Friday, March 15, 2013

Shooting off at the mouth at CPAC, and they are shooting children in Brooklyn.

Poor Donald Trump is still trying to fire up the troops. He played to a half empty house at CPAC today, and I bet that the faithful are all regretting that they even invited the man with the bad hairdo. Why invite a guy like Trump and snub the guy that's polling well against potential democratic candidates?

"For Republicans worried that creating a path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants will simply create 11 million more Democratic voters, Donald Trump has a solution. Bring in more European immigrants.

Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference outside of Washington, D.C., on Friday, Trump warned that Republicans are on a “suicide mission” if they support immigration reform, claiming that every single illegal immigrant will end up voting Democratic.

“When it comes to immigration, you know that the 11 million illegals, even if given the right to vote — you know, you’re gonna have to do what’s right — but the fact is, 11 million people will be voting Democratic,” Trump said.

No matter how pro-active Republicans are on immigration reform, they’re not going to win the votes of former illegal immigrants. “That’s just the way it works, and you have to be very, very careful,” Trump warned.

“You could say … that you’re on a suicide mission. You’re just not going to get those votes,” Trump said." [Source]

I hope that poor Donald realizes that if these poor folks are on a suicide mission then he is one of the people leading the charge.

Wishing for a homogeneous America and dissing every immigrant of color is one sure fire way to make sure you lose many elections for years to come.

“Now I say to myself, why aren’t we letting people in from Europe?” Trump continued. “Nobody wants to say it, but I have many friends from Europe, they want to come in.”

Trump expanded on this argument, describing personal friends who were educated at American universities and using those skills to help spur the economies of other countries.

“Tremendous people, hard-working people,” he said. “They can’t come in. I know people whose sons went to Harvard, top of their class, went to the Wharton School of finance, great, great students. They happen to be a citizen of a foreign country. They learn, they take all of our knowledge, and they can’t work in this country. We throw them out. We educate them, we make them really good, they go home — they can’t stay here — so they work from their country and they work very effectively against this. how stupid is that

It's very stupid Donald. Very stupid indeed.

I am heading up to New York tomorrow to receive an award . (Shout out to the Jamaican-American Bar Association)  

On my way out to Queens I will try my best to avoid Brooklyn. I mean if the po po is shooting 16 year old black boys in the back, what do you think they will do to a grown ass bald headed black man?

Although maybe I shouldn't so quick to call out the po po on this one. I want to know if the victim was really packing, and if he really pointed a gun at the po po.

Folks in the community are outraged and have been rioting for four days now.

Anger and action against injustice is good, but where were all you Negroes in Brooklyn when 13 year old Ronald Wallace was gunned down?  (That's Ronald's grandma in the pic.)He was shot in the back and left to die on a Brownsville street. That wasn't the po po. More than likely his shooter looked just like him. We need to be outraged to the point of rioting about his death as well.



  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Riot - That will teach them who you are and what needs to happen when shit really goes down.

    Maybe this civilization thing just isn't for everyone.

  2. "Why invite a guy like Trump and snub the guy that's polling well against potential democratic candidates?"

    SHHHHHHHHHH! Carry on tbaggers; we love you just the way you are!

  3. In case anyone was wondering where black folk will fit in to the Tbagger utopia, this CPAC Minority Outreach presentation on the benefits of slavery for black people might give you a clue

  4. Anonymous10:31 PM

    The bruthaz be cappin' each otha, if CPAC shows concern, well, then there must be ulterior motives of course, so why bother. Dey Rayciss.

  5. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Congratulations Field! Hope you enjoy the Big Apple!

  6. Black Angus11:42 PM

    "Wishing for a homogeneous America and dissing every immigrant of color is one sure fire way to make sure you lose many elections for years to come."

    I'm sorry, we've let 50 million third world immigrants in the country, with tremendous social upheaval (been to southern California lately? Or up to Fresno?), we have 8% unemployment (15% for blacks), and the Republicans saying maybe we should slow down a litte is racist?

    One fifth of all Mexicans in the world now live in the United States. Mexico is a socialist country because that's what Mexicans like. When they come here, they vote socialist. Reagan granted them amnesty in 1986, and Mexican voting patterns did not change.

    Republicans have it bad enough without putting 11 million undocumented democrats on the voting rolls. It's probably more like 20 million actually. And somehow, I don't think all this helpful advice from democrats is being made in the best interests of the GOP. Voting for amnesty would be suicide for the Republicans. And it wouldn't be much good for young blacks looking for jobs either.

  7. Anonymous11:53 PM

    "We need to be outraged to the point of rioting about his death as well."

    Maybe if feckless liberal fucks like yourself stopped excusing feral behavior and encouraging your people to riot and fight the police who are tasked with stemming the violent mayhem destroying your communities, the death toll might beginn to decrease.

    The problem is too few criminals getting shot by the "po po", not too many. Every crazy ass gang banger killed by the police probably saves ten other negros.

  8. We are constantly told that the GOP is doomed because it’s the party of straight white men. That may well be true, but few have asked: How can the diverse Democrats hold together? How can special interests as different as blacks and gays be kept in sync?

    The answer appears to be: The Obama coalition can stay together only by stoking resentment—and, indeed, hatred—of straight white men. This naked animus is rationalized by projecting the hate felt by the victorious Democrats onto the losers:

    We hate straight white Republican men because…they are so full of…uh…hate. Yeah, that’s the ticket: We hate them because they are hateful. No, wait, I mean, we hate them because they are hate-filled. They’re practically Ku Klux Klanners.

    To service this Hunger for Hate, the prestige press assiduously generates the Democratic Party’s KKKrazy Glue by whipping up fear and loathing over hate crimes, even when they didn’t, technically, happen.

    Last week we were solemnly informed of a one-man KKK rally at Oberlin College. (Apparently it was a lady in a blanket.)

    Then the top story on last Friday evening was the “mysterious” murder back on February 26th of Marco McMillian. He was a black gay candidate for mayor of Clarksdale in Mississippi, a state with a “dark history of racial brutality,” as the Post helpfully reminded.

    A hate crime, right? It’s Mississippi, so what else do you need to know? Clearly, a gang of homophobic redneck Christians had hunted down with their AR-15s the gay black activist bravely challenging Clarksdale’s white power structure. No doubt, County Sheriff Bull Connor III then covered it up, which must be why it’s still big news in the Washington Post a week and a half later.

    Thus, a recent Google News search found 1,750 hits for “Marco McMillian” and “hate crime.”

    Except for…well, except for everything.

    First, the sheriff of Coahoma County, Charles Jones, is black.

    And McMillian was running against a local black political dynasty. Clarksdale has had a black mayor for 20 of the last 24 years, Henry Espy. You might vaguely recognize the Espy name because Henry is the brother of Mike Espy, who was Bill Clinton’s first Secretary of Agriculture. One favorite in the race is the mayor’s son Chuck, who just resigned from the Mississippi legislature to run.

    The most striking thing about McMillian’s “mysterious” murder is its lack of mystery. There’s no need for conspiracy theories because the killer, a poor 22-year-old black man named Lawrence Reed, confessed last month. The cops didn’t even know the missing man was dead until Reed crashed the victim’s stolen SUV on February 26th, then confessed where he’d stashed the body.

    That’s about as open-and-shut a case as there is. But not very useful in advancing the proper narrative, so to the Post, it was a “mysterious” murder.

  9. Anonymous12:59 AM

    has anybody seen desertflower? we need some hispanic blood to spruce up this blog. it's pretty dead.

  10. "The problem is too few criminals getting shot by the "po po", not too many. Every crazy ass gang banger killed by the police probably saves ten other negros."

    Do they teach you not to capitalize the word Negroes over at stormfront, or is that just a schooling thing?

    Steve, I am not sure where you are getting your talking points about the McMillion case, but you didn't see any posts about it on this blog. If you did, please provide a link. Take all the time you need.....

  11. "Maybe if feckless liberal fucks like yourself stopped excusing feral behavior and encouraging your people to riot and fight the police who are tasked with stemming the violent mayhem destroying your communities, the death toll might beginn to decrease."

    Excuse me Mr. Stormfront man, but I don't think it's only our "communities":

    Just sayin.

  12. Wingnuts and neo cons don't care about their children let alone Brooklyns Cpac neo cons are a bunch of hawks

  13. Anonymous said RIOT riot for what? I bet anonymous wouldn't neither will intelligent people.
    However we can and must organize Now that REV Al has been neutralized its step two!

  14. Also, Steve how do u know the GOP Cpac Mitches are straight white men? Who told you that and can you prove it? Have you tried to seduce one and failed?

    What we all know however, even you is that they are stale "PALE"and male Vasically rabid racists

    As for killing Afrikans, I would say that white liberals like you and your ilk facetiously love the fact that Afrikans are killing one another, And that it makes you comfy to point fingers until the people being murdered are 20 white babies

    And that the killer as are privileged white boys'',11793179

    Just saying

  15. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Yes, truth is "racism". If you point out the massive manifest destruction of negros, Field doesn't present a case in their defense. He can't, cause he knows it's all true. No, he just resorts to name calling, KKK, Stormfront, f**k you, married to your cousin, etc. Name calling is the last vestige of the intellectually defeated.

  16. Anonymous10:10 AM

    It's not only your communities of course, but excuses that flow from your communities and from the disingenuous whites who support them are unreal. Some of the excuses and explanations that come straight up out da hood are mind blowing.

  17. "No, he just resorts to name calling, KKK, Stormfront, f**k you, married to your cousin, etc. Name calling is the last vestige of the intellectually defeated."

    Being "intellectually defeated" by a stormfronter would be the equivalent to the Yankees being beaten by a little league baseball team.

  18. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I can;t wait for the explanations for this:

    I can imagine the scene:
    Yo! Switch up mo-fucka!
    awe heeeeellz naw!
    break yo'self dawg!

    It truly is, all good in the hood.

  19. control+halt+delete1:08 PM

    "Maybe if feckless liberal fucks like yourself stopped excusing feral behavior and encouraging your people to riot and fight the police who are tasked with stemming the violent mayhem destroying your communities, the death toll might beginn to decrease."

    Maybe if faceless,lying racists like yourself stopped excusing white racism and encouraging your people to hate and realize that some of the police are contributing to the violent mayhem destroying our communities, the death toll might begin to decrease.

    Now go run and tell that!

  20. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Blogger MatanzasGV said...

    Anonymous said RIOT riot for what? I bet anonymous wouldn't neither will intelligent people.
    However we can and must organize Now that REV Al has been neutralized its step two!

    What language is this? Sharpton Ebonic speak? They are rioting in Brooklyn as Blacks love to do. A kid points a gun at police and now they want to kill the police. I say withdraw and don't answer the nightly calls from those who try to kill you.

  21. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Anonymous control+halt+delete said...

    "Maybe if feckless liberal fucks like yourself stopped excusing feral behavior and encouraging your people to riot and fight the police who are tasked with stemming the violent mayhem destroying your communities, the death toll might beginn to decrease."

    Maybe if faceless,lying racists like yourself stopped excusing white racism and encouraging your people to hate and realize that some of the police are contributing to the violent mayhem destroying our communities, the death toll might begin to decrease.

    Now go run and tell that!

    Sure they are, and all the Black lieutenants and captains and internal affairs are all Toms and covering it up .

    How stupid are some people. Everyone is a racist, any excuse at all will do to get the problem you created off your back.

    You will come up with any excuse to ignore a bunch of feral savages rioting because one they raised was a thug with a gun not fit for civilization and stupid enough to point a gun at cops even as they were yelling at him to stop.

    It's all someone else's fault. Well it isn't.

    YOU are the community, you are the neighborhood, YOU make the peace, enforce the standard acceptable behavior, teach and raise the young and create an economy. No body owes you anything not even an excuse. YOU are to blame. Only YOU can change it or not. And everyone else is tired of reaching out a hand to get it bitten and watch nothing change. WHen you fuck it all up, all you do is say it's someone else's fault for noticing and they are racist.

    "Now go run and tell that" Whatever the hell that incomplete sentence means.

  22. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Blogger MatanzasGV said...

    Wingnuts and neo cons don't care about their children let alone Brooklyns Cpac neo cons are a bunch of hawks


    Well judging by all the Black kids killing and shooting each other, you aren't doing a good job at all and maybe need to learn something about civilization from one of those wingnuts.

    You do know it isn't some random white man responsible for raising your children, supporting them, teaching them, guiding them and accepting responsibility for how they turn out, make it or not. It's you.

    Try going to school and improcing your literacy.

  23. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Ease up on the sanctimony guy. The police? Yeah, they may be f-d up, but in the hood many are minorities themselves. I'm not sure, but I heard that the cops that shot Kimani Gray were also minorities (we'll see). the violent mayhem of the hood is due to the importance given to being dope. That's it.

  24. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Anonymous12:59 AM
    has anybody seen desertflower? we need some hispanic blood to spruce up this blog. it's pretty dead.
    "Hispanic blood". "dead"???

    Uuuuuiy! im'a skeeeeeeered momma! :0 I'm hiding somewhere, I'll peek out later.......

  25. no gray matter10:29 PM

    link to the Jamaican bar association says it's in the business preventing Jamaicans from being deported.

    So the organization wants to keep illegal aliens and criminals in the US. Yeah, we need more illegal aliens.

    As for Kimani Gray, his gun was with him.

    Meanwhile, those three shots "in the back"? Yeah, he was hit with seven bullets.

    Where did the other four enter his body?

    Obviously when the shooting started he was hit in the front. As the firing continued he twisted away and the last three hit him in the back.

    Word to the wise. Don't point a gun at cops in NY City.

  26. Anonymous
    Hoods are all over the world, thugs come in all hues races and ethnicities.
    Suffice however that "DA" hood is always spoken by a wanna be from some part of the universe usually a ghostly one which has either owned or disowned them. May i ask which are you?

    just asking

  27. Anonymous

    IF you have a problem with what field says here, why is it so difficult for you to simply enter into a dialogue with him vs throwing your points out at random

    ..Is it because you fear the AFRIKAN MAN who is recognized and widely read "Or ar you seeking help with homework? IE thesis..Now your response will tell us and iself all that (we) will need to know (sic)

    Just saying

  28. Anonymous10:00 AM

    In LA they cooked a big black bald man alive and he was an ex-cop. Trained to kill. Shoot ya now; cook ya later. CaC's are on a serious rampage. We're going to be sorrier than sorry. I won't be here, 'cause my time is short, but Africans in America are not going to like what's coming. It's worse than what has passed and what's happening now.

  29. Field where do they come from? What mind set makes them believe they have any skills at debate? I wonder if mom ever washed mouths out with soap? hehehe
    This is no longer fun

  30. Anonympus your words> Try going to school and improcing your literacy.
    No he did not tell me to IMPROCE my literacy lmao hehehe
    Always the one who cannot debate who gets personal and then has a problem with his own spelling Go figure
    Anonymous try harder you are failing to make your point. Also what makes you believe I am a stupid white man?

  31. Anonymous said...
    In LA they cooked a big black bald man alive and he was an ex-cop. Trained to kill. Shoot ya now; cook ya later. CaC's are on a serious rampage. We're going to be sorrier than sorry. I won't be here, 'cause my time is short, but Africans in America are not going to like what's coming. It's worse than what has passed and what's happening now.

    10:00 AM

    Did it taste good Anon?

  32. Nothing is coming but the Orisha and some have not seen anything yet

  33. ell judging by all the Black kids killing and shooting each other, you aren't doing a good job at all and maybe need to learn something about civilization from one of those wingnuts.
    Anonymous said
    You do know it isn't some random white man responsible for raising your children, supporting them, teaching them, guiding them and accepting responsibility for how they turn out, make it or not. It's you.

    Try going to school and improcing your literacy.

    My children are adults teachers Attys and dentists YES i do know who is taught them..They were all raised in Cuba and educ in the same just like thier parents? As for all Afrikan children you have no clue about who is killing who because you are too afriad of them

  34. waden7:20 AM

    I have been a single mother of my 8 year old son for 4yrs now. My husband chose to leave me for another woman because she is wealthy and ready to have my husband at all cost. My husband forgot we both say "FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE" to each other as man and wife. I love him too mucg but there was no way i could stop him and he was even filling for a divorce. Since then i have been taking care of our son single handedly until i saw much talk about this spell lady ( who have helped marriages come together and relationship. I contacted her and she promised me 2days that i will have my husband back and at the actual days which this priestess told me, my husband came back begging with his knees. I have never seen my husband beg me for any reason, but that day he did.
    To cut this long sweet story short, has helped me reunite my family and am happy with my husband. This spell lady is great i am a sure witness.
