Monday, March 18, 2013

Throw the black man from CPAC, and the Devil we know.

I think the folks over at The Onion are messing with us again. This story cannot be real.

They actually tossed some black dude out of CPAC because he posed some tough questions to the GOP faithful?

That is not cool.

"In this video from CPAC, a black man seems like he sincerely interested in helping find a way for conservatives to appeal to other African Americans, but then he suddenly gets screamed on by a white guy who insists that "race doesn't matter." Which in short, summarizes why the Republicans continually lose the vote of any group that doesn't have white skin. Here is a partial transcript:
Black guy: "Recruit us."
White guy: "So?"
Black guy: "What's wrong with the message?"
White guy: "Why didn't you go out and look?"
Black guy: "What's wrong with the message? How many?" (Holding up five fingers on one hand)
White guy: "I don't count?!?!"
Black guy: "It matters."
White guy: "I don't ask people what their . . ?"
Black guy: "It matters because."
White guy: ((unintelligible))
Black guy: "I do. Cause race matters."
White guy: "No it doesn't!!! You're an American! You're not a black person! You're an American! I didn't go in and count all the Jews?"
The white guy continues to scream at the black guy, and doesn't get asked to leave. The black guy gets asked to leave. There's a shocker.
Then, perhaps realizing what a racist ass he has revealed himself to be, the white guy accuses the black guy of trying to divide the country by acknowledging that he is, in fact, a black guy in a failed effort to hide the fact that he's a racist.
Near the end of the video, the man who was asked to leave goes on to say:
"I'm trying to understand how come there's no black people here. I'm trying to figure out why the outreach of the GOP and especially CPAC is not working with black citizens and I have yet to find an answer, only I get, all I've gotten is abrasive attitudes and people yelling because I guess I ask the tough question, just ask the simple question, where's the inclusion? Where are the black people? I don't know why that is so offensive?"
Perhaps this man hasn't yet caught on that the Republican Party is a broken flop. Republicans telling white Republicans that race no longer matters only works on white Republicans, and they exclude everyone who isn't white and wealthy.

Here's another shocker: The bald screaming white guy is none other than Jeff Dunetz, yidwithlid. A full blown Breitbart ambushing hack."

"Bald screaming white guy". That's a perfect backdrop for the stormfont CPAC gathering. Why you Negroes even try to engage these shlemiels is beyond me. But hey, I respect you all for trying. Maybe you all can pocket some of that ten million the RNC is throwing around for minority outreach.

Speaking of things that cannot be real. The History Channel found themselves in the middle of a controversy with their new miniseries called The Bible. Folks are saying that the Devil resembles a certain tall skinny guy with a Muslim name. (No wonder Jay-Z likes him so much. I kid, I kid.) Anyway, some, like my twitter fam Alinda, would argue that this is just a "variation of the they all look alike" meme.  Others would argue that dude really does like his Oness, and that the History Channel, like Lucy, has some splaining to do. (Why does the black man have to play the devil?) The wingnuts, of course, all see this as some sort of a sign. I can already hear the sermons come Sunday morning:

"My brothers and sisters, just as we have always suspected, that Obama fellow is the devil. Sometimes the Lord works in mysterious ways. He chose the History Channel to reveal this all to us." 

  "Creators of the History channel series called the comparison off base.
“This is utter nonsense,” HISTORY channel producers Roma Downey and Mark Burnett said. “The actor who played Satan, Mehdi Ouazanni, is a highly acclaimed Moroccan actor. He has previously played parts in several Biblical epics — including Satanic characters long before Barack Obama was elected as our president.”

Too late Mr. Burnett, you have already opened that door, and all hell is breaking loose (pun intended) on social media.

"Right-wing commentator and radio-host Glenn Beck tweeted: "Anyone else think the Devil in #TheBible Sunday on History Channel looks exactly like That Guy?"

Glenn, he might look like him, but I suspect that you are a lot closer to the Devil than"That Guy".

Pic from


  1. When Hollywood depicts God, it's almost always with a black guy, usually Morgan Freeman. So why not Satan?

  2. "The white guy continues to scream at the black guy, and doesn't get asked to leave. The black guy gets asked to leave."

    That's what the tbaggers call "minority outreach."

    "There's a shocker."

    No, not really.

  3. But Morgan Freeman WAS God in some other movie ...

  4. FN.. I am the Black man in the Video

    I attended CPAC with an agenda to discover and engaged people on why conservatives have failed in their outreach efforts to attract Black Americans to the GOP, Tea Party and the Libertarian parties. My premise is straight forward I opine that wherever Black folks are in play and at risk we should be there to protect and advocate for our interests/agenda. I also opine that our presence and interaction with others will augment and enhance outcomes which serve the collective themes and interests of all parties. While I was circulating my flyer( A press release offering my services to assist in reaching out to Black Voters) I encountered some hostile and angry CPAC people. I did not have a camera crew . I was a lone Black man on a mission:-) My offer of help remains on the table.

  5. Friday, March 15, 2013
    CPAC : My Story

    I attended CPAC with an agenda to discover and engaged people on why conservatives have failed in their outreach efforts to attract Black Americans to the GOP, Tea Party and the Libertarian parties. My premise is straight forward I opine that wherever Black folks are in play and at risk we should be there to protect and advocate for our interests/agenda. I also opine that our presence and interaction with others will augment and enhance outcomes which serve the collective themes and interests of all parties. While I was circulating my flyer( A press release offering my services to assist in reaching out to Black Voters) I encountered some hostile and angry CPAC people. I did not have a camera crew . I was a lone Black man on a mission:-) My offer of help remains on the table.

  6. Anonymous10:22 PM

    This would be a wet dream for "field negroes" everywhere.

  7. I KNOW this shouldn't be funny, but depicting the devil as a President Obama look-a-like?

    ABSOLUTELY hilarious!

  8. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Calling Embrolio...please take note of this incident at CPAC ;) don't worry I'll continue to point them out, there'll be more I'm sure, unfortunately....

  9. Anonymous10:47 PM

    "Bald screaming white guy". That's a perfect backdrop for the stormfont CPAC gathering. Why you Negroes even try to engage these shlemiels is beyond me. But hey, I respect you all for trying. Maybe you all can pocket some of that ten million the RNC is throwing around for minority outreach.

    Typical Negroes. Starts trouble is racist talking about nothing but skin color, when someone fights back and wants to ignore race then they are the racist.

    There is no living with Negroes. Just like having children who throw permanent temper tantrums.
    Always demanding the world do nothing but live to appease you no matter how horrid you are.

    Onion or not who was it that said race matters? The Black guy. So first you didnt want race to matter; forget science ,genetics, IQ levels, results race is a construct. Now you are back to wanting more so race matters again.

    It does matter we know that adult isn't going to act like one at all.

  10. If I had a son, he'd look like Satan11:05 PM

    To pursue the prosecution of the Trayvon Martin murder case, Angela Corey had to ignore George Zimmerman’s account and all the corroborating, on-the-scene testimony from eyewitnesses. “The dispatcher told me not to follow the suspect & that an officer was on the way,” Zimmerman wrote on the night of the shooting. “As I headed back to my vehicle the suspect emerged from the darkness and said, ‘You got a problem?’”

    When Zimmerman answered “No,” the suspect said, “You do now.” Zimmerman tried to grab his phone to dial 911, but Martin punched him in the face. “I fell backwards onto my back,” Zimmerman continued. “The suspect got on top of me. I yelled ‘Help’ several times. The suspect told me, ‘Shut the f*** up.’ As I tried to sit upright, the suspect grabbed my head and slammed it into the concrete sidewalk several times. I continued to yell ‘Help.’”

    Witness #11 heard the ruckus and called 911. When the call starts, the desperate cries of “help” are clearly audible on the recording. They continue for 42 seconds until they promptly stop with a gunshot.

    Zimmerman provided the detail. “As I slid the suspect covered my mouth and nose and stopped my breathing. At this point I felt the suspect reach for my now exposed firearm and say, ‘Your (sic) gonna die tonight Mother F***er.’ I unholstered my firearm in fear for my life as he had assured me he was going to kill me and I fired one shot into his torso.”

    An hour after the shooting, Witness #6 told the Sanford Police Department (SPD) that he saw a “black man in a black hoodie on top of either a white guy . . . or an Hispanic guy in a red sweater on the ground yelling out help.” According to #6, the black man on top was “throwing down blows on the guy MMA [mixed martial arts] style.”

    “The person calling for help would be the person underneath, you think?” asked the SPD officer.

    “Yes, that was the one getting beat up,” said Witness #6. “He was the one with the red sweater on.”

    Witness #13 waited until the fighting ended, went outside, and saw Zimmerman walking towards him. “Am I bleeding?” Zimmerman asked. Witness #13 answered affirmatively. He also noticed “blood on the back of his head” and took a picture of it.

    Martin could easily have outrun Zimmerman but chose to attack instead. He was obviously the one applying the beating. He had no reason to cry. Other than bruises to his fists and the bullet wound, he was unmarked—at least physically.

    Spiritually, however, Martin was a mess. As his social media accounts make clear, his life had collapsed into a morass of drugs, violence, theft, vandalism, truancy, parental abandonment, and borderline homelessness. No longer a little boy and not yet a gangster, he was a statistic waiting to happen.

    “Martin, however, defied the statistics in one crucial way. Of the roughly 9,000 blacks murdered each, thirteen of every fourteen are murdered by other blacks. Martin was the one of fourteen who was not. More usefully still, he was murdered by what Tom Wolfe memorably called the ‘Great White Defendant.’ “

    Well, the Great Hispanic Defendant is gonna walk.

  11. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Field, " (Why does the black man have to play the devil?)"

    It real simple. the devil is not White. Angels are White. Get it, Mr Field? It's pretty simple.

  12. When will Negroes understand that it’s impossible to normalize, rationalize or humanize whiteness. The listed descriptions are not part and parcel to whites in the first instance. Therefore, quit attending these lilly white functions where you are in fact invited, sometimes. But as soon as you open your mouth, they wan to fight you for showing up and begin asking questions concerning inclusion and why you’re so hated. For goodness’ sake, Negroes, quit going to functions where you are not wanted and quit begging to have a seat at the table when nothing will be palced on the plate in front of you.

    Hell,……it appears that whites are much more willing to see you type of Negroes immediately outside of the building of these functions commanding a shoe shine stand. Damn, wake up Negroes and quit insisting on being where you are not wanted!

  13. Anonymous11:53 PM

    "Why you Negroes even try to engage these shlemiels is beyond me. But hey, I respect you all for trying. Maybe you all can pocket some of that ten million the RNC is throwing around for minority outreach."

    Field, the reason Negroes try to engage the Republicans is because we want to be part of their tent in a very bad way. You see, brother Field, let's face it....if we can be accepted by the GOP our value as a people will go up.

    And more importantly, we Negroes will finally become first class citizens. That alone makes it worth it to try to persuade the GOP accept Negroes. You should know this. I am sure I am not telling you anything you don't already know..

  14. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Dear Mr Field, it appears that you have had a change of heart regarding God, religion and the Devil. If you believe in the Devil then you must believe in God. Congratulations! You give me hope.

  15. Thrasher you are a better man than most. I would have chosen to go to a funeral in Kabul over CPAC.

    No Anon, I always knew that the devil was around. I get FOX News on my television.

  16. @Thrasher,

    Judging from your post you seem to be quite noble and rational. Therefore, why would you attend such an event as CPAC and attempt to engage irrational people. The Repubmfia party is Amerikkka’s defacto white party, you should know that by now. Why did you debase yourself like that?

    1. I dominate the terrain ... You too often display a myopic blind spot ... Expand your vision my

  17. Anonymous7:42 AM

    We're not concerned about the fact that an actor who sometimes plays Satan looks somewhat like Obama.

    No, we're concerned about the fact that Obama resembles Satan.

    There's a difference here.

  18. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Blogger Black Sage said...

    When will Negroes understand that it’s impossible to normalize, rationalize or humanize whiteness. The listed descriptions are not part and parcel to whites in the first instance. Therefore, quit attending these lilly white functions where you are in fact invited, sometimes. But as soon as you open your mouth, they wan to fight you for showing up and begin asking questions concerning inclusion and why you’re so hated. For goodness’ sake, Negroes, quit going to functions where you are not wanted and quit begging to have a seat at the table when nothing will be palced on the plate in front of you.

    Hell,……it appears that whites are much more willing to see you type of Negroes immediately outside of the building of these functions commanding a shoe shine stand. Damn, wake up Negroes and quit insisting on being where you are not wanted!

    Thats why you don't get invited to parties. It's called civilization. When you get invited to a party if there are more Whites than Blacks I bet you start ragging on the person who invited you and making demands. Whereas if you invited someone from another race to your party they wouldn't say a word as that would be rude, obnoxious and uncivilized.

    If you crashed my party and I still welcomed you gave you drink and food and then you started making demands. We know who the humans are.

    Do you want race to be ignored with all treated equal?

    Of course not, you want special treatment to make up for any personal issues that everyone else has to deal with, but you blame yours on everyone else.

  19. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Thrasher you are a better man than most. I would have chosen to go to a funeral in Kabul over CPAC.

    No Anon, I always knew that the devil was around. I get FOX News on my television

    Oh that's brilliant. How many mindless ways can you work in a television station into your hate?

    Hey, what church does Rev Al Spread all his love from? What is he a Rev'run of again?

  20. Fact is, the little boys do not want to play with Afrikan men who make them feel small. The bros name is not Allen West
    Suffice that, my concern/question is why does he even try to get along with wingnuts and neo cons who do not have his interest at heart.
    Moreover, I suspect that his efforts would be more acceptable if used in his own community to uplift his own people

    Just saying

  21. I suspect that when shatan(satan) and the Orisha meet that we all will know who the devil really is

  22. Thrasher you are a better man than most. I would have chosen to go to a funeral in Kabul over CPAC.

    No Anon, I always knew that the devil was around. I get FOX News on my television.

    5:02 AM
    Field I love it you make it so simple for complicated people lol
    Think they got it?

  23. Anonymous8:32 AM

    What is this issue about GOD who is he/she and who has seen GOD? This is too funny

  24. Anonymous8:35 AM

    field negro said...
    Thrasher you are a better man than most. I would have chosen to go to a funeral in Kabul over CPAC.

    No Anon, I always knew that the devil was around. I get FOX News on my television.
    And if not Fox news Faux news will keep us lol

  25. Anonymous10:40 AM


    You should've had a cameraperson with you and if you purposely planned to EXPOSE that corpulent reptile and others at CPAC of his ilk for revealing their hardwired, biologically-determined predilections, well, then, "Kudos to you!" While like Field, I couldn't do it, and Black Sage and I remain kindred spirits on the matter, I'm not mad at you for lobbying for a piece of that 10 mil - provided it's for a Sam Greeley-eque, "Spook Who Sat Buy the Door"-type deal. You may have mouths to feed. Anyway, If they take you up on your offer and indeed break you off a NICE piece (don't sell your soul for peanuts!), you should get a camera crew as you go door-to-door getting your "Church of Latter Day Saints, Jehovah's Witness" on so the hilarity of you reception by those whom you meet will be chronicled, mined for humor (or used as evidence in a court of law and the cautionary tale, therein), and preserved for posterity.

    The thing is, Thrasher, if you've genuinely "inhaled their dragon's breath, cooperatively," hopefully, it causes you to re-think "rolling", ideologically, with that particularly vile strain of virulently invasive mutant humanity, as what happened to you is emblematic or par-for-course with these creatures. Once again, if this was an anti-ACORN-type sting, then it was a masterstroke of genius on your part!

    You got that idiot to incriminate himself when he mentioned "counting the Jews" because he obviously was! What a scream! That's the laugh of the day, as it brings to mind a line from a Cheech and Chong movie wherein they were visit some guy who had an unsightly mole on his neck---and, of course, one of them said, "Hey, man, I wasn't looking at the mole on his neck!" Hilarious! Too funny!!!!!!!

  26. Thrasher said...
    I attended CPAC with an agenda to discover and engaged people on why conservatives have failed in their outreach efforts to attract Black Americans to the GOP, Tea Party and the Libertarian parties. My premise is straight forward I opine that wherever Black folks are in play and at risk we should be there to protect and advocate for our interests/agenda

    Does your agenda ever consider the interests of anyone who is not black?

    Why do blacks think everyone else should cater to their interests, while blacks never even have to consider what is good for the whole society?

    1. Sasquatch

      Not true at all when our objectives are fulfilled
      Everyone wins! There is nothing selfish about seeking superior outcomes that enhances the lives of all America . Instead of being burdens and liabilities we seek to be assets !

  27. Enbrolio10:48 AM

    Desertflower said...
    "Calling Embrolio...please take note of this incident at CPAC ;) don't worry I'll continue to point them out, there'll be more I'm sure, unfortunately...."

    What incident? A black guy goes to CPAC with an "agenda" to cause a controversey, and he finds a journalist who gives it to him. How does this in any way reflect negatively on Republicans?

    You only see what you want to see.

  28. FN & Black Sage,

    I fear no man more importantly I do not make people supreme beings . I entered the abyss and dominated . We need to be where our interests are at risk and in play


  29. Donald1:51 PM

    MatanzasGV said...
    Moreover, I suspect that his efforts would be more acceptable if used in his own community to uplift his own people

    You ain't his people. You are a crazy weakling.

  30. Ice G1:54 PM

    Thragger said...
    FN & Black Sage,

    I fear no man more importantly I do not make people supreme beings . I entered the abyss and dominated .

    You're funny.

  31. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Thrasher said...

    FN & Black Sage,

    I fear no man more importantly I do not make people supreme beings . I entered the abyss and dominated . We need to be where our interests are at risk and in play


    You fear no man with your Black Eternal victim Armour? You dominated?

    By being racist? Where my people at, why you haven't you made sure that people who look like me come here more?

    You did nothing but further stereotypes proving that Blacks like you are racist and live and die not by who a person is and what they do, just by the color of their skin. And that you can't have any type of discussion with eternal victims. You don't want rationale, you want to be coddled and taken care of.

    Take care of yourself.

    Such Courage. Courage to challenge the colors in a room, but not enough courage to challenge the sucking nature of your culture.

    1. You of course are an intellectual coward hiding behind an alias vomiting nothingness in a chat forum while I in technicolor dominated your hue now I am spending a glorious time fucking with lol lol

  32. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Thrasher Said

    "You got that idiot to incriminate himself when he mentioned "counting the Jews" because he obviously was! What a scream! That's the laugh of the day, as it brings to mind a line from a Cheech and Chong movie wherein they were visit some guy who had an unsightly mole on his neck---and, of course, one of them said, "Hey, man, I wasn't looking at the mole on his neck!" Hilarious! Too funny!!!!!!! "

    Do you have any idea just how stupid you are? You don't have a clue what he meant by stating "counting the jews" and you think it was incriminating in some fashion and then go about to solidify this with some Urban intellectual teachings - Qouting Cheech and Chong.

    God help the Black race cause I sure have had enough.

    1. The best part was him telling me and the crowd we are all Americans and then screaming as he was walking away he was a CONSERVATIVE

      Now that was funny!!!

  33. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Field, "No Anon, I always knew that the devil was around. I get FOX News on my television."

    Which channel do you watch where GOD is around, BET?

  34. @Thrasher,

    I'm quite certain you dominated and asked Socratic question. However, it's not that anyone hold fear within the heart and it has nothing to do with thinking of whites being supreme. Surely thatks not the case at all.

    For race to be such a serious matter, I do not belive that CPAC is the correct forum for this issue. Hell,....... take a look at the riff rafff, thug culture that usually attend making asinine comments just to be featured on Youtube or Fox News.

    I just do not believe it was the correct event for serious matters such as race and the continuum of discrimination on so many levels..

    1. Easy for to say away from the field of fire..

  35. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Enbrolio said...
    "What incident? A black guy goes to CPAC with an "agenda" to cause a controversey, and he finds a journalist who gives it to him. How does this in any way reflect negatively on Republicans?

    You only see what you want to see."
    What agenda? it was a "minority outreach" discussion, and he's a minority no?

    A professional who was denied dialogue and/or debate as the case may be and then summarily thrown out!


    (sounds like shades of pogroms and Aushwitz next,or is it just me?) ;)))

    and YOU only see what you want to see

  36. Here is the script : Right here Right Now in the post industrial era of America our status and future in the evolution of America is an open equation even with Obama in the Oval Office Blacks lead the misery index .

    Into this reality it is critical that our community establish our agenda and then implement the blueprint to secure those objectives.

    I intend to make that happen by inserting my alternative think tank into the mix.

    Greg Thrasher
    Plane Ideas
    Washington DC

  37. Enbrolio7:48 PM

    Desert Flower said...
    "(sounds like shades of pogroms and Aushwitz next,or is it just me?)"

    Really? That's what they did in the death camps, ask people to leave?

    You are hopeless.

  38. parvenu8:34 PM

    COLOR CASTING has been a key component of nay movie or broadcast series for a long time. Color Casting is the Hollywood application of "type casting" to all characters of color in any production.

    I recall how the government of Egypt evoked their own standards of "Color Casting" in 1983 when they BANNED all showing of the Mini-series "Sadat" from being shown in the country. The Mini-series Sadat was a film biography of the life Anwar Sadat, the third President of Egypt who was assassinated in October 1981. The objections against the Hollywood produced series appeared to have been centered on the fact that the leading role of Sadat was played by Louis Gossett Jr. even though all the Egyptian government would cite were "Technical mistakes and foreign assumptions". The Hollywood producers said publically that the “banning” was an act of racism by the Egyptian government as Gossett Jr. is an African American actor. Subsequently Louis Gossett Jr. was nominated for an Emmy award in the U.S. where the series aired in prime time.

    I saw the Mini-series series and in my estimation Louis Gossett Jr. was the spitting image, color hue included, of Anwar Sadat. I also know that some Egyptians, especially the recently immigrated Arabs, are very sensitive to Egypt's ancient historical relations with its southern neighboring ancient nation of Sudan. Several Pharaohs in ancient Egypt were Nubian royalty from Sudan (760 BC) when it conquered Egypt. Since the Arab mass migration into modern Egypt and the Sudan there has been a persistent effort on behalf of both governments to down play the indigenous nature of the native Nubian descendants of the ancient kingdom of Kush (3500 BC) in the land of the Nubians.

  39. parvenu8:44 PM

    COLOR CASTING has been a key component of nay movie or broadcast series for a long time. Color Casting is the Hollywood application of "type casting" to all characters of color in any production.

    I recall how the government of Egypt evoked their own standards of "Color Casting" in 1983 when they BANNED all showing of the Mini-series "Sadat" from being shown in the country. The Mini-series Sadat was a film biography of the life Anwar Sadat, the third President of Egypt who was assassinated in October 1981. The objections against the Hollywood produced series appeared to have been centered on the fact that the leading role of Sadat was played by Louis Gossett Jr. even though all the Egyptian government would cite were "Technical mistakes and foreign assumptions". The Hollywood producers said publically that the “banning” was an act of racism by the Egyptian government as Gossett Jr. is an African American actor. Subsequently Louis Gossett Jr. was nominated for an Emmy award in the U.S. where the series aired in prime time.

    I saw the Mini-series series and in my estimation Louis Gossett Jr. was the spitting image, color hue included, of Anwar Sadat. I also know that some Egyptians, especially the recently immigrated Arabs, are very sensitive to Egypt's ancient historical relations with its southern neighboring ancient nation of Sudan. Several Pharaohs in ancient Egypt were Nubian royalty from Sudan (760 BC) when it conquered Egypt. Since the Arab mass migration into modern Egypt and the Sudan there has been a persistent effort on behalf of both governments to down play the indigenous nature of the native Nubian descendants of the ancient kingdom of Kush (3500 BC) in the land of the Nubians.

  40. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Thrasher, "I fear no man more importantly I do not make people supreme beings . I entered the abyss and dominated . We need to be where our interests are at risk and in play "

    Brother, you are one of a kind, esp when it comes to fearing no man. Our race is so fear-based that it's rare to see one of us stand up for much of anything right. God bless you.

    1. Wow... Appreciate your words makes moments matter!

      Truth is I am just a brother off the block

  41. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Enbrolio said...

    Desert Flower said...
    Aushwitz "next"

    I said NEXT

  42. Shocked I am. The GOP not really interested in outreach? This must be The Onion.

  43. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Blogger Thrasher said...

    You of course are an intellectual coward hiding behind an alias vomiting nothingness in a chat forum while I in technicolor dominated your hue now I am spending a glorious time fucking with lol lol

    Yes I know many Blacks who scream holla shout get loud - they always walk away saying look I owned him he know better next time. Only there isnt a next time, because you did nothing but prove you were the loudest chimp around. YOu didnt dominate anything, people with brains know talking to the mindless is futile, you were dismissed and will only be tolerated but never embraced in the future.

    1. You are a talking hypocrite clearly obessed with my every utterance

      One other note unlike I do not post under an alias mister dominated ... Lol lol lol

  44. Anonymous2:24 AM


    Once again, Kudos to you for getting him to expose himself by uttering his anti-semitic slip! Like I said, you made the moron go out like Cheech and Chong, which remains hilarious, LOL!
