Monday, April 15, 2013

Bombs in Boston.

My thoughts are with the folks in Boston and those who were injured and the families of those who were killed (including an eight year old)at the tail end of the Boston Marathon, today. Boston looked like a Middle Eastern City, and almost twelve years after September 11, Americans, once again, are on edge.

As the world keeps getting smaller, and the folks at home keep getting angrier, terror will continue to be a part of our lives. I am watching Chris Matthews lament the fact that someone could stage such an attack on a public street and against "average citizens". Well duh! Chris, that's what terrorists do,they terrorize people.

I will listen to the president and try not jump to conclusions. But these bombings have all the markings of those folks who were led by the tall dude with the beard who used to live in a cave.

Having said that,I definitely will not declare that we should kill all Muslims in America as FOX News contributor, Erik Rush, said that we should do.

Bad times should bring out the best in us, not the worst. Mr. Rush clearly did not get that memo.

As of me writing this post there has been no suspects identified, and no one has taken credit for the bombs.

For now, we will wait for more information, all the while looking over our shoulders while we take more cautious steps.


  1. Watching Matthews too. I don't know about terrorists ...that is, the OBL persuasion. I've heard compelling arguments by a profiler it is more likely a copy cat wannabe doing a McVeigh attempt. So awful.

  2. Or it could be the usual suspects, the "domestics", ya know... the ones who look like the folks on Leave it to Beaver.

    Hi Desert, how you been?

  3. La♥audiobooks said...
    Or it could be the usual suspects, the "domestics", ya know... the ones who look like the folks on Leave it to Beaver.

    Well, at least we know it's not negroes. They don't have the technical ability to make bombs.

  4. "Boston looked like a Middle Eastern City, and almost twelve years after September 11, Americans, once again, are on edge."

    So, another false flag, more hatred for our freedoms, or just someone who really hates joggers? It seems an odd choice of targets. Regardless, the answer is obviously MORE GUN CONTROL. Because children.

    Also, the last time a major American city was attacked, the US government invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. North Korea and Madagascar had better watch out.

  5. It turns out the Texas DA murders were neither white supremacists nor Hispanic gang members, but a Dorner-style blue-on-blue rampage:

    A former justice of the peace is reportedly set to be charged with three murders, including a former Texas district attorney and assistant DA, after he was arrested on Saturday. Eric Williams, 46, has been arrested by authorities investigating the murders of District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife, Cynthia, last month - and the fatal shooting of ADA Mark Hasse in late January.

    Keep in mind, these are the very government agents that the progressive, gun-grabbing Left want to entrust with a legal monopoly on gun violence.

  6. “Kill All Muslims” – Erik Rush said in Aftermath Of Boston Marathon Bombings

    Another black, stupid person, pardon me, let me clear my throat, ….. another BLACK CONSERVATIVE saying something stupid when they don’t even have all the facts. Typical House Negroe!

  7. Anonymous9:15 PM

    "I will listen to the president and try not jump to conclusions. But these bombings have all the markings of those folks who were led by the tall dude with the beard who used to live in a cave."

    I don't know. These bombs were pretty small. Only 3 people were killed. When the Islamists set off a bomb, it is usually much larger and winds up killing dozens.

    If this turns out to be someone on Janet Napolitano's terrorist watch list., i.e. some "right wing" group, it would seem to be a bit too convenient right now.

    I don't believe anything the press tells us anymore.

  8. Anonymous9:54 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "Hi Desert, how you been?"
    Hey LA, Good to hear from you!

    I'm just chugging along,I keep on keeping on, know what I mean.

    Not easy, but I try to make the best of it!

    So let's just keep on rocking these islands!!! :)))))

  9. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Wow! you can't just go out to enjoy an event without being afraid! Wow! Poor little 8 year old:(

    Prayers for all the families that have been affected. For all of us, because this affects us all!

    Violence to the nth degree :((

  10. eternal fear = eternal wars = wwiii etc

    cc hobama/osama/wwiii/africom...

    false flags are real...shame!!!!!!!

  11. I grew up watching Leave it to Beaver as a child in the 50s. Seems like yesterday when US had just won 2 wars with 1 draw. The other countries on the globe were controlled by Europeans and US and surely there was no fear of them touching us personally. Then the 60s started this amped-up feelings of fear. Another war that ended the lost column made us realize that we no longer controlled the globe as we would like. Having terrorized the Vietnamese, this tactic was applied pan global. Now what goes around comes around. We can't even have a fun day of street racing. Yes the world is getting smaller and those good ole days of black and white television watching Leave it to Beaver will be no more. How sad....for the privileged

  12. Anonymous11:40 PM

    We can at least take heart in knowing no Negroes carried out this bomb attack; or can we?
    Notwithstanding memories of Timothy McVeigh and the "DC Sniper", I'm putting my money on the "usual suspects": Angry white male(s) who probably -no, most definitely - have right-wingnut characteristics.

  13. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Memories of Oklahoma City notwithstanding, my money IS on the "usual suspects": Angry white male(s)

  14. Anonymous2:10 AM

    "Bad times should bring out the best in us, not the worst. Mr. Rush clearly did not get that memo."

    Who in the world told you that? Field, you are a dreamer. Haven't you had enough life experience to know that human nature in America rarely works that way?

  15. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Dear Mr Field, I see that Philly's 'finest'( as you call them), is short one M-16 rifle in their storeroom...And nobody knows 'anything'. It's nice to see the Philadelphia police dept is on top of things, as usual.

  16. Anonymous2:26 AM

    here's the link to the missing M16:

  17. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Blogger California Girl said...

    Watching Matthews too. I don't know about terrorists ...that is, the OBL persuasion. I've heard compelling arguments by a profiler it is more likely a copy cat wannabe doing a McVeigh attempt. So awful.

    Yeah mathhews is an awful despicable man - He is so on the racist meme for everything he now starts off every horrible event with accusing someone he obviously wants it to be and then they have to issue apologies. This guy needs to be removed from the air.

    Anyway Field FYI

    Authorities say they are searching for a darker skinned or black male with a black backpack and black sweatshirt, possibly foreign national from the accent of the individual. Five minutes before the first explosion, officials said this person attempted to gain entry to a restricted area. When turned away, he broke eye contact and pulled his sweatshirt hood over his head and left, officials said.

    Law enforcement is also looking for a yellow Penske box truck that tried to gain access with “medical supplies” approximately 1 hour after the explosion.

    The Federal Aviation Administration has created a no-fly zone over the area, while security at key sites in Washington DC and New York has been tightened.

  18. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Anonymous F♥uck you said...

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Or it could be the usual suspects, the "domestics", ya know... the ones who look like the folks on Leave it to Beaver.

    Well, at least we know it's not negroes. They don't have the technical ability to make bombs.

    Yeah but let me tell you, they make deadly air biscuits the other night me and the mrs......

  19. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Black Sage said, "Take the movie Lincoln, for example, you completely left Frederick Douglass out of the movie. Douglass wasn’t exacly a Field Negro, well, he once was, until he escaped. Douglass challenged Lincoln to the hilt regarding the conditions of slaves. Hell, he even once referred to Lincolc as being a racist as well. My point being, where are the rough, roudy, witty, challenging type Negroes? Don’t you dare tell me that they never existed. Don’t make me begin scrolling through my rolodex of Field Negroes."

    As I tried to convey to you in the previous thread, there ARE no rowdy and rough Negroes when it comes to dealing with Whites...never have been. But today there are rowdy bad asses who kill other Blacks in the streets, the homes and anywhere else.

    You and Field are such fantasy players. If there 'ever' were Blacks who fought against the prejudiced White establishment, we would have never been slaves, and Jim Crow would not have lasted as long as it did. However, we WERE slaves, and we EXPERIENCED Jim Crow segregation and it still continues today because of Negroes like you who mouth off but do nothing. You are the kind of Negro who talk shit but do nothing. You are all mouth and NO ACTION. You are exactly like the CBC who are a bunch of do nothings who make money off of the backs of Negroes like you.

    Don't like the movies Hollywood makes? Start your own Hollywood for rowdy Negroes. I am sure you will get a lot of black support...You'll be rich in no time...LOL

    Meanwhile, the theaters are being filled with Negroes who want to see "42" is #1. Jackie Robinson is bigger than life...LEGENDARY! And so is Branch Ricky...YOU and Field need to think on THAT. WTFU. Get out of your dreamy deluded minds and join the rest of us here on earth.

  20. Anonymous3:58 AM

    "As the world keeps getting smaller, and the folks at home keep getting angrier, terror will continue to be a part of our lives."

    You are sooo right. Humans are pissed off, esp Muslims in the Middle East. And, it seems that they are pissed off at us. I don't know 'why', we are such a humble peace-loving prayerful nation of people who pray to GOD everyday. We wouldn't hurt a fly. In fact, we have started legislation in an attempt to have background checks on people buying guns. Yes, we truly value and protect the lives of humans, as long as they have a decent stash of money.

    Pray America. Make your life a prayer. You'll be surprised how much wiser you'll become. We need wisdom in our culture very badly.

  21. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Field, do you think this attack has anything to do with our support of Israel?

    Or maybe it's because we are seen as infidels because we now support same sex marriages? I mean, we do sin against the sacred texts of Islam and against the Bible, for that matter.

  22. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Field, do you ever think about getting right with God? I pray ALL of America will get right with God because it feels like we are lost in a desert.

  23. Anon@4:15am, if u are "right with God" can u just holla at him/her for me?Tell them that u have this friend named field...

  24. Anonymous5:41 AM

    F♥uck you said...
    La♥audiobooks said...
    Or it could be the usual suspects, the "domestics", ya know... the ones who look like the folks on Leave it to Beaver.

    Well, at least we know it's not negroes. They don't have the technical ability to make bombs.

    8:18 PM
    Thank God, based on 'technical' inability to make bombs Whites won't blame Negroes for this one. Bottom line: Negroes don't make bombs that kill and injure masses of people.

    You see, for whatever reason, technical or not, it's too foreign to the Negro psyche to do such a thing. I mean, it just doesn't enter our minds and hearts to kill masses of people like Columbine, or Newtown, Ct.

    However, it DOES enter minds like yours. In fact, it's not foreign at all to you, is it? Your genetic ancestors wiped out the American Indians, enslaved, raped and lynched Blacks. You folks are admired for your incomparable genius when it comes to the 'technical' knowledge of killing masses of people. Those two giant atom bombs you folks dropped on the Japanese was brilliant. That single act made the rest of the world fear and hate you at the same time. As you know, 'fear and hate' is what makes folks safe and secure.

    That's not all that's good about you: What makes your pure hearts and minds so 'beautiful' is the more people you kill, the better you sleep at night. That makes you unique within the history of humanity. Not many in the history of the world can do that other than Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Kahn, Saddam Hussein...but not too many.

    I'm still trying figure out in my Negro mind whether you are emotionally and spiritually diseased, or just plain evil. I haven't figured it out yet, but I am working on it. I am pretty slow when it comes to figuring out 'technical' shit like this.

    1. Anonymous11:03 PM

      You misunderstood. The poster basicly said blacks don't have the ability to build a modern civilization. Not that you can't do mass murder or killings. Tutisis and Hutu's showed that blacks can kill on a massive scale, but you need the simple tools for killing. The kind of tools that mean you have to smell your victims bad breathe or body odor as you kill them. The simple tools like a machete.

  25. Field:

    This is sad but i have been told via a few colleagues in Boston that the missing limbs are the issue now.There are few deaths and i and my son are on the way there

    My law partner and i discussed this last eve at the gym and we agreed that perhaps it is home grown, and perhaps local Maybe a white male building his guns or being initiated

    Seems like the terror is moving north from the dirty south and it will happen again The neo cons have the attn of the world

    Like Tim Mcveigh this person(s) have met his invictus
    I know that you know as we do that the FEDS know more than they are sharing And i am glad that health care in beanie is not lacking

  26. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Field, "Anon@4:15am, if u are "right with God" can u just holla at him/her for me?Tell them that u have this friend named field..."

    5:12 AM
    What? you can't holla at God yourself? Has it occurred to you that God would like to hear from you personally?

    Get down on your knees and pray. Be humble. Ask God for forgiveness. Tell the devil to go to hell. Implore the rest of your FN fans from Cali Girl to Desert to pray with you. As a matter of fact, and I just thought of this:

    Why not put up a 'big tent' for all FN posters to come on a Sunday at 11am to pray with you? Wouldn't that be neat? No need to thank me, I am just a humble servant serving all God's Children with love.:)

  27. My Afrikans!

    Have you or anyone here ever heard of Nat Turner, Gabriel Prosser Dessalines or Toussaint?
    If not please go to the library and get a book or a DVD Those are the kinds of Afrikans who scared the white boys to death.
    Along with those courageous sons of Afrika there were slave rebellions from 1526 -1898 all over the US and the Caribbean which will tell you and others who are in denial that the Afrikan has always fought back UNTIL intergration. What is it about weak cafe?

    Gabriel's Rebellion: The Virginia Slave Conspiracies of 1800 and 1802

    Black Rebellion Five Slave Revolts

    Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion: Including the 1831 "Confessions" (African American)

    The 1812 Aponte Rebellion in Cuba and the Struggle against Atlantic Slavery (Envisioning Cuba)

    Cry Liberty: The Great Stono River Slave Rebellion of 1739 (New Narratives in American History)

    People! esp my Afrikans bredren let no one tell you that our people laid down and did nothing!

  28. My thoughts

    How can anyone holla WE" and speak about what WE" did didn't Malcolm teach you about We"
    How can anyone claim WE" and turn around and disrespect thier bredren/sistren?
    As for GOD whose GOD and what is his/her name race gender ethnicity and culture?

    Have ya seen her/him?

    just asking

  29. Anonymous7:13 AM

    "My thoughts are with the folks in Boston and those who were injured and the families of those who were killed (including an eight year old)at the tail end of the Boston Marathon, today...........the folks at home keep getting angrier.........But these bombings have all the markings of those folks who were led by the tall dude with the beard who used to live in a cave."

    Even if you are right, and from my perspective as a European I would say it is more likely to have been a 'good ole right wing nut job' let us not forget that the "tall dude with the beard" was saying to himself and friends some time ago...."My thoughts are with the folks in Iraq / Afghanistan and those who were injured and the families of those who were killed (including hundreds of eight year old's) over the last decade or so."

    So, wake up 'Ameri-ka', stop voting for those right wing nut jobs, many of whom have allegiance first to a tiny Middle Eastern country with 300 or so undeclared and unsupervised nuclear weapons who are creating terror around the world using black 'Ameri-kans' as the principal source of cannon fodder, and "tall dudes with beards" will be more interested in staying at home training for their own local marathon.

  30. MazdasGT said...

    There are few deaths and i and my son are on the way there

    My law partner and i discussed this last eve at the gym and we agreed that perhaps it is home grown, and perhaps local Maybe a white male building his guns or being initiated

    Well thank God a mentally dissociated, racist Communist lawyer is on the way to the scene of the tragedy. That should help.

    What will you do if this turns out not to be the work of one the white males you so despise? If it is not, I'm sure you will find a way to somehow blame the white man at some level.

    The fact that you are in this country illustrates what is so wrong with our immigration policy. It may be that this bombing does so as well.

    I pray for the day vermin are treated as vermin should be treated.

  31. "using black 'Ameri-kans' as the principal source of cannon fodder"

    Actually, it is whites who are doing more than their share of dying for their government:

    Blacks in the military tend to gravitate more to support positions, while white make up more than their population percentage of front line combat troops.

  32. Anonymous1:02 PM

    If this was a false flag event, it most certainly would include a "Muslim" initial suspect who would later be cleared.

    Watch and learn.

  33. anon@5:41am said, .... "Botton line: Negroes don't make bombs that kill masses of people."

    I concur with you Anon5:41. For the most part, blacks do evil sh*t like this. Although I'm quite certain that blacks are quite capable of doing so.

  34. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I am reminded of my grandson when he was this age. The curiosity in his eyes about life and everything around him.

    The games, the rolling on the floor with laughter as we tried to outdo each other putting pieces of masking tape on each others hair. A game that had evolved out of chore we were doing.

    How he valiantly carried a huje banana plant to help me plant it, and heroically manned the tiller with his dad.

    All the things an 8 year old will do, in that period of development.

    Cut short by a hatred that has brewed in someones mind. Perhaps also since that very age of 8? :(

    Could love of a child by a parent, by society, by his government,have prevented this?

  35. My advice to everyone is to be careful if you choose to respond to an Anonymous post. Some of these people work for the alphabet police (FBI). It's their job to incite racial animosity, disinformation and confusion. For example, review Anon@1:02pm post. Especially if it relates to the bombing incident in Boston.

  36. Godfrey Smith4:34 PM

    Black Sage said...
    anon@5:41am said, .... "Botton line: Negroes don't make bombs that kill masses of people."

    I concur with you Anon5:41. For the most part, blacks do evil sh*t like this. Although I'm quite certain that blacks are quite capable of doing so.

    No, if blacks were capable of it, they would have killed every white person on the planet by now. God only gives us the power we can handle.

  37. Black Sage, you give these losers way too much credit. They are frustrated losers who troll websites to fire up people and get their rocks off. That's it.

  38. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Blogger Black Sage said...
    My advice to everyone is to be careful if you choose to respond to an Anonymous post. Some of these people work for the alphabet police (FBI). It's their job to incite racial animosity, disinformation and confusion.

    Hey, it's a living.

    BTW, Jews drink the blood of African babies to commoditize the eschaton and immanentize the singularity. You can book it.

  39. Anonymous7:03 PM

    "But these bombings have all the markings of those folks who were led by the tall dude with the beard who used to live in a cave." That is some house negro shit for you to say so called Field negro. Field stop trying to appease the white media by blaming Muslim people- remember when the (Timmithy McVay)Oklahoma City bomber was Muslim at first.WOW Field.

  40. Field Negro responded: “Black Sage, you give these losers way too much credit. They are frustrated losers who troll websites to fire up people and get their rocks off. That's it.”

    That’s quite true, it’s also the actions of empty lives and disturbed minded cretins as well!

  41. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Being from Oklahoma City, and being there when the angry White Christian Veteran blew his bomb up, and given the fact that George Bush has left us with tens of thousands of folks newly trained in the art of IED's, added to the palpable racism in this country, my money in the whodunit pool is on someone who looks a lot like Tim McVeigh. Except not dead.


  42. Anonymous9:24 AM

    We're all the productions of our fathers and mothers. We're all just living our lives until we die. All the crap in between life and death for us all is bullchit and lots of it slung at us all from other HUMAN BEINGS just like ourselves; colors be damned.
