Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Mr. Smith goes to prison, and more from the GOP's I Love The Negro Tour.

The other day I sat in a court room and watched while a young brotha was brought up in shackles from his cell. I listened while the Assistant District Attorney read charges after charges against him, and then proceeded to read from his very long rap sheet that outlined a life of thuggery and petty crimes. There is no doubt that this dude was a career criminal who had used up all his chances and was now, thankfully, finally being taken off the street.

But as despicable as I find the actions of career criminals like this young man, it pales in comparison to the disdain I have for politricksters who betray the communities that they are supposed to be serving by looking out for their own self interest. They are in positions of power and they have the ability to make real change from their seats at the table. When they do nefarious things their actions have a profound effect on the communities that sent them to sit at the table. 

This is why I was so glad to hear of the arrest of Malcolm Smith in New York. This Negro was allegedly scheming to buy off republican politricksters so that he could get his name on the mayoral ballot. He is being charged with bribery, extortion, and mail fraud. If he is found guilty I hope that they throw the book at him.

"But field, why does the black man have to be the first to get arrested? Why is 'the man' always going after these high ranking black politicians?

Because black politicians like this ignorant Negro would rather spend his time scheming with republicans (REPUBLICANS!) to grab power and line his pockets than do the people's work.

When you fool around in the house instead of trying to find ways to serve the people you are supposed to be looking out for, you will ultimately find yourself doing a perp walk and embarrassing your family and your constituents.

"Authorities described the scheme - potentially one of the biggest political scandals to hit New York in years - as an attempt to game the city's first wide-open mayoral election in more than a decade. New York will choose a new mayor in November, before Michael Bloomberg's third term wraps up at year's end.

The charges center on State Senator Malcolm Smith, a Democrat from Queens, who prosecutors said made payments to a city councilman to set up meetings with top New York Republicans to assist in getting him on the mayoral ballot.
Smith and the councilman, Daniel Halloran, a Republican from Queens, were among the six politicians arrested on Tuesday morning in connection to the bribery scandal.

Charges against the six include bribery, extortion, and wire and mail fraud.
"From time to time the question arises, how common is corruption in New York?" said Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara at a late-morning press conference. "Based on the cases that we have brought and continue to bring, it seems downright pervasive."

Recent years have seen another high-ranking New York state Senator, Democrat Pedro Espada Jr., convicted of stealing more than $600,000 from Soundview HealthCare Center, a partly federally funded company he worked at; and a pay-for-play scandal at the state's pension fund that saw the state comptroller resign and serve 21 months in prison.

Authorities arrested four other politicians: Queens County Republican Party Vice Chairman Vincent Tabone, Bronx County Republican Party Chairman Joseph Savino, Spring Valley Mayor Noramie Jasmin and Spring Valley Deputy Mayor Joseph Desmaret.

Jasmin and Desmaret are Democrats.

Smith's lawyer, Gerald Shargel, defended his client but said he had not yet fully reviewed the charges. "Malcolm Smith is a dedicated public servant who has served ... his constituents in an exemplary fashion," Shargel said."

Excuse me while a get some tidy wipes. I think I just threw up on my computer keys.

*Finally, Reince Priebus is on his I Love The Negro Tour on behalf of the GOP. He has been going to some major urban areas where a lot of black folks congregate, and from what I hear he has been sincerely trying to reach out (see passing out $$$ to certain preachers) to you Negroes on behalf of his party.

Sorry Reince, I know some of these Negro preachers; your 10 million dollars might run out after just two churches.

Just sayin.

*Pic from Gopper.com



  1. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Field, "This is why I was so glad to hear of the arrest of Malcolm Smith in New York. This Negro was allegedly scheming to buy off republican politricksters so that he could get his name on the mayoral ballot. He is being charged with bribery, extortion, and mail fraud. If he is found guilty I hope that they throw the book at him."

    Field, why stop at Malcolm? Why not investigate the entire CBC? Those Negroes have been ripping off the black community for decades. They got Rangel, but the crook is still there.

    It's sad but it's a fact.... Negroes are addicted to political abuse by our own kind. BTW, why haven't you written about the CBC? Oh, I forgot...you are very much into politics yourself...never mind.

  2. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Field, I think you are jumping to conclusions about CNN not having any black anchors. There is a reason for that. You see, CNN is in the ratings business and there are no black anchors who can pull in the ratings. That's not being racist that is just a fact. In other words, that is the way it is in America.

    What would you have CNN do, sacrifice some ratings and profits for you? Why would any profit making corp. lose profits to please our folks? Get real.

    Again, my brother: This has nothing to do with racism, this has to do with money. Surely a capitalist lawyer like you can understand?

  3. Anonymous10:53 PM

    What the hell kind of name is Reince Priebus... that doesn't sound Amerikkkan.

    Somewhere in Greece, there's a village missing it's....

  4. Rancid Penis's GOP/KKK "outreach to minorities" is a transparent attempt to assuage the consciences of conservative whites without actually "reaching out" to any actual "minorities."

  5. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Lol! Threw up on your computer keys! Lol! I'm cracking up here at the mental image!

  6. Yup, it’s confirmed once again: House Negroes are everywhere, especially if there is money involved. They’ll sell their souls quicker than a New York minute. Even further, this is why I have not even an ounce of respect for the Congressional Black Congress and the NAACP. Ssshhhh, they have their hands deep in RepubMafias and DemoMobs pockets while pious blacks look up to the heavens for relief. These type of Negroes should in fact be placed under the prison. They are no better than the C.L. Bryant and Dr. Carson ilks.

  7. BARBBF8:48 AM

    "But as despicable as I find the actions of career criminals like this young man, it pales in comparison to the disdain I have for politricksters who betray the communities that they are supposed to be serving by looking out for their own self interest."

    WOW!!!Sure sounds like Obama to me!

  8. BARBBF9:43 AM


    For months now, particularly after the Bureau of Labor Statistics report on employment figures has been released, Project 21 members such as Derryck Green have regularly commented on the continuing economic malaise wrought by the Obama Administration. In his past postings (found elsewhere on this blog), Green has noted how black Americans are suffering particularly hard under the President’s economic policies — with black unemployment far outpacing the general population and affecting them much more than their white counterparts.

    Leave it to Ben Jealous to acknowledge this sad fact only after Obama’s second inauguration. Having acted as a humble defender of Obama and his policies for the first four years, continued joblessness among black Americans apparently finally elicited a sharp criticism from the NAACP president and CEO.

    On the January 27 edition of “Meet the Press” on NBC, Jealous said “[b]lack people are doing far worse” when it comes to finding a job during the Obama Administration. Between November and December of last year, black unemployment rose 0.8 percent to 14 percent. To put things in perspective, the black unemployment rate when Obama took office was 12.7 percent. This is the highest level since 1983. And disparate black unemployment is a factor consistent throughout the entire Obama tenure at the White House.

    While NAACP officials did huddle with their fellow race-based Obama defenders from Al Sharpton’s National Action Network and the National Urban League last week to attempt to formulate a “black agenda” that will allegedly be presented to Obama at some later date, it’s uncertain how much of Jealous’s seemingly newfound skepticism will seep into any final product.

    YES...someone at the NAACP finally admitted that blacks are worse off under Obama. Worse off than they have been for 20+ years. OOOOppppsss....I think I read recently that Mr. Jealous has been kicked out of his position at the NAACP. Humm??? Of course there's no connection..RIGHT????

  9. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I can't stand the GOP more than anybody, but what would be the point in 'reaching out to minorities?' What for? Are any minorities (except maybe east Asians) going to seriously consider the GOP? Are Blacks, for example, going to go GOP anytime soon? If the GOP did eveything they wanted would Blacks consider the GOP? Somehow I doubt it.

  10. Ironomous10:19 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Rancid Penis's GOP/KKK "outreach to minorities" is a transparent attempt to assuage the consciences of conservative whites without actually "reaching out" to any actual "minorities."

    You've just described the last 50 years of liberal democrat politics.

    The difference is that Republicans are really bad at lying to minorities, would actually want them to participate as equals, and would not want to keep them on a plantation.

    1. But they are really good at lying to whites convincing them they are all hard working stiffs while blahs are all moochers. They don't see us as equals they see us as a way to keep the southern white voters on their plantation of racial resentment. Sad.

  11. Peter Hitchens admits what was always obvious: the reason the Left has favored mass immigration is because they believed, correctly, that they could use it to politically transform the nation:

    When I was a Revolutionary Marxist, we were all in favour of as much immigration as possible.

    It wasn't because we liked immigrants, but because we didn't like Britain. We saw immigrants - from anywhere - as allies against the staid, settled, conservative society that our country still was at the end of the Sixties.

    Also, we liked to feel oh, so superior to the bewildered people - usually in the poorest parts of Britain - who found their neighbourhoods suddenly transformed into supposedly 'vibrant communities'.

    If they dared to express the mildest objections, we called them bigots.

    Revolutionary students didn't come from such 'vibrant' areas (we came, as far as I could tell, mostly from Surrey and the nicer parts of London).

    We might live in 'vibrant' places for a few (usually squalid) years, amid unmown lawns and overflowing dustbins.

    But we did so as irresponsible, childless transients - not as homeowners, or as parents of school-age children, or as old people hoping for a bit of serenity at the ends of their lives.

    When we graduated and began to earn serious money, we generally headed for expensive London enclaves and became extremely choosy about where our children went to school, a choice we happily denied the urban poor, the ones we sneered at as 'racists'.

    What did we know, or care, of the great silent revolution which even then was beginning to transform the lives of the British poor?

    To us, it meant patriotism and tradition could always be derided as 'racist'.

    The left in Europe and America has used unassimilable levels of immigration as another tactic to destroy the West. This must hearten many of the readers of this blog, whose defining thought is their hatred of America, but I would wager that the personal cost to everyone, left or right, will soon become apparent. A fundamentally changed America will be a harsher, poorer place defined by tribal politics and long-term decline in living standards. And the institutional left that has been instrumental in affecting this transformation will be pushed aside by a more serious type of ruling class. Mensheviks always end up being cast aside by the Bolsheviks. And there will be blood.


    1. To "destroy" the west? You really believe this insanity? So you are a Native American who resents immigrants? Xenophobic much? So what does the right believe, the purity of the fatherland? Maybe you need to leave the nazi influences alone good sir.

  12. "To us, it meant patriotism and tradition could always be derided as 'racist'."

    Patriotism and tradition IS always racist.


    That aside, I'm amused at the concept that revolutionary Marxists were ever in charge of Britain's immigration policy!!!!

    I don't know what planet Hitchens lives on, but it certainly isn't ours. The first great waves of foreign immigrants of the latter half of the 20th century occurred under the auspices of a series of Conservative governments in the 1950's and early sixties. There was a labour shortage in the UK at that time, and companies were crying out for new employees.

    Enoch Powell when Minister of Health, sent waves of recruiters to Jamaica to tempt people to come to Britain and work in the N.H.S. Only to turn round ten years later and give his infamous "Rivers of Blood" speech - being the lying hypocritical sleaze-ball that he was.

    Then in the years since them we have had Conservative governments in charge of our immigration policy more often than not. Most of the immigration we have seen in recent years has been as a result of our membership of the E.U. - we no longer have the right to deter an EU citizen from entering our country - and it was of course a Conservative government anxious to expand our export markets and grab hold of some lucrative EU subsidies that signed us up for that treaty.

    So our immigration policy has not been driven by some Marxist plot, it has been driven by Conservatives acting as tools of capitalism looking for ever cheaper sources of labour.

  13. Anonymous said...
    "I can't stand the GOP more than anybody, but what would be the point in 'reaching out to minorities?' What for?"

    Like I said above a-non, it's about assuaging the consciences of those conservative whites who would otherwise vote for the GOP/KKK if it just weren't so blatantly racist. Rancid Penis knows that he'll never recruit significant numbers of blacks, non-Cuban hispanics or immigrants -they're not Republicans period, but native non-hispanic whites are his base, and he knows how to attract them. Here, he's reaching out to that narrow band (perhaps 2% of the total electorate) of republican oriented voters actually troubled by the base's deep-seated racism, but comfortable enough to go along if they keep it in a plain brown bag.

  14. They have Republicans in NYC? I thought they were a bit more evolved than the Neanderthal GOP. Learn something new everyday.
    I like your troll who suggests that the gop wants to treat us as equals. Yeah, you can tell this by their two leading presidential candidates insulting us, newt and Ricky, and backing every confederate history month that rolls in. They sure are working hard to get us into their party.
    Wonder if Reince knows how big of a failure paying preachers was for Turd Blossom?

  15. Anonymous4:40 PM

    It's so sad what is happening to Blacks in America. Even our own elected politicians we trusted and had faith in screw us. We are considered throw aways for the profits of the few.

    There is no relief for us. Whites can safely vote for black politicians knowing they will abuse and betray the black community, but be of service to Whites.

    This is so sad. As a race, we carry relentless financial, mental, emotional and spiritual destroying karma. There is no one to help us. Even more shameful and sad, we won't help ourselves. We keep voting in Blacks who don't give a damn about us, but beholden to Whites.

  16. Frustrated Negro4:41 PM

    Look at Field's BEAUTIFUL description of Obomber....

    Because black politicians like this ignorant Negro would rather spend his time scheming with republicans (REPUBLICANS!) to grab power and line his pockets than do the people's work."

    Here we see Obomber.. as of today making it easier , and easier for corporations to flout regulations...

    Yet here is ole FAITHFUL STEPHEN not even making a PEEP about Obombers latest treachery ...

    New EU Trade Deal Gives Wide Leverage to Corporations



    Not to mention his "Do Nothing Justice Dept" they cant seem to put a banker away, but they sure can go to court to fight AGAINST giving up information under the FOIA act...



    Never fear though you are right on time to play racial politricks ... on a daily basis...

    Don't worry you've enshrined yourself a spot over on your wall of shame......

  17. To the stormfront loser whose comments about rape didn't make it to primetime, I have a question for you: Shouldn't you be at your family reunion looking for a date?

  18. Sandy2485:53 PM

    GOP giving money to preachers. Why am I not surprised?

  19. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Field, "To the stormfront loser whose comments about rape didn't make it to primetime, I have a question for you: Shouldn't you be at your family reunion looking for a date?"

    5:13 PM
    My God, Field! Why are you so mean-spirited toward our white brothers? Since when has Stormfront hurt us like our own politicians have?

    Please stop playing the dozens with people who have never played the game before. That's bullying white folks.

  20. Anonymous6:44 PM


    No dice homeslice; da homies be doin' da humpty hump wit dey relatives too. Word, check it bra:




    Just a few samples. There's A LOT more where that came from. Hey stormfronters may be tryna get a a date with family, sure, but are they rapin' they peeps? Jus' sayin'. Keep it real son.

  21. "To the stormfront loser whose comments about rape didn't make it to primetime, I have a question for you: Shouldn't you be at your family reunion looking for a date?"

    Anybody else wanna see the outtakes? You can sell them at a paid premium. I bet they're hilarious and they're also educational because we can see the myth of white superiority. Who else is with me?

  22. "Here we see Obomber.. as of today making it easier , and easier for corporations to flout regulations..."

    and of course you were complaining about this during the previous administration too? Because we all know Republicans are all about regulation. Be assured Frustrated all us crazy lefties are with you on the re-regulation tip.

  23. "Just a few samples. There's A LOT more where that came from. Hey stormfronters may be tryna get a a date with family, sure, but are they rapin' they peeps? Jus' sayin'."

    I know they don't, they just kill them.


    Since we are keeping it real.

  24. Twosqueegee Airman7:55 PM

    PilotX said...
    To "destroy" the west?

    You can't see it because you are the turd floating in the punch bowl.

  25. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Purple Wog:
    "So our immigration policy has not been driven by some Marxist plot, it has been driven by Conservatives acting as tools of capitalism looking for ever cheaper sources of labour."

    Whatever the cause, Britain has turned to shit because of dregs of humanity like yourself washing ashore. Just look around London.

  26. Black Angus8:10 PM

    You guys are great. If Republicans don't reach out to blacks, they are racist. If they try to, they are racist.

    You sure are happy on that plantation, ain't you?

    You are the housiest of house negroes.

  27. Yeah Cow, that is just the latest talking point from the right about immigration. Donald Trump used this ignorance and suggested allowing more European, read white, immigration to get more Republicans voters. And they wonder why no one wants to vote GOP? Just ask Bobby Jindal why.

  28. Frustrated Negro1:17 PM

    Pilot X.....

    "and of course you were complaining about this during the previous administration too? Because we all know Republicans are all about regulation."

    This is the most OVERUSED excuse you Obama supporters use...

    Instead of coming to grips with this chumps collusion with Wall St financiers..
    You want to talk about Bush, and if someone protested his actions... WTF difference does this make?? NOTHING...

    We are in the here , and now....

    Time machines aren't here yet....

  29. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Are you in favor of integration Field-Negro? It seems that it is vexing for you. How about some reparation & separation? Or do you just wanna sit here and play the crying game?

  30. Anonymous5:02 PM

    "My God, Field! Why are you so mean-spirited toward our white brothers? Since when has Stormfront hurt us like our own politicians have?

    Please stop playing the dozens with people who have never played the game before. That's bullying white folks."

    This guy is write. I kind of feel somewhat bad now. If you are nice to us we'll be nice to you Sir. Field-Negro is a clown to be sure, but I'll tip my hat to you.

  31. Anonymous said:

    his guy is write.!!!!!!! I kind of feel somewhat bad now. If you are nice to us we'll be nice to you Sir. Field-Negro is a clown to be sure, but I'll tip my hat to you.

    5:02 PM

    Field is this the person who wants you to remove my comment and who challenged you about huh? Is this the man who calls people names under the cover of race and or ignorance who is demanding that you kowtow? Please keep him on board

    Moving right along

    Friday i/and several of my female fam went to ole Santiago De Cuba where it all began
    We traveled with my fam members, and along the way we talked about how things were when her mother was owned by a very politically connected Spanish/Portuguese fam from 1878-98

    She brought along an old album and a several note books with faded notes and photos. which reminded us AGAIN about the terror of chattel slavery ESP the RAPES!

    The most important issue she shared with us (all women) (Bredren could not handle the talk so they rode in another auto) She talked to us about what it was like after slavery ended in 1898 and i remembered my grandmother who died when i was a a teen and her story.

    What never ever failed to amaze me, was how loud and vociferous whites are/were about how immoral Afrikan women were/are, yet they never failed to force their bones into our women.
    And how this was done while feigning hate and lust at the same time.

    There is no doubt that many of my bredren who choose the ghosts women are choosing for ulterior motives. After all blood and lust still conect, and often memories are never disconnected
    Just saying

    Moral of the story. I have been a defense Atty for most of my career, and have listened to men who have been sentenced to death and or forced into the gulags for crimes they did not commit..( as well as those they have)
    To some nothing a convicted person says will ever makes any diff
    Moreover, unless and until a person can sit in front of, or next to a man in struggle for his live and freedom one will one ever learn to separate truth from fiction.

    Now let me be clear, i have defended men of every hue and culture and yet when the subject turns to race OUR STORY is told in clear and concise form. The truth breaks free and I am still a N word Follow me now@

    And, whether the man/woman is facing death while lying on a gurney, or sitting in a chair(Ohio) or standing in front of firing sqaud (utah) or the one with the noose (Wash) The accused and convicted does not lie.he would rather say nada! I have seen them all and my most passionate plea to the courts have often gone unheard.

    Now, I expect a certain person to hone in on this with the passion of Christ Albeit, if he doesn't i assume that he has learned his lesson just sayin (agitating)

    As i have always said and will never stop saying hate is in the DNA of a racist and his main goal is to wipe the Afrikan off the face of the earth by any means. Its my job and commitment to stop it

    Further more I like the facial expression seen when i tell a person esp a racist that the courts were convinced by "ME" to allow a breathing living human to live for the rest of their lives free

    ps does anyone play chess or dominoes?
