside ya' think they would get their children some husbands, not fathers. Husbands in the home. Gun violence? It's black family violence toward their own children by not having a father in the home. It's called a HUSBAND.
    And what exactly is the stereotype and typecast?
    And on the Oscars, what I don't like is that I'm sure if it was an unfavorable movie then she would not have been doing that. She's fake.
    A country that gives her a $200,000 job and a husband who becomes president and she's not proud of it. The hypocrisy is sickening.

  16. "Also, Field: Couldn't you have found a better photo for your post? I mean the main feature of that photo are thunder thighs. If you really wanted to showcase the sistahs in this post you could have done a lot better."

    Beauty and talent. I guess u didn't hear the song.

    "A country that gives her a $200,000 job and a husband who becomes president and she's not proud of it. The hypocrisy is sickening."

    I know, because god forbid a black couple gets paid like the other 43 that came before them.


  17. "We love you Field"

    I love u back.

  18. Anonymous6:06 AM

    "We love you Field"

    I love u back.

    5:41 AM
    ass kisser!

  19. Field, what a wonderful post!

    As for thunder thighs, I think the racist mutant assnon has confused J HUD with Babs Bush! Or his Mammy!

  20. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Please don't confuse rightwing media's hate for the Obamas w/ the love most Americans have for them - hey, who won the election? FLOTUS has higher approval ratings by far than anyone in DC. We love her!

  21. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Anonymous SickupandFed said...

    Guess what Field? I will be so glad when Barack leaves office. His presence is a good and a bad thing.

    It's a bad thing because some folk are holding back on the beat down that cracker america has been pleading for since 2008. And whether they know it or not, his presence continues to keep the reckoning away from that cracker that has felt free enough to attack our women and children.

    There will be a reckoning, just not soon enough for some of us.

    Who is attacking and raping old women, robbing and hurting children and old men? The ones you raised.

    Don't wait for someone else to agree, bring your "beatdown" to "cracka" america now. Bring it. You might be surprised that "cracka" america this time doesn't feel sorry and guilty as they used to whenever you burned down and rioted the same neighborhoods you live in and won't pay you off with government programs to sit at home useless and stupid. "cracka" america may not cotton to jungle fever this time and instead of a tribe on one lone poor soul you might find an organized bunch of citizens fighting and taking you out.

    Bring it, whattya got to lose? You never know until you try right?

  22. control+halt+delete10:04 AM

    Field, you're the man! Great post. As we come to the end of Black History month we see how important it is to get our story out. The MSM(white)is trying to rewrite history again. First they said, "Columbus discovered 'merica. This was taught in schools until our black scholars dismissed this as propaganda. They said lil' george didn't tell a lie, but he was known for being very deceitful. Now they want to continue their frivolous attack Michelle Obama. I say this is bubble spit.

    "Until the lion tells the tale, the story of the hunt will always favor the hunter."

  23. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Dear Field,

    Thank You for the positive post on our lovely ladies. I was pleasantly surprised to see Ms. Obama. I don't understand how anyone could object to her participating in a glamourous show business event. She is elegantly qualified. Politics is show business in many ways.

  24. Frustrated Negro6:35 PM

    Still worshiping the Obama's huh STEPHEN???

    Nothing on our so called "black Leadership" s meeting with the chosen one?

    Nothing on the upcoming austerity SHIT sandwich coming up for seniors , and the middle class...

    All because this CHUMP you worship cant bear to tax the Wall Street Derivative market accordingly to avoid draconian austerity cuts??

    Anyone with a parent on SSI benefits should be made to pay for the shorts in their check with their Obama vote...

    Your House Negro Behavior has been noted.....

  25. Sistas have to fight the dual stigma of racism and sexism.

  26. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Please don't hurt SickandFedUp, he is the symbol of black talk. He wouldn't hurt anybody. Can't you tell by his TNB talk?

  27. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Field, I just noted that McConnell's wife is Chinese! Well, that changes everything about him. There is no way Mitch McConnell is a racist.

    Brother Field, you and some of your FN Negroes owe Mitch McConnell a very sincere apology.

  28. control+halt+delete8:38 PM

    First Lady Michelle Obama is the only woman I can think of ( No, not Jackie...a little too stiff),who could have pulled that off at the award presentation with such an elegant presence. Most of her predecessors were shall we say "kinda light" in the personality gene.
    And the onion...said what about a 9yr old girl? How many other 9 yr old girls have they called that?Is that another "black" first? Is that kind of bubble spit funny in america?

    I can see why puss limpaw is ashamed to be an american.

  29. enough!!!!!!!

    the hobamas are overexposed by the msm they rule!

    they are buckdancing/vacationing/singin­g/golfing/yapping fluff on tv talk shows/crashing the oscars!...

    as the global misery index soars under hobama's nwo and designer global poverty!
    cc drones/PIC/MIC/ndaa/africom/ww­iii/gun grabs/civil war ii/rex 84/dhs ammo/fema camps/hobamacare layoffs/pharma corp casinos!­0/selection-2012--%E2%80%9Cfor­ward%E2%80%9D-with-the-fleecin­g-of-america/

  30. SickupandFed3:06 AM


    You anonymous jackasses are the ones that talk crap. You've been spewing it daily since that Tuesday in November 2008. The first blows of the beatdown are about to be self inflicted. Your hatred of a Black man is causing you fools to fight against everything that would fix the mess made by that shrub and your monied masters.

    Your friends and families are the biggest recipients of the work of government, but you are too stupid to admit it. We have a historical record that proves what needs to be done to get our economy back on track. But you fools would rather die than have our nation recover under Black leadership. You will get what you deserve. The only problem is all the others that don't deserve it.

    And that fallback attempt at an insult about crime, please. I see plenty of white folk on the news and covered tons of them while I was in the nooze biz. We all see all those white folk coming through the hood trying to buy dope, so who do you think you're fooling?

    Let me say this too. Some of my best and oldest friends are White. My family hates White folk so much that one of my kids married one and not the one that I made with a very beautiful White woman. You really don't know a damn thing about any of us. That's one reason why we out perform clowns like anonymous all the time.

    IMO, the sooner you hatemongers leave America and go back where you came from, the sooner the rest of us will be able to live in peace.

    I said what I said because I'm part of a growing number of real Americans. The ones that are putting the remnants of white supremacy on notice. We are past being tired of your crap and will no longer be silent about your disrespect of us, our women, children, our elders, and our President and First Lady.

    When that son of a bush stole two elections, lied us into TWO wars, and had over $3 TRILLION disappear down a hole we disagreed without, for the most part, being disagreeable. And we left his wife and kids out of it. Your side has attacked him and his wife constantly. There were even a few on your side that tried to bring those children into it too. This latest crap about The Oscars is pathetic.

    Yes, the beatdown is coming. Please keep doing what you're doing so all the adults have all the ammo we need for the next election. I can't wait to see that dumbfounded look on the pundit's faces when we send the g-o-p packing next year.

    As for the physical beatdown is concerned, that can be arranged too. Visualize a few thousand Chris Dorners turned loose.

  31. Anonymous5:45 PM


    Mutants win when you let them provoke you. They hate themselves precisely because of how they came to be and tanning, high heels, corsets and, especially, bustles are indicative of this (See also Hottentot Venus). It's high time that we internalize this fact and realize that humans will ALWAYS be hated if they stay in close proximity to this particular virulent strain of mutant humanity. Why be goaded into their madness and respond as though you're dealing with a fellow human being when penis envy alone incurs their ire, wrath, genocide, and world-leading incarceration? I know you said that you called some of them friends, but I'm sorry to say that there just isn't a critical mass of them that can overcome the more virulent bigots. Hearing Scalia refer to Section 5 of VRA today as "racial entitlement" tells us all we need to know.

  32. SickupandFed2:07 AM

    Guess what? This crap will continue until folk realize there is a price that has to be paid for the continuation of stupidity. As long as we say nothing, it will continue.

  33. Boss Hogg5:47 PM

    Afroloid said,,,
    "It's high time that we internalize this fact and realize that humans will ALWAYS be hated if they stay in close proximity to this particular virulent strain of mutant humanity."

    You are right. Please leave ASAP.

    BTW, nobody envies your penis.

  34. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Abigail Breslin, Dakota Fanning, and Jennifer Lawrence were never faced with the most vulgar, misogynistic, sexual reference ever used on a GROWN woman, let alone a nine-year-old child by an adult male. That's the power of white female privilege at work. Something is wrong with a extreme hate-filled mentality that enjoys mocking and bullying little girls and putting them "in their place" when they get too much self-confidence. But then, I've seen hateful contemptuous commentary against Sasha Obama, Amanda Steinberg, and Willow Smith, who are still just children. The hatred against little Black girls is very real. Often it is low-key in the classroom when educators and administrators either ignore Black children or discipline them to the harshest extreme. Other times, it's more apparent like when some sort of pedophile attacks and attempts to intimidate a little girl into silence and fear with harsh language. Only a punk attacks a little girl. Only a punk throws a rock and then runs to hide behind the CEO of the newspaper. Punk.

  35. Anonymous4:31 PM

    "Satire" was the excuse for the Chapel Hill lacrosse player who sent the email about wanting to "skin some strippers." Satire was also the excuse for showcasing First Lady Obama in vulgar, crass stereotype on The New Yorker. Satire was the excuse for attacking a nine-year-old girl and calling her out of her name. All the okey-doke ring-around-the-rosy rigamarole and excuses and patronizing denial cannot hide a pattern of hatred, loathing, and contempt towards Black women in North America. This so-called satire that it apparently takes several paragraphs to explain, really only takes one word... hatred. Oh, and possibly, sociopathy.

  36. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I think Mrs. Obama is a beautiful & classy woman and she makes a wonderful First Lady. It is appalling how in today's world that scathing criticisms of our President's wife, from how she was dressed to her being a "party crasher", are even considered news! Where does it end? As a society we have begun to think it's normal & OK to openly criticize & make fun of people. What are we teaching our children?

  37. اسعار شركات نقل عفش بخميس مشيط ارقام شركات نقل عفش بخميس مشيط شركة نقل عفش بخميس مشيط جديدة شركة نقل عفش من خميس مشيط الي الرياض
