Friday, February 15, 2013

Suffer the little (white) children.....

You Negroes are some special folks, you really are. Some white folks do not want you all caring for them, but yet you insist on doing just that.

"A Michigan nurse claims she was banned from caring for a newborn child because of her skin color.

Tonya Battle is suing her employers at Hurley Medical Center, in Flint, after they ordered her not to look after the baby in the neonatal intensive care unit following a request from its father, WNEM reports.

The lawsuit states: "The father told the [nurse in charge] that he did not want and African Americans taking care of his baby."

It adds that, during the conversation with Battle's supervisor, the father rolled up his sleeve to reveal a tattoo of a Swastika.
The court documents say: "She [BATTLE]was shocked, offended and in disbelief that she was so egregiously discriminated against based on her race and re-assigned." [Source]

Why were you in "disbelief", Negro? You must be another one of these out of touch Negroes who really believed that there was going to be a post racial America after O made history by becoming America's first half black president.

You nurses are truly compassionate people; salt of the earth as far as I am concerned. But honestly, sometimes you have to let that human side win out a little bit.

Forget that little newborn Nazi baby and keep it popping. Life goes on. It would have been quite interesting if this nurse had some specialized skill set that could have saved the little crumb snatcher's life, but when they reassigned her it proved fatal to the infant.

"And when Battle, an employee since 1988, returned to work she saw a note in the patient's file that read: "No African American nurse to take care of baby."
The court documents add: "African American nurses [LIKE BATTLE]were not assigned to the baby for approximately the next month because of their race."

This story took place in Flint, Michigan. Do they even have white people in Flint?
How did the baby survive so long without Negro contact?

Speaking of survive, it looks like we will all be around a little longer after just missing being hit by a huge space rock the size of a football field. I don't know about the rest of you, but that was a little too close for comfort for the kid.

"It was the closest known flyby for a rock of its size, passing within 17,000 miles. That's closer than some satellites."

The next time we might not be so lucky.


  1. A father denying his child critical care over racism should get CPS involved.

  2. Wesley R10:09 PM

    The nurse should have been like 'fuck 'em, they'll need me before I'll need them', and went on about her business.

  3. They should have told Adolph Jr.that he either take the nurse assigned to him or take his ass and the baby to the fatherland. She should quit and sue because her bosses do not have her back.

    On another note do you or PC have the new Jimmy Cliff? I like the new single and now I'm watching a recent concert. I might have to drop some coin at the last record store on the planet. Lemme know what ya think.

  4. This neoNazi, pun intended, will probably grow up to be like those 5th graders charged in a plot to kill their classmates in Washington state.


    "Your mutant subspecies' problems with procreating, aside from you all's, on average, diminutive anatomical/phallic (under)endowment, lol, is, in large part due to the TYPE of mutation that you all are. "

    I'd put this 'ish in my signature if I could, ROTFL!!!!!

  5. Good read in today's USA Today's business section about the Miami Herald's decision to ban anonymous comments. If I remember I'll link it when I get to my desktop.

  6. The LAPD psych test pre "reform" was effective. Don't ask me how I know.

    Rodney King and NWA notwithstanding, we can all assume the LAPD's "racist history" is at least partly bullshit.

    The LAPD was using black cops in black neighborhoods long before Watts too--and they were despised for their brutality. Outraged black citizens wanted regular white cops, demanding--get this--"white justice".

    John Buntin's LA Noir is a fun popular history:

    So Black police misconduct being fed into the racism narrate-o-matic precedes even diversity hires.

  7. Anonymous11:29 PM

    My thoughts are that the hospital did not manage this incident well.
    Did they explain to the gentleman that if his baby suffered a respiratory or heart failure and the only medical personnel around are African does the hospital allow the baby to die? Or is this father so rich that he can afford Anglo doctors, specialists, nurses 24-7?

    This infant was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, a few minutes delay can mean the difference between life or death to an infant.

    Should baby require a blood transfusion i guess dad will want to verify the donors color too :))

    They def have to establish policies that patients must sign prior to admittance prohibiting this type of discrimination by patients against medical staff for reasons of race, color, sex etc.

    On the othe side of this debate is the issue of atients rights, religious observance etc., but in a hospital setting you can only take this so far.

    Of course hospitals being businesses, it is not profitable to turn away clients with this type of policy in place, so if a patient wants only those of their race to attend to them they may try instead an employee agreement to alliw restrictions on patient selection.

    otherwise these persons will start building facilities that
    will cater to their requirements.
    Can anybody say apartheid?;)

  8. Anonymous11:31 PM

    "Tonya Battle is suing her employers at Hurley Medical Center, in Flint, after they ordered her not to look after the baby in the neonatal intensive care unit following a request from its father, WNEM reports."

    Mr Field, this is another superb post. You are a brilliant man. Tanya Battle will go down in history if she wins this battle(pun intended). She will be the first black nurse in history of America to sue and hopefully win.

    However, I am not sure if she will win. The father has a right to protect his child from black nurses if he sees fit.

    He is part of the KKK or Skinheads and that is a different philosophy on life.

    It excludes Blacks and the hospital is bound by law to honor ANY request by a new born parent.

  9. Anonymous12:16 AM

    And furthermore, the gentleman can be considered to be endangering the life of the baby by his request. To a certain degree when a child is admitted or in his case born to a hospital, the hospital is the caretaker, and as such can take all necessary Actions to ensure the health of said child. As in cases where parents refuse chemotherapy or transfusions where the childs life depends on it and hospitals take over with legal action.

    Hospital social services should have been called and sat that man down and given him a good talking to, and asked him to roll down that sleeve and cover his swastika cuz this is a hospital not a political rally and you're scaring our Jewish patients buddy!!! And have security remove him if he protested!

    The hospital freaked and buckled! Endangering the life of his sick newborn, what an idiot!

    Not to mention that his insurance company may decide to terminate him for that!

  10. Hahaha, this nurse seriously needs her head checked. That's the damn problem with so many House Negroes, they insist on being where they are not wanted; they insist on pleasing contemporary massa and then they want to run to the nearest courthouse to file a lawsuit due to being perturbed and having their feelings hurt. Negroes puuhleeeze! When a house is on fire, smart people run in the opposite direction, not towards the burning structure. The courthouse is in fact such a structure, it's a bastion of hate, filled and operated by neo-confederates.

  11. "Hahaha, this nurse seriously needs her head checked. That's the damn problem with so many House Negroes, they insist on being where they are not wanted; they insist on pleasing contemporary massa and then they want to run to the nearest courthouse to file a lawsuit due to being perturbed and having their feelings hurt.."

    Black Sage is hurting feelings this morning.:)

    Pass the offering plate.

    PilotX, I suspect that you would ruin this man's vacation if he was getting on your plane with his precious family and saw you heading into the cockpit.

    "Flight attendant, that n****r better not be flying this plane."

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @Field negroe,

    I want to do a whole lot more than hurt some people’s feelings. They really don’t want to see me as a pilot. I’ll be so debonair, calm and professional. Hell, ….I’ll even kiss a little ass like a House Negroe prior to taxiing down the run way to further put a whole plane filled with whites at ease. The passengers don’t know that I’ll have a parachute stashed somewhere up front and then I’ll bail on their asses at just the right height.

  14. Don't trip Sage, some of these Negroes need to get their feelings hurt. :)

  15. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Ahahaha! Hey Field, take care of yourself in that " bastion of hate, filled and operated by neo confederates" you work at baybay!

    Hey Sage, just ribbing you lol! :)) I know it's true, but you know The Field brings "the love and true justice" to the place! ;p

  16. Black Sage said...
    @Field negroe,

    I want to do a whole lot more than hurt some people’s feelings. They really don’t want to see me as a pilot. I’ll be so debonair, calm and professional. Hell, ….I’ll even kiss a little ass like a House Negroe prior to taxiing down the run way to further put a whole plane filled with whites at ease. The passengers don’t know that I’ll have a parachute stashed somewhere up front and then I’ll bail on their asses at just the right height.

    More murderous fantasies about killing white people. The black desire for white genocide is getting more and more mainstream. And you wonder why a white father might not want a black person near his baby?

    Your little dream about killing a plane full of white people reminds me of a scene from the 1995 HBO movie, the Tuskegee Airmen. To emphasize how racist the white officers were, a talented black cadet was dismissed on a technicality by a racist major. The dismissed pilot then commandeered an aircraft, put on an amazing acrobatic display, and then did a kamikaze into the runway.

    I am sure the director felt he was accurately portraying how racist the army was back then, and thought the audience would sympathize with the dead pilot. But anyone familar with the military would probably agree that the the white officer's decision to eliminate this pilot was justified based upon the way the guy freaked out. You can't have a guy like that flying expensive fighters.

    A actual example of why blacks should not be allowed near airplanes can be foound here.

    I wonder if PilotX has ever heard the story of Auburn Calloway?

    1. Yep, there was a book about it but funny thing was all the other stories of attempted hijackings were of white boys with guns.
      BTW at least you know the incident in the ficticious movie never in fact happened. The blah men in Tuskegee were actually getting washed out for nonsense reasons dreamed up by less qualified white boys.

  17. PC, WTF? Did Gunners just lose to Blackurn Rovers in the FA Cup?

  18. "Good read in today's USA Today's business section about the Miami Herald's decision to ban anonymous comments. If I remember I'll link it when I get to my desktop."

    Banning anon comments won't do anything. It's people's behavior on the net which is problematic.

    Take for example Internet stalking. It's pretty clear that the people who engage in this behavior are cowards and social misfits,who would NEVER have the balls to say in person what they say on the Internet. And since you've been stalked on THIS blog, I'm sure you can relate.

  19. Anonymous1:05 PM

    "You are under no obligation to keep your baby at this hospital. While here, that baby may be cared for by any and all qualified staff we assign."

    Sounds good to me. Not legal? Common-sense, and consistent with our principles, I would think.


  20. Black Super Genius said ……More murderous fantasies about killing white people. The black desire for white genocide is getting more and more mainstream. And you wonder why a white father might not want a black person near his baby?

    Perhaps you are black, but Super Genius, certainly NOT! No one cares about you professing your abundance of love for white troglodytes through an anecdote. I highly encourage you to disinhibit yourself from this cowardly practice. Just because yours truly reacts to racism, doesn’t at all make me a racist. For goodness’ sake, make at least an ounce of sense and think before you post. Whew!

  21. Anonymous2:52 PM

    "You are under no obligation to keep your baby at this hospital. While here, that baby may be cared for by any and all qualified staff we assign."
    Sounds great, but not that simple, there's a catch 22 of sorts here. What if the baby is to ill to be moved to another hospital? He was in the Intensive care unit.

    But this situation has to be investigated because why did this man not take these measures before taking his wife to birth there or his baby as the case may be?

    Also when a man rolls up a sleeve to expose a swastika, isn't that a little off the wall.

    At that point he became another patient. Many times the family of a sick child will become unbalanced by the situation.

    He may have just needed attention and be allowed to air his real or imagined grievances and just engage in dialogue in order to realize the consequences of his requests.

    As Pilot said, the hospital did not stand up for the nurse. It sounds as though hey perhaps capitulated too quickly to unreasonable demands made by a possibly stressed and anxiety ridden person. Which is why she will win this in court.


    Check this. Oh boy, I hope the cops that hemmed this fool up were blah. That would have been a looooong ass ride to the pokie.

  23. The nurse should not have had to deal with this.

    a pointy haired boss should have explained to nazi daddy that the hospital is not playing his stupid game. At worst explain the idiot to the nurse, she probably would have handled it just fine.

    So, rake em over coals nursy.

  24. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Blogger Black Sage said...

    Black Super Genius said ……More murderous fantasies about killing white people. The black desire for white genocide is getting more and more mainstream. And you wonder why a white father might not want a black person near his baby?

    Perhaps you are black, but Super Genius, certainly NOT! No one cares about you professing your abundance of love for white troglodytes through an anecdote. I highly encourage you to disinhibit yourself from this cowardly practice. Just because yours truly reacts to racism, doesn’t at all make me a racist. For goodness’ sake, make at least an ounce of sense and think before you post. Whew!

    Black Sage - HAH another racist mental dwarve who sounds just like he has reached his genetic peak of a 70 IQ, or if he is half white perhaps a few points higher.

    You do know you sound like a not so bright school kid just starting to figure things out, at the point where he confuses everything he is hearing including himself.

    People who mention differences in black vs. white IQ are these days almost universally howled down and subjected to the most extreme abuse. I am a psychometrician, however, so I feel obliged to defend the scientific truth of the matter: The average African adult has about the same IQ as an average white 11-year-old and African Americans (who are partly white in ancestry) average out at a mental age of 14. The American Psychological Association is generally Left-leaning but it is the world's most prestigious body of academic psychologists. And even they have had to concede that sort of gap (one SD) in black vs. white average IQ. 11-year olds can do a lot of things but they also have their limits and there are times when such limits need to be allowed for.

    Your limits have been reached.

  25. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...

    "Good read in today's USA Today's business section about the Miami Herald's decision to ban anonymous comments. If I remember I'll link it when I get to my desktop."

    Banning anon comments won't do anything. It's people's behavior on the net which is problematic.

    Take for example Internet stalking. It's pretty clear that the people who engage in this behavior are cowards and social misfits,who would NEVER have the balls to say in person what they say on the Internet.

    Yup and you aren't a violent Negro fish-woman. People don't deal with you because your kind is easy to see. Loud, crude, rude, obnoxious, completletly low brow, ghetto hood rat hoochie mama.

    You don't matter at all so why would someone tell you what a pig you are and then have to hurt you to shut up your sqealing when they can just ignore you. You see that there is the difference. You want nothing more than to be validated by a superior White person. They don't even want to acknowledge you any more than someone Else's pet from the zoo who will fling feces at you if you engage them.

  26. "And since you've been stalked on THIS blog, I'm sure you can relate." No stalkers yet, if they want to follow me through the streets of the Southside of Chicago they are more than welcomed.

    "Sounds great, but not that simple, there's a catch 22 of sorts here"
    What's the Catch-22? When you go to a hospital you don't get to request a certain doctor or nurse, you get whom you're given. This ain't a massage parlor. When your house is on fire you don't get to request only male or blah firemen, that's the deal. No two ways about it. When dude spoke up he should have been told point blank all of our staff are highly qualified and capable of doing their job. A person always has the right to move their lovedone to another hospital they feel more comfortable, we've done it for relatives getting care. This is 2013, we don't do that "I don't want a blah person serving me" shit anymore. If that's how you feel move to Vermont. He was in FLINT, MICHIGAN for chrissake. I want that child removed from that house just so there will be one less dumbassed white person for me to deal with in 18 years.

  27. Brother Field...I was going to stay out of this.....but the Mrs and I-both nurses with many years- were hashing over the quandry that all parties find themselves in. Being a male nurse of color, in my early days in nursing- before the period of enlightment- there were days when I came on duty and was informed by my supervisor the maybe a female patient has some reservation about being on my patient load, We solved the issue by just exchanging patients. This did not offend me because there was always more pts that I wanted/needed. The hospital can refuse patients if there are demands that could not be met...albeit the baby would have been stabilized and on it's way after the parent signed an AMA (against medical advise). I worked in cardiac and very few patients cared about who provided care as long as professionalism is shown by staff. There has to be a missing block to this puzzle. Also, I concur with the fact that there is too many patients to be offended by this parent's desires. NIC units don't have time to deal with the changes from people with requests/demands of this nature. This nurse has been in the game too long to allow this to morph her. I went to mental health nursing and my wife also....this was needed due to burn-out from crazy situations such as this. This hospital has set a bad precedence by being bullied by this father.....if the story is true >StillaPanther2

  28. Quohog9:00 PM

    PilotX said...
    "He was in FLINT, MICHIGAN for chrissake."

    Whites who live in heavily black areas get to know blacks very, very well.

    Living in Flint, he is probably a poor guy who has lived in the kind of neighborhoods where he has been victimized by blacks all of his life (the swastika tattoo kind confirms that). Experience is a harsh teacher.

    Maintaining one's kum ba yah liberalism is easier from a distance. The white people in Vermont would have no problem with a black doctor or nurse, as their opinions of blacks are based on TV, movies, and that nice Nigerian grad student they met at a party.

    The hospital should have told this guy he can't decide their employee assignments. But the only reason we are hearing about it is that Nurse Battle is looking to cash in on the racism sweepstakes. That's one good reason not to hire black nurses.

  29. "No stalkers yet, if they want to follow me through the streets of the Southside of Chicago they are more than welcomed."

    If you say so, but I'd like to see them do that, LOL!!!

    "I want that child removed from that house just so there will be one less dumbassed white person for me to deal with in 18 years."

    You won't have to deal with this kid because po' white trash don't fly on airplanes, they can't afford it. From what I understand, Greyhoud is their preferred method of travel.

  30. No, this asshat is a racist because he his an idiot just like you. If a reason to not hire a person or a race of people because one person of a similar color filed a lawsuit then how many whites would EVER be considered for a job asshole? What percentage of frivilous lawsuits are filed by whites? You are a good example of white intelligence. Sad.

  31. Anonymous11:39 PM

    What's the Catch-22? When you go to a hospital you don't get to request a certain doctor or nurse, you get whom you're given. This ain't a massage parlor

    You are wrong. When you are seeking medical treatment, you absolutely have the right to request a "certain doctor or nurse". You can also demand a "second opinion". You are under no obligation to accept what is offered to you, and the hospital has to abide by your wishes.

    I've worked in the medical/hospital admin field and I can assure you that is indeed the case. Some people do not believe that DO's are acceptable and only want to be seen by MD's. Others only want to be seen by people who trained at specific institutions, and on and on and on. Many women don't feel comfortable being examined by males, etc. All of these wishes are honored, within reason.

    Like many people within the medical field, I am highly selective about who I, or other loved family members, is treated by.

    And I don't accept blacks as medical care providers, unless it is for basic skills. Blacks are not held to any standard as far as admission to schools and/or residency. Excuse after excuse is made for sub standard performance, and they are "passed along" out of fear of being called "racist" and the demand for quotas now that dear Leader is in charge.

    My husband was scheduled for some major surgery. The Resident assigned to his case was black, and we demanded an assignment change and as well written confirmation that said Resident, would not be allowed to scrub in at any point. In his case, we were able to document his previous sub-standard performance and in no way, shape or form is he getting anywhere near my husband, or the hospital will be sued from Kingdom Come and back again. THAT is a lawsuit that would prevail.

    She can sue all she wants, she's not going to win, and it's not going to result in any major policy change where you "have" to accept whatever provider is next up in rotation. This is a holdover from private medicine, and we are going back to that system once the disaster that is Obamacare becomes fully operational.

    The father was completely within his rights, and I would have done the same thing.

    Don't like? Then demand an end to Affirmative Action and admission preferences/quotas based on race, and stop screaming "racism" every time your ass is tossed from a highly competitive program because you can't make the cut.

    Another example - the Naval Flight program is a high intensity program, and close to 50% of each class washes out (does not complete). This was no big deal when the classes were all white males, but Negros? Apparently you're all magical and none of you should be held to the same standards or statistics. That loser Dorner whined and called the R card to get three passes through Flight before they were finally able to fully document and toss his lazy unqualified a$$.

    It's no different with medicine, except, people's lives are on the line.

  32. Anonymous8:44 AM

    "Like many people within the medical field, I am highly selective about who I, or other loved family members, is treated by."

    Being a CNA barely qualifies you as being " in the medical field", and given that ALL you do all day is change bedpans, you wouldn't know a qualified Black Physician or nurse if you saw one.

    Just do the world a favor make sure YOU and your stupid a$$ cracka' family STAY under that big Midwestern rock you all crawled out from under.

    PS- I'm suprised they had a gurney big enough for your husband's fat a$$!



  33. I also agree that the nurse in this case has wasted her time filing suit. The hospital proved that they don't value her as an employee, so she'd be better off moving on to the next hospital.

  34. Anon@11:39 PM, the fact that u even worked in the medical field is kind of scary. Tell me, did u pull the plug on any black babies?

  35. Basschweile11:07 AM

    Anon@11:39 PM makes a good point. I know plenty of competent blacks who I would hire or let handle something important like a medical procedure for me, but Affirmative Action always casts doubt on any black achievement.

    If it is someone you don't know, you must assume they were admitted to a school they were not qualified for, hired to a position they weren't prepared for, and advanced in their career despite performance deficiencies.

    In this way, Affirmative Action hurts qualified and competent blacks, because everyone has to assume they were the benficiaries of special treatment.

    The examples are everywhere. Look at Michelle Obama, who, if white, would have gotten into a mid-range state school at best. Instead she goes to Princeton! Despite an Ivy League law degree, she failed the Illinois bar exam on her first attempt, and by all accounts was a failure as lawyer, eventually losing her license.

    You can't have it both ways. Respect must be earned, not granted based on skin color. Just because they gave you that piece of paper and nice job, doesn't mean you know what the hell you are doing. You can pretend, but everyone else knows this, even you.

  36. Anonymous7:28 PM

    "You can't have it both ways. Respect must be earned, not granted based on skin color. Just because they gave you that piece of paper and nice job, doesn't mean you know what the hell you are doing. You can pretend, but everyone else knows this, even you."

    I don't know why you arrogants $hits have so much difficulty getting this ONE point crystal clear. NO educated, accomplished Black woman on the planet gives a f*ck about YOUR "feelings" toward thier educational and professional achievements!

    At the end of the day whike youre crying in a corner because we outsmart and outwork you, we're increasing our bottom lines and gaining MORE success in the process!


  37. Hooooo! A Flint shoutout! Thanks, Field. Sorry it had to be over this nonsense. :-/

  38. Anonymous11:22 AM

    "You can't have it both ways. Respect must be earned, not granted based on skin color."

    That's clear mutant thinking. Being that they aren't human, they simply do not understand an individual being respected simply because they're a human.

    Sojourner Truth articulated this clearly in her landmark speech, "Ain't I a Woman" when she states, " As for intellect, all I can say is, if a woman have a pint, and a man a quart – why can't she have her little pint full?"

    Mutant thinking must always be singled out and called for what it is. What undergirds the above "respect" statement is my superiority/inferiority complex that sees you as inferior (I wanna see the president's transcripts, etc., in the hopes than my inferiority complex can somehow be appeased) so, despite you going to "better" school and, even, having more education than you, because people like me have engineered yours and others destruction, I'm gonna be skeptical that you're competant. Ultimately, humans MUST extricate themselves from being subject to this warped mutant thinking.

    When humans finally see mutants for who and WHAT they are and see this whole "respect" game, as merely a hamsteresque habitrail wheel for them to run around in, these mutant creatures can be more or less quarantined, actually, left alone with no one else to exploit but themselves.

  39. Anonymous4:14 PM

    FN Fam need, as the good doctor advised, to ignore many of these Mutant "Anon" commenters because much of what they spew is pure psychological warfare that these creatures feel compelled to deploy, as their world crumbles around them, thanks to the likes of Tiger Woods and the POTUS. It's bad enough that these mutants dying out and tanning is harmful so that they can't have the desired color of a human, but now they have to deal with humans beating them at the own game and exposing their superiority fallacy.

    Mutants not wanting humans to provide medical care for them is entirely consistent with how they have insanely brought themselves up, for the most part. However, when mutants have problems and they get desperate, oftentimes they're pressed to see humans when their OWN mutant doctors keep referring them to humans, which occurred to a specialist fellow classmate of mine. He said that this mutant (read: white guy) had such a funky, skeptical attitude, despite the other mutants prostrating themselves at his feet. Unfortunately, he did not follow my advice and let the mutant suffer. Rather, he cured the foul creature and added him as a patient to his practice.

    These mutants sure are obsessed with their IQ testing and their hierarchies. Interestingly, no one else seems to be. when a Native American friend told me that these mutants are so dumb, they persist in using the expression, "low man on a totem pole" when totems don't conform to a hierarchy. However, mutants are indifferent to truth, as we've seen on these comment threads.

    I guess that when you're so deeply ashamed of how you came to into being and realize that you're, in fact, a LETHAL MUTATION, you must find some validation for being nature's mistake.

  40. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Mutants---some of them like Michael Moore---try to be human, risking their lives, more or less, and they get smeared with the term "liberal" for it.

    Another who would be smeared thusly would be Gerry Spence, who wrote, "With Justice For None."

    Spence argued within the text how the ETS Testing Service---upon AfrAms/humans getting questions right and mutants/whites getting the questions wrong----simply threw out the offending questions. Thus, mutants can be counted on to rig tests, IQ and otherwise, making their test mechanisms fundamentally flawed, principally, because they aren't humans, remain pissed about it, and intend on perpetrating the ongoing fraud of white supremacy and global hegemony.

  41. It is an absurdity that such a request would even be entertained for a brief second. This hospital needs to be put on notice.

  42. Anonymous2:41 PM


    Good point!
